I pour each of them some good Scotch from the cabinet, bring each member their own glass. As I'm doing this, I tell them, "I appreciate how hard each of you worked during my absence. Motown has been a very good client, and I want us to continue to impress them. We are authorized to do what we feel necessary to protect the talent here, but this is a very public event, and a bloodbath will not do Motown any favors, so let's keep violence in check and make sure it is our last option."
I raise my glass to them, "To the best damn team in the world, and the honor of serving with them."
I nod to that, put my glass down, still half full. "Well, it's been a weird trip, but Mat's called it. I need sleep." I make my way for the door, planning on walking home. Which feels like a very long walk. I consider asking for a ride, but settle on calling an Uber. They come to the barrio sometimes.
I shoot a message to Jessi: Hey, I've been awake for about sixteen hours.
I'm going to crash. My place is keyed for your entry.
I would like it if you came by so we could wake up together.
Party tomorrow night.
No answer from Jessi right away, but an Uber does show up in a few minutes. By the time you get to your apartment, the soundtrack of the matinee showing of Ron Edwards Presents: Trollbabe XXX 17 doesn't even briefly interrupt your quest for sleep. After a quick shower, you fall into bed and barely wake up even when a naked Jessi slips under the covers with you several hours later.
Your alarm gently wakes you at nine AM. Do you mentally hit the snooze, or is it up and at 'em?
Jessi gives you a sleepy kiss as you slip out to get your run in, promises to have breakfast ready when you get back.
The sun is well up, but today is one of those rare respites from the oppressive heat and humidity of a Detroit August. There's a cool breeze off the river, and the sky is clear blue and shining like a sapphire. It's really a perfect morning.
When you pass the corner where you "saw" Circe before, it's hard not to see his profile in everyone on the street, especially those heading past Vaso's. But none of them are Circe. Are you pleased or disappointed, Jubilex?
Oh. Jessi did show? I didn't dream it. I nuzzle against her neck, my stubble making her giggle and playfully slap me away before I head out. I check to make sure Malin got back, too. Just check with the apartment, don't bother her, she's probably sleeping.
The jog is good, the air is nice, I enjoy stretching my legs. No Circe is a relief. The idea that he'd be in the barrio and I hadn't seen him until now would mean he's ducking me. That would be awful.
He's still ducking me. If that vision's true, he is. Just not right under my nose.
When you get back to the apartment, Malin and Jessi are in the kitchen chatting. They're both wearing short kimonos and fuzzy slippers (Jessi's are just fuzzy pink things, but Malin's are actual bunny slippers). They're laughing about something, but when you walk in they stop. Jessi gives you a quick glance, then they both burst out laughing again.
I give them each a curious look. "Are you girls having a nice morning?" I slide over to kiss Jessi's temple, head to the bathroom to wash off before breakfast.
I don't close the bathroom door all the way. Let some of the steam out, you know.
You emerge from the shower shiny and clean, and presumably smelling good as well. Jessi and Malin have a good breakfast ready and waiting on the table when you come back into the kitchen. What little surprise treat did they come up with, and whose idea do you think it was?
My scrambled eggs have little sculpted ears on them, which are pointed. Malin did it. I don't know if she's as plussed by Aoife as I am, or as Jessi might be. I chuckle and sit down, toss some hot sauce on them and gobble them up.
I pause before I take my last drink of OJ, look over at Malin, then Jessi. "It's the biggest media conglom in the PRD. A new dress is in order for both of you, I think." I grin, then finish my OJ.
Malin grins. "I already got mine. Believe it or not, Nizoni and I went together. She really likes black."
Jessi smiles, too, but in anticipation rather than accomplishment. "Do you need a new suit, sweetie? I noticed your fancy one was a little worse-for-wear."
"You're wrong, Malin." I say with a straight face. "I do believe that Nizoni really likes black." I grin, letting her know I'm joking, in case it wasn't clear. "Yes, Jessi, my favorite suit is trashed. I know it, might as well admit it. I have some prep to do before the party, but that's hours away. Let's go shopping."
Malin looks puzzled for a second, but shakes it off.
Jessi gives you an appraising look. "I think that's a good idea. You'd probably pick something with sparkles or whatever." She's complimented your fashion sense in the past, you know she's joking. "It would be good to have a chance to... catch up, if nothing else."
I dab at the corners of my mouth, then put the napkin down, "I probably would, Jessi. You should save me from this potential embarrassment. I'm so lucky to have your help."
If there's nothing more to the late morning, I'll run through the docs and notes for the party while Jessi gets ready. During transit, I want to talk to her about Matteo. I assume this will happen in the car. "Jessi, how's your brother doing?"
Jessi sighs. "He's young. He's already forgotten whatsername, but he's a total... horndog. Much like you, but with less control and discretion." She reaches over to pat your knee affectionately, like an abuela.
I take the pat as she intended, polite, a bit playful. She's definitely not a grandmother. "Your father wants me to look after him, and I've done a drek job of that. Any suggestions?"
Jessi thinks for a minute as you drive. "Hmm. Just a thought, but train him like you're training Batgirl, I mean Malin. Drek, train him with Malin. He can be Robin. My father will support it."
I look at her like she just spouted gospel. "That's fragging brilliant, Jessi." I reach over to pat her thigh, not like a grandfather, but not a come-on, either. We drive for a bit longer. The idea of Malin as Batgirl tickles me.
I shoot a text to Matteo: to: Matteo
I want to train you on how to protect yourself.
How to get things done.
Things you'll need.
Think you're up for it?
Matteo comes onto your AR overlay, projected at the mid-right of your windshield, from your perspective. "Dude, text message? Really? I'm right here. If you want to train me to kick more ass than I already do, I'll give it a shot. Don't know what you've got to teach me, though, old man." Jessi's blissfully ignorant of this exchange.
I look over at him, "I'm sure we can find something you'll pick up from me. I'm taking your sister to a party tonight. We'll start tomorrow, seven AM. You'll be training with me, and the best hacker you may ever meet. She's cute, too. But, she's off limits." I added that just so he'll be more interested in her. I glance over at Jessi, smirk a bit.
Jessi shakes her head. "You know father wants you to do this, Matteo. Show up on time, alright?" Her brother grunts noncommitally but agrees.
Jessi directs you to a vintage shop that you've never been to before, not far outside the barrio. It's huge, taking up most of the interior of an old warehouse, and there are sewing machines and other equipment in the back that they rent by the hour. There are racks and racks of every sort of clothes you can imagine, and it would be totally intimidating without the clever AR overlay they've built to help guide shoppers. Jessi asks if you're okay starting on your own, telling you to ping her when you've found a few options.
When Matteo's gone, I thank Jessi for backing me up, of course.
In the shop, I look around, a bit bewildered. To Jessi's question, I nod along, like "sure, no problem", then I head into the racks of clothes. I'm hoping to find something stylish but not ostentatious. I want to impress without overwhelming, and I don't want my clothes to be that memorable.
Without having to move from your spot, the AR guides you visually and verbally through a taxonomy: Menswear⇒Formal⇒Last 20 Years, then starts showing you a series of pictures of actual suits and tuxedos, noticing when your attention lingers more on one than another. Eventually, it's built a suite of options for you, and a map of the most efficient route for you to take a look at the garments themselves. You wind up with two for Jessi to evaluate in far less time than you'd have thought. When you ping her, she asks for another few minutes, says she'll meet you at the dressing rooms.
When you get there, SPR1TL33 is just about to go into one of the stalls, her arms simply full of clothes.
This is wiz, simply wiz. I'm delighted at the two options I have to show Jessi. I hope we can match, if only a little. Seem like a pair.
When I see Spr1tl33, I motion to the AR to move those sits over, then hustle up towards the little hacker, "Hey Sprite! Hey, how are you? Getting something fancy?" I'll try to look at the clothes she's picked.
Sprite's startled to hear you, she was focused on juggling clothes and trying to open the dressing room door. "Oh, Jubilex! Hi!" You can see that her pile seems full of her usual sorts of puzzle-piece castoffs and bits and pieces that she modifies and combines to create that signature style. "I love this place! What are you shopping for?" She sees your outfits and whistles. "You're going to knock 'em dead in those, chummer."
Ah, she gets her threads here? Interesting. I grin at her compliment on the clothes. "Jess is taking me to a Motown party, I want to impress. Less so on knocking them dead." Probably.
I glance over her clothes, "This makes sense. I never understood where you would've gotten so many unique outfits. You make them. So impressive. Hey, my party details are shaping up. You should wear one of these to it.:" I give her a serious look, "You're coming, right?"
She chuckles. "As soon as I get the invitation, I'll RSVP the heck out of it, Jube. I promise." She shifts the clothes in her arms and snags the door lever. "Need to check this stuff out and do some sewing before I get back to the arcade. Give us a kiss." She leans her check out for a peck.
Sprite melts just a little, her eyes widening as she looks into yours. After a second, she shakes it off and pushes at you with her shoulder. "Evil man..." Then she disappears into the dressing room, knocking the door closed with her hip.
A few minutes later, Jessi shows up with three dresses. "You first, or me, babe?"
"You first, of course. Like always." I say as I gesture for the dressing room. "Do I have to stay out here and wait?" I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively, but I fully expect she'll want to reveal each dress to me.
Jessi punches you in the shoulder, not hard, but not pulling the punch either. She points to a much duct-taped vinyl-upholstered chair. "Sit. Stay." She heads into a dressing room, twitching her butt for your viewing pleasure.
You hear a sharp intake of breath from inside Jessi's dressing room. "Holy... this is what I thought it was. Jube, do you think Mat will have time this afternoon to help with modifying something? I need to convert this dress from battery to running off trickle power from my PAN. There's a little juice left, though, so I can show you."
She comes out in a pretty, well-cut dress, but nothing too fancy or flashy. A little plain to be honest. Then she triggers something on the belt area and it starts lighting up in a changing, near-fractal sequence of pixellated patterns of light. "Can you believe this is almost 50 years old?"
When the dress starts sparkling, my jaw drops. I've seen some tech in dresses, but there's a simple elegance about this. "You... you look like a starlight princess, Jess. You will be the belle of the ball."
Which might be too much attention. I need tot one myself down.
It's clear that Jessi's in love with this dress, and who wouldn't be? It's a work of art, an antique, and still viable after all these years. As you marvel, the lights fade and flicker out.
Jessi pouts a little. "Guess I will have to ask Mat for help. And I feel bad paying just the price on the tag. They clearly don't know what this is..." She frowns thoughtfully. "Anyway, I'm not even trying on the other dresses. Your turn."
You comply, I assume. Which of the two outfits won Jessi's approval, and what's it like?
I talked her into something low key. I wanted a black suit with nice shiny black lapels, but she thought it was too boring, too much like a security officer.
We settled on a tux with a white bowtie, rather nice:
Just as Jessi is about to comment with approval on the tux, Sprite emerges from the dressing room. "Holy dear sweet baby Dunkelzahn, Jube! You look good enough to..." She notices Jessi. "Oh. Hi, Jessi. Ah, just finishing up some shopping." She heads toward the front.
Sprite is absolutely, nearly pants-wettingly terrified of your girlfriend, the Mob princess. She hides it well when it's just you and her talking, but seeing Jessi made her knees weak.
Jessi looks quizzically after Sprite, then turns back to you. She gives the full, appraising glance up and down, then starts up a slow-clap. "That'll do, Jube. That'll do." She's changed back into her street clothes already. "So, get back into your walking-around duds and let's go pay for this stuff. Do you think it's silly to insist on paying more for the dress?"
Jessi nods seriously, thoughtfully. When you get to the checkout, she asks the tattooed, extravagantly pierced dwarf manning the counter, "Hey, not starting trouble, but do you think I could talk to the manager for a minute?" He nods and shifts his eyes, obviously engaging his PAN. Within a minute or so, a human woman in her early 30s, with the facial pockmarks and scars of one of the many "plagues" that's hit the Sixth World in the last several decades, shows up at the counter. "Yes?"
Jessi pulls her aside and they have a brief but clearly intense conversation. After a few minutes, you hear the manager say, "Okay, okay. But do something good with it instead, alright? It was my mistake, and we're doing okay. If you insist on putting out more NuYen, give it to something you believe in. Drek, did I just say that? Yeah... well, I mean it."
So, Jessi comes back and pays for her dress (and your tux) at just the price on the label. As you're walking out, she says, "By my count, if Mat makes the modifications to the power circuit without messing with any of the 'original' components, I should be able to resell this dress after tonight for enough to significantly chip in on buying Mac's. I hate having to leave the neighborhood for fresh produce. You got anybody in mind to run the market?"
I stop walking, reaching a hand to stop her, too. Turn her to me and kiss her. A nice warm kiss, nothing leading to more, an expression of excitement and appreciation.
I have many kisses. They all mean different things. I kiss Jessi in ways I kiss no other.
"Jess, that's brilliant! I've got a few likely candidates, yes." I answer. Then I kiss her again, tasting her flavored lipstick on my tongue. "This is great news."
Jessi gives you a brilliant smile. "I care about the barrio, and daddy does, too. This is a way to do something without it being connected to the 'Don' directly. He might chip in, too, under the radar, if I ask. He's having a hard time getting good tomatoes and fresh mozzarella... it's a tradition thing."
Jessi blows out a breath in what seems like relief, and makes a gesture. Right hand in an "OK" sign, about chest level, starting on the left side and drawing it across to the right. You recognize it as an old Italian way of saying "Perfect!" without actually speaking. "It would be great to have something of our own... no matter that the club is doing well, I still haven't paid back daddy's seed money." She waves her hands. "Not that I'm into the market for profit... just want it to be up and running, and not in the red."
Jessi nods and smiles. "Exactly." She leans over to give you a peck on the cheek. "You're driving, so we'll shake on it later." What's next, Jube? Anything to do before you get spiffed up and head to the party?
Clothes shopping was quicker than I expected, so we have some time. I'll take Jess to downtown early and we can tool around there. "Jess, I'd like to host a party at my place, for our friends in the barrio. Would you help me plan it?" If she's amenable, I'll take us by some places for supplies, catering, whatever else she suggests.
I plan on arriving early for the party so we can scope it out and I can be a little bit invisible.
Jessi brightens at the mention of hosting a party, but then gets a speculative look. She holds up a finger. "What if... we wait a bit for the party? Make it a grand re-opening for Mac's? That will be a real reason to celebrate."
My mouth opens a bit, surprised. "That's a great idea, Jess." I slow down and quick peck her on the cheek, then speed back up again. I love highway driving. "We're a hell of a team."
Seems like everyone's pretty comfortable with the plan. No one brings anything else up. Anything more from you?
I pour each of them some good Scotch from the cabinet, bring each member their own glass. As I'm doing this, I tell them, "I appreciate how hard each of you worked during my absence. Motown has been a very good client, and I want us to continue to impress them. We are authorized to do what we feel necessary to protect the talent here, but this is a very public event, and a bloodbath will not do Motown any favors, so let's keep violence in check and make sure it is our last option."
I raise my glass to them, "To the best damn team in the world, and the honor of serving with them."
Glasses raise in acknowledgement and agreement of your toast, then everyone sips quietly for a moment.
After his glass is empty, Mat gives you a look. "Get some sleep, Jube. You look like drek."
I nod to that, put my glass down, still half full. "Well, it's been a weird trip, but Mat's called it. I need sleep." I make my way for the door, planning on walking home. Which feels like a very long walk. I consider asking for a ride, but settle on calling an Uber. They come to the barrio sometimes.
I shoot a message to Jessi:
Hey, I've been awake for about sixteen hours. I'm going to crash. My place is keyed for your entry. I would like it if you came by so we could wake up together. Party tomorrow night. -J
No answer from Jessi right away, but an Uber does show up in a few minutes. By the time
you get to your apartment, the soundtrack of the matinee showing of Ron Edwards Presents: Trollbabe XXX 17 doesn't even briefly interrupt your quest for sleep. After a quick shower, you fall into bed and barely wake up even when a naked Jessi slips under the covers with you several hours later.
Your alarm gently wakes you at nine AM. Do you mentally hit the snooze, or is it up and at 'em?
Up and at 'em. I need to jog, need to shake off this tired funk. Also, I want to retrace my route, the one that took me by where I didn't see Circe.
Jessi gives you a sleepy kiss as you slip out to get your run in, promises to have breakfast ready when you get back.
The sun is well up, but today is one of those rare respites from the oppressive heat and humidity of a Detroit August. There's a cool breeze off the river, and the sky is clear blue and shining like a sapphire. It's really a perfect morning.
When you pass the corner where you "saw" Circe before, it's hard not to see his profile in everyone on the street, especially those heading past Vaso's. But none of them are Circe. Are you pleased or disappointed, Jubilex?
Oh. Jessi did show? I didn't dream it. I nuzzle against her neck, my stubble making her giggle and playfully slap me away before I head out. I check to make sure Malin got back, too. Just check with the apartment, don't bother her, she's probably sleeping.
The jog is good, the air is nice, I enjoy stretching my legs. No Circe is a relief. The idea that he'd be in the barrio and I hadn't seen him until now would mean he's ducking me. That would be awful.
He's still ducking me. If that vision's true, he is. Just not right under my nose.
When you get back to the apartment, Malin and Jessi are in the kitchen chatting. They're both wearing short kimonos and fuzzy slippers (Jessi's are just fuzzy pink things, but Malin's are actual bunny slippers). They're laughing about something, but when you walk in they stop. Jessi gives you a quick glance, then they both burst out laughing again.
I give them each a curious look. "Are you girls having a nice morning?" I slide over to kiss Jessi's temple, head to the bathroom to wash off before breakfast.
I don't close the bathroom door all the way. Let some of the steam out, you know.
You emerge from the shower shiny and clean, and presumably smelling good as well. Jessi and Malin have a good breakfast ready and waiting on the table when you come back into the kitchen. What little surprise treat did they come up with, and whose idea do you think it was?
My scrambled eggs have little sculpted ears on them, which are pointed. Malin did it. I don't know if she's as plussed by Aoife as I am, or as Jessi might be. I chuckle and sit down, toss some hot sauce on them and gobble them up.
You eat your eggs with gusto, along with some of Malin's tasty biscuits.
"So, what party do we have tonight? How fancy. Do I need..." She grins hopefully. "...a new dress?"
I pause before I take my last drink of OJ, look over at Malin, then Jessi. "It's the biggest media conglom in the PRD. A new dress is in order for both of you, I think." I grin, then finish my OJ.
Malin grins. "I already got mine. Believe it or not, Nizoni and I went together. She really likes black."
Jessi smiles, too, but in anticipation rather than accomplishment. "Do you need a new suit, sweetie? I noticed your fancy one was a little worse-for-wear."
"You're wrong, Malin." I say with a straight face. "I do believe that Nizoni really likes black." I grin, letting her know I'm joking, in case it wasn't clear. "Yes, Jessi, my favorite suit is trashed. I know it, might as well admit it. I have some prep to do before the party, but that's hours away. Let's go shopping."
Malin looks puzzled for a second, but shakes it off.
Jessi gives you an appraising look. "I think that's a good idea. You'd probably pick something with sparkles or whatever." She's complimented your fashion sense in the past, you know she's joking. "It would be good to have a chance to... catch up, if nothing else."
I dab at the corners of my mouth, then put the napkin down, "I probably would, Jessi. You should save me from this potential embarrassment. I'm so lucky to have your help."
If there's nothing more to the late morning, I'll run through the docs and notes for the party while Jessi gets ready. During transit, I want to talk to her about Matteo. I assume this will happen in the car. "Jessi, how's your brother doing?"
Jessi sighs. "He's young. He's already forgotten whatsername, but he's a total... horndog. Much like you, but with less control and discretion." She reaches over to pat your knee affectionately, like an abuela.
I take the pat as she intended, polite, a bit playful. She's definitely not a grandmother. "Your father wants me to look after him, and I've done a drek job of that. Any suggestions?"
Jessi thinks for a minute as you drive. "Hmm. Just a thought, but train him like you're training Batgirl, I mean Malin. Drek, train him with Malin. He can be Robin. My father will support it."
I look at her like she just spouted gospel. "That's fragging brilliant, Jessi." I reach over to pat her thigh, not like a grandfather, but not a come-on, either. We drive for a bit longer. The idea of Malin as Batgirl tickles me.
I shoot a text to Matteo:
to: Matteo I want to train you on how to protect yourself. How to get things done. Things you'll need. Think you're up for it? -J
Matteo comes onto your AR overlay, projected at the mid-right of your windshield, from your perspective. "Dude, text message? Really? I'm right here. If you want to train me to kick more ass than I already do, I'll give it a shot. Don't know what you've got to teach me, though, old man." Jessi's blissfully ignorant of this exchange.
I look over at him, "I'm sure we can find something you'll pick up from me. I'm taking your sister to a party tonight. We'll start tomorrow, seven AM. You'll be training with me, and the best hacker you may ever meet. She's cute, too. But, she's off limits." I added that just so he'll be more interested in her. I glance over at Jessi, smirk a bit.
Matteo looks horrified. "Seven in the morning? When am I supposed to sleep?"
I shrug with a grin, "Before then? Or... after. I'm pretty sure you'll be tired after."
Jessi shakes her head. "You know father wants you to do this, Matteo. Show up on time, alright?" Her brother grunts noncommitally but agrees.
Jessi directs you to a vintage shop that you've never been to before, not far outside the barrio. It's huge, taking up most of the interior of an old warehouse, and there are sewing machines and other equipment in the back that they rent by the hour. There are racks and racks of every sort of clothes you can imagine, and it would be totally intimidating without the clever AR overlay they've built to help guide shoppers. Jessi asks if you're okay starting on your own, telling you to ping her when you've found a few options.
When Matteo's gone, I thank Jessi for backing me up, of course.
In the shop, I look around, a bit bewildered. To Jessi's question, I nod along, like "sure, no problem", then I head into the racks of clothes. I'm hoping to find something stylish but not ostentatious. I want to impress without overwhelming, and I don't want my clothes to be that memorable.
Without having to move from your spot, the AR guides you visually and verbally through a taxonomy: Menswear⇒Formal⇒Last 20 Years, then starts showing you a series of pictures of actual suits and tuxedos, noticing when your attention lingers more on one than another. Eventually, it's built a suite of options for you, and a map of the most efficient route for you to take a look at the garments themselves. You wind up with two for Jessi to evaluate in far less time than you'd have thought. When you ping her, she asks for another few minutes, says she'll meet you at the dressing rooms.
When you get there, SPR1TL33 is just about to go into one of the stalls, her arms simply full of clothes.
This is wiz, simply wiz. I'm delighted at the two options I have to show Jessi. I hope we can match, if only a little. Seem like a pair.
When I see Spr1tl33, I motion to the AR to move those sits over, then hustle up towards the little hacker, "Hey Sprite! Hey, how are you? Getting something fancy?" I'll try to look at the clothes she's picked.
Ah, she gets her threads here? Interesting. I grin at her compliment on the clothes. "Jess is taking me to a Motown party, I want to impress. Less so on knocking them dead." Probably.
I glance over her clothes, "This makes sense. I never understood where you would've gotten so many unique outfits. You make them. So impressive. Hey, my party details are shaping up. You should wear one of these to it.:" I give her a serious look, "You're coming, right?"
I lean in, give her a soft kiss. I don't hover, but I don't run away either. My hand touches her lower back, I meet her eyes. "Nice seeing you."
A few minutes later, Jessi shows up with three dresses. "You first, or me, babe?"
"You first, of course. Like always." I say as I gesture for the dressing room. "Do I have to stay out here and wait?" I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively, but I fully expect she'll want to reveal each dress to me.
Jessi punches you in the shoulder, not hard, but not pulling the punch either. She points to a much duct-taped vinyl-upholstered chair. "Sit. Stay." She heads into a dressing room, twitching her butt for your viewing pleasure.
I sit. stay. I watch that fine ass of hers. It's worth the wait.
You hear a sharp intake of breath from inside Jessi's dressing room. "Holy... this is what I thought it was. Jube, do you think Mat will have time this afternoon to help with modifying something? I need to convert this dress from battery to running off trickle power from my PAN. There's a little juice left, though, so I can show you."
She comes out in a pretty, well-cut dress, but nothing too fancy or flashy. A little plain to be honest. Then she triggers something on the belt area and it starts lighting up in a changing, near-fractal sequence of pixellated patterns of light. "Can you believe this is almost 50 years old?"
Link Here. Click on the "Watch Video" link on the page.
When the dress starts sparkling, my jaw drops. I've seen some tech in dresses, but there's a simple elegance about this. "You... you look like a starlight princess, Jess. You will be the belle of the ball."
Which might be too much attention. I need tot one myself down.
It's clear that Jessi's in love with this dress, and who wouldn't be? It's a work of art, an antique, and still viable after all these years. As you marvel, the lights fade and flicker out.
Jessi pouts a little. "Guess I will have to ask Mat for help. And I feel bad paying just the price on the tag. They clearly don't know what this is..." She frowns thoughtfully. "Anyway, I'm not even trying on the other dresses. Your turn."
You comply, I assume. Which of the two outfits won Jessi's approval, and what's it like?
I talked her into something low key. I wanted a black suit with nice shiny black lapels, but she thought it was too boring, too much like a security officer.
We settled on a tux with a white bowtie, rather nice:
That gets a chuckle, I can't help it. "Thanks, Sprite." I turn to Jessi, looking at her expectantly, "Does the lady approve?"
Why don't you give me a Rapport roll here, Jube? Lets say the target is +2.
(Rolled: 4df+4. Total: 4. Rolls: -, -, +, +)
What was that roll all about?
Sprite is absolutely, nearly pants-wettingly terrified of your girlfriend, the Mob princess. She hides it well when it's just you and her talking, but seeing Jessi made her knees weak.
I'll file that away. Doubt I'll ever need it, Sprite is a sweet girl. I look expectantly at Jessi.
Jessi looks quizzically after Sprite, then turns back to you. She gives the full, appraising glance up and down, then starts up a slow-clap. "That'll do, Jube. That'll do." She's changed back into her street clothes already. "So, get back into your walking-around duds and let's go pay for this stuff. Do you think it's silly to insist on paying more for the dress?"
"No, it isn't silly at all." I reply seriously. "They deserve it for bringing it to you. Plus, it might teach them to look more closely next time. "
Jessi nods seriously, thoughtfully. When you get to the checkout, she asks the tattooed, extravagantly pierced dwarf manning the counter, "Hey, not starting trouble, but do you think I could talk to the manager for a minute?" He nods and shifts his eyes, obviously engaging his PAN. Within a minute or so, a human woman in her early 30s, with the facial pockmarks and scars of one of the many "plagues" that's hit the Sixth World in the last several decades, shows up at the counter. "Yes?"
Jessi pulls her aside and they have a brief but clearly intense conversation. After a few minutes, you hear the manager say, "Okay, okay. But do something good with it instead, alright? It was my mistake, and we're doing okay. If you insist on putting out more NuYen, give it to something you believe in. Drek, did I just say that? Yeah... well, I mean it."
So, Jessi comes back and pays for her dress (and your tux) at just the price on the label. As you're walking out, she says, "By my count, if Mat makes the modifications to the power circuit without messing with any of the 'original' components, I should be able to resell this dress after tonight for enough to significantly chip in on buying Mac's. I hate having to leave the neighborhood for fresh produce. You got anybody in mind to run the market?"
I stop walking, reaching a hand to stop her, too. Turn her to me and kiss her. A nice warm kiss, nothing leading to more, an expression of excitement and appreciation.
I have many kisses. They all mean different things. I kiss Jessi in ways I kiss no other.
"Jess, that's brilliant! I've got a few likely candidates, yes." I answer. Then I kiss her again, tasting her flavored lipstick on my tongue. "This is great news."
Jessi gives you a brilliant smile. "I care about the barrio, and daddy does, too. This is a way to do something without it being connected to the 'Don' directly. He might chip in, too, under the radar, if I ask. He's having a hard time getting good tomatoes and fresh mozzarella... it's a tradition thing."
"Let's you and me do this thing, if we can scrounge up the nuyen." I offer. "It'll be our market. And we can give back, just you and me."
Jessi blows out a breath in what seems like relief, and makes a gesture. Right hand in an "OK" sign, about chest level, starting on the left side and drawing it across to the right. You recognize it as an old Italian way of saying "Perfect!" without actually speaking. "It would be great to have something of our own... no matter that the club is doing well, I still haven't paid back daddy's seed money." She waves her hands. "Not that I'm into the market for profit... just want it to be up and running, and not in the red."
I nod, "And save us trips out of the barrio for good food." We're agreed. It feels really good.
Jessi nods and smiles. "Exactly." She leans over to give you a peck on the cheek. "You're driving, so we'll shake on it later." What's next, Jube? Anything to do before you get spiffed up and head to the party?
Clothes shopping was quicker than I expected, so we have some time. I'll take Jess to downtown early and we can tool around there. "Jess, I'd like to host a party at my place, for our friends in the barrio. Would you help me plan it?" If she's amenable, I'll take us by some places for supplies, catering, whatever else she suggests.
I plan on arriving early for the party so we can scope it out and I can be a little bit invisible.
Jessi brightens at the mention of hosting a party, but then gets a speculative look. She holds up a finger. "What if... we wait a bit for the party? Make it a grand re-opening for Mac's? That will be a real reason to celebrate."
My mouth opens a bit, surprised. "That's a great idea, Jess." I slow down and quick peck her on the cheek, then speed back up again. I love highway driving. "We're a hell of a team."
End Scene