August and
Riding back from Lucky 38 missed the Tax Patrol, but you passed by a trio of overturned vehicles, burning tires billowing smoke to the dark skies. Spray painted on the side of the wrecked can was simply:
TAX DODJERSNo bodies visible, so they were either hauled off to be sold as slaves or locked inside the cars and burned to death with no escape.

The Arrows pulled into Pike's Place after you dropped off the cards, dice and chips at the Yacht Club. Valentine was out.
August, did you leave the stuff with Uni or Cigarette Girl? You parked bikes at Yellowhouse and headed into market on foot.Belka's taking Sounder to the local stitchman, just to make sure she'll be alright. Zeus is staying at Yellowhouse, wants to put some liniment on her knees. Hachiko is sticking around with her. The rest of the Arrows are with you. Several of the Arrows are looking to trade off stuff they picked up while moving around. Ace and Tin-Girl are looking for bullets and gear.
How are you known at Pike, Dog? Do they give you and the Arrows any trouble since you're all SafeCo security?
August, you tell tales around here, right? How long has it been since you gave a show? What was the most exciting tale you spun then?
I leave the loot with Uni -- he's always struck me as reliable and I think he set up the whole run with SeaTac in the first place.
I have a side hustle at Grindhouse, a little ways off the main arcade. Queen Anne runs the spot right now, although I don't think he's been on the scene much longer than I have. It's a rundown theatre, trashed then fixed up then re-trashed. Main stage with lots of questionable red velvet. Bunch of back rooms with weird freakshow-peepshow-arthaus affairs.
Main stage is my thing, but I guess you'd know that already. Anne has a whole room full of costumes he's made -- when I perform at the end of the night, after all the firedancers and the balloon shows and the vaudeville, I throw on whatever his latest creation is, dim the lights, and I tell a story. The first night I performed there: Before the waters, before the breaking, before the now, there was a woman with two faces exiled from her home. That was the night I first met Millions, let him take me on that midnight tour of the arcade.
It's been weeks. I should visit Queen Anne soon.
I at least know what writing looks like, so I had Rainey tell me what the words meant on the carcass of those ex-cars. It turned out to be really soaking plain to see. Kinda mad we lost our chance to wet some of those muckdrinkers.
The Arrows spend and trade in Pike's as much as we do in SafeCo. We get some splashback from Pikes people sometimes, but we'd work their border too if they'd pay us. I think I've made it clear-water to Millions that I don't care much about one hold over the other. I care about not getting messed with, having places to relax.
Well, Bon is in SafeCo, so that does make it more important. Plus Valentine is neat and August likes working with zir.
I motion Chance and Rainey closer to me and sign out ::Let me know if you see anyone selling fish, or anyone from the shores proper.::
August and Dog,
::Sure sure, Dog.:: Chance says, eyes darting between you and August, ::Maybe August and me swing by the dockmarket? It's near Anne's.:: She gives you a tiny grin, August, like she read your mind. What's her thing with Queen Anne?
Rainey gives a nod, too. She peers at you, ::You alright, Dog? Look funny. Cujo still making you mad?::
::Sure Chance.:: Sounds legit.
I straighten up and blink at Rainey's question. Do I feel funny? ::No, Cujo is good with me. Maybe I forgot to eat?::
Rainey nods, then throws an arm around your neck, "Yeah. C'mon, Dog. Let's get something to eat. Not fish." She'll lead you off to the noodle shop, her favorite place in Pike's.
The noodle shop isn't far, you can see the neon sign over the door, now dark, even from here. You enter the shop and a bell rings, loud in the empty space. The inside of the shop is dimly lit from the late afternoon sun streaming though small windows high on one wall. There are four tables, enough for folks to eat here if they like. A pair of grubby young men watch you and Rainey walk in, hungry eyes.
There are sounds of activity in the kitchen, which spill into the room as the woman called Kites comes out to take orders. Rainey sits at the nearest table, her back to the window.
Kites smiles when she sees you, comes up to offer a hug. Are you a hugger?" "Dog! Rainey! I know what you want, Rainey. What about you, Dog?"
What do you do?
I tell August I'm going and that I'll bring her something back.
I'm gonna sit so I can look out the window and keep an eye on the young men and Rainey's back.
But first I'ma hug Kites. She makes noodles I like, and Rainey likes, and I know who she is. I don't touch strangers, not in nice ways.
"I'll take whatever as long as it's noodles." It smells good in here. "How's the work?"
Kites gives warm hugs. Mom hugs. Laika gives them, too, but Kites are better. She does this hug, then a second hug, and the second one is warm and inviting, breaks down that personal bubble, and long enough to wear you down into it. When she pulls back, she does the same for Rainey. When you're done, the guys are watching with surprise, like maybe they never seen something like this.
"I'll throw some hot sauce on, remind you you're alive." Kites says as she starts back for the kitchen. "Work's fine. Problems with the boy, but he's a boy."
"He is. Can't be helped. They're only good for one thing." Rainey quips as she looks right at both of the young men, a cold stare, no expression as she sits down. They seem nervous, but there's a buddy thing going on between them, and they're young, maybe teens. They don't leave.
Aw, I like warm hugs. I settle in just a bit before giving Kites up to Rainey.
Hot sauce! I light up. Some of the only red stuff I'll put in my face. That stuff's always good to barter.
"Boys grow up." Or they don't. I meet a lot of folks with grown up bodies but they got no grown up thoughts. They live in a tiny world that is them. It's sad.
I snort a little and grin at Rainey, show my teeth. Friendly to her, not so much to others.
I smirk. What isn't Chance's thing with Anne? She would scrog him in half a second if he was up for it. He ain't, but that doesn't put her off too bad. Anne loves only a few things more than himself, but one of those is playing dress-up with human dolls and Chance is more than willing to oblige.
So, "Sure thing," I say to Chance when she asks.
And I'm not saying I'm not hoping to get a new jacket out of the whole thing too.
"Just don't forget about last time," I say, clearly teasing, despite the mild tone.
Grindhouse is pretty rough sometimes. Queen Anne might have the box office locked down, and the peepshows are secure, but the seating arrangements aren't always civil. Last time we visited, Chance earned herself a black eye after shooting a dude in the foot because he kicked her chair too many times.
"You think Anne has any more lace?" Chance says as she strolls along the cobblestone alley with you. She loops an arm in yours, "I could go for something lace."
As you pass through a bit of the open air market, a trip of ragamuffin kids see you and point, then start coming up to you, asking for stories or songs. "Stories and songs! Stories and songs, Auggie Boo!"
What do you do?
Kites heads back to work on the noodles. The teenage boys whisper to each other, egging each other on. Finally, the one with the twice-broken nose says loudly to you, "I know what we're good for." He waggles his brows and opens his mouth, pretending to take a bite of something.
Rainey pulls her revolver out and puts it on the table, "Target practice. Right, Dog?"
I laugh. "Right. You boys wanna play, do it outside. This is where Kites makes noodles. Be a shame if we were steppin' on her toes, giving someone something to chew on." I mug at the revolver. "Like bullets."
I stop short, not relinquishing Chance's arm. Make a sound of disbelief. I look at their dirty little faces to see if I recognize any of them.
Voice cold. "You know you don't get stories or songs unless you give me something. I'll give you a verse for every secret you tell me."
I hold up a finger on my free hand. "One verse per good secret. Nothing I already know."
If they got nothing to say, neither do I.
A squint-eyed girl of maybe six screams out, "Oh! Oh! Goody Barsowe sold off her youngest to the slavers!"
"It doesn't rain in the forest!" a barefooted boy volunteers. "The leaves stop all the blood like a om-brillo!"
"Gates people took on a slaver!" a snot-nosed girl says while wiping her nose on the sleeve of her dress.
"That's three!" the squint-eyed girl calls triumphantly.
Chance hangs back, laughing at the children and how you hold court with them.
What do you do?
"It is," I say, almost reluctantly, then clear my throat.
I stomp my foot rhythmically, a bass drum heart beat. Then clap my hands on my forearms until they start mimicking the rhythm. Doesn't need to be perfect. I just want them to remember it, and sing it all through Pikes.
"Harbormaster, Harbormaster, running from the rain,
Wants to build up his kingdom again,
Lost it to the red wine seas, lost it to his pride,
Now he's gonna lose his keys to my bloody Valentine.
'Red rolling over me, red rolling over me,' he say,
'Whatchu gonna do when the it come out of the sea?' we say,
'Red rolling over me, red rolling me me,' he say
'Don't matter 'cause Arrows fly no matter where you flee,' we say.
Harbormaster, Harbormaster, what's that on your shoe?
There's a bullet --"
I cut off abruptly. "Actually... I knew about the forest already. I used to live there. You'll have to give me something else good if you want to hear the end."
The gun, coupled with your threat, get them to back off for a bit. Kites brings out two bowls of noodles, yours a bright red of hot sauce and peppers. It's enough to make your nose run a little, Dog. Rainey digs in with relish, chomping on noodles and slurping them up. She slaps down some Safecoins
Kites hands over some Yellowhouse brew to you both, and turns on a radio that plays this song.
Rainey bobs her head for a bit, then asks, "Dog, you plan on riding for as long as Zeus? Or do you have an exit strategy? Like.. what's old Dog doing?" She puts her spoon down and nurses her beer, waiting for your answer.
It burns! I like it! The part of me that's always in a fight would put this in someone's eyes. Oh it's tasty, though, what a waste that would be. I make short work of the noodles. "Kites them noodles are so good!"
The drink makes it burn a bit again like it did when I first bit down. I like that, too. Kinda makes my face numb, in the good way. I rub my old scar, the big one. Blow my nose on a hanky.
"Rainey, I got no new tricks in me. I'm dying an Arrow, 'cause that's the rest of my life." I look at her, see how she feels about it if I can. "I know what I'm good for, Rainey. I got so much more future than I used to, I'm not asking for more."
Such a weird question. 'What's old Dog doing?' "What about you, Rainey? You're always learning new tricks. Real smart."
The children are strung along on your words like candy, drinking deep of all the rhyme and playfulness, missing much of the meaning, but adoring it all the while. Until the very last...
Well, until you stop and demand more secrets.
"Moist!"the bare-footed boy curses. He looks to his compatriots, "I didn't know!" Stomps his feet in consternation.
A silence falls over them as they ponder for a few moments, eager to continue the story. Snot-nosed girl calls out, "12man takes good from Tax Patrol! I seen him tradin' late late inna dark! Finish the soaking story!!!" Chance's eyes widen at that reveal.
Rainey reaches over to put her hand over yours when you declare that you'll die an Arrow. It's camaraderie, understanding, maybe a tiny bit of resignation? When you ask about her thoughts on the future, "I dunno. It'd be nice to raise some little ones, you know? I see how Laika had it with Joey, looked like good trouble." She squints a little as she looks at you across the table, "You wanna be my Godmother? I mean, if I get knocked up and all."
I raise an eyebrow at Chance, start the rhythm back up and finish the rhyme:
"Harbormaster, Harbormaster, what's that on your shoe?
There's a bullet hole you got, and soon yer gonna have two.
Gonna shootcha with Dog's gun, then gonna shootcha with mine,
Can't run with no toes, 'cause you got no time."
Sing the last verse twice, to make up for the break, and make sure they remember it. Then I flick a safecoin, copper and shiny, up in the air all glittery -- they'll scramble for it instead of following me. I nod to Chance -- time to see Anne.
"Heheh, yeah! Any kids you get, I'll do that for you." I smile and give her hand a clasp. I hear it, too, the half-said part where maybe she leaves the gang to do it. I take a drink of my brew, look out into the air. It's been real good, having Joey around.
It's a hard pick, 'cause the gang lives risky but we stick together; if she stays she'll have support always but who knows if we get in a big brawl who'll live. If she leaves she'll need some kind of gig she can work to pay for all the stuff, but probably nobody's gonna call on her to shoot at people who're shootin' at her. Laika's got solid steel nerves.
"What sort of gig would you do, if you were done ridin'?" She can't have not thought about it. I look down across my brew at her, curious.
Rainey pauses for a moment before answering. She has thought of this. "I was thinking Yacht Club would be a good place to work, if I needed to quit riding. I know you're in good with Valentine. As good as anybody. Plus, the Arrows make it safe for folks to come that way. I could keep an eye on Hope, too."
I was gonna ask Rainey to at least wait till HM was done and dealt with but this could work out. Flood, though. I give her a long look. Wonder if she's already knocked up.
"That could do. Ace would feel good, knowin' you were there for Hope." I finish my brew, lick the taste of it off my lips.
"It's gonna be bloody hard, runnin' this show without you, Rainey."
She chuckles, then playfully punches your arm, "Hey now, don't act like I'm already gone! I was just talking, Dog. Just talking." She finishes her brew, drops a few coins, then pushes herself away from the table. "Want to check on weird fish?"
I brighten up. She's right, it ain't happened yet. "You talk an awful lot, Rainey."
I duck into the kitchen to beg an order in a little white box, but by beg I mean I pay for it. "Let's see what we can see. Hey Kites, any new folk in Pikes dealing food lately?" I twirl the box from its wire on one finger, then catch it when it's getting out of hand.
Kites stands at her wok, stirring some noodles as she answers you, "New folks? Oh Dog, I don't truck with all the market politics. I pay Millions so I can sell my noodles. Why do you ask? My noodles not good enough for you?" She gives a little narrow-eyed look at you and Rainey, wary.
Rainey puts up a hand, "No, flood no, Kites. We saw something soaked the other day, thought maybe some bad food got out. We know it isn't yours, we just ate it, right? We know you've been around for a while, thought you might know what's the what."
She pulls the big ladle-spoon out and sets it on a table, shakes her head, "I'm sorry, Rainey, sorry, Dog. I've been all mixed up with my boy WotCee. He wants to avenge his dad. Stupid boy.... won't bring him back." She deflates a little at the end. Rainey looks over at you like she just stepped in a big pile of dung and doesn't know how to GTFO.
What do you do?
"Your noodles the best, Kites." I agree with Rainey's talk and nod.
Then when Kites deflate I put a hand on her shoulder. "He ought to be careful for you. If I see him being dumb I'll make him stop."
"Thanks, Dog. I tried telling him what's what, but he wants to go the way of the gun." She sneaks a look up from her pot at you both, "That way you'd know better than me. Anyhow, I'm sure you oughta get on. If I hear anything, I'll let you know."
I assume you go. Those teens watch you leave. One of them whistles at you both as the bell dings the door opening.
"Target practice." is Rainey's reply as she continues on.
What do you do?
The whistle. I hate whistling. Arf, arf; whistle, whistle; Dog, Dog.
I step over to their table and slap a hand on it, loud and heavy. If they're dumb they look at it, or my snarling face. I grab the whistler by the ear with my free hand and stand him up by pulling steady-like. "You laughin' at me, boy? Think I'm some funny girl? I ain't for play-play, soakhead." The sooner he tells me I ain't funny the sooner I let go.
The two of them, these two punks. They probably work for Millions or watch a shop or something. They aren't carrying, and they aren't hard. But they are not completely stupid, either. The bigger one is maybe pushing eighteen, his smaller friend is probably a yer younger. The older one, half a head taller than his buddy, about as tall as you, he looks at your hand, shakes his head, cowed.
But the younger one, olive skinned, left eye yellowed from a black eye that hasn't fully healed, he sees his friend show his throat, and he wants to show him up. "I think you're funny. I'd play with you. Put a bag over your head, and you're somethin." He sucks his teeth.
His buddy, the older one, he flinches, because he knows what's coming. Rainey is behind you, you hear the sound of her leathers, she's probably drawing on him if you want.
What do you do?
"You don't know what I am." I help flatten his nose some by way of the table and motion for Rainey to open the door, tighten my grip. This boy is coming out onto the street with me. How's he gonna try to break my grip? He willing to lose an ear for it? Prob'ly not.
I am going to teach this punk some things about respect, and some things about me.
You slam his head against the table and his buddy jumps back, hands up, he is out of this. It doesn't knock out the smaller kid, bloodies him and stuns him. He stumbles as you pull him by his hair outside. Rainey follows.
The bigger teen just stands there, hands up, staring at the puddle of blood his buddy left on the table like a tip.
Once you're in the street, you see a few folks from Pikes watching. Nobody's going to stop you, not likely. But they're there, and watching. Woman with a stroller, no kid. Scraggly bearded guy at a push cart selling clams and carrots. Young girl salt cleaning some clothes in a bucket.
What do you do?
I swing him away from me by his hair, let him slip away and flick what's pulled off of his scalp from my hand. Blood under my nails. I watch him get his balance back.
"So! I'm yer toy now, how ya gonna play with me?!" I spread my arms wide. "Hard, huh? Fast, yah? Gonna ball me?"
I toss off my jacket, leavin' nothin' on my arms and shoulders. More bite scars and tight muscle on them, and I got lots of freckles and moles, some of them stand out more next to my scars, which don't take color. The point of an arrow peeks out on my breastbone, near the collar of my shirt.
I remember a few years ago, before Nana and the Arrows, my pitmaster Quintus telling me I looked like a young woman, that I could pass in the world like a real human. It wasn't his favorite kind of talk. Second favorite. When you say one thing and it means three things. I hated talking with him, maybe he knew. It always made my thoughts feel like oil, like they'd slip away from me.
His favorite talk was saying how things were the opposite of what you saw.
"That'd be the worst," is what I told him. Wrapped up my hands and wrists. Went out to meet whatever and whoever I had to take to pieces that day. I remember it, it was a busy day.
What are you hoping to get here, make him run away? Apologize? Or do you just want to beat on him?
I'm hoping he'll apologize. Taste some shame. If he runs I'll laugh and heckle him, if he comes at me sloppy I'll trip him up. Show him he can't touch on me like I can touch on him.
Let's see you Go Aggro here.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 3. Total: 6)
Marking XP (At 2)
The kid's eyes widen when you close in and he sees all those scars, knows you're one tough lady. He tries to fight you, but you're quick, and hard. He's neither, just mouthy. He gets in a lucky punch, but you don't even feel it.
You throw two more back, feel the snap of something as you connect with his jaw. He goes down hard when his legs turn to jelly and you're on his chest, quick as a cat, whatever that is, and rain down some bloody hell on him. He throws hands up, trying to cover his face.
That's when you hear the shrill whistle. First one sounds like this rotter's whistle earlier. Second one is clearer, though, it's a mechanical one.
"Dog!"" you feel Rainey tug at your shoulder once, then let go. "Millie's Boys! They're coming!" Million's security, they're coming fast. Maybe somebody called them?
You taste blood, yours. Just a hint. The kid's down, blubbering and beat, but he didn't give, didn't run. And Millie's Boys will not take kindly to soft talk in front of a stall that pays.
What do you do?
I blink at Rainey. Why are my knuckles wet? What did I just do? Aw, I remember what I just did. Aw, muck and thunder. I snap to my feet and grab my jacket back up.
Just two of us, I don't like the odds that they'll do anything other than draw and ride down on Rainey an' me. Back to the bikes and the Arrows. Got to bail and draw around. I stick with Rainey as we bolt, eyes front.
How did I take too mad without feeling it? Blood and flood.
I'd like to see Dog Act Under Fire to cut and run without incident.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 2. Total: 9)
Choose two events which happen during your escape:
- you take 1-Harm AP during the escape
- you are separated from Rainey and she doesn't make it back to meet up with the Arrows later
- Millie's Boys know it was the Arrows that did this and ran
- the teen "dies from injuries sustained"
I'll take the harm and the kid dies. How did I take hurt, hoss?
You end up back at Yellowhouse, A half dozen Arrows including Zeus and Hachiko are there, several with good buzzes and surprised to see you and Rainey sweating and worn. At one point on your way here, you ran right through a glass window to get away from a trio of thugs hot on your heels. You could have taken them down, sure, but they would have slowed you until the other dozen behind them caught up. A long shard of glass jammed into your side. You think it might still be in there, maybe?
A runner comes up, a barefoot girl in a grimy sundress. "I NEED DOG!" She calls in a sing-song voice. Zeus looks down from the balcony at you and the girl takes that as confirmation, "August and Chance are at Grindhouse! They're spending the night!" She pauses, then adds, "They both look really pretty." She waits, blinking up at you.
What do you do?
I didn't pull out the glass so yeah it's prob'ly still in there. My hip under the wound is blood-slippery still, not blood-sticky yet. I listen and get the air back in my lungs, let my throat cool while the girl yells the news. What a voice.
A couple heartbeats pass when she's done. "Thank you." I look at the girl's feet, then shout up to the balcony. "Anybody got a little pair'a shoes? And food!" I wave her on to the gang, who should give her something worth a little more than a run and yell.
Both looking really pretty. I want to see that. August doing her thing might cheer me some, her beautiful face and body of good form, an...advocate for beauty. She's talked to me about the things Queen Anne makes for her but I haven't seen any, and I want to. I'll hear her speak with one of her voices that's all decision and direction. I'll watch her plan herself out to be the woman people remember the best.
Why don't you roll f'in thieves to see what they have for little Squirt.
This is Squirt by the way:
Belka comes rushing down the stairs from Yellowhouse balcony when she sees the blood on you. "The hell, Dog? You need to talk to Chance about gettin' the hell out of the way of things." She drops to one knee, peering at the shard of glass. "Moist, that's in deep. We need to get it out, girl. You want to go find Bon or can I pull it?"
The girls rummage in their packs, marking XP (at 3) aaaand; (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 10)
"Pull it. Bon can look at it later if it gives me fuss." Better I go through the glass than Rainey, or we take a different way around and lose each other.
I ready myself for Belka's doctoring. I'm good at taking doctoring, which is probably why I'm alive today. Part of it, at least.
Laika finds an old pair of sneakers Joey wore, hands that over to Squirt. Hachiko hands over the can of beans she was nibbling on. Squirt digs in after putting on shoes.
Belka gets a rag off Zeus, who throws it down while watching you and Belka. Rainey is near, nervous for you. Belka says, "Squeeze Rainey's hand or something. I gotta pull it, then push this against your side so you'll clot. It's gonna hurt, then hurt some more. Alright?"
I nod to Belka and take Rainey's hand in one of mine, a railing in the other. Clench my jaw and wait for it.
Belka puts on her leather riding gloves, then pulls up your shirt a bit more, holding it in place, the rag in her left hand. She hovers over the shard, then looks to Rainey, "Distract Dog! I don't need her flinching..."
Rainey looks around, like some pinwheel or something might be right by her. Then she grabs your head and pulls you over a little, leaning in to kiss you. It's sudden, and she's leading with tongue, sort of lips and tongue and hands on the sides of your face.
"I meant with like beer or something." Belka mutters as she slips the glass out of you, then presses the rag against your side.
Did you feel the glass come out?
Rainey doesn't know it's over, because she's still kissing you.
What do you do?
All warmed up on thoughts of August, the kiss is a welcome shock. I hold back and freeze, though, keep my tongue by.
I feel the glass but it's like when I'm hurt in a dream, just pressure and warmth.
I turn my face aside as the rag forces a groan out of me. Don't want to close down on Rainey. Then I pant out a smile. "Rainey knows I don't like beer that much."
Rainey steps back, wiping at her mouth with the heel of her hand, "Yeah, Belka. I knew about the beer. It's common knowledge." She gets over the odd moment my looking at the now reddening rag at your side, "Should we cauterize?"
"No." Belka snaps. "It'll clot if Dog don't run around. Burnin' just messes you up. Dog's got enough scars."
You mentioned seeing August, right? In your head at least. Well, the Arrows go where you go, so let's get you over there!
Please go here.