We're skipping a few months after Ahji Dar left you and the
Far Orbit back at Gunbarrel station.
I'm interested in how things have progressed with your command, and how things panned out in the Rengali Sector. Please roll+Canny. On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose two to be true. On a 10+, choose three. On a 12+, choose four.
- You successfully tracked down and defeated Vanslas Beeli, earning renown for you and your crew
- Somehow (you detail), you were able to clear the Rebel Alliance from any affiliation with the pirate Venslas Beeli, and point his heinous acts back to the Empire
- Your privateering was very lucrative. You've made the crew rich and earned more than enough for yourself to boot (+10 Cred)
- The three crews have integrated, and are functioning well as a whole unit. Sure, Osira brings you dirty secrets from time to time that you have to deal with, but for the most part, the kinks are ironed out for now.
- Your work has garnered a promotion. Lens wants to offer you command of a Cruiser, and use you in the upcoming assault on a
very critical Imperial hardpointYou're on Kiffu for Squall and Amarath's wedding.
How was that arranged, Ladro? Did Amy set it up, or did you put a hand in for this? Or was it your brother's doing? Farla is here, with Sion, both home on leave. There's a small gathering of your crew for the upcoming ceremony (most of them took furlough and went elsewhere, but the engineering core, Amy's team, and a number of troopers are here, even a few of your command staff). Darkal and his new crew of the
Profit Margin are here. Ahji Dar messaged you that she's on her way, but she hasn't made it yet. The wedding is only hours away.
Hosk is with Amarath right now. Amy went out on a big bachelorette party last night. Squall did, too, actually.
Did you take zir? If you did, what happened?Something's been bothering Squall all morning, but ze hasn't talked about it with you. Ze seems on the edge of tears, but it's probably wedding jitters. You're both sitting in a small room in the small building near the grove where Amarath will be waiting soon. You're the official to wed them, of course, so you're got this all arranged. Squall's maids are in a larger room, dressed well and patiently waiting for Squall to be ready to come out and begin the march down the aisle.

Your friend, your engineer, Squall Onondb, is sitting on a small chair, in zir long white gown, holding zir bouquet, wide eyes looking up at you,
"Captain..." Ze says in a tiny voice,
"Is this... a mistake?"What do you do?
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 12)
It was a team effort, of course. Darkal has more contacts still on Kiffu than either Amy or I do, so he did a lot of the heavy lifting as far as arranging for space for the wedding and guests. Baba helped with setting up the food, and musicians for afterwards.
Amy had a few spots already in mind for her bachelorette party, this being home turf, and my dear sister Farla took Squall and Parsi under her wing, with the help of some donations from the Engineering team and me. I made appearances at both, early in the night, but didn't get too sucked in. Too many of the attendees have a tendency to call me "Sir," which feels a little strange with the amount of drinking and flirting going on.
When Squall asks zir question, I have the box with zir tiara in my hands. I put it down on a little side table. "Talk to me, Squally." I put a hand on zir shoulder, look down into zir eyes.
Ze bites zir bottom lip, takes a breath and huffs it out, "I know she cheated on me. On 1313. I mean, I had a suspicion, but she wouldn't tell me what was wrong... until last night. And well, I guess she slept with somebody. Or somebodies, last night." Did she?
What do you do?
I'm sure Amarath would kill me if she ever found out, and I'm not proud, but I may have asked Osira to keep an eye on things last night. I can say that Amy flirted up a storm, and there may have been body shots and some dancing that scandalized the locals, but I'm 99% sure that she didn't actually sleep with anyone. Or anyones. "Squall, I really don't think she did, last night or even recently." I pull my friend into a hug.
Ze hugs you back fiercely, holding tight, not letting go for several breaths. When you finally part, Squall looks in your eyes. Ze doesn't look sad, just worried. "Will she ever trust me with her whole heart? You know her more than anyone."
I smile gently. "Squall, my parents have been married for years and years, and baba says there are days where he and mama feel like they're still negotiating living together like it's the first time. You're both going to have to work at trust, probably forever, but I believe in the two of you. I really do." I pick up the box from the table and open it, tilted toward Squall. "Would I have gotten you this if I didn't?"
Squall hesitates for a moment, zir thin fingers hovering over the box. Ze meets your eyes, her mouth widening into a manic grin, "For me?" Ze rips it open, peering inside like a child on Life Day.
"Ohhhhhh...." Sounds slip out of Squall's mouth, but they're mostly unintelligible for a moment or two. Ze swallows, covers zir mouth and looks up at you. Then eyes back down to the box, fingers reaching to pull it up from the soft protective cloth. Ze places it on zir head, and beams at you.
I beam back. "Wonderful, Squall. Wonderful. You think you're ready to do this thing?"
"Marry me, Captain." Squall says, a mischievous grin on zir face. "To my lady love." Ze stands, smooths zir dress and nods once, ready to become one with Amarath.
I offer Squall my arm and take her to where her maids are waiting, then let Hosk know it's time for him to play father-of-the-bride. I make my way to the front of the hall, reviewing what I planned to say and knowing that it will all go out the window once I start.
Hosk responds over audio comms curtly, "We're headed down the aisle now. Amy smells like grain alcohol, but she's ready."
When you come into the small grove, the live music swells. Cousins and friends from your youth have all pitched in, as much for your family as Amarath. Sure, some are even here thinking this might be a wreck, since Amy's involved. But there are well over a hundred beings here to witness this union for whatever reason.
I stand at the front of the crowd, under two li'ita trees that have been groomed and trained to form a canopy for just this purpose. The tinkling water of a natural brook joins with the flutes and strings, and with the breeze blowing through the leaves, to create a single organic song, soothing and expectant. I'm acutely aware of all the eyes on me, and the weight of the medals I'm wearing on my dress uniform. It's the first time I've put them on.
I nod to Hosk and Darkal, and raise my voice in the traditional opening, first in Kiffar then in Common:
"My friends, the feast is prepared! The bride-price has been paid! The couple awaits! The elders have gathered!" I hold up a hand, palm out, and when the music stops, I pause, allowing the moment to lengthen, then start clapping a basic beat: clap..clap...clapclap clap..clap...clapclap, until the crowd starts to pick it up, and then the drummers. "Let the wedding procession begin!" I call, reaching both arms out in welcome.
I'm pretty sure this is the first time this has ever been performed in the dress uniform of any military.
The clapping continues as Darkal and Amarath walk in together, arm in arm. Amy is wearing a traditional Kiffar dress, which Farla lent to her for this occasion. It isn't as frilly as Squall's, the colors are more earthy and natural, and Amy's chrome does stand out a bit more than her normal casual wear. Darkal looks smashing, as usual, and he gives Jojee a wink as they pass by your pilot. Jojee grins wide, and elbows Dart, who all but rolls her eyes.
Amarath steps to the side of the aisle and Darkal kisses her cheek, then heads for his seat. Your clan-mate stands near you, looking back down the aisle for her lover. Amarath is nervous, shifting her weight back and forth from foot to foot, her flesh hand gripping and relaxing, gripping and relaxing.
Hosk and Squall come down next. They move quickly, mostly Hosk trying to keep up with Squall. Squall's done with waiting, ze wants to get to the end, to be near you, to be with zir mate. Ze looks astonishing, feminine, and still a hint of fierce hidden behind the smiling eyes. Hosk has to double-time it to keep up, and you swear he might be huffing a bit by the time he hands off Squall to Amarath.
Amarath takes Squall's arm, and her left hand slips down to hold Squall's. They face you, excitement and nerves on their faces. Amarath looks, no lie, Ladro. She looks like she just might cry right now. Not sad crying, not exactly tears of joy. More like completely overwhelmed, scared, but determined to stick it through while also about to throw up and having no idea how to pull this off.
Squall? Ze's thrilled, has been wanting, aching for this for years.
The clapping dies down, and hundreds of eyes are on you and the couple. The warm day, the light breeze. It's all so lovely, like a storybook.
What do you do?
Meeting Amarath's eyes fully, I begin my little homily. "Love, like rain, does not choose the grass on which it falls. But it nourishes the ground, nonetheless, and all the plants grow, together. No marriage begins perfect, and no marriage ends perfect." I look out to the attendees. "Yes?"
"The sun scorches the plants, the intersecting orbits of Kiffu and Kiffex spark storms, and yet, look around you." I gesture to the trees of the grove and beyond. "These trees stand tall, despite all the the challenges. You two will also stand tall, won't you?" Eyes back to Amy, then Squall.
"And now, are you ready to finish what you've started?" I wait for acknowledgement from both before going on.
Squall's the first to answer your second question, "Yes. Yes, definitely!"
Amarath opens her mouth, but the sound that comes out is not her normal tone, it's squeaky with nerves, but you make out, "Y-yes." You see Squally squeeze Amy's hand, but it doesn't exactly help.
When you glance out on the crowd, Leeadra is grinning like a loon, she thinks this is adorable and maybe a little funny. Cander has his arm around her and a bright smile, as he always has. How did seeing them together go? Seesk doesn't smile, being Trandoshan, but her eyes are alert and fixed on her old friends. Even Rana Mas is quiet and engaged, except for the small device he's playing with in his right hand, a nervous tic.
You spot Ahji Dar slipping in from the back near your Baba. She's wearing the dress you bought for her, even though you never had a chance to give it to her. She slips in to sit beside Farla and Sion. offering a smile. you even catch your kitten's eyes widen when she sees the bulge on Farla's tummy. Your mother is on the opposite side of the row, and she's pointedly not looking over at them.
Leeadra and Cander don't much bother me, as it turns out. I've come so far since then, and learned so much about who I want to be in the world, it simply doesn't faze me. Noticing Seesk makes me smile, of course. How many times did we geek out over a wedding on The Young and the Clanless?
When I notice Ahji Dar slipping into the grove, my heart lightens, and the smile I'm already wearing widens.
I return my attention to the couple.
"Squall Onondb and Amarath Vos-Uhuru, you came here today to pledge your lives, one to the other. You could have done this privately on any other planet, station, or vessel, but you chose to be here in this sacred grove, beneath the sky. You chose to be here with your friends and family. Now, it is time to speak the words that join you." I hold my hands out to the crowd, and speak more loudly. "All you who are present, hear and witness!"
Turning to Amy, I say: "Amarath Vos-Uhuru, do you pledge to walk the path of life with Squall Onondb: to treasure zir above yourself and fill zir heart with hope and courage; to seek to bring zir only joy; to share with zir both the trials and triumphs of life; to be zir friend, comforter, protector and lover; and to long for zir as the river longs for the sea and the tree longs for the sun? If you accept this vow, please say, 'I do so pledge.'"
Amarath bobs her head slightly at each phrase, worry obvious on her face that she'll be expected to recite all of it back. When you tell her she needs to only say she accepts the pledge, her eyes close for a moment, relief flooding her.
There's a moment of silence. Squall squeezes her hand.
Then her eyes snap open, and her nostrils flare. She says weakly, in the smallest voice she's ever used, "I... I do. So pledge.." She swallows, then squeezes Squall's hand back. Squally's grin widens and ze sniffs once, trying to stay strong for Amy.
With the smallest of winks to Amy, I turn to Squall. "Squall Onondb, do you pledge to walk the path of life with Amarath Vos-Uhuru; to treasure her above yourself and fill her heart with hope and courage; to seek to bring her only joy; to share with her both the trials and triumphs of life; to be her friend, comforter, protector and lover; and to long for her as the river longs for the sea and the tree longs for the sun? If you accept this vow, please say, 'I do so pledge.'"
Squall turns to Amarath as you recite the vows, and ze looks on Amy with such hope in zir eyes, "Amarath Vos-Uruhu, I insisted that we come here, to your lovely home, because I love you with all of my heart. I want all of your people, your friends, your family, to hear these words. I treasure you above myself. I will always strive to fill your heart with hope and courage. I will be your rock, Amy. I will bring you hope and joy. I will share in your trials and triumphs. I am forever your friend and confidant, and I will comfort you, protect you, and without hesitation, love you. I long for you, as the river longs for the sea, and as the trees long for the sun. I pledge my undying love and devotion, for as long as there are stars in the sky. Please. Please trust me with your heart, my love. I will cherish it as I have always cherished you. More than you cherish yourself." Amarath's mouth drops open slightly, and you hear an intake of breath, and Squall smiles, barely keeping zirself rooted to the spot.
Addressing the couple together, meeting each in the eye, I continue. "You are now two individuals with one beating heart; two banks of the same river; two wings of the same bird. Two paths led here from the past and one leads forward to the future."
I extend my hands once more, pitching my voice for the entire wedding. "Hear me, all of you! These two have spoken the words, made their pledges. But there is yet one pledge to make. Love is that which allows us to laugh in battle, what allows us to rise from the ashes of our selfishness, what allows us to hope for light when there is darkness all around. By sharing their love with us today, Amarath and Squall have given us a gift, and we owe them our honor and duty." I move my hands, raising them so they are palm-down, one above Amy's head and one above Squall's. Beginning with the Kiffar contingent, followed bit-by-bit by the rest, hands are extended toward the couple in blessing.
"All assembled, hear this pledge. Will you support this couple with your counsel when they are in need of counsel; with your strength when they are in need of strength; with your treasure when they are in need of treasure; with your understanding when they are in need of understanding? Will you share with them in their joys and sorrows? Will you tend the love they have planted in your midst with the diligence of a gardener? If so, please say, 'I do so pledge.'"
I don't try to hide the tears welling in the corners of my eyes as I continue. "The couple is wed! The two have become one! Rejoice, all! Rejoice!"
That's the cue for the music to start once again. The sprightly tune begins, begging to be danced to, and I turn back to focus just on my two friends. "You may kiss. As if I could stop you."
How do the next few minutes go, Ladro? Do the newlyweds leave, or do they greet the congregation as a couple, or what?
I have one more "official" duty as celebrant. Once Squall and Amy (finally) finish their kiss, I turn them to face the congregation, then raise my voice in the ancient Kiffar call to the wedding feast. "And now..." I call. "...let the WILD RUMPUS BEGIN!" I give the couple a light shove in the back, to let them know it's time to start dancing down the aisle toward the food and drink set up in a nearby clearing.
Jojee moves over towards you, smiling and offering a quick hug of congratulations, "I never thought I'd involved in a wedding, Cap. You were great."
I return the hug. "Jo, I'm glad we're all still together to see it." I kiss her on the cheek and give her a little pat on the ass. "Now, go... eat and celebrate. Just remember, this is Squall and Amarath's night and someone needs to be an adult. I'm not entirely sure that's going to be me."
That gets a snort from Jojee, "Adulting is Grumpyboots' job. I'm on furlough, Cap. But... I'll keep it low key." She gives you a cocky grin, "Dart and I will make sure things stay peaceable, Cap."
I pause. "Jojee, thanks. Thanks for coming with me when I left Lee's ship, and thanks for sticking through everything. I'm glad you've found a place where you feel like you fit." Before she can snark at me, I hold up a hand. "No, I'm not dying. Just... weddings make me sentimental."
I take a moment, while I'm in a brief eddy of calm in this swirling social sea, to take a breath. And a second one. Then I aim for my family and Ahji Dar. Wait, scratch that... I aim for the family I was born to, and the most important part of the family I've chosen.
Mama gets my attention first. "Mama, I hope you will save me a dance before the party ends. After all, you taught me the steps."
I look her deep in the eyes. "She will. She will mess up. And Squall will. Just as I have, and you have, and baba, and all of us. But she won't give up. And that's most important, don't you think?"
I give her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, mama. I hate to admit that I'm proud of it—uniforms were never really my goal—but I am. I'm going to have to change before I start dancing, though. This thing is made for standing still in the over-cooled belly of a ship, not for vigorous exercise."
With another kiss to her cheek, I move on to baba, knowing that Ahji Dar knows that I will be with her soon. We don't need words, baba and I, at least not to start. For the first time in my life, I open my arms first, inviting him into a hug.
Your baba hugs you warmly, delight in his eyes to see you, "Oh, my son!" His strong hands grip your shoulders, then relax to avoid too much pressure. "Such words of love you shared with us today. I'm so proud of you." He looks over your face, down to your uniform, your medals and rank insignia, then back up to you, wearing his smile as always. "You are a true warrior poet. I cannot express how happy I am to have been here. To see you, to see how you healed Amarath, gave her family. Brought her into our family." He pauses to take a breath, laughs at his own emotional outburst, gives you a chance to respond.
I smile warmly. "I learned so much from you, baba. It just took me a long time to realize what it was exactly I learned. I am glad we're here."
"Me, too, mwana." He chuckles, "Me, too." He indicates the small building where you can change, "I heard you wish to change for dancing?" He smiles, starts walking with you. His step is a bit slower than last time, but he shows no pain. "I'm wearing loose clothing, but my dancing will not happen tonight, I'm afraid. I see someone will make sure you dance enough, though."
As you walk across the grassy glen, your baba says low, "Mwana, if you have a chance, speak with Farla. Last night she told your mama that she isn't giving her child the qukuuf. You know this has broken her heart."
I nod. "I'll speak to her, try to understand her, and help her understand what it means. With the choices I've made, though, it would be hypocritical for me to push too hard."
He nods, "That is all I could ask, mwana." You've reached the room where your change of clothes are inside. You notice Ahji Dar walking slowly behind you and your father. You might say she's stalking you.
I glance to my father. "Baba, would you mind if Ahji Dar and I have a quick moment to ourselves? It's been a while." I raise an eyebrow.
Your baba chuckles, "I do not mind, mwana. I will see you at the reception." He gives you a quick hug, then turns to walk towards Ahji Dar. As he comes closer to her, he spreads his arms wide.
Ahji Dar flinches, Ladro. She freezes for a moment, and your father throws arms around her for a strong and warm hug. You see her wide, yellow eyes as she looks at you, confused and unsure. Then she pats his back, and a little smile curls her lips. He draws back to kiss her forehead, in a genial way, pats her shoulder, and whispers something in her ear. When he pulls back, she looks at him with surprise, but he leaves her alone.
Your kitten walks briskly to you, throwing her arms around your neck, kissing you fiercely, pressing herself against you. When she comes up for air a few moments later, "Your father is very strange. He said I am his favorite one. What does this mean?"
I open the door to the room and bring her in with me, closing the door behind us. "I think it means he likes you better than he does me, kitten," I say with a smile, "But I wouldn't dream of speaking for my baba. I'm sure you'll figure it out in time."
I start to remove my uniform and hang it up. "Did you hunt well while you were gone, kotenok?"
"Da, my Tom," she answers while nimbly working at the buttons on your uniform. "Our enemies are vanquished, except the few who remain alive to whisper the name of the Woenid Nexus with fear to their commanders. I would show you my trophies, but they are not appropriate for this gathering." She pauses with your shirt slightly open, looking up at you for a moment. "That is. I assume that Squall did not wish a Rattataki wedding, where this would be the perfect gift." She offers a wicked smile.
I chuckle at that. "Let us leave it for another time, kitten." I let her finish undressing me and glance over to the outfit hung nearby. A knee length kaftan in the same colors as Ahji's dress, which I'll wear over a pair of loose off-white cotton pants. Baba contributed the traditional brimless hat.
Before I put on my party clothes, I pull Ahji Dar in for a kiss. "I have missed you with all my heart, kotenok."
She hungrily returns the kiss, but doesn't press for more, as if she respects your role in the reception and is patient for when you can devote yourself to her. "I did not fulfill my obligation to you, my Tom. I am sorry. Please tell me how to make it up to you." She follows you to your party clothes, eager to hear your conditions.
I slip on the cotton pants first, then the pull the kaftan on over my head, pausing to pose briefly for her before I pick up baba's hat. "This is a serious issue, kotenok. I will have to ponder it for a time. I would hate to spoil the party by being overly harsh in my crushing disappointment." I put the cap on, fitting it snug and tight, then offer her my arm. "For now, let us head into the fray. I have taken off my uniform, and need not stand on my dignity any longer. It's time to dance and eat and enjoy the night."
As Ahji Dar follows you out towards the dance floor, she quips, "At least I don't have to worry about your dignity."
Once you reach the reception area, you see a hundred beings talking, eating, drinking, and of course, dancing. Leeadra is on the floor with Cander, Darkal is dancing with Jojee. Farla is dancing with Sion, of course. You even see Lens dancing, with Mikka smiling and standing near her (like a coat rack). And the newlyweds, too.
I'm assuming you dance with Ahji Dar. What happens after that, Ladro?
I will dance with Amarath and Squall (separately), and mama of course. If I can find a quiet moment with Farla, I'll take it for conversation, but tomorrow is fine, too. Lens must dance with me, even if I have to make outrageous false promises to make it happen.
Ahji and I make up a little game during our first dance, called "Spot Osira." If either of us actually sees our little pet for long enough to point her out to the other, that one scores a point. By the time we take a break for a bite to eat and a few drinks, the score is still low: one to nothing, in Ahji's favor.
You spot Farla heading off the dance floor, Sion heads off to the restroom. She takes a seat, smiling still, drinking some water.
"You were so great, Ladro!" she says happily when you sit with her. "Ahji Dar looks amazing. And Squall and Amy, too. Especially Amy, wow. I can't believe how much she's changed!"
I give Farla a kiss on each cheek. "You are positively glowing yourself, dada yako. When is your treasure due?" I sip my wine, conscious that she is on a strictly non-alcoholic diet these days.
"The baby is due in Melona." (four standard months). Farla answers with a grin. "I think it will be a boy. Sion disagrees."
"So soon! Boy or girl, your baby will be luck to have you and Sion, Farla." I haven't had much time to think on baba's request, but I proceed anyway, as carefully as I can. "I'm going to ask you a question, but first I promise that I'm not going to argue or try to convince you of anything. Okay?" I wait for an indication, then proceed. "Baba tells me you're thinking of not giving the baby the qukuuf. I'm interested in how you came to decide that."
Farla's smile slips away and she straightens, defensively. She looks around, like she wants to know if anyone is eavesdropping. "Ahh... well, Ladro." She begins, cautiously, "The baby won't be really Kiffar, you know? I didn't want to force him into our culture. Or make Sion feel lesser. It's just... you know there's a whole galaxy out there. We've seen it. They... they haven't. It seems silly to hang on to old customs. Especially when it only makes us stand out." She swallows, not teary, just steeling herself for your reaction.
I nod. "I think, when I first left, that I'd have removed the qukuuf if I could. For all the wrong reasons. As it turns out, I'm glad I was able to come home, glad for family and baba's stew and our traditions. But it's one thing to be embraced, supported by family and culture. It's another to be bound by it, restricted." I pause to collect the rest of my thoughts, taking a sip of wine. "One thing, though. It's taken me a long time, since I first came back and mama was so angry with me, to understand something. They see our family's history, the traditions and the culture, as a gift that they're passing along to us. A gift that they had accepted from their parents, even if they probably fussed about parts of it, too. And when I left, I was refusing that gift." I look her in the eye. "Find some way to let baba and mama know that you accept their gift, that you value it, even if you can't live inside the box it comes in. Try to do that, for all of us?"
Your sister listens. She always listens to you, you realize. You were probably a big influence on why she went off planet. "I'll try. You know mama doesn't understand why we don't march to the beat of her drum of tradition-tradition-tradition. I'm surprised she's even here. You don't even want to know how she reacted when word came back that you'd allowed Amarath into your, uhm, side clan? Clan of one? That struck her pretty hard."
"Yes, I know. I'm not saying I haven't made mistakes: I am the living embodiment of how not to make mama happy. And I'm not giving advice, really. I support your decision, dada. That's the bottom line."
With a chuckle, I continue. "The love of my life is known in different parts of the galaxy by epithets that generally begin with some version of 'The Terror of...'. I've faced down Imperial cruisers and cyber-enhanced nexu. I've made a Hutt dance to my beat." I shake my head in wonderment. "But mama still terrifies me."
Your sister titters laughter at the joke-not joke of your mother's power of fear and guilt. She throws arms around you for a side-hug, and you see Sion has been hovering on the edge, letting you two talk privately. "I will talk to them. I'll probably use Baba as my support. But I'll let them know I love them. And if he chooses the way of Kiffar, I'll never bar him, of course."
I return the hug. "I love you Farla." I gesture Sion over, inviting him to sit with us. I'll make small talk happily for a while, but after a few minutes I excuse myself to refill my wine and mingle some more. I check in with Ahji Dar, of course. If she's content to keep doing whatever she's doing, I'll head to have that chat with Lens. If not, I'll bring her with me, and still find Lens.
"Hello there, Captain!" Lens says as she playfully punches your arm. It looks a bit odd for an older woman in a dress, but somehow, it fits. "Nice words you offered them. A real nice service. You might have a life after the military after all." She gives you a knowing grin.
I chuckle and rub my arm as if she'd left a bruise. "I think we have to win this war before I need to think about that, General." I nod to Mikka and my officers. "Are you getting everything you need? Food, drink? Suitable music for dancing? Suitable partners for dancing?"
Lens looks around at the assembled crew, then back to you, "I could use a dance with someone who doesn't roll their eyes at the thought of it. C'mon, kid." She takes your arm, leading you to the floor.
I roll my eyes. (I had to!) Lens gets the joke, I'm sure, though, and soon we're out on the 'floor,' which is more of a level area in the clearing already trampled down. As I gently twirl her around to the last licks of the current song, I give the bandleader a wink that he understands means 'something slower next.'
We settle into a much more stately rhythm, and I ask, "You wanted to chat, General? If I recognize this song, we've got about seven minutes unless Mikka interrupts us."
"Such a naughty boy, trapping me for seven minutes." She scolds lightly, grinning. "Mikka would be jealous, if he had such a bone in his body." She lets the moment linger, then straightens a bit.
"There's another Death Star, Ladro," she says abruptly, low enough for your ears only. "The Roughnecks will be one of the teams to lead the assault on a backwater planet. I need the Far Orbit to make a very crazy run at them. It's likely that you'll only flush out whatever defenses they have constructed. It will be dangerous. And there's nobody else I'd rather take this mission." She arches a brow, "Interested?"
"No." I give her a second to recover from that, then continue. "I have one hit team that I trust above expectations." I nod to Amy, who's contorting herself improbably in a dance that is definitely not Kiffar in origin. "And despite recent victories in integration, I still have a ship full of, sorry to say it, mutineers, pirates, and Rebels, who as you know are not inherently unified. I do have loyalty, and I do have a certain experience with sneakiness." I pull back far enough to give Lens a grin. "Is there a promotion open in the Intelligence service? I can run a dozen teams off the Far Orbit without breaking a sweat, and maybe still do what you need with that second Death Star."
Lens sucks her teeth, "Have to say I'm disappointed to hear you say no." She dances for a few moments, then continues, "I think there might be an opening for someone to run teams. I'll still need the Far Orbit in the convoy, probably. You'll need to be ready."
I give the General a startled look. "Lens, are you losing your touch? You talked me into taking a hopeless command with about three sentences, and now you concede immediately? You offer me a mission framed as 'It's likely that you'll only flush out whatever defenses they have constructed.' I could have done that in the Profit Margin, General, and only risked five lives. Have you gotten so used to command that you don't negotiate any more?"
She chuckles, "Hell no, Ladro." That fire in her eyes sparks, "Just means I'll do it myself. Told Mikka I'd look for someone else. Now I have."
I return the chuckle. "I withdraw my earlier refusal, General. We will take the Far Orbit in to 'only flush out' their defenses. But on the way, Seki will drop me with the forces we need to take out the shield generator. I assume there is a shield generator? Hosk almost looks like an Ewok, maybe that will be enough to get some support." I grin. "Good enough? You know I hate straight-forward missions." Actually, she probably suspects the opposite. It's just that I'm better at the twisty ones.
General Reekeene's smile fades. "Aww, Ladro. You take all the fun out of Imperial sabotage. Well, as a superior officer, I have to consider the best being for the job." The music heads towards it's stately end, "Now get wasted and kriffed while you still can."
As the dance ends, I kiss Lens on the cheek. "You are far less expendable than I, General. That usually means, as I have learned, less fun and more paperwork." Before she can stop me, I dance away to the next, more energetic tune. Looking for Ahji Dar, my eyes meet Alanna's, instead. I'm glad she's here, given what she means to Squall.
Alanna hugs you fiercely, kisses your cheek, "Captain Vos. Stars, you look good in uniform." Her hand lingers on your arm, familiar, friendly and a tiny bit flirty. Yes, you spotted her watching Darkal dance with Jojee, but she doesn't seem perturbed. "How are you?"
I return the hug and the kiss. "I'm well, Alanna. I'm so glad you could be here for Squall's big day. How was your travel?"
"Excellent," Alanna answers brightly. "It's nice to leave Devaron, and your home is lovely."
"It is lovely. It's nice to be able to visit. Would you care for a dance, Alanna?"
"Of course I would, Ladro." Alanna says as you lead her onto the floor. She presses herself against you, eyes calm, a knowing smile on her face as the music plays. She has a stately grace, composed and gentle. "Your Cathari mate is adorable. And fierce. I think she's chosen well for herself." She meets your eyes, "Are you her Tom?"
I shouldn't be surprised that Alanna knows so much about Cathari culture, but I am, a bit. "I am, Alanna. Always and always. It may not be conventional, but it works."
After a few minutes, the music picks up to something more energetic. Alanna shifts to the beat, and she seems happy to cut loose a little. "How's your brother? I haven't had a chance to talk to him yet."
I give Alanna a little twirl, then pull back in and focus on footwork. "Darkal is well. He's taken over the Profit Margin, and he's running missions on her. You really should spend some time with him while you're here." I underline that last sentence with my eyes.
"You let your older brother have your ship?" Alanna asks with surprise. "I need to hear how he wheedled that out of you." She hears you. She seems slightly nervous about encroaching on Darkal. Perhaps it is Jojee's presence, or it could be something else.
I am a man of action, so it is action that I take. I twirl Alanna across the open space toward Jojee and Darkal, then turn so I can address my brother. "May I steal your lovely partner for a moment, Darkal? I brought you a replacement..."
Jojee narrows her eyes, looking back at them, "Are you playing matchmaker, Cap?" She doesn't seem in the least bit bothered by the idea.
"You know I'm just a soft old romantic at heart, Jo. Alanna's been carrying that torch for a long time. Might as well give her the chance to say something about it, right?" It's nice, this. Dancing with Jo, without all the old tensions between us. I give her a little wink (reminiscent of our brief Flunge career) to let her know something's up, then swing her around into a deep dip, bending her almost to the ground before bringing her up to twirl out to arm's length.
Your pilot presses herself a bit closer, enjoying the moment, "I hope she does. They'd make a cute couple, and he needs somebody who wants a commitment. He's a fantastic lay, but then he gets all... mushy." She smirks at you, "I have never told you this, and I'd never admit it in front of the squad, but I... love being an X-Wing pilot, Cap. It's everything I'd hoped, and more! It's just... nothing but pure bliss. And dogfighting, oh varp me running, it's great." Her smirk has blossomed into a genuine smile. She looks so happy, for this moment.
"So anyways, thanks. Thanks for making it happen, supporting me, even when I karked up." She continues dancing with you, reaches down and grabs your space heinie with a flirty wink.
I jump a little, off guard, but recover quickly. "You're welcome, Jojee. I'm so proud of what we've done. All of us." I enjoy a few more minutes of dancing with my old friend and pilot before something catches my eye. Or, rather, someone. I give Jo a kiss on the cheek and excuse myself, taking a circuitous path to the edge of the celebration. I consider signalling Hosk or Ahji Dar to be on the alert, but I'll take care of this myself.
Once I reach my target, assuming he hasn't moved in the interim, I address the man in front of me. "Sark. I have to say, I'm surprised to see you here."
"I'd imagine you would be, since I didn't receive an invitation." Sark responds coolly. "Don't worry, I'm here due to some business interests, not to trouble you."
I meet his eyes, remembering that I used to be afraid of this man. "It's trite, but I suppose I should thank you. Without your sociopathic interference in my life and your threats against my crew, I might still be a backwater operative and smuggler." I twist my head to the side, to loosen the muscles that so recently tightened. "But it does trouble me, you being here. This is a celebration, a joyful occasion, and you are a stormcloud come to rain on it."
Sark gives a non-committal shrug, "Don't take it personally, Ladro. Business is business." He looks over at the table where the crew of the Libation is sitting, then back to you.
I look at him. Really look. "Sark, or whatever name you've forgotten you were born with, you're just a bit player in the holovid of this conflict. Your shirt might as well be red, to hide the blood. I'm absolutely certain that there are three people here right now that will kill you if I simply nod my head. You've been making yourself feel special by splashing around in puddles with tadpoles since you first scooped me up, and likely before. I'm not a patsy, anymore. I have my own network, my own resources. Accept this mercy from me, on the day of my engineer's... my friend's wedding. Leave now, and never cross my path, or the paths of my people, again, and I will let you live. Choose not to, and I will have you gunned down and find everything you've ever cared about, down to the little stuffed bantha you played with as a child, and destroy them. Understood?"
Sark's mouth tightens as you lay out your threat. He doesn't flinch, but his smug demeanor fizzles. "Very well, Ladro. I assume the Libation is not under the penumbra of your protection, since Leeadra has stated she is independent?"
I narrow my eyes. "You assume wrongly, and I can't help but notice that you aren't leaving. I am going to collect the love of my life and dance for a bit before we retire. If you're not gone before we take our first steps, your life is over." I don't even glance toward the shadow I assume Osira is hiding in, nor do I acknowledge Hosk, who (as always) seems to have my back from a safe distance. Trust my Bothan friend to have a concealed weapon at a wedding reception? Of course I do.
Hosk gives you a nod when you look over, and he slips his trusty rifle back under his cloak. Osira is standing right behind him (he doesn't seem to know this), and she is staring intently at you, waiting for orders.
Lee can be as angry as she likes. To bring Sark to my home on this day... If I'm being paternalistic, if I'm interfering, well, so be it.
I give Osira the slightest shake of my head as Hosk puts his rifle away. There's nothing for her to do at the moment.
I look around for Ahji Dar and see that, despite his earlier assertions, she's gotten baba on his feet. He's swaying more than dancing, but there's a smile on his face as my kitten dances around him in a graceful pavane. I make my way through the crowd toward them, unhurried.
Your baba seems relieved when you come over, and he reaches a hand to you, "Save me, son. She will dance my old legs off." He chuckles, then adds, "Come show her a good dance, mwana. I need to save something for your mama."
Ahji Dar prances over to you, hand slipping onto your hip, her bright yellow eyes on you with adoration, "I love you, my Tom."
I smile warmly, my heart filling. "Lyubovnik, those words I spoke for Amarath and Squall, earlier... I was speaking them to you at the same time, you know." I lean in to brush her cheek with a kiss.
Her eyes flutter closed as you kiss her soft cheek. They open again and fix on you with pride and strength as she replies, "I know."
The dancing stops as Squall and Amarath make their noisy and joyous departure from the reception to wherever they planned to end up alone, probably somewhere in the dark woods where Amarath used to hide and play as a youth. Ahji Dar steps into your arms and holds herself against you, reveling in your reunion, basking in the acceptance of your family.
Your father ambles over to your mother, and they watch you, and of course Farla and Sion. You notice Darkal is leaving, with Alanna, while Jojee is drinking at the punch bowl with Dart and laughing. The party is nearly over.
What do you do?
No more words.
Kiffex is bright in the evening sky; the breeze carries the scent of night-blooming piffa flowers and the rustle of leaves; the calls of jioni birds haunt the air.
I take my kitten's hand in mine, and we walk together through the woods. There is no hurry. Later, we will retire to the Woenid Nexus and remember together the language of our bodies, but for now, this is enough. The night, the breeze, the perfume, the music of Kiffu. And our lives, flowing together into an unknown future.
This. This moment. Now. I have never been more... home.