You drag-ass out of bed and VB slept in. She didn't get up at the crack-ass of dawn to run, she still has "the leg" on. You rouse her, and she gets some ginger out of her traveling pack for you. Morning is quiet, the Candies all slept in various places: several shared a room together, some spent the night with some Salt villagers, others slept on the floor of Ollie's after passing out. It took an hour to round up all the North Candies, which was probably good since you were pretty sick this morning. Hump brought you some of Jemma's warm tea and saved your ass.
Jemma brought her "Fatboy" out of retirement for this ride:

VB wants to keep riding with you. Hump rides with Jemma, but man, you know he'd rather be in Metro's van. How did that work out?
You've been riding north all day and just passed the scuttled pick-up truck, flipped on its side, riddled with bullet holes where you see candy bar wrappers nailed into the tires. The North Candies whoop and point, Mamba fires a couple shots in the air. It adds a little excitement to the air. But everyone's getting tired. Tired riders are dangerous. You can push on to Trench and stay inside the Outer Rim for the night, or pull over and make camp here.
What do you do?
I'll try and push on.
Give me an Act under Fire to avoid any mishaps as you pull into Trench for the night.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 1. Total: 6)
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 4. Total: 7)
Regardless, the next morning is a no-go. The North Candies, even Svenja, are waaay too wasted to ride. You're going to have to let them sleep it off. You're stuck in Trench. Where do they crash?
What do you do?
I rented out that tent Kodak got last time, and piled everyone in to sleep it off. Drinking tonight will be off frakking limits, I guarantee you that.
With most of the North Candies still sleeping it off, VB's with you, right? Or did you send her off for something?
This was after I spent the morning doing a full clean of my guns, clipping my fingernails, eating some Zoodles — which I've been craving lately, for some reason — and getting Vee to teach me some new ways to put my my hair up... If things keep going the way they are, I may take a shower, and get Vee to cut my hair later.
Yup, it's one of those days.
I'm on my back, swabbing down the undercarriage of my bike when Trojan comes along. "Hey sweetie! I'm helping 'em out, yeah... How you been? Keeping busy?"
Trojan answers, "Yeah, doin stuff, stayin busy, yeah. Man... I tell you what. Little Medley, whatever happened with y'all, she's my number one customer now. Crazy."
Anyway, I slide out from under my bike, and sit up. "Really? Innocent li'l Medley? ... Well, li'l Medley I guess... Did she say what she's using it for?"
"That's too bad," I murmur, looking off into the city... "he's a decent man, in spite of his bigot son. I don't suppose you're set to see Medley before tomorrow, yeah? Tell her I'm rooting for her grandad if you do."
Trojan purses his lips like he's thinkin, but its all practiced, like he wants you to think its natural, but you have a read on the guy, "Kiddo, weren't you tryin real hard to get in Trench before? You still need in? Cause if I grease the right palms, with Ivory gone, I bet I could slip you in."
What do you do?
I look over to him, "you that desperate for cash now, that you're smuggling folks in there?" Actually, why is Trojan here? I give him a dubious look, and brush some dirt off my back, "not that I mind the company, or conversation, Trojan, but did you want something?"
He hunches down, squats to cut the distance between you, instead of him standing up towering over you, he's almost sitting, but towering over you. The guy's all torso. "It wears on your soul, Kiddo," he says quiet. "Seeing it change. The people who buy, my... customers. Watching them chip away."
I look up at him, wiping my oily hands on a rag, "then why keep doing it sweetie? I ain't gunna pretend every single one of your "customers" are saints, but some of 'em must be friends... There's gotta be a better way to make a living, yeah? Do you owe jingle to someone or something?"
He looks at you curiously, "You been out in the wide world. What's out there?"
I grab my bottle of water and take a drink, wiping my brow with my forearm, "Let alone the junkships, the culture, the food, the people... Frak Tro, you could find love out there, and start a family, or find your true calling. Heck, maybe just seeing it all is your calling — but you sure as shit ain't gunna find it living among the dregs begging to get into that stagnant prude-farm up in there." I point over to Trench — the city proper, "I ain't sure there's much worth seein' in there except exclusion, yeah?"
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 6. Total: 13)
I narrow my eyes, "are you in a rush to bolt?"
OOC: hold 1/3, What is Trojan really feeling?
Until you dropped the bomb about the Ascendant, he was feeling worn down by this place, by the people. You had him hopeful for something new. Now, now he thinks he'll never see you again.
I look at him desperately, "what have you heard? Other than the usual bullshit?"
He shifts a little, like this is not a good story, like he feels icky even telling it, "So this guy, Mello Yello, he says that he saw these folks, folks he knew, they come runnin across the scrub to Armour, screamin like they been screamin for the whole trip from the Ascendant. And you know what they're sayin, Kiddo? Over and over, they're begging 'Shoot me! Shoot me!' And they don't even stop, not after they get shot in the leg or whatever. They just crawl and keep begging for it, to be shot to death."
Trojan looks away for the last bit, just running his fingers in the dirt, "And Mello Yello, he tells me he was part of the clean-up crew. You know, to keep the plaguedogs away. And the corpse he drug off for burning, it was smiling. Died smiling like some fool. Just... spooky."
"Why don't you come with me up to Armour, sweetie? Worse comes to worst, you end up chilling with our doc Stitch and Metro for a bit."
That weight he was carrying, the tension around his eyes, it seems to be going away, Kiddo.
I mean, he's not stupid.
OOC: How can I make sure he follows those rules to a T?
If you want to make sure he follows the rules, you shouldn't threaten him. He sees that as a mental challenge, plus its like you're telling him you don't trust him. Which, even he's admit is logical, seeing his track record.
But if you tell him you trust him, if you show him that you know he will follow the rules as part of the team... he would fight real hard not to ruin that. He doesn't have anyone who actually has faith in him to do much of anything. Remember his parents? You're the closest he's ever had to that. Which is, of course, why he approached you today.
He heads out, leaving you with your bike. You see VB isn't far away, she was letting you two talk. She's got a bag of Zoodles with her. She comes up, "What was that about? Never seen Trojan look that excited. Or, you know, awake during the day."
Then I spot the Zoodles, and my mouth waters a little bit. I look up at Vee with an unintentionally voracious look on my face. "You, uh... You gunna eat all those?"
She walks over to the bike, and trails a finger along the wide seat while you munch away. After a moment, she bends down to pick up your water bottle, hands it to you so you can wash it down, and asks, "You mind if I keep riding with you, Momma? I like the rumble of this bike, it's kinda amazeballs."
I grin wide, ear-to-ear, when she says the baggie is for me, and give her a peck on the cheek, "You're the best, hon." I sit back down, and break out some cutlery to eat with. I'm basically done the bag before she can even hand me the water bottle. I take it gratefully, and look back to the bike, "isn't it awesome? It almost puts Rinny to shame," I tease, "'course you can ride with me, hon! You, uh... You wanna take a short ride later? I wanted to cut my hair, but I think I could go a little longer before it needs a trim."
It looks good and all, but it's just a bit... Well... See for yourself...
Over the top?
"Holy crap, Vee," I say, tilting my head around in the mirror to get a better look, "Does it... Do I look good?"
She giggles and lightly punches your arm, "Stop frowning, silly. It's good! You're.... hee hee, one hot momma."
I could use a ride to distract me... I wonder what's nice in the area...
What's in the area? Well, there are rolling hills and a few mountains to the west. One peak where your Ma took you and Ollie as a kid, has a dirt trail up to the top, an amazing view of the world below.
There's a gigantic crater a few hours south, which has funky moss and caves and drek, they say it goes down twenty klicks deep. Hell, you've even heard that there is an entire underground society down there.
Or hell, you could pull out all the stops and make it to Armour by nightfall. On a bike riding flat out, the two towns are pretty close, really.
What do you do?
Y'know, I haven't been up that dirt road in forever... I'd be nice to bring Vee up there. I wish Rinny was with us... We could have made an outing of it... I guess I'll just have to settle for Vee, baby, and me. I promised I wouldn't go running off on Gramma, so I've gotta be sure to get back before dark — I wouldn't want her jumping to conclusions. I'll just let Hump know what's up before we leave.
Hump and Jemma were chatting with some of the locals. Seems Jemma knows a few folks. Hump tells you that Stitch and Metro went inside the town, past the walls.
The dirt trail is relatively unchanged, just like you remembered. It's not like vegetation would overtake it. The view up here is as brilliant as you recall. The odd smoke of the valley still blocks any fine details, but you can easily make out the tops of The Pen, Podday, Poddby, the engines, hell, you can almost make out Pips and the commune, only just. You see folks inside the valley, by the way. Maybe a dozen different shapes moving in between buildings and the smoke. That's new.
VB moves over, stares down at it, "Wow, Kiddo. This is flash. I can't believe it. The whole valley." She sits down, rests her chin on her knees, sitting right at the edge of a rock shelf.
The ride out was relaxing, and I took some time to nuzzle Vee when the road wasn't too treacherous. I feel all nostalgic looking down on the Valley, remembering the short time we had at the Commune fondly — except that one night that kicked us the frak out of there... It all feels so far away now... I can kinda see the cul-de-sac where Aunt Carefree used to live... The market where I sold some of her hand-made trinkets to unsuspecting customers.
I sit next to Vee, taking it all in, "are those folks down there? I didn't know people were down there! Are they comin' in from the North, you think?"
VB hands you the binoc, and you dial them in. They're dressed in matching green unis, there are eleven of them, all in some kind of gas masks. One seems to be the leader, she keeps pointing directions and they move off. The one holding the device, it seems to be some kind of sensor.
The weapons they have, all of them look like Rinnie's rifle, except for two. Two of them have really big guns, guns so big that they have chest harnesses that help carry part of the weight of the gun.
You track through the smoke for a while, VB asking questions, wanting a play-by-play, and then you spot a squat vehicle, just barely when the wind picks up. It's some kind of carrier for this group.
Oh and by the way, you spot someone else on the mountain, on the side facing the valley, sitting on a fifty caliber with a wicked-long scope, keeping a close eye on the same group. It's Sapphire.
What do you do?
OOC: Acting under fire to get to Sapphire. Roll+Cool.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 10)
That's why Fox used to have Trey for a spotter, you know. Tunnel vision.
She rolls back over, "I dunno if they'll head south. They come from the northwest into the valley, skulk around for about ninety minutes, then hike it back to their tank or whatever and take off. That carrier they got can book it, it's all-terrain, too. I mean, the really rocky drek, it'd break an axle prolly, but otherwise..." She looks back up at you, "You worried bout your Gramma?"
She says with complete confidence, "I can pop three of them before I'd have to scoot."
Her hands move quick and smooth, she's done this most of her life. She fetches her bag from the scrub, then sneaks around to the trail with you before she relaxes.
VB gives her a nervous grin, "Hi Saff."
Sapphire nods, then asks you, "When're you leaving?"
I lead her up the path back to Vee, and hop on my bike with Vee. "Tomorrow, first thing. We're in Outer Rim for the night; but I understand if you'd rather not chill there. We can meet up in Armour some time before dinner tomorrow night."
She heads over to some scrub and pulls up her dirt bike, getting ready to head off. VB lets out a quiet breath she was holding. Sapphire terrifies her. Do you know why?
Your guess is as good as mine as to why Fox slipped, but Nova watched her put a couple bullets in the Oracle, in cold blood, and then the whole frakking Valley turned on its frakking head... Some folks say she started a war that drove us from our homes. Dad said it was more nuanced than that — but Fox was no doubt the scariest woman to roam the Valley to a lot of kids after that... Abused by some twisted frak to be the perfect killing machine — the ender of the Oracle — and Sapphire was raised in her frakking image.
Who wouldn't be afraid of a kid like that? Sapphire should be a little girl, doing kid things, and figuring out what she wants to do in life; but instead she's chasing the approval of a woman who trained her to kill, and value survival above all else. That's not love — that's torture.
My baby will know love — I swear it.
I give Saff a little salute, and rev the engine. "See you tomorrow, sweetie." Then I ride back off for Trench.
Heading over to check on the Candies, you find Spree. She's in much better shape, has a tired smile on her sweaty face, "Yo ho, boss. Saw you ridin in earlier. How's it goin?" Spree looks like she's on the other wide of bein sick, could use a bath, but they're expensive here.
I'm not taking no for an answer — there is no way I'm letting this stinky go a day without a bath, but I'm frightened to think what the rest of them smell like...
There's a little space where they have a steam room and small pool of water. The thing is connected to an exhaust vent from the town inside. Spree and you both get steamed up in the wooden room, where its so hot its a little hard to breathe. But the air is also filled with a smell not unlike pine. Spree's sitting on her raggedy towel that the girl outside handed her, completely naked. What's her most interesting scar?
Spree luxuriates on the wooden bench, smiles where you can see her missing teeth, "You didn't hafta do this boss. But... thanks. Hey, is there anything the matter? You always look like you're like... about to puke or something."
"Rinso knocked me up," I say without hesitation, completely deadpan, still staring at the ceiling.
I look over to her with a wry smile, and giggle, "just kidding. You and the girls ever been to Redcliffe? There's an awesome meat-vendor there that makes the best Kebaps in the Salt Flats... But he undercooks his meats like a mother frakker. Stitch said I caught a bug from it..."
I lean back against the wall again, getting comfortable, "I'd probably still eat there... Y'know, you don't gotta call me boss... I don't mind helping you girls out, but I don't wanna step on you and Star's toes..."
The bit about her just kind of leading until someone capable steps up has me a bit cautious... It occurs to me that if Star wants to take over, I don't think she'd be challenging Spree... I chuckle, "well... Until someone steps up, I guess what we've got going isn't too bad... Oh, by the way — I picked up a traveler for the road. You know a guy named Trojan?"
Then Spree flips subjects on you, "So riddle me this, bosslady. Somethin I never noodled out. I mean, when we were little hoppers, me an you. We weren't so different. I mean, yeah, I was a Pod Person and your dad was maybe a half-step behind, always playin at parties an all. But he did ok, from what I could tell." Spree seems like she really believes this. She doesn't seem like she's trying to be dismissive. "Anyhows... how izzit that you ended up so friendly with Vee and Rinnie? I mean, they were po' little scrubber kids. They hated me. I'm willin to bet they still do. And you an me, like I said, we aint so different. So, what'd you do?"
'Course I know that wouldn't have been enough
... I wasn't friendly with 'em 'cause I talked to 'em — though that certainly didn't hurt — I was friendly with 'em because I lived in Sector, and my dad played the music they heard going to sleep. Vee and Rinso, though? They were special.
"Rinny and Vee used to be a package deal – I was friendly with both of 'em 'cause they loved Dad's music. When Vee lost her leg, the temple put her up, and I think Rinny always felt a little responsible for not helping her. The night those frakking first men destroyed Chloe's, Rinny promised my Dad he'd look out for me."
I wipe some sweat off my brow, and continue. "So he did — and with Rinny came Vee — but when Rinny left to be with Cherry for a year, Bee was heartbroken, and needed a place to stay, so I begged my parents to take her in. We've been close ever since."
She grins a cocky grin, "I wasn't askin cause I'm scared, boss. I'm askin cause I wanna know my odds, so I know how good to feel when we beat 'em. An I don't intend on anybody gettin killed, either, so let's just all make sure it goes down like that." Spree stands up, wiping herself with the towel, then heads out to wash off in the cooler afternoon air.
I stand up and tenderly wipe myself down — still being a bit sensitive to the touch — then follow her out. "I don't take risks I can't walk away from, Spree — but I won't lie, it sounds like this is a big one."
She looks over at you after sucking her teeth, "So..." she says as she starts patting herself dry, "How are we playing this? Walk up and ask nicely? Ride in shooting and ride out? Send in a couple to scout, sneak in and fight our way out? A little of A and a little of C?"
Which could work to our advantage, if you think about it...
I finish washing, and pat myself dry. "Dry night tonight, ok? But I don't blame you if you find some hot little thing to fill the gap."
You're headed back to get dressed now, when you mention the dry night. She nods, "Got it, boss. Sorry about last night, got outta hand. Ima fix it." She throws on her clothes, and she's heading out to check on the bikes.
What do you do?
Y'know... Just baby and me...
I find a nice, quiet spot where I can listen to some music, and process the fact that I'm not really going to be alone for a long frakking time... At least until this baby's born. I guess I'll just sit here, listening to some guy named Patrick, with my hands crossed across my tummy until someone comes looking for me with the next crisis — or y'know, I get hungry or something...
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 5, 2. Total: 6)
You see Rinso far away from here, talking. He's talking to a teary-eyed Cherry. She has a gun in his face, and his hands are out, showing he has none. He has no weapon on her, she could kill him. And she wants to. She really wants to kill him, Kiddo.
In that dark doorway in her lonely shack, you see emerge the face of a young boy, maybe three or four. He's got a head-full of curly black hair and curious eyes. He walks forward, unafraid, unconcerned with Cherry's ire. That boy walks right up to a shocked Rinso. And then your vision clears.
What was the boy's name, Kiddo?
If he's there now he'll either be dead, or gone by the time I'd get to Cherry's... I curl up in my little corner, and crank the music up. Spree said I'm a poster child for self-reliance — as lonely and broken as I am. I can get things done on my own — and I suppose I'll have to, if Cherry has her way.
This baby is mine. If Rinso doesn't come back, I'll be the only person in the world this baby can rely on. Hell, even if he does, how could I be sure he always will be? I close my eyes when a song of Pat's comes on — one I've always loved in a language I don't understand— it sounds so beautiful though. I can't help but feel bad for Dawn... Cherry might be able to protect him, but what kind of frakking life is that for a child?
I hate Cherry. She's going to kill Rinso... She may not pull the trigger, but mark my frakking words — she's going to kill him.