Hi there, welcome to the Basic Game Info page for the Apocaylpse World 2nd Edition Play-by-Forum game setting of DVFP. I'm Rich aka orklord, the MC for this campaign. I've run Apocalypse World several times, and I'm confident we're going to have an awesome time. If you have concerns or suggestions, feel free to share them! It's our game, after all.
Rich's Rules, Tips and Tricks for PBP for this game:Stolen from RPGGeekQ: What is Play-by-Forum (PbF) [A.K.A. Play-by-Post (PbP)]?A: Play-by-Forum is a style of playing a role-playing game, or certain other types of games, on message board forums where the GM and Players alternate posting actions and events.
Q: It seems like a PbF is a little slow. A: PbF can go fairly slow at times, especially if players aren't able to post for a few days. The minnimum post rate expected for this game is once per weekday, once over weekends (using American time zones). Please try to stick to the minimum post requirements and be sure to notify us via our
Slack channel if you won't be able to post within those requirements for any reason.
Though slower, PbF games have a tendency towards much more depth in role-playing. As MCs and players are not pressured to convey large amounts of information in compressed time, details and flavor can be added to each post with time. Also, rules referencing is much less a detraction from the game as everyone involved can take a few moments to look something up between posts.
Now this is me talking. It's rambling, sorry.Where do I put my Character?I'd like for each of you to create a thread for your PC. It's your own space, spruce it up how ya like. If you don't know how, check out the PC threads from other games, use the "quote" feature to see the code behind it and STEAL, STEAL, STEAL.
Here are some PC thread examples from different fora (here and Snail's Pace):
* Jen's Chopper
Dog* My Infernal
Humberto* Trevis's Chopper
Brick* Scott's Driver
CinchOkay, how do I "play"?I do my best to emulate a face-to-face game. We have a
Slack channel going for schedule updates, rules questions and the like. Let's keep the live threads filled with the game.
Say what you do. I'll ask you questions, lay out scenes and you answer and say what you intend to do or what is going on in your head. If I see a move, I'll tell you to roll (either in Slack or in thread).
Who talks for NPCs?For most situations, I prefer to role-play or portray NPCs in the fiction. I'm okay if you describe some flavor of their reaction in a post for your PC, perhaps a look, or a gesture, something that just gives focus to your actions / intentions. However, I would rather handle the rest. I like writing characters and dialog, I like expressing my thoughts on the world and our setting through them. This is a big part of my fun. Please don't take that away from me. If you feel strongly about this, let me know privately and we can talk about it.
The exception to this is NPCs that are "bought and paid for", meaning your gang, your crew, your helpers, NPCs that come from a Move or an Advance. Those I am more comfy giving some leeway. They're somewhat an extension of your PC, so some light conversation or reaction from them will be cues to me for how you see them in your "penumbra", so to speak.
Whoah, wait a second, Rich.... Apocalypse World doesn't give me this much narrative authority, does it?Okay, sometimes I'll ask you to answer questions outside your character's skin. I love the First Session world-building aspect of Apocalypse World, and continue doing it after first session. I am in love with the
"Mountain Witch trick". I use it like a crack fiend.
First or third person?As a player, I prefer writing in first person, it’s fun to “get in the head” of my PC. For this game, unless a question is phrased in the past tense, or there’s another reason in the fiction to do so, please keep it first person and present tense. You’ll like it, I promise!
How much do I write?Since we're posting frequently, I'd say a paragraph or so, a bit more if its juicy content.
Wait, Scott puts all his dialog in bold? WTF?Scott likes to bold his dialog because its easier for a skim. I copy him because he's smart.
Okay, but really, how do I roll dice?It's pretty easy!
You open the die roller by typing <roll>
Then put in the die equation, which is simple for AW, just "2d6" and the modifier. So, it would be "2d6+1" or "2d6+2", like that.
You end it with </roll>. No quote or spaces. Feel free to practice this once below. It's FUN!
PRO TIP: the post where you roll dice should ONLY have the die rolling info. If you go back to edit anything in that post after the fact, a note will pop up stating that potential cheating has been detected and I will mock you mercilessly for a while. Okay, not really. But if I didn't see the die result before you edited, I will ask you to roll again.
Who starts scenes?The MC (me) starts scenes. I will open new threads for scenes. I like how in other games I've played that the scene thread lists the characters and what session/scene they're in. I will replicate that for this game, plus add in tags for the PCs involved. Scenes will have your PC's first initial in the suffix as well as the session and scene number. I often go with memorable or silly scene titles, they're just a shorthand to help me keep them straight.
For example, if I kick off a scene in the infirmary where Navarre and Gabe are in his infirmary for first scene (just an example, mind you), it might be titled:
[DVFP] Better Get that Looked At (N 1.1, G 1.1)
What if I want a specific scene?Any player can ask for a scene at any time. This is actually a good idea for times when player activity is out of sync and you want to keep going (as long as I can keep up). Ask for it in Slack and I'll start up a scene with a new thread.
How do we help each other?I'm going to allow players to Help AFTER the roll here. Players can ask before they hit the dice, if they wish.
What if I'm not in a scene, but I have a cool idea for something to happen? Or, what if I am in a scene and I have a cool idea for something for the MC to do to another Player Character that my character wouldn't do?First of all, both situations are great! I welcome input and collaboration. Please share your idea or request in chat. I may ask questions, I may throw it into an active scene thread whole cloth, I may modify it. But I love the feedback and I will do my best to foster collaboration because this is *our* game, not *my* game.
Dude, seriously, I’ve been waiting FOREVER!!!!
There could be a time or two when you’re waiting for a response from me, or from a PC, and it’s been a day with no response and the other person is supposed to be around. Go ahead and drop a question in our Chat. Be nice, we’re all adults, we have jobs and friends/families. Real life trumps game time! I won’t be offended if you politely prod me. Sometimes I might’ve just misread something and didn’t realize I was holding up a scene. Other times, I might be busy, and I’ll apologize and rectify it ASAP. Sometimes (just sometimes, mind you), the muse might not have struck me and I’ll use the chance to ask for some help or ideas. Be nice, help out an MC, and we’ll get moving again.
When does a "game session" end?
This is important because Apocalypse World has mechanics for session ends (HX). I will call end of session based on feel, taking into account how much real-life time has passed, how much game time has passed and how many events have occurred. If you feel a session has come to a natural end, please say so on the Slack channel, I will take it into account.
How often do we play?
The game is basically always live, which is for good or ill. I post with relative frequency, but without much consistency (meaning sometimes during weekdays if work is light, sometimes at night unless I have offline fun/responsibilities happening). My weekends are primarily for my family, so expect light posting then. If I am going to be offline for more than two days, I will note it in the Slack channel.
How long will this go on?
I plan on running this for six or so months. It's mid-November as we begin. We're shooting to be "done" by end of May or so, and I’ll try to make that a satisfying conclusion, but if at end of May, we (or merely some of "we") want to continue, we'll discuss it then. I find that "full" campaigns of Apocalypse Engine games on PBF run for about 7-9 game "sessions" and "sessions" often last a month, so we could be only halfway there as far as fiction. I’m sure we’ll still be going strong, but you’ll definitely have a chance to jump off the carousel in a satisfying way if you don’t want to continue.
How do I make a PC Banner?
1) Head on over to http://apo.calypti.ca/charman/ and start making characters.2) click the "New Character" button.
3) Enter a Character ID (e.g. "Rich") This is your shortname to call up the image
4) Enter a character name.
5) Enter a link to the character's character sheet (for now, just put "#")
6) Enter a link to the character's thumbnail/avatar.
7) Leave float as none (this means text will appear above and below)
8) Click the "Refresh" button under the "Character JSON" text box.
9) Copy all the text in the "Character JSON" text box.
10) Paste the "Character JSON" text into the "Enter a JSON array of characters" field.
11) Save.
12) Done.
Whatever you enter in the "Character ID" field of charman, will be the reference for your character. For instance, if you use "Adam" as the character ID, you would type:
into the forum to have that character banner pop up.
Finally: Once you've got your first set of characters up, you can also auto-load your characters from your profile by going to:
and clicking the "Edit Characters" link on the right sidebar.
Chum - new arrivals to DVFP don't last more than six months on average. They're referred to as "chums", not like "friends", but like "chum in the water for sharks". Calling someone a "chum" is calling them foolish, a rookie, or dead meat.Fippers - Free Prison Security, FPS, "Fippers" are the employees of Death Valley Free Prison Security who are stationed in Bordertown and sometimes patrol inside the free prison.
Custom Moves
When you travel during the Big Scorch, roll+Cool. On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, take two. On a 10+, you've got all three.- you aren't noticed by any sandgangers
- you don't have to use up too much water or supplies in the doing (1-Barter)
- you aren't worn down by the heat (1-Harm AP)
Gigg and Lala move
Gigg, the spirit of Lala now has three holds on your mask. Lala can use these holds to give you a -1 on any roll she doesn't want you to make. Yes, she can use more than one hold at a time.
However, as long as she has hold, you gain more insight into the world. Whenever you roll to Read a Sitch or Read a Person and give her another hold, you can ask another question more than the move allows.
You can even ask a question not listed, but if you do, Lala gets to ask you a question, too, and you have to answer it honestly.
Once Lala has used all of her hold, she will lose her grip on your mask and fade away.
When you try to rhyme and steal without getting caught, roll+Cool.
On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose two. On a 10+, choose three.
- You get a +1 Forward to rhyme your way outta trouble
- You steal a barter's worth (this can be chosen more than once)
People, pt. 1
People, pt. 2
1. Megahol Storage: This massive, circular storage tank can hold more than 10,000 gallons of Megahol. On any given day, the amount of Megahol in the tank can vary. This directly affects the price that the leaders of the Truk Stop charge per gallon.
2. Megahol Refinery: This clay-brick building is used to process a crude form of Megahol, the fuel used by most of the Free Prison’s vehicles. Actually, it is a mix of Ethanol and other highly combustible additives that are Megahol burner compatible. So actually, the Truk Stop doesn’t sell true Megahol, just a rough equivalent. Various kilns, urns, tubes, vats, chemistry equipment, and liquid separators can be found in this processing facility. The liquid separator is connected by piping directly to the circular storage tank.
3. Grain & Wood Storage: Here, large amounts of grain and wood are stored for future processing.
4. Garage: This is one of the most elaborate vehicle repair shops in the entire prison. No doubt about it, this place gets some of the rarest parts around, and they have the staff to use them. Of course, they don’t do it for free, and they do other people work only after they have taken care of the Fat Man’s requests from The Depot. Note that several guards are stationed here at all times.
5. Stockade: A fine collection of vehicles, both worked and totaled, can be found here. War dogs and armed guards are constantly on patrol here.
6. One-Way Entry: Once identity and intention have been determined, vehicles are (usually) allowed to pass through the east gates. Once through the eastern-most gate, it is closed off while guards come to interrogate the “customer” for any false intentions. One of the first things that must be shown is ample jingle or barter to purchase the items with. No one is allowed further in without funds - even to look at a potential purchase or to parley with someone.
7. Tire Trap: Any vehicle breaching the gates, or attempting to get away without paying (or what-have-you) must cross over this Tire Trap. Sharp, dagger-like spikes that normally lie flat against the sand may be raised to catch vehicles from either direction, automatically slitting their tires open.
8. Service Area: Here, drivers may barter with Truk Stop agents for either parts, vehicles, or Megahol. Little haggling goes on here as the market obviously cornered - where else can you go? Rarely are customers ever allowed to get out of their vehicles, and when they are, they must be escorted by at least twice as many guards.
9. Tire Trap: This is the western trap, exactly like the one described in area 7.
10. One-Way Exit: Here, vehicles exit the Truk Stop’s safe confines.
11. Courtyard: Anyone standing in this courtyard in front of the castle is susceptible to attacks from all four corner towers. Guards with projectile and missile weapons are constantly stationed atop these towers in case of unwanted visitors.
12. Storage Room: This is a storage room used for weapons, armor, food stuffs, survival gear, tools, construction supplies, and other oddities. The room is in disarray.
13. Conference Room: This massive room, originally planned as a large conference and meeting facility, has been turned into the organization’s party room and living facilities. It is filled with an entertainment system, lighting effects, gas generator, several tables, chairs, game boards, ancient video games, computer systems, a rudimentary futuristic pool table, and several kegs of ale and beer.
14. Waiting Room: This is a typical waiting/meeting room for visitors who shouldn’t see more than they have to. Just the basics here, in decent order.
15. Leader’s Quarters: Typical bedroom and study for the leader of Truk Stop. Currently the leader is a man by the name of Hugo Poke, one of the Fat Man’s trusted underlings. Truk Stop is a coveted posting in the Fat Man’s organization, and a good tour of duty here bodes well for future advancement. Truk Stop gets a new leader about once a year.
16. VIP’s Quarters: A well-maintained room for guests or visitors.
17. General Quarters: Regular rooms for Truk Stop’s myriad guards. Bunk beds are found in all rooms.
18. Sand Bag Heaven: The exterior of this entire walled stronghold is covered with massive sand bags. Obviously there is more than enough sand around. These bags provide Truk Stop’s walls with added reinforcement against rams and any projectile weaponry that jealous gangs may muster to use against it.
1. Garage: This garage is run in cooperation with the garage at Truk Stop. Since the Fat Man ultimately controls both The Depot and Truk Stop, goods are distributed, and sometimes shared between the two. This obviously applies to the garage as well. Unlike Truk Stop, very few vehicles and parts are sold through this garage. Typically, mechanics attempt to repair or build up vehicles that are brought in. Whether they are ancient dune buggies, or modern all-terrain vehicles, this shop is able to work on them. The question is what the end result will be.
2. Trader’s Tents: This area of town is a true example of free trade. Anyone who has the clout to set up a tent or shack and barter their goods can do so. Anyone who is strong enough to ward off robbers and protect their goods at least has a chance to compete with the others. But chances are, a marketer who is in business today may not be next week. Regardless of the near-impossible business atmosphere here, they are a few diehards who always seem to ward off the vermin and run a legitimate business.
3. Trader’s Wholesaler: This two-story warehousing market works and reports directly to the Fat Man. The name of the trade shop is The Fat Man’s Wholesaler. Goods are guaranteed to be either hot, overpriced, hard to find, or all of the above. Keep in mind the Fat Man is not stupid enough to offer items that the FPS has deemed illegal, only items that are rare and highly in demand by the average inmate.
4. Shady Shops: Just behind the Fat Man’s Wholesaler is a collection of more intriguing shops, many of which are only fronts for selling harder to find items. Weaponry, techno-gadgets, and components can be found here if the buyer is not suspected to be an FPS agent. Of course, regardless of suspicion, jingle talks, suckers walk.
5. Inn: Imagine a five-story housing facility for holding uncontrollable vagabonds and misfits who have no regard for law, order, or decency. Imagine stench, scuffles, blaring music, shrill noises, sickly designed neon, and high-priced rooms barely large enough to fit a bed in. OK, now add in a few hundred rowdy punks who didn’t come here to sleep in the first place. They came to party, and this is the the Fall on Inn.
6. Arena: Although every city and most towns have an arena, The Depot arena is one of the Free Prison’s most famous exhibitions. Every night, inmates duel each other with a variety of rules and regulations, according to the day of the week, or the individual challenge at hand. Sometimes the duel is "to the death", but most of the time that's left up to the crowd. Many gang leaders often settle their disputes, leader vs. leader in The Depot's arena, rather than suffering severe losses to their Sandgang. Once a leader has fallen in battle, that result makes law here.
Amateur night offers new inmates a chance to collect some jingle. All fights are heavily bet upon and the winner always receives a small cut. Some duels are one-on-one, some are group brawls. Some utilize no weapons or armor, some special matches are reserved for cyber-enhanced barbarians or the most prestigious gladiators, while others are initiated entirely through personal vendettas.
7. High Rent Housing: This area is guarded tightly by hired mercenaries and thugs whose sole duty is to keep intruders off their block. The Fat Man rents out space, block by block, to any organization that can procure it. As such, this section of town has evolved into sort of a mini corporate sector. Big prison businesses have maintained rights control over these town blocks. Probably the only real hint at modern civilization in the entire prison, other than the occasional high-tech gadgets that can be found from time to time.
8. Bar: This place not only brews its own liquors and ales, it sells them in one of the most raucous atmospheres around. Live bands constantly pour out thrash music through booming speaker and light systems in this smoke-ridden party hall. This place is packed twenty-four hours a day. Needless to say, some massive and somewhat bloody brawls can erupt here.
9. Guard Housing 1: Same as #10
10. Guard Housing 2: General guard quarters and training stations for the Fat Man’s brigade of core guards, not all of which can be housed here at the same time. Only those on official business of the Fat Man may pass through the gates to this section of town, and these two massive guard houses make certain that rule is strictly enforced.
11. FPS Well: This is a closely guarded Free Prison Security Well. Water can be had in the city, by The Fat Man's say so. Anyone caught messing with the Well is in trouble with the Fippers.
12. Armory: This is a general storage facility for the town’s supply of legal weaponry and armor. What's illegal, you ask? Any ordinance powerful enough that it might make a dent in the Prison Wall, and anything that might be fired over it, that's what. Or, whatever the Sub-Warden of the area says is illegal at the time. Some vehicles and quality animals are also kept in this facility.
13. The Fat Man’s Stronghold: The Fat Man’s castle. This is where he resides over his little empire. Smart fuggers have realized that The Fat Man never gives a definitive answer to important questions, but always "consults with his council". There's some power behind that throne.