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After handing off the small detonator, you head off to look for Nadja. You find her in the Ready Room, apologizing to Bea in front of Tunde, Torrence, Mi Sun, Jace, and Olivar. It's pained, but she says the words, and Bea forgives her, even tears up a bit. I assume that's good enough, since you were doing it on trust. Nadja blinks a couple times, then tears up, moving up to hug Bea and the two actually share a genuine moment. You leave before anyone really notices.
It is good enough. For all I know the hex has let go already because hexes are really extensions of my will, but I formally dismiss it anyway. It's heartening to see a connection between those two, even if they wouldn't ever be real friends.
I go back to my room, glance at Tabitha's empty bunk and pray to the stars that she's doing okay. Has she even thought about me? I shake my head at the selfish thought and sit down at the larger terminal to do some intrusion.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 3)
+1 xp
Your mother appeals on your Navi screen. Her cheeks are drawn, her eyes sunken. She looks nearly skeletal. When she speaks, she barely moves her lips and there's something different with her voice. Hoarse, but also, there's a looseness to her words. "Daughter," she says, breaking the silence, her eyes focusing on you. "What are you doing in the system?"
You've been caught red-handed. What do you do?
“Mother!” I say with some alarm. “What is the matter? You look ill.”
What do you do?
I'm stunned. I didn't really consider that the hex would move on to its original target. I thought it just... dissipated.
"Of course... of course she is." I stammer a moment. I can't unsee what I just saw. And she choses to hide it, to put in place a fiction, a wall between us.
"I... I was looking for our current navigational data. If you brought Tabitha forward as a pilot then I have to wonder about your navigational staff. I have every confidence in Tabitha's abilities, but if she has... suboptimal course plotting, it will be that much more difficult for her. My... my astrogation and mathematics scores are quite good, as you know."
That sounds like a solid Manipulate, Ourania. Let's see if you can convince your mother to let you contribute to the bridge.(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 2, 3. Total: 5)
Through the feed, you receive this message:Ourania, Staffing on the bridge is short and we're coming to a serious navigational crossroads. I'll be piloting for much of it, and I'd like you to take up the Chief Navigator's role. I'll be asking more people from our pod for help, as well. Once we're out of the nebula and back on the Beacon Path, I don't know where this will go. I know this is a difficult thing to ask, but the impact of your assistance would mean a literal world of difference. Tabitha
Your mother hasn't replied to your request. In fact, while the image is still there, the audio feed is cut off, just silence. Nothing.
What do you do?
I read over the message before realizing the audio is off.
"Mother?" I ask as I consider a reply. I'm torn between the desire to help Tabitha, who I care for a great deal, and the ship in the process of course, or using this need as more leverage and exposing my position as being opposed to the current state of the ship. "Tabitha just requested my help."
She should know, already, of course.
Your mother's avatar disappears and your connection is severed. The Navi winks off. As in, "dead" off.What do you do?
"Moth--" The Navi winks off. I click to bring it back on but it's been bricked.
What the void was that? She could just block my access to sensitive, not kill it altogether. Now I can't answer Tab's message. She'll think... I don't know what she'll think.
But why did Mother do it? Or... did she?
I sit back and sigh. I pull the hardcopy of Annabelle Lee from my pocket and gently slide my fingertips across the paper, feeling Tabitha's energy concentrated into it, thinking of her. I fold it again and put it back in my pocket.
I get up. I'll try and access my messages from the public terminal. If that fails I'll find Temperance and maybe Mark again.
When you pull up your profile, you find it is inactive. You've been "dethed", Ourania. Cut off. No access. To messages. To food rations. To your room after hours.This is normally a prank pulled by tech-heads on students they hate. Zola's been dethed a few times, but then she throttled Aiden and it stopped. Normally you have to petition a Corporal for reinstatement.
What do you do?
I shiver a moment, wondering if it's an omen. Being dethed is not something that has ever happened to me and right now I'm wondering if it was Mother or the AAU or one of the other kids who doesn't like me, probably for good reason.
Now it's more imperative to find a Mark or some Corp, if this is just a prank, it's getting in the way. If it's the AAU... I don't know. It doesn't want me to help Tabitha? If it is Mother...this doesn't make sense unless she's going to have me thrown into iso or something.
I go looking for Mark
You head out into the hallway to find Mark Larsen. It isn't too hard, you run into Torrence in the hall. He gives you the lowdown on where Mark is, seems more than happy to complain about the corporal storming into his room.Please go here.