[Junk XIII] Those Punkass Kids (S 4-4)

edited November 2013 in Junkworld XIII

You're up now, so I guess you what... head into the clinic? You get there before Duracell. The place was shut down, you haven't had any overnights this week, so Kim's been shutting down to let everyone get some rest. A few patients come in once they see you there. And you've treated a few folks before Duracell comes in. She looks a little surprised to see you here, but she isn't rude about it.

A few hours of light traffic, nothing earth-shattering, and Ikea comes in, looks around, comes straight up to you. He grins as he's walking. Do you have a patient when he comes in? What's their deal?

What do you do?


  • I've got a kid I'm working on- Olive- fell down and sliced a nice cut in her head- I'm stitching it back up. I do most of the sutures here- Duracell and Kim take a lot of the flu patients and such.

    "Hey, Ikea." I say, finishing up the stitches. "What are you grinning about?" His smile is contagious, and my easy morning has left me in a good mood.
  • Ikea nods to Olive, then comes closer. He's got a white piece of paper in his hand. He sticks it out to you.

    Its a scrap of paper with the dot matrix printer holes on the right side. On it, written in masterful calligraphy is the following:
    Please join me for lunch at Sprite's. Butter Nut is preparing something special.


    Ikea still staring up at you, grinning with those huge dimples. Olive sees the paper, she's sort of glancing at it, trying not to get caught looking.

    What do you do?
  • I take the scrap of paper, curious. When I read it a grin comes over my whole face. I show the paper to Olive- reading it to her if she doesn't know how. I tuck it gently in my pocket and check my watch.

    I toss a throat lozenge to Ikea- it's not candy, but it's the closest I've got. "Thanks, kid!"
  • Olive puzzles over a few "funny letters", but you help her with it. She giggles like crazy and makes a little joke about you kissing in a tree. She may never have seen a tree, you realize.

    Ikea takes the Halls and bites it in half, puts half back in the wrapper, then hands it to Olive. He dashes off.

    The rest of your morning shift passes, did anything crazy happen?

    You head over to Sprite's for lunch.

    Sprite's is a pretty new place, considering. At least, Sprite had 'Tech move in a bunch of newer lumber and plating to take the rust off the outside. Sprite scrubbed a half dozen cafe tables and a dozen rod iron chairs. It looks like a tag-sale version of a French Bistro.

    You see Metro sitting at a table. But he isn't alone. There are three guys sitting with him, like two of them pulled chairs from other tables. One of them, a guy with a big handlebar mustache, is eating some food that was where you were going to sit. It looks delicious, your favorite. What is it?

    Another, with big bushy hair, he's at Metro's right and he's munching away at Metro's food, smiling and chatting at him. I sat chatting at him because Metro is not talking back, really. He looks... neutral. Sort of shut down. Maybe sulking, but not exactly that open about it.

    You know these guys are Libs. You've seen them before, around.

    What do you do?
  • Nope, no craziness this morning. It was an oddly light day- which was good because my head was stuck firmly in the clouds.

    I kind of pull up short when I walk it- that was my veggie plate! Those are hard to come by...

    "Uh, hey." I say toward the table. What the hell is going on?

    OOC: Read a sitch incoming.
  • OOC: Read a sitch. Roll+sharp.
    (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 4. Total: 12)
  • OOC: Who is in control here? What should I be on the look out for? (holding the last one)
  • Jonamac, the guy with the handlebar mustache, says, "Hey, doc! We were just having lunch with our favorite techie. Weren't we, Metro?"

    Metro doesn't answer.

    "Answer me, Metro." Jonamac says low and dangerous.

    "Yes, you were having lunch. I am not eating." Metro says in a clipped tone.

    Braeburn, the guy with the sideburns, he makes some noisy sounds of enjoying your salad, and nods. Then, with a mouth full of fresh veggies, he agrees, "So generous. Such a pleasant fellow. Always sharing and caring, like Momma Laramar taught us."

    Metro starts to get up out of his seat, but the third guy, who has his back to you, it's Honeycrisp, he pushes at Metro's chest to keep him seated, "Don't go, man. Stick around, we're about to kick up outta here."

    Jonamac looks up at you, "Wait... were you coming here to eat with techie?"

    Jonamac and Braeburn are in control, for sure. Jonamac is ultimately in control because he's figured something isn't quite right about Metro, and he's using it. He hasn't quite figued it out, maybe he doesn't know what rules Metro's playing by. But once he does.... badness.
  • "I was." I answer politely, shooting a glare at Braeburn. "How is Idared doing?" I ask, playing nice... for now.

    This fucking planet. I tell you. Not enough that Metro builds a fucking radio tower that's basically going to help every person in this damn town, but I've personally sewed up half of the Libs- Jonamac included. Shows what you get for being a nice fucking person.
  • Braeburn finishes off your salad. There were little tomato-ey things in there and greens, some kind of dressing that looks, oh, better not to look too much, right?

    Jonamac grabs another forkful of Metro's food and answers, "Ida's doin quite nice. Quite nice. Appreciate it, doc. Hey, you know, I bet you could grab some food of your own, still. Best if you run along, though," He puts an arm around Metro, "Tell doc you don't want her around, Metro." He squeezes Metro's neck.

    Of course, it doesn't hurt, but he mimics pain and looks up at you. You see it around his eyes, the horror of this loss of control. He says in the same neutral tone, "Stitch, it would be best if you weren't around, right now."

    Honeycrisp laughs at that, the grabs a bit of food off Metro's plate and munches on it.

    What do you do?
  • OOC: Which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
  • Jonamac likes VB, in his own way. He's vulnerable about that and you know it.

    Honeycrisp has his back to you, you know, if you wanted to punch some fool.
  • I stare a Jonamac for a second, my eyes narrowing. These fools only speak one language.

    I backhand Honeycrisp.

    OOC: Go aggro incoming
  • OOC: Go aggro on Honeycrisp. Roll+hard (+1 forward). +1xp rolling highlighted.
    (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 12)
  • The Libs, they really didn't see that coming. Hell, Metro didn't anticipate it, and his move to try and stop you ends up being him just standing up real quick.

    That poor sucker Honeycrisp...

    Well, it reminds you of this ancient Garfield comic strip called the "Bean-filled Whack Bonk".

    Except, your backhand was the Whack Bonk. Here's the strip, just for reference:
    Whack Bonk

    There's this pregnant pause. I know, I know, couldn't resist, but really. Honeycrisp, he's counting stars for a second. And Jonamac has a mouthful of food, that you can see because his mouth drops open with shock. Braeburn's eyes bug.

    Then bam, Jonamac is laughing. Braeburn joins in, like horse laughing and drek. Jonamac stands, followed Braeburn, who pulls Honeycrisp up. Jon says, "Well, frak... if ya put it that way, heh heh. I guess y'all want some privacy? That's classic. Honey C, she laid yer ass out."

    They move on, walking, laughing at Honeycrisp, and then Jonamac calls back, "I'll catch up with you later, Metro."

    Metro watches them leave, like he wants to say something. But he doesn't. He turns to you, "I'm... I'm sorry, Stitch."
  • I want to leave him with some badass parting words, but really, I'm speechless.

    When they leave I exhale the breath I'd been holding. Deep breath. I actually close my eyes for a second. All I saw was red for a second there.

    "Not your fault." I assure him. I sigh, pulling the note out of my pocket. "You wanted to see me?" I laugh weakly.
  • Metro doesn't smirk. There's spilled food on his nice shirt, the one he was wearing when you first met him at Salt and danced with him. He says with that same neutral tone he used with the Libs, "If I had been any faster, I would have stopped you. I didn't want to stop you. But I would have."
  • It takes me a second to understand his meaning. When I get it, my mouth opens slightly "Oh."

    I stand there- a few feet away from him- not sure what to do. My brain supplies me with a memory- the first time Ethan hit me- except Ethan is replaced by Metro. I flinch.
  • Your flinch seems to snap him out of his zombie-like posture. He blinks and shakes his head once, "I wouldn't have hurt you, Stitch. Please understand I wouldn't and I would never want to. I just... wouldn't have allowed Honeycrisp to come to harm. It actually, ah, hurts a little that my lack of action to protect him from harm resulted in a possible concussion. That was. An impressive backhand."

    He looks away from you, still sensing your discomfort. He says quietly, "This is why I stay away from people, Stitch."
  • I take a couple calming breaths, trying to decide if I should sit down and try to eat something or go somewhere private to talk.

    "I'm... sorry you're hurt." I start, hesitantly. "I just... I know. I'm sorry they did that to you."

    I take a step closer to him, but I wait for him to take the last step towards me.
  • He doesn't.

    "You are so special to me, Stitch," he says, no longer looking you in the eye. He's looking past you, up to the tower. "You make me feel like a person. I feel like I belong with you."

    He looks back down, at you, right at you, with that unflinching stare he has sometimes, the intensity of it is, well, inhuman. "I worry that this incident will only incite further violence and reprisals... I look forward to leaving Boomtown. With you."
  • "I talked to Kiddo this morning. She wants to leave later today." I tell him, hoping it'll make him feel better.

    I agree- I want to get the hell out of this town. I feel like Jonamac is only going to be trouble for us and I don't know how to deal with him.
  • "What do you need to do to be ready to go?" He asks this with a little bit of urgency.
  • "Nothing, I'm ready now." I told Kim- she wasn't happy, but what's she gonna do- chase me? "I've already got all my stuff in your van. Let's find Kiddo and go."
  • Metro steps forward to close the distance, taking your left hand in his own. "She'll need some time to gather her new gang together, let's not pressure her just because you beat up some bullies for me and I'm worried they'll come steal my lunch money again."

    He smirks for a moment and gives you a sly look. "You know what? Instead... let's go for a ride in the van to a secluded spot and have strenuous sex. I'll bring hazelnut coffee."
  • I laugh. "I did not beat them up! Just one... I wish it'd been Braeburn- he ate my lunch!" I'm still sore about that. And they got food on his shirt! I don't get all fired up, fists swinging that often and I'm still kind of amped up.

    "Define strenuous..." I return his sly look sidle up to him, half tempted to jump him right here. "Actually, never mind. Yes, let's drive somewhere. Quickly."
  • Metro's smirk spreads into a grin as he takes your hand and the two of you do a sort of quick-walk but not quite-jog to the van and drive off into the waste to a little spot Metro found where an outcropping of rock has an overhang with some nice shade.

    You spend some time exploring the definition of strenuous.

    On the way back to Boomtown to find Kiddo, you head by her place and see a bunch of the Northern Candies sitting outside, their bikes off. Kiddo's bike and another bike are sitting without riders.

    Metro stays in the van and you head towards Kiddo's, right? Please go here.
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