Lindo moves back out into the live room. You can see him approaching the remains through the cracked and warped glass of the control booth window. Now that your "vision" has abated, you see that faint image of Delphine playing a piano that is no longer there, singing what you realize is the same sad tune that she began with.
When you move to help Nizoni, she says (just to you), "I've got this. Why don't you check the mastering console? Better for Tink to talk you through that. I'd probably get impatient with her." A moment of self-awareness? From Nizoni?
I'm going to call for a Rapport roll for an Overcome action. Ordinarily, that would mean getting someone to trust or like you, but you and Tink already have that sort of Rapport. In this case, we're rolling to see how well you can work together, how well the hacker can guide your eyes and hands.
Roll Rapport against a Mediocre (0) static difficulty. If you tie, you find what you're looking for, but it takes the full 5 minutes. For every shift (+1), shave a minute off that time. I think you and Tink have Worked Together Before, right? So you can spend a Fate Point to invoke that (after the roll)for a +2 or reroll if you need to.
In seconds, Tink talks you through all the possible spots to find removable media. You even manage to jimmy a panel open and pull out the SSD that it used for temp storage. Between you, Tink and Nizoni, you're confident that you've recovered everything there is to recover from the control room.
Looking out the window, you see Lindo holding something that might be a fire-damaged version of the pendant you saw. Holding it gingerly, almost alarmed, as he fishes out another square of silk from an inside pocket of his jacket with his left hand and folds it inside. You see something beginning to form up behind him, much like what you saw near the beginning of your vision/echo/memory of what happened on the night of the Crash.
"Lindo!" I call out suddenly, worried about seeing another teammate die. "Behind you!" I reach for my spike, the only thing I can think of to use against a spirit.
Lindo doesn't hesitate or question. He takes two steps forward, spins on his good leg, and raises his cane once more, parallel to the floor, facing the spirit. Nizoni beats you out the door of the control room by a step, but waits that same second before charging into the live room, so you go together. She immediately fans toward the exit, since she also trusts your iron more than her steel.
Lindo is backing slowly away from the spirit, which is once again taking on an aspect of fire. He's chanting in Creole, voice low and resonant, but the spirit doesn't back off. Suddenly, it flares up, and your skin tells you that you're feeling heat, but your mind feels something else... that pain, sorrow, anger that you heard Delphine pouring forth. Much like the pain, sorrow and anger that you wake up with in the middle of the night, with Cybele's name on your lips. Wave after wave of it. Even deeper, much like the pain that first drove you to lose yourself in BTL.
So, I'm about to roll the spirit's Attack, which will be at Great (+4). After that, you can defend with a Will roll. The Blessing of Papa Legba can help (+2 or reroll) afterwards, if need be.
Nizoni, normally so cool, loses her drek. She's Freaked Out by whatever she just experienced. Lindo starts gesturing with his cane, in and out, and doing some sort of high stepping dance that has to be painful, given his gimpy leg. He's doing his best to contain the threat, but any active measures are up to you.
Let's see a Fight roll to employ your iron spike here, Jubilex. The spirit is mostly insubstantial, so has Armor-2, but is not particularly mobile yet, so will be defending at Mediocre (0).
That's a five-shift success, Jubilex! You Succeed With Style, which means you have an option. You can either do a three-point hit (because of the spirit's Armor), or do one less damage and get a Boost (a temporary Advantage Aspect) that you can invoke for free, once. Note that a three-point hit will not "take the spirit out" of the fight. There will be at least one more exchange here. If you choose to take a boost, give it a name, please.
Oh, also... simply by swinging the spike, you have discovered that the spirit is indeed Vulnerable to Iron as you had hoped, so that Aspect is hanging around, as well, but will cost a Fate Point to invoke.
I'll take the three-point hit, since I would probably use the Aspect to hit it hard next time anyway and there's no guarantee of the same level of success vs. it's Armor.
Lindo continues to chant, and you have the strong feeling that this would be much, much worse without him backing you up. The spirit attacks again, and this time you feel more physical heat as well as the psychic shock of the first attack.
Spirit's attack
(Rolled: 4dF+4. Total: 4. Rolls: +, -, +, -)
Because this attack has a more physical component, you may choose either Athletics or Will to defend with. Blessing of Papa Legba is still on the table.
POTENTIAL CHEATING DETECTED. If it appears that dice were rolled in this post, they may need to be disregarded as fabricated.
That spirit is fraggin hard, and I know Nizoni is losing her drek, so I take the hit. I stay in tight with the thing, then jam that spike as hard as I can, hoping I can take it out before it really hurts me.
The spirit recoils. Your attack has weakened whatever force brought it fully into the material world, and you can see that the fiery aspect it assumed is wavering. As it begins to flicker and fade out, one more wave of grief and pain rolls out, an unfocused spasm rather than an directed attack.
Attack roll at Average (+1)
(Rolled: 4dF+1. Total: 3. Rolls: -, +, +, +)
This one has no physical component. Please defend with Will, and feel free to use Papa Legba's Blessing if needed.
So, same decision as before. You can mark off your 2-point Stress Box (Mental), or give one of your companions a Consequence. If Nizoni, that will mean a 4-point one, which will take some work to clear. For Lindo it will be a 2-point Consequence. Your call. You do still have to get out of Dodge.
As Lindo winces and holds his hands to his head, the spirit fades away like a candle-flame guttering out. Your HUD tells you that only about 25 seconds have passed, and you have everything you came for, but Lindo now has a Migraine and Nizoni is still Freaked Out, so you're going to have to get them moving.
"C'mon, Niz, it's ok. Follow my lead. We're getting out." I start for the door, moving quick, "Lindo, we're good to go." Once I hit the foyer, I'm on sub-vocal, "Mat, I know we're getting company soon, how does it look? We're on our way!" I'll drag whoever I have to.
Nizoni simply stands there, staring at the image/reflection/memory/spectre of Delphine playing her last song. Lindo starts moving immediately, but shakes his head and blinks as if he's trying to clear his vision. When you take Nizoni's hand and tug her toward the door, she follows with a slight whimper.
"Same four we saw already. About four minutes out, a little less. If we get out ahead of them, I've got a fly-drone ready to follow them and report back. Tink says one of the humans has some sort of sat-gear, so they'll have Matrix once they set up, but I don't see how they'll do live remote surveillance."
"Let's move fast. We're paid to get this data out, not for a firefight." I'm pulling Nizoni along, no way I'm leaving her behind. I'll pick her pretty ass up and throw her over my shoulder if I have to.
As it turns out, you make your way back to the van without further incident, skirting a hunting pair of barghest at one point, but otherwise steering clear of trouble. The rival group stops at Delphine's place and get to work, leaving you with the satisfaction of knowing you pulled the prize out from under their noses. On the way, Lindo stumbles a few times, wincing with pain and pressing his hands against his temples. Strangely, Tink seems to be the best at keeping Nizoni moving, keeping up a long string of banal anecdotes that would normally have your "infiltration specialist" spitting tacks, but which acts like a trail of bread crumbs in this instance.
Well, you do get back to the van, but getting in to the van is another thing altogether. In some horrible coincidence of timing, a small pack of rats, about a dozen large "normal" ones and three of those disturbing demon rats, scurries out of a sewer grate as you pick your way across the last few yards of shattered pavement.
Oh, sweet! I get Grbek's present hand delivered. "Tink, get Nizoni in the van. Mat, start her up. Lindo, cover me. I need to get a rat tail." I'm bringing out my combat shotgun and I'm taking these damn things out.
Mat uses his link to start the van remotely, then tries to clear a way for Tink and Nizoni through the edge of the rat pack. Lindo grits his teeth and starts chanting again. Wind starts to swirl in a small dust devil in front of him.
I'll just expose all the mechanics here. The "regular" rats are a single Mob, with two stress boxes total. They will attack at Mediocre (0) and defend at Poor (-1). The three Demon Rats are also a single Mob, with three stress boxes. They attack at Fair (+2) and defend at Mediocre (0). The Demon Rats have two stunts, one of which is fairly unusual. The first is "Leader of the Pack": at any point, they can do one stress box of damage to the "regular" rat mob to add +2 to an attack roll. The second is "Corrosive Spit": I can spend (give you) a Fate Point to increase the damage of a successful attack roll by +2.
So, that's a four-shift success, plus two for the shotgun's weapon value, which ends the fight.
You swing up the shotgun and take aim. Not only do you kill all three Demon Rats and scatter their more mundane cousins, the shot somehow manages to neatly sever all three Demon Rat tails, so you won't even have to get out your knife. They're still twitching slightly, but easy enough to gather up.
Lindo lowers his hands and his voice, and the dust devil dies down. He groans and stumbles, but catches himself before he goes down.
As long as Lindo's alright, I'm snatching three tails, then hopping in the van. "Mat, let's exeunt, stage right." I know Niz is still a bit messed up, Lindo's in some pain. But I'm grinning. We all made it out alive!
Back in the basement of the Second Chance, everybody falls out in their usual chairs, Tink perching on a formerly-broken stool from upstairs that Mat snagged and repaired a few months ago when work was slow. What's your throne like, Jubilex? Time and attention have ameliorated Nizoni and Lindo's issues somewhat, but Niz is still Shaken and Lindo is Achy. ((This will last for the rest of the session, if it winds up mattering.)) You've contacted Mr. Johnson. Do you have Tink take a look at the various drives and bits of media you found?
I pour celebration glasses of Jack Daniels for the team, including Tink. And yes, I want her to skim the drives, "No copies, but I am curious what we got. Maybe play some music?" I look at Lindo, he can veto that.
Lindo is leaning back in his chair with a towel soaked in cold water over his forehead. If he's paying attention, he gives no sign.
Tink rummages around on Circe's old workbench until she finds a connector that will let her browse all this non-wireless storage, then goes into her personal AR trance again. Pretty soon, a song starts playing over the speakers in the Wellby-Cave. Not the one you heard in your "vision." It's obviously a cover of an old, old blues song that you've never heard.
Tink blinks back to reality and says, "You probably undercharged for this job. All told, there are seventy-two sound files on these drives, plus the one that was running through the console when everything apparently went to hell and will need to be recovered. Not by me... I was watching and listening to what happened down there."
I mull it over, the idea of slicing off the data and saving us a few songs to sell back at a later date. It's tempting. Delphine's voice has so much range, it's really something special. What good would it do to hide from the world? For a few measly nuyen? Nah.
The girl died sad, but this music right here, it makes me happy. I know, blues shouldn't. Just frag it.
"We're professionals. We'll turn it all over." I say finally. I could consult with the team, half-tempted to do it. But ultimately, we live by our word. Circe would want us to stick to that. "Now, the sheer amount of music we hand over might get us a bonus. It might grease the wheels for more work down the road. Either it does or it doesn't, but we'll turn it over."
I hand over the recordings from the run, video and audio, the drives as well. "It wasn't easy. There were spirits in her place, and we barely slipped past another runner team. My team took some injuries as well." I list it out, plain, not complaining nor bragging. "Our hacker found seventy two usable files on those drives. And now, they are yours. It was a bigger haul than I expected we'd find. Some really good music in there, what little I heard."
Mr. Johnson raises an eyebrow as Tink hands her the seventy-third file on one of the datachips you recovered from the console. "I think this is what you were mostly after, Mr. Johnson. I would be very careful when recovering the data and listening to it."
Do you mention the pendant that's in Lindo's pocket, Jubilex?
No, I do not. Contract didn't cover it, it won't benefit Motown nor harm them. Far as I'm concerned, it's a souvenir, like the demon rat tails. Lindo earned it.
Mr. Johnson allows that you might get a further bonus for the songs on the hard drives, but cradles the memory stick that Tink gives her like it's a glass figurine. You get your full pay, and after a brief private conversation between Mr. Johnson and her boss, she transfers over an additional 10K ¥ for the team. That's a big payday, and it gives you the leeway to let Nizoni and Lindo recover before you take another gig.
Lindo moves back out into the live room. You can see him approaching the remains through the cracked and warped glass of the control booth window. Now that your "vision" has abated, you see that faint image of Delphine playing a piano that is no longer there, singing what you realize is the same sad tune that she began with.
When you move to help Nizoni, she says (just to you), "I've got this. Why don't you check the mastering console? Better for Tink to talk you through that. I'd probably get impatient with her." A moment of self-awareness? From Nizoni?
Hah, Wonders never cease.
"Tink, I'm at the mastering console. Where should I look?" I say as I move over. I'm wanting to hurry here.
I'm going to call for a Rapport roll for an Overcome action. Ordinarily, that would mean getting someone to trust or like you, but you and Tink already have that sort of Rapport. In this case, we're rolling to see how well you can work together, how well the hacker can guide your eyes and hands.
Roll Rapport against a Mediocre (0) static difficulty. If you tie, you find what you're looking for, but it takes the full 5 minutes. For every shift (+1), shave a minute off that time. I think you and Tink have Worked Together Before, right? So you can spend a Fate Point to invoke that (after the roll)for a +2 or reroll if you need to.
Rapport roll:
(Rolled: 4df+2. Total: 3. Rolls: 0, 0, 0, +)
I'll invoke that Aspect, which means the final is a 5. We work together rather well.
"Hey Tink," I say over subvocal, "Whatever you say, I do. We've got this, just like that job in Rio."
In seconds, Tink talks you through all the possible spots to find removable media. You even manage to jimmy a panel open and pull out the SSD that it used for temp storage. Between you, Tink and Nizoni, you're confident that you've recovered everything there is to recover from the control room.
Looking out the window, you see Lindo holding something that might be a fire-damaged version of the pendant you saw. Holding it gingerly, almost alarmed, as he fishes out another square of silk from an inside pocket of his jacket with his left hand and folds it inside. You see something beginning to form up behind him, much like what you saw near the beginning of your vision/echo/memory of what happened on the night of the Crash.
Needless to say, What do you do?
"Lindo!" I call out suddenly, worried about seeing another teammate die. "Behind you!" I reach for my spike, the only thing I can think of to use against a spirit.
Lindo doesn't hesitate or question. He takes two steps forward, spins on his good leg, and raises his cane once more, parallel to the floor, facing the spirit. Nizoni beats you out the door of the control room by a step, but waits that same second before charging into the live room, so you go together. She immediately fans toward the exit, since she also trusts your iron more than her steel.
Lindo is backing slowly away from the spirit, which is once again taking on an aspect of fire. He's chanting in Creole, voice low and resonant, but the spirit doesn't back off. Suddenly, it flares up, and your skin tells you that you're feeling heat, but your mind feels something else... that pain, sorrow, anger that you heard Delphine pouring forth. Much like the pain, sorrow and anger that you wake up with in the middle of the night, with Cybele's name on your lips. Wave after wave of it. Even deeper, much like the pain that first drove you to lose yourself in BTL.
So, I'm about to roll the spirit's Attack, which will be at Great (+4). After that, you can defend with a Will roll. The Blessing of Papa Legba can help (+2 or reroll) afterwards, if need be.
(Rolled: 4dF+4. Total: 4. Rolls: -, 0, +, 0)
Defense with Will
(Rolled: 4df. Total: 0. Rolls: +, 0, -, 0)
I'll use that Legba Aspect to boost to a +2 so I'm not hurt toooo bad. Ouch, bad spirit mojo.
Okay, now I'm talking directly to Rich, the player. It's time for a little "gaming." You have three choices.
To pull the curtain aside, this conflict will probably continue for a few exchanges, and Invoking the Legba Blessing will cost an FP from here on out.
(Note: I'll look for ways to Compel Aspects and give you more Fate Points in the future, aside from the particular brutal economy I've set up here.)
I'll take that Fate Point, and Nizoni gets a Mild Consequence.
Nizoni, normally so cool, loses her drek. She's Freaked Out by whatever she just experienced. Lindo starts gesturing with his cane, in and out, and doing some sort of high stepping dance that has to be painful, given his gimpy leg. He's doing his best to contain the threat, but any active measures are up to you.
Let's see a Fight roll to employ your iron spike here, Jubilex. The spirit is mostly insubstantial, so has Armor-2, but is not particularly mobile yet, so will be defending at Mediocre (0).
Fighting Roll
(Rolled: 4df+3. Total: 3. Rolls: 0, 0, -, +)
(Rolled: 4dF. Total: -2. Rolls: -, -, 0, 0)
That's a five-shift success, Jubilex! You Succeed With Style, which means you have an option. You can either do a three-point hit (because of the spirit's Armor), or do one less damage and get a Boost (a temporary Advantage Aspect) that you can invoke for free, once. Note that a three-point hit will not "take the spirit out" of the fight. There will be at least one more exchange here. If you choose to take a boost, give it a name, please.
Oh, also... simply by swinging the spike, you have discovered that the spirit is indeed Vulnerable to Iron as you had hoped, so that Aspect is hanging around, as well, but will cost a Fate Point to invoke.
I'll take the three-point hit, since I would probably use the Aspect to hit it hard next time anyway and there's no guarantee of the same level of success vs. it's Armor.
Lindo continues to chant, and you have the strong feeling that this would be much, much worse without him backing you up. The spirit attacks again, and this time you feel more physical heat as well as the psychic shock of the first attack.
Spirit's attack
(Rolled: 4dF+4. Total: 4. Rolls: +, -, +, -)
Because this attack has a more physical component, you may choose either Athletics or Will to defend with. Blessing of Papa Legba is still on the table.
POTENTIAL CHEATING DETECTED. If it appears that dice were rolled in this post, they may need to be disregarded as fabricated.Defending with Athletics:
(Rolled: 4df. Total: 1. Rolls: +, -, 0, +)
I'll tag the Legba Aspect (paying 1 FP) to get a +2 so the end result of +3
So, you can mark off your 1-point Physical or Mental stress box, and roll your Attack. Good luck!
That spirit is fraggin hard, and I know Nizoni is losing her drek, so I take the hit. I stay in tight with the thing, then jam that spike as hard as I can, hoping I can take it out before it really hurts me.
(Rolled: 4df+3. Total: 1. Rolls: -, 0, 0, -)
I'll spend a Fate point on Vulnerable to Iron to re-roll.
Re-rolling Fight:
(Rolled: 4df+3. Total: 4. Rolls: 0, -, +, +)
Spirit Defends at Mediocre (0)
(Rolled: 4dF. Total: -1. Rolls: -, +, -, 0)
The spirit recoils. Your attack has weakened whatever force brought it fully into the material world, and you can see that the fiery aspect it assumed is wavering. As it begins to flicker and fade out, one more wave of grief and pain rolls out, an unfocused spasm rather than an directed attack.
Attack roll at Average (+1)
(Rolled: 4dF+1. Total: 3. Rolls: -, +, +, +)
This one has no physical component. Please defend with Will, and feel free to use Papa Legba's Blessing if needed.
Defending with Will:
(Rolled: 4df. Total: -1. Rolls: 0, -, -, +)
I'll spend a Fate Point to activate PAPA LEGBA'S BLESSING, so that's a +1. Ugh and ouch.
So, same decision as before. You can mark off your 2-point Stress Box (Mental), or give one of your companions a Consequence. If Nizoni, that will mean a 4-point one, which will take some work to clear. For Lindo it will be a 2-point Consequence. Your call. You do still have to get out of Dodge.
Sorry, Lindo. You're taking the Consequence. Does that get a Fate point back?
As Lindo winces and holds his hands to his head, the spirit fades away like a candle-flame guttering out. Your HUD tells you that only about 25 seconds have passed, and you have everything you came for, but Lindo now has a Migraine and Nizoni is still Freaked Out, so you're going to have to get them moving.
"C'mon, Niz, it's ok. Follow my lead. We're getting out." I start for the door, moving quick, "Lindo, we're good to go." Once I hit the foyer, I'm on sub-vocal, "Mat, I know we're getting company soon, how does it look? We're on our way!" I'll drag whoever I have to.
Nizoni simply stands there, staring at the image/reflection/memory/spectre of Delphine playing her last song. Lindo starts moving immediately, but shakes his head and blinks as if he's trying to clear his vision. When you take Nizoni's hand and tug her toward the door, she follows with a slight whimper.
"Same four we saw already. About four minutes out, a little less. If we get out ahead of them, I've got a fly-drone ready to follow them and report back. Tink says one of the humans has some sort of sat-gear, so they'll have Matrix once they set up, but I don't see how they'll do live remote surveillance."
"Let's move fast. We're paid to get this data out, not for a firefight." I'm pulling Nizoni along, no way I'm leaving her behind. I'll pick her pretty ass up and throw her over my shoulder if I have to.
Oh man, she will never live this down.
As it turns out, you make your way back to the van without further incident, skirting a hunting pair of barghest at one point, but otherwise steering clear of trouble. The rival group stops at Delphine's place and get to work, leaving you with the satisfaction of knowing you pulled the prize out from under their noses. On the way, Lindo stumbles a few times, wincing with pain and pressing his hands against his temples. Strangely, Tink seems to be the best at keeping Nizoni moving, keeping up a long string of banal anecdotes that would normally have your "infiltration specialist" spitting tacks, but which acts like a trail of bread crumbs in this instance.
Well, you do get back to the van, but getting in to the van is another thing altogether. In some horrible coincidence of timing, a small pack of rats, about a dozen large "normal" ones and three of those disturbing demon rats, scurries out of a sewer grate as you pick your way across the last few yards of shattered pavement.
What do you do?
Oh, sweet! I get Grbek's present hand delivered. "Tink, get Nizoni in the van. Mat, start her up. Lindo, cover me. I need to get a rat tail." I'm bringing out my combat shotgun and I'm taking these damn things out.
Mat uses his link to start the van remotely, then tries to clear a way for Tink and Nizoni through the edge of the rat pack. Lindo grits his teeth and starts chanting again. Wind starts to swirl in a small dust devil in front of him.
I'll just expose all the mechanics here. The "regular" rats are a single Mob, with two stress boxes total. They will attack at Mediocre (0) and defend at Poor (-1). The three Demon Rats are also a single Mob, with three stress boxes. They attack at Fair (+2) and defend at Mediocre (0). The Demon Rats have two stunts, one of which is fairly unusual. The first is "Leader of the Pack": at any point, they can do one stress box of damage to the "regular" rat mob to add +2 to an attack roll. The second is "Corrosive Spit": I can spend (give you) a Fate Point to increase the damage of a successful attack roll by +2.
I'm going to take out those demon rats, because demon spit. I'll be Shooting my shotgun.
(Rolled: 4df+4. Total: 6. Rolls: 0, +, 0, +)
(Rolled: 4df. Total: 2. Rolls: +, 0, +, 0)
So, that's a four-shift success, plus two for the shotgun's weapon value, which ends the fight.
You swing up the shotgun and take aim. Not only do you kill all three Demon Rats and scatter their more mundane cousins, the shot somehow manages to neatly sever all three Demon Rat tails, so you won't even have to get out your knife. They're still twitching slightly, but easy enough to gather up.
Lindo lowers his hands and his voice, and the dust devil dies down. He groans and stumbles, but catches himself before he goes down.
As long as Lindo's alright, I'm snatching three tails, then hopping in the van. "Mat, let's exeunt, stage right." I know Niz is still a bit messed up, Lindo's in some pain. But I'm grinning. We all made it out alive!
Back in the basement of the Second Chance, everybody falls out in their usual chairs, Tink perching on a formerly-broken stool from upstairs that Mat snagged and repaired a few months ago when work was slow. What's your throne like, Jubilex? Time and attention have ameliorated Nizoni and Lindo's issues somewhat, but Niz is still Shaken and Lindo is Achy. ((This will last for the rest of the session, if it winds up mattering.)) You've contacted Mr. Johnson. Do you have Tink take a look at the various drives and bits of media you found?
My chair is a Serta 43506 Bonded Leather Big & Tall Executive Chair, Brown. I spent days looking through catalogs for it. It is slightly cracked, like me. But still beautiful and sturdy, also like me.
I pour celebration glasses of Jack Daniels for the team, including Tink. And yes, I want her to skim the drives, "No copies, but I am curious what we got. Maybe play some music?" I look at Lindo, he can veto that.
Lindo is leaning back in his chair with a towel soaked in cold water over his forehead. If he's paying attention, he gives no sign.
Tink blinks back to reality and says, "You probably undercharged for this job. All told, there are seventy-two sound files on these drives, plus the one that was running through the console when everything apparently went to hell and will need to be recovered. Not by me... I was watching and listening to what happened down there."
I mull it over, the idea of slicing off the data and saving us a few songs to sell back at a later date. It's tempting. Delphine's voice has so much range, it's really something special. What good would it do to hide from the world? For a few measly nuyen? Nah.
The girl died sad, but this music right here, it makes me happy. I know, blues shouldn't. Just frag it.
"We're professionals. We'll turn it all over." I say finally. I could consult with the team, half-tempted to do it. But ultimately, we live by our word. Circe would want us to stick to that. "Now, the sheer amount of music we hand over might get us a bonus. It might grease the wheels for more work down the road. Either it does or it doesn't, but we'll turn it over."
I hand over the recordings from the run, video and audio, the drives as well. "It wasn't easy. There were spirits in her place, and we barely slipped past another runner team. My team took some injuries as well." I list it out, plain, not complaining nor bragging. "Our hacker found seventy two usable files on those drives. And now, they are yours. It was a bigger haul than I expected we'd find. Some really good music in there, what little I heard."
Do you mention the pendant that's in Lindo's pocket, Jubilex?
No, I do not. Contract didn't cover it, it won't benefit Motown nor harm them. Far as I'm concerned, it's a souvenir, like the demon rat tails. Lindo earned it.
Mr. Johnson allows that you might get a further bonus for the songs on the hard drives, but cradles the memory stick that Tink gives her like it's a glass figurine. You get your full pay, and after a brief private conversation between Mr. Johnson and her boss, she transfers over an additional 10K ¥ for the team. That's a big payday, and it gives you the leeway to let Nizoni and Lindo recover before you take another gig.
End Session