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ISS Tsiolkovsky - Reactor Cooling Array Cargo Bay 42 - Earthdate: 2316.12.08 08:05 GMT
A week has passed since the scrimmage against Power. Things have changed. A great many things.
This is your new homeroom:
Instructor Malcolm is displayed on the left-most monitor screen of the duel displays at the head of the class. He is droning on about the Tienanmen Square Protests of 1989.
Ourania, you are now at Harm 2 from the cutting with Bea and now this ongoing illness. Why haven't you been to Med Bay? What are you telling Tabitha?
Tabitha, Gwen is still inside you. What’s the most uncomfortable part about it? Have you asked her to do anything for you in return?
Mark, you received your promotion immediately after Rys reported that Ashlee went missing. What did you tell Rys before he left?
Temperance, who among this class is part of your clique? What do they love most about you?
One thing I told Rys is that Pax is involved with Red Five, though I don't have any proof yet. That we should keep an eye on her and see who she contacts.
I also told him that Ashlee could be hiding in some of the old, closed-off periphery chambers and airlocks. That didn't seem to make it into his report.
I don't know. Self-flagellation maybe, a way to teach myself a lesson, to understand the consequences of what I've done in some kind of real way, instead of the intellectual 'good of the ship.' This is how Pris suffered because I wasn't willing to think for myself. Actions have consequences.
I've been telling Tabitha that medicine won't work (probably true, though it might make me feel better.) and that the hex will wear off. (It won't until I do what needs doing.) I think that excuse isn't really viable anymore. Tabitha pushed it a little, pushed it more, this morning. Being physically miserable constantly has made me short-tempered and I snapped at her pretty hard about it and promptly felt even more like stomm for putting that look on her face.
She's actually been the biggest temptation to end this. I liked what happened between us. I would have liked to do it again, to spend some time holding each other. Since my sleeping has been completely drokked and I can't concentrate enough to read without bringing on a headache I've spent time between trips to the bathroom watching her sleep, distantly admiring her face and body. Sometimes thinking, but my head's pretty thick and that doesn't come easy, so a lot of times just watching.
It's gotten worse too. Deteriorated. At least I could eat a little for a couple days. That was... three days ago I think. Ugh, even the thought of food makes me queasy. It's the worst now too, because it's mostly water and blood and dry heaving when I throw up. I've lost weight I can't really afford since I'm so lean already. The whole world has kind of dissolved into an unreal haze. There's a constant buzz like when one of the ceiling lights is going bad. I'm exhausted. I always feel like I'm a minute behind. I haven't put much effort into unschool in days.
I'm sitting in my corner, huddled in my misery, going though another bout of chills. It would be the same as yesterday except today I have a focus. Lucas is back. Lucas and Bea both but Lucas is who I'm aware of. Because of what he did to Gwen. And because I'm going to make him pay for it.
Not being able to feel solitude has been the most uncomfortable part of having Gwen always with me. It had felt, at first, like my connection to Gwen would be tenuous, soon to break. But after my promise to find her a body it became solid like a chain.
With Ourania so sick and the drokked up news about Bea, the extra company of Gwen has still been worth it. I do like Gwen. I just like the comfort of feeling like I exist even without someone looking at me.
I've had Gwen helping me evade security while we look for a body that will suit her, and while I..well, planning is too kind a word for it. Inventorying assets. School hours are less boring with her around, too.
Fitting my new knowledge of her, Zola hasn't called on me since we talked about going mutually exclusive. I've been too busy and..drokk it, I'm terrified to break up with her. But I have to do it.
Bea and Lucas are back..I glance over at them both at different times. I tried to visit Bea, for what it was worth.
Over Lucas' shoulder I see Ourania, miserable. I look back to Malcolm and more of his weird choices of history lessons. She needs to get her stomm together or I'm carrying her to Medbay tonight.
Saved by the ping! While Malcolm drones on, your Navi pings with an incoming message, red color, Admin.
Corporal Mark,<br /> Please obtain the names of the other four members of the <br /> Red Five from Cressida Redmond. This will be a coup for your <br /> first act as Corporal for Pod 16.<br /> Also, choose a three letter designation by the end of the day.<br /> Corporal Tek
Lucas is aware of that weird, spooky glare you're giving him. He doesn't seem to know why, though. He actually mouths the question, "Are you okay, Ourania?"
Meanwhile, Nadja continues to make jokes at your expense. She just sent you a Navi message, a hastily scribbled stick person dying under their desk, puking blood or something. The name plate on the desk says Oh-Runny-ya.
She hasn't mentioned Lucas, not once all morning.
Your Navi buzzes with an incoming message. It's from Zola.
Tabs,<br /> Been missing u. I know you're taking care of Ourania.<br /> Take some time off. Let's get together after practice.</p> <ul> <li>Zola
I reply quickly to Tek's message:
To: Corporal Tek<br /> Understood. <br /> Corporal Nul
I look up to where Pax is sitting and stare at the back of her head for a while.
I think I know how to get past her defences. And it shouldn't be too difficult to get her alone somewhere.
To: Pax<br /> Speedball court later? Wanna talk to you about a thing.<br /> Mark<br />
Yeah. That should do it. Get through this class, get Pax to tell me who her Red Five buddies are, then hit the med bay to visit Pris and be back in time for dinner in the canteen. Simple.
Pax looks up, over at you, then nods. Then she taps away at her Navi.
Mark,<br /> Sure. I'll be there, no problem.<br /> Pax<br />
Which of the T's (the four new students in your class) was getting out of Iso when you were put in? What were they accused of doing?
"If she won't let me do it, how can I expect her to let Mark do it?" I ask Gwen while I cue up my Navi.
To: Mark<br /> Ourania has to go to Med Bay. Hasn't this gone on long enough <br /> to be an emergency?<br /> Tabitha<br />
I glance over at Zola, feeling drawn in again. Why couldn't this just work?
To: Zola<br /> Sure, I'll be there. Might have to drop her in Med first.<br /> Tabitha<br />
Trish, Tunde and Torrence were transferred with me—I made sure I wouldn't be coming here alone. In a way, that's what they love most about me: I take care of them, while taking care of myself.
I look around, considering the vibe in this room, trying to read the undercurrents.
Oh, and when I was going into of Iso, Torrence was just coming out. He'd been pinched for going into an unauthorized area.
So Ourania's sick. Boo hoo. She did worse to Pris.
To: Tabitha<br /> What's the emergency? <br /> She's a big girl, she can go to the doc herself. <br /> Mark<br />
Maybe she'll drop dead first. The pod should be so lucky.
Seeing it from the corner of my vision, I ignore the Navi message. Another reminder that most of them are hoping I'll die. Even the transplants, Temperance and her sycophants. Well, Nadja has hers coming too.
I return to glaring at Lucas, I shake my head at him, point and begin to chant pushing the power through the haze, letting it form in my words. Stoking my anger from under the sickness with my raw-throated voice.
"Ya caya ma shandala lai kayah asitica shotomokandala. Sil
ya caya ma shoyya coya blitica macaya. Yah ya silla mashandele caya muy coya."
Instructor Malcolm stops mid-sentence, he was talking about the media coverage of the massacre. He looks off screen at something else, then comes back to look at all of you, "I'm sorry, I need to take care of something, children. Mr. Larsen, please keep charge of the class. We will take a forty five minute recess." His screen winks off.
Everyone relaxes a bit, starts looking around.
Olivar and Lucas are staring at you, Ourania, trying to figure out what you're talking about.
Nadja's smiling at you, Mark, she probably wants to sneak off.
Temperance, your clique turns around to look at you, curious how you're doing.
What do you do?
I smile briefly back at Nadja then look down at my Navi as if I have a message or something. I've told her we need to stay apart in class. I mean we're sitting next to each other now, but you know what I mean. Don't attract attention.
I page through the lesson notes - about Zhao Ziyang, infighting in the military, Operation Yellowbird - and do my best to keep reading.
It's only when Ourania's gibbering gets louder that I look up again.
Are you casting a hex here?
I start to say something to the T's, just filling time for the moment, but I'm distracted by Ourania in the back row, and I turn to look at her. When I face front again, I raise an eyebrow at Torrence and make a "crazy" face. Bad enough her mommy's the Commandant, but the fact that she's apparently nuts is the icing on the cake.
I get up and move to do just what Torrence is talking about, going behind Temperance and hopefully blocking him out as he gets close to Olivar or Mi Sun. Dammit, Ourania. "I've got it."
He remains seated.
I give Torrence a look. "Relax, T. Girl's sick... let her friends help out, right?" Sometimes he tries too hard to do what he thinks I want done. It's sweet, but not always smart.
Torrence pulls up short when Temperance tells him to relax. He glances past Mi Sun like she's beneath his notice, but glares at you, Tabitha. For a long moment. Then he heads back to his desk.
Ourania, Tabitha's coming over to jostle you. Does that mess up your thing?
"You're doing the right thing here, you've gotta stop her, Tabitha!" Gwen says suddenly in your head. "She's going to put the whammy on Lucas. If it blows back, it could kill her. We can't let that happen. And listen, when we get her alone, you've got to get out of her how she stops this spell. I know she knows. You do, too."
If Ourania were in her right mind I would just let her take the risk, honestly. As it is..I'm still only in a hurry to get ahead of Torrence, who I glare back at.
"She needs to stop doing this stomm in the middle of class. I don't know if I could force her to tell me.."
When I reach Ourania's desk, I'll wrap an arm under her pointing one and get my other arm under her legs. She's small enough in any case, this should be simple.
It might mess up my thing if I lose concentration. The sickness is already working against me. I'm aware of things shifting in the class words being spoken, but the rhythm of my own and the power flowing through them are making everything else distant as I focus on Lucas' eyes. For such a creepy stomm, he has pretty eyes.
I guess we'll see what sociopaths are afraid of.
"Muy cuya salsa alla ya ya ya!"
Attempting to cast illusions: Demonic Visages.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 9)
Xp: +1
Taking +1 harm. Now at 3.
This has gone on long enough. I stand up and unholster my stun stick. It makes a little fwip noise as I turn it on. Last time Ourania had a breakdown in class she assaulted two students - specifically, including me - which I figure justifies the stick.
"Everyone sit down."
I walk over to stand behind Ourania. The babbling seems familiar. I think back and remember that it's what she was muttering when I caught her in my room, going through Aiden's stuff.
"Fabre, come with me. Now."
I don't think she'll listen. In fact, I'm already raising the stick to gently prod her in the leg.
Tabitha, you've got Ourania up and standing when Mark walks over. It seems like the new corporal wants to escort Ourania himself, maybe?
There's a moment after Ourania finishes chanting when the silence hangs in the air. Mark breaks it when he charges his stun stick, walks over and declares that "Fabre" should come with him.
That's when Lucas screams. It's a shrill scream of complete fright, uncontrolled and primal fear as he tries to scoot up and out of his desk, but his body doesn't respond naturally and he falls backwards, hits the deck and starts scrabbling backwards, shrieking and gibbering until he hits the corner of the room and can't move any further. He throws his arms up defensively and begins sobbing.
Nadja's slipped over by you, Temperance. Hey, you and Nadja have an understanding, right? What do you like most about her? What does she do for you?
Olivar laughs aloud, you think it's at Lucas, could be at Ourania, maybe.
Ourania, name one more person who sees this fright tormenting Lucas (not yourself, don't worry about that). I'll also name someone.
The scream startles me, but I don't have much pity for Lucas. Ourania looks even worse.
I level a gaze at Mark, not sitting down, supporting my roommate's scant weight. His response before was cold, and now..well, nobody knows Lucas is a murderer but Ourania and Gwen and myself. I don't know how she'd handle a stun right now.
"Let me come with you."
I glance at Lucas, then back to Mark. Lucas needs tending, too, right, Larsen?
I don't know what just happened, and I don't know what Mr. Neonate Corporal intends, but I do know I don't like this screaming and carrying on. If history's a guide, Nadja's down to help me if she thinks I'll return the favor at some point (and she's willing to get down and dirty), which is a lovely quality to have, even if I don't need the down-and-dirty right now. "Tunde, Torrence, get Lucas to Medical, and try not to let him choke on his tongue on the way. Nadja, run ahead, let the doctor know they've got two incoming."
Great, now Lucas is being a weirdo too.
I switch off the stick and nod to Tabitha. She can carry Ourania to the med bay, if she wants.
To the others: "Sit. Down. Johns, that's a demerit. Same for you, Lucas."
No points deductions for Ourania, yet. We'll see what the doctor says.
I'll leave Lucas where he is. We're on recess, so I don't strictly need to have everyone remain in their seats.
Lucas continues simpering, snot running tears streaming, begging to be let go, begging some unseen something to go away, to leave him alone. Temperance, you're close enough to smell the urine, and see the small, growing puddle. Lucas has wet himself, and he's not even aware enough to have noticed.
Torrance and Tunde have stood up. They're looking at you, Temperance. They don't want demerits, that leads to stun sticks, beatings and iso-cubes, but you're in charge. One more word, and they'll ignore the corporal and grab Lucas.
Nadja's not moving. Not yet.
What do you do?
I turn toward Mark and speak to the Ts while my eyes are on him. "Lucas needs help. Tunde, Torrence, keep on with it." I sit down, slowly, keeping my head turned to keep my gaze fixed on Mark. Only reason he'd give me a demerit is because I'm threatening his sense of control, and there's no reason we have to stick in our chairs. I'll make it up to the guys, and whatever Nadja does is on her at this point.
Torrence and Tunde start heading for Lucas, intent on grabbing him and hauling him away. Torrence makes a crack about "Luke pissing himself".
Nadja sees it... them... too.
I feel the power flow out of me, pulling some vitality with it, and promptly get very dizzy. People say things... sounds like so much noise to me. Someone scrams.
"Got you, you murdering drokker!" I spit deliriously, but savagely, before sagging. It's drokking hot in here but I'm freezing at the same time. How the drokk does that work?
I'm being held up by someone. Good because I hardly have any strength in my limbs. I can feel... something. It lurks nearby, dark and seductive, and permanent, and I feel like I just want to sleep. There's a scent... nice. Gwen...Tabitha then.
"Tabby... tabby... tabby... t... tabby." I croak out. More sounds than words. They barely retain any meaning. "Hurts... M' tired."
"It's me. Shush..shh. Just stop. Rest now." I bend and scoop her up..the shivering she's doing gives me pause but doesn't quite make it harder. I carry her past Olivar, Trish and Bea.
I'll wait at the entrance for Mark, but not forever, you know?
You feel a tug, then you're suddenly lighter. Gwen's left you. You can still hear her. Ourania, you can, too.
You feel her moving out of the room, quickly as if she's running. Her screams continue until they fade and are gone.
Nadja, who hasn't been moving since Temperance tried to order her to leave, starts scooting back, her butt knocking a desk aside. The screech of the the desk's legs draw attention, and you see tears streaming down her cheeks. She's watching Lucas, but then her eyes look slightly up from his body, as something. She keeps shaking her head no, muttering, "Please. Please not me, too. Please don't take me. I don't want to die." She keeps moving until she's in the far corner, near Malcolm's screens.
What do you do?
Okay, this new girl needs to get back in her box. I see what she's doing. Trying to make herself the queen of the classroom.
I walk over to where Lucas is huddled up and stoop to lift him onto my shoulder. He's all skin and bone, he won't weigh much. He has pissed himself, though.
"Two more demerits, Johns, and keep talking if you want to go to iso. Sans and Towoje, stay out of your seats if you wanna go too."
I lift Lucas, who turns out to be heavier than he looks. Getting him onto my shoulder requires a grunt of effort, taut muscles. I turn to find Tabitha. She's near the door, looking at me oddly.
Spending a string to give Tabitha the condition Hot For Mark.
Shut Someone Down
Cold +2
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 4. Total: 8)
(+1 XP)
Mark got a partial. Please choose:
You get a string on Mark because he looks like a jerk.
As long as Lucas gets out of here, I don't care how it happens. I'll take Mark's demerits without blinking, and give a look and a slight inclination of my head to Torrence and Tunde, indicating they should retake their seats. I'm tempted to make the "locking my lips" gesture, but I don't really have to poke the bear right now, so I don't.
(Taking my String on Mark.)
Even through the general feeling of awfulness something hollow blooms in my chest. I jerk my head from its rest on Tabitha's shoulder. "Gw...Gwen? Gwen? Stars... not Gwen! Dammit!"
Torrence and Tunde each give you "a look", Mark. Torrence's is much more threatening, while Tunde's is more like an act of bravery. They head back to their seats and sit down, but keep eyes towards the action in the back of the room.
Aiden's gotten up, headed over to check on Nadja. He's taking to her low and calm like she's some frightened animal or something.
Mark, are you taking Lucas to Med Bay or assigning someone else to do it?
I'll take Lucas to medical myself. The cameras are sufficient during recess.
Still, I get Jace's attention on my way out. "Call me if there's any more trouble."
Mark, Ourania, and Tabitha,
Please go here.
After they leave, your crew all gets up. Aiden's still trying to speak with Nadja, who's dropped down to the floor, on her butt, covering her eyes and simpering. She's not listening, and seems really freaked out.
Looks like the place is just a hang out now. What do you do?
I turn to Mi Sun. "I really have to ask... is there always so much crying and carrying on around here?"
Before Mi Sun transitioned, how were things between the two of you? How have they been since?
I shrug. "They're the salt mines, yeah? Ship hasn't blown up and the air doesn't smell like sewage, so things must be going alright." I give Mi Sun a slight smile. I never gave her much thought as a boy, but I kind of have to respect that she stuck to her guns and made this change despite the disapproval and strange looks. Shows some strength, you know?
Pax doesn't even mess with the idea that she should ask Trish, Tunde or Torrence, she comes right to you.
Is she just wise to how things are, or did you tell her she should do that, Temperance?
I give Pax a smile that's mostly real. She's never really been part of my crew, but she gets it and she respects it, and that's good enough for me. For now, at least. "Tunde's got some moves, Pax, and I think he's been itching to get in some more time. What do you say, Tunde, want to play with the corporals?" Could be a good thing, having someone there to keep eyes and ears open on what slips.
Jace glances to Zola, who looks up from her Navi and nods. Jace agrees then and it seems settled.
Nadja gets up, with Aiden's help, then she's walking towards the bathroom, muttering to herself, eyes shut. Aiden leads her out of the room. Bea's watching the whole time, still seated at her desk. She hasn't moved a muscle.
What do you do?
I give Tunde a nod of approval, then watch Nadja and Aiden leave. With a shrug, I turn my attention back to Mi Sun. "How have things been with you, Mi Sun? Doing anything good these days?"
"You remember Ashlee Rai, right? We were pretty close. I don't know what happened to her. She just disappeared."
I remember Ashlee. She annoyed me, always "speedball this" and "speedball that" and telling people what she would've done. Who knows, she might even have been right. But still, just disappearing? That's not an easy feat. "I remember her. Any idea what happened? There must be rumors."
He looks to Olivar, who laughs a bit.
I turn in my seat so I can catch Jace full-on in the eyes. "Hey, Jace, I was asking your sister a question. Think you could let her answer? Sure, I'm filing away the rumors he and Olivar let loose with, but interrupting me? Not okay.
Shut Jace Down
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 5. Total: 10)
I'll choose to gain a String on Jace.
She nods, she really thinks this. It isn't new info for Jace, but he does not think it's remotely possible.
I'd like to believe that. That someone was smart enough to hide like that, and stay hidden. Sadly, I think Mi Sun has more faith in her friend than she has grasp on the reality of the situation. Still, I can respect the hope she holds out... I'm a bitch, but I'm not a heartless bitch.
I give Mi Sun an understanding nod. "That would be great... maybe she'll come back for you, Mi Sun, if she really did find an empty pod. Think of the freedom!" I stand and twirl around, humming a random tune and letting my body speak about "freedom" as I do. I'm aware of the eyes on me as I negotiate the limited space with little steps that seem to yearn for a wider range of motion, and then dance back to hold out a hand to Mi Sun, drawing her up from her seat with my eyes.
Sounds like you're Turning Mi Sun on here. Let's see some dice.
Turning Mi Yun On:
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 4. Total: 8)
Totes meant Mi Sun, but didn't want to edit for fear of being flagged a cheater!
Mi Sun grins and pulls her Navi out to play this song. She comes over to dance with you. It's nothing showy in comparison to you. Of course the T's take note, Trish even dances a little while standing with Pax.
You've definitely taken Mi Sun's interest, defending her, showing her attention in public. Take a string on Mi Sun.
Mark pokes his head in for a moment, then leaves to find Nadja. Aiden comes back in a few moments later. Do you dance to the next song, or shift to talking?
I'll keep dancing for one more song... why not? It feels good to move, and I certainly don't mind the eyes following me. When that finishes, I glance at the now-empty back row, then grin at Jace.
"High drama today, yeah? Wonder what's next for entertainment."
Another odd thing you've noticed this morning, Olivar is very much a smart aleck, always mouthing off. At least, he was before. He's been quiet today. Comparatively.
Eyes turn to you, the whole class, even Bea, curious about what's up. Zola looks up from her Navi, where she's been messaging like crazy.
What do you do?
Knowledge is currency, but sometimes currency is best used as a gift and not merely a means of exchange. I nod. "Yes, it's true. We worked and worked on it, spent hours in VR with the techs trying to find the vulnerability, but it was like grabbing water. Every time we thought we were close to an answer, it slipped away. Someone is very good."
Pax and Olivar are both listening closely at your report, they seem to think it's pretty zeng that you failed. Zola huffs a breath of boredom and looks back down at her Navi, muttering about heading to the bathroom.
How close are you and Tunde, Temperance? Who's your "second" in this clique, anyways?
Trish is my second, to the extent there is one. Torrence might as well have "Poor Impulse Control" tattooed on his forehead, and Tunde is very pretty and very fit and... yeah, that's most of it...
Tunde and I are close, yeah. Not drokking or anything, but we've stuck together from the time we got ripped from our families and shoved into Quarantine. Trish may be my second, but Tunde's the heart of the operation.
"Yeah, let's go grab something to eat, Tunde. Mi Sun, you want to come with?
Mi Sun joins you, as does Torrence and Trish, of course (they are your crew, after all). Please go here.