Corn. You've been smelling it for miles. Miles
and miles, even before you could see the lush green stalks zipping past the windows.
After hours of driving, you're almost there. You know you're going to Dalhart, Texas (population 8500), right all the way in the upper armpit of the state, just across the Oklahoma border.
You've got a few scant details in the case file- over the last few years, the town has had a number of disappearances around the same time every year. It could be a serial killer, or small-town ennui, or... something else. And it's that time of year again. Your money is on it being something else. Why else would they send you out to the middle of nowhere?
Maya, who or what did you have to leave behind to come on this trip?
Peter, what did you dream about last night?
Steven, what do you do on these long trips about your family?
Any or all of you, who's driving, what is the vehicle like, and what's one thing you packed? How do you pass the time?
Peter has been trying with utterly clueless perseverance to bridge the gap he senses in his relationship with his daughter, but never brings it up directly out of fear that naming something makes it real. A principle which also applies to the haunting dream he had night of a green skinned man wearing all green clothing who was folding Steven up like a literal piece of human origami while Steven screamed in agony.
Peter gave up his driving shift when the cornfields began to close in and get closer to the highway, all that green was unsettling to him.
Normally Steven would never say anything to contradict Peter to Maya, but he knows how much she loves her car. So he felt compelled to interject.
Steven really liked traveling with Peter and Maya. Even though they were a constant reminder of how much he missed his own family, being with them somehow made it easier. Maybe because Maya was such an impressive young woman. Aside from the danger of what they do, he would be so proud to have his daughters turn out like her. And Steven liked being a sounding board for for Peter if he ever needed someone to help him talk to Maya.
I'm starting to enjoy being my own person again, though. It was nice to open up the Boxster's flat-six on some back-country roads... I'm pretty sure I flew past a speed-trap earlier, and the cop decided not to try his luck. If not for the murders, I'd say things are turning up Maya!
I met Dad and Steven at my hotel in the next town over, about a 20 minute drive away, and we all took off to head into town.
There had been too much monotony the last few months since Ajax got off the ground. He had never traveled so much in his life. But in the end he knew it would be worth it. All the boredom and time away from his family was worth it knowing all the good they were doing.
"Are you two all caught up on the facts of the case? Peter, anything jump out at you in the reports?"
During the next pitstop (which Peter calls for before he strictly needed to) he steps aside and makes a call to his superior in the Promethean Society. He exchanges hushed words with a hand to his other ear to block out any ambient noise.
Rolling +charm (Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 6, 5. Total: 11)
Peter, who is your superior in the Promethean Society? What's that relationship like? What happened when they stuck their neck out for you last time? Are you expecting information or boots on the ground?
"Be strong, Peter. Study your languages. Is there anything else?"
You hear the creak of his chair as he leans back again, hesitant with next next words. "Also- she is not the only child in the fields. Go with God, my son." He is needed elsewhere and will hang up if you let him.
Maya and Steven, what details did you look for when you read the case file?
"I been reading over the witness statements again, and there really doesn't seem to be too much to go on. There are a few people I'd like to speak to, but I'm not sure how much use it will be."
The same police officer, Jennifer Harris, has contributed reports of the missing persons. Many of her notes indicate repeated interviews with local farmers. She asks them some probing questions about their religious preferences (mostly Baptist, but some Methodists and Catholics) that seem like they have little to do with evidence. There's a list of the various farmers and other interviewees from over the years. Maybe some of them will tell you something they didn't tell a cop? Hard to say, some Texans might clam up to an outsider.
Here's what Officer Harris looks like, by the way.
The case file also has some clippings from one Phillip Laredo, a reporter from Oklahoma City. It's clear that he's convinced it's not just missing people, there are some references to timelines and patterns of other serial killers, and a series that he did for The Oklahoman, the OKC paper, on a serial killer operating there.
There's also the list of the missing people, of course, and their last known locations around town. Looks like all the last known locations are on the south side of town, lending credence to Laredo's theory.
Switching to a more serious tone: "Peter, Maya, can either of you make out any sort of pattern to based of the locations of the crime scenes?"
I'll be the first to admit I'm not a detective... I read my fair share of eloquent politics blog, and can fix a seal on an old BMW E30 in no time flat — but considering my dad was apparently in some super-secret cult my whole life, and I'm only now figuring that out, I wouldn't exactly say my game is "pattern recognition".
People are my game, in case you haven't guessed — I scoured the reports for people I thought would be easiest to strike a chord with. Darla Horton (formerly Winchester), and Zach Winchester were easy targets, because they're my age. I've got a short-list of POI's that I'm still trying to get interviews with...
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 3, 1. Total: 3)
About five years ago, however, there was a local mechanic who was thought missing. Julio Limas was eventually found wandering the corn fields, his clothes in tatters and suffering from severe dehydration and preliminary starvation. He was also out of his mind, wounded somehows, speaking nonsense, and eventually was committed to Willowdale, the county mental health facility here in Dalhart.
What do you do?
- 6 yrs ago: Leah McTavish goes missing.
- Amber alert.
- Trail goes cold...
- ... or does it? Leah turns up near middle of Duke Robinson's corn field.
- Decapitated, "among other things..."
- Tarrant deflects with humor — Thank. God.
- Duke Robinson presumed not-related (he reported it). #ALIKELYSTORY
- Enter stage right: Rick Gonzalez — confession + psych-eval = INSANE.
- Rick Gonzalez found guilty, locked up, summarily executed because Texas. #CASECLOSED
Not sure what else there is to say... I toss my moleskin back into the car, and shake my head.
I smile, and haul out my phone.
I'm already pulling up his contact details... God, Maya — smooth.
Steve, what's your plan for Officer Harris? Good cop or bad cop?
Peter, do you have a usual cover story when dealing with locals? Usually they won't offer up details to non family?
After exchanging pleasantries, he explains the reason for his call. He ends the conversation with "Is 2pm an alright time to meet? And is there any certain location you'd like to talk?"
"Two is fine, I'll get there early. If the last few years mean anything, these bastards are liable to strike tomorrow. Are you bringing anyone?"
I'm a film studies student at UT Austin ... Doing a documentary about the incidents in Dalhart, Texas ... Your take was very interesting ... If you could spare me some time in the next few days for a Hangouts interview, that would be awesome...
I don't have a UT Austin email, but "mie.pie@gmail.com" is a pretty good substitute for a college girl's vanity address. No sense in putting him on the defensive right away...
The WiFi in the Dalhart motel here isn't super great for video. I'm happy to do a phone interview today, but check your dates. I think he's going to strike again tomorrow, and I'll be busy if so.
Attached are my previous articles for your project. Do you have a source of funding for your film? What's the working title and what is your timeline?
Phil Laredo
The articles pretty much cover what's in the case file, but it's clear that Laredo expects a serial killer is the culprit. He has a bunch of comparisons to previously caught killers and points out some similarities to unsolved murders. He spends time focusing on the cyclical nature of the incidents and the implication of tomorrow's date.
I could meet you at 3? Motel lobby?
p.s. No working title... No narrative figured out yet — but I like "Whispers in the Stalks".
"St. Anthony's at 2 o'clock. No problem. And I've got two colleagues with me. They are consulting behavior analysists. They may or may not be joining me today. With our timeframe being so short, they may be working on another lead at that time. I'll see you shortly."
Steven fills Maya and Peter in on his conversation.
"The odd thing about it is, she acted as if someone was listening in on us. And then mentioned being more comfortable discussing this in a church."
Steven gave Peter a look of concern as he mentioned Officer Harris' insistence on them meeting in a church.
After Maya details her back and forth with Laredo, Steven suggests that Peter accompanies her to the meeting.
"Harris seems like she's got a lot to say and I don't want you to miss your meeting with Laredo. So I'll head to the church and you two can head to the motel. Sound good?"
"I'm concerned that my presence may disrupt Maya's cover, Steven. I can't imagine her film professor accompanying her on a project. Perhaps I could go seperately and merely listen in to see if I can ascertain anything useful by eavesdropping. Your thoughts Maya? Alternatively, I could visit the sites of the missing persons last known whereabouts and see if anything reminds me of the Odyssey enough to discern something about the locations."
You hear the whispering and rustling of the nearby corn fields, almost like it wants to be part of the conversation. You notice you don't hear any birds.
"Sorry guys. But ah....nothing." Steven mutters trying to shake these thoughts.
"Something about this has Officer Harris spoked. She seems willing to trust us, but I'd like to keep this as simple as possible. And I think the best way would be for me to meet with her alone."
"As for Laredo, if he's half as good at what he does as I'm hoping he is, he'll figure me out as a fed in know time. He's too important a potential source to have clam up. So I think you'd be better off without me."
Steven turns his sight to the fields for a few moments before continuing, then turns to Maya "But I'd really like it if Peter accompanied you. I don't know why but I'd feel better knowing you two were together."
Steven looks at his watch and realises he needs to get going to meet with Harris. He pulls his phone out and starts typing a message as he speaks. "Ok. I need to get going. You two be careful."
As he turns gets into his car, he sees Maya looking at her phone where she'll read his message. "Keep an eye on your father. Make sure he doesn't get too lost in his notes."
Maya and Peter, please go here.
Steven, please go here.