
You're out in the middle of humping nowhere. Check that, not
nowhere, you know fugging well where you are, which is between several places of interest. All of them reeeeeally far away. It's late morning. The sun's already baking, and it's supposed to get up to one forty in the next couple hours. You and yours should be on the way back to Depot now.
Who has the busted tailpipe, Motley? Who's fault is it, really?
Good news is that no raider worth their sweat would be out here in the heat. Bad news is that if Motorhead can't get the bike fixed, you will have to leave it. And it won't be worth much by the time you get back. If some scavenging chum doesn't slip away with it.
What do you do?
"Fuggit! Of all the luck, why now!", I screamed as I kicked at a rock on the ground. "Dokken, why didn't you catch this? You did fugging check over your bike before we left, right?! Only a chum-brain would forget that kind of thing. Now we are humped. I should make you walk back to the Depot." I took a few steps towards the road, spitting the dust out of my mouth. Always so much fugging dust out here., after a few moments of thinking, my decision made.
"Ok Motorhead, see what you are able to do and how long will it take. We will go from there." then turning to Dokken, finger pointing angrily. "YOU help him, You better humping pray to Harley that it can be fixed quickly."
Motorhead grunts, casting a spiteful eye at Dokken.
How do Guns and Rose handle this kind of talk from Dokken? Is this a normal thing, or is the heat getting to your gang?
What do you do?
Oh blaze! I cannot believe Dokken is pulling this now! I step immediately in Dokken's direct path to Guns and Rose It is not until then that I realize my machete is already out and hanging loosely at my side. When did I fugging draw it. It has to be the heat out here. It has us all acting the chum!
"Dokken, you says you checked it, then I believe you. I lost my cool just now! But Guns & Rose are my crue, just like you. And I do NOT let anyone try to hump my crue. You want to take a swing being the Alpha? You fugging aim at me!" I take a step towards Dokken so I am almost in his face
I can sense the tenseness that from the rest of the crue. I keep wary of the rest of my surroundings, hoping Rose is willing to keep Guns in check for now. If Motorhead cant get that fugging tailpipe fixed, we are seriously humped!
Feels like you're imposing your will on the gang right now. Let's see some Pack Alpha here.
Motorhead hunkers down and starts working on the busted tailpipe, grumbling under his breath and focused.
The sun starts baking down on you and yours. The horizon becomes a wavy line and Twisted Sis starts handing out canteens for folks. They're getting antsy, Motley. It's over a hundred out here already. Motorhead's getting frustrated, and that pipe isn't fixed yet.
What do you do?
I let out a sigh glad things did not go to blows with Dokken, He's a good kid if not a little of a temper.
Seeing Motorhead's frustration and everyone's impatience build, I realize it is close to time I may have to call it quits. "Hey Motorhead, what's it lookin' like? Is this bike humped and we need to leave it? Or is there a chance to get it working again?" I hold out the canteen to him, insisting he stop for a minute to take a drink.
If this will take much longer, we are going to leave the bike, that will be the 2 fuggin bike this month. I am hoping to avoid that if possible.
What do you do?
"Blazes!" I sigh. This heat is not helping my mood. "Ok Motor' go ahead and call it quits. No good in you burning up out here. If there are any parts still good as plat, pull those off. That is if it can be done quickly, if not then abandon this blazing bike.... Dokken get over here and siphon out the gas. No sense that going to waste. You will be ridding second with 'Sis. And don't even think of giving me any chum-chat. ... Everyone hang tight, we will be on the road soon."
Who could have sabotaged Dokken's bike? I know he is a bit of a fugger sometimes but I don't think any of the crue would go as far as messing with someone's bike. I need to keep an eye out for anyone acting the chum. When I find that mother fugger there will be some words and blood!
Dokken grabs his go bag off his bike and uses his choppah sword to pry off a few crosses he'd glued on. What was he keeping count of, Motley? The gang chuckles as he moves over to throw a leg over Sis's ride to mount up. She revs up one more time, and that makes Dokken jump. The whole gang howls with laughter at that, and Dokken looks angry as he gets on.
Where do you and the Crue call home? Are you holed up in The Depot, or maybe over by The Irons, or do you have your own territory?
The thought of the chum who sabotaged the bike is like a pebble in my boot. Its presence is a continual reminder of something that shouldn't be. There is little I can do about that blaze at the moment and that annoys me.
I try not to let my smile show at the sport Twisted Sis has with Dokken. His pride has already had a fugging beating today. I don't even make a comment when he begins prying the crosses off his bike. He started collecting those chum mementos to show his wins at the arena. No one else worries about a win count in that fugging place. It wasn't an issue until he realized that Twisted Sis was currently undefeated AND had more wins than him. The "trophies" began to show up on his bike.
I sit on my bike giving Motor enough time to finish up what he needs to do. The sweat pooling on my back. I hate this heat. I do a quick once-over on my bike, spending a few extra minutes checking the tailpipe for damage. I catch myself sneaking glances at various members of my crue, the newer ones especially. They are the ones who we have less of a history with.. .
Blazes! Stop it, I scold myself, That suspicion will get us humped. Trust in my crue is essential. This heat is messin' with all of us, I can't wait to get back to Depot. I think I will buy drinks for everyone and we watch a few fights at the arena tonight. That will let everyone blow off some steam. Who knows maybe I will even jump into a fight could really clear my head.
Your crue rides on towards Depot, leaving the scuttled skeleton of Dokken's bike. He grouses the whole way there, and Sis just pops in some ear-buds and listens to her tunes. What's Sis's kind of music? Who does she buy tunes from in Depot? Is that kind of stuff allowed by FPS?
You come into Depot through the north gate, past the garage, which is full of the Fat Man's battle jennies and the APC is getting a tune up, too. The Fat Man's Wholesaler has the ever-present line, and there are hawkers for the Arena's Main Event.
Motley, do you and yours stay at the Fall on Inn, or have you set up somewhere else?
What's Sis's kind of music? Who does she buy tunes from in Depot? Is that kind of stuff allowed by FPS?
Sis as a jazz person. She buys from stuff from The Menagerie (an eclectic collection of contraband) run by a woman named Smooth. I imagine FPS may know about it but are given a cut.
We roll into Depot tired from the trip. The heat was the worst but we are finally home. I look forward to a bed instead of sleeping bag on the ground. The smells of the hawkers fill my noise, causing my stomach to growl. How long ago was lunch? "Ok everyone, you know the fugging drill. We are paid up for the month at the Fall On Inn. So stow your bikes, and gear before you go enjoy your jingle. It would be appreciated if some of you washed up too.
First round is on me. We can meet at the arena for a well earned night of fun."
I hope this will go far to help relieve the tension. I need to ask around on what is up with the Fat Man. AND watch for who is messing with our bikes. I need to ask around. There is never enough time.
The crue seems happier with the prospect of Arena. They split off into small groups to hide from the sun indoors. This is The Scorch, the patch of a few midday hours when only fools run around in the sun. Luckily, there's a decent tunnel system between the bigger buildings of Depot, so you can still move about.
Motley, does anyone stick with you on this "ask around" mission? Who's watching the bikes this time?
Who was watching them before?
"Tesla, Keep an eye out on the bikes for now. I'll have Dio bring you some food. Don't give me any attitude about it too." I purposely lower my voice and lean in closer, " 'Snake was watching last time and someone got to Dokken's bike. That blaze aint gonna happen again! Got it. Don't stress there will be some extra jingle for doin' this." I begin to walk off. "Guns, Rose walk with me for a bit."
After a few moments of walking, trying to find the right way to say this, "So what's going on between Dokken and you two? I know he is prone to act the chum at times but he just seemed to focus on the two of you. Have you been messing with him?"
"So, that was Snake's fault then?" Tesla says solidly. "Won't happen to me, Motley. No way. No how." He pats his samurai sword proudly. Where did he get that thing, Motley? Off somebody he killed, at one of the tents in Depot, or what?
What do you do?
Her viciousness surprises me even though it shouldn't any more. "Blazes Rose, What did he do? You know what, I don't want to know right now. If its serious you settle it in the arena like we do. Or you bring it to me. That speechifying I did out on the highway was not just for my own ears or even for Dokken only. I aint going to allow any of my crue, and that includes Dokken, start taking things into their own hands.
I take a breath and calm myself, looking into Rose's serious eyes, Listen we got humped in life out here in this world. We never had anyone stick up for us after our parents died. I'll be a son of a chum before I let any of my crue feel like that every again. You say you didn't mess with his ride, I believe you. I need you to find a way to let this go and make peace with him some how. Don't have to like him, but we are a crue and a crue sticks up for each other."
Rose's eyes flash with anger again and she throws a hand in his face, "I don't! Of course not! But he dissed me. That don't go." She glares at you, Motley, "That's not right! Trying to take my man. You get him to pay grievance and this goes away."
What does Rose mean by "pay grievance"? Is that something the crue does, or did she bring it in from outside?
What do you do?
What does Rose mean by "pay grievance"? Is that something the crue does, or did she bring it in from outside?
This is a common thing done by the crue for problems that dont warrant a trip to the arena to settle, but are still serious to the one offended. The perpetrator must wear something of the victim (usually a bandana or vest) for a time (usually about a week) to show they are apologizing for the offense caused.
I take a few steps, allowing what happened to sink in. My mind working on a way to deal with this and not tear the crue to shreds. Some days it almost seems more trouble than I can carry but all of them are my brothers and sisters, they are the only real family I have ever known. I wouldn't ever tell them in that way but it doesn't change how I feel.
When my words are chosen, I stop and turn to Rose, "What did he say when you asked for grievance? You did request payment right?" I watch her eyes as she forms a response, trying to see if she is telling the truth and if there is more to this story than I am being told.
Rose exhales with some frustration and closes her eyes. The question cools off some of her anger, she reaches up to rub the bridge of her nose, "No. I didn't. Dokken should know. He's gotta know."
I smile at Rose. "I can tell him if you need but he's a little chum-head and would hear it better from you I think." I look at her and the obvious stress this has caused her, hoping this can be resolved. "Looks like you could use something to drink. How about we get those beers for the crue and then we can watch a few fights in the arena. It'll help towards setting things right. I think the investigation can wait till tomorrow. We need to kick back and spend some jingle!" I place my arm around Roses shoulders in a friendly manner then place an arm on Guns as well. Then start marching the three of us off to the bar.
"The Bar". It doesn't have just one name, been through a hundred of them over the years. What do you and the crue call it?
This place not only brews its own liquors and ales, it sells them in one of the most raucous atmospheres around. Live bands constantly pour out thrash music through booming speaker and light systems in this smoke-ridden party hall. This place is packed twenty-four hours a day. Needless to say, some massive and somewhat bloody brawls can erupt here.
When you, Guns and Rose come in, you spot a table full of Amazons who are taking it easy while the sun bakes down. They're watching the dozen Scorpions who are moshing by the band, throwing bottles and throwing eyes at everyone else.
Who does the crue get along with better, Motley - the 'Zons or the Scorpions?
What do you do?
The music punches through the air, putting a smile on my face. The Mosh Pit, a local bar, OUR local bar here in the depot. Spotting both Amazons and Scorpions here at the same time, things could get rough very quickly, especially with only two of my crue with me. "Rose, Guns can you get a few growlers of their best blaze for the crue." I hand a small pouch of jingle to Rose. "And watch your back the Scorpions are here." This is not good. I can trust the 'Zons at least not to start something if we play it cool. That is not the case with the Scorpions.
My hand becomes very itchy as I resist the urge to reach for my fugging gun. When the alpha of the Amazons look my way, I give a simple nod of respect before following behind my crue to get our brew. Hopefully without any problems.
Guns heads to the bar with Rose. While the bartender gets things sorted, Guns runs into the moshing area and starts busting heads. Oddly enough, the Scorpions seem to take it in stride. They must be having a good day.
What did the crue do for Last and her band at the Shady Shops a week ago?
I nod at Last. "Same. Things work out ok since last week I hope. That fugging FPS guy sniffing around any more?" I smile to myself thinking of the undercover FPS agent almost sealing the deal on one of Last band. They were selling a bit of excess contraband they had. Dokken recognized the guy and so we tipped Last off and started a brawl with some of her people to interrupt the sale. I hit the FPS agent during all the blaze, it felt great.
"Sales been good?" I peek around Last to keep an eye on Guns, making sure he is not getting into anything he can't get out of.
Guns is playing nice, but Rose is more worried about him than you and Last right now, which means if things go pear-shaped, you've got nobody watching your back.
She glances back at her gang, then to you, "We, uh... we work good together, don't we?"
My stomach starts going in knots, my hand goes twitchy again wanting to draw my gun. Something ain't right and I'm gonna get humped if things go how it feels. Last is hiding something and I need to find out what. I try to get a read on her
What does your character (Last) intend to do
When you take a good look at Last, then over to her band, you see that they've been in a scrap. You also notice that they aren't wearing their Amazon medallions, the symbol of their gang. That means Last took her band and left the gang. Amazons don't take kindly to that.
She's looking for somewhere to stay, maybe someone like the crue to watch her back when the Amazons come. What have you heard about what they do to deserters, Motley?
Fug, this is not what I need right now....Hell the last time someone tried to leave the Amazons all of them were beaten so bad they never rode a bike again, many of them died. Apparently no one leaves the Amazons. I snap myself out of my thoughts and back to the situation at hand.
I look at Last for a moment, my eyebrow raised, "yeah we have in the past. Especially when it was mutually beneficial. I get the feeling that you are about to bring a whole heap of fugging blaze on me and mine. This have to do with you not showing 'Zons symbols no more?"
I cross my arms and wait for the other boot to drop.
What beef does Foster have with the crue, Motley? Is ti really your fault, or is it a misunderstanding?
"Holy Blaze! I have never had a high opinion of Foster, I know she has hated me every since I laid her out in front of her band. But this...I never thought she would be a son-of-a-chum. Fugging Hell! " I tried to think, so many factions involved in this, things were about to get very messy. Hell its not like I could ever turn down a stray. "Last this is going to get ugly, specially how Foster gets all possessive 'bout things. If you and yours can pull their weight, then we can help with some shelter and some strength in numbers. But I cant have you underwriting my orders? Can you ride second seat after all this time?
You feel the eyes of her band on you both, Motley. They know what's going down. Guns just decked a Scorpion and got tackled by another, but it still seems good. Rose is watching him, but glances back to you.
What do you do?
I recognize the difficulty of any leader to humble themselves to ask and accept help, so I don't tease her 'bout it. "Yeah I think that would be good. I know some of my crue wouldn't mind a throw down if it comes to that."
I don't like how her band is eyeing me, I will keep an eye on them and make sure they don't cause no trouble.
Did I just see Gun's fall in the crowd? I nudge Rose and gesture my head towards Guns, "Rose, your boy ok? Do we need to lend a hand or is it still a friendly disagreement?" I keep my eyes on how the rest of the scorpions are reacting to this fight.
What do you do?
I smile, and crack my knuckles looking towards Last, "Blazes, I've been wanting to hit something all fugging day. Feel free to join in the fun if you want." I run and leap towards one of the biggest scorpions fighting with Guns, screaming, "ROCK ON!"
Last declines, heads back to her band and they watch all the entrances as casually as they can. You bound into the mosh
If you enter the pit at The Mosh, roll +sharp.
On a 10+ you let out all your frustrations and find a sense of calm. Take +1 Forward or mark an XP.
On a 7-9 choose 2:
-You don't take 1 Harm AP from that one fugger who got in a lucky shot.
-You don't hurt someone weaker than you.
-You don't leave unsatisfied.
Eight songs later, you emerge from the pit with Guns and Rose. You're all worn out, bruised, drunk, and feeling good. Guns has an arm around each of you, and he even leans in to kiss Rose's cheek as you collect your growlers. The Scorpions wave their bydie byes and head for the tunnels to move about the city.
You're collecting up the jingle to pay for the brew when you realize something's missing. You've lost something, Motley. Something Stryper gave you. What is it?
What do you do?
I start patting myself down, no, no, no where is it. The necklace Stryper made. Before he died he had some how hunted down my bike and took the gears from the clutch assembly and crafted a stunning piece of art. My ears begin ringing as my blood pressure builds. I look behind me toward the chaos of the pit, knowing it would be impossible to find. My good mood gone, like it ever fugging last in this place. I stomp off and slam the jingle down on the bar a little too hard.
"Guns, Rose grab the Fugging growlers, were going home." I say as I stomp off towards my bike.
Guns and Rose grab the growlers. Rose senses something's wrong, but it's lost on Guns. He whistles one of the tunes from the most pit as he slides into his sidecar with the booze. The ride back to the Fall On Inn is hot, the sun above running in the hundred and thirties, but it's faster than walking, and carrying that much booze on foot's impossible.
While Guns carries in most of the booze, Rose whistles for Quiet Riot and Sis to come down and carry the rest of it in. The crue comes out of the inn, into the baking sun, happy for the brew and a chance to kick back. They don't notice, or don't comment on, your mood, and pull everything into the adjoining rooms that serve as your flophouse right now. The bikes are stowed under a big canopy right outside, and Tesla's sitting on a stolen bar stool under the shade, sweating and watching them all.
Marigold's here, Motley. One of the girls from Diamond. How do you two know each other? She's sitting on one of the four couches that are shoves against the walls in this pad, sitting there with Whitesnake, who is nursing a busted eye and a swollen lip that he didn't have when you left. Marigold's fussing over him a little, but it's friendly care. Not that Whitesnake isn't a handsome fella, because he is. She just isn't acting that way, is all.
What do you do?
I see Marigold and it almost stops me in my tracks. She was friendly with Stryper back in the day. She drifted away from the crue for a bit after he died. I had heard something about Whitesnake and her getting friendly. This is my Blazing luck to have her show up today. I grab a growler and chair and walk outside. Setting the chair down next to Tesla, a little harder than I had planned.
I pull the cork out with my teeth and take a long swig of the alcohol, then pass it to Tesla. "Appreciate you watching the bikes. Enjoy a drink."
I aim to get really drunk tonight, and company would be good.
He looks over at you, "Who do you think did it?"
Who DO I think did it, I wonder that for a few moments while taking a long slow drink. "Well Tesla, I don't fugging know and that burns me. The Scorpions have reason enough to hate us, but messing with someones bike, that is fugging blaze."
I think about the last few weeks and try to put pieces together. The pieces start to come together but seem to dissolve before they make any sense. "I gotta talk to Motor and see if he can detail a bit more 'bout the damage done and maybe how." I take another long drink, "It just seems like we have been humped the past few days, Harley help us, I don't know what the blaze is coming for us next, but we have to be ready for it." I pat Tesla on the shoulder as I stand up, "You are a good man, Tesla. I know you wont fug it up. Be sure to get a replacement for you after a bit so you can get some rest or even enjoy the fun too."
I stand up starting to feel the effects of the brew. I go to find a quiet place to drink and try to forget the loss of Stryper.
Tesla doesn't argue with that, seems quite appreciative. Like maybe he expected something more harsh, what with all going wrong.
You head off to get a good buzz, drinking to remember rather than forget. You end up in the second room, where the crue sleeps. The standing rule here is "Sleepin' no scroggin", and you're seated on a bed, boots off, sipping on some rot gut when Marigold comes into the room.
Why now, why did you of all people have to show up? I think to myself as she gets comfortable. I know she's not gonna let it go either. "No 'Gold I am not alright. I am a Daytona mile away from FUGGIN' ALRIGHT!" Why am I getting mad at her, she's not to blame.
"This blaze is all fugged up. I have some son-of-a-chum who is sabotaging our gear. We have some of the Amazons joining up with us for a bit, probably gonna lead to a throw down with Foster and maybe Saint Angry... " Keep it down you chum-head. Why you pucking out all this blaze on her? "And then I ... I mean... Stryper's necklace... It fell somewhere ... Its was the only thing left of the kid and its fugging gone..... " I didnt even realize I threw the growler until it smashes against the wall. The foam and beer make an interesting pattern as the glass clatters to the floor.
"Its fugging gone, just like him." I begin crying, i dont think I ever have since he was killed. Once it starts I just cant stop.
After the first wave of it passes, and you can hear the thrumming music of Quiet Riot's radio in the other room, she whispers in your ear, tone gentle, "Shhh. Shhh, now. I miss him, too, Motley. I miss him, too." She doesn't try to dissuade you from your hurt, just holds you.
The last time someone did this for you was Sis, but it wasn't about Stryper. What was it about?
How long until you find some calm, and then what do you do?
I lean into Marigold and accept the kindness. It has been a long time of since I have had the opportunity to let go for a bit. Last time was an epidemic spread through Depot, so much so that there was a medicine shortage. By time we finally made it on the other side we had lost four of our own due to fever, I was even bed ridden for a bit. Twisted Sister got me through it, Hades Sis even fought a challenge in my stead for Alpha. Beat the Chum to near unconsciousness before he yielded.
After a few moments of indulging the comfort, I pull away and get up. Grabbing my canteen, and opening it up, i pause. "Thanks 'Gold. I appreciate the shoulder." I splash some water on my face. "How have things been for you since Stryper's release?" I sit down on the bed next to her and give her much needed attention as well.
Marigold slides up against you, turning so her back's leaning against your chest as she takes your left hand in her own, tracing the space between thumb and forefinger with her right index. "There's a new girl around. Her name's Sierra. She's really sweet. Smart, too. She reads to me. Such fancy stories. Strype would love her."
I smile at Marigold's comments, "We miss you too. Well things are getting a little dicey at Depot, especially with Ratcatchers and Saint Anger moving in. Maybe a change of space would be nice for a sprint.
Siera you said? She is a tough girl, seeing her to stand up to some of the crue was a thing of beauty. She with anyone at the moment? I mean just curious how she's been"
It would be a good move, the change of scene would help out with mood. It would put some distance from the sabotage until I could make some sense of it. I have no ties except that barter I dropped here at the inn, but a gig or two could make that up. "Yeah that would be good. I want to talk to Last and her band see if they are cool with the tag along. I need to pick up a gig to earn some jingle but other than that i think it should be good. I'll sleep on it before final decision. Make sure i have a clear head." I felt good to make this decision. That could be the brew but I don't think so.
I take another swig then offer to Marigold, this may be like a new start.
I stand up quickly reaching for her hand. "Honest to Harley, I'm not all that thirsty any more.". I stare into her eyes and pull her close to me. "I need to rest and let this buzz fade before I go take my shift watching the bikes tonight. And I am not wanting privacy." I lean in to kiss Marigold, gently. "Will you lay with me?"
(If consensual)
I lead her to the bed, we lay in a lovers embrace. Close, intimate, enjoying the warmth and comfort that spreads all over. Her steady breathing like the cycle of an engines purring relaxes me and fills me with a peace as I drift off to sleep.
End Scene