Far Orbit drops out of hyperspace at the correct coordinates, and there she is - the
New Star. She is sitting idle at the rendezvous point, just like the logs on Shipment 1037 detailed. She's pristine, seems fuller with all of her escape pods, though that could just be a trick of the mind.

You're standing by Commander Seki on the command deck. Sensors are open, the comms are pinging already due to proximity. Transponder IDs seem like they'll hold.
Ensign Leex reports,
"X-Wings, the Profit Margin, the Long Shot, and the Woenid Nexus are in tight formation behind us, out of visual, Captain Vos."
"Ah! Captain Conar of the New Star," Commander Seki says over comms in a cool, confident manner betraying a hint of urgency.
"This is Captain Seki of the Far Points. We are requesting assistance. Our frigate ran into an anomaly in hyperspace that took out a third of our systems."To trick the New Star for a surprise attack, roll+Canny. On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+, choose both.
- Commander Seki successfully deceives Captain Conar, giving you the chance to strike the first blow! Deal surprise damage against your opponent, then the
New Star will react in a new round of salvos
- Your crew is invigorated by the successful sneak attack; take +1 Forward on your next move. If the results of your next move is a 10+, take a +1 Forward. This will continue for the entire battle, until you miss or roll a soft hit.
On a miss, something went terribly wrong. You're in for a very tough fight.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 8)
What do you do?
Over ship's comms, "Good luck, everyone. Take her."
Out of your wide viewscreen, you see both wings of starfighters soar past. Dart's clawcraft is flying just ahead of Jojee in her X-Wing. The two should be flying together, but their ships look more like a pair of gundarks in a race. Lucky for them, they're both incredibly agile and uncontested. They drop proton torpedoes on deck one, targeting primary communications.
The Long Shot takes a wide arc around the enemy frigate. The Profit Margin rides in as her wingman. They're both headed for the aft of the frigate, to destroy the hangar.
From underneath you, the Woenid Nexus passes by, weaving its way between arcs of lasers and cannon-fire, headed for the under arc of deck 8, the command deck. Ahji Dar's angling to take out the head.
I'm going to use the Apocalypse Galactica rules for the ship's Damage Countdown Clock:
Both ships are Frigate (1-armour, 3-harm, medium)
However, you have two wings of starfighters and three freighters attacking while they have none, so for this round, I'm upping your Harm by 1.
Otherwise, you're the same size, so you apply 3-Harm:
New Star:
Which group of fighters was most successful, Ladro?
Dart and Jojee trying to show each other up is going to be a problem someday, but today isn't that day. It's like watching a two-being juggling team as they toss proton torpedoes around like balls.
You also receive damage reports from the command deck, seeing the Nexus attacks hammering at decks five and eight.
TIE Fighters start pouring out of the hangars moments later as the New Star turns, trying to hide the damaged sectors from further heavy fire. They're bringing guns online as well.
What do you do?
For the most part, this should run itself. I have a bridge full of people well-trained to do what they do, experienced wing commanders and pilots. I keep an eye and ear on all the reports, adjusting the plan as need be, but for the most part I keep quiet and let my people do what they're good ad.
You hear reports of damage from several areas of the ship. Ensign Leex states, "Captain Vos, our sub-light engines took a heavy hit from a TIE fighter crash!"
Both ships are Frigate (1-armour, 3-harm, medium). You each take 2-Harm.
After a very deadly surprise attack, the battle between the frigates is over quickly. Dart and Jojee sweep over TIE fighters, each of them leading a squad after you lost three in the firefight, including Be'talq, the Red Squadron leader.
The Nexus took the command deck, firing her AP Lancer, unloading her Phalanx missiles, and peppering the frigate's defenses with her Ahrugan Point Defense Turrets.
As the freighters and starfighters sweep to ensure there are no more TIEs or enemy combatants flying, what do you do?
After noting the names of the lost and making sure that damage control is underway post-haste, I'll walk to Commander Seki and offer my hand. "You are one sneaky bastard, Commander. I commend you."
Over general comms. "Thank you, everyone. Excellent work. We'll be heading for the real prize next, so keep alert."
Tyron turns to duck his head to your compliment, "I knew of the captain, enough for small talk. I never expected the rumors of his wife's infidelity would pay such dividends."
Within half an hour, everything is ready. The course to the rendezvous has been plugged in, they're awaiting your orders.
In the after-action reports, you see the following:
- with the death of Be'talq, Red Squadron needs a new leader
- Mikka's provided repair estimates for the sub-light engines, it isn't pretty. She's going to be slow during the next leg of this operation
- Squall files a report that she'd like to take sub-light engines offline during hyperspace travel, try to work on them during the ten hour jump; ze says it is risky, but it's the only way the Far Orbit will be able to keep up with the convoy outside of hyperspace
- the captain of the Woenid Nexus wishes to discuss payment for her crew, personally
- Med Bay reports on the casualties onboard when engines blew include a dozen minor injuries, a droid taken offline, and two green recruits who died from exposure
Here's my list of responses.
- I send a message to Major Vorpatrick, the commander of the flight group, asking for three recommendations for a new leader for Red Squad. I request that those be on my desk by the halfway point of the jump.
- I forward Squall's report to Mikka (copying the former-Imperial ship's engineer), with my approval, but giving Mikka authority to shut it down if need be.
- I note the list of casualties. I'll swing by med bay at some point. When I get the chance, I will ask Lens what the appropriate ceremony is for lost comrades and arrange for that to happen.
And as to the captain of the Woenid Nexus, once we've made the jump, I excuse myself to attend to the negotiations. Personally.
Major Vorpatrick catches you on your way to "negotiate" with Captain Dar. "Captain Vos," he says as he catches up to you, then falls in lock-step with you as you head across the metal plates of the Boom section to the Nexus. He produces a datapad, "I've got the files on the top three candidates for Red Squadron leader."
That was fast. You sent the orders down not half an hour ago.
Neither Dart nor Jojee are listed as top candidates.
I take the datapad from the Major and flip through the three names, then transfer the files to my own. As I hand the datapad back, "Thank you for your alacrity, Major. Anything particular you'd like to share that isn't in the files?"
To be honest, I'm relieved not to see Dart or Jojee on the list. They're both zeng flyers, but have a lot to learn about leadership yet.
Major Vorpatrick nods, his demeanor as CAG showing he expected a short version of the write-up for a busy frigate captain. "Dalen Targon has the most experience. He's steady, a very good teacher. If we're expanding the wings, he'd be an excellent choice. We picked up Myyse Zherooh after she and a pair of wingmates made it off Hoth. I'm not sure I believe all the stories they are telling me about her, but she's here, and she acquitted herself well against the TIEs a half hour ago. Eight confirmed kills. Lastly is Kytra Enz. She's a Togruta, so the mutineers may have trouble with her, and she's a risk-taker. That said, she has an innate sense for the stars, and my pilots fight for the chance to have her as a wingman."
Ahead of you, the gangway ramp of the Nexus lowers. Ahji Dar has seen you coming. She hasn't come down to greet you, though.
I nod to Vorpatrick. "Thank you, Major. I'll review more thoroughly and give you my recommendation well before we leave hyperspace."
After we disengage, I'll head up the gangplank. I've told my staff that I'm taking a few hours of personal time after the negotiations, and only to disturb me if I'm absolutely needed or there's an emergency. Fingers crossed, as they say on Coruscant.
As you walk down the corridor towards the open door, you catch a soft hint of something like nutmeg, and the divine smell of a fresh pot of klava.
I follow the smell like an ewok following the scent of a fresh-baked pie in a children's holovid, almost floating through the air in my anticipation. As I walk through the door to Ahji Dar's quarters, I can feel the tension, the responsibilities, even (to some extent) the deaths falling off my shoulders. I remove my jacket before I proceed too far into the space, folding it over my arm.
When you come in, Ahji Dar is standing in the space between her bed and the small shrine she has to klava. She's wearing a simple dress in colors like your family wears, traditional oranges and browns of the Kiffar. The style is similar, but definitely too revealing to be something a Kiffar would wear in public. The fabric in the front stretches over her breasts snugly and attach to a large brass ring that sits over the tops of her furry chest. Two simple leather thongs tie the ring behind her neck, leaving her shoulders and arms completely free. The hem of the dress ends in a gauzy line at mid-thigh.
She's holding in her hands a saucer with a single, steaming cup of klava, wearing a smile that lights her eyes. "First drink to my victorious Tom." She extends her arms slightly, offering it. "We were ferocious, my lover."
So many inputs all at once. The smell of the klava, the colors of her dress, the lines of her body, combine to make a cocktail of the home I was born to and the roving home that I've made with tears and sweat and risk. And love. There's an old, old poem of my people, that started as an elegy, but the last two lines have persevered as a sort of welcome after an absence. "Home is the sailor, home from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill." That is how this feels.
I accept the cup, take a deep sip, and then offer it back for her to sip of, as well. "Very fierce, my kitten. You more than I. I merely stood by and muttered charms that even my mama would say were old fashioned." I flash her a grin. "Still, it was a victory worth celebrating, yes?"
She patiently waits for you to take a sip, confident of the mix, which hearkens to some of the flavors of warm, spiced chocolate bantha milks that your baba brewed with hints of something more spicy, a bit of heat. It is comforting and exciting all in turns.
"I was fierce." Ahji Dar says with a dangerous flash of her eyes. She smirks to match your grin. Then gestures towards the wall where she displays art from all the worlds where she's been. A holo pops up, taken from afar and zoomed in tight. You see a human man, looking at you, his expression resigned, a man looking into the abyss and surrendering. It's the face you recognize from the holo on the bridge. It is Captain Conar. Ahji Dar explains, "It is his last moment, my Tom. You see his eyes, how he accepts his fate? That we are his better? It is rare that I am able to capture this." Her smile widens, a proud predator.
Ahji Dar is "fierce" in a way that I am not, but there is a tug pulling on me from her exhilaration, at this moment. "Yes, my love, you have captured his image, even as he realized his fate. That is not my way, but I see the value. We are his betters. We've proved that."
I give her my own predatory smile. "And so, kitten, how shall we celebrate?"
She waves a dismissive hand and the holo winks out. At your question, she stalks forward, eyes intent on you. "Your new captain's clothes look so very nice on you, I have no wish to rip them, my Tom. Take them off. Get on my bed, shchenok. I have never taken the captain of a frigate before. You will be my first conquest." She smiles wide, showing her canines, as she reaches for the cup and saucer to take them from you once you're done.
I remove the rest of my clothes and fold them on a chair, enjoying Ahji Dar's eyes on me and not rushing. When I finish, I move closer to her, not yet laying down. I reach up to cup her cheek in my hand, fingers curling around the back of her head, and look her in the eye. "It would not be much of a conquest, would it, if I surrendered right away?"
Like a predator watching her prey, Ahji Dar is patient as you disrobe. She walks the cup and saucer back to her small klava serving table, setting it gently down, the whole action smooth and never taking her eyes off you.
When you cup her cheek, the silky soft fur in your fingers, she closes her eyes and gently pushes her face into your hand, rubbing her cheek once as she savors the sensation. Around the tips of your fingers, the fur tickles ever so slightly.
She opens her eyes again, responding with a hint of playfulness in her voice, "I do enjoy a challenge. Be wary, Captain Vos. After a successful hunt... I am always a little keyed up." She steps closer, until her body, still covered by her dress, presses against you. The cool metal of the ring on her chest is an intriguing difference from the warmth of the rest of her. With eagerness, she leans into a kiss, her tongue darting out to your lips before they meet.
I accept the kiss hungrily, then reach down to throw her across my hip, onto the bed. "Be wary, blockade-runner. I also find myself keyed up after a battle."
Ahji Dar's eyes widen as you fling her towards her bed, but she recovers quickly in mid-air and turns to land on all fours, bouncing lightly on the bed. She purrs suggestively and crawls forward on the bed, showing you her backside, the dress barely covering her thighs. Ahji Dar looks over her shoulder at you, her eyes half-lidded. "Ah, perhaps I shall enjoy the comforts of this nice bed all by myself."
I lash my hand out to grab her ankle and drag her back toward me, which pulls the dress up even further. "Or perhaps, kitten, we shall both enjoy something rather less comfortable than the bed."
You pull Ahji Dar by the ankle. For a second, she's surprised by the action, her slight frame light weight and easily moved towards you. She flips over while you pull, throwing her left leg over until she's on her back, then planting her left foot against the base of the bed. Your Cathar lover pushes with her foot while arching her back to spring up, and towards you.
Ahji Dar's ankle slips in your hand, and she forces you to either let go or possibly twist her knee at an impossible angle. She trusts that you wouldn't maim her, and of course, she's right. Her arms grasp your shoulders and she wraps her legs around you.
Instead of kissing you like you might expect, she holds herself inches away, her arms locked around your shoulders. She begins inching herself down to rub her crotch against you. She's so warm, and despite the cloth covering her sex, you feel her wetness, too. The fur of her legs tickles your hips. She's daring you to take her, to remove that small barrier between the two of you, and give her what she craves.
Your lover wears a self-satisfied smile, like she's already won. Or perhaps she's egging you on, curious about your next move. "I'm quite comfortable, Captain Vos."
It may be a cliche, but I grab the brass ring, trusting that the leather ties aren't so strong as to harm Ahji Dar. I grab and pull, and expect the dress to follow it in some carefully-orchestrated fashion.
Ahji Dar gasps in mock surprise as the dress tears away easily, leaving only the thin cloth thong covering her. She grins lasciviously, snaking a hand between her legs, and deftly popping a single claw out to rip the fabric. She purrs again while moving her hand down further, rotating it to grasp your hardness. Her claw retracts as she strokes you, "Still... comfortable. Captain Vos. Of the Far Orbit." She smiles as she draws out every word while working her hand up and down. You realize idly that her wrist is rubbing her in just the right place.
The little sharp teeth of her smile. The feel of her soft fur on me. The realization that she's giving herself pleasure as she does me. The game of dominance is gone from my mind, except for this... I throw her back on the bed, grasping her thighs as I do, and hold her in place as my lips and tongue make their way up her thighs. "Consider me conquered, kotenok. And now I will pay tribute."
I dive in, both hands holding her thighs apart to give me full access.
Ahji Dar sighs triumphantly, nimbly snipping away the last stitch covering her body and luxuriates in your tribute. Her fingers run through your hair and she arches herself to find just the perfect angle. "Ohhh yes, my big shchenok. I conquer you." She moves her head side to side, her whole body tense with the pleasure you're giving her.
In moments, the dam inside her bursts and she mewls as you push her to her first climax. It's powerful, after so long denied, the orgasm leaves her in tremors, and she disengages and rolls over to her side, holding her stomach and panting. "Give me a moment, my Tom. It has been too long. Climb up here and hold me, yes?"
I crawl up behind her and pull her slender body in to spoon with me. "Too long, indeed, my kitten. Take the time you need." I kiss the line of her jaw and stroke a hand along her flank.
Ahji Dar lies in your arms for a little while, her breath slowing, her body relaxing. Before you think perhaps the moment of passion has passed, she rolls over to look in your eyes. "Ladro. I want you to know I will not be in your way. I am not here to be your burden. I am here to share more moments with you, like these. Do you understand?" Her fingers glide over your side, nails lightly scratching your lower back as she scoots closer.
I allow a moment to process, then, "I do not think you will be in my way, Ahji Dar. And moments like these in particular, are the least of what I hope for." I take another second, clear my throat. "I wish to build a life with you, kitten, not just a regularly-scheduled opportunity to be intimate in this way. If our orbits are to align, let them align. Will you be my wife?"
Apparently Lens and Mikka have infected me.
Ahji Dar's eyes widen and her mouth hangs slightly open. She recovers quickly, as if you might find her surprise offensive. She takes a small breath, "Ladro... I.... what about your family? You love them so. I would never be able to give you..." She doesn't finish the sentence, she doesn't have to finish it.
"Lyubovnik... Ahji Dar, this is not as sudden as it seems. I have thought about this in dark and lonely moments, and in happy ones that you didn't share. My parents have other chances for grandchildren, and if my brother and sister choose other paths, as well, that is not my responsibility. I can only live my life, and I want you in it, always and always. I will risk my mother's wrath for that."
I swallow, nervous. "I have no ring, no bride-price to offer. I offer only a life of risk and constant striving. But one thing I know my mama would agree with, a man without a wife is like a vase without flowers. Actually, that's not true. Me without you is like a vase without flowers. I love you, Ahji Dar. I'll ask again. Will you be my wife?"
Ahji Dar stares at you longingly, Ladro. For a long moment, she looks in your eyes. Her answer comes softly, "No." She reaches a hand up to your cheek. "I am your lover. I will not be your wife. Thank you for asking, it is a question I never expected. And never expected to tempt me so strongly."
There's a beep-beep at Ahji Dar's communicator. She glances over, then decides to ignore it.
I wilt. I die. But when she looks over to her communicator, it gives me a moment to recover. "No. You are my mate, and we have both known it from the time my hand first closed on your scruff. I think you are trying to spare me the disapproval of my family, trying to help me, somehow. But as different as we are, physically, I know you have a heart, and I believe I've seen it longing for me, just as I long for you. What can I do to convince you to join me, kitt... Ahji Dar? I'm adrift."
"I am here, my Tom." Ahji Dar says softly. "I long for you, and I have broken vows to be here. You are not adrift, my lover."
These questions are easy:
What is Ahji Dar really feeling?
What does she wish I'd do?
She's thrilled that you care for her as deeply as she cares for you, but dismayed that you want marriage, which means different things to you than her.
She wants to return to the way things were moments earlier, but she knows it isn't possible. She hopes that you will not spurn her, what she does offer.
I take her face in my hands, looking her deep in the eyes before I give her an equally deep kiss. After a moment, still with my hands cupping her cheeks, "My dearest one, that you are here is more than I could have dreamed, and more than I deserve. If I have your heart, I don't need to force it into a box, locked away, and me with the only key." I press my forehead against hers.
She melts into you, into your kiss, into your embrace. She presses her forehead against yours and closes her eyes. "My Tom. I adore you and treasure you. Do not think I am not your kitten because I am not your wife. You are my only Tom." Her fingers slip down between you, grasping gently for you, hoping to rekindle what she'd interrupted.
"May I bring you pleasure,,, Captain Vos?" She grins, trying to slip into another mood with you before she slides down to take you.
What do you do?
I can't help but smile, grateful for the moment we just shared, and looking forward to the moments ahead. I let her slide down, my fingers lightly stroking the soft fur of her head. "Make it so, Ahji Dar."
I really don't want to say this, but I'm getting an attack of the responsibles. I summon up the strength to stop moaning and take a real breath, then say, "Ah, lyubovnik, I hate to interrupt, but should you see what the banging is about?"
Ahji Dar releases you gently, just long enough to say, "I'm busy. You answer it. It is for you, I'm sure."
The right people know that my communicator is on... don't know why they wouldn't just get in touch with me directly if was actually me they were trying to reach, so I do a mental shrug and decide to let Ahji Dar keep being 'busy.' "I'm not going to answer your door, kitten. Especially when you're so hard at work."
After a second bout of lovemaking, she nestles in your arms, relaxing with you, savoring these last moments before she finally answers her comms, "What is it?" Her tone is slightly irritated, but you feel some of it is for show.
The tinny voice of the battle droid Serzhant pipes up, "Captain Dar. I am sorry to..."
"Dah, dah," Ahji Dar interrupts. "Say it."
"The Chiss pilot, the one you liked." Serzhant explains. "She has been detained. I knew you would want to know."
Ahji Dar sits up, eyes surprised, "The clawcraft pilot? But.. why?"
"Fighting, Captain." Serzhant answers.
Kriff me sideways. "Fighting with whom?" I fear I know the answer.
I sigh. What do I do, as a leader? As a, what, baba? I set my face. No, this is something I have to do as a Captain. It's a good thing Ahji Dar and I had a bit of time together.
I cut off the comms, reaching across my kitten to slap the switch. "Kotenok, I don't want to leave you, but I apparently need to make a point. I can't have seven pilots in the brig when we catch up to the convoy." I had hoped for a bit longer than this before I had to leave the Woenid Nexus, but it's time for me to put on command face, apparently. I lean down to give Ahji Dar a kiss before I grab my clothes from where they're folded. Yes, it's a uniform, despite my earlier protests. Helps with dealing with the former Imperials.
I return the salute, then turn my attention to the occupants of the cells. "Are these all of the pilots that scuffled?" We need to get new insignia for everyone. I make a mental note of that. I catch Jojee and Dart in their cells, glad that they're not together.
I realize that I need to back off a step, to avoid stepping all over the chain of command. To the guard, I say, "Hold on for one second. Sorry." Then I step out into the hall and raise Major Vorpatrick on the comms.
"Captain Vos," your CAG answers. "I assume you've heard about the dust-up? Where are you, sir? I'll head your way."
"I'm at the brig now, Major. Thank you for joining me."
"Captain Vos," Vorpatrick begins after he comes up to salute and you give him a chance to report. He's military, born and bred, but comfortable with it. "I followed regs after the fight, which means they're going to be locked up for a week. They'll work it out, but we're short until then."
I nod. I hate for us to be down that many pilots, but I'm not going to step in and short-circuit regulations. "I'd like you at the next command meeting, Major, to help with deployment plans for when we catch up with the convoy." I indicate the cells with a nod. "Can you fill me in on what happened here? All I know is that there was a fight."
He nods, then indicates he'd like to walk and talk. I assume you don't mind. "The short version is that the Chiss can fight better than Blue Squadron expected." He laughs a little, then expands, "Lieutenant Varian Novar decided he didn't like Lieutenant Dart's Clawcraft, Decided to say something about it, to which Dart took exception. She threw a punch, then Lieutenant Kel Crescent, Varian's wingman, jumped in to pull her off, so Dart kicked him a couple times until Lieutenant Tover Abogado stuck his nose in it. That's when Lieutenant Jojee Terkenn'n thought Dart was outnumbered, which she was. Jojee pulled Tover off Dart, and the Keshiri girl too a few good shots before she went down. It was enough time for Dart to clock Tover. Then she helped Jojee back up and waited for me to arrive."
I can see that happening, and I have to admit that I'm glad that Jojee was pitching in to help Dart, even if I wish none of it had happened. I give a smile to Vorpatrick, then a slight chuckle at his dry recitation.
When he finishes, "Major, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak to the children for a minute."
"Of course, sir." Vorpatrick answers, curious about your interest. He doesn't offer excuses and doesn't seem too ruffled about the incident.
The guards let you in, of course. Who do you see first?
I walk back into the brig proper and ask the guards to turn out the 'prisoners' so I can talk to them all at once. It may be a bit crowded in here, but that's fine for the psychology of the moment.
"You are all excellent flyers. Fine. Your skills are not a license to kark up. Because you can't keep your poodoo under control, Far Orbit will have seven fewer birds in the air to help us keep control of the convoy. And obviously, you won't receive a share for this take, because you'll be sitting on your thumbs in the brig. You've put me, the ship, and the crew at risk, and you've managed the miraculous act of kriffing yourselves at the same time. THINK about everyone that depends on your guns and your flying next time, before you start a fight over nothing. And before you jump into one."
"These sleemos jumped me!" Dart says without standing up or raising her voice. "It wasn't nothing." Jojee and the others remain quiet.
I turn my attention to Dart for a moment, then sweep across the assembled pilots. "Dart, those sleemos are the people you have to depend on to stay on your wing. And all of you have put everyone on this ship at risk by acting like children scuffling over a ball on the playing field. Is this understood? Sit in your kriffing cells and think about the fact that your squadmates will be without you, the engineers that keep your birds flying, the people that make your food, are more likely to die because the seven of you can't help but wave your space-junk around like it's a contest."
I indicate to the guards that they should put the prisoners back into their cells and stand at something approximating parade rest.
You notice they all have bruises, a bloody noise, a few black eyes, swollen lip. Dart didn't injure their hands, well maybe with her face once or twice, but she didn't hurt them so they couldn't fly. She was karking strategic. She held back, Ladro.
The guards come in to escort them all back to the brig.
Once they're back in their cells, I thank the guards and nod to Vorpatrick, asking him to walk with me once more. When we're out of earshot, I blow out a breath. "Thanks for letting me jump in, Major. I know it wasn't necessary, but we are so short on people, I find the thought of losing some to discipline problems really frustrating." I pause, then decide to trust and open up a bit. "I hope I didn't come across as a martinet."
Vorpatrick nods, listening in. "Captain Vos, you were honest and fair. You're far less upset about it than I was a half hour ago. Lieutenants Dart and Jojee, I'm not so worried about. I'm disappointed in my pilots, the ones who came with me. This is the example of the Rebel Alliance we're showing these ex-Imperials? No wonder they wanted to go privateers instead of joining us." He shakes his head slowly, "Worst possible time for some poodoo like this. I apologize for my squads, sir." He sounds genuinely bothered by it. Not like he's losing it, just annoyed at the timing, worried that his people will be in the brig instead of out in space helping the ship.
I wonder. "I know we've got regs, but if we really need them, is there a way to get their space-heinies in pilot seats without totally contributing to the breakdown of civilization?" I don't know Alliance regs, and I've barely had time to even internalize this privateer agreement, or whatever it is.
The major looks at you, offers an encouraging grin, "Definitely. You're the captain. In times of war, like now, you can pardon them. Hell, you can grab them out of the brig, throw them in their fighters, then whoever makes it back goes right back in their cell. Work release program. This is your boat. You've got a great deal of leeway."
He pauses for a moment, then says, "I'm happy to join your council. I know Lens wouldn't steer you wrong, but I'm glad for a chance to pitch in."
"Let's let 'em sit until we need them, yes? And, oh, who's your front-runner for Red Squadron? There are advantages to all three. " I pause again. "It's your decision, of course, but from my perspective... Targon is the conservative choice, of course, but my inclination would be Enz. Let the ex-Imps get used to it. I hate to make this political, whatever that means."
Vorpatrick nods, "We're agreed then. I'll let Kytra know about the commendation after this convoy heist. I'm collapsing the squadrons into a slightly larger force. With my pilots in the brig, Blue and Red were depleted, so this will save any transition trouble." He pauses at the lift doors, since you've walked the corridors towards it. "Anything else you need from me, sir?"
"No, thank you, Major. Keep up the good work. Someone will let you know when the command meeting is." I suppose from here it's time to figure out how we're taking this convoy. Time for a chat with Lens, I think.
Lens gives a curt salute, then walks with you away from the others, "Heard about the slap fight between the pilots. That's a real shame. Vorpatrick has to be beside himself."
I nod. "He is a bit... frustrated, you could say. It's a shame. There are at least two bright spots, though. One is that Jojee jumped in on Dart's side of the fight, despite the fact that she's been acting more than a little threatened at having another drek-hot pilot around. Two is Dart herself. I noticed that none of the people she attacked have any injuries that would keep them from flying. And Dart could easily have hurt at least one or two that badly, from what I saw." I shrug. "Cold comfort, under the circumstances, but I'll take what comfort I can get."
Lens offers a smile, "I wouldn't worry. We just need to rustle this convoy to follow us to Aduba-3 where Admiral Akbar's fleet will be waiting. We can strip the ships down, move everything through that spaceport, and send the Imps back to the Core Worlds on a passenger vessel. Once that's done, the shares will be plenty, your crew will be happy for a bit, and you can spring those foolish pilots from the brig." She claps your shoulder in a good-natured gesture.
Aduba-3 is in the middle of nowhere. "Well, this will be interesting." I give Lens a grin. "We'll either have to come up with a plausible reason the Imps would want these supplies off in the hind-end of the galaxy, or convince the other ships to slave their hyperspace navigation to the Far Orbit."
"I like that second option, Captain Vos." Lens says brightly. "You've got the heart of a real pirate in you. Do you think any of your staff can cook up a good enough lie to feed a convoy of nervous merchants?"
My grin widens as I put on my best impression of Commander Seki. "Merchant vessels, this is the Imperial Frigate Far Orbit. The Empire requires that your supplies be delivered directly to the fleet, which is currently on operations. For this reason, we cannot disclose the coordinates to you directly. Please slave your navigation or astromechs to us, and we will make the jump together."
Lens claps like she's seen a star-studded performance at a Coruscani theater. "Bravo! Bravo!" She laughs her bawdy laugh and claps your shoulder again, "This prize is as good as ours, Vos."
I give her a little bow. "Glad you like it. Oh, hey I'd like to check in with Mikka and Squall about the sublight engines before I head up to start putting the pieces together." I pause. "Can I tell you a secret? I'm starting to really enjoy the whole delegating thing."
"Heh," Lens laughs a bit. "Don't let it go to your head. I hear they hand out commands like candy now. There's mention of promoting Han karking Solo." She grins, joking. "Once this is settled, the Roughnecks may have a few ops coming up. I'll be taking Mikka with me. He says Squall is really sharp. I'm sure you'll be fine."
I nod. "Mikka's got the right of it - Squall's really bright, though I wonder how ze would take to leadership. I'll be sad to see you go, Lens. Knew it was coming, though."
Hopefully this take will be enough to help with the supplies, and Mikka can rustle up those escape pods, but I'll need to start focusing on recruitment soon, especially with the Roughnecks gone.
Aw, Ladro, me, too!" Lens responds warmly as she squeezes your arm. "Don't you worry, though. I'm a damn tumbleweed. I'm sure me and the Roughnecks will come rolling in again soon enough. Banged up with fresh tales to tell." She muses on Squall, says, "I think ze can lead a team of engineers well enough. Keep it about the work. Might be worked over a bit until ze learns to say no. But I know ze would never let you fail."
When you head back to the engineers, Squall's standing up. Ze sees you and waves excitedly.
"Captain! Captain! I have the best news of the day!" Squall chirps, zir eyes alight.
I smile. "Let me guess. You found fifty credits in the pocket of your coveralls that you forgot you had?"
Ze scrambles up out of the engine, then runs a couple steps towards you. Mikka and a couple engineers nearby jump back, but ze bounds up to jump into your arms, hugging you hard. Ze kisses your cheek, speaking in your ear, "I'm getting married!"
That was unexpected. Not worrying about propriety or rank, or the eyes around us, I return Squall's kiss, then gently set zir down. "Squally, that's zeng!" I am so relieved to hear that Amarath got her knickers untwisted, even if it seems like she may have gone to extremes.
"I hope I get an invitation, Squall." I give her a stern look, but I can't help but share the joy.
Squall ignores the stern look and hugs you again, squeezing tight, then rocks back to look up at you, "Invited?!?! You're going to officiate, Ladro!" Ze grins. "Oh... and it's Amy. In case you were wondering."
"I was making the assumption that it was Amarath, yes. And I suppose I'm qualified to officiate at a wedding now. General, am I qualified to officiate at a wedding?" I look to Lens. The smile on my face may not be professional, but it's genuine.
"Aw hell, Captain Vos." Lens calls back. She's walked over to stand by Mikka, watching this while her husband puts an arm around her. "You could've married those two while flying the Margin. As long as you're in space. It's custom."
"See?" Squall says with a giggle, then she hugs you again. "And best part is I get to wear my tiara!"
"I will be honored to officiate, Squall." Under my breath, I ask, "Is there actually a tiara, or should I arrange for one?" I'm sure I can get my hands on a tiara, if I need to. I'm the Captain of a frigate, right? I have resources.
Squall's mouth quirks a tiny frown, "Well... no. Not an actualy physical tiara. Could you really get one? On an Imperial ship?"
Still under my breath, "I'll do my best, Squally. How soon is this supposed to happen? A wedding needs some time to plan." I may be sublimating my earlier "no" from Ahji Dar, and I may be channeling mama, but if there's going to be a wedding, there's going to be a WEDDING.
"Well, we haven't exactly set a date," Squall admits with an odd little shrug. "Soon?"
"What sort of ceremony do you want? Rattataki, Kiffar, something new and different?" I know this is a distraction, but I can't help myself, really.
Squall pauses, stymied by the questions, "New and different, but some Kiffar touches. I'm not... not super interested in Rattataki customs since I don't want to hit her."
I grin. I suspect that I've been waiting to plan a wedding for as long as I've been away from Kiffu. The first time, that is. "No hitting. Okay. I'll work on a tiara." Unfortunately, business does intrude. "So, about the engines?"