Three days.
Three days in iso, in this muck that keeps your body idle, but not your mind. It's maddening. The neural interface offered you a chance to take training on several ship-board un-school activities, from learning the inner workings of the ion drive to the fine tuning of the boilers.
Did you take any of the classes, Tabitha?This morning (
you know it's morning because the neural interface offers a handy shipboard chronometer view., something was itching at the back of your brain. Some weird dreams during the fitful sleep and a painful headache this morning.
You hear a voice. Not the vocal sensations of the ship communication detailing inane data in an annoyingly chipper tone. A voice you recognize, but from months ago.
"Tabitha? Can you hear me? Please... please tell me you can hear me. I don't even know if you can talk in iso. Maybe I can hear you anyway? I don't know. I don't know anything. I don't know why I can come in here, even, why I'm still here. Am I?
Am I still here?"What do you do?
The neural interface even lets me count the seconds, if I feel like it.
At first I want to just ignore the trainings, resist everything, but...without motion, without being able to turn my head.. Just thinking about the ship and my pod and Zola and Ioanna..and Jace. I'm still in here. He's probably okay. Drokk Haladay and every drokking corp.
I don't last an hour after the class opportunity is given to me; I take it. After, I find out that they don't let you take them back to back. I swear into the neural interface. It tells me I have to wait a day for another now instead of three 'contemplation hours'.
The headache scares me..I wonder if I'm starting to get cues before I have those flashbacks. Please, someone come and get me. I don't want to spend a week like that. Like this.
I'm losing it. "Are you..what?" I can't move my mouth or do something like push air through it anyway, so I'm just thinking it. Trying to stay out of the thought engagement of the NI. It feels strange.
I focus on her, however she happens to be in the cube with me. My eyes go through a couple different attempts to make her less blurry.
"Gwen Tasker."
I went to her funeral, not sure what I was expecting. It didn't give me any peace or insight into what happened to her. We don't get to do a real one on this side, what happens is more like a video conference where some feeds are her family, one is a minister and one is her body going into recyc.
"You're in here with me."
If I'm hallucinating's still better than waiting a full 24 hours to the next simulated class. Would my hallucination try to conform to stuff like the gel moving? I don't know, but I bet Aidan would love the question. He's kind of weird.
"Yeah, a week. I''re sweet Gwen, but I'm glad nobody gets me. It wouldn't be good if they did." Her praise is disarming. "Have you been here this whole time? Just trying to talk to someone?"
Maybe I'm not hallucinating? What would that mean?
She doesn't know. The chill I feel..some of it isn't external. How do I say it?
'I can break the iso,' she heart jolts at the words. "You've been gone for a couple of months. Gwen.." I don't know if I can do it, tell her that she's dead. " fell from the top level of the recyc plant. Nobody knows how or why."
"No. I didn't fall. I..." she stammers, unsure. "I'm not dead. Do I look dead, Tabitha? Dead people don't talk. Look at me." She moves back a little, the coldness ebbs. Her face is torn, confused, angry, afraid.
It's obvious, Tabitha, she's much more trapped than you. I'm going to say you're out of your Darkest Self.
I look at her. Briefly, I panic; she's going to leave me here in iso if I don't tell her what she wants to hear! But she is dead..her body is gone. She's got nothing left for them to threaten or take away, and it hasn't made her free.
"I see you, Gwen. I don't know what's happened to you since. I'm so sorry."
Are you trying to get her to help you out of iso, Tabitha? She's about to go, you think.
"Gwen! Please don't leave me here!" That's more important. I want out, but to be left behind like this, right now, it would hurt. The paralysis of the iso gel hugs me tight while every nervous signal to struggle pings off of nothing. "Please..I'll do anything!"
Let's see you Manipulate her, Tabitha.
Manipulating; (Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 3, 1. Total: 3)
If you give Gwen a string, she'll stay. If you give her another, she'll break you out.
What do you do?
I will give her two, please and thank you.
I can't move out of the way..the numbness is uncomfortable, but sort of interesting in the same way that sitting next to the pipes in class is for me. I relax.
"Um, sure.." I take a little time to gather my thoughts on the class. "It's a mess in there. Ollie and Jace were caught making out..I don't know how they work, but it seems like they would do it all again. taken out of class, they say she's in a coma now."
She saw me with Zola? That's..I don't know how I feel about it. But who is Gwen going to tell? "Zola..I don't know, I like her for how firey she is but she's willing to take her stomm out on anyone. But Gwen, nobody touches me. Being the center of her attention is..hard to resist."
What do you do?
"I could do that. Even if it's different, I'd like to touch you. The Corps..I don't know, I could fight them but that's just digging a hole." I'd love to say I didn't care about what the Corps could do to me but those stun sticks are not fun, and neither is Iso and neither is getting rationed off.
I've thought about going off the grid before, too, but I don't think I'm good enough with systems to make it work. Plus, it would get out of control fast - podmates offered rewards to find me, punishments if they see me and don't report. Lockdowns. Drokk that.
I don't know what the camera situation is here in the Iso ward because, funny enough, I'm never in here, except to be in Iso where I can't work it out. So.
"I want my week to a week. Can you put up with me for a week?" A little humor colors my words.
I'd like to hear what's the worst thing that could happen here, and then please roll to Hold Steady, Tabitha.
The worst thing that could happen right now is probably my life signs shifting enough that someone checks on me.
Holding Steady; (Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 9)
Marking XP (4)
How come I can see Gwen when nobody else has?
"There's not much to learn about me, but..yeah..let's do that.."
Gwen moves closer to you, her smile nervous and excited. She touches you, you feel the pinpricks that ebb into numbness. She moves further, touching you, entering you.
When you merge with an unliving entity for an extended period, roll with dark. On a hit, you keep yourself together and choose options. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+, choose two.
- Gain access to the Dissipate Ghost move one time
- Gain access to the Creep Ghost move one time
- Gain access to the Short Rest for the Wicked Ghoul move one time
On a miss, you lose a piece of yourself to the entity. Describe one memory to the MC. It's theirs now. They will give you one of their own.
I try to let Gwen in, let it happen. I move into a really present frame of mind, trying to experience this fully. What is this? Is it sex? I feel cold and hot all at once. I'm used to feeling unfamiliar in my own body, but this..
Rolling Dark: (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 6. Total: 12)
Choosing Dissipate and Short Rest.
You see yourself, as a child, with long tresses of dark brown hair, sitting in the grass of the park, the glassteel dome of the observatory above you. Hannum, your father, and Tressa, your mother, are lying on their backs near you, talking and looking into space. You have a small worm in your hands, it wiggles about, making you giggle with the sensation. You are Gwen.
A moment later and you're standing on a speedball court. It's cleaner and bigger than your practice court, looks like Pod Eight's court. You have the ball under your left arm, and the grav plate kicks in and you float for a moment before moving forward, charging the opposition in a hard move to score fast. There are only seconds left. You know you'll score, you designed this drokking play. You are Ioanna.
What memory do you share with Gwen?
I'm on the other side of the Lock, in the real Med Bay, with Doctor Vought, dressed in some soft sweatpants and a sweater. We've made a breakthrough together, and I'm using my clumsy voice to identify things in the bay. Many of those things he brought with him in a bag just for variety. The light in the room is harshly bright, but for these moments I love it - I can see everything clearly.
I say my name for him and I feel like I'm going to be someone, finally.
The self-sharing continues and you mix in and out with Gwen and pieces of Ioanna until a bright, flashing light stings your always-open eyes. The gel surrounding you lowers slowly, and in moments, you feel your eyes blink, your cheeks respond to your brain. Outside the viewing port there are shadows of movement, someone checking on you. Several pairs of eyes through the grimy portal.
And Gwen is gone.
I groan, coming to, feeling chilled and soggy. I rub at my eyes - I'm glad I left them open but drokk they are not happy with me. I try to straighten up on reflex and knock into the ceiling of the iso cube. For a few ugly seconds I need to cough out the gel that snuck into my lungs and throat.
I turn away from my, uh, guests, whoever they are, and blow the gel out of my nose. After all that charming stuff, I lean forward, move my face to the viewport to see who it is.
Is my time up? Or is this something else?
You realize, after sifting through the memories of yourself, Gwen, and Ioanna's imprints, that you saw Gwen first because you have an innate sense of the ship itself, you have an innate feel for it. Something the authority wanted to happen but failed to see, it has unlocked in you.
And Gwen, she's a ghost in the machine. A fly in the ointment. She haunts the place, and she is a danger to everyone. You see her because the core part of you that knows this ship, it also knows Gwen must be destroyed.
What do you do?
I'm slow to take the suit and towel from him, letting him explain fully. Might just be a way to drokk with me before hitting me again. When he's done I nod, once, and head for the chemical shower.
"I guess that..makes me unique." I quip as I move to peel out of my sticky shirt. Tek gets some side-eye. He's going to stay for this, isn't he?
Yeah, he totally is. He doesn't ogle you, he stays nearby and looks at your head only.
Still creepy, though.
There's a pull chain on the chem shower. It will spray gallons of water on you with a great deal of pressure. It was built to wash off harmful chemicals. The gel fits the bill, more or less.
"Got it."
I put my uniform and towel aside where they won't get wet and get to it. I can feel this stomm getting stickier, I want it gone even if Tek is here. And whoever might be in the cubes to my right and left.
My mind wanders back to Gwen, and what we did or were together. Then the cold water hits me - I'm distracted till I'm clean again.
Drying off, hustling into my speedball suit. I was already cold, dammit! I rub my arms and stretch, try to get my blood to move.
Corporal Rys walks with you to the containment center, opening the door with a wave of his hand at the sensor. It opens to over a dozen iso containers, half of them lit and active. Tabitha stands there by Corporal Tek in her speedball uniform. She looks cold, and tired.
Zola moves past you all towards her.
A few minutes after you dress, the door to the outside opens and in walks Corporal Rys and Mark, followed by Jace, Pax, and Zola.
Zola shoves her way past her team to come up towards you, her hands spreading.
What do you do?
Hey, it's my team! I smile at them. "Jace! Guys!" It doesn't come out lively like I want it to.
I open my arms and hug Zola. I'm still not happy with her, but I want to feel her warm body against mine, and even if it's drokked up, I missed her.
I look over Zola's shoulder to Jace, then Mark and Pax. "What's this about?"
"Hey Tabitha,we're here to rescue y--" okay, I guess Zola wants to take the lead.
I look around the iso chamber. Never been in here before. I don't much like it.
Zola hugs tight, whispers in your ear before she lets go, "Missed you, Tabs. We're not gonna bring you back here." Then she steps back, eyes on Tek, who is watching, hand near his stun stick.
I chuckle a little for both Mark and Zola.
"Whatever you say." I respond with skepticism, looking at Mark, saying it more for Zola. Stomm, but it feels good to talk.
I bounce on my heels, restless. "Who is it? We're scrimmaging against."
I meet Tabitha's gaze and my expression makes it clear: yes we are going to bring you back here. You know that, I know it.
"Pod Eight," I say. "The Power."
Yeah, I wouldn't wish Iso on Mark. Honestly the thought fills me with a strange panic I can't justify. I want to reach out and touch him, reassure him that I'd never fail him like that. But I don't. Doesn't feel right.
"We're not ready."
Corporal Tek brings over his Navi with some forms for you to review and initial, then Tabitha is released to your recognizance. Corporal Rys hangs back to chat with Tek, telling you he'll catch up in a few.
Pax asks how iso is, subtly, while you're headed to the gym. Zola shoots her a look like "shut up!", but the question's asked and Jace seems curious, too. What do you do?
It's an innocent enough question. Like I'm going to forget about Iso in the couple of hours I have to play speedball. Maybe, up against Power. "Take the most bored. And alone. You've ever been."
"Imagine also, you're paralyzed. That's what it's like." I'm watching Pax and Jace's faces to see if they're hungry for details or if they get it.
"You can take unschool classes." Oh, I guess I should warn Pax while I've got her attention.
"Oh yeah. Don't think 'drokk'. At the neural interface. It knows what drokk is."
I follow along behind the team. We're not ready. That's true.
There's nothing at stake today except bragging rights. Of course, aren't bragging rights what all of this is about, even when you have points to play for?
I think through the squad.
Rys. First on the team sheet. Got no one else like him anyway.
Tabitha. No point getting her out of iso if she doesn't start.
Jace. The key to scoring, but in his current frame of mind we couldn't be playing a worse opponent than the Power.
Pax. Training well. Untried against real opposition.
Zola. Our only striker anyway, even if she blows hot and cold. Loves scoring against Pod Eight. Sure to cause aggro with them too.
... Ashlee? Not yet, I don't think.
I quicken my pace until I'm alongside Jace.
"Jace." I put an arm round his shoulders. "I'm thinking to start with two locks. Pax and Tabitha, holding. I'll bring you on for one of them, or Zola, depending. Power will be tired, you'll be fresh, go at them a hundred percent. Make their heads spin. You okay with that?"
What do you do?
"Yeah, well... yeah, that's the gamble."
There are only five starting spots, and I have six other players to choose from. Thing is, Jace is a known quantity for the Pod Eight team. I think we need to change things up from the start.
I ought to catch up with Gen Yu beforehand, or Ezekiel. Whoever's the captain now.
"Ion drives. And the power plant." I walk between Zola and Pax, feeling like part of a posse. I think about the gel, and Pax's comments.
"The ship has so many. Systems. I'll be looking into more of them." Mostly out of desperation, unless I can spend more time with Gwen. I could just 'space out' about now, but I need to get it together for the scrimmage.
I've been eavesdropping on's good that I'm starting, otherwise why even get me out of iso? And playing lock. My one position.
Ioanna played striker, roof attack, switch and lock. Drokk. If I didn't love speedball, I would quit. I'm obviously a disgrace. People must hate to watch me. That makes me smile.
"Zola. Can you get Gams and Gen Yu. Riled up?" I want to toss them around for the mess hall scene.
Jace accepts your reasoning without another argument. Are you planning on trying to chat with either or both of them at the gym, or splitting off to go to Pod Eight before the match?
I'll meet them at the gym. No need to look over-eager. Gen Yu for preference, first. She's less guarded about stuff.
"Yeah, like that." I grin and nod. In imitation, I roll my shoulders and coax a pop in my neck with a hand. Feels good. Graceful, huh?
I look over at Pax. "Are you ready for pressure?"
What do you do?
"You need to watch. Each one of them. They're coordinated..and Gen Yu is drokking fast." I make the 'eyes on you' motion with one hand. "Plus, with Zola doing her thing. They'll play aggressive."
I'm going to be catching hell if I'm lucky. Stomm, I'll even run on the clock, play stupid with the ball, that kind of thing. Just to make them mad. That means Pax has to play it a little more standard, and be ready to catch onto hard plays.
I go a little closer to Rys, keep my voice down. Not like Tabitha won't hear if she wants to, but it's polite to make the effort.
"It's just a few more days. Tabitha's smart, she won't want to add time on any more than that. Don't worry about it."
Where would she run to anyway? Lock herself in her room, maybe.
I mean, I know a place to hide out, now. But I don't think anyone else knows that place, except for Nadja.
Seems like Zola's letting you field this, and it wasn't posed to team captain. What do you do?
"Scrimmage is a friendly game. Like 75%. Of a real game." I wonder where Zola's silence is coming from. "I just don't expect Power. To bring much chill."
"Don't push harder than they push. But don't push any less hard, either."
End Scene