A couple weeks have passed since you met with Nezzy and she put you on the "Branigans wait list". There are several folks out here in the bay who have been waiting for quite a while. It turns out that people down on their luck make the long trek here because there is food, plenty of space for folks who earn their way in. There's law and order here, and technology, clean water. Kiddo, you've heard there's a small school here, too.
Whiskas set you up on some minor cleaning and food prep duties at first. Menial stuff, paid in food or "services", which include a shower or other niceties, like access to the media terminal.
Kiddo, did the rest of the gang take jobs? Anyone who refused to work? Did you send anyone back home? Kiddo, what job did you end up showing a knack for?
Stitch, you've seen Trojan dealing some weed to the gang, smalltime stuff. What did you do about that? Also, earlier today, someone got hurt or sick, and you saved their life. Right out in the open in the bay. What happened to them?
Whatever it was, it got the notice of Telstra, the guard. He came up and asked how you knew how to do that. He took you, Kiddo and somebody from the gang who just happened to be around down to meet Janco. Kiddo, I'm assuming you want to see the doctor, right?
The infirmary deckplans look like this:

And it is mostly in tact. The brig is mostly empty, and fully half of the infirmary is powered down to conserve resources. You haven't reached Janco yet, but you see there are people here, clean, well-fed, some actually getting preventative care, mothers holding children as they get shots, nurses checking throats and giving physicals, all normal medical care.
Telstra marches you three up to a... man? A woman? A doctor in a white labcoat.

Telstra says,
"Hey doc, we have an outsider who has been working in the bay, name's Stitch. She just saved someone's life, thought you'd like to meet her. And this here is Kiddo. Nezzy said you have her dad in LTC."Janco says in a slightly feminine voice, "Hello Stitch," offering a hand. Then to you, Kiddo, "Hello, Kiddo, nice to meet you."
What do you do?
PS: Hey Kiddo, why don't you roll Moonlighting now?
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 9)
A guy had a heart attack out in the bay- I resuscitated him so he could be taken back to the infirmary. I told Telstra that I'm a doctor- that raised an eyebrow.
I shake Janco's hand, bowing my head just a little. "Nice to meet you." I look over to Kiddo- "Long term care." I explain.
I took a few jobs, actually... I did some scavenging in the nearby areas, working it as best I could, and we turned up a few junkships that people had overlooked. It turned a little jingle in when I brought back a bunch of canned food, and medical goods. It looks like a resupply ship that lost its way... OOC: +1barter.
I was a little irked that Trojan's decided to keep dealing, but it's not like I can stop him... He's paying for safe passage down to Boomtown after all...
I follow Stitch into the Infirmary, my nerves wound tight, and stay back. Stitch is the one in her element here... I'm just along for the ride — hopefully to see my Dad... I take, and shake, Janco's hand — then nod to Stitch. I know what LTC is, sadly... Ma' was in it when she was sick...
I'm trying to be polite, and let the doctors talk; but it's pretty clear what my mind's on. Starburst was in the vicinity, and kind of got invited along...
Janco says to you, Kiddo, "Come back to my office, I'm rather sure I know who your father is, Kiddo." Kiddo, I assume you and Starburst follow? A nurse has taken over for Colacao, the man who had the heart attack. Telstra follows and waits outside the office.
The office is mostly white light and stainless steel. There's a wallscreen, but it's not on. Janco takes a seat behind a desk and asks all three of you to have seats in the very comfy looking chairs.
"First things first. Kiddo, your father is Oliver, right? You have his mouth, and there's something about your cheekbones, too." Janco says. Its obvious that Janco is fond of Oliver, these words are personal, not professional. "Your father has lung cancer, and it is quite advanced. I've been able to stabilize him, but we're at a stalemate with the disease. With all of the wonderful technology and medicine, I can only keep him from dying. He's lost so much lung capacity, he can't sing anymore, Kiddo. As long as I have medicine, I promise you I'll keep him alive."
Janco smiles, and shares, "The best news is, that Branigans has ordered priority care, to keep Oliver alive. A Junkfall ago, he sent a raiding party out to a skyfall to scrounge for more medicines. Your father is very high on his list. That's good."
"Have you considered surgery?" I ask Janco. I'm outing my medical background- very few people on this planet know how to do it and the risk of infection is so large it contraindicates it unless the patient would die otherwise.
He's alive as long as the medicine doesn't run out?
Branigans is exhausting resources for him?
I sit there listening to the doctors talk about options and treatments – and in spite of her white lab coat, I feel like I'm making a deal with the Lady in Black...
I feel helpless.
I just want to see him...
I'm scared I just made a promise I won't be able to keep, but fucking hell if I won't do every damned thing in my power to get this girl's dad back to her.
She leads the three of you out of her office, through the triage area into a set of double doors that open automatically as you approach. The place is so damn clean. Its remarkable. You pass through four rooms with patients lying on clean beds resting until you pass through a second set of double doors. She turns to wash her hands with a chemical, indicates you should as well.
Starburst hangs near the double doors into ICU, says, "Hey uhm, I should, you know, give you all space, right. I'll stick around out here." She looks more than a little wigged out. Like she doesn't want to see your dad in this state, Kiddo.
What do you do?
I nod back to Star, a lump in my throat is blocking the words I should probably be saying... I wash my hands in this chemical that turns my stomach, and take a few deep breaths before following Janco through the next set of double doors.
After washing your hands, Janco leads you into the ICU. The ICU consists of four single-bed rooms with large glass windows. In the second to the right is a skeleton thin man who is completely bald, he has sunken eyes that are closed. He's on a ventilator, a big clear tube stuck down his throat, helping him breathe. He has an IV in his arm, too, giving him food. It takes a moment to realize this is your dad, Kiddo.
Janco opens the door, and lets you in, enters behind you. She walks up to check his vitals and says quietly, "Oliver? Oliver, someone very special is here to see you."
Oliver's eyes slowly open, and you see him look around the room until he focuses on you, Kiddo. His eyes become glassy immediately, as soon as he sees you, recognizes you. It's him. He's alive.
I'm frightened now.
I sniffle, and huff a breath as I quietly make my way over to him. I reach out and take his hand kissing it tenderly. I open my mouth to say something, but words don't come out. I kneel down by his bedside, and smile weakly.
After a moment of looking him over, I whisper, "Hi Dad... I've missed you so much."
He holds onto your hand and reaches with his left hand, tracing lightly on your forearm the letters I-l-o-v-e-y-o-u-K-i-d-d-o. He moves with the precision of a musician, the touch as light as you remember, your arm the strings of his guitar. Then he opens his eyes and looks at you again.
After a few moments, he flicks a glance over to Stitch.
Yes, there's a chart. It's not nearly as complete as it should be, written very plainly. The chart is a set of instructions for the nurses, even lists them by name with times to administer treatment.
From the listing of the meds, it's mostly pain relief, stuff for his appetite, times for movement to reduce bed sores, change-outs for the colostomy bag and IVs, maintenance medication and treatment. If you were to write a summary, this treatment schedule says "keep him as pain free as possible until he dies of old age".
There's also another thing you notice. There's a two hour block of time, this evening, where nothing is scheduled. In fact, it says "all clear" on it.
I give Kiddo some time to interact with him- turning to Janco. "Do you have a scanner? I don't see any films or anything in the chart."
Janco gestures with her head to step outside. Once you're in the hallway, she says, "I don't have any, Stitch. Like I said, they're key-coded. I'm locked out." She looks embarrassed to say this, not defensive. She leads you through the back way out of ICU towards the med lab.
"You really know your drek, Stitch. I mean, you're sharp as a tack." Janco says. She opens up the med lab door, which is obviously a replacement, and the lights power on. Inside here is a fully and complete med lab, scanners, test equipment, you name, this place has it.
They're key-coded, meaning only authorized personnel can operate the devices.
OOC: Act under fire for code incoming.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 10)
How is that you knew how to fool the security systems to recognize you as staff?
I look around at the equipment. I know how to operate each one- they put that in my head while I was in stasis. Had to make sure I could do everything. My fingers still on the last few keystrokes. If I open up this lab for Janco, for Branigan's, there is a good chance I may never walk out of this ship again. I'd be doctoring, maybe run the infirmary, but I'd be a prisoner- like I was back on the moon.
I swallow hard and hit the keys. A doctor does what she has to do.
Stitch and Janco leave you with your dad. It's quiet here, just the sound of the breathing machine, some other piece of equipment, the low hum of power.
After a moment, he looks around, like he's making sure you're alone. Then, your father reaches up for the breathing tube and starts trying to pull it out.
What do you do?
You've got access to a high class starship infirmary at your fingertips. Janco moves up behind you, eyes darting around, she gasps lightly, "Oh... oh gods, Stitch."
What do you do?
He can't answer you out loud, and he looks like he doesn't want to write on your arm, so he just starts pulling at the tube. You hear a gagging sound from deep in his throat. You can stop him, or you can help.
It doesn't seem like a suicide move, though. He wants to talk. He may not even be able to talk, but he wants to try. But holy frak, how would you get that thing back in there?
What do you do?
OOC: Read a person incoming.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 10)
I gently take his hand and pull it away, "Dad... Dad I don't know the first thing about getting this thing back in if things go sour..." I look him in the eyes, "Dad, I'm here to find a way to get you out of here. Please... Just blink for now... Once for yes, twice for no, OK? Can you get this thing back in if I help you take it out?"
Oliver pauses, then exhales through his nose in frustration. He blinks twice, then relaxes his hands off the tube. He switches grip to hold your hand, and starts quickly writing.
Janco wants to know how the frak you did that. She wants to learn how to work all these machines. She wants to be able to do more, and she wants you to teach her. She's sort of in awe of you right now.
Oliver pauses, closes his eye, pain on his face. He draws out, s-h-e-d-o-e-s-n-t-c-o-m-e-k-i-d-d-o-s-h-e-h-a-s-n-e-v-e-r-c-o-m-e... o-n-l-y-h-e-c-o-m-e-s
"Let's bring Ollie in for a scan." I say, matter of factly. "Then we can talk about me teaching you how to use this stuf."
I take his hand in mine and hold it firmly, leaning in close to him and kissing his fingers. "I need you to hold on Dad. I need you to work with Stitch and get better, OK? She's the best — she really is — and I just know she's going to make you better, OK? I need you..."
I lean in right next to his ear, and whisper, "you're going to be grandpa." I pull back and kiss his hand one more time.
Janco's eyes dance. She nods, "Ab-solutely, Stitch!" She half jogs out of the room to go back and bring Ollie in.
Ollie nods a few times, when you encourage him. He hasn't lost his heart. Then you drop the bomb about him being a grandpa and his eyes widen in surprise.
Janco comes pushing into the door. She says quickly, "Stitch has the med lab fully operational. I'm going to," she drops to her knees, starts fiddling with the locks on the bed wheels, "wheel you over for an exam right now, alright?" She doesn't wait for a response, starts maneuvering the big bed out of the room, taking it to the lab.
Stitch, Janco has Oliver in the room in just a few moments. He's still hooked up to all of the machines, which she has Kiddo wheel along behind her.
What do you do?
I go about turning the machine on and getting ready to do the scan- the movements are routine for me, but I've never actually done it before. I pause and feel the wedding ring that isn't there- I haven't given it much thought lately, but it still feels like a real memory.
I close my eyes and reach out with that sense I have- the one that helps me heal people. I know Kiddo would do absolutely anything to help her father and that gives me something- courage, maybe?
OOC: Open your brain incoming.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 3. Total: 11)
You reach through the instruments and reach out with your innate senses and you see it, you know that fist-sized lump of cancer inside his left lung, it's real and it will be a bitch to cut out. You know you can do it. He'll have a good chance of recovering from the surgery, but then... will the cancer really be gone?
Or you use your special way. And that... it would kill him if you mess it up. Dead on the table, no doubt. No room for error. But you could pull that cancer right out of him, Stitch. You could.
So, here you are, Stitch, open to the psychic maelstrom and focused through these machines and thinking through your training and I can't help but wonder. And of course, this alien planet's maelstrom wants to know, too...
You keep referencing the stasis training. All the really complicated stuff, I hear you mention the stasis. Have you actually done these things before? Sure, you were an intern, you remember that. You trained as a doctor, but... your swiss cheese memory just keeps me wondering. How much of this is actual experience and how much is "book learning"? Did you become a doctor, Stitch? Or did you run away from Ethan and change your name, because really, who in the Lunar colonies names their kid Stitch? So yeah, you could be telling the truth about being a doctor, and the proof is in the pudding, of course.
But a body wonders sometimes, when that body hears your thoughts.
I haven't had a flashback like the kind I woke up with in weeks, but now I'm hyperventilating. The walls are closing in. I don't know what's real anymore. Is this planet even real? Is Metro? Am I? What if I'm just a robot head somewhere, living an invented life to distract myself? My vision blurs...
And I see Ethan, looking down at me in this infirmary. He grins that predatory grin of his- the one that makes my blood run cold. Tears fall down my cheeks. He holds a scalpel up to my throat. "Hello, Phoebe. Or should I say- stitch, bitch?" I scream.
I blink and he's gone. I breathe shakily, my eyes not focused. I don't know if my memories are real or not. I don't know if I'm an actual doctor. A minute ago I'd have said absolutely yes, no question. Now... I swallow hard. What if I'm nothing?"Sorry." I say to Kiddo and Janco. "I'm... ok."
Janco's right by you, Stitch. She's checking your pulse, moving you away from the keyboard. She's on you quick, she may not know the advanced medicines you do, but she's got first aid down. "Stitch, what's going on? Can you look at me for a second?"
But you're not really sick, not that she'll find. You've got your answer, plus more questions on top of it.
What do you do?
"The cancer is in his left lung. I can cut it out. If it's spread..." I say to Kiddo, trailing off.
He's right here... He's so close — but he could just slip away...
"That'll take a little while." I tell Kiddo. "Once I can do the blood work and get all the equipment together, we can talk about options. That'll be this afternoon or tomorrow morning."
I almost ask her about donating some blood- in case Ollie needs it- and then I remember the tiny life inside her. Maybe Hump can spare a pint.
You send for Jemma, VB and Hump, they come down to see Ollie. Star even comes into the room, but stays near the door. Ollie is delighted to see you all. He sits up, which seems uncomfortable, but gives him space to hug each of you. Even Star, he insists on it. Of course Hump will donate blood, he tells you that he has to help out, Stitch.
Janco has gone back to her rounds, checking on patients. She lets you handle any tests, blood work, corralling the visitors, Stitch. She does seem a little worried about your health, though. that little spell shocked her.
Kiddo, you hear a rap on the window that brings your attention to the hallway outside Ollie's room. du Maurier and Santiba are outside. They are armed and a frustrated but scared nurse is standing behind them, talking at them, but they're ignoring her. du gestures to you, and to the hallways, beckoning you out.
What do you do, Kiddo?
Stitch, where are you?
As you're reviewing the scans and bloodwork, you realize that there are med scans on all the patients here. Also, there are six scans to people who are not checked in as patients. In fact, their idents are locked.
To be clear, there are six people who are somehow hooked up to the med lab scanners who are not registered as patients to Janco.
du smiles at you a little and says, "Hey Kiddo, how's the family reunion?" Santiba takes a step back and to the side. It's a casual move, but she's set up a decent crossfire. You know, if she needs one.
Santiba says all pleasant, "We just want you to know that we let this happen. This reunion."
du looks over into the room and adds, "And we don't want you to get any funny ideas. This is just a visit. Right?"
du steps closer to you, in your personal bubble, so to speak. He says all serious, "If it were up to me, we'd dump his bald ass out the hatch. But it aint."
Santiba cuts in with, "Just keep playing nice, Kiddo. And nothing changes. Are we clear?"
du looks into the room, then says, "Don't go getting tunnel vision here. Ascendant treats people well. If they play by the rules. Get me?"
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 2. Total: 7)
You're right, this whole "by the rules" stuff is a ruse. du Maurier and Santiba are scared of your crew coming in and making trouble. du wants you to leave, take your crew and leave. And if you take your dad, he knows he'll have to chase you. Which he doesn't want to do.
I look over to Santiba, "that good enough for you?"
du Maurier adds, "Dinner. Just you and her. No Granma, no little brother. Just you and just your doc. We'll send someone to bring you to him. In three hours."
He doesn't wait for an answer, neither does she. They turn to leave.
OOC: Things speak incoming
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 5)
You're locked out of those six. There are some complicated security measures up and running here. You have the location, they are here in the infirmary, in a section you haven't been to yet.
You enter the room, and while they were playing along and trying to act natural, you knew that Star and Jemma were watching close, ready to step out there and hurt those two if need be. Hump's been crying. VB, too.
What do you do?
I look to the group, "Bran wants to meet with Stitch and me over dinner tonight... Alone..."
Hump looks up, "Will...uhm, anyone else be there?"
Starburst gives you a steely glare, "You should have some backup."
Star nods, "Me and Venger, we got it. We'll stay here all night, then work out a rotation."
Jemma gets up in your face, "Well you better go change some minds then. I'm going. Make it happen, Kiddo."
Hump pleads, "Gramma! Take it outside, please!"
VB is up, trying to pull Jemma out into the hall.
Oh and by the way, a bit more on being locked out of the systems for those six.
You try and reach out to work the security, using the workarounds from before. And then you find yourself reaching through the maelstrom to them.
And there is someone there. Watching the storm. You feel some kind of structure here, a kind of overlay, within the maelstrom, like a web. There is a spider in this web. Branigans is the spider. And he knows you're here.
You wake up on the floor, Stitch. You're staring up at the ceiling and a bit dizzy. Take -1 Ongoing against Branigans until he is hurt in your presence.
Let's see you Manipulate Jemma. She's fired up.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 10)
Jemma glares at you, then VB. She says through clenched teeth, "We don't leave without her." Then she storms down the hallway, frustrated and offended.
VB hugs you, "It'll be okay, Kiddo. Will Zee be there?"
"Will who be where?" I ask VB.
"My Ma'... Zero. Branigans has insisted you and I meet him for dinner in 3 hours... Alone."
I'm a little nervous it's a done deal in his mind, but I don't know him. His reputation certainly precedes him, though, and between that and the spider vision... I doubt I'll be eating much at dinner.
I shake my head, "Over my dead frakking body will you be traded sweetie. I'm gunna make sure you get to do whatever you frakking want."