In the wastes around SafecoShy's still holding tightly to your waist, her head buried against your left shoulder. The wind is whipping your mohawk over her, her dark hair dances up in the drafts with the pink strands. She's giggling as you ride, no longer holding on like she's afraid, but embracing the power and the speed of your ride.
Chance waves at you from the top of Safeco, she's climbed every stair for the best vantage point, of the show, and you. The stadium is pulsing with the crowd and the roaring engines. Your gang's zipped up and down the causeways, skimmed over the gulleys and poked noses everywhere looking for trouble. There's no reason to venture too far out, just wait for anyone trying to bust in, or watch in case anyone tries to bust out.

Ace comes up to ride parallel, looking over at you and signing,
::Bloody boring milk run. What are we doing tonight??::What do you do?
Chance gets everywhere she wants to go, no matter what. I know she's got a great view.
That's a real good question from Ace, because it won't take forever to talk to Admiral and going up to check on Pikers and harbor people sort of has to wait till tomorrow.
::Food. We should get really hooked up with good food. So much.::
At least I think it's a good plan. ::What do you want to do? Place is full up on people.:: There's probably tons more to do.
::Good food!:: Ace signs back excitedly. ::Let's race! Loser buys dinner for the winner!:: She revs her engine and grins, waggling her eyebrows and laughing that silent laugh of hers. She doesn't know how to make the sound.
I grin real big, eyes bright. I pat Shy on the leg. "Hold on real tight, we're gonna race."
::Over the arch and back?:: I rev my engine in return and curl forward, ready to let my ride go.
Shy grips you again, thrill and fear surging through her young veins. Ace leans over her ride and zips ahead. She's got less weight and her ride is scaled down for speed and maneuverability. Your ride roars as you push the accelerator and egg her on. Shy lets out a keening yell that dissolves into nervous giggles, her hands clasp around your midsection and she holds on for dear life.
Why don't you give us an Act Under Fire here? A full success means you win, hands down. A mixed success means you have to choose a tie too close to call or something gets hurt. A failure? You lose, Dog.
Let's see them bones.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 13)
Ace takes off for WaMu, the huge building that once sat beside Safeco but collapsed in on itself. For extended races out of Safeco, sometimes Admiral will open up the path out of the stadium to run the narrow gauntlet through the wreckage of this old theater, past giant rows of ruined seats and broken stages where the once-living dry played pretend. Now its a wasteland filled with vermin and sneak-thieves who'd soon snipe at you than anything. That's where Ace races, hoping to scare you off.
Of course it doesn't work. You pour on the fuel and your ride slowly eats up the inches separating you. You zoom past fetid ponds and skittering creatures, Shy whooping in your ear her fear and excitement. All of this cacophony of sound lost on Ace.
As both hoverbikes come screaming out of Wamu, Ace, her pink hair streaming behind her like tendrils of a broken and tattered flag, is a hairs-breadth ahead of you. She glances over, gritting teeth in a tight grin. She knows she's lost, knows your ride will overtake her, but she doesn't care anymore. She's lost in the thrill of the ride, drien to push you as hard as she can push, until the very bitter end.
Both bikes enter The Field, a swampland that was once a companion to Safeco. They had soccer here, they say. Now, the crumbling stands mock the torn fake grass and watery depths that your bikes skim over. The wake comes out in triangles of water that fall in on themselves and leave a small trace.
Ahead is the pylon. Tall and forking, the huge pylon marks the end of your race. You've passed Ace now, you have maybe thirty yards left. She's howling, making sounds she cannot even hear, but she knows you do it, all the Arrows do it, and she adapts. She howls a yowling primal howl and Shy is struck dumb by the sound.
A quick switch of your left foot and a lean into a curve and you're whipping around the pylon, at the last few feet. Ace has fallen in behind you, trailing in the mist you kick up. You've won, Dog. Handily. Ace trails and Shy screams encouragement, happiness, thrills. Shy's never experienced anything like this, you know. She'll crave this for the rest of her days.
::Good race! Almost got you!:: Ace signs when you come out of the turn and she's able to catch you, finally.
What do you do?
I let out a big, long howl which I cut off with a heavy bark. When I do these I just let my lungs go and give it my strength. It's fun when I'm happy. Ace can probably feel it. I dunno, she may have told me once, I might just be thinking it for myself.
I laugh and sign back ::That was fun! Your driving gives me the sweats, girl!::
"Dog, that was amazing!"" Shy cries from behind you as the pair of you zoom back over the swampy marsh of The Field and back out to the rest of the Arrow pack.
Ace rides alongside, able to stay with you now you're running fast but not racing. She signs quick, ::Belka wants her to be Arrow. I think she wants to scrog her more. What do you think?:: Ace is talking about Shy, of course.
You notice Ace hasn't asked about Hope.
::You should show her how to ride. I'll talk with her about stuff.:: There's more to it than learning to ride BUT that's so big. Good riding skill helps with every part of being an Arrow, and it's fun. This is me saying Shy is in, really. Even if Belka's scroggy feelings go away, Shy's familiar with the Arrows and she gets along with them. She wants it, plain as sunlight.
"Haha, you liked that." Not a question. I look over my shoulder at Shy, then back to the path ahead. "You know, if you want a ride of your own, you'll have to really hunt for it. If I was you, I'd do Tin-Girl some favors. She can bring a dead chassis back to life."
"Tin-Girl?" Shy repeats, her mind racing. "A- a ride of my own? What does she like? For favors?"
Ace nods curtly, signing one-handed, ::She's got good balance, didn't lose her head riding. Better than I did my first time.::
Ahead you see Rainer and Cujo. They're waiting near the entrance, Cujo is signing up to Chance.
I leave Shy hanging a little, sign back to Ace. ::My seat's dry and she can still talk. Belka will be second to bikes.:: I tap my handlebars in a sign of amusement.
Maybe Shy'd be able to tame the sloppy glide my ride has, like I had to on that hairpin at the end. A worse rider would be drinking in the ground trying that, the bike would hop over their legs or slam the ground and flip completely. That was a bad way to break my nose.
"Parts. Books with pictures of parts in 'em. Help her fix things, maybe, you have steady hands. You'll figure it out."
I sit more upright as we slow down near SafeCo and take in the scene with Chance, Rainey and Cujo. I recognize any words form here? "And you need to learn more sign. Don't lean on Ace and Cujo for that. Hachiko, maybe. And Belka."
It sure is a thing that Ace hasn't mentioned Hope yet. Good that Hope's foot is better, but Harbormaster makes my teeth itch and that's bad.
::Glad you are dry.:: Ace signs back, nodding and looking at Shy. ::Bon know she's Arrow?::
"What about shooting?" Shy asks, her mint-fresh breath so starkly different from most everyone else. "Can I sleep in the pile tonight?"
Cujo stops her ride, the loudest h-bike in the pack. She won't let Tin-Girl fix it, won't let anyone touch her orange rocket. She looks at Shy, then to you. ::Her?:: Cujo's lip snarls up, disapproval worn clear on her face.
::I'll tell her soon but Bon ain't stupid.:: I go through my standby routine and give Shy time to get off my bike first. "You get a gun, someone will show you. And maybe. Belka has an eye on you.." I trail off as Cujo makes her 'no' vote, hop onto my own two feet and step up to her.
I sign close between our two faces. ::Her. You didn't see her on a bike. Good scout. And a stitch maker. Loves us, been our girl for years.:: Every word moves with the tense dare fit within my arms, saying by itself an' outside my talk, test me.
Ace accepts that you'll tell Bon, she's scared of Bon, you know that much. The idea of Bon being pissed at her freaks her out.
Shy nods, drinking in all the info you share on how to be an Arrow. "Belka will keep an eye out for me? She is dry like that, that's good." She has no idea what you mean. Shy stands there off your bike, grinning, elated, clueless.
Cujo can't read lips, and she can't hear the conversation between you, but she seems to sense Shy's confusion. She sits up and with both hands, angrily gestures, ::She can't ride, can't fight, can't fix. She's pretty. This is stupid. I'm not pulling her out of the mud! I'm not burying her!:: Cujo sneers at Shy, then leans over her bike again and kicks it in, zipping away without any more communication.
"Uhm..." Shy says, uncertain. She's confused more than hurt. "I should, maybe, go back in the stadium, keep Chance company?"
What do you do?
"Stay." I rub my head. Cujo's not wrong. But right now we've got time and ease to show her how to ride and shoot. We had to teach Ace and Cujo how to ride. Had to teach Sounder and Hachiko how to kill. Flood, I was terrible on a bike at first, my name almost became 'Rusty' because I was covered in drag rash.
Be a real splash if things heated up and we had to choose between taking her without any skills or leaving her here, safe with Bon but heartbroke. Cujo's not wrong. I lower my voice and face Shy, serious, holding her shoulders.
"Listen. I like what you're thinking. We like you. But you gotta think more. Like a grown-up. Not just about what you want but about what's real. See, Belka will look out for you real dry-like but what I mean is she wants to maybe go down and scrog with you. And if you get hurt learning to ride or catching one of our fights, Cujo will try to kick my head in. Bon?" I make a face like she has to know how Bon will feel about that.
"All the Arrows will expect you to do for the pack like they do. They'll treat you different - not bad, but like a grown woman. They'll test you cause they have to know if they can rely on you."
Nana, I hope I didn't flood that up.
Shy's smile fades and she swallows hard when you explain what Belka wants from her. Her jaw sets when you tell her Cujo would kick your head in, but then you mention Bon and she grows pale. "I... I told Aun- I told Bon that I'd work for her, find a replacement. I can learn it all, Dog." She licks her lips slightly, stands taller, "I want the pack to treat me like I'm grown."
The roar of the crowd subsides for a moment or two, it's quiet as you look at Shy standing there, Ace nearby, Rainer watching you but not in earshot.
"I'm not gonna scrog with Belka." Shy declares it. She doesn't sound disgusting or anything, but there's no hesitation there.
"It's not gonna be easy, but if you make it work, it'll be good." I stand back up straight. I scruff her hair again.
"Now the hard part is I gotta treat you like you're grown, too." I stop scruffing her hair.
I smile at Shy's declaration, nod. "You don't have to." I've had to bust up heads that think that's what the gang is about. "You can come to the pile tonight if you want - and since you don't wanna scrog, just don't leave it."
The corner of Shy's mouth turns up in a grin and she crinkles her nose when you scruff her hair one last time. "I'll come to the pile tonight, yeah." The grin grows a bit wider, "I didn't say I didn't wanna scrog, though. Just... not Belka." She holds your eyes for a moment, then her eyes flick away, down to the ground, breaking the moment.
From the stadium, you hear the sounds of victory declared. Sounds like the motor duel is ending. Chance whistles loud from the rafters, makes a circling motion with her left arm, ::Round it up.::
Where do you want to get your food from Ace? Here at Safeco? Over at Pike?
"Hm." I let her know I'm listening but got nothin' to say about that. Never fed much off of that.
"Okay, stay dry, Shy." I hold up a fist for a sec as I head over to join the roundup.
When it comes to doing big food, good food, I want to go to Pike. SafeCo food is okay but they don't put much into it.
That guy whose hair I got might have been a Piker. Could ask some questions while I'm there. I'll probably miss the drinking after to go talk with Admiral, too. That's okay, booze and me aren't friends. Makes me slow and weak.
Shy nods, a few times, like she isn't sure what else to say, then says something about needing to head back and check on Ducks. It's rot, probably. That body was nearly gone. She heads off, back to the underground of Safeco. Sounder, Rainey and Ace are still about. You spot a few other Arrows coming around, including the Grounders, your three girls who don't have h-bikes (and no, they're definitely not bitter about that).
::This is done, yeah? Let's go eat!:: Ace signs when you look her way.
I watch Shy go and thoughts stack up on me. Cujo's snarl. Ducks having totally bought it. Shy's eyes on me. The ride.
What's Shy really feeling?
Shy's interested in you, not sure if she meant what she said, but definitely thinking about it. Curious.
She caught a look at you, too. What are you really feeling?
I think Shy's gonna make a good Arrow if she gets enough time to learn. She is pretty, and I love her like a little sister.
While me and August are so close and touch on each other like that...people think I must be always ready, but nah.
Anything you'd like to do before the Arrow pack heads to Pikes for food, using the jingle you made watching the outside of Safeco?
I let the pack know I'll catch up to them in Pikes. Quick nod to Rainey - she can guess why.
Back into SafeCo I go, pick my way through the old seats and the new. Tug on ears, looking for the guy in charge.
Please go here.