Stitch leaves and Rinso is fast asleep. VB gets up a few moments later, comes in to see you. She says softly, "Kids... you wanna snuggle inna bed?" She doesn't wait for an answer, just shuffle-hops back into the back room.
Bed sounds good right about now, yeah? I fill up my cup again, this time just for Vee, and walk over to the bed. I gently put the cup on the nightstand, and climb in with her. I comb my fingers through her hair, and give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "How you feeling Hon?"
VB takes a big long drink of the water, then settles into the bed and snuggles into you, making a little mmmn sound. She must have munched on some mint, her breath smells way better than you would expect. "The good part about puking alot after drinking too much is that you have tiny hangovers. I'm just dehydrated, which is no big deal." She kisses you a couple times, cups your cheek to pull you in, it's sort of clingy.
I'm really sensitive right now — and not in the good way — but I'm being patient, and I kiss her back a few times. "Someone's feeling better," I tease, as I stick my finger on her lips to hold her back for a second, "Butter mentioned last night you were pretty worried about us... Rinny, and me, and you... You know I'd never leave you, right?"
She pulls her head back a tiny bit when you put a finger on her lips. You hit her with the whole bit about Butter and from 0 to 60, her face cracks a little. She blinks couple times and tears well up like a dam bursting. She says without moving her head, "I don't wanna choose, Kids. I'm greedy. I want both of you. Please don't break up. I can fix it."
Aww... Poor Vee... I giggle in amusement at the thought that she can fix us, and kiss her tenderly on the lips, "you did fix it, Hon — when you gave Rinny and I some time to talk alone, we sorted it all sorted out."
I adjust the pillow, and roll over onto my side so I can face her. I look to the door, to see if Rinso is up — not that I expect him to be — but quickly turn back to Vee and lower my voice. "I uh... I didn't give him all the info he needed to understand why I was so upset. Stitch told me a few days ago that I'm pregnant..." I hold my hand up to keep her from responding just yet, "and I didn't know what to do about that... I was afraid, and confused, and hearing about all that stuff with Rinso's past just made things worse."
I take a deep breath, and smile, "but we're gunna make it work, hon. All of us. You, me, and Rinny..."
Tears keep falling, like her ducts went on autopilot, she sniffs and says, "You... you're preggers? With Rinnie? Frak, that's... really? I told him that he had to stop... he's the daddy right? I'm so sorry, Kiddo."
I wipe away some tears and pull her into a hug, "don't be sorry, hon!" I giggle nervously, and kiss her cheek, "unless someone did something horrible in my sleep, I'm pretty sure he's the daddy... And you're gunna be an Auntie! There's nothing to be sorry about, yeah? ... We just gotta make this work, like everything else we've ever done!"
VB huffs a little laugh, "I'd be a drek aunt, Kids.... frak, now I can't call you Kids anymore, since you're having them. Oh man, this is crazy. So Rinnie knows? Gods... he's a breeder, huh. Good thing I've been makin him pull out alla times..."
Her mind's going like a rabbit, she's doing that tick where she bites the inside of her cheek when she's worried.
The list... This is about the safety of my family — I don't want Rinny or Vee to suffer from Rinny's mistakes any more than I want my children to suffer from it. If I was convinced Rinny's past wasn't gunna come back and haunt us, then I'd let it go until it becomes an actual problem...
Who knows — maybe it would never be a problem.
As for what I'm feeling: right now I'm feeling a little sick, and sensitive to the touch. The hint of puke and B.O. in the room is giving me a headache... But I'm guessing you're more so wondering how I feel about Vee and Rinny, yeah? Right now, I'm worried Vee might feel excluded... I don't want her to feel left out of our li'l family just 'cause I'm having a baby. I want her to be a part of the family — which, at the moment, I'm feeling pretty hopeful about.
I brush Vee's cheek with my thumb, and nuzzle her nose. "You'd make a fine Auntie — who the frak else could keep up with a baby, yeah?"
She huffs a laugh again, and the tears fade. She lays there, not answering for a little bit. She says quietly, "I'm up. You're up. Let's go to the bathhouse. Then grab some day olds at Sprites. I helped make em."
I breathe a sigh of relief, and nod emphatically, "A bath sounds frakking fantastic, and I will drink more ginger ale than a person should to enjoy your day-olds." Then I roll over and grab her leg, and help her get strapped up.
Cool, you help her "strap up", then head to the bath house. Now, you mentioned it before, but I'm curious. How's this thing laid out? Does anyone "run it" or anything?
It used to be Logitech's girl Toyota that ran the place in her spare time, but her sister Mazda took over after she died... It's essentially a big barn with a bunch of small rooms, each with one or two tubs in them. The idea is you pay for the heated Water by the bucket, the soap by the bar, and the time. It's a nice enough place.
So you head into a room with a couple tubs and pay for heated water and after a bit, you're each in a tub, side-by-side and VB looks over at you with her eyes half-open from the sheer unadulterated pleasure of the bath. She asks, "Sis, do you feel icky all the time now? I heard it makes you sick and you feel all fat and eat weird drek like bug paste with hot sauce and all."
Dude, I was half asleep when Vee asked me about being pregnant... My eyes jolt open, and I roll my head over to face her, "Hmm? Oh! Uh... Well, I've felt too sick to eat anything most days, let alone anything like that... I don't feel fat yet, just really sensitive — like I've got a flu coming on. I kinda thought I was sick, actually — that's how I found out, was going to see Stitch for something to keep food down."
The bath though? That helps. "Vee, I could lie here all day long... This was an awesome idea... I wish I'd have done this yesterday — maybe I wouldn't have been so pissed at Rinny."
VB giggles, reaches over to pat your forearm with a wet hand, "You're welcome, Sis." She shifts, sits up a bit to look down over at you, turning sideways, "I'm getting super pruney. You wanna stay in here and I'll go run get us some day olds and ginger ale and come back? Breakfast in the tub!" She starts pushing herself up to get out of the tub.
Yeah, you take a nap and VB comes back with pastries and ginger ale. She drug over a chair to use as a table and sat on the edge of her tub and you two chatted for a while about baby names. What was the funniest name you two came up with?
But like all good things, the bath has to come to an end at some point, right? Once you're done with that, where do you go? VB seems like she's wanting to head to Sprite's to work with Butter Nut, but she's only indirectly mentioned it a few times.
Henry was the funniest, by far. You can't say that name to this day without my Ma' and Dad cringing, and laughing their asses off. Some high-rankers were Taylor, Martin, and Gibson, Hoss, and Maybeline — Vee's suggestion — all came to mind... They're all cool — but I'm not married to any of them or anything...
'course it's all too early to tell anything anyway. I get out of the tub, dry off, and get dressed. I've got to organize shit with the Candies anyway, so I guess I could walk Vee out to Sprite's before heading out their way.
So let's skip ahead. You let VB head into the kitchen and hop on your bike and ride out to the new Candy Bar clubhouse, walk past Chunky, who's on guard duty, and into the place.
Inside, the girls are mostly chill. The place is noxious, smells like beer and weed. Most of the girls are lounging about, except Starburst and Whopper, who are chatting up in "lookout" and Spunk and Spree, who are taking care of Abba and Zabba. They don't exactly all jump up to stand attention or anything, but they note your appearance.
I don't care if they jump to attention or not — I was in business mode before I even hopped on my bike. I'm probably a good shade of green by the time I find Spree, but I keep near a window to breathe some frakking air...
"I wanna ride up North later today, Spree — I'll be gone for a few days at least, maybe a few weeks... You wanna ride and talk business with Tang? Maybe hit up the Ascendant to see what they've got going on?"
Spree grins, "Hell to the yes, Kiddo. But, what kind of business with Tang?"
Spunk interjects, "Goodbar and Payday should stay back." She looks to you, "They've got history."
"Right. They can stay with the little ones. The rest of us will mount up. Wanna go now?" She looks like she's ready to kick their asses and get them out on the road.
"Personal," I bite my lip, "Rinny pissed him off a few years back, and only got to telling me about it now... I don't like outstanding bad blood. I'm hoping we can come to some sort of an arrangement without putting him six-feet under... But we'll see."
I walk over to Abba and Zabba, and tickle their tummies for a minute. "We've got a few riders coming along — the doc Stitch, and her man Metro. I don't know when they'll be ready to go, but I'd guess by day's end. I'll try and get them to take Rinny and Vee."
"Just like a boy," Spunk says derisively. "And you gotta go clean up his mess. It's drek."
Spree ignores that and offers, "They can take Goodbar's bike, if they can ride. Pay and Goodbar will have the car." She heads out from the small area with the kids to address the gang, getting them "the hell up" and telling them to "get their asses outside".
Looks like your gang is ready to rock and roll. You leaving Payday and Goodbar here with Abba and Zabba, taking the rest?
Can Rinny even ride? I know Vee can't, but maybe it's one of those things Rinny just never told me...
... I need to let that go...
I turn over to Spunk and shrug, "I wouldn't be doing it if it was shit, sweetie," then back to Spree, "I dunno if he rides, but I don't mind him riding on mine if he's not up to snuff."
I follow her out the door and head for the bikes. I feel wrong takin' Abba and Zabba's Ma' from 'em, but it's her business... Not mine. I'm gunna leave Spunk behind on top of Pay and Goodbar — Abba and Zabba gotta eat after all.
When they're ready to head out I'll take them into town, grab my lovebugs, and find Stitch and Metro before heading out.
The Northern Candies ride after you, down three girls. Well, technically five, right?
You come rolling back into Boomtown and pick up Svenja, the swing by your place for Rinso. Svenja follows you upstairs while the rest of the girls stay outside.
As soon as you get upstairs, you get a weird feeling. The place is empty. Something's not right.
There's a slip of paper on the table. The same table where you put the pill earlier this morning.
Scrawled in barely legible handwriting - Rinso's, is the following: My mess Ill fix it By seasons end I promise Love Rinso
I practically skip up the stairs I'm so anxious to get going, but I stop myself at the door and take a deep breath before poking my head into the front room of the shack. I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I see the empty couch, and I move for the back room... I feel nauseous when I find the back room empty too... Then I spot that letter.
The letter in his handwritting.
I read it five times without taking a breath.
I feel a hot tear run down my cheek before realizing that my hands are shaking, and my legs give out on me. The tear drips onto the page, smearing the "R" in Rinso a little bit, and I grip the page tighter.
Rinso, baby! Rinso! We were going to do this together! Everything was going to be alright! This can't be happening! What if he gets hurt? What if somebody kills the father of my baby?!?! "N-no!" I whisper hoarsely, "Rinny!"
I search the room again, like this is some horrilble joke... I know it's not...
I look down at the letter, and plead with it... "Rinny, no! Where are you baby? Where are you?"
A tumbling mass of images roll through your head * Rinso choking the life out of Tang with his bare hands * Rolo standing by his bike while Rinso is talking with a woman kneeling by a small grave * Another image of the woman as she looks up at Rinso: it's Cherry * Rinso talking with Sapphire, trying to hand her a pristine Barbie doll and Kaboodles box while she's cleaning her sniper rifle and looking away * A huge explosion of a building with bars on the windows, somewhere in Wal-mart
The last image, a small moment, Rinso sitting at a rickety table in some shack in the middle of the waste, a bloody bandage over his left hand, covering his missing pinky. He's waiting with a broken and bleeding Cherry, they are both waiting. And outside, there's a huge gang from Oasis riding towards them like angels of death.
You wake to Spree shaking you. She's been shaking you for a while, "Kiddo! Gods, Kiddo, what's wrong?!? ...frak it." She lets go of your right shoulder and rares back, about to slap you across the face.
I let her slap me. The sharp sting brings me back into the real world with my eyes slowly coming into focus on Spree. I look her right in the eyes, my mouth hanging open, and I hand her the note from Rinso.
I dunno if she can read, but I dunno what else to say. I feel like my world is collapsing around me...
"I need to find Cherry," I bark hoarsely, "I need to find her now!"
Spree glances over the note and mumbles, "Pallor would kick his ass about no punctuation..." Then more like she's talking to you, "Crazy as hell. Who the frak would work with that crank now? I think Metro knows where she is."
I assume you grab your boomstick and drek and head out, right?
When you get outside to see the Candies, Stitch is there, coming towards you out of Metro's van.
You're frakking right I do! I don't even hesitate when I spot Metro's van, I go running up to Metro with more urgency than I've ever done anything. "Metro, please tell me you know where Cherry is!"
Metro looks up at you, Kiddo. He sees the frantic look in your eyes, and you see him hesitate, close his eyes like he's trying to push you out of his head. But then, "Yes. I do, Kiddo."
I turn to Stitch with desperation in my eyes... I wish I didn't have to keep dragging Stitch into these horrible situations, but whether she comes or not is her choice...
You all mount up and head southeast. Kiddo, did you grab VB out of Sprite's or leave her be? I assume you're not wasting time, right? ----------------------
Stitch, you're in the van with Metro and the road is rough going, lots of bumps and jostling. Loud enough that quiet conversation isn't easy. Metro's been quiet for a bit.
As you round past that red stone marker, he says, "Cherry was raised by a man named Ace to be a mercenary. She's very deadly. She hasn't been working in the last four years as far as I've heard. She told me she retired because she couldn't handle it after Ace finally died. She's still living out here at this house built on a well. There's enough water for an entire village to thrive, but she normally shoots visitors."
He looks over at you and says, "And she knows what I am, Stitch."
Vee's safer with Sprite and Butter for now... I had some time to think about how best to tackle this all on the ride down, in the event we didn't find Rinso off the bat — but right now? My best bet is getting down to Cherry, and buying her out before Rinny can.
Metro turns back to looking at the not-road ahead, "She saved me, if you'd believe it. Well, first, she shot me, but Ace saw my white fluid instead of blood, and he knew what I was. So, they didn't murder me."
He glances over at you again, "Ace was a decent human being, considering. Cherry... not so much."
Just ahead, down a soft decline is Cherry's house. It's in among grass, and there's an gnarly tree there, too. Around the side, you see there's a jeep. Rolo's bike is nowhere to be seen.
When you get within about a football field distance, Metro suddenly shoves you aside. You catch sight of a muzzle flash in that open window and a heartbeat later, bullets kick up a line of dirt-spolsions only a foot ahead of the van, as well as your bike, Kiddo.
Metro stops the van, the Candies look to you, Kiddo. You can hear their unspoken question, should they charge ahead or stop?
I sigh and hop off my bike, then walk over to Stitch and crack open my sack. "I'm gunna go over there — alone," I say stuffing my pistol into the sack, "I'd appreciate it if you could look after my stuff... I think my best option for not getting shot is not being armed." I take out my bag of jingle, and hand her the pack. "I mean... unless you feel like chatting with a crazy recluse ex-mercinary... You can come if you want..."
I turn back to the girls, "Stay back here ladies. If you hear shooting, I'd appreciate riding in... 'cause I don't like dealing with corpses alone when I'm shot."
I sniffle, and look down the hill to the house... She's right, he's not... "He will be," I say calmly, "and I'd rather he catch shit for being a dumbass than get what he's looking for, when he does."
I look back to Stitch, and take a few steps down the hill. "You coming?"
Metro says, "This... is not a great idea, Kiddo. She's, ah, very violent. You're putting yourself and Stitch in danger. We could just wait for Rinso to show up."
I shake my head, "he might not come for a while. I'm just trying to reach out to as many of his contacts as I can... Stitch doesn't have to come — I'm perfectly willing to go it alone from here."
"She may feel less threatened if you go in alone." Not that I'm very threatening. "Maybe throw her some jingle? That seems to be the language everyone speaks around here..."
She's set up at the same spot she shot from. She's got a couple small drones set up at her flank and probably rear. She's probably holed up in their with lots of protection.
"Sorry, Kiddo. I'm not itching to jump into the line of fire right about now. Watch out for drones." I feel like a coward not going with her, but I just don't have it in me.
I smile back at Stitch when she answers, and call back, "Thanks sweetie."
I turn back to Cherry and slow my pace. I lower my hands to my sides non-threateningly, "I didn't know the way out, he showed me. Look, I'll be out of your hair quick — it's about Rinny... He's ... He's in some trouble, and I need your help talking him down."
That gets her attention. You can hear it in her voice, "What the frak has that big dumbass done now?" She's moved up to the window, leaning into the light enough for you to see her face. But she's still got a very large gun with her, you can barely see the muzzle, and it's about as big around as your forearm.
I frown, and shake my head, "Left to fix old mistakes — alone. I told him we needed to sort some shit out, fast, and he took it to mean he should do it alone. Most of it was shit he did that year he was with you... I figure he's gunna show up here at one point or another, and try to ask for your help."
Cherry disappears back into the darkness of her house.
A minute later, she comes walking out of the shack with a W-Y NSG 23 Assault Rifle slung around her right shoulder. She's holding it against her hip, pointed towards the sky, but it is in pristine condition and the HE rounds would tear a person in half
The gun looks like this: (sue me, I like pictures of guns sometimes)
"That ship has sailed, Kiddo. I don't want anything out of Rinso." She says this with spite. "And I sure as drek wont give him any damn help. Trust me."
Then, like the emotion cleared away for her to be a little more interested, "That baby come crying to you about all the horrible things I made him do? Figures, he punked out on my ass after Oasis, left me high and dry. No way I'm helping him, with any damn thing."
Metro's listening in intently, radio off. There's a little chatter from the Candies behind you, but he keeps leaning forward. He looks over at you, "I'm going to step out of the van. Something's... off, Stitch."
And I thought I had a problem with carrying around big guns... I stop a respectable distance from her and cross my arms, "I had to pry it the frak out of him, if you must know... It's uh..." I look back over my shoulder to the girls about a football field away, and lower my voice, "I told him I didn't want folks coming after him, 'cause he wants to start a family... I told him we needed to sort out his past before we could do that. I don't need you to help him Cherry, I just want him to come home... We can deal with that shit on our own, yeah?"
Cherry laughs a bitter laugh. "You're frakkin kidding me. RINSO wants to start a family. Frakkin Rinso. Wants to have babies now, hunh? That's just rich. That's frakkin perfect!" She pulls the weapon over, holding it in both hands, still not pointed at you, but you know she could change that in an instant, "That prick thinks he needs to come ask for my help? Or to kill me? He can bring it right the frak on. I will blow his ass to hell."
Metro sits back down, but he looks to you with worried eyes, "Stitch... there's a significant amount of background noise, from the Candies to the two girls talking, even the drones, and her generator. But I swear... I hear another heartbeat. In there."
Cherry repeats, "Who is it? Is it you, Kiddo? That bitch in Metro's van? Frakkin Omo back there? One of those wanna-be's with you? It's you, isn't it?"
Metro pauses, "I don't think so. It's running about one hundred beats per minute. Now, if Rinso is in a state of stress, his pulse could be quicker, granted. But, I don't think it is his pulse."
He doesn't have to finish the sentence, Stitch. You know what he thinks. He thinks there's a child in there.
Right now, Cherry intends to find out who is going to have a kid with Rinso. Ultimately, she just wants you to go away, and she isn't sure she can kill everyone with you. She's not willing to die for this little pissing match. So she wants you to leave. She's going to try and scare you off.
"Not a damn thing," she lies. She notices you moving closer, you're maybe fifty feet away now. "Trust me, Kiddo. I'm not helping Rinso with his sordid past. I did that drek with him, and it paid real good. Now get the hell off my yard before I do something neither of us want to happen."
Betrayed. Completely betrayed. And lonely, now. But a little bit, she's scared of dying out here, leaving her alone.
Ma' picked a fight she couldn't win when she was pregnant with Simon... Images of that night back in Gramma's shack come racing through my head. The numb emptiness in her eyes, and the sadness in her embrace... Any other day, I'd have stood my ground — but today, I step back. Is this what Rinso is? Like Ma' and Dad? They just bail when things look bad? When you frakking need them?
I swallow hard.
OOC: Q3, How could I get Cherry to bring Rinny to me if he shows up here?
You can't. She might've helped him before you showed up. But now... she'll just tell him to frak off. Maybe tell him to go see you. But she sure as hell won't bring Rinso to you. Too risky.
I've cried so much these past few days that I just don't have any frakking tears left... I should have frakking known this would happen. I was stupid to believe Rinso would be any different... I hang my head, and turn to leave.
Looks like I'm just another slut stuck with a baby who'll never know their father.
Cherry calls after you, Kiddo, "You see him before I do, don't you dare tell him what I said. I don't need him coming around when he finds out. He can go find some other dumb slut."
I adjust the pillow, and roll over onto my side so I can face her. I look to the door, to see if Rinso is up — not that I expect him to be — but quickly turn back to Vee and lower my voice. "I uh... I didn't give him all the info he needed to understand why I was so upset. Stitch told me a few days ago that I'm pregnant..." I hold my hand up to keep her from responding just yet, "and I didn't know what to do about that... I was afraid, and confused, and hearing about all that stuff with Rinso's past just made things worse."
I take a deep breath, and smile, "but we're gunna make it work, hon. All of us. You, me, and Rinny..."
... How's she taking it?
Her head's a mess, she's sort of blown away.
Her mind's going like a rabbit, she's doing that tick where she bites the inside of her cheek when she's worried.
OOC: Reading Vee. Roll+Sharp.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 1. Total: 4)
How can VB get you to let the whole "list" thing go? She knows what Rinso's gonna do about it, and she doesn't want that to happen.
What are you really feeling?
Holding one.
Who knows — maybe it would never be a problem.
As for what I'm feeling: right now I'm feeling a little sick, and sensitive to the touch. The hint of puke and B.O. in the room is giving me a headache... But I'm guessing you're more so wondering how I feel about Vee and Rinny, yeah? Right now, I'm worried Vee might feel excluded... I don't want her to feel left out of our li'l family just 'cause I'm having a baby. I want her to be a part of the family — which, at the moment, I'm feeling pretty hopeful about.
I brush Vee's cheek with my thumb, and nuzzle her nose. "You'd make a fine Auntie — who the frak else could keep up with a baby, yeah?"
The bath though? That helps. "Vee, I could lie here all day long... This was an awesome idea... I wish I'd have done this yesterday — maybe I wouldn't have been so pissed at Rinny."
What do you do?
Then I'll let her go, and probably take a short nap while I wait for her.
But like all good things, the bath has to come to an end at some point, right? Once you're done with that, where do you go? VB seems like she's wanting to head to Sprite's to work with Butter Nut, but she's only indirectly mentioned it a few times.
What do you do?
'course it's all too early to tell anything anyway. I get out of the tub, dry off, and get dressed. I've got to organize shit with the Candies anyway, so I guess I could walk Vee out to Sprite's before heading out their way.
So let's skip ahead. You let VB head into the kitchen and hop on your bike and ride out to the new Candy Bar clubhouse, walk past Chunky, who's on guard duty, and into the place.
Inside, the girls are mostly chill. The place is noxious, smells like beer and weed. Most of the girls are lounging about, except Starburst and Whopper, who are chatting up in "lookout" and Spunk and Spree, who are taking care of Abba and Zabba. They don't exactly all jump up to stand attention or anything, but they note your appearance.
What do you do?
"I wanna ride up North later today, Spree — I'll be gone for a few days at least, maybe a few weeks... You wanna ride and talk business with Tang? Maybe hit up the Ascendant to see what they've got going on?"
Spunk interjects, "Goodbar and Payday should stay back." She looks to you, "They've got history."
"Right. They can stay with the little ones. The rest of us will mount up. Wanna go now?" She looks like she's ready to kick their asses and get them out on the road.
I walk over to Abba and Zabba, and tickle their tummies for a minute. "We've got a few riders coming along — the doc Stitch, and her man Metro. I don't know when they'll be ready to go, but I'd guess by day's end. I'll try and get them to take Rinny and Vee."
Spree ignores that and offers, "They can take Goodbar's bike, if they can ride. Pay and Goodbar will have the car." She heads out from the small area with the kids to address the gang, getting them "the hell up" and telling them to "get their asses outside".
Looks like your gang is ready to rock and roll. You leaving Payday and Goodbar here with Abba and Zabba, taking the rest?
What do you do?
... I need to let that go...
I turn over to Spunk and shrug, "I wouldn't be doing it if it was shit, sweetie," then back to Spree, "I dunno if he rides, but I don't mind him riding on mine if he's not up to snuff."
I follow her out the door and head for the bikes. I feel wrong takin' Abba and Zabba's Ma' from 'em, but it's her business... Not mine. I'm gunna leave Spunk behind on top of Pay and Goodbar — Abba and Zabba gotta eat after all.
When they're ready to head out I'll take them into town, grab my lovebugs, and find Stitch and Metro before heading out.
You come rolling back into Boomtown and pick up Svenja, the swing by your place for Rinso. Svenja follows you upstairs while the rest of the girls stay outside.
As soon as you get upstairs, you get a weird feeling. The place is empty. Something's not right.
There's a slip of paper on the table. The same table where you put the pill earlier this morning.
Scrawled in barely legible handwriting - Rinso's, is the following:
My mess Ill fix it By seasons end I promise
What do you do?
The letter in his handwritting.
I read it five times without taking a breath.
I feel a hot tear run down my cheek before realizing that my hands are shaking, and my legs give out on me. The tear drips onto the page, smearing the "R" in Rinso a little bit, and I grip the page tighter.
Rinso, baby! Rinso! We were going to do this together! Everything was going to be alright! This can't be happening! What if he gets hurt? What if somebody kills the father of my baby?!?! "N-no!" I whisper hoarsely, "Rinny!"
I search the room again, like this is some horrilble joke... I know it's not...
I look down at the letter, and plead with it... "Rinny, no! Where are you baby? Where are you?"
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 4, 1. Total: 4)
A tumbling mass of images roll through your head
* Rinso choking the life out of Tang with his bare hands
* Rolo standing by his bike while Rinso is talking with a woman kneeling by a small grave
* Another image of the woman as she looks up at Rinso: it's Cherry
* Rinso talking with Sapphire, trying to hand her a pristine Barbie doll and Kaboodles box while she's cleaning her sniper rifle and looking away
* A huge explosion of a building with bars on the windows, somewhere in Wal-mart
The last image, a small moment, Rinso sitting at a rickety table in some shack in the middle of the waste, a bloody bandage over his left hand, covering his missing pinky. He's waiting with a broken and bleeding Cherry, they are both waiting. And outside, there's a huge gang from Oasis riding towards them like angels of death.
You wake to Spree shaking you. She's been shaking you for a while, "Kiddo! Gods, Kiddo, what's wrong?!? ...frak it." She lets go of your right shoulder and rares back, about to slap you across the face.
What do you do?
I dunno if she can read, but I dunno what else to say. I feel like my world is collapsing around me...
"I need to find Cherry," I bark hoarsely, "I need to find her now!"
I assume you grab your boomstick and drek and head out, right?
When you get outside to see the Candies, Stitch is there, coming towards you out of Metro's van.
Spree's running out to her bike, "C'mon, bitches! We're following the van!"
If Stitch agrees, I'm bolting for my bike.
Stitch, you're in the van with Metro and the road is rough going, lots of bumps and jostling. Loud enough that quiet conversation isn't easy. Metro's been quiet for a bit.
As you round past that red stone marker, he says, "Cherry was raised by a man named Ace to be a mercenary. She's very deadly. She hasn't been working in the last four years as far as I've heard. She told me she retired because she couldn't handle it after Ace finally died. She's still living out here at this house built on a well. There's enough water for an entire village to thrive, but she normally shoots visitors."
He looks over at you and says, "And she knows what I am, Stitch."
What do you do?
I don't like this. I feel like we're driving out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Metro turns back to looking at the not-road ahead, "She saved me, if you'd believe it. Well, first, she shot me, but Ace saw my white fluid instead of blood, and he knew what I was. So, they didn't murder me."
He glances over at you again, "Ace was a decent human being, considering. Cherry... not so much."
Just ahead, down a soft decline is Cherry's house. It's in among grass, and there's an gnarly tree there, too. Around the side, you see there's a jeep. Rolo's bike is nowhere to be seen.
When you get within about a football field distance, Metro suddenly shoves you aside. You catch sight of a muzzle flash in that open window and a heartbeat later, bullets kick up a line of dirt-spolsions only a foot ahead of the van, as well as your bike, Kiddo.
Metro stops the van, the Candies look to you, Kiddo. You can hear their unspoken question, should they charge ahead or stop?
What do you do?
I turn back to the girls, "Stay back here ladies. If you hear shooting, I'd appreciate riding in... 'cause I don't like dealing with corpses alone when I'm shot."
Spree chuckles, "You're one crazy bitch, Kiddo! Why are you going in there? Don't look like Rinso's here."
I look back to Stitch, and take a few steps down the hill. "You coming?"
OOC: Read a sitch incoming.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 13)
Your best way in is to just walk right up, looking non threatening. Offering jingle to talk wouldn't hurt.
I look over at Metro.
Behind him, Whopper has hopped off her bike, she's over chatting with Chunky.
Looks like I'm going it alone... I lift my arms up and do a little spin as I approach the shack. "C'mon Cherry, I just wanna talk, yeah?"
She's set up at the same spot she shot from. She's got a couple small drones set up at her flank and probably rear. She's probably holed up in their with lots of protection.
Kiddo, you're close enough to get a look at her.
I turn back to Cherry and slow my pace. I lower my hands to my sides non-threateningly, "I didn't know the way out, he showed me. Look, I'll be out of your hair quick — it's about Rinny... He's ... He's in some trouble, and I need your help talking him down."
A minute later, she comes walking out of the shack with a W-Y NSG 23 Assault Rifle slung around her right shoulder. She's holding it against her hip, pointed towards the sky, but it is in pristine condition and the HE rounds would tear a person in half
The gun looks like this:
(sue me, I like pictures of guns sometimes)
"That ship has sailed, Kiddo. I don't want anything out of Rinso." She says this with spite. "And I sure as drek wont give him any damn help. Trust me."
Then, like the emotion cleared away for her to be a little more interested, "That baby come crying to you about all the horrible things I made him do? Figures, he punked out on my ass after Oasis, left me high and dry. No way I'm helping him, with any damn thing."
Metro's listening in intently, radio off. There's a little chatter from the Candies behind you, but he keeps leaning forward. He looks over at you, "I'm going to step out of the van. Something's... off, Stitch."
"No. No." I say, pleading. "Stay here. With me."
OOC: Manipulate an NPC incoming, unless Metro would like to spend 1-hold hypnotic to do what I ask.
Metro sits back down, but he looks to you with worried eyes, "Stitch... there's a significant amount of background noise, from the Candies to the two girls talking, even the drones, and her generator. But I swear... I hear another heartbeat. In there."
What do you do?
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 4. Total: 10)
Cherry repeats, "Who is it? Is it you, Kiddo? That bitch in Metro's van? Frakkin Omo back there? One of those wanna-be's with you? It's you, isn't it?"
Metro pauses, "I don't think so. It's running about one hundred beats per minute. Now, if Rinso is in a state of stress, his pulse could be quicker, granted. But, I don't think it is his pulse."
He doesn't have to finish the sentence, Stitch. You know what he thinks. He thinks there's a child in there.
Right now, Cherry intends to find out who is going to have a kid with Rinso. Ultimately, she just wants you to go away, and she isn't sure she can kill everyone with you. She's not willing to die for this little pissing match. So she wants you to leave. She's going to try and scare you off.
OOC: Q2, What is Cherry really feeling?
"Not a damn thing," she lies. She notices you moving closer, you're maybe fifty feet away now. "Trust me, Kiddo. I'm not helping Rinso with his sordid past. I did that drek with him, and it paid real good. Now get the hell off my yard before I do something neither of us want to happen."
Betrayed. Completely betrayed. And lonely, now. But a little bit, she's scared of dying out here, leaving her alone.
I swallow hard.
OOC: Q3, How could I get Cherry to bring Rinny to me if he shows up here?
You can't. She might've helped him before you showed up. But now... she'll just tell him to frak off. Maybe tell him to go see you. But she sure as hell won't bring Rinso to you. Too risky.
Looks like I'm just another slut stuck with a baby who'll never know their father.
I don't care anymore... I'm riding North.
Metro huffs a breath, "Or she stole a kid. They do that here. Find out they're barren, go off and snatch someone's child to raise as their own."
When Kiddo starts riding, he turns the key to his ignition to start the van. He looks to you, almost for permission to follow.