Your big brother makes a face at that. For a second, it seems like maybe it's a face of disgust, you know? Like you saw from mama. But then it's clear, like a sun poking its head between clouds, it's an expression of dismay. Like he was hoping not to hear that. Maybe he was pulling for you, for both of you. "That's... that's too bad, Ladro. I think she's missing a real prize, bro. But maybe it will work out, you know? Love... finds a way, right? Have to believe that. If you don't, well, might as well give up."
He taps your desk again, definitely leaving this time. "We Vos may be many things, not all of them good. But we're definitely not quitters." He pauses as the door opens, "Oh hey, you should check in with Farla soon." He gives a goodbye nod and heads out.
Well, the next thing on the list is to visit Ahji Dar and see what she might want to put... on the list. The shopping list for Cemma. If I tell the truth, though, even without that conversation with Darkal, I haven't given up. I can be patient. I'll just let our lives entwine together as much as they can, given the circumstances.
"Kotenok... I wonder, what luxuries might you wish for? I would bring them to you like a treat hidden in the jaws of your Tom."
Ahji Dar is busy with a workout routine, using her bo staff in training in the wide open cargo space that she normally uses for running weapons and contraband. She whips the staff about with quick, darting movements as she moves in circles and lines across the deck. "I want a lovely dress. For the wedding, my Tom. I do not want your jaws on my dress... until after the ceremony." She flashes a grin. "Your engineer asked me to the wedding. I understand you are officiating, or I would ask you to accompany me as an escort."
I recover quickly once I realize which wedding she's talking about. "The duties of command keeping me away from the most beautiful being at the celebration. I'll make sure we get a dance afterwards, though. And I promise to keep my jaws off... until after. Any particular colors you favor?" If she pauses in her bo work, I'll move in for a quick kiss.
She doesn't pause, keeping you at bay, focused on her efforts like she's keeping stagnation away. "Oranges and browns, please. Hints of yellow, for my eyes." She turns the last swipe into an extension of her body, and gently pushes the tip of the bo staff into your shoulder playfully. "What will you be wearing, as the captain and official who join them?" She beckons you forward finally.
I move in, keeping my situational awareness up in case my kitten decides to continue her training with a live subject. "I will be in my new Alliance dress uniform. Would you like to shine my shoes for me?" Assuming I haven't been attacked by five feet of wooden staff, I will collect my kiss.
The shoe shining doesn't earn a bo staff strike, but it does delay the kiss. Ahji Dar ducks out of the way, spinning into a small cartwheel, one-handed to keep the staff held out. She flips a couple times until she ends up standing ten feet away. "I can provide the spit for your shine. The rest is up to you, captain."
I step to the side to grab the second bo from its rack. "Perhaps we should make this interesting, kotenok?" I raise an eyebrow. All this time in meetings and behind desks, I'm getting a bit rusty, myself. I swing the staff in a slow figure-eight pattern.
"A wager would make it interesting." Ahji Dar replies as she spins the bo in front of her like a wind-up clock gone mad, sending the stick end over end blindingly fast. "What do you offer if I beat you, my Tom?"
She smiles a predatory smile, "What tribute... do you offer?"
I'm fairly certain that I'm going to lose this bout, but I smile back regardless. "I've already defined your forfeit, kitten. It's only right that you name mine."
With a shift of her hands, she brings the staff high, then strikes down to the deck, cracking it and sending a frightening sound to the deck. She looks up, "Oh? What have to decided would be my fate if I fall to you? Tell me... it will help me decide upon your price."
"Should you fall, you will shine my shoes, press my uniform, and take on whatever other domestic chores I need to prepare for the wedding." I pause. "And cook me breakfast with your own hands on the day of."
Ahji Dar's mouth opens slightly in surprise. She isn't offended, but she is shocked at the audacity of your demand. "You wish the terror of the Raxus system, the mistress of the Woenid Nexus, with seventy-two confirmed TIE fighters destroyed, the most infamous blockade runner in the galaxy... to be your common servant? For even a single day?"
Her eyes flash and a wicked grin spreads as she gets a terrible idea. "When you lose, Ladro. When you lose, you will sing to me. You will sing me a love song, sweet and beautiful. You will sing it over the entire comms of the Far Orbit and all. ALL will know you are mine. You will be marked in their minds as mine, as I, of course, will be marked as yours. That... that is what you must do when I beat you with this stick until you give up." She pauses enough to let it sink in, then dances back into a ready stance, the bo perfectly balanced along the backs of her trim shoulders.
Kriff me. She doesn't play for low stakes, but she wouldn't be Ahji Dar if she did, would she?
I tally my few advantages as I take a few more swings to get the weight and balance in my muscles. Height, weight. power and reach, all negated to some extent by the nature of the bo. Ahji has speed, agility, and a clear superiority in the use of the weapon. Also, a long genetic and cultural tradition of being a predator. I will have to strike hard, and be prepared to take some bruises.
I move into a ready position, as well, and give her a quick, respectful bow, then move in fast, just to the limit of my reach and the length of the staff. I strike with a long, extended jab, aiming the tip at her solar plexus.
Let's see you Act Under Pressure here on an extended conflict between you and Ahji Dar. You need to win "best of three",
If you roll a 10+, you overpower her and win the exchange, plus take a +1 Foreward. On a 7-9, the two of you are an even match. I'll describe a move for her, you describe a movefor you, and the fight escalates and continues., but you get a +1 Forward.
If you miss, she uses your power against you, wins the exchange, and you take a -1 Forward on the next roll.
You won the first exchange, Ladro, moving hard and fast. Ahji Dar skips away, but not until after you overpower her defenses, rap the knuckles on her left hand, and catch her in the leg with a solid blow. She's limping slightly, but nowhere near to giving up.
"I did not account for such a barbaric move, my Tom." Ahji Dar remarks crisply. "I will adjust now. You fight like a Gammorrean. heh."
I shrug. "I am a barbarian, my dear, but I like to think I'm a bit prettier than a Gamorrean." I twirl the staff one-handed, then bring it back into a proper grip and circle, making the occasional feint to keep her balance off-center and waiting for her to commit to an attack.
Ahji Dar blocks the blow with a flick of her staff, ducking under to whirl around for a strike to your mid-section, which you scramble to evade. The pair of you separate, the Cathari watching you with a serious demeanor. Her quick eyes dart from your stance, to your staff, to your eyes.
After several quiet moments, she stands up straight, lowers her bo staff, and inclines her head in a bow.
"I concede to you, my Tom." Ahji Dar says in a calm tone, not hiding her admiration now. "I will serve you for that day, as you requested.... as you demanded." She looks back up at you, a slow smirk on her face, "You are better at the staff than I anticipated."
"It is simply that I am fresh, while you are tired from having already trained today, kotenok. And now, even though it wasn't part of the wager, may I have a kiss?"
She drops the bo staff to the deck, it clatters oddly, no longer the wonderful tool in her hands. Ahji Dar bounds forward and jumps into your arms, gently nibbling your lower lip, then slipping her tongue into your mouth while her claws scratch your scalp ever so slightly. She pulls back after a moment, "You may have more than that, if your crew will allow it."
I believe I have set enough tasks for others that I may be undisturbed for a bit. "My comms have to stay on, lyubovnik, but I do hope I've planned well enough to manage some time for us." I give her my best roguish grin.
She kisses that grin off your face, her body rubbing against you in sensual ways she knows you enjoy. "I will take all the time you have managed, Ladro. I crave it."
I carry her through the ship to her quarters, pausing occasionally to kiss or tease, then gently set her on the bed. The quick bout has my adrenaline up, but I'm not in the mood for dominance games. I undress and join her, seeking the comfort of body against body, a bulwark against the constant need to be sharp and on point when I'm not here, with my kitten.
The lovemaking is gentle, she responds to your need for touch, for warmth and devotion. There are many kisses and caresses, it is perhaps the least competitive thing you've shared in a very long time.
Afterwards, she's pulled you onto her chest, her claws idly scratching at your neck and back. She says softly, "I would... I would like some day to take a tour of the ship with you." Her tone is a practiced casual, but there's a hint of something there, the request, the gentle delivery.
I kick myself mentally for not having offered previously. "Kotenok, it would be my honor to introduce you to the Far Orbit and her crew. Would you like to join me for dinner tonight, and then take the tour afterwards?"
She kisses the top of your head and you hear the smile in her voice, "This sounds delightful, my Tom. It is almost as good as a serenade." She snuggles in with you, obviously thrilled.
I savor the cuddle, but my mind is already at work on a list of who should join us at my table tonight. Seki and Panaka, of course; Hosk, to represent history; Vorpatrick and the new squad leader, Kytra Enz; and my most recently commissioned officer, Napvansa Tadavv. I'll request their presence soon.
Something else occurs to me. "How do you feel about 'consort'? I can't invite people to have dinner with my 'Kitten,' and I refuse to call you my 'girlfriend'. 'Partner' seems a little detached..."
Ahji Dar purrs for a moment, something rare indeed. "It is dangerously close to wife... but I shall allow it. And yes, I am only your kitten when we are alone. This shall do. Of course, I will call you Captain Vos." She reaches for your chin to pull your face up so she can bend down to kiss you.
I return the kiss happily, but I think I have a better idea than "consort." "Do you mind if I take care of the invitations now?" Assuming she doesn't object, I will reach for my datapad and type out the following.
Captain Ladro Vos of the Far Orbit and Captain Ahji Dar of the Woenid Nexus request your presence for dinner in the Officer's Mess at 1930 hours ship's time. Uniforms strongly discouraged, but conversation is welcome.
I show the message to Ahji Dar. "What do you think of that?"
She reads it, considers it, then asks, "Are you not worried this might cause you to lose face in front of the crew?" She likes it, you can tell. But she's hesitant to cause you trouble, so new in your leadership of this crew.
I give her a half-smile. "My dear, my crew is composed mostly of hide-bound Imperials used to back-biting and subterfuge as the path to advancement; secondly of Rebels, who one may presume are motivated at least somewhat by passion and willing to question anyone who doesn't seem to be keeping the faith; and tertiarily of pirates and criminals and ne'er-do-wells looking for a profit, but maybe hoping for a crew that's worth belonging to, or even a cause that's worth believing in." I look her in the eye. "All I can do is be my best self, and you and I as equals is my best self. We'll neither of us address each other as Captain tonight, but Ladro and Ahji. At least during the dinner. The tour, we should probably be a bit more formal."
"Respect here will not be given, or even earned. It must be taken. And to do that, I must act on my own terms."
Ahji Dar reaches with both hands to cup your cheeks, looking deep into your eyes with her yellow ones as she smiles, "Ladro Vos, do you know how much I adore you? Especially when you speak this way. This crew, they had better obey you. They need a captain like you." She leans in to kiss your forehead, gently.
After she breaks the kiss, she slips away from you and rises from her bed, "Come, lyubovnik. Send your message, then follow me. We will wash each other and prepare for our dinner." She prances towards the shower, twitching her trim behind as she does, looking over her shoulder at you with a seductive smile.
I add the recipients to the message and send it. I can almost hear the gaming cubes rolling in their cup, but I'm not worried. I am the right being to lead this crew, and Ahji Dar is a significant part of the reason for that. Fortune favors the bold, as they say, and my kitten's sharp teeth have taught me something about boldness.
I set the datapad aside and follow her to the shower with a smile and a tingle of anticipation.
With a well appointed Ahji Dar on your arm, you enter the officer's dining room to find that your guests have all arrived. The other tables have a number of ex-Imperial officers from all over the ship, it's a bit busier than normal. Evidently word got out of a formal dinner, and the ex-Imps decided it might be worth a watching. Everyone stands as you enter, looking at you. You catch quite a few surprised looks from the staff who don't know you well. Panaka's mouth is slightly agape. Even Vorpatrick arches a brow, just so slightly. Hosk grins, enjoying the theater of your entrance.
I knew this would cause a stir, even counted on it. I'm in my best civvies, rogue-formal. Black jerba-leather pants and a pure-white shirt made from lashaa silk. No insignia. I'm letting my facial markings speak for me. I wave a hand. "Please, sit... sit. May I introduce the terror of the Raxus system, the mistress of the Woenid Nexus, with seventy-two confirmed TIE fighters destroyed, the most infamous blockade runner in the galaxy, and the love of my life, much to her chagrin, Captain Ahji Dar." I give a wicked grin. "And that is the last time we shall use ranks or titles during this dinner."
I hold out the chair for Ahji, then take a seat myself once she does.
Kytra and Napvansa are seated next to each other, and from their body language, the two seem to get along well. Vorpatrick is dressed for a relaxed atmosphere, but his eyes are constantly scanning the crowd.
Seki seems very relaxed in his suit, which is expensive and fashionable. He stands as you take a seat and raises his glass, "To Ladro Vos and Ahji Dar, two gentlebeings without whom we might not have the bounty we enjoy tonight." The officers raise their glasses to the toast and a few of the ex-Imp underlings give agreements out loud.
Seki is seated next to you, Ladro. Panaka sits next to Ahji Dar. Panaka quickly engages Ahji Dar in some light conversation while a few seats down, Hosk digs into the food, his plate a Bothan delicacy.
I often simply eat whatever the chef feels like cooking, but for tonight I requested an old favorite of mine, an Alderaanian dish of thinly sliced nerf lightly seared and served with a citrus and hot pepper sauce. Either we were fortunate enough to have this dinner on baking day or someone tipped off the kitchen as soon as they got my invitation, because the bread is fresh and crusty, perfect for sopping up the sauce.
I did bring the second-to-last bottle of the "good stuff" for after dinner, but for now I'm just drinking a light Corellian wine that works well with the spiced meat.
I propose a toast of my own, raising my glass. "To the Far Orbit and those that serve on her. And to the good fortune that brought Ahji and I here on our separate paths."
Officers toast to you, the wine flows freely. They all seemed pleased with the recent haul, and while nobody is going to make an ass out of themselves, they are all in good spirits. There are a few odd looks from some of the officers at the common tables, sort of whispered conversations and looks at Ahji Dar.
"Ahji Dar," Panaka asks casually as your kitten eats her soup quietly. "Seventy-two TIEs? How long have you been active?" Chandra takes another bite of her light pastry.
Ahji Dar answers simply, "I've been fighting the Empire for years now. And seventy-two is not so much. They are horrible shots, no shields, pitiful tactics. They stream out of a destroyer like mad hornets and follow me like children following the smell of honey."
"I've known many deadly TIE pilots who served on the Far Orbit..."
Ahji Dar looks up from her soup to quip, "Then I hope they do not face me in space, Miss Panaka."
I would no more step in to keep Chandra's feathers from ruffling than I would place my ship between Ahji and and a target she's determined to engage. Perhaps I can at least provide a distraction, though. Looking down the table to catch Hosk's eye, I speak to include the table, but primarily focus on my old friend. "I wonder if the news has filtered up to these exalted levels, but two of my crew from the Profit Margin are planning a wedding soon. I've been asked to officiate, which will be a new experience for me. Hosk, I was hoping that you'd be the one to give Squall away? I was going to ask Darkal to present Amarath."
"Give Squally away?" Hosk sputters. "That's... that's a family affair, isn't it?" He processes that, then nods, "Oh, yeah. Yeah. Heh, is Darkal going to throw Amy? I'm sure he wants her far, far away!" There are some polite chuckles. Evidently Amy might be getting some kind of reputation.
"Unions between beings who love each other is a blessed thing." Napvansa comments. Kytra smirks and nods.
"Cap.... Ladro," Tyrion says. "There has never been a wedding on the Far Orbit before." Panaka nods agreement, as do the rest of the ex-Imperials.
I smile. "Doesn't it, Chandra? I'm afraid I'm rather a romantic, to tell the truth, and it seems to me that a community that only acknowledges deaths with a ceremony, without celebrating the joyful things, feels hollow. I've even found someone who's agreed to shine my dress shoes specially for the occasion." My shoulder brushes Ahji's lightly.
Ahji Dar gives a tight smile, and Panaka peers at her, then you, like maybe she gets the implication, but she's wise enough not to ask. The conversation continues for a bit until Seki says loud enough to Panaka to hear.
"Chandra's family owns the most amazing estate on Naboo." Seki declares with a smirk. "Why don't you tell Ladro and Ahji Dar about the animals your parents raise?"
Panaka dabs a napkin at the corners of her mouth, "We.. well, they raise large, flightless birds. They're quite friendly."
"Nuna, I assume? I know they're tasty, and have heard that they're not very bright, but they seem like pleasant company, from the few I've encountered that haven't already been cooked. Did you ever make a pet of one, Chandra?"
Seki grins, like this is part of a joke, and Panaka makes a bit of a face.
"Well... actually, they're a specific variant of the nuna. These are... feathered, and large enough to, well... for a person to ride." Seki chuckles again.
Hosk stops chewing. With a mouth half-full, he asks incredulously, "They raise... chocobos?!?"
Panaka blanches, then nods. Hosk and then Seki laugh. It spills over to the rest of the table.
That is pretty amusing, but still, I'm not sure why it's that amusing. "My understanding is that chocobos are loyal companions and mounts, Chandra. Does your family raise them for racing or other purposes?"
She relaxes list their uses, "Racing., mostly. I had one for a pet as a child. His name was Wanderer. " Seki stops laughing, seeing that you're taking her seriously.
Hosk nakes a crack about Endoran chickens, chuckles again.
I smile at Chandra, then lean in confidentially to say (in a whisper meant to carry to the table), "Ignore my old friend Hosk, Chandra. A chocobo stole his last girlfriend and he's still bitter."
Chandra gives a grateful smile, while Hosk laughs it off in his own way. The conversation on chocobos dies off when Kytra speaks up from the end of the table.
"Capta- I mean, Ladro," Kytra begins, "I've never met a Rattataki engineer before. What's Squall's story?" Napvansa and Vorpatrick both look over curiously.
I turn to Kytra. "Most of that story's not mine to tell. I will say this... Squall didn't fit in on zir home planet. Truth is, for a long time ze didn't much fit in, period. Two things I can tell you. First, Squall is one of the most intuitive engineers I've ever met, but can still back it up with the math when ze needs to. Second, don't count zir out in a fight because ze doesn't seem like your typical Rattataki warrior, especially if someone ze loves is on the line. Hosk and I have seen zir club a cybernetically enhanced nexu with a blaster rifle, then shove a grenade down its gullet. If I hadn't already been terrified, it would've scared me."
Vorpatrick's eyes widen slightly, "Cybernetic nexu?" He chuckles, shaking his head. "That's some wild poodoo you stuck your nose in, sir. Sounds like a Han Solo tale." That gets a laugh or two.
Ahji Dar squeezes your arm, smiles, then excuses herself from the table. Kytra rises and leaves with her. The meal continues.
Seki leans over to speak low for you to hear, "Last assignment I had before the Far Orbit was a Star Destroyer that blockaded the Raxus system. I know she wouldn't remember me, but I definitely remember the Woenid Nexus. I never expected her to be so..." He searches for the word, not like he was going to say something insulting and became lost, more like he's looking for the most succinct way to express his thoughts, "Interesting."
I smile in response to being compared to Han Solo. If he's really done half the things he's supposed to have,
To Seki's assessment of Ahji, I shake my head wryly. I keep my voice low to match his. "You have no idea how interesting, Tyrion. Do you know, the night we first met, she blindfolded me and led me halfway across Falleen Throne so I wouldn't have a clue where her ship was?" Where did Kytra and Ahji go? Should I be worried?
Wanting to keep the conversation going, I turn to Napvansa. "Napvansa, how was it, working with Mikka? I miss him and Lens already, I have to admit. They've made quite an impression on me over the time I've known them."
Napvansa makes a ticking sound, like she's considering the words before she says them, "Mikkaa Reekeene is a brilliant ship mechanic. He has a... a uhm, feel for ships that I've never seen before. He was, a challenge to keep up with." She nods, like she's pleased with her answer.
She tilts her head and looks at you for a moment before asking, "Mr. Reekeene is a civilian, and quite proud of it. What do you think about civilians serving here?" Seki frowns at "work talk", but Hosk seems keenly interested in your take on this. Panaka seems curious, too.
I give Seki a shrug, indicating that I'll allow a little slippage. "Mikka is a special case, of course. Lens negotiated hard for him to retain his civilian status when she joined the Alliance, and prevailed." I think about the implications of that. "Truth, Napvansa? I don't have clue that's worth a pile of bantha-poodoo on that front. I know that Ahji Dar has helped us greatly as a fellow traveler, and I treasure her presence here. What is your opinion? Not on Ahji... integrating civilians." Not that Ahji Dar is really a civilian.
After a moment of confusion about you asking her opinion, Navansa answers hesitantly, "The Alliance takes all types, right? Having one regimented method is, well, what the Empire does. I wouldn't want to mix civilians into the command structure.... but we can take all the help we can get. Not that we're weak, of course."
I listen carefully to the engineer's words. "I'll think on that." I look around the table. "Napvansa is right, our diversity is a strength, provided that it doesn't fragment our trust or sense of purpose. I'd actually be interested in any other opinions on this, but at another time." Taking a sip of my wine, I do my best to move the conversation forward. "Eryk, how old were you when you started flying? I can get a ship from point A to point B without crashing, but I've never really had the gift that your pilots have."
Eryk shrugs nonchalantly, "My family's spacers, sir. My ma told me my feet didn't hit solid ground until I was two. I was flying a T-15 when I was eight, solo by the time I was ten. I just don't know any other way to live." His tone's calm, accepting, not defensive. "Would you believe Kytra has only been flying for a year? She was a damn good mechanic before that. She's a natural, though."
As if he summoned her, Kytra and Ahji Dar come back into the officer's mess. They're walking together, and smiling like they've shared a joke or something. Probably at your expense.
Ahji Dar slips over near to you, leans down to kiss your cheek, her fur tickling your flesh. She whispers, "Nothing I care to share here." She smiles, then sits down.
The dinner moves on for a bit. Napvansa excuses herself for the night, admitting quietly that she's looking forward to catching up on sleep. Tyrion starts talking about his pet project, which is an a cappella singing group he's trying to start. Kytra and Eryk chat for a bit, quietly, looks like "work talk".
Suddenly, the door to the kitchen opens and a pair of kitchen staff wheel in something under a shiny metal dome on a large white cart. They're bringing it towards you, and now everyone is watching.
Did I request anything that would be served under a cloche that big? I don't think so. It's either a bomb or a surprise dessert, I suppose. Fortune favors the bold, so I smile at the kitchen staff and whip off the dome when they present it.
Underneath the cloche is a particular gingerbread confection:
It's evidently a surprise to most everyone in the mess, because laughter breaks out. Vorpatrick horse laughs, tears coming to his eyes, while most everyone at your table snickers and claps.
"It's a Lifeday design, of course." Tyrion offers. "Hence the antlers and nose."
That is... that... is... I can't help it. I join in the laughter, almost helpless for a few seconds, before reaching over to grab Tyrion's forearm and gasp out, "Please tell me... the nose... lights up..."
Command Seki grins, leans over to the cake, and squeezes the nose. Which lights up a soft amber color. That sets everyone off to uproarious laughter again.
You comm lights up, Ladro. Nobody else has noticed it.
It's Ensign Leex. "Uhm, Captain Vos? Sorry to disturb you, sir. But we just picked up a distress call broadcast a system away. A medium-class freighter is being attacked by pirates. They're trying to make a run for it, but the attackers have an ion cannon. The timestamp was minutes ago."
Some of the crew at the table are watching you, while others are cutting the cake. After a moment, Leex responds, "Astrogation says forty minutes, sir. We can slingshot around this sun to speed past the gravity wells."
"Get us under way, Ensign. I'll be on the bridge well before we arrive. Have Sensors start long range scans as soon as possible if I'm not there yet."
I turn back to the table and look at the dissected cake. "I'm afraid duty calls. We've got a distress call to respond to. Time for a piece of cake first, though." Sitting back down, I grab a piece.
The officers, used to the calls of duty, all line up at either end of the table to move up and receive their bits of gingerbread and cake. They wolf down their food and are up and moving to stations in minutes, all conversation halted, thoughts on next actions.
Ahji Dar eats a few bites, but stops. The sweetness of the dessert is a bit much. She doesn't complain, but you notice. She glances over at Kytra a couple times, but she's ready to leave whenever you decide you've finished.
I look at Ahji and the pilot. "Okay, you don't want me to be distracted dealing with a potentially dangerous situation, do you? What did you two cook up? I've got a few minutes before I have to scatter, and I don't believe you just happened to need the head at the same time."
Lieutenant Enz looks at you when you stop her, and for a moment, she looks surprised, but falls into an easy stance. Ahji Dar shakes her head, a little smile.
"Oh please, Ladro." She says with that purr of hers. "Kytra thought she knew one of my litter, is all. She recognized my stripes, wanted to see if she was right."
In a slightly clipped tone, "No plots, sir. Sorry for bothering you."
I smile. "Lieutenant, I've been living a sneaky life for too long, I suppose, and the habits are hard to break. You didn't bother me at all. I clearly didn't think you were plotting against me. You can head to the flight deck now. Sorry for delaying you."
If Ahji and I have a small bubble of privacy, I'll lean in and give her a quick kiss. You know, for luck. "Mind holding the tour for about an hour, kitten? I'm hoping this won't be too much of a stretch."
She leans in, giving you a kiss without hesitation. It's an act she'd never have done on Falleen Prime. "I will finish the tour myself, you have been an excellent host, my To-- Ladro." She rubs the downy fur of the pads of her fingers against your ear. "Good hunting." Then she turns to walk towards the corridor, her hips swaying in that way that draws your eyes.
I can't help but sigh a bit as I watch her walk away, but I snap to and head to my quarters at a quick walk to make a fast change into my Imperial uniform for purposes of subterfuge and such. I snag a second piece of AT-AT, of course, and leave it in my quarters for later, with a cup of klava.
As I make the short journey from quarters to bridge, I can't help but wonder at Seki taking that initiative. Not wonder like, "Hmmm... what was that about?" but wonder like "Oh my gosh, it's a double rainbow!" I would not have guessed he had a whimsical side.
After taking care of the party and changing, you arrive on the bridge of the Far Orbit as the frigate is about to come out of hyperspace. Commander Seki and Lt. Commander Panaka are on the bridge, along with the ever-present Ensign Leex and the rest of the command deck staff and the half squad of security.
Ensign Leex reports, "Five minutes until we come out of hyperspace. Communications from the ship under attack continued up to the point we went into lightspeed, sir. The ship is called Hera's Arms, sir. They'd had no contact with the pirates, no request for surrender reported."
"Captain," Seki interjects, "What puzzles me is that this isn't a space lane, and the pirates had them two to one. It would seem less risky to simply order them to hand over goods, not blast them in space and leave a de-powered hulk to float adrift."
I make a slight under-my-breath grunt. "It's odd, for sure. Could be a trick. I want Sensors doing all they can as soon as we're out of hyperspace. We can't scramble X-Wings without giving up our Imperial bluff, but they need to be on alert and ready to deploy." I look around to the staff. "Anything I'm missing?"
In some ways, I don't like asking, but everyone on this Bridge has more experience on a capital ship than I do. The question's not a Ladro bug, I think, it's a feature.
"Sir," Chandra interrupts. She's in her Imperial uniform, but didn't remove her makeup. It isn't showy, but here, this close, you notice it. "Aside from the obvious trap, which seems unlikely this far in the Outer Rim, I think this is a planned hit, not someone taking advantage out of chance. It's likely that this cargo is quite valuable. Overwhelming odds, use of nonlethal force that wouldn't damage the ship."
I nod. "That makes sense. You'd have to get really lucky to stumble into an attack of opportunity out here. So, real professionals, and less likely to be surprised. I'd like to capture, rather than kill, if possible. And we should make sure their target doesn't take off before we know what they're hauling and for whom."
The crew takes your orders without question and Commanders Seki and Panaka call orders to the crew and over comms to specific stations.
You come out of hyperspace to see the last moments of the attack.
Looks like Hera's Arms fought a good battle. There are burning and destroyed sections at nine points on the big freighter, and the agile attack vessels, three of them total, are closing in to dock. The freighter's lights flicker off and she is dead in space now. Perhaps it's an ion cannon, or perhaps something worse.
The warning shot fires right across the bow of the ship about to dock with the freighter. The ship in the rear turns to point at you. It's a small craft, but the armament on it is impressive. Turbolasers, autocannons, even fusion missiles.
A heavily accented male voice comes back over the comms, "Imperials.... how is it that you are so far from home? My name is Captain Wehrlhaussen. I am working on the directive of the Hutt Cartel. Go away. We will not be killing any Imperial citizens today. If you cross me and mine, you will limp away. And earn the enmity of Hontu the Hutt."
Off the comms, I laugh, probably startling the bridge crew. I get it under control quickly, though, and manage to keep the amusement out of my voice when I continue. "How is Hontu, Captain? I think you'll want to avoid any entanglements here, I still owe the old bastard a lot of money."
The pair of ships that were closing on Hera's Arms pull back and remain in position, but don't board.
Ensign Leex advises a one-way holo request is coming through. This figure appears on your holodisplay, it's Captain Wehrlhaussen: He seems puffed up, this Omwati. "You know Hontu? What Imperial would owe a Hutt willingly?" He peers into the nothingness.
I decide to take a chance on one of Hontu's. "Said it was an Imperial ship. Me, I'm just an honest pirate that came into a bit of luck. What's the cargo you're after, Captain?"
He seems skeptical of this happenstance, "Pardon my manners, Captain, but I wasn't hatched yesterday! I think it's highly unlikely that the one Imperial ship tooling around in the never never just happens to be an associate of Hontu the Hutt. AND, that same aforementioned associate doesn't know what prize I'm after." He crosses his arms and makes a "show me" face.
I shake my head. "You're apparently not in the inner circle. Don't you know who I am? Ladro Vos, that pulled Hontu's cash cow off Cholganna with pretty much nothing but a trading vessel and his own space-cojones?"
"Hah! I do know about you, yes. You're the one who stole Hontu's name. On Nar Shaddaa, no less!" Wehlhaussen says with a maniacal grin. "Then we are peers! I will have my men move on then. Good hunting, but this prize is mine." You see him gesture off camera, and the other two ships start heading towards the freighter again, resuming their plunder.
I reply. "No. We are not peers. You will back off and tell me what cargo you are sniffing after, or I will end you. Hontu's network doesn't thrive on backslapping and how-do-you-do's, does it? You have thirty seconds to disengage before I engage."
That gets the Omwati's attention. He cocks his head and peers at where he assumes you are, eyes turning from a cocky bounce to a glare. He gestures off screen, what seems like the direction of the freighter, "This ship is hauling an entire clan of slaves, Ladro Vos. Many, many credits for Hontu. Tens of thousands. Do you have a contact in the black market to move them for maximum profit? Hontu gave this to me, Ladro Vos. You can take it, but if you kark it up, you will owe more than credits to him, yes?"
I can't walk away from a slaver, not when it's right in front of me, certainly. After all, I'm the man that just started paying droids for their work. I'm a hypocrite, I know... I've been in Hontu's centers of power, seen his own personal slaves, but this. I really don't have a choice.
"Wehrlhaussen, I'll take my chances. Get out of here, now."
After a long moment of the Omwati seething, he looks at you with narrowed eyes, "Show me your face, Ladro Vos. Let me look in your eyes so I can swear that it was you who stole this prize from me. If I'm to risk Hontu's hatred, I want to know who took this prize from me!"
Ensign Leex looks up at you, nervous. Seki gestures to mute comms, which the ensign does.
In a low voice, "Captain... this is a risk. We should destroy these pirates here and now."
As I quickly remove my jacket, I say, "It's uncomfortable to admit it, but I owe Hontu. At least enough to avoid destroying these idiots if I can. And with those armaments, starting a fight almost certainly means taking damage ourselves, where there's a chance to avoid that, here."
I narrow my eyes in a moment's thought. "I hold enough of Hontu's secrets that he will, I think. And besides, the shelf life on the Far Orbit maintaining the illusion that it's still Imperial is limited. How long before full intel reaches the Core?"
Your big brother makes a face at that. For a second, it seems like maybe it's a face of disgust, you know? Like you saw from mama. But then it's clear, like a sun poking its head between clouds, it's an expression of dismay. Like he was hoping not to hear that. Maybe he was pulling for you, for both of you. "That's... that's too bad, Ladro. I think she's missing a real prize, bro. But maybe it will work out, you know? Love... finds a way, right? Have to believe that. If you don't, well, might as well give up."
He taps your desk again, definitely leaving this time. "We Vos may be many things, not all of them good. But we're definitely not quitters." He pauses as the door opens, "Oh hey, you should check in with Farla soon." He gives a goodbye nod and heads out.
What do you do now?
Well, the next thing on the list is to visit Ahji Dar and see what she might want to put... on the list. The shopping list for Cemma. If I tell the truth, though, even without that conversation with Darkal, I haven't given up. I can be patient. I'll just let our lives entwine together as much as they can, given the circumstances.
"Kotenok... I wonder, what luxuries might you wish for? I would bring them to you like a treat hidden in the jaws of your Tom."
Ahji Dar is busy with a workout routine, using her bo staff in training in the wide open cargo space that she normally uses for running weapons and contraband. She whips the staff about with quick, darting movements as she moves in circles and lines across the deck. "I want a lovely dress. For the wedding, my Tom. I do not want your jaws on my dress... until after the ceremony." She flashes a grin. "Your engineer asked me to the wedding. I understand you are officiating, or I would ask you to accompany me as an escort."
I recover quickly once I realize which wedding she's talking about. "The duties of command keeping me away from the most beautiful being at the celebration. I'll make sure we get a dance afterwards, though. And I promise to keep my jaws off... until after. Any particular colors you favor?" If she pauses in her bo work, I'll move in for a quick kiss.
She doesn't pause, keeping you at bay, focused on her efforts like she's keeping stagnation away. "Oranges and browns, please. Hints of yellow, for my eyes." She turns the last swipe into an extension of her body, and gently pushes the tip of the bo staff into your shoulder playfully. "What will you be wearing, as the captain and official who join them?" She beckons you forward finally.
I move in, keeping my situational awareness up in case my kitten decides to continue her training with a live subject. "I will be in my new Alliance dress uniform. Would you like to shine my shoes for me?" Assuming I haven't been attacked by five feet of wooden staff, I will collect my kiss.
The shoe shining doesn't earn a bo staff strike, but it does delay the kiss. Ahji Dar ducks out of the way, spinning into a small cartwheel, one-handed to keep the staff held out. She flips a couple times until she ends up standing ten feet away. "I can provide the spit for your shine. The rest is up to you, captain."
I step to the side to grab the second bo from its rack. "Perhaps we should make this interesting, kotenok?" I raise an eyebrow. All this time in meetings and behind desks, I'm getting a bit rusty, myself. I swing the staff in a slow figure-eight pattern.
"A wager would make it interesting." Ahji Dar replies as she spins the bo in front of her like a wind-up clock gone mad, sending the stick end over end blindingly fast. "What do you offer if I beat you, my Tom?"
She smiles a predatory smile, "What tribute... do you offer?"
I'm fairly certain that I'm going to lose this bout, but I smile back regardless. "I've already defined your forfeit, kitten. It's only right that you name mine."
With a shift of her hands, she brings the staff high, then strikes down to the deck, cracking it and sending a frightening sound to the deck. She looks up, "Oh? What have to decided would be my fate if I fall to you? Tell me... it will help me decide upon your price."
"Should you fall, you will shine my shoes, press my uniform, and take on whatever other domestic chores I need to prepare for the wedding." I pause. "And cook me breakfast with your own hands on the day of."
Ahji Dar's mouth opens slightly in surprise. She isn't offended, but she is shocked at the audacity of your demand. "You wish the terror of the Raxus system, the mistress of the Woenid Nexus, with seventy-two confirmed TIE fighters destroyed, the most infamous blockade runner in the galaxy... to be your common servant? For even a single day?"
Her eyes flash and a wicked grin spreads as she gets a terrible idea. "When you lose, Ladro. When you lose, you will sing to me. You will sing me a love song, sweet and beautiful. You will sing it over the entire comms of the Far Orbit and all. ALL will know you are mine. You will be marked in their minds as mine, as I, of course, will be marked as yours. That... that is what you must do when I beat you with this stick until you give up." She pauses enough to let it sink in, then dances back into a ready stance, the bo perfectly balanced along the backs of her trim shoulders.
She gives you a nod, as if to say "I am ready".
What do you do?
Kriff me. She doesn't play for low stakes, but she wouldn't be Ahji Dar if she did, would she?
I tally my few advantages as I take a few more swings to get the weight and balance in my muscles. Height, weight. power and reach, all negated to some extent by the nature of the bo. Ahji has speed, agility, and a clear superiority in the use of the weapon. Also, a long genetic and cultural tradition of being a predator. I will have to strike hard, and be prepared to take some bruises.
I move into a ready position, as well, and give her a quick, respectful bow, then move in fast, just to the limit of my reach and the length of the staff. I strike with a long, extended jab, aiming the tip at her solar plexus.
If you roll a 10+, you overpower her and win the exchange, plus take a +1 Foreward. On a 7-9, the two of you are an even match. I'll describe a move for her, you describe a movefor you, and the fight escalates and continues., but you get a +1 Forward.
If you miss, she uses your power against you, wins the exchange, and you take a -1 Forward on the next roll.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 4. Total: 11)
"I did not account for such a barbaric move, my Tom." Ahji Dar remarks crisply. "I will adjust now. You fight like a Gammorrean. heh."
I shrug. "I am a barbarian, my dear, but I like to think I'm a bit prettier than a Gamorrean." I twirl the staff one-handed, then bring it back into a proper grip and circle, making the occasional feint to keep her balance off-center and waiting for her to commit to an attack.
"A bit." she agrees, then hops forward after one feint, striking at your leg. A cheap ploy, and it smarts, but now, she's slightly out of position.
What do you do?
I take the advantage, bringing my bo around my head to strike hard against her shoulder blades and send her to the floor. That's the plan, at least.
(Rolled: 2d6+4. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 10)
After several quiet moments, she stands up straight, lowers her bo staff, and inclines her head in a bow.
"I concede to you, my Tom." Ahji Dar says in a calm tone, not hiding her admiration now. "I will serve you for that day, as you requested.... as you demanded." She looks back up at you, a slow smirk on her face, "You are better at the staff than I anticipated."
"It is simply that I am fresh, while you are tired from having already trained today, kotenok. And now, even though it wasn't part of the wager, may I have a kiss?"
She drops the bo staff to the deck, it clatters oddly, no longer the wonderful tool in her hands. Ahji Dar bounds forward and jumps into your arms, gently nibbling your lower lip, then slipping her tongue into your mouth while her claws scratch your scalp ever so slightly. She pulls back after a moment, "You may have more than that, if your crew will allow it."
I believe I have set enough tasks for others that I may be undisturbed for a bit. "My comms have to stay on, lyubovnik, but I do hope I've planned well enough to manage some time for us." I give her my best roguish grin.
She kisses that grin off your face, her body rubbing against you in sensual ways she knows you enjoy. "I will take all the time you have managed, Ladro. I crave it."
I carry her through the ship to her quarters, pausing occasionally to kiss or tease, then gently set her on the bed. The quick bout has my adrenaline up, but I'm not in the mood for dominance games. I undress and join her, seeking the comfort of body against body, a bulwark against the constant need to be sharp and on point when I'm not here, with my kitten.
The lovemaking is gentle, she responds to your need for touch, for warmth and devotion. There are many kisses and caresses, it is perhaps the least competitive thing you've shared in a very long time.
Afterwards, she's pulled you onto her chest, her claws idly scratching at your neck and back. She says softly, "I would... I would like some day to take a tour of the ship with you." Her tone is a practiced casual, but there's a hint of something there, the request, the gentle delivery.
What do you do?
I kick myself mentally for not having offered previously. "Kotenok, it would be my honor to introduce you to the Far Orbit and her crew. Would you like to join me for dinner tonight, and then take the tour afterwards?"
She kisses the top of your head and you hear the smile in her voice, "This sounds delightful, my Tom. It is almost as good as a serenade." She snuggles in with you, obviously thrilled.
I savor the cuddle, but my mind is already at work on a list of who should join us at my table tonight. Seki and Panaka, of course; Hosk, to represent history; Vorpatrick and the new squad leader, Kytra Enz; and my most recently commissioned officer, Napvansa Tadavv. I'll request their presence soon.
Something else occurs to me. "How do you feel about 'consort'? I can't invite people to have dinner with my 'Kitten,' and I refuse to call you my 'girlfriend'. 'Partner' seems a little detached..."
Ahji Dar purrs for a moment, something rare indeed. "It is dangerously close to wife... but I shall allow it. And yes, I am only your kitten when we are alone. This shall do. Of course, I will call you Captain Vos." She reaches for your chin to pull your face up so she can bend down to kiss you.
I return the kiss happily, but I think I have a better idea than "consort." "Do you mind if I take care of the invitations now?" Assuming she doesn't object, I will reach for my datapad and type out the following.
Captain Ladro Vos of the Far Orbit and Captain Ahji Dar of the Woenid Nexus request your presence for dinner in the Officer's Mess at 1930 hours ship's time. Uniforms strongly discouraged, but conversation is welcome.
I show the message to Ahji Dar. "What do you think of that?"
She reads it, considers it, then asks, "Are you not worried this might cause you to lose face in front of the crew?" She likes it, you can tell. But she's hesitant to cause you trouble, so new in your leadership of this crew.
I give her a half-smile. "My dear, my crew is composed mostly of hide-bound Imperials used to back-biting and subterfuge as the path to advancement; secondly of Rebels, who one may presume are motivated at least somewhat by passion and willing to question anyone who doesn't seem to be keeping the faith; and tertiarily of pirates and criminals and ne'er-do-wells looking for a profit, but maybe hoping for a crew that's worth belonging to, or even a cause that's worth believing in." I look her in the eye. "All I can do is be my best self, and you and I as equals is my best self. We'll neither of us address each other as Captain tonight, but Ladro and Ahji. At least during the dinner. The tour, we should probably be a bit more formal."
"Respect here will not be given, or even earned. It must be taken. And to do that, I must act on my own terms."
Ahji Dar reaches with both hands to cup your cheeks, looking deep into your eyes with her yellow ones as she smiles, "Ladro Vos, do you know how much I adore you? Especially when you speak this way. This crew, they had better obey you. They need a captain like you." She leans in to kiss your forehead, gently.
After she breaks the kiss, she slips away from you and rises from her bed, "Come, lyubovnik. Send your message, then follow me. We will wash each other and prepare for our dinner." She prances towards the shower, twitching her trim behind as she does, looking over her shoulder at you with a seductive smile.
I add the recipients to the message and send it. I can almost hear the gaming cubes rolling in their cup, but I'm not worried. I am the right being to lead this crew, and Ahji Dar is a significant part of the reason for that. Fortune favors the bold, as they say, and my kitten's sharp teeth have taught me something about boldness.
I set the datapad aside and follow her to the shower with a smile and a tingle of anticipation.
With a well appointed Ahji Dar on your arm, you enter the officer's dining room to find that your guests have all arrived. The other tables have a number of ex-Imperial officers from all over the ship, it's a bit busier than normal. Evidently word got out of a formal dinner, and the ex-Imps decided it might be worth a watching. Everyone stands as you enter, looking at you. You catch quite a few surprised looks from the staff who don't know you well. Panaka's mouth is slightly agape. Even Vorpatrick arches a brow, just so slightly. Hosk grins, enjoying the theater of your entrance.
What do you do?
I knew this would cause a stir, even counted on it. I'm in my best civvies, rogue-formal. Black jerba-leather pants and a pure-white shirt made from lashaa silk. No insignia. I'm letting my facial markings speak for me. I wave a hand. "Please, sit... sit. May I introduce the terror of the Raxus system, the mistress of the Woenid Nexus, with seventy-two confirmed TIE fighters destroyed, the most infamous blockade runner in the galaxy, and the love of my life, much to her chagrin, Captain Ahji Dar." I give a wicked grin. "And that is the last time we shall use ranks or titles during this dinner."
I hold out the chair for Ahji, then take a seat myself once she does.
Hosk is wearing a simple white shirt and a pair of tight-fitting slacks with high boots. And yes, he has a gunbelt on (with blaster).
Cmdr Tyrion Seki _____ Lt. Cmdr Panaka
Major Vorpatrick ________ Lt. Kytra Enz ___ Lt. Napvansa Tadavv
Seki seems very relaxed in his suit, which is expensive and fashionable. He stands as you take a seat and raises his glass, "To Ladro Vos and Ahji Dar, two gentlebeings without whom we might not have the bounty we enjoy tonight." The officers raise their glasses to the toast and a few of the ex-Imp underlings give agreements out loud.
Seki is seated next to you, Ladro. Panaka sits next to Ahji Dar. Panaka quickly engages Ahji Dar in some light conversation while a few seats down, Hosk digs into the food, his plate a Bothan delicacy.
What food did you request?
I often simply eat whatever the chef feels like cooking, but for tonight I requested an old favorite of mine, an Alderaanian dish of thinly sliced nerf lightly seared and served with a citrus and hot pepper sauce. Either we were fortunate enough to have this dinner on baking day or someone tipped off the kitchen as soon as they got my invitation, because the bread is fresh and crusty, perfect for sopping up the sauce.
I did bring the second-to-last bottle of the "good stuff" for after dinner, but for now I'm just drinking a light Corellian wine that works well with the spiced meat.
I propose a toast of my own, raising my glass. "To the Far Orbit and those that serve on her. And to the good fortune that brought Ahji and I here on our separate paths."
"Ahji Dar," Panaka asks casually as your kitten eats her soup quietly. "Seventy-two TIEs? How long have you been active?" Chandra takes another bite of her light pastry.
Ahji Dar answers simply, "I've been fighting the Empire for years now. And seventy-two is not so much. They are horrible shots, no shields, pitiful tactics. They stream out of a destroyer like mad hornets and follow me like children following the smell of honey."
"I've known many deadly TIE pilots who served on the Far Orbit..."
Ahji Dar looks up from her soup to quip, "Then I hope they do not face me in space, Miss Panaka."
I would no more step in to keep Chandra's feathers from ruffling than I would place my ship between Ahji and and a target she's determined to engage. Perhaps I can at least provide a distraction, though. Looking down the table to catch Hosk's eye, I speak to include the table, but primarily focus on my old friend. "I wonder if the news has filtered up to these exalted levels, but two of my crew from the Profit Margin are planning a wedding soon. I've been asked to officiate, which will be a new experience for me. Hosk, I was hoping that you'd be the one to give Squall away? I was going to ask Darkal to present Amarath."
"Give Squally away?" Hosk sputters. "That's... that's a family affair, isn't it?" He processes that, then nods, "Oh, yeah. Yeah. Heh, is Darkal going to throw Amy? I'm sure he wants her far, far away!" There are some polite chuckles. Evidently Amy might be getting some kind of reputation.
"Unions between beings who love each other is a blessed thing." Napvansa comments. Kytra smirks and nods.
"Cap.... Ladro," Tyrion says. "There has never been a wedding on the Far Orbit before." Panaka nods agreement, as do the rest of the ex-Imperials.
"It sounds wonderful." Chandra Panaka remarks.
I smile. "Doesn't it, Chandra? I'm afraid I'm rather a romantic, to tell the truth, and it seems to me that a community that only acknowledges deaths with a ceremony, without celebrating the joyful things, feels hollow. I've even found someone who's agreed to shine my dress shoes specially for the occasion." My shoulder brushes Ahji's lightly.
"Chandra's family owns the most amazing estate on Naboo." Seki declares with a smirk. "Why don't you tell Ladro and Ahji Dar about the animals your parents raise?"
Panaka dabs a napkin at the corners of her mouth, "We.. well, they raise large, flightless birds. They're quite friendly."
"Nuna, I assume? I know they're tasty, and have heard that they're not very bright, but they seem like pleasant company, from the few I've encountered that haven't already been cooked. Did you ever make a pet of one, Chandra?"
"Well... actually, they're a specific variant of the nuna. These are... feathered, and large enough to, well... for a person to ride." Seki chuckles again.
Hosk stops chewing. With a mouth half-full, he asks incredulously, "They raise... chocobos?!?"
Panaka blanches, then nods. Hosk and then Seki laugh. It spills over to the rest of the table.
That is pretty amusing, but still, I'm not sure why it's that amusing. "My understanding is that chocobos are loyal companions and mounts, Chandra. Does your family raise them for racing or other purposes?"
She relaxes list their uses, "Racing., mostly. I had one for a pet as a child. His name was Wanderer. " Seki stops laughing, seeing that you're taking her seriously.
Hosk nakes a crack about Endoran chickens, chuckles again.
I smile at Chandra, then lean in confidentially to say (in a whisper meant to carry to the table), "Ignore my old friend Hosk, Chandra. A chocobo stole his last girlfriend and he's still bitter."
"Capta- I mean, Ladro," Kytra begins, "I've never met a Rattataki engineer before. What's Squall's story?" Napvansa and Vorpatrick both look over curiously.
I turn to Kytra. "Most of that story's not mine to tell. I will say this... Squall didn't fit in on zir home planet. Truth is, for a long time ze didn't much fit in, period. Two things I can tell you. First, Squall is one of the most intuitive engineers I've ever met, but can still back it up with the math when ze needs to. Second, don't count zir out in a fight because ze doesn't seem like your typical Rattataki warrior, especially if someone ze loves is on the line. Hosk and I have seen zir club a cybernetically enhanced nexu with a blaster rifle, then shove a grenade down its gullet. If I hadn't already been terrified, it would've scared me."
Vorpatrick's eyes widen slightly, "Cybernetic nexu?" He chuckles, shaking his head. "That's some wild poodoo you stuck your nose in, sir. Sounds like a Han Solo tale." That gets a laugh or two.
Ahji Dar squeezes your arm, smiles, then excuses herself from the table. Kytra rises and leaves with her. The meal continues.
Seki leans over to speak low for you to hear, "Last assignment I had before the Far Orbit was a Star Destroyer that blockaded the Raxus system. I know she wouldn't remember me, but I definitely remember the Woenid Nexus. I never expected her to be so..." He searches for the word, not like he was going to say something insulting and became lost, more like he's looking for the most succinct way to express his thoughts, "Interesting."
I smile in response to being compared to Han Solo. If he's really done half the things he's supposed to have,
To Seki's assessment of Ahji, I shake my head wryly. I keep my voice low to match his. "You have no idea how interesting, Tyrion. Do you know, the night we first met, she blindfolded me and led me halfway across Falleen Throne so I wouldn't have a clue where her ship was?" Where did Kytra and Ahji go? Should I be worried?
Wanting to keep the conversation going, I turn to Napvansa. "Napvansa, how was it, working with Mikka? I miss him and Lens already, I have to admit. They've made quite an impression on me over the time I've known them."
Napvansa makes a ticking sound, like she's considering the words before she says them, "Mikkaa Reekeene is a brilliant ship mechanic. He has a... a uhm, feel for ships that I've never seen before. He was, a challenge to keep up with." She nods, like she's pleased with her answer.
She tilts her head and looks at you for a moment before asking, "Mr. Reekeene is a civilian, and quite proud of it. What do you think about civilians serving here?" Seki frowns at "work talk", but Hosk seems keenly interested in your take on this. Panaka seems curious, too.
I give Seki a shrug, indicating that I'll allow a little slippage. "Mikka is a special case, of course. Lens negotiated hard for him to retain his civilian status when she joined the Alliance, and prevailed." I think about the implications of that. "Truth, Napvansa? I don't have clue that's worth a pile of bantha-poodoo on that front. I know that Ahji Dar has helped us greatly as a fellow traveler, and I treasure her presence here. What is your opinion? Not on Ahji... integrating civilians." Not that Ahji Dar is really a civilian.
After a moment of confusion about you asking her opinion, Navansa answers hesitantly, "The Alliance takes all types, right? Having one regimented method is, well, what the Empire does. I wouldn't want to mix civilians into the command structure.... but we can take all the help we can get. Not that we're weak, of course."
I listen carefully to the engineer's words. "I'll think on that." I look around the table. "Napvansa is right, our diversity is a strength, provided that it doesn't fragment our trust or sense of purpose. I'd actually be interested in any other opinions on this, but at another time." Taking a sip of my wine, I do my best to move the conversation forward. "Eryk, how old were you when you started flying? I can get a ship from point A to point B without crashing, but I've never really had the gift that your pilots have."
Eryk shrugs nonchalantly, "My family's spacers, sir. My ma told me my feet didn't hit solid ground until I was two. I was flying a T-15 when I was eight, solo by the time I was ten. I just don't know any other way to live." His tone's calm, accepting, not defensive. "Would you believe Kytra has only been flying for a year? She was a damn good mechanic before that. She's a natural, though."
As if he summoned her, Kytra and Ahji Dar come back into the officer's mess. They're walking together, and smiling like they've shared a joke or something. Probably at your expense.
I spare a look for my kitten and the "natural." "Anything you'd care to share?"
Ahji Dar slips over near to you, leans down to kiss your cheek, her fur tickling your flesh. She whispers, "Nothing I care to share here." She smiles, then sits down.
The dinner moves on for a bit. Napvansa excuses herself for the night, admitting quietly that she's looking forward to catching up on sleep. Tyrion starts talking about his pet project, which is an a cappella singing group he's trying to start. Kytra and Eryk chat for a bit, quietly, looks like "work talk".
Suddenly, the door to the kitchen opens and a pair of kitchen staff wheel in something under a shiny metal dome on a large white cart. They're bringing it towards you, and now everyone is watching.
What do you do?
Did I request anything that would be served under a cloche that big? I don't think so. It's either a bomb or a surprise dessert, I suppose. Fortune favors the bold, so I smile at the kitchen staff and whip off the dome when they present it.
It's evidently a surprise to most everyone in the mess, because laughter breaks out. Vorpatrick horse laughs, tears coming to his eyes, while most everyone at your table snickers and claps.
"It's a Lifeday design, of course." Tyrion offers. "Hence the antlers and nose."
That is... that... is... I can't help it. I join in the laughter, almost helpless for a few seconds, before reaching over to grab Tyrion's forearm and gasp out, "Please tell me... the nose... lights up..."
You comm lights up, Ladro. Nobody else has noticed it.
Smiling, I pick up my comm and step aside, trying not to disrupt to mirth. "Yes?"
"Ensign, how soon can we reach them?"
"Get us under way, Ensign. I'll be on the bridge well before we arrive. Have Sensors start long range scans as soon as possible if I'm not there yet."
I turn back to the table and look at the dissected cake. "I'm afraid duty calls. We've got a distress call to respond to. Time for a piece of cake first, though." Sitting back down, I grab a piece.
Ahji Dar eats a few bites, but stops. The sweetness of the dessert is a bit much. She doesn't complain, but you notice. She glances over at Kytra a couple times, but she's ready to leave whenever you decide you've finished.
Anything before you head to the command deck?
I look at Ahji and the pilot. "Okay, you don't want me to be distracted dealing with a potentially dangerous situation, do you? What did you two cook up? I've got a few minutes before I have to scatter, and I don't believe you just happened to need the head at the same time."
"Oh please, Ladro." She says with that purr of hers. "Kytra thought she knew one of my litter, is all. She recognized my stripes, wanted to see if she was right."
In a slightly clipped tone, "No plots, sir. Sorry for bothering you."
I smile. "Lieutenant, I've been living a sneaky life for too long, I suppose, and the habits are hard to break. You didn't bother me at all. I clearly didn't think you were plotting against me. You can head to the flight deck now. Sorry for delaying you."
If Ahji and I have a small bubble of privacy, I'll lean in and give her a quick kiss. You know, for luck. "Mind holding the tour for about an hour, kitten? I'm hoping this won't be too much of a stretch."
She leans in, giving you a kiss without hesitation. It's an act she'd never have done on Falleen Prime. "I will finish the tour myself, you have been an excellent host, my To-- Ladro." She rubs the downy fur of the pads of her fingers against your ear. "Good hunting." Then she turns to walk towards the corridor, her hips swaying in that way that draws your eyes.
I can't help but sigh a bit as I watch her walk away, but I snap to and head to my quarters at a quick walk to make a fast change into my Imperial uniform for purposes of subterfuge and such. I snag a second piece of AT-AT, of course, and leave it in my quarters for later, with a cup of klava.
As I make the short journey from quarters to bridge, I can't help but wonder at Seki taking that initiative. Not wonder like, "Hmmm... what was that about?" but wonder like "Oh my gosh, it's a double rainbow!" I would not have guessed he had a whimsical side.
Ensign Leex reports, "Five minutes until we come out of hyperspace. Communications from the ship under attack continued up to the point we went into lightspeed, sir. The ship is called Hera's Arms, sir. They'd had no contact with the pirates, no request for surrender reported."
"Captain," Seki interjects, "What puzzles me is that this isn't a space lane, and the pirates had them two to one. It would seem less risky to simply order them to hand over goods, not blast them in space and leave a de-powered hulk to float adrift."
I make a slight under-my-breath grunt. "It's odd, for sure. Could be a trick. I want Sensors doing all they can as soon as we're out of hyperspace. We can't scramble X-Wings without giving up our Imperial bluff, but they need to be on alert and ready to deploy." I look around to the staff. "Anything I'm missing?"
In some ways, I don't like asking, but everyone on this Bridge has more experience on a capital ship than I do. The question's not a Ladro bug, I think, it's a feature.
"Sir," Chandra interrupts. She's in her Imperial uniform, but didn't remove her makeup. It isn't showy, but here, this close, you notice it. "Aside from the obvious trap, which seems unlikely this far in the Outer Rim, I think this is a planned hit, not someone taking advantage out of chance. It's likely that this cargo is quite valuable. Overwhelming odds, use of nonlethal force that wouldn't damage the ship."
I nod. "That makes sense. You'd have to get really lucky to stumble into an attack of opportunity out here. So, real professionals, and less likely to be surprised. I'd like to capture, rather than kill, if possible. And we should make sure their target doesn't take off before we know what they're hauling and for whom."
You come out of hyperspace to see the last moments of the attack.
Looks like Hera's Arms fought a good battle. There are burning and destroyed sections at nine points on the big freighter, and the agile attack vessels, three of them total, are closing in to dock. The freighter's lights flicker off and she is dead in space now. Perhaps it's an ion cannon, or perhaps something worse.
What do you do?
"Give me a warning shot, open comms, then lock on to the attacking vessels with live fire."
Once comms are open: "Attacking vessels, this is the Imperial Frigate Far Orbit. Cease your maneuvers and hold position."
A heavily accented male voice comes back over the comms, "Imperials.... how is it that you are so far from home? My name is Captain Wehrlhaussen. I am working on the directive of the Hutt Cartel. Go away. We will not be killing any Imperial citizens today. If you cross me and mine, you will limp away. And earn the enmity of Hontu the Hutt."
What do you do?
Off the comms, I laugh, probably startling the bridge crew. I get it under control quickly, though, and manage to keep the amusement out of my voice when I continue. "How is Hontu, Captain? I think you'll want to avoid any entanglements here, I still owe the old bastard a lot of money."
Ensign Leex advises a one-way holo request is coming through. This figure appears on your holodisplay, it's Captain Wehrlhaussen:
He seems puffed up, this Omwati. "You know Hontu? What Imperial would owe a Hutt willingly?" He peers into the nothingness.
I decide to take a chance on one of Hontu's. "Said it was an Imperial ship. Me, I'm just an honest pirate that came into a bit of luck. What's the cargo you're after, Captain?"
He seems skeptical of this happenstance, "Pardon my manners, Captain, but I wasn't hatched yesterday! I think it's highly unlikely that the one Imperial ship tooling around in the never never just happens to be an associate of Hontu the Hutt. AND, that same aforementioned associate doesn't know what prize I'm after." He crosses his arms and makes a "show me" face.
I shake my head. "You're apparently not in the inner circle. Don't you know who I am? Ladro Vos, that pulled Hontu's cash cow off Cholganna with pretty much nothing but a trading vessel and his own space-cojones?"
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 2. Total: 6)
"Hah! I do know about you, yes. You're the one who stole Hontu's name. On Nar Shaddaa, no less!" Wehlhaussen says with a maniacal grin. "Then we are peers! I will have my men move on then. Good hunting, but this prize is mine." You see him gesture off camera, and the other two ships start heading towards the freighter again, resuming their plunder.
What do you do?
I reply. "No. We are not peers. You will back off and tell me what cargo you are sniffing after, or I will end you. Hontu's network doesn't thrive on backslapping and how-do-you-do's, does it? You have thirty seconds to disengage before I engage."
That gets the Omwati's attention. He cocks his head and peers at where he assumes you are, eyes turning from a cocky bounce to a glare. He gestures off screen, what seems like the direction of the freighter, "This ship is hauling an entire clan of slaves, Ladro Vos. Many, many credits for Hontu. Tens of thousands. Do you have a contact in the black market to move them for maximum profit? Hontu gave this to me, Ladro Vos. You can take it, but if you kark it up, you will owe more than credits to him, yes?"
I can't walk away from a slaver, not when it's right in front of me, certainly. After all, I'm the man that just started paying droids for their work. I'm a hypocrite, I know... I've been in Hontu's centers of power, seen his own personal slaves, but this. I really don't have a choice.
"Wehrlhaussen, I'll take my chances. Get out of here, now."
After a long moment of the Omwati seething, he looks at you with narrowed eyes, "Show me your face, Ladro Vos. Let me look in your eyes so I can swear that it was you who stole this prize from me. If I'm to risk Hontu's hatred, I want to know who took this prize from me!"
Ensign Leex looks up at you, nervous. Seki gestures to mute comms, which the ensign does.
In a low voice, "Captain... this is a risk. We should destroy these pirates here and now."
What do you do?
As I quickly remove my jacket, I say, "It's uncomfortable to admit it, but I owe Hontu. At least enough to avoid destroying these idiots if I can. And with those armaments, starting a fight almost certainly means taking damage ourselves, where there's a chance to avoid that, here."
I wait a moment for response, but not long.
"Will Hontu accept this? Will he keep our little secret?"
I narrow my eyes in a moment's thought. "I hold enough of Hontu's secrets that he will, I think. And besides, the shelf life on the Far Orbit maintaining the illusion that it's still Imperial is limited. How long before full intel reaches the Core?"