You make it back to Pod Sixteen, passing through the junctions alongside a few classmates who congratulate you. Aiden waited for you, seems interested in chatting about the game. Jace fades back to walk and talk with Olivar.

When you get back to your hall, you pass by Nadja and Ashlee's room. Their door's wide open. Nadja's in her room, dressed in a dark blue smock dress, barefoot. She's alone, sitting on her desk, watching for you. She gives you a come hither smile, glances around to show she's all alone.
What do you do?
I tell Aiden I'll catch up with him in a while. I don't want to be unfriendly but between him and Nadja, there's no contest.
I go to Nadja's room, lean on the doorframe, fold my arms.
Aiden chuckles when he looks in to see Nadja, sort of shakes his head and moves on to your room without another word. He's not upset or anything, just getting out of the way.
"Hey there, Speedball Star Mark Larsen." Nadja purrs with that delicious smirk of hers. "I was... wondering if you'd be available for an interview for the Pod newsletter. I thought, you know, maybe I could ask you all the questions the class wants to know about, all the secret details that make you so amazing. Oh," she adds like it's an afterthought, "I'd like it to be an exclusive."
I enter the room and let the door slide shut behind me. Dark in here.
"Maybe I don't want to bare my soul like that, did you think about that?"
I cross the room quickly, unsmiling - even sitting on the desk, Nadja has to look up to look me in the eye. As I place two fingers under her jaw to tilt her face, I can feel her pulse in a blood vessel just beneath the skin. I lean down to kiss her mouth.
What do you do?
I don't even answer. I don't want to talk.
I brush Nadja's hair back put my arms around her and kiss her again and pull her away from the desk.
When I feel like this, any cool poses or flirting are impossible.
Nadja melts into the kiss, gives up no resistance. Her blue smock dress comes off without almost no effort, and she tries to pull off all of your clothes that she can without breaking the kiss.
You hear over the sub-vocal mic in your head, "Nadja has incurred multiple infractions and violations. Your parents would be so proud if you turned her in. You could avoid becoming a corporal."
It's almost as if she chose that particular dress for exactly this eventuality.
Turning Nadja in is never gonna happen. Never.
"Infractions" could mean anything. It could mean Nadja being taken away and I can't imagine not having her. I can't imagine what I would do.
I have to break the kiss so that I can pick her up and carry her over to the bed. She's so light. I lift her up most of the way so she can get onto the top bunk easily.
"Better be a good room-mate this time," I say and I have one foot on a rung ready to climb up after her.
That's actually pretty likely. I wriggle out of the few clothes I have left on and kick them down the end of the bunk.
"You... kind of have some kinks you need to work out, don't you?" I smile and resume the kiss where we left off and think about how once I'm a corp nobody will be able to mess with us.
She leans up to kiss you, pausing as her lips gently brush yours, looking into your eyes, "Is that what you want? I'd.... I'd do it for you. I'd do anything for you. I love you, Mark."
What do you do?
I am losing myself in sating an overwhelming hunger. "You don't ever---" My voice is a whisper, my lips to her ear. "You never have to prove yourself to me."
I will tear this ship in half before I ever let someone take her away from me.
You see the goosebumps rise on her neck as you whisper into her ear and Nadja lets out a series of low moans in response, losing herself in the passion you share.
Go ahead and mark Experience per your Sex Move.
Your Hunger is sated.
"I made a deal with Malcolm," I tell her, later, when we're lying together looking at the ceiling. "Someone wants me to sign up as a corp. My parents, he said, but I don't know if that's true."
The ceiling's close enough to touch, actually. I reach up and brush my fingers over a discoloured patch of the metal sheeting.
"My aux already filled out all the applications. I just have to thumbprint it."
What do you do?
I think about that for a while. I'm not too attached to this pod.
"They could do that, yeah. Maybe. I could live with that. You and me in a new place. No history."
Her hair smells like apples, or what you've been told apples smell like. The chemical concoction is a specialty of the lab.
"I love you, Mark." She says it again, clearly. You can feel her hope that you'll say it back.
Did you ever tell Pris that you loved her?
"Don't." A feeling comes over me that makes my rib cage feel small. Something to do with death.
I think the words, what it would be like to say them, and a keening buzz shoots up one side of my head.
"Don't get too attached to me," I say instead. "I only want you to be happy. And our odds are not good. A year from now. If we both make it through testing. Then you can love me. People go away. They die. And break your heart . They don't mean to... but they do."
I tighten my grip on her hand. "I don't ever want you to cry because of me."
Yeah, I told Pris I loved her, probably. I said a lot of stupid things back then.
Nadja's about to object to your caution when there's a hard rap at the door, which is rare since most people activate the tone. You hear Rys's voice on the other side of the door, "This is Corporal Rys. I'm looking for Ashlee Rai. Open the door. I will not ask twice." You know he has the ability to bypass any door locks in the pod.
What do you do?
Oh great. I squirm up and off the bunk, and try to get my trousers on as quick as I can.
Not like there's anywhere to hide in here.
"Tell him you're not dressed," I say to Nadja. "Regs are he has to give you some time, if you're a girl."
It's loud, Mark. Then she groans in pain, reaching for her ankle. "drokk..."
You hear Rys pound on the door, "What was that, Nadja? I'm coming in!"
What do you do?
Drokking hell. I drag a sheet down from Nadja's bunk and just kind of throw it to her so she can cover herself up a little when Rys comes in.
I palm the door control and the door opens with a whoosh.
"Drokk sake, Rys, she's hurt. You rushing her like that. Get in here."
Let's see if you've effectively shut Rys down here.
(+2 Cold, +1 forward)
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 3, 2. Total: 8)
He closes the door to give you privacy.
She looks pretty pitiful, Mark.
What do you do?
I help Nadja up, leading her over to Ashlee's bunk so she can sit down, and help her get the blue dress on again.
I find my own shirt and shoes and get dressed.
There's a pair of flip-flops next to the bed. They'll do. I kneel down and put them on Nadja's feet. One more carefully than the other. I stand.
"Take my arm. We'll go to the infirmary."
Nadja slips the dress on, whimpering slightly as you help her don the flip-flops. She limps as you take most of her weight and help her to the infirmary. Please go here.