As you're riding, feeling Dog's muscles, the powerful hum of her ride under you, things seem to vibrate, and the world's askew. That's when Dog turns her head at an impossible angle and looks down at you.
"Girl, why did you come to the woods with nothing to offer then take, take, take? Now, you have nothing, but I have a new one. She will come to me. She will be mine, even though this one tried to take her from me. None that I swallow escape. Crave, crave, crave."
Then you snap out of it, your head up, Dog still leaning over the bike, your arms around her.
I let out a shuddering breath, tipping my forehead against Dog's back and closing my eyes a moment, trying to hold my fractured calm.
Sounder will not be taken as long as I draw breath to stop it. The Arrows will agree. Now we must find a way to loose the grip of the forest upon her. What danger I have exposed all of them to!
I realize my tears have started running again. More proof of just how unbalanced I am. I wipe my eyes and turn my head sideways against Dogs back, unwilling to break contact, feeling more than hearing the steady thump of her heart.
"You okay back there?" I say over my shoulder. I can't see Bon, but I can feel her skittered moves. Least, that's what it feels like. I hold one hand of mine over hers on my stomach. The top of my hand is kinda chill from the breeze but the palm's warm. It's not glove weather. "You need me to slow down?"
My bike's been giving me a steadiness, clearing my head and chasing my fears away but maybe not my worries. Funny that they're different. I know not everyone likes a ride like I do, though, even Arrows.
“No.” I say tilting my head up, but not moving my cheek away. “You needn’t slow, I’m… I will recover.”
I think. My mind is lurching still. If we were still, I think she would feel the trembling. It’s lost though on the vibration of the bike.
“I am sorry I led you there, Dog. I didn’t think it would be so…Terrible.” I even sound shaken. I take a breath. “The forest… it’s alive.” Ridiculous, of course it is. “Rather… It… it’s a creature. An entity in itself. It’s going to call Sounder to it, it has…. it has gotten into her mind, like the men you saw before. She will need watching until I can figure out how to treat it.”
I'm assuming you're headed back to Safeco, since that's where Bon's infirmary is. Bon. That's the best place to work on this affliction Sounder has.
Dog, the Arrows are hurting from this. There was such camaraderie only an hour earlier, and now one of their own is hurting bad, and you got nothing out of the trip. Belka's missing, which is an unspoken problem. You also notice there's a faraway look in Cujo's eyes, she keeps watch to the north as you ride.
I take in what Bon says, quietly. Let her let it out. Feels different to hear her talk and know I understand it all. Wish it were for a different reason. I leave my hand on hers till she's done (or till I have to both hands to steer, I ain't that sentimental).
"Nobody knew it was going to be that awful. The forest being alive like one thing? That makes sense. Mean soaker, too." I let out a long sigh, breathe back in. "We went for you, but we also went because I wanted us to have a little win. Wanted to protect Tin Girl, and maybe me too. Wanted to have some people who used to work for HM owe me deep. Gettin' water, helping you find medicine, that was extra."
"Blame's what people do when they can't do nothin'. But you can do more for Sounder than anybody, right? More than you, this is my mistake."
I smile a little, reflecting on my discovery of my own rather skewed perceptions before the nightmare.
“But who is this woman of thoughtful judgement and responsibility?” I ask. I tighten my arms around her a moment, a hug. “Can this truly be that little lunatic avatar of recklessness and bravado I met so long ago? The one ready to take on the world as long as she got a good fight out of it? But this is impossible. ” I pause “I argued vehemently, you know, with both Nana and Rainey over you taking on leadership in the Arrows. I was very wrong indeed. It has been good for you.”
“No blame, we had no knowledge of the nature of the forest. For Sounder, I treat the body with certainty. The mind is another matter, and altogether more difficult.” I'm watching the ruin now as we approach SafeCo. “Perhaps Vignette... Perhaps she might help?”
It isn't a long trip on h-bikes, and even riding steady so Laika can keep Sounder safe, you pull into the shadows of Safeco within a few minutes. The Arrows slow down and leave their bikes near the main entrance. Dog, who do you put in charge of watching them?
As Laika and Hachiko work on carrying Sounder down to the infirmary, Cujo pulls you aside, Dog.
She signs tight, just for you, ::I am not sleeping in the pile tonight. I am not angry. I will not go fighting. Understand?:: She looks at you with some intensity, silently asking you for the okay, nervous that it is the worst possible time, with Sounder, and with Belka.
"Hah, did you argue like that? Yeah, I can see you doing it. Back in the day, my job was guard dog, to make people scared to mess with us, make em' pay for it. I'm still that person, and I'm not so smart, Bon, so it's hard to do more than that. But if you think I'm doing it, that counts high with me." I don't show this uncertainty to anybody if I can help it, but sometimes it's there. August, Rainey, sometimes they hear it. Now Bon, I guess.
I look back thoughtfully at Bon when she mentions Vignette. I feel like she owes us, she would at least try, right? Worth a shot.
I pull in and park, put Hachiko on watch, Ace too if it looks like Hachiko is too nervous to do it alone.
Cujo pulls me aside and I watch her talk, then nod.
Ace sticks around with Hachiko, getting the sense you're already thinking about it. Once you nod to Cujo, she jogs up ahead to tell Shy and Mox that you're all coming.
Shy comes out into the shadowy corridor outside the infirmary, Decatur at her side. They move up quick to transfer Sounder to a stretcher, then carry her back inside while Laika and Hachiko and the rest of you follow.
I sigh in letting go of Dog to climb off the bike. I am thankful for the contact. Though I'm still disturbed, my equilibrium is a little better.
I linger back with Dog, watch Cujo ask to leave. I nod at her before she turns away. Once Sounder is on her way to the infirmary and we are walking I speak again.
"You think too meanly of yourself. You are quite clever, that much I have always known. Because you weren't trained from birth by fanatics is no reason to think otherwise."
I walk with Bon towards the infirmary. We're gonna crowd the place right up. "Thanks, Bon. Guess I've just been around a lot of clever people, trained by fanatics or not." I grin at her. "Can't say I haven't had my life touched by fanatical people, myself." The Medecai, I ain't heard much, but I feel the pressure they must put on.
I look at the people bedded up in here, then to Shy. I watch Sounder rested down where she'll be for a while and I'm real grateful she can be here. I wonder if I shouldn't stick around tonight.
Decatur gently touches Sounder's face, looking at the ligature marks on her neck, the cuts all over her body, the rough splint, "Oh my dear. We will take care of you. I promise." His tone is full of concern.
"Bon, that was our last bed." Shy says low, but solid. She's talking for you to hear, Dog. "We can't afford any more sick folks. We need more supplies, we're almost out of sterilized gauze, and bedding. Plus, food's running low."
I look at the others and sigh, not having gotten the leaves I needed for the medicine. I feel the presence of the forest once again, remembering what it said. Perhaps it can be bargained with, but who would help me with such a task? Vignette occurs to me again. Or Valentine. Perhaps her charm and trading sense extends to inhuman creatures?
I touch Dog's arm. "It hardly needs saying, but you are welcome to stay if you wish to. Quarters will be rather close, but I think any veteran of the pile can manage."
I nod to Shy when she speaks up.
"I know. And we did not get the leaves I need for the medicine." I glance at Decatur. I do not think I expected to have so many at once. "Don't worry. We shall find our way."
Shy inhales through her nose loudly at the news. "No leaves means nothing for these patients? We just care for them until when? You make another run?" She looks at Sounder, "She was hurt there, right? I see the dirt and all. Aunt Bon, we can't keep doing this. I... I don't want to be stuck running this place."
Decatur, he's new. I feel possessive when he touches Sounder, but I let it go.
"I'll stay here tonight to keep watch with Sounder. We'll work something out, Shy, why don't you take a breather, spend the night with the pack?" If she's been doing this by herself and, well, we both failed her, I hope she takes some time.
"Of course I'll pay for you looking after Sounder. And I'll chip in a little for these people, too, since we came back with nothin'." I can see this promise running me dry pretty quick. There might be just one thing for it. I sigh.
My lips tense for a moment. Both for Shy's expression of not wanting to be stuck doing this... to not be like me, and for Dog's offer of payment and extra support. The pack isn't exactly rolling in jingle, and charging them for anything after they took us in for so long doesn't sit well.
I nod to Shy.
"I agree, go to the pack, if you wish, Shy. You did well without me today."
I turn to Dog. "You are generous, however It was not your fault we did not get what we needed. I did not do this for it to become a burden for the Arrows."
The offer of the pile seems to soften Shy's attitude. She nods, looks to you, Dog, "And one of the Arrows can take me riding, too?" She's asking, but it's a presumptuous tone. She's trying to sound strong.
Mox appears from the back area where some patients have been put behind a curtain. They're the ones worse off, closest to death.
I look into Dogs' eyes a moment. I don't like it, but the need cannot be denied. More protestation would be ungrateful. I sigh and nod. I will find some way to make it up to her.
"Very well."
I look at Shy at her request, a rebuke on my lips about her tone, but I stop and look back at Dog and raise an eyebrow.
"You'll have to convince someone by yourself." I tilt my head to look down at Shy, breaking away from Bon with a nod. Shy will have to pick out who wants to ride off today and who wants to hole up.
Mox steps in and it's been a while since I've seen him. He gets a friendly smile, softened by what he's prob'ly been doing. "Hey, Mox."
She accepts the challenge of securing a teacher on the h-bikes and busies herself with clean-up work before she leaves.
Mox brightens when you give him a smile, "Hi Dog. Sorry about Sounder, but we'll get her back up and riding in no time." He sounds confident about that.
Exhaustion lies heavy on my mind but putting a hand on Mox's shoulder as I move past him, I go around to assess my patients. I start with the ones in the back.
Bon, your patients are still in rough shape, but haven't worsened. Three pairs of hands on staff have been able to keep things moving, but like Shy said, supplies are running low. It isn't like Safeco has First Aid kits or any such things lying around. Where do you get most of your supplies? My notes are shaky on this part.
"Hey Dog..." Mox asks, "How is Joey doing? Is he okay with uhm, Mr. SeaTac?"
"Joey seems to be doing real good, SeaTac's takin' him around, showin' him things. Take it you ain't seen much of him?" I been keeping an eye on Joey and his attitude and he seems good, pleased to be where he is.
"Could you help me get some of my stuff back from my bike?" I kinda don't need the help, but maybe Mox could use a walk.
Mox walks out with you, just keeping up with your pace, walking with less vigor than he often does. "I saw Cujo... she looks rough. And Belka's not around?"
"I did this morning, which is how I figured she wasn't with you." Mox admits as you both come up out of the basement level and sunlight blinds you for a moment. "Saw her up near the Yacht Club when I went for some fresh water. She was standing around with some blue-haired girl. I think the blue-haired girl is part of Admiral's security or something."
I nod to Mox, he's got it right. "Thanks, Mox. Girl with blue hair was prob'ly Grunge, and she's inside gang, yeah." I head for my bike and touch base with Ace and Hachiko while I'm grabbing my stuff. Let em know what's the what.
Mox heads to your bike to get whatever stuff you direct him to take back down, and works on that. You fill in Hachiko and Ace, they listen and nod.
Hachiko comments out loud so she isn't pointing this out in front of Ace, not exactly. "Dog, if you're out of the pile, Sounder's down there, Belka's wherever. Cujo is out late... the pile's getting smaller by the day."
I pause at each patient with a smile and soothing words, even if they are not conscious. Our minds pick up more than our waking state ever remembers after all.
My supplies come from a variety of places. Probably the main person I deal with is Halifax, a scav who seems to specialize in recovering medical gear from the ruins, like the shock patches I use in the field. I now actually make most of the drugs, formulations of the Medicai with my own improvements found over time. I make them from plants that I get either from the garden upstairs or from other growers that sell at Pike. It's a painstaking process and I can only mix so many doses in a given day of work dedicated to the task.
Mox gets the light stuff. I ain't so bushy-tailed myself, but
"We'll turn it around. Cujo might be cooling off finally, I think. I'm talking to Belka tonight or in the morning. Sounder will be okay; I'm in there in case she wakes up. And I'll be back in tomorrow." I'm also there to help Bon a little, till she's set herself more right.
Hachiko asks quiet, so Mox can't hear, like she doesn't want him to know, in case, "Who's riding Sounder's bike while she's down? You gonna let in new blood?"
I smile. “That is excellent news, She is strong in spirit, like you.”
My face falls a little “Alas, no. Our attempt met with unexpected complications.” I tell him of what occurred in the forest, including my own odd experience while stabilizing Sounder, though I sound more clinical when I discuss that. “Do not lose heart. We are not yet defeated, my friend. I intend to return and attempt to negotiate with the forest for what we need.”
"You have brought me from the brink of death, good lady." Decatur says in his pleasant tones. "I will keep faith. But I must ask... how will you negotiate with a forest?"
"It lives. It communicates. It wants." I wave at the others. "People are suffering, It must be tried. How precisely I do not yet know."
Nee could do it. She lived with that realm close to her. She saw things, some that she told me... though she stopped somewhere along the way. Perhaps to protect me, I don't know.
I drop my hand and continue to move through my patients.
"I know at least one who is skilled with the unseen gale, perhaps she will help."
"Too soon, but I have ideas." I keep my voice low and shoulder my burden. "If you need me for anything, come get me!" I raise my voice again, wave and head back into SafeCo. ::Bye Ace, come by if you need me!::
Bon, Decatur follows you, curious about how you check the patients as much as the forest. "The unseen gale?" He repeats, tone interested. "The forest is connected to that other place? I've been there, recently. Home keeps it at bay, and now, well, I am without a Home."
Dog, You carry your gear and whatnot back down to the infirmary with Mox moving alongside. He seems worn, older than his years, at least now. Crinkles at the corner of his eyes, a particular set to his mouth, a composure to hide emotion.
After the walk down the concrete ramp you come into the infirmary. Shy is gathering refuse to dispose of, while Bon is checking patients and chatting with Decatur.
Well, it looks like Mox is taking more after Bon, doesn't it? Is this like Bon's face when she was just little?
I put my things away someplace, including the barter I brought for the infirmary. Gonna miss the pack and my bear.
I take a look at Sounder, can't help but respond to my concern. But I gotta wait.
Decatur's talk stands up my guard hairs. Everybody has something they call it, that thing we feel in aloneness. Don't take much subtle thinkin' to know. Finding a place to be, that's the safer subject. "You should look into staying here. Make do with it."
My interactions are usually simple. Touch. Soothing words. Feeling for pulse and mentally shuffling it into one of the fifty-four categories. Feeling temperature and looking at color of complexion and likewise sorting them into their taxonomies.
I nod at Dog's interjection and look up at Decatur "You have been an exceptional help. Perhaps it is something you should consider." I look back down at my patient. "The other 'Home' will be addressed too. 'Tis obscene that HM calls his drug by that name."
"Huh? HM makes high-juice?" I frown. This is fresh blood to me. So what about Hope? People told me she seems faded, and I've seen it. Guess I thought it was just sadness. Stupid!
I look between Bon and Decatur (that's his name? Yeah), wanting to know more.
I look over at Dog, standing again. “Indeed, it is a narcotic with which his chattel are bound to him.” I glance at Decatur “and when they are no longer useful to him, he withdraws it.”
It makes me wonder about August. Was she enslaved to this substance?
I nod and cast my look aside, grasping my hands open and shut. "So it's hard to come off. Home as in 'Come Home.'"
Men like him, they stand in place because they're surrounded by what props 'em up. The people he sells. The people who buy. Admiral. Maybe Valentine if he brings zir enough business. Anyone he can hire to protect him. And this Home stuff.
Bon and Dog, "The Master didn't like us to speak of it." Decatur says as he looks back at you, Dog. "He gave us something we call Home, when he was happy with us. It... it makes all of your pain go away. It's Heaven."
There's a grimy-looking bearded guy who just walked into the infirmary. He's looking around, his eyes fix on you, Bon. Dog, you see Ace with her rifle pulled up, she's in the corridor outside, about to blow this guy's head off.
I get my feet planted and look this guy up and down for weapons in hand. ::Hold:: I sign while I'm lookin'. I'm sure Bon would hate to have this guy's brains all over her infirmary. Plus, Bon gets rough customers. I'm in here, right?
If he's lookin' for Bon, he's found her. If he's lookin' for trouble, he's got twice that.
The man looks at your forehead for a moment, then his eyes widen when you give him your name, Bon. "August sent me. My name's Watauga." He stands up a little straighter, like he realized something, He signs with sloppy hands, ::There's a splashing threat here, don't tell me::
I feel the tension grip my body. His hands are not accustomed to sign, and this is Arrows-sign in any case, with special gestures specific to our little band. I glance at Ace behind Dog and shake my head minutely, then I look at the man again, and approach with a few more steps, looking him over.
"She's..." Watauga says with sudden reverence, "She's more than well. She sent the message... the hand thing. She said you and Chance and Belka and the other sisters should come with me." He looks around, suddenly noticing you, Dog, and your interest, "Are you... one of them?"
I don't know what to do with my face. August is alive! But there's a threat. August is clownin' this guy. So his crew, they got her. "Yeah. I'm Dog, and we're sisters together. Been too long since I've seen August. Where would we go?"
“She is.” I agree. “Forgive me, I should offer my sisters emissary some hospitality. Perhaps you would like some water, Mr. Wautauga? While you tell us just what it is we need to do.”
I wave an inviting arm back to the living quarters.
He answers with gratitude in his voice,, "Yes, Bon. Some water would be good." His eyes track your signing, Dog. Ace nods, lowers her rifle and heads back outside. Watauga looks around, "August is out on the sea, with my captain and the crew. The captain wants strong people... and he really likes August. She asked to talk to you all, to convince you to join us."
Of course he 'likes' August . Who does not? I recoil to think of her using perhaps her most potent weapon. I lead the way back into our small dwelling. My own mind is spinning and the tension resolves into fear and grips my heart yet again today, accompanied by a lash of anger who's strength is surprisingly strong. I keep my expression calm, I indicate a chair.
"Upon the sea? Extraordinary! Please, take your ease there, friend."
I pour him a generous measure of clearwater into a drinking jar and hand it to him. Then I return and pour some for Dog too.
"I admit I did not know that any people lived upon the sea. Are there many with the red sickness among you? I should hate to think my sister and her new friends in such danger.
I am watching him quite carefully, his face, his voice, the shift of his eyes, the change of the pulse beating in the veins at his seems important to understand just what August has gotten herself into.
Watauga drains the glass quick like there's no hint of waiting, like a puppy chomps down his meal for fear of the rest of the litter taking it. He slumps back in his chair and the tension drains from him, replaced by tired. "Can't talk about our ways too much out here, you know? But yeah, there's redsick sometimes, if we aint careful. August is safe. It's safe in the ship."
I take a couple drinks of water. "Nobody's gonna take the sea from you, huh? Glad she's safe, though, real glad. S'been a week and a little more."
The sea! What a totally soak-headed place to live. A ship at sea. I get around and I haven't heard of it. It's a big world.
Clearly Bon is leading him out to talk. It keeps me from hauling him outta here and making him take us right now. I roll my neck, drink my water down to half. "I get not bein' open with outsiders. It's a hard world to find trust in."
I look at Dog, surprised. August was injured? And I wasn't told or approached for help? I drop my eyes a moment. Of course not, why should I be? I am no longer with them, by my own choice. She probably let that hack in Pike sew her up, leaving scars on that beautiful skin. Just the thought of it upsets me out of all compass with the event.
But now is not the time, so I turn away to refill Wautauga's jar, and check those feelings, shoving them into their prison in the back of my mind, cracked though the walls of it might be.
How might I get Wautauga to tell us more of his people's ways?
Watauga looks over at you, Dog, "She had a limp when she got to us, but she's fine now. I mean... she's a little lonely. S'why she asked me to come find her sisters." He heaves a breath, "Haven't been this far ashore in such a long time. Forgot what a deep breath of fresh air was like."
Bon, he's on guard. If you flirted with him, he'd open up. Or, if you got him really drunk. While he's got his wits about him, mum's the word. Not like he doesn't want to talk, more like he's afraid of that captain he mentioned.
I glance a moment over my shoulder at Watauga, considering. Clearly August has worked her magic upon him. What spirits I have are mostly used for disinfectant, so... This is something outside of my experience. I do not flirt. Or... rather I have not flirted, but perhaps he is so intoxicated with August that I can push him to trust us further. To tell us more.
This is... ridiculous, but I... I must pretend to be August. I've certainly watched her enough. What would she do?
I turn and smile at him, more than my typical quiet grin. It feels as though my lips are stretched beyond their normal shape. I try to think of my body more fluidly, remembering how it looks when August moves, like a ripple of liquid, graceful and enticing.
I move across to him, trying to modulate my normal smooth soothing voice into something more... sensual?
"My sister has made a wise choice I see," I hand him the water and drag another chair to sit closer to the man than would be polite. I try to flow into the chair, and then reach out and casually brush off his arm, as if clearing dirt, all the while feeling wildly outside my depth. "placing her trust in you. She has an eye for those with courage, intelligence and strength, and evidently she has not lost it. You must be a favorite. I hope, Mr. Watauga, that you will be as good a friend to the rest of us?
I purse my lips thoughtfully, a copy of a pout I've seen August use.
Watauga shifts, uncomfortable with your praise, Bon, "Well, she means alot to me." He glances down at the small space between you. "I put myself out there for her, coming this far. Captain wasn't happy about it, he thinks you all won't understand what we're doing. You'll try and stop us, after all the good we've done." He looks up at you, Bon, over to you, too, Dog. "That Harbormaster, for instance. He's poison. We killed him and all his diseased folk. Wasn't easy, but they were a blight. Worse than the red."
And no, he doesn't recognize any of the patients here. Bon, you catch Decatur's surprised look, which comes in a flash then disappears as he controls his expressions again.
I drink on my water to hide my expression. First Bon wearing a full smile like anyone, then Watauga's news. Real hard, blowing up a sitting target full of sick people. "That was your crew? Wish I could'a seen it."
Wait Bon tryin' on August's accent? If that doesn't beat all. I try to keep my face quiet-like and go on. "I'd say you did my work for me, but there's always more to be done."
I'd like to see Bon smile more, though, it's true.
I nod in agreement with Dog, the mask-like smile still upon my face as I try to bring some of the heat that always seems to simmer behind August's eyes into mine. My hand casually rests on his forearm.
"I'faith, much more to be done. If August understands, you can be sure that we will as well. But I find myself eager to know the Captain's vision." I lean in a little more. I think of August again, how she acts, and reach out to casually trace some seam on his shirt. "And if you are so fond of her as she clearly is of you, surely you can share it with your new crewmates, who are like to be equally fond in a short time? Shall you eliminate all the wickedness on this shore then, as you did with that wretched Harbormaster?"
He nods, takes another drink, wipes at his mouth with the back of his sleeve, "We should talk, just us and Chance and Belka, the other sisters. These others, they're flooded." He stands up, starts to head for the outside. He reaches down to pat your shoulder, Bon, like he wants you to follow.
Decatur's eyes show alarm, Dog. You see it, but he's hiding it from this guy. He's afraid of whatever Watauga's people did to his home.
I lock eyes with Bon for a second, see if she asks me to follow in em'. I stand up either way. No way I trust this guy alone with her, and that's a fact. And Decatur, he's taken too much fear, I don't like his chances if it comes to bloody stuff.
What a time for Belka to be driftin' on us. I block Watauga's view of Decatur as I head for the door.
These others bein' flooded, I wonder what that means to him, that he has no pity for the sick or somethin' else.
I work to keep my smile as he comments about the others being flooded. August is in the hands of these people.
I don't flinch from the touch, however much I want to. I take the moment he turns away to collapse back into myself. I am not August and the alien quality of using whatever sexual appeal I might have is uncomfortable. I feel as though he might see the ruse at any moment.
I meet Dog's eyes and nod for her to follow, since she's been accepted as one of the 'sisters,' perhaps letting her realize how awkward I feel, too. Then I turn my thoughts to him as I follow him outside. He's only mentioned Chance and Belka by name and I wonder how many others we can get before he becomes concerned. August probably only gave him three names. Why, by the bloody rain, did she choose me? I am not for intrigues and rescues. Is she sick, despite his claims of her good health?
"Listen, Watauga, privacy can be hard to come by." I look about the halls for Ace - telling her this man is a sign from August probably has some Arrows in motion. But I assume people are bedding down, too. Hard to say.
"And I need to talk some convincing on Belka. She's pretty skittered when it comes to the sea. I'd rather you not hear that, for her pride's sake."
Watauga listens to you both, "That's four of you. Do you all have bikes like August? We need to move fast, it took me too long to find you. We need to meet up with the ship. It's docking soon, and the captain will only wait so long."
Madness. To leave the infirmary again, and now with only Mox and Decatur to watch after them? I don't expect any crisis but who knows who will get themselves hurt in the hold in the meantime. But what can I do? August... she is in trouble and she asked for me. The old life and the new. The people of Safeco, and my family.
My gut ties in a knot. A gordian knot at that. How many names will I pay for August? How much of that is infatuation and how much is familial love and duty? How much will I despise myself in the worst of each case? I cannot say.
But I needs must slide the mask back on. I flow under Dog's arm, my arm threading about her waist, which still puts me inside Watauga's personal space.
"We do. My sister is right, however, Belka will need some private talk. How much time is there and where must we meet up with your fine ship?
Watauga flicks a glance to each of you, and your, ah proximity. It's disarmed him, and he makes a rash decision. "We're hitting the lighthouse in the early morning. If you've all got bikes like August, we can leave around o five hundred and meet them."
I leave my arm over Bon's shoulder, easy-like. It's not that close in this hall but I'm ok with this. When he mentions the lighthouse, I look across Bon at him, give her sturdy shoulder a soft squeeze. This, I can work with. Don't gotta juggle the gang and hide signs nor any of that splash.
"The bikes are good like that, yeah."
I pause. What's an o five hundred? I mouth the words 'oh five hundred?' to Bon.
"Ever ridden an h-bike?" I keep my eyes open for a quiet spot, maybe lead Watauga into taking a corner first.
Watauga shakes his head, "No. I didn't know there were such things. Looks scary as all hells." He's watching your nonverbals, the touching, the closeness. It's obviously something he's unaccustomed to seeing, and it's a thrill for him.
The smile still, but dimmed a little. The stiffness was getting to me. Still the hot gaze and the loose body (for me, that is. August would probably find it a hysterical parody.) Dog's arm really is lending me comfort. I believe I was forced to let go too soon. It is curious, but it occurs to me that I have almost always the holder rather than the held. I squeeze her back.
I watch his eyes track our smaller movements. 'Tis clear that personal touch is somewhat limited at sea. Protective gear perhaps. Ironic that I am probably more like him than he perceives in that regard.
"Perhaps at first, for some, Mr. Watauga, but for someone so courageous who braves the bloody seas it should be nothing at all. I have no doubt you will be an excellent... rider."
Can I get more ridiculous?
"Two candle ticks before Dawn then." I answer Dog's mouthed question in the statement, glancing towards her again. "'tis time enough, I think?"
"We'll make it work. Watauga, there's squats in near Swill's for the duelin' and duel-watchin' crowd, they'll put you up dry and you tell em' Dog's bought your way."
I pull a scrap of leather out of my pocket, some orphaned piece of a dead jacket, and bite down on it. I got a diss-stinked set of tooth marks, makes for a good IOU. I hand it to him.
He takes the leather strap, looks at it, figures it out, stuffs it in his left jacket pocket. "Alright, Dog. I'll be there for a bit. I'm leaving with or without you." He heads on to find Swill's.
I draw Bon in and hug her tight, quiet for a moment. One or two trembles rumble through me like an engine turning over. "You did real good, Bon. I couldn't have made that."
I let her go. "We'll get her free, and those red-mad tin can splashers won't roll nobody else."
I am not expecting the hug, but my usual distance has been worn thin. Something has shifted today, though I do not know if I could put words to what it is.
I turn my head to the side against Dog’s taller frame and hug her back just as tightly, as if I am trying to absorb her strength and warmth into my body. One hand reaches up to cup the back of her head when I feel her body shiver.
Decatur gives a nod, then another to you, Dog. "Very well. If needs must. If Lissa wakes, I will put her to work singing to the others, it will improve their mood. Do not worry. Help your friend. We will abide, dear Bon."
I shake my head once for Ace, gently, glad she's asking. ::He can't get far.:: Come to it, I only want him for a bluff I can take or leave.
"Decatur, maybe I can send you help, but no promises. Let's toss down and find Belka, tug on her ear some." If Belka wants to stay Arrow she'd better double down on this ride or stay with Decatur and crew. I haul up some of my things and trace the shortest path I can in my head between the places I think Belka will be.
Belka's never been much for subtlety. You find that she's been hanging out at Team Store, the place Admiral's inside gang calls home. She's inside right now, on a big couch, smoking some weed with Grunge, Speed and a few others.
There's a Speed-shaped blank in that room as far as my face and eyes are concerned. I nod to Grunge, though, and a couple other inside gang people. Don't really know how I feel about Grunge at the moment, she seems a good sort but I dunno if Belka's workin' on her or the other way. I don't pass through the door. Not my space.
"Belka. We need to talk. Word's come up on August and I need you." I don't know if I'll be glad if she's sober or glad if she's real stoned.
I stand quietly behind Dog, my hands clasped behind my back. I nod acknowledgement of Grunge and one of the others, both of whom I have tended to. My eyes return to Belka, overly brash and indiscriminate in my opinion, but an Arrow still.
Bon, that inside ganger you helped before, his name is Rufe. He carries the scar on his forearm from the glass you pulled out of it. He paid you with a set of scalpels, never told you where he got them. He gives you a nod. He's not smoking, just looking standing against the wall, doing nothing.
Belka is baked. She looks up at the door from the couch, a grin pasted on her face. Grunge gives a nod. She's sitting right beside Belka, has a J in her hand, but she looks more serious than your Arrow. Belka puts a hand on Grunge's thigh and squeezes, then stands up to walk over towards the door. She stops a few feet shy and wobbles a little.
Belka says in a lazy drawl, "Yo Dog. Yo Bon. What's August up to now? Somethin.... bad?"
"Somethin' important. Somethin' could go bad. Like earlier today when I was holding onto Sounder for dear life, I thought to myself 'if Belka had a hand in here we'd be outta this red.'" It's a lot like true, I always think of Belka when my arms are about to give out on me, and she is just about the best for tire tag.
Holding up an arm with a loose-closed hand to show like I'd imagine Belka pulling up on something needed doin', I step just a smidge back, like I'm shifting my weight. Make Belka step forward again if she wants to make like she's really talking to me.
"She is hurt, but alive." I say, calmly. "She needs some tending yet."
What I remember most about riding with Belka and part of what Cujo was teasing me about. In addition to her consistent good cheer, which is her best quality, Belka is legendary for her roving eye and her ability to charm women out of their pants. And I was once her target. She pursued me very determinedly, and I can't say that I never considered giving in. I survived the siege but it was a topic of merriment among the Arrows, with jokes made at our expense for well onto months, with occasional resurgence even now.
Belka looks to you, Dog, to check that it's true. "I'm glad she's alive, but why aren't you tending her, Bon? The flood you doing up here on a social visit?" She pauses for just a moment, then it hits her. "Auggie's in it bad? Soak me, I'm coming." She reaches down for Grunge's hand, "Grunge is riding with me. She's a good shot."
Grunge looks up at you, Dog, like she wants your say on this. Bon, you see Speed sitting up, he's not going to let one of his gang just up and walk out.
“You need not presume to instruct me in my duty… anymore than I should have to instruct you in your own.” I say mildly, but I can feel the hardness in my eyes as I look her. “Sounder sleeps now whilst her body recovers. It is the best course and she has capable watchers.”
I look at Grunge, Speed, then Dog. “It is best for now to minimize factors of which we are not sure.”
I give Belka her reassurance that Bon's right, like she even needs it. Breath comes out my nose tight when August's trouble finally hits Belka's brain. But her heart's still with us, and that counts. Some knot in my back eases, and I feel a little better.
I ain't against Grunge riding along, but it says some stuff if she just volunteers like it's her ride (stuff I like, but it's bloody political). Not smilin' at Grunge, but I approve of that look. "Grunge comes with us, that makes it an issue between gangs. We can maybe hire Grunge for her good shootin', or trade favors outta respect."
That's how things are right now, straight up, for Belka and Grunge to chew on.
I know there's some worthless shape 'o nothin' getting up off the couch but I ain't inclined to look yet.
Unbelievable. My hands close into fists. "Belka, you have missed rides and skipped nights. You can't dig deeper on this?" But she's probably spent herself out partying here in SafeCo, huh?
I break out the pound of coffee I've got while I give Belka a searching look. She'll have to take it from my hand like she means it. "You take this off me, you owe me some breakfasts at Yacht Club."
Belka takes the coffee, meeting your eyes straight up. "I will make it up, Dog. Just wanted to, you know, have some fun. Didn't mean for Soundy or Auggie to get hurt. You gotta know that. So yeah, I want this. And Grunge is with us." She declares the end, but it's like she needs it.
"Dog, Bon." Grunge says, speaking out of turn, but it's like she can't keep quiet any more. "August is a... she's special. I want to help, and I will keep my head down. No trouble. No drama, alright?"
I give Belka's shoulder a squeeze, wait for Grunge to finish. "Okay, good. S'good to have you both, and fair is fair. We gotta get Chance and plan this out just a little, then we ride early."
"Gonna be a bit of a skill ride, too." I give Belka a wink and a click and get moving. Want to get Chance, plan the ride and get a little of some kind of sleep. But I'm excited. We'll see how much I get.
I watch everything settle out. I don’t approve of taking Grunge. She is an unknown quantity and expensive besides. But it is Dog’s decision, I simply nod to Gringe and follow Dog when we leave to make our plan.
As you're riding, feeling Dog's muscles, the powerful hum of her ride under you, things seem to vibrate, and the world's askew. That's when Dog turns her head at an impossible angle and looks down at you.
"Girl, why did you come to the woods with nothing to offer then take, take, take? Now, you have nothing, but I have a new one. She will come to me. She will be mine, even though this one tried to take her from me. None that I swallow escape. Crave, crave, crave."
Then you snap out of it, your head up, Dog still leaning over the bike, your arms around her.
What do you do?
I let out a shuddering breath, tipping my forehead against Dog's back and closing my eyes a moment, trying to hold my fractured calm.
Sounder will not be taken as long as I draw breath to stop it. The Arrows will agree. Now we must find a way to loose the grip of the forest upon her. What danger I have exposed all of them to!
I realize my tears have started running again. More proof of just how unbalanced I am. I wipe my eyes and turn my head sideways against Dogs back, unwilling to break contact, feeling more than hearing the steady thump of her heart.
"You okay back there?" I say over my shoulder. I can't see Bon, but I can feel her skittered moves. Least, that's what it feels like. I hold one hand of mine over hers on my stomach. The top of my hand is kinda chill from the breeze but the palm's warm. It's not glove weather. "You need me to slow down?"
My bike's been giving me a steadiness, clearing my head and chasing my fears away but maybe not my worries. Funny that they're different. I know not everyone likes a ride like I do, though, even Arrows.
“No.” I say tilting my head up, but not moving my cheek away. “You needn’t slow, I’m… I will recover.”
I think. My mind is lurching still. If we were still, I think she would feel the trembling. It’s lost though on the vibration of the bike.
“I am sorry I led you there, Dog. I didn’t think it would be so…Terrible.” I even sound shaken. I take a breath. “The forest… it’s alive.” Ridiculous, of course it is. “Rather… It… it’s a creature. An entity in itself. It’s going to call Sounder to it, it has…. it has gotten into her mind, like the men you saw before. She will need watching until I can figure out how to treat it.”
I'm assuming you're headed back to Safeco, since that's where Bon's infirmary is. Bon. That's the best place to work on this affliction Sounder has.
Dog, the Arrows are hurting from this. There was such camaraderie only an hour earlier, and now one of their own is hurting bad, and you got nothing out of the trip. Belka's missing, which is an unspoken problem. You also notice there's a faraway look in Cujo's eyes, she keeps watch to the north as you ride.
Anything else before you arrive at Safeco?
I take in what Bon says, quietly. Let her let it out. Feels different to hear her talk and know I understand it all. Wish it were for a different reason. I leave my hand on hers till she's done (or till I have to both hands to steer, I ain't that sentimental).
"Nobody knew it was going to be that awful. The forest being alive like one thing? That makes sense. Mean soaker, too." I let out a long sigh, breathe back in. "We went for you, but we also went because I wanted us to have a little win. Wanted to protect Tin Girl, and maybe me too. Wanted to have some people who used to work for HM owe me deep. Gettin' water, helping you find medicine, that was extra."
"Blame's what people do when they can't do nothin'. But you can do more for Sounder than anybody, right? More than you, this is my mistake."
I smile a little, reflecting on my discovery of my own rather skewed perceptions before the nightmare.
“But who is this woman of thoughtful judgement and responsibility?” I ask. I tighten my arms around her a moment, a hug. “Can this truly be that little lunatic avatar of recklessness and bravado I met so long ago? The one ready to take on the world as long as she got a good fight out of it? But this is impossible. ” I pause “I argued vehemently, you know, with both Nana and Rainey over you taking on leadership in the Arrows. I was very wrong indeed. It has been good for you.”
“No blame, we had no knowledge of the nature of the forest. For Sounder, I treat the body with certainty. The mind is another matter, and altogether more difficult.” I'm watching the ruin now as we approach SafeCo. “Perhaps Vignette... Perhaps she might help?”
Bon and Dog,
It isn't a long trip on h-bikes, and even riding steady so Laika can keep Sounder safe, you pull into the shadows of Safeco within a few minutes. The Arrows slow down and leave their bikes near the main entrance. Dog, who do you put in charge of watching them?
As Laika and Hachiko work on carrying Sounder down to the infirmary, Cujo pulls you aside, Dog.
She signs tight, just for you, ::I am not sleeping in the pile tonight. I am not angry. I will not go fighting. Understand?:: She looks at you with some intensity, silently asking you for the okay, nervous that it is the worst possible time, with Sounder, and with Belka.
What do you do?
"Hah, did you argue like that? Yeah, I can see you doing it. Back in the day, my job was guard dog, to make people scared to mess with us, make em' pay for it. I'm still that person, and I'm not so smart, Bon, so it's hard to do more than that. But if you think I'm doing it, that counts high with me." I don't show this uncertainty to anybody if I can help it, but sometimes it's there. August, Rainey, sometimes they hear it. Now Bon, I guess.
I look back thoughtfully at Bon when she mentions Vignette. I feel like she owes us, she would at least try, right? Worth a shot.
I pull in and park, put Hachiko on watch, Ace too if it looks like Hachiko is too nervous to do it alone.
Cujo pulls me aside and I watch her talk, then nod.
Ace sticks around with Hachiko, getting the sense you're already thinking about it. Once you nod to Cujo, she jogs up ahead to tell Shy and Mox that you're all coming.
Shy comes out into the shadowy corridor outside the infirmary, Decatur at her side. They move up quick to transfer Sounder to a stretcher, then carry her back inside while Laika and Hachiko and the rest of you follow.
I sigh in letting go of Dog to climb off the bike. I am thankful for the contact. Though I'm still disturbed, my equilibrium is a little better.
I linger back with Dog, watch Cujo ask to leave. I nod at her before she turns away. Once Sounder is on her way to the infirmary and we are walking I speak again.
"You think too meanly of yourself. You are quite clever, that much I have always known. Because you weren't trained from birth by fanatics is no reason to think otherwise."
I walk with Bon towards the infirmary. We're gonna crowd the place right up. "Thanks, Bon. Guess I've just been around a lot of clever people, trained by fanatics or not." I grin at her. "Can't say I haven't had my life touched by fanatical people, myself." The Medecai, I ain't heard much, but I feel the pressure they must put on.
I look at the people bedded up in here, then to Shy. I watch Sounder rested down where she'll be for a while and I'm real grateful she can be here. I wonder if I shouldn't stick around tonight.
Bon and Dog,
Decatur gently touches Sounder's face, looking at the ligature marks on her neck, the cuts all over her body, the rough splint, "Oh my dear. We will take care of you. I promise." His tone is full of concern.
"Bon, that was our last bed." Shy says low, but solid. She's talking for you to hear, Dog. "We can't afford any more sick folks. We need more supplies, we're almost out of sterilized gauze, and bedding. Plus, food's running low."
What do you do?
I watch Dog look as we get Sounder settled.
I look at the others and sigh, not having gotten the leaves I needed for the medicine. I feel the presence of the forest once again, remembering what it said. Perhaps it can be bargained with, but who would help me with such a task? Vignette occurs to me again. Or Valentine. Perhaps her charm and trading sense extends to inhuman creatures?
I touch Dog's arm. "It hardly needs saying, but you are welcome to stay if you wish to. Quarters will be rather close, but I think any veteran of the pile can manage."
I nod to Shy when she speaks up.
"I know. And we did not get the leaves I need for the medicine." I glance at Decatur. I do not think I expected to have so many at once. "Don't worry. We shall find our way."
Shy inhales through her nose loudly at the news. "No leaves means nothing for these patients? We just care for them until when? You make another run?" She looks at Sounder, "She was hurt there, right? I see the dirt and all. Aunt Bon, we can't keep doing this. I... I don't want to be stuck running this place."
Decatur, he's new. I feel possessive when he touches Sounder, but I let it go.
"I'll stay here tonight to keep watch with Sounder. We'll work something out, Shy, why don't you take a breather, spend the night with the pack?" If she's been doing this by herself and, well, we both failed her, I hope she takes some time.
"Of course I'll pay for you looking after Sounder. And I'll chip in a little for these people, too, since we came back with nothin'." I can see this promise running me dry pretty quick. There might be just one thing for it. I sigh.
My lips tense for a moment. Both for Shy's expression of not wanting to be stuck doing this... to not be like me, and for Dog's offer of payment and extra support. The pack isn't exactly rolling in jingle, and charging them for anything after they took us in for so long doesn't sit well.
I nod to Shy.
"I agree, go to the pack, if you wish, Shy. You did well without me today."
I turn to Dog. "You are generous, however It was not your fault we did not get what we needed. I did not do this for it to become a burden for the Arrows."
"It's my own jingle. It won't be a burden to everybody." I square up with Bon, not aggro-like, but I mean it.
The offer of the pile seems to soften Shy's attitude. She nods, looks to you, Dog, "And one of the Arrows can take me riding, too?" She's asking, but it's a presumptuous tone. She's trying to sound strong.
Mox appears from the back area where some patients have been put behind a curtain. They're the ones worse off, closest to death.
I look into Dogs' eyes a moment. I don't like it, but the need cannot be denied. More protestation would be ungrateful. I sigh and nod. I will find some way to make it up to her.
"Very well."
I look at Shy at her request, a rebuke on my lips about her tone, but I stop and look back at Dog and raise an eyebrow.
"You'll have to convince someone by yourself." I tilt my head to look down at Shy, breaking away from Bon with a nod. Shy will have to pick out who wants to ride off today and who wants to hole up.
Mox steps in and it's been a while since I've seen him. He gets a friendly smile, softened by what he's prob'ly been doing. "Hey, Mox."
She accepts the challenge of securing a teacher on the h-bikes and busies herself with clean-up work before she leaves.
Mox brightens when you give him a smile, "Hi Dog. Sorry about Sounder, but we'll get her back up and riding in no time." He sounds confident about that.
Exhaustion lies heavy on my mind but putting a hand on Mox's shoulder as I move past him, I go around to assess my patients. I start with the ones in the back.
Bon, your patients are still in rough shape, but haven't worsened. Three pairs of hands on staff have been able to keep things moving, but like Shy said, supplies are running low. It isn't like Safeco has First Aid kits or any such things lying around. Where do you get most of your supplies? My notes are shaky on this part.
"Hey Dog..." Mox asks, "How is Joey doing? Is he okay with uhm, Mr. SeaTac?"
"Joey seems to be doing real good, SeaTac's takin' him around, showin' him things. Take it you ain't seen much of him?" I been keeping an eye on Joey and his attitude and he seems good, pleased to be where he is.
"Could you help me get some of my stuff back from my bike?" I kinda don't need the help, but maybe Mox could use a walk.
Mox walks out with you, just keeping up with your pace, walking with less vigor than he often does. "I saw Cujo... she looks rough. And Belka's not around?"
"Cujo's been pretty mad lately, but I hope it's over. Belka, I gotta talk to. Have you seen her, here in SafeCo?" I slow down a little for Mox.
"I did this morning, which is how I figured she wasn't with you." Mox admits as you both come up out of the basement level and sunlight blinds you for a moment. "Saw her up near the Yacht Club when I went for some fresh water. She was standing around with some blue-haired girl. I think the blue-haired girl is part of Admiral's security or something."
What do you do?
I nod to Mox, he's got it right. "Thanks, Mox. Girl with blue hair was prob'ly Grunge, and she's inside gang, yeah." I head for my bike and touch base with Ace and Hachiko while I'm grabbing my stuff. Let em know what's the what.
Mox heads to your bike to get whatever stuff you direct him to take back down, and works on that. You fill in Hachiko and Ace, they listen and nod.
Hachiko comments out loud so she isn't pointing this out in front of Ace, not exactly. "Dog, if you're out of the pile, Sounder's down there, Belka's wherever. Cujo is out late... the pile's getting smaller by the day."
I pause at each patient with a smile and soothing words, even if they are not conscious. Our minds pick up more than our waking state ever remembers after all.
My supplies come from a variety of places. Probably the main person I deal with is Halifax, a scav who seems to specialize in recovering medical gear from the ruins, like the shock patches I use in the field. I now actually make most of the drugs, formulations of the Medicai with my own improvements found over time. I make them from plants that I get either from the garden upstairs or from other growers that sell at Pike. It's a painstaking process and I can only mix so many doses in a given day of work dedicated to the task.
"Lissa woke today, Bon." Decatur says excitedly as he hovers near you checking on the others. "Did you obtain the clearwater and supplies you needed?"
Mox gets the light stuff. I ain't so bushy-tailed myself, but
"We'll turn it around. Cujo might be cooling off finally, I think. I'm talking to Belka tonight or in the morning. Sounder will be okay; I'm in there in case she wakes up. And I'll be back in tomorrow." I'm also there to help Bon a little, till she's set herself more right.
I'm listening, though, if Hachiko has more.
Hachiko asks quiet, so Mox can't hear, like she doesn't want him to know, in case, "Who's riding Sounder's bike while she's down? You gonna let in new blood?"
I smile. “That is excellent news, She is strong in spirit, like you.”
My face falls a little “Alas, no. Our attempt met with unexpected complications.” I tell him of what occurred in the forest, including my own odd experience while stabilizing Sounder, though I sound more clinical when I discuss that. “Do not lose heart. We are not yet defeated, my friend. I intend to return and attempt to negotiate with the forest for what we need.”
"You have brought me from the brink of death, good lady." Decatur says in his pleasant tones. "I will keep faith. But I must ask... how will you negotiate with a forest?"
I lay a hand on his shoulder a moment.
"It lives. It communicates. It wants." I wave at the others. "People are suffering, It must be tried. How precisely I do not yet know."
Nee could do it. She lived with that realm close to her. She saw things, some that she told me... though she stopped somewhere along the way. Perhaps to protect me, I don't know.
I drop my hand and continue to move through my patients.
"I know at least one who is skilled with the unseen gale, perhaps she will help."
"Too soon, but I have ideas." I keep my voice low and shoulder my burden. "If you need me for anything, come get me!" I raise my voice again, wave and head back into SafeCo. ::Bye Ace, come by if you need me!::
Decatur follows you, curious about how you check the patients as much as the forest. "The unseen gale?" He repeats, tone interested. "The forest is connected to that other place? I've been there, recently. Home keeps it at bay, and now, well, I am without a Home."
You carry your gear and whatnot back down to the infirmary with Mox moving alongside. He seems worn, older than his years, at least now. Crinkles at the corner of his eyes, a particular set to his mouth, a composure to hide emotion.
After the walk down the concrete ramp you come into the infirmary. Shy is gathering refuse to dispose of, while Bon is checking patients and chatting with Decatur.
Well, it looks like Mox is taking more after Bon, doesn't it? Is this like Bon's face when she was just little?
I put my things away someplace, including the barter I brought for the infirmary. Gonna miss the pack and my bear.
I take a look at Sounder, can't help but respond to my concern. But I gotta wait.
Decatur's talk stands up my guard hairs. Everybody has something they call it, that thing we feel in aloneness. Don't take much subtle thinkin' to know. Finding a place to be, that's the safer subject. "You should look into staying here. Make do with it."
Mox shows dog where to store what she brought in.
My interactions are usually simple. Touch. Soothing words. Feeling for pulse and mentally shuffling it into one of the fifty-four categories. Feeling temperature and looking at color of complexion and likewise sorting them into their taxonomies.
I nod at Dog's interjection and look up at Decatur "You have been an exceptional help. Perhaps it is something you should consider." I look back down at my patient. "The other 'Home' will be addressed too. 'Tis obscene that HM calls his drug by that name."
"Huh? HM makes high-juice?" I frown. This is fresh blood to me. So what about Hope? People told me she seems faded, and I've seen it. Guess I thought it was just sadness. Stupid!
I look between Bon and Decatur (that's his name? Yeah), wanting to know more.
I look over at Dog, standing again. “Indeed, it is a narcotic with which his chattel are bound to him.” I glance at Decatur “and when they are no longer useful to him, he withdraws it.”
It makes me wonder about August. Was she enslaved to this substance?
I nod and cast my look aside, grasping my hands open and shut. "So it's hard to come off. Home as in 'Come Home.'"
Men like him, they stand in place because they're surrounded by what props 'em up. The people he sells. The people who buy. Admiral. Maybe Valentine if he brings zir enough business. Anyone he can hire to protect him. And this Home stuff.
I breathe slow in and out through my nose.
Bon and Dog,
"The Master didn't like us to speak of it." Decatur says as he looks back at you, Dog. "He gave us something we call Home, when he was happy with us. It... it makes all of your pain go away. It's Heaven."
There's a grimy-looking bearded guy who just walked into the infirmary. He's looking around, his eyes fix on you, Bon. Dog, you see Ace with her rifle pulled up, she's in the corridor outside, about to blow this guy's head off.
What do you do?
I get my feet planted and look this guy up and down for weapons in hand. ::Hold:: I sign while I'm lookin'. I'm sure Bon would hate to have this guy's brains all over her infirmary. Plus, Bon gets rough customers. I'm in here, right?
If he's lookin' for Bon, he's found her. If he's lookin' for trouble, he's got twice that.
My eyes flick back and forth between the new arrival, Dog and Ace.
The specter of exhaustion curls through my mind but I step forward to greet the man.
I make a slight bow. "Hello, I am Bon. I am the healer here. Do you require assistance?"
Bon and Dog,
The man looks at your forehead for a moment, then his eyes widen when you give him your name, Bon. "August sent me. My name's Watauga." He stands up a little straighter, like he realized something, He signs with sloppy hands, ::There's a splashing threat here, don't tell me::
I feel the tension grip my body. His hands are not accustomed to sign, and this is Arrows-sign in any case, with special gestures specific to our little band. I glance at Ace behind Dog and shake my head minutely, then I look at the man again, and approach with a few more steps, looking him over.
"I see. Is she well? What message does she send?"
"She's..." Watauga says with sudden reverence, "She's more than well. She sent the message... the hand thing. She said you and Chance and Belka and the other sisters should come with me." He looks around, suddenly noticing you, Dog, and your interest, "Are you... one of them?"
I don't know what to do with my face. August is alive! But there's a threat. August is clownin' this guy. So his crew, they got her. "Yeah. I'm Dog, and we're sisters together. Been too long since I've seen August. Where would we go?"
“She is.” I agree. “Forgive me, I should offer my sisters emissary some hospitality. Perhaps you would like some water, Mr. Wautauga? While you tell us just what it is we need to do.”
I wave an inviting arm back to the living quarters.
I leave Watauga space to come in, sign towards Ace. ::He says August sent him.::
He answers with gratitude in his voice,, "Yes, Bon. Some water would be good." His eyes track your signing, Dog. Ace nods, lowers her rifle and heads back outside. Watauga looks around, "August is out on the sea, with my captain and the crew. The captain wants strong people... and he really likes August. She asked to talk to you all, to convince you to join us."
Of course he 'likes' August . Who does not? I recoil to think of her using perhaps her most potent weapon. I lead the way back into our small dwelling. My own mind is spinning and the tension resolves into fear and grips my heart yet again today, accompanied by a lash of anger who's strength is surprisingly strong. I keep my expression calm, I indicate a chair.
"Upon the sea? Extraordinary! Please, take your ease there, friend."
I pour him a generous measure of clearwater into a drinking jar and hand it to him. Then I return and pour some for Dog too.
"I admit I did not know that any people lived upon the sea. Are there many with the red sickness among you? I should hate to think my sister and her new friends in such danger.
I am watching him quite carefully, his face, his voice, the shift of his eyes, the change of the pulse beating in the veins at his seems important to understand just what August has gotten herself into.
Reading Wautauga
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 2. Total: 10)
+1 xp
Watauga drains the glass quick like there's no hint of waiting, like a puppy chomps down his meal for fear of the rest of the litter taking it. He slumps back in his chair and the tension drains from him, replaced by tired. "Can't talk about our ways too much out here, you know? But yeah, there's redsick sometimes, if we aint careful. August is safe. It's safe in the ship."
I take a couple drinks of water. "Nobody's gonna take the sea from you, huh? Glad she's safe, though, real glad. S'been a week and a little more."
The sea! What a totally soak-headed place to live. A ship at sea. I get around and I haven't heard of it. It's a big world.
Clearly Bon is leading him out to talk. It keeps me from hauling him outta here and making him take us right now. I roll my neck, drink my water down to half. "I get not bein' open with outsiders. It's a hard world to find trust in."
Something comes to me. "How is August's leg?"
I look at Dog, surprised. August was injured? And I wasn't told or approached for help? I drop my eyes a moment. Of course not, why should I be? I am no longer with them, by my own choice. She probably let that hack in Pike sew her up, leaving scars on that beautiful skin. Just the thought of it upsets me out of all compass with the event.
But now is not the time, so I turn away to refill Wautauga's jar, and check those feelings, shoving them into their prison in the back of my mind, cracked though the walls of it might be.
How might I get Wautauga to tell us more of his people's ways?
I catch Bon's look. "I wasn't there. It was just when we lost her in the rain, the night Millions died."
Watauga looks over at you, Dog, "She had a limp when she got to us, but she's fine now. I mean... she's a little lonely. S'why she asked me to come find her sisters." He heaves a breath, "Haven't been this far ashore in such a long time. Forgot what a deep breath of fresh air was like."
Bon, he's on guard. If you flirted with him, he'd open up. Or, if you got him really drunk. While he's got his wits about him, mum's the word. Not like he doesn't want to talk, more like he's afraid of that captain he mentioned.
I glance a moment over my shoulder at Watauga, considering. Clearly August has worked her magic upon him. What spirits I have are mostly used for disinfectant, so... This is something outside of my experience. I do not flirt. Or... rather I have not flirted, but perhaps he is so intoxicated with August that I can push him to trust us further. To tell us more.
This is... ridiculous, but I... I must pretend to be August. I've certainly watched her enough. What would she do?
I turn and smile at him, more than my typical quiet grin. It feels as though my lips are stretched beyond their normal shape. I try to think of my body more fluidly, remembering how it looks when August moves, like a ripple of liquid, graceful and enticing.
I move across to him, trying to modulate my normal smooth soothing voice into something more... sensual?
"My sister has made a wise choice I see," I hand him the water and drag another chair to sit closer to the man than would be polite. I try to flow into the chair, and then reach out and casually brush off his arm, as if clearing dirt, all the while feeling wildly outside my depth. "placing her trust in you. She has an eye for those with courage, intelligence and strength, and evidently she has not lost it. You must be a favorite. I hope, Mr. Watauga, that you will be as good a friend to the rest of us?
I purse my lips thoughtfully, a copy of a pout I've seen August use.
Bon and Dog,
Watauga shifts, uncomfortable with your praise, Bon, "Well, she means alot to me." He glances down at the small space between you. "I put myself out there for her, coming this far. Captain wasn't happy about it, he thinks you all won't understand what we're doing. You'll try and stop us, after all the good we've done." He looks up at you, Bon, over to you, too, Dog. "That Harbormaster, for instance. He's poison. We killed him and all his diseased folk. Wasn't easy, but they were a blight. Worse than the red."
And no, he doesn't recognize any of the patients here. Bon, you catch Decatur's surprised look, which comes in a flash then disappears as he controls his expressions again.
What do you do?
I drink on my water to hide my expression. First Bon wearing a full smile like anyone, then Watauga's news. Real hard, blowing up a sitting target full of sick people. "That was your crew? Wish I could'a seen it."
Wait Bon tryin' on August's accent? If that doesn't beat all. I try to keep my face quiet-like and go on. "I'd say you did my work for me, but there's always more to be done."
I'd like to see Bon smile more, though, it's true.
I nod in agreement with Dog, the mask-like smile still upon my face as I try to bring some of the heat that always seems to simmer behind August's eyes into mine. My hand casually rests on his forearm.
"I'faith, much more to be done. If August understands, you can be sure that we will as well. But I find myself eager to know the Captain's vision." I lean in a little more. I think of August again, how she acts, and reach out to casually trace some seam on his shirt. "And if you are so fond of her as she clearly is of you, surely you can share it with your new crewmates, who are like to be equally fond in a short time? Shall you eliminate all the wickedness on this shore then, as you did with that wretched Harbormaster?"
Bon and Dog,
He nods, takes another drink, wipes at his mouth with the back of his sleeve, "We should talk, just us and Chance and Belka, the other sisters. These others, they're flooded." He stands up, starts to head for the outside. He reaches down to pat your shoulder, Bon, like he wants you to follow.
Decatur's eyes show alarm, Dog. You see it, but he's hiding it from this guy. He's afraid of whatever Watauga's people did to his home.
What do you do?
I lock eyes with Bon for a second, see if she asks me to follow in em'. I stand up either way. No way I trust this guy alone with her, and that's a fact. And Decatur, he's taken too much fear, I don't like his chances if it comes to bloody stuff.
What a time for Belka to be driftin' on us. I block Watauga's view of Decatur as I head for the door.
These others bein' flooded, I wonder what that means to him, that he has no pity for the sick or somethin' else.
I work to keep my smile as he comments about the others being flooded. August is in the hands of these people.
I don't flinch from the touch, however much I want to. I take the moment he turns away to collapse back into myself. I am not August and the alien quality of using whatever sexual appeal I might have is uncomfortable. I feel as though he might see the ruse at any moment.
I meet Dog's eyes and nod for her to follow, since she's been accepted as one of the 'sisters,' perhaps letting her realize how awkward I feel, too. Then I turn my thoughts to him as I follow him outside. He's only mentioned Chance and Belka by name and I wonder how many others we can get before he becomes concerned. August probably only gave him three names. Why, by the bloody rain, did she choose me? I am not for intrigues and rescues. Is she sick, despite his claims of her good health?
"Listen, Watauga, privacy can be hard to come by." I look about the halls for Ace - telling her this man is a sign from August probably has some Arrows in motion. But I assume people are bedding down, too. Hard to say.
"And I need to talk some convincing on Belka. She's pretty skittered when it comes to the sea. I'd rather you not hear that, for her pride's sake."
Watauga listens to you both, "That's four of you. Do you all have bikes like August? We need to move fast, it took me too long to find you. We need to meet up with the ship. It's docking soon, and the captain will only wait so long."
Madness. To leave the infirmary again, and now with only Mox and Decatur to watch after them? I don't expect any crisis but who knows who will get themselves hurt in the hold in the meantime. But what can I do? August... she is in trouble and she asked for me. The old life and the new. The people of Safeco, and my family.
My gut ties in a knot. A gordian knot at that. How many names will I pay for August? How much of that is infatuation and how much is familial love and duty? How much will I despise myself in the worst of each case? I cannot say.
But I needs must slide the mask back on. I flow under Dog's arm, my arm threading about her waist, which still puts me inside Watauga's personal space.
"We do. My sister is right, however, Belka will need some private talk. How much time is there and where must we meet up with your fine ship?
Watauga flicks a glance to each of you, and your, ah proximity. It's disarmed him, and he makes a rash decision. "We're hitting the lighthouse in the early morning. If you've all got bikes like August, we can leave around o five hundred and meet them."
I leave my arm over Bon's shoulder, easy-like. It's not that close in this hall but I'm ok with this. When he mentions the lighthouse, I look across Bon at him, give her sturdy shoulder a soft squeeze. This, I can work with. Don't gotta juggle the gang and hide signs nor any of that splash.
"The bikes are good like that, yeah."
I pause. What's an o five hundred? I mouth the words 'oh five hundred?' to Bon.
"Ever ridden an h-bike?" I keep my eyes open for a quiet spot, maybe lead Watauga into taking a corner first.
Watauga shakes his head, "No. I didn't know there were such things. Looks scary as all hells." He's watching your nonverbals, the touching, the closeness. It's obviously something he's unaccustomed to seeing, and it's a thrill for him.
The smile still, but dimmed a little. The stiffness was getting to me. Still the hot gaze and the loose body (for me, that is. August would probably find it a hysterical parody.) Dog's arm really is lending me comfort. I believe I was forced to let go too soon. It is curious, but it occurs to me that I have almost always the holder rather than the held. I squeeze her back.
I watch his eyes track our smaller movements. 'Tis clear that personal touch is somewhat limited at sea. Protective gear perhaps. Ironic that I am probably more like him than he perceives in that regard.
"Perhaps at first, for some, Mr. Watauga, but for someone so courageous who braves the bloody seas it should be nothing at all. I have no doubt you will be an excellent... rider."
Can I get more ridiculous?
"Two candle ticks before Dawn then." I answer Dog's mouthed question in the statement, glancing towards her again. "'tis time enough, I think?"
Watauga accepts this, looks between the two of you, "Where can I bed down for a few hours?" His eyes are bloodshot, he's been traveling for "a while".
"We'll make it work. Watauga, there's squats in near Swill's for the duelin' and duel-watchin' crowd, they'll put you up dry and you tell em' Dog's bought your way."
I pull a scrap of leather out of my pocket, some orphaned piece of a dead jacket, and bite down on it. I got a diss-stinked set of tooth marks, makes for a good IOU. I hand it to him.
He takes the leather strap, looks at it, figures it out, stuffs it in his left jacket pocket. "Alright, Dog. I'll be there for a bit. I'm leaving with or without you." He heads on to find Swill's.
What do you do?
I watch him move away, letting go of my playacting with a shaky sigh betraying my relief at the lifted burden.
“By the rain, what trouble has she gotten herself into?”
I glance up at Dog.
I draw Bon in and hug her tight, quiet for a moment. One or two trembles rumble through me like an engine turning over. "You did real good, Bon. I couldn't have made that."
I let her go. "We'll get her free, and those red-mad tin can splashers won't roll nobody else."
Bon and Dog,
Ace watches Watauga leave, then looks to you Dog, silently asking if she should follow him. Decatur comes into the corridor once he's gone.
"Bon, are you going with that man?" Decatur doesn't sound like he's accusing, but he seems apprehensive.
I am not expecting the hug, but my usual distance has been worn thin. Something has shifted today, though I do not know if I could put words to what it is.
I turn my head to the side against Dog’s taller frame and hug her back just as tightly, as if I am trying to absorb her strength and warmth into my body. One hand reaches up to cup the back of her head when I feel her body shiver.
I have no response to the praise.
We let go. “We shall.” I agree.
When Decatur addresses me, I nod unhappily.
“I’m afraid I must. His people have one of ours.”
Decatur gives a nod, then another to you, Dog. "Very well. If needs must. If Lissa wakes, I will put her to work singing to the others, it will improve their mood. Do not worry. Help your friend. We will abide, dear Bon."
I shake my head once for Ace, gently, glad she's asking. ::He can't get far.:: Come to it, I only want him for a bluff I can take or leave.
"Decatur, maybe I can send you help, but no promises. Let's toss down and find Belka, tug on her ear some." If Belka wants to stay Arrow she'd better double down on this ride or stay with Decatur and crew. I haul up some of my things and trace the shortest path I can in my head between the places I think Belka will be.
Bon and Dog,
Belka's never been much for subtlety. You find that she's been hanging out at Team Store, the place Admiral's inside gang calls home. She's inside right now, on a big couch, smoking some weed with Grunge, Speed and a few others.
What do you do?
There's a Speed-shaped blank in that room as far as my face and eyes are concerned. I nod to Grunge, though, and a couple other inside gang people. Don't really know how I feel about Grunge at the moment, she seems a good sort but I dunno if Belka's workin' on her or the other way. I don't pass through the door. Not my space.
"Belka. We need to talk. Word's come up on August and I need you." I don't know if I'll be glad if she's sober or glad if she's real stoned.
I stand quietly behind Dog, my hands clasped behind my back. I nod acknowledgement of Grunge and one of the others, both of whom I have tended to. My eyes return to Belka, overly brash and indiscriminate in my opinion, but an Arrow still.
Or is she?
Bon and Dog,
Bon, that inside ganger you helped before, his name is Rufe. He carries the scar on his forearm from the glass you pulled out of it. He paid you with a set of scalpels, never told you where he got them. He gives you a nod. He's not smoking, just looking standing against the wall, doing nothing.
Belka is baked. She looks up at the door from the couch, a grin pasted on her face. Grunge gives a nod. She's sitting right beside Belka, has a J in her hand, but she looks more serious than your Arrow. Belka puts a hand on Grunge's thigh and squeezes, then stands up to walk over towards the door. She stops a few feet shy and wobbles a little.
Belka says in a lazy drawl, "Yo Dog. Yo Bon. What's August up to now? Somethin.... bad?"
"Somethin' important. Somethin' could go bad. Like earlier today when I was holding onto Sounder for dear life, I thought to myself 'if Belka had a hand in here we'd be outta this red.'" It's a lot like true, I always think of Belka when my arms are about to give out on me, and she is just about the best for tire tag.
Holding up an arm with a loose-closed hand to show like I'd imagine Belka pulling up on something needed doin', I step just a smidge back, like I'm shifting my weight. Make Belka step forward again if she wants to make like she's really talking to me.
Bon and Dog,
Back when you were both Arrows, what's something you remember most about riding with Belka? Be it a habit of hers or a particular fight or moment.
Belka eyes narrow for a second, and she leans her head forward, "Soundy? She alright?" She looks to each of you.
Grunge is leaning forward on the couch now, listening in. She knows Sounder, this is a shock.
"She is hurt, but alive." I say, calmly. "She needs some tending yet."
What I remember most about riding with Belka and part of what Cujo was teasing me about. In addition to her consistent good cheer, which is her best quality, Belka is legendary for her roving eye and her ability to charm women out of their pants. And I was once her target. She pursued me very determinedly, and I can't say that I never considered giving in. I survived the siege but it was a topic of merriment among the Arrows, with jokes made at our expense for well onto months, with occasional resurgence even now.
Bon and Dog,
Belka looks to you, Dog, to check that it's true. "I'm glad she's alive, but why aren't you tending her, Bon? The flood you doing up here on a social visit?" She pauses for just a moment, then it hits her. "Auggie's in it bad? Soak me, I'm coming." She reaches down for Grunge's hand, "Grunge is riding with me. She's a good shot."
Grunge looks up at you, Dog, like she wants your say on this. Bon, you see Speed sitting up, he's not going to let one of his gang just up and walk out.
What do you do?
“You need not presume to instruct me in my duty… anymore than I should have to instruct you in your own.” I say mildly, but I can feel the hardness in my eyes as I look her. “Sounder sleeps now whilst her body recovers. It is the best course and she has capable watchers.”
I look at Grunge, Speed, then Dog. “It is best for now to minimize factors of which we are not sure.”
I give Belka her reassurance that Bon's right, like she even needs it. Breath comes out my nose tight when August's trouble finally hits Belka's brain. But her heart's still with us, and that counts. Some knot in my back eases, and I feel a little better.
I ain't against Grunge riding along, but it says some stuff if she just volunteers like it's her ride (stuff I like, but it's bloody political). Not smilin' at Grunge, but I approve of that look. "Grunge comes with us, that makes it an issue between gangs. We can maybe hire Grunge for her good shootin', or trade favors outta respect."
That's how things are right now, straight up, for Belka and Grunge to chew on.
I know there's some worthless shape 'o nothin' getting up off the couch but I ain't inclined to look yet.
Bon and Dog,
"One of ours goin' into whatever outside mess you got," Speed says as he stands. "One barter. Fair is fair."
Belka scowls, but doesn't argue with him. She looks to you, Dog, "Spot me?"
What do you do?
Unbelievable. My hands close into fists. "Belka, you have missed rides and skipped nights. You can't dig deeper on this?" But she's probably spent herself out partying here in SafeCo, huh?
I break out the pound of coffee I've got while I give Belka a searching look. She'll have to take it from my hand like she means it. "You take this off me, you owe me some breakfasts at Yacht Club."
Bon and Dog,
Belka takes the coffee, meeting your eyes straight up. "I will make it up, Dog. Just wanted to, you know, have some fun. Didn't mean for Soundy or Auggie to get hurt. You gotta know that. So yeah, I want this. And Grunge is with us." She declares the end, but it's like she needs it.
"Dog, Bon." Grunge says, speaking out of turn, but it's like she can't keep quiet any more. "August is a... she's special. I want to help, and I will keep my head down. No trouble. No drama, alright?"
What do you do?
I give Belka's shoulder a squeeze, wait for Grunge to finish. "Okay, good. S'good to have you both, and fair is fair. We gotta get Chance and plan this out just a little, then we ride early."
"Gonna be a bit of a skill ride, too." I give Belka a wink and a click and get moving. Want to get Chance, plan the ride and get a little of some kind of sleep. But I'm excited. We'll see how much I get.
I watch everything settle out. I don’t approve of taking Grunge. She is an unknown quantity and expensive besides. But it is Dog’s decision, I simply nod to Gringe and follow Dog when we leave to make our plan.