[Junk XIII] Homecomin? (K 4-8, S 4-7)

edited November 2013 in Junkworld XIII
It's early afternoon, the sun is a dusky red when you come up on Salt. Tower One has been broadcasting the whole trip, and Topps is DJing today. She called out to you over the radio an hour ago, recognizing Metro's van. She didn't use Metro's name, of course, but she mentioned her favorite radio tech, and that was close enough.

As you pull up to Ollie's to get some lunch, Hump, KellyTires and Jemma are all outside, waiting for you. Hump has grown this drek-looking mustache, really just fuzz. Jemma's all smiles, and she seems to be standing pretty close to Kelly when you come up.

You all park, and Hump throws himself on you, Kiddo, giving you a big hug. He's all smiles. Jemma's right behind, asking, "Hey now, age before beauty, isn't that what they say? Where's mine?"

Stitch and Metro gives nods and head in, so do the North Candies. Oh, how did the Zag and Chunky hook up go? Or do you know? I imagine Zag might've told you. Oh yeah, sticks around, she knows Jemma and Hump. She doesn't come up and hug, but she's there to say hey, just be around.

You can hear some music from inside, the place looks lively, a couple new shacks have sprung up in the last six weeks. Salt seems to be growing.

What do you do?


  • I giggle when I see Hump with his peach-fuzz mustache, and give him a big, warm squeeze. I wanna be mad at Gramma for not telling me about that message a year ago, but truth is I'm just too relieved to see family again ... I smile, and give her a hug, and a kiss on the cheek. I wave to Kelly, and shake my head when I see Chunky still clinging to Zag...

    Oh, I heard all about it — in excruciating detail. Turns out li'l Chunky has a weakness for Vodka poured off of a high cougar's tits... To each their own, I guess.

    Drinking... Folks are gunna wanna drink, and I imagine they might start asking questions if I don't pick up a cup. I smile to the group, and announce, "You mind if we catch up in Gramma's shack for a bit first? I've got some family business to chat about..."
  • Jemma shrugs, "Sure, honey. C'mon, Humphrey, Kelly, let's go." VB is there with you.

    Then Hump looks around, asks, "Where's Rinso?"
  • Wow... Gramma and Kelley are really close if she's bringing him in on family time...

    Gods damn it Hump... Really? Right out of the gate? I try and stay stoic, and wrap my arm around Vee. "That's what we're talking about," I say with a smile, "C'mon. How's Topps?" I'm walking and talking... I'm not saying anything of importance out here in the open.
  • Hump looks worried when you drop that bit about the talk, but when you ask about Topps, a goofy grin spreads across his face. He glances off to the sky, kind of embarassed, and says, "Aww, she's... you know. Great. Like, perfect maybe."

    Kelly chuckles, "They fixed up the buggy..."

    "With some help." Jemma interrupts.

    "With some help, of course." Kelly agrees. "Been riding around all over."

    You start walking towards Jemma's and out of nowhere, Jemma stops and says, "Star, honey. Why don't you come by in a few? I've missed chatting with you."

    She grins, ducks her head and says, "Yes, ma'am."

    Some idle chit-chat happens on the way, then a few minutes later, you're sitting down with tea and this is your chance to chat.

    What do you do?
  • Aw, my baby brother's all growed up — and in mushy forever love to boot! I smirk, and tussle his hair playfully, "ever the wordsmith I see," I kiss him on the temple, and follow everyone into Gramma's shack.

    The tea's good — I dunno what the frak Gramma put in it, but it cleared up my nausea frakkin' lickity split. "What's in this Gram? It's really good!" 'Cause that wasn't all surreptitious and shit... I put the tea down, when a break in the conversation hits, and haphazardly announce my intentions...

    "So I caught up with a messenger that Ma' sent to fill in the Candies about where she and Dad went..." I look to Gramma briefly, tipping that I know about her signature, but I don't make a big deal of it... I'll talk to her about it later. "If Dad's dying of cancer, or he's got it or whatever, then I'm taking the girls up North, and finding them..." I look to Hump, "I figured if they're there, you all might wanna come see them... Especially since I dunno how long Dad may have..."

    The invitation was open, but I'm mostly talking to Hump...
  • Jemma gives a half grin about the tea, saying she found some kind of sap she adds in that's pretty sweet. Kelly mention that he actually found it, and Jemma playfully punches him in the arm after admitting it's true. They're pretty familiar, not affectionate openly, but the body language, it's pretty obvious.

    Then you drop your bomb, and Hump's face tenses with worry. There's a silence after you declare your intentions, and Hump looks to Jemma. She takes a breath in, then exhales through her nose, glancing once at Kelly. She says with a sure voice, "We leavin tomorrow?"

    Kelly gapes in surprise. Then Jemma says to him, "Watch after the shack, Kelly. You can keep sleeping here, of course. Hump, tell your girl your goodbyes."

    Hump swallows, hesitates, torn. Jemma pats his arm, "She's up in the booth. Go on now. Get Mattel to play on air for an hour till Kelly takes over. Just be back by dark."

    He stands, still shaken by this turn, the whole unknown of it. "Oh... okay. I'll, uhhh, be back later." He kisses you on the cheek, and leaves.

    Jemma waits for him to leave, then says, "Kiddo, do you know why I didn't deliver that message?"
  • I nod when Gramma asks if we're leaving tomorrow, then wait for Hump to leave ... I look to Gramma with a straight face. I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt...

    "Why?" I ask calmly.
  • Jemma's mouth twitches, like maybe she's a little disappointed that you don't understand. She doesn't get teary or angry, she just says, "Because you would have run off up north, just like now. And back then, you weren't ready. Hell, now, you're only half ready, but there's nothing I can do to hold you back. But these weakass North Candies, me an Hump will have to make it work. So what the frak happened to Rinnie? We could really use him for this."

    VB flinches like Jemma just smacked her, and quickly puts her hands over her mouth and nose, closing her eyes.
  • That frakking hurt...

    Gramma always had a sharp tongue, but to hear her say I'm not ready to go find my dying Dad? 'n to not help me get ready? That's frakking cold. I would never frakking do that to my child...

    I narrow my eyes, trying to keep my temper in check, and grip Vee's leg. "Rinny's taking care of some shit from his past — something he decided to do on his own. I wanted to go help him, but he wouldn't have it. He promised to be back by the end of next season."

    I give Gramma a serious look, "this can't wait anymore Gramma... I've been spinning my frakking tires this past year trying to find my parents. Why couldn't you just point me in the right direction? Any direction?"
  • edited November 2013
    "Because that direction means death," Jemma says flatly. "I couldn't stop my own daughter from riding into hell, but I could at least hold on to you. She didn't tell you because she thought she wouldn't be dead, Kiddo. She thought she could waltx right in there and out. She disobeyed me because she thought she could deal with Branigans up and up." She gives you a level look, "She thought she could talk that brain-frakker into helping Ollie because he thinks she's cute. She was desperate to save him and not thinking straight.... now, can I say the same for you? Or are you gonna be smart about this, Kiddo?"
  • edited November 2013
    I grit my teeth, and take a deep breath... Don't say it Kiddo — she's just trying to get a rise out of you, to prove her point... Don't frak this up like you frakked up with Rinso... Deep breaths...

    I've never seen my Gramma this way before... I can see why my Ma' didn't like coming here very often. I might've done the same thing for my Dad a few months ago... Given myself to Branigans in exchange for his health. I'd bet that's what my Ma' did. Maybe that's why she can't leave... I don't have that luxury right now — not when I've got a baby to think about. I would never abandon my child like that.

    ... For some reason, I think telling Gramma that would be a bad idea though...

    "I won't give myself up in exchange for Ma' and Dad," I pause, and run my hand through Vee's hair, trying to calm her down, "they've made their choice... If they need my help, I'll do what I can; but I've got more important things to worry about — especially if they're really alive."
  • Jemma nods, like that's the right answer. She gives a half smile, "And Vee, honey, you'll help keep Kiddo straight. If we see an opportunity to get them out of there, we will take it." She looks to you and VB both, "But I'm not walking in there to hand you over to him. Either of you. You're both my grand-daughters. And I'd like to see some frakkin great-grandkids someday."

    She reaches over to rub VB's arm, adding, "Vee, honey, I don't expet that from you, alright? You just take care of your sister, that's all I ask." VB smiles, but it's obvious this makes her really uncomfortable.

    Then Jemma pauses for a second, looks over to Kelly, then back at VB and you. She narrows her eyes, "Kiddo... what aren't you telling me?"

    What do you do?

  • What, like I should run down the list? Rinso got me pregnant with a baby I almost killed, then he admitted to doing a bunch of shit that puts us all in danger, and ran off – abandoning the two people he claimed to love most – in a time when he's most needed? Oh, and I had visions of him nearly dying, and he may be the father of a crazy woman's baby.

    Yeah, I return the gaze. "It's been a long week, Gramma... I just wanna find Ma' and Dad, while I still can..."
  • Jemma is not happy. She does not like it when you are evasive. "You're staying overnight, right? I'll cook you two something. And don't you dare think about leaving without me, right?"

    "Never, Gramma!" VB says. Jemma always makes her nervous. She loves being on her good side.
  • I shake my head, "We won't. Not that I could... That bike's great for a lot of things, but sneaking up on, or away from folks? Not so much."

    Hell, if there's more of this tea in it for me, I'd stay for lunch too.
  • She puts on another pot of tea to boil, sends VB to get you a room and asks Kelly to check on everyone at the cantina. In short order, she's taken over and giving orders, like usual.

    Do you plan on staying here alone with her, or try and find a reason to go?
  • I practically need to stay here alone with her! She'll just go bug Vee until she spills about the baby, and then next thing I know she'll leave me alone here to go deal with Ma' and Dad.

    She doesn't frakking get it... I wanna rescue Ma' and Dad more than anyone, but right now? I'd be happy just to see them. To tell them the truth, and find out why they never frakking told me about Dad's cancer... I'm not mad anymore... I just want my frakking family back.
  • Jemma makes small talk, mostly about Hump. He's written some songs, all about Topps, some of them don't suck. She pours you a few cups of tea, but it feels like she's trying to wear you down. After a bit, she asks, "How's VB doing? She looks good, but it seems like something's wrong with her maybe? I mean, other than Rinso being gone, which is bad enough for the poor girl."
  • edited November 2013
    Oh gods... I guess I'd better not tell her about the one I wrote for Rinny then. I smile, and indulge the chit-chat. This tea is fantastic ... I need this root. I almost don't catch that prodding she did asking about Vee... I keep forgetting I need to be on guard with Gramma...

    "Vee's very stressed out Gramma... Rinny and Vee and I are trying something new, and we were just getting into a good groove when Rinny left us. It's kinda my fault he left... Rinny wants to start a family, see? And I told him I wouldn't do it unless some shit from his past was sorted out... I was gunna help him and all that, but he decided it was smarter to deal with it on his own."

    I sigh, "I'm trying to fill his shoes, but to be honest I'm just as frakked up about it as she is..."
  • OOC: Reading Jemma. Roll+sharp.
    (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 2. Total: 7)
  • OOC: How can I get Jemma to leave me alone about this secret, without telling it?
  • "What exactly were you trying?" she asks, with curiosity, not ire.
  • edited November 2013
    The best way to get her to let that secret lie is to share other secrets, throw her off the scent.
  • I dunno if I told her about me and Rinny officially, but the details are pretty obvious to spot. Me and Vee though? We've always been that close... We just started doing more shit behind closed doors is all.

    "Well... Rinny and I kinda hooked up when we rode though here last time... Y'know... What with this place making me all sentential and shit... But Vee got her hands on some chocolate between here and Armour, and that kinda aired some dirty laundry with her... All of us actually..."

    I pause and take a breath. Gramma's smart. I don't need to fill in the details there. "Anyway... Flash forward to, like, last week –everything is going flash between us, and I start helping the girls get their footing down south to keep them out of trouble. Rinny admits to killing some folks and having warrants and crap out on him... We'd been talking about starting a family, him Vee and me, and I call that shit a deal breaker until we fix it – so he takes off alone to fix it." I take a breath and lean back in my chair...

    "So here's the part we're not sharing," I lower my voice to a whisper, "I went looking for Rinny, cause he did all that shit in his past with a girl named Cherry... And Cherry has a kid... A kid she implies is Rinso's, and a kid he doesn't know about... We're a bit shaken..."
  • That gets Jemma to smirk. "So VB was all nervous because she thinks I'd be upset that you two are together?" She comes over to touch your cheek affectionately, "If I didn't care that Zero was with Ruth, why would I care if you two were together? But the three of you? Hell, Kiddo, that sounds complicated. One at a time is all I can manage."

    She pauses, looking down at you like this, "Kiddo, I didn't trust you with that message. You were too headstrong. Too much like your mom, I guess. I can't lose you. I hope you understand, little punkin."
  • Well that's a frakking relief.

    I mean, it's a relief she doesn't care about me and Vee, but it's a relief she bought it too. I chuckle nervously... "Being a threesome does get messed up from time to time," I offer, which is also true. I hang my head, and relax a bit as she explains why she didn't trust me not to run off and shoot up the Ascendant to get Ma' and Dad back. "I'm still stubborn, Gramma... I just... I dunno. I guess I've got perspective now... Looking after Hump, starting this "whatever you wanna call it" with Vee and Rinny..."

    I totally understand why she doesn't want to frak up and lose me... I look up and smile at her, "I know, Gramma... I just wish wish I didn't have to lose my Ma' and Dad in the process, yeah?"
  • She looks at you for a while, just that quiet comfort between family, even during the hard times. Maybe especially during the hard times. "By the time that asshole came riding in here, I knew that either my baby was gone, or she was ok. Now, its been hard watching the days go by, but I haven't just sat on my cute ass, Kiddo."

    Jemma smirks, "I paid Saff to scout out the place a couple times. She works cheap, if you know what she likes... anyways, she saw Zero the last time she was up. She's still alive. No sign of Ollie, though, hon. I'm sorry."
  • That lying little bitch! "I knew she was full of shit! I ran into her back at Trench — she got all frakked up, and Stitch had to fix her up. She told me she never saw Zero up there!" I take a deep breath, "Well... At least Ma's Ok..."

    I sip at my tea again, "Gramma — what do we do if Dad's still sick?"
  • "Well, honey," Jemma says as she sits down with you. "You do have a damn good doc with ya, as good as Lee, right? If he's able to be healed, your girl Stitch should be close by, yeah?"
  • Presuming Branigans lets her use his stuff without forcing her to work for him forever... This is all really frakked up... "Well... Let's hope we can talk Branigans down... It's hard to believe we might get to see them again after all this time..."
  • "We'll work somethin out, Kiddo." She pats your hand again, then stands up, that sort of "ready to go" type of move. "C'mon, let's go check on Kelly and VB. And hey," she looks down at you, and winks, "Take Hump off my hands tonight, kay? Ima get lucky before we go." She chuckles a hearty chuckle, then opens the door for you.
  • edited November 2013
    My face contorts into a bemused smirk, "Thanks for that Gramma... I really didn't need to think of KellyTires like that..." I stand and pat her shoulder, "but yeah, I'll take care of Hump for you..."

    Then I guess I'm going to find Humphrey...
  • By the time you two head out, Mattel has taken over, which means Hump's at the cantina with Topps. The two of them are sitting practically on top of each other. Topps has been crying. Well hell, she's still tearing up.

    And here's the craziest thing. Most of the tables and chairs have been shove to the side, and the whole North Candies gang are dancing on the floor. VB and Svenja, too. I mean, VB is really cutting a rug! There are guys mixed in, brave guys, but damn, who could blame them? And with Mattel playing in Tower One, Ollie's is piping in some old dance tune. What's playing?
  • Old Time Rock and Roll — it's an old favorite of the Candies. I'd bet Zag requested it before Mattel went up.

    I didn't really feel think about separating Topps and Hump, and what that might mean to her, until just now, seeing her all torn up... I walk over, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey sweetie... Mind if I sit with you guys?"
  • Topps and Hump look up. He looks to her, and she reaches up to wipe at her face, like she doesn't want you to see, even though its obvious. Hump gives you a smile, and kicks a chair back a bit for you to sit, "Hey sis."
  • I sit, and smile over to Topps sympathetically. "For what it's worth, I promise I'll bring him back in one piece." I look over to Hump, "Gramma says you're staying with me tonight... Or, at least not with her... You ain't gotta stay with me, if you two have another place to stay or something..."
  • Topps says with a sniff, "You better, Kiddo. Your brother is awesome." He grins, a little bashful.

    You tell him he's spending the night with you, and Hump makes a face at that information. Then he realizes that might be taken the wrong way and says, "No, not you. Just... Jemma and Kelly. It's, you know, weird." Topps nods, like she's with him on that.

    "Can I stay with Topps instead? We're not... you know, not doing it or anything. Just... I won't see her again for like, you know forever." They both look at you hopefully.
  • I nod, "yeah, that's cool. If it looks like things are going to take a while, I can always have one of the girls take you back to Salt... Omo'll probably be missing her girls if we're gunna be there more than a few weeks. I just figure, y'know, you'd wanna be there when we finally find 'em."

    I pat him on the leg, "you mind if we chat a bit in private before you go to bed? It feels like I haven't seen you in a frakking year... You're all grown up, and shit!"
  • Hump nods, "Sure, sis. And we can catch up on the road, too."

    Seeing the three of you chatting, VB dances over, and throws her arms around Hump from behind. You can smell the alcohol on her. She isn't trashed, but she's thrown back one or two while dancing. That's probably Zag, she sort of has a girlie crush on her.
  • I hadn't thought of that... I guess I kinda blush a bit, "I dunno why I didn't think of that... Nevermind then. You can ride with me tomorrow or something, and we can catch up."

    I look up to Vee, and my nose turns when I smell the liquor on her... "Sheesh Hon, what the frak has Zag been feeding you? Gasoline? C'mover her and sit with me."
  • Hump grins, "I'm still coming by tonight, you big dummy. I miss you, too, you know." He gives VB a peck on the cheek and extracts himself from her big hug, and helps Topps get up. They head out.

    VB grins when you offer her a seat. She butt bumps the table back from you a little, and throws her leg over your lap, and sits right down on you, facing you and looking down, "I like sitting with you, Kiddo. I like it a lot." She's leaning down for a kiss, and that grain alocohol preceeds her.

    What do you do?
  • I chuckle, but let her kiss me. That tea does frakking wonders. "Do you now?" I tease, "What else do you like doing with me, hon?"

    I raise an eyebrow suggestively.
  • VB leans in to whisper-shout (because the music is pretty loud), "Well, first. I want you to daaaaance with me. Then, when we're both hot and bothered, Ima take you back to my place, and take advantage of you. A whole lot. Okay?"
  • I love that she asks first.

    I run my finger through her hair, and lay another kiss on her. "Your wish is my command, hon. Just remember Hump's coming by later, yeah?" I hold my hand out, and throw my nose up, "whisk me away to the dance floor!"
  • VB coos into the kiss, reaching a finger to your ear, trailing a nail along your jawline. Then she disentangles herself from you to take your hand and lead you into the crowd as Kiss Me Deadly is playing.

    The North Candies squeal when you join them. Its pretty crazy, right? The way each of them want to dance with you, or near you. Well, Zag is kind of monopolizing Chunky now, but hey, even Spree and Starburst want to dance with you. Not close-dancing, just jovial partying.

    VB reluctantly shares you for a few songs, but when a slow one comes on, she worms her way in and stakes claim. She's had another shot, and she's really ready to take you to "her room". to execute stage two of her two stage plan.

    Any objections?
  • No objections here.
  • The pair of you kiss and walk, then pause and kiss, then fumble your way towards ecstasy. Buzzing VB is much, much sexier than drunk VB. She's eager to please tonight. Most nights, she lets you be the agressor, lets you pursue her, she meets you, but follows your lead.

    Tonight, she wants to show you how much she wants you, she pushes you onto the bed, she climbs on top, she strips you down and she plants fiery kisses everywhere. And for the first time, the first time when she's intimate with, well, anyone as far as you know, she keeps "the leg" on.

    Around midnight or so, you're both lying there in a healthy afterglow when Hump knocks at the door. VB looks over and asks, "Does baby brother know about us?"
  • These past two weeks I've been kind of stand-offish about sex, because of how sensitive I feel, but tonight was a nice break from it all. I pulled Vee into me, soaking up everything she could throw at me with an eager smile. I'm floored when she doesn't take the leg off... Normally she can't wait to get it off, but now? I don't know what it means, but whatever gave her this kind of confidence has me intrigued.

    I was half ready to fall asleep when Hump knocks at the door... Shit. I forgot about that... I don't think I told him about Vee, either... "We haven't seen each other since our last ride through Salt, and we didn't really get to talk much then. So... No? It'll be alright though." I slip some underwear on, and a tank-top. I grimace in annoyance when I notice the sensitivity in my boobs are coming back...

    Anyway, I slip over to the door and swing it open. "Hey Hump, c'mon in!"
  • VB seems to be in a mood. She doesn't put clothes on, just scoots up to see him when he comes in. She gives a self-satisifed smile to Hump.

    Hump gives you a thankful nod and heads in. He does a stutter-step when he sees VB, but then turns to look at you. "Hey sis, I'm real glad you came back. So, what did you and Jemma talk about that she wanted me out for?"
  • I smile, pleased at Hump's reaction, and squeeze his shoulder playfully, "C'mon Hump, you've seen Vee naked before. Pull up a chair, yeah?" I make my way over to the bed, "She wanted to grill me for secrets. She thought I was hiding something. She also knew a few things about Ma' and Dad she wanted to share, and make sure I wasn't out to do something stupid up North."

    I sit cross legged on the foot of the bed, "so I take it Topps is pretty bummed, huh? She seemed really upset."
  • Hump still looks away from VB. She snickers, and pulls down the covers enough to bare her chest for a moment, "Yeah, Hump! You've seen my little bug bites!" He looks over, gawks, then she pulls the sheet back up and ducks down with a fit of giggles.

    He turns back to you, and stammers a bit when he says, "She was... really mad that I was going. And then she cried for a bit. But then.... well, then we did some last night kissing and stuff. I think it'll be alright." He grins.
  • Aw... Now I feel bad. I frown, and give him a sympathetic pat on the leg, "just kissing huh?"

    Heh heh. I'm teasing.

    "Seriously though," I say with a smirk, "if you wanna come back, or if it seems too dangerous, I'll get one of my girls to send you back. We've all got folks we care about, yeah? And Ma' and Dad wouldn't want you getting hurt."

    I pause a moment, "Gramma been treating you well? She hasn't been grilling you, has she? Is that just me?"
  • Hump gives you look, then asks, "When did those silly North Candies become your girls?" He laughs a little, "Takin after Ma now?"

    VB pipes up with, "She was born a Candy, now she's running the Candy-lites!"

    Hump rolls his eyes, looks over at her, "You're smashed, Vee. Anyways, Kiddo, Gramma grills me, too. And she's about as subtle as a hand grenade. But it's her way. You know?"
  • Did I say my? ... I meant the girls. Frak... I shoot Vee a look when she jokes about me running the "Candy-lites", and sigh loudly for effect. "They were starving Hump, and now they ain't. They're a bit green, and some of 'em are a bit too loud about their conquests, but they're alright folks... They're just looking to find their way too, yeah?"

    Anyway... I kinda guessed Hump might be grilled by Gramma. It makes me a little anxious about telling him the truth... I should probably hold off, and tell everyone at the same time... I mean, If I can get Ma' and Dad in the same room that'd make things easier... Frak, I wish Rinny could be there... Vee's great and all, but she doesn't have a backbone when it comes to dealing with my family.

    Still... It'd be nice to have someone else on my side...

    "Can you keep a secret from her, Hump?"
  • Hump cocks his head and gives you an "are you serious" look, and says, "She knows you two are frah... uhm, you know, together, Kiddo." But then he gets it, sees it's something else. He straightens up, and says, "I'll keep your secrets, sis. You never ratted me out. What, uh, what is it?"
  • I need to know he's going to keep this secret... No messing around.

    OOC: Reading Hump. Roll+sharp.
    (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 4)
  • "She's preggers, you dumbass, hahahahahaha" VB blurts out. She rolls over in the bed, trying to laugh into the pillow, which only shows the room her pert little butt.

    Hump's eyes bug, and he looks over to VB, sees her ass, then back to you. "Is Rinnie... is he the dad?"

    VB pulls her head up from the pillow to exclaim, "No, I AM!!!! hahahaha, I've got a ding dong, Humpy." She rolls over, "You wanna see it?"

    Hump moves back towards the door, angling himself where you're in between him and VB. He awkwardly looks at you, asks, "Really?"
  • I think Hump's humoring me, to hear me say it, 'cause my jaw all but hit the floor when Vee outed me...

    I spin around, shocked, and slap her arm, "Vee!!!"

    The little voice in my head is screaming at me to deny it; but when I turn back to face Hump, I know it's too late... Shit... Vee, you dumbass... Tonight was going so well! My shoulders slump, and I bite my lip nervously... I nod, confirming it.

    "It was an accident... Well, it was... Now we're kind of... Well, Rinny's not here anymore, but I'm ... Well, I'm not exactly thrilled about it, given what the frak happened these past few days, but ..." My mouth hangs open and I shake my head, desperate to say something that makes this sound better...

    "I ... I'm ... Yeah... I am... And you can't tell Gramma!"
  • Hump listens while you stammer out your confession. He's not exactly laughing at you, but you do give him drek about stuff sometimes. He's still grinning when he says, "I won't tell Gramma. But you better tell her after we get Ma and Pa, alright?" He pulls you into a warm hug, and just holds you tight.

    He says quiet, "Rinso's a good guy, he'll be back, you know it. I love you, sis. Mom will poop a brick, this is gonna be awesome. I'm gonna be the smart one, now."
  • edited November 2013
    Absolutely nothing he said sounded like something I liked... El-Zilcho of it.

    I mean, I had intended to tell everyone when we were all together, but now? Frak... This is ridiculous. Ma' is totally going to shit a brick... Everyone seems so sure Rinso will be back. I guess they all know something I don't.

    Maybe I'm wrong though...

    I return the hug after a while, and shoot him a stern look when he jokes about being "the smart one" — "spoken with a self-delusion only a man could be capable of." I shake my head, and let him go. "Seriously though, Hump... I need to keep this secret until we find Ma' and Dad. Nobody can know, yeah? Not even Topps."

    I pause, "Actually, especially not Topps, cause she might tell KellyTires, and he'd tell Gramma for sure."
  • "C'mon, Kiddo! I mean, gods, please give me some credit. I know Gramma would not let you go get Ma and Pa like this. I guess maybe I shouldn't either, but I just... I just miss them. Anyways, this is family business." Hump seems pretty serious.
  • I nod — slowly at first, but then with a bit more certainty... I guess I've just gotta trust him. "Ok," I whisper, before giving him another small hug, and a kiss on the cheek. "At least somebody can keep a secret," I say a little louder than I should, looking back to Vee.

    I sigh, and poke him playfully. "Rubbers, Hump... Rubbers."
  • edited November 2013
    Hump nods, "Right, right. You do remember, I'm like thirteen. But yeah, whatever. Maybe I'll get some on this trip. For, uhm, later. Way down the road and stuff. Anyways, I should leave you with drunkie Vee over there. You two, uhm... resume your whatever."

    "Oh we WILL!" VB says from the bed. Hump hugs you again, then he's gone.

    VB sits up, "Are you mad for me blabbing?" She gives you a pitiful look, then says in a little girl voice, "Do I need a spanking?"
  • I smirk back to Hump and wave goodbye as I close the door behind him. He's such a sweetie... I really hope Gramma's too busy with KelleyTires to find him tonight...

    Anyway, I hear a little troublemaker on the bed behind me, and I spin around after the door's locked to shoot daggers at her out of my eyes. "What the frak am I gunna do with you, Vee?" I ask, only half serious, "You'd better not spill shit like that to my Gramma, or my parents! Or I'll have to start rationing spankings."

    I climb back into bed with her, and give her a passionate kiss. "But I suppose I might forgive you, if you promise never to do that again..."
  • VB just laughs, then between kisses, says, "Aw, c'mon, you were so gonna tell him. You were already doing the whole 'can you keep a secret?' game. I got tired of waiting! I wanted you back in mah bed!" She tries to wrestle you onto your back, which, considering the fact that you're stronger and outweigh her a bit, means you'll have to let her. But eventually she comes up for air and promises, "I won't tell. I won't, I won't. Because I need spankings to be un-rationed!"

    Shall we fade to black and skip to the morrow?
  • Sounds good to me!
  • --END SCENE--
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