This is
The Irons. Before the days of DVFP, it was the Billie Mine, a borax mine along the road to Dante's View. The Irons is located within spitting distance (if you care to waste that spit) from East Bordertown. Chums miss it, since it's underground, but it's close enough to Bordertown to trade goods.
The Irons is crowded and dim, with dingy electric lights, naked bulbs really, strung down the pathways. There are little caves dug out and set up into makeshift businesses, and the larger common areas are filled with stalls. Living here means you avoid the heat - it's always in the mid 60s Fahrenheit (18-20 degrees Celsius). But you also avoid the sun, which can take its own toll on a body.
Diamond is
the draw, aside from what scratch comes up from the actual mines and sold at Bordertown or The Depot, but that's a pittance compared to Diamond. We'll let Esco tell us about his place in a bit.
It's afternoon, and the place is abuzz because Ziggy is coming. Zig's one of The Fat Man's lieutenants, a cagey old lady who took over for Thrashnar, who was pretty much voted off the bus. Zig, and her entourage, are due within the hour, and that could be a good thing? Except, well, The Irons hasn't paid her any dues since she took over. So... yeah.
Diamond's the big draw.
Does that put you "in charge" of anything? Is this just one big marketplace here, a free-for-all where you're the big fish in the pond? When folks blaze around the little shops outside Diamond, do you let it go, or have you ever sent some of your people to deal with it? Inquiring minds and all.

Like I said, it's afternoon, and Sasha comes into the bar where you, I dunno, do you hold court or just run things there or what? But yeah, Sasha, one of your top earners, she comes in wearing that shawl she got at Bordertown, says a Fipper gave it to her, sure looks new enough. She scans the crowd before heading over to you.
"Esco," she says in her normally clipped tone.
"How are we dealing with Zig? She'll want a cut. they always want a cut, and I don't think she'll want the kinda cut Thrashnar took." What was the cut you offered Thrashnar? Funny how Sasha uses "we" right? Like she's part of your plans.
Why don't you trust Sasha, Esco?What do you do?
You're set up in your stall here in The Irons. What does it look like? What's on sale today and what's already sold out?
When you came through Bordertown, you ran into old Ziggy. She was still "making her bones" for The Fat Man, but had a crew. What did you do to that crew that they won't soon forget?
You wake up late, or at least it seems like it's later than normal. Do you have a chronometer down here in your place? If not, how do you tell time? You were up late reading to Marigold while she nattered on about her day in between chapters. What did you read to her this time?
Do you wake up alone?
What does your rented room look like, Sierra? What's your favorite possession? Which of your neighbors is the most trouble?
There's a knock at your door (you have a door? If not, someone clapped loud outside, like a knock). That's what woke you just now. What do you do?
Gorrem son of a -- I look instinctively for a chronometer, but of course there isn't one. I definitely slept in late, or perhaps I'm so early I can't tell the difference. I usually make my way through to Diamonds in the "mornings'. Esco knows these things, that being said it isn't like I am doing anything to get up for.
I quickly assess the room and notice I am alone. Good. Marigold hasn't started getting clingy yet, or quite invading my space, but it is a close thing.
I grab my opened copy of T.S. Eliot, opened to the 4th page of "The Wasteland" and gently close it before acknowledging the loud noise at my door. Yes I have a door, but no sheets - Privacy is important to me. I barely even have a bed. Just a hard-plastic sack filled with what I assume to be hey. Other than that, my apartment consists of one table and one chair, one crate and a bucket. On the table rest all my books, my one luxury, lined perfectly in alphabetical order. I gently place T.S. Eliot back where he belongs. On my chair are my few pieces of clothes, including my long dark blue velvet coat. I grab that and call out --
it's most likely Cinder. He's always coming home too late, juiced up, banging on the wrong door. Still, just in case, I keep my hand close to my dagger.
"Cinder, go home! Your saint of a wife is two doors down you farthoom fool!"
My stall is pretty simple, rolling cart folded up to one corner, table that's sorta always here, chair that I've sometimes got to go hunt down. I'm tryin' to move a cactus beer today, but nobody's bitin'. I'm all out of hot pickled peppers already, too. By end of day sure enough somebody will be desperate for a beer, so I'm not too worried about it.
As always, a couple of big plastic jugs of vinegar for sale sit in the front corner.
I'm eyein' Scribbler as he touches my jars, pickin' up one full of little preserved tomatoes, then one of candied peach peels. He's never dropped anythin' yet, but glass isn't limitless here.
I suck in an annoyed breath. No cure for stupidity. "Well. If she's got a hundred guns I'd like to see her carry them all at once. Huh. But yeah, I heard something like that." It's been buzzing in the air today. I haven't opened up to the Feed on the matter yet.
When I came 'round through Bordertown I might have been new, but I knew how to stake my claim. Ziggy wanted her crew to make an example of me, wanted an easy win. I grabbed one of her crew by the backbrain and made his arm shoot his friend in the legs. Stood 'em off with my projector. They weren't happy to leave, but they left.
"You better buy what you like and move on, and start callin' me June."
I need to do something about Ziggy now she's all britches-big and comin' to visit. The urge for a smoke rises up in me. I adjust in my chair, get a leg under me. Wonder how much of today's haul I can lose. How's she gonna bust a new crew in this tiny narrow space and cook me up?
You hear Reese's voice on the other end. "See," "See" is his pet name for you. He likes it because it "saves a syllable", but also because of what you've "seen", or assumes you've seen. "It's Reese. Returning your book. Didn't see you at Diamond."
Reese runs security for the miners here, protecting them from raiders when they take their borax and whatnot out to sell. What book did he borrow from you the other day, Sierra, and what did he trade for it?
What do you do?
You go on and demand he use your actual name. He huffs another laugh, "But Vinegar's easier to 'member. Ya don't look like a June. And when I lookit ya, I think of your vinegar." He drops some jingle on your cart and takes that jar of tomatoes.
You don't have any other customers poking around. Most of the stalls are dead, lots of people hiding out with Ziggy coming around.
What do you do?
"Reese, crack, what time is it?" Standing up I button the coat covering my body as much a possible. Reese admitted to me that he could read two weeks ago and has been slowly going through my library since. He recently borrowed J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Hobbit" - I thought he might like the dwarves. I give him access for extra protection. I want to keep under the radar, but I don't want to die. Being a Skinner, can be dangerous.
Artemis, my cybernetic owl squawks in the corner, I ignore him and walk over to unlock the door.
When he sees you, he smiles, ignoring Artemis' screech. With a light flourish, he produces the book, handing it binding first to you like some warrior handing a sword hilt first to a master, "The dwarves were funny. I liked Tom Bombadil's songs, and the way he talked." He swallows the next bit as he admits, "Took me a bit to get it, though. Re-read that three times." He waits at the door after handing over the book, but seems expectant.
What do you do?
I take the book gingerly from him. "I thought the misty mountain song would be your favorite. I learned the tune once, it's pretty." I give him a once over, seeing the amount of ammo he has on him. "Expecting trouble, Reese?"
I can feel the anxiousness boilin' off of Scribbler as he laughs..it's hard to describe the way I feel that happen, I could say it's like an echo. When I talk about my enhanced experience at all, I bring violins into the discussion, but who here has seen one of those?
Hah, a cactus indeed. Makes me smile.
I snort quietly but accept Scribbler's jingle. It's decent of him to pay for his almost-mistake. "I do always have more of it than anythin' else.."
Time to pack it in. I'm still makin' up my mind about whether this is my problem or not. If it is, I need to get ahead on things and get my relay in place. I get my crutch under my elbow, stand and get to work.
This early, I don't expect a great many of 'em — but I always like to be surprised.
I walk with a certain indignation — purpose, you might say — down from the upstairs balcony towards the bar. JD's workin' it, like he always does in the mornings — I don't know when that man sleeps, but clearly he don't need much of it. I scan the room, counting heads as I saunter past Sasha, pretending her words don't matter — listening, of course, just pretending I already knew...
Blazin' Sasha, though... Always clawing her way into my business. I stop at the bar, across from JD, and nod over at the pot of black tar that passes for coffee in this place... A creature of my own design to keep folks from sobering up... Cook me.
Do you carry your stuff with you or store it somewhere here? Do you live in The Irons?
Honestly if I have stuff left over when I pack it in, I just let JD at the Diamonds do whatever with it and he owes me smokes or real coffee. Keeps the bartop clean, you know?
If it's valuable, well, I make the call then and there. This cactus beer, for instance? I kinda like it for me but I can part with it and see if anyone asks about it later. I'll keep one bottle.
I don't live in the Irons proper. I live in one of the caves carved off of the main shaft, even has some clever-slick mirrors sending my garden enough (but not too much) light. I have some classy drapes and wood paneling and that.
Reese tenses when you take the book, then makes with the cig smoking when you look him over, like he doesn't want to make eye contact. He's not scared, but it's more like he's being "respectful" in his own way.
You ask if he's expecting trouble and he takes a slow breath in, nodding. "Yes. I expect trouble. More than we can handle." He glances past you, at Artemis for a moment, then says, "You should stay in your place today. Ziggy is coming. More trouble than I can handle."
What do you do?
I give Reese a small smile. He's sweet, and not bad to look at, but he's one of those who thinks I am an angel. It's weird, after all these years to be treated with reverence and respect. It gives me powerful surge of pride that I just don't trust. After all, what could someone like Reese, someone capable and able to take care of themselves, really find to respect in a skin bag like me? It isn't real. I have to remember that. Keep it in perspective.
Still, he's sweet. "Sure, Reese. But just you ok?" I don't need people thinking I am singing for jingle. A few folk do that down here - big bawdy drinking songs, freedom songs, songs fit for the their voices. Vocal cords lined with mine dust and dirt. My favorite goes by Kamikaze, Esco hires him from time to time. Croaks like a crooner. But I haven't heard anyone sing like I sing, still, I don't get around much.
Reese takes a deep breathe in and I can almost feel his nerves on my skin. It's good advice to stay inside. It sounds like whatever is about to happen will blaze the ratings, which means I should stay well away.
When his eyes slip to Artemis, suspicion crowds my senses. Not for the first time I wonder about the bird. My very first day here I "saved" Artemis from a few feral miner brats who were trying to pull him a part. I bartered to get him parts and he hasn't left my side since. He's a good enough companion, I struggle with calling anything with a clear mind of it's own a pet, but I can't help to wonder if coming across those kids was luck or staged. A cybernetic animal would be the perfect way to keep tabs on me, afterall.
Still, I got no proof. And the bird does seem to care about me, and I, care about him. So, until I have something better than my gut - he does no harm. But when Reese's eyes briefly fall on the bird I can't help but wonder who he is talked too - which is ridiculous. I take the brief emotion and discard it without a second thought.
I really should take Reese's advice, but still... "Who is Ziggy? What are they coming here for?"
You feel eyes on you, Esco. Worried eyes, like JD's somehow their spokesman.
You haul your stuff into Diamond, right? Looking to sell off to "the house" what didn't move at market. JD will buy up the cactus beer for sure. Esco's here.
What do you do?
Artemis sqwuaks in the corner like he knows what I am thinking. All of this sounds bad. I don't quite understand how bad, most of the names don't ring a bell. I remember hearing about "The Fat Man" when we used to watch on the Feed, but I never cared for the DVFP. So I don't know if I remember anything useful. For the thousandth time I wish I had taken a bigger interest in the show. I don't know much but if it's made Reese this nervous it can't be good.
If... Thrashnar... was scared of Esco, it's Diamond that Ziggy is most like to go to first. "Does Esco know she's coming?"
I roll my cart into the bar area, breathe in the place. "Did I hear you say 'Out of beer'?" I can't keep a smarmy, tobacco-tinted amusement out of my voice.
I stop the cart at the bar next to Esco and prop my elbows on the top, slipping my arm free of my crutch. "And good sort-of-noon to you, Esco." I'm ignoring the Ziggy talk for now.
I think about it, but I want to check on Esco. Make sure he's doing OK. I don't live far from Diamond - for some annoyingly flirtatious reason that Esco gave before he got to know me - and I can always run back here if things start "happening."
I still have no intention of being on the feed.
"I'm just gonna go check on Diamond. Lickety-split. Be back here before Ziggy ever shows. I grab my keys and lock my door.
"Where are you off to?"
June and Esco,
What do you do?
I stare into my cup of "coffee" as June pulls up in a cart, but I do spare a sideways glance when they ask about the beer.
Gorrem, but Reese is sweet, with those eyes and that... if I was into touching people I might think about touching him. Squeezing his hand, or something, but that causes nothing but trouble.
"What would I do with that, huh? You know I've never touched a shooter, more apt to hurt myself than anyone else. Blaze it, Reese, your run sounds far more dangerous and you need to make it back in one piece." I smile at him, passing him on his left to make my way up to Diamond. "Anyway, you gotta come back. I owe you a song."
I turn away from him and bite my cheek. I don't pray, but what part of me still hopes, hoped that Reese would make it back.
Reese takes his hand off the Magnum when you refuse it. He looks past you when you correctly surmise that he's in more danger than you, but he does catch your smile. When you move past him, he steps aside, but he's still close. You smell the gun oil on his hands and a hint of his leathers.
You make your way through the shaft of The Irons to Diamond, and come in to see a few dozen folks drinking and talking quiet, the tension heavy. June has her cart up by the bar where she's chatting with Esco and JD.
Esco and June,
Sierra arrives, and you see twenty plus eyes cast towards her, watch her every move.
"How about I give you beer, you give me jingle, and all the blazebrains can keep their own comp'ny, because I have some business at home?"
The attention in the room that had once been warbling in whatever direction, pulling a little more towards talk of Ziggy..suddenly all darts as one like a school of fish. I let that feeling settle through me but don't look. Sierra's soft note of nerves creates much more sympathy than most anyone I've met.
This is why I like to get to Diamond early, to avoid a crowd. I steal myself to the stares and walk straight to the bar to join Esco, JD and June.
"You don't look like you are getting ready for a fight." I say, as I sit down on a stool. "Should I be less worried about Reese or more worried about you? "
I look at JD and give him a half shrug. "I know I'm late, but you got anything to drink?"
"Hmm." I know Esco and JD are good for a little float but if he doesn't want it, I won't give it.
Sierra puts the fightin' question forward. Delicious. I light up and wait. Then she asks for a drink..this got even better. Smoke settles into my lungs like a warm friend.
I wrap my hand around the drink. I have a feeling I might have accidentally stepped on a landmine. Blaze be damned though if I am given up the first taste of what actually might pass for alcohol on the outside.
"Thanks, JD." My hand is still on my glass, but the fear has found its way to my gut. It's warning me not to owe anyone anything. Not here. "Not sure how I'm supposed to cover this though."
I look to Esco and June, who seems to be enjoying the topic a bit too much. Yeah, I stepped in something alright.
I look to June,
"Such optimism. I surely will, Esco." Smoke pushes out of my nostrils in two lazy streams as I grin.
It's tough to admit to myself, but I'm waitin' on Sierra's answer. If she entertains at the Diamonds today maybe I'm stayin'. I could listen to her voice and open up.
I turn the glass over in my hand. I don't like it.
"I just heard you were in some mighty trouble. Reese stopped by -" Esco knew about Reese by now, surely. Like Reese himself said, Esco knows everything that happens in the Irons... or at least he pretends well enough. "told me you were going to have a visitor. Thought I'd come down and make sure you weren't preparing to do something stupid. Jury is still out on that by the way."
I look down at my glass. Blaze but I needed this drink. It's been days and I can't shake the feeling of being watched. More than usual. I need something to dull the senses.
I'd entertained before, when I couldn't trade for jingle or were just out of options -- but it's something that could interest the feed and that's not something I particularly like. Especially this close to a rumble.
"You know me -" I say looking at Esco and JD. "I don't want the attention. You thinking I can be back in my hole before Ziggy finds her way in here? If so, for drinks while I am here and some clean bed clothes - sheets, a blanket and such" her eyes sidle to Esco, "you got yourself a deal."
If I didn't trust Esco I'd leave then and there, but I trust him more than to take that like it sounds... or maybe I am still too green. It would be a cold day is Hell before I run and hide to Esco's room, but he has a point. Seems no one is avoiding Diamonds, probably cause is chum goes sideways there will be no where to go.
Still, Esco didn't try to negotiate. I figure he finds the deal even.
"So we got a deal? I've really been itchin to sleep on something softer than an oil drum."
I take a swig of the - whiskey? It goes down hot and leaves a pleasant numbness in my belly. I push the glass towards JD for a fill up and smile.
Well, sheetfire. "I'll be back, takin' a walk." I nod to JD and get situated to move again.
I walk out to the main shaft and cross to the other side of the entrance to Diamonds. Figure it's mostly abandoned now, right?
There I pull out a long cone-shaped somethin' from my inner jacket pocket. Warm in my hand, it responds to my mind, unfurling little spiral-legs until it's a black metallic octopus, ready to cling to the wall where I put it.
Phew. I take off my hat, fannin' myself with it, and run a hand through my hair. My hair does poor work hidin' a ridge of little black beads buddin' out of my scalp in a row. Sparks light up between a couple of 'em as I test the view my relay has - good line of sight to the door. That's what counts.
Esco, JD gives you a look like he'll grab what Sierra needs right the fug now if you agree to the deal. He's a fan, and it brings in business, right?
What do you do?
JD heads off to grab some sheets, a makeshift mattress and even a pillow. Esco, which one of your girls did this belong to? Why is JD taking it from them... or do they no longer need it?
I nod and look at Esco, "Want to introduce me?"
Well, I'm in it now. I grab my drink and head to the piano.
Turns out I was right. Some road agents I used to work with – Scorcher, and Beats – came on them a few moons back, and fat cooker tried to fight back... They didn't recognize Amy "on account of her havin' lost so much weight" — but I recognised her shawls out of the shite they brought back to fence... JD was in that meeting. He's the only other person knows that Amy didn't survive — the girls don't need to know that shite.
Anyways... That's the past. Best leave it there.
I sit down at the piano, my hands shaking just a bit. I hate that she can do this to me... I hate that she has this sort of control. I wish I could do something to her, I wish I could... A thought suddenly strikes me. My hands are still shaking, but I am feeling much more settled. I crack my fingers and down half of my drink - I know JD will keep it full. Well, if the feed is showing this - I might as well give her something to look at. I smirk, it's really the first time this has occured to me, but if she is going to watch me through the feed I can at least make it hard for her to watch.
"Good Afternoon, boys! I think we all could use a distraction."
I look out and above the crowd, speaking to no one in the room.
"This first song goes to Mr. Esco, who truly is a -" I like my lips, hoping it looks confident and not nervous. " 'strange enchanted boy'." I lean back and wink at Esco and begin to play.
The world seems to pause for this song. Esco's "companions" shuffle out from their rooms, their customers coming along quietly, leaning against walls or taking empty chairs. Even JD stops working.
At the start of Sierra's song, there were near twenty customers drinking and waiting for whatever-comes-next. By the end of the song, that number's doubled.
As Sierra sings the last line of her song, "The greatest thing you ever know is to love. And be loved in return" There's a collective sigh from the audience, a reverence like a church service. No applause. No yells of approval. That would break the spell.
What do you do?
I smile at the collective sigh and brace my heart. Choosing my next song carefully, I quietly hum the cord and begin - lost to the moment.
As the song is nearly done, a lil teeter maybe eight years old in a faded sundress and bare feet named Ratchet comes running in, huffing like she ran down the entire shaft. June, which one of Esco's companions is Ratchet's momma? Ratchet seems full of something to say, but then she hears Sierra and loses herself in it for a bit.
As the piano fades to silence, Ratchet belts out, "Ziggy's here!"
What do you do?
Ratchet belongs to Deena, who I understand was a part of a previous brothel. Deena's made a shift to dealing cards along with turning tricks as Ratchet's gotten older, and she's good at it. Not that I get to play cards with anyone but the freshest of chum.
I get back from my walk just near the middle of 'Nature Boy', and you know, I just can't find my seat again. I stand propped in the doorway the whole time, listenin' and pullin' down my cigarette to nothin'. While I listen, my mind goes to other places, other times, other people I've known and been myself.
These sweet feelin's are a waste, though, confronting the bitter now..what are the masses sayin' about this dramatic rising action we're all in? All around us, there's signal, there's noise, a whole buzzing webwork of cameras both free-floatin' and embedded, talkin' to each other, talkin' to the feed..talkin' to me. There's radio quavering out a thousand-million songs and fibrous cables passing a million-billion little social notes. There's a Feed, and it has things to tell me if it doesn't swallow me.
Looks like you're Opening Your Brain here (in DVFP, the psychic maelstrom is "The Feed"). Let's see some dice!
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 10)
Marking XP; (1)
I hadn't noticed my face had relaxed into a smile, but it faded away then and there. I look over to Sierra, and nod to the room up on the balcony. If she's lookin' for some privacy, now's the time to start movin' I'd imagine... I nudge JD. Need his head in the game in case we have to knife some poor blazebrain to make a point.
Hopefully it doesn't come to that — Zig's reputation doesn't exactly speak volumes about her forgiving nature...
You sync up without any effort, slipping your consciousness into The Feed, hearing and feeling the maelstrom of followers, netheads, and hashtags. A million pairs of eyes on Ziggy as she rides with her sandgang to The Irons. She's bought the rights to run this sector, but she's got to hold it. Kickbacks from The Irons will keep her flush, and it will show Bordertown that she's got it under control, so those merchants will kick her a toll without much fuss. Of course, then she'll have to protect the region from raiders, but she can't fight on two fronts, her sandgang aint that big.
Loudest on the Feed is a user named Gloriana. She freaked right the cook out when Sierra dedicated a song to Esco, and she's thrown up four polls to get public approval for intervention. She doesn't have the votes. Not yet.
June, can folks tell when you're "checking the feed"? How does it feel when you do your thing?
I see Esco nod to his room, but I shake my head no, ever so slightly. They asked me to keep the peace and that is what I am going to do.
"Thank you Ratchett, why don't you come over and sit with me at the piano?" My voice is calm and even. I hum and play a flourish. "We ain't scared, right folks? Let's welcome our guest. "
The flourish turns into a melody. I don't sing, I just play, and I wait.
When I'm checking the Feed, folks might feel a bit of a buzz in their palms standin' right next to me, and they can see I'm just starin' into the middle distance, eyes glossin' over things that aren't there.
It feels positively like home to be soakin' in the Feed. Of course, back at home home, I had an external system to help me sort and save and do all kinds of things. Here I'm naked to the wind, so to speak, and it can be quite excoriatin', or it can be quite narcotic.
I miss writin'. I can't publish things from inside. All I can do is be myself, and survive.
Gloriana. She's gone quite unfocused, but I guess she's a VIP supporter of the big show so her concerns could get more important as things develop. Four polls for intervention? We could wind up with anythin'.
I come back into the real moment, a new song that's...really? I grind my dead cig-end into the stone wall and let it drop. I chuckle and get myself to a seat at the bar to rest my legs.
Sierra holds everyone in her magical embrace, calming fears and soothing worries. June, your relay picks up the dozen tanned, armored thugs moving down the shaft towards Diamond. They're carrying a mix of hand weapons and firearms, one thug has a chainsaw. Walking behind her entourage is the wild-eyed Ziggy, her mein intense and brutal.
Sierra and Esco, you spot Ziggy's gang as they come in, making the noise a dozen hard men and women make when they enter a place like this. But the shouting falters and eyes are drawn to Sierra. Ziggy comes in behind them, brows furrowed as she realizes something's up, but then she hears the tune on the piano, and she, too, takes a moment to glimpse what was.
Hell, at her age, maybe she's heard something like this before.
What do you do?
"I'm guessing... you're either Esco or JD, right?" Ziggy says in a clipped tone as she looks back at you, Sierra, "You run Diamond?"
June, who among the clientele here owes you the most, and for what?
What do you do?
"No ma'am. That would be those two lovely gentleman back there. I am just the lady at the keys this evening." I give her a half smile and a sitting bow. My heart is beating a thousand times a minute and all I can think is that I should have listened to Reese. "Do you have a request?"
She turns to look at you, Esco, "So which one of the fine gentlemen are you, then?"
A couple members of her gang chuckle lightly at that.
This guy is Putrid:
No, seriously, that's his name. He's the one you shot when you took the backbrain of his "friend" (his friend, however is not here). He hasn't seen you yet, but you know there will be trouble when he does.
He still walks with a limp.
What do you do?
Jeanette here really owes me - she's one of the merchants of the Irons, tryin' out a new life after things went not-so-good in Bordertown. I've checked the feed for her a couple times to see how her supply trips would go. First time I did it because I was annoyed with her frettin', second time she asked me.
Oh, Putrid, if he sees me and I laugh at him in front of his gang that will be a fight right there. That limp of his is bitin' my style. Most eyes on Sierra, I can maybe move out of his sight, but.. maybe not.
Just like last time I was in the pleasant-smellin' comp'ny of this gang, I need to think of how to divide them against each other and scare the weak ones. I keep an ear on Ziggy, hoping I'll know what moment is the right one to act in.
I can deal with scum. I know them. How they operate. What they want. I just gotta keep that shite in mind. Watch Ziggy close. Listen. Understand her. It'll pay off in the long run...
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 4. Total: 6)
I touch my hands go the keys and begin to play...
I keep listening though, waiting in case I need to pull out my "big guns." Just thinking about it makes me sick, but I'll do what I have to.
Sierra, one of the thugs who came in with Ziggy is someone who used to work for Gloriana, one of her chattel. Who are they and what did they do to offend her?
June, if you're hoping to hide, I'll need you to Act Under Fire here. Otherwise, Putrid's going to notice you.
Definitely tryin' to hide; (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 10)
I play the song slow so I am only half way through by the time Ziggy gives her ultimatum. I glanced up at her and that's when I notice Tayt. He's staring at me, like he can't quite understand what he is seeing. He must not have known I was here... makes sense, to most people on the inside, the outside might as well be a dream.
Tayt, or whatever Ziggy and her gang call him now, was always one of the pretty ones. Gloriana liked having him around to serve us meals and do small chores. Gloriana liked to surround herself with beautiful things, just because she could. Tayt isn't so beautiful anymore. His honey skin has turned rough and tawny. And there is a scar that cuts across one eye - leaving him with one green eye and one grey. He's the one carrying the chainsaw.
I wonder where he got it. Tayt's crime had been nothing but a slight offense. She had all the servants that night tied in a Takate Knot while serving, causing them to serve without the use of their arms.
They had been trained to do this. They had done it a thousand times. I remember watching when Tayt lost balance and let the rope tied to the jug of wine slip down through his teeth. The weight tilting it until all of the contents were on the Duchi of GravelTown. Gloriana was furious. She almost hit me with her chair, she rose so quickly.
I never spoke to him, I never spoke to any of the "chattel," the normal slaves and attendants, I wasn't allowed. I hope he doesn't harbor any ill will towards me. I nod at him, giving him respect and recognition. I hope he takes it that way at least..
June, you avoid Putrid's look. Is it just a trick of staying still and casual, or did you hide behind someone? If you hid behind someone, do you know them?
Sierra, it's weird, but Tayt, or whatever he's called now, he doesn't know you at all. He totally should, but there isn't even a hint of recognition.
OOC: Spending my hold — Is Ziggy telling the truth [about her threats]?
It's a trick alright, turnin' my head just so when his gaze pans towards me, keepin' my cool, leanin' in towards the bar sometimes but never out of pace with some other, bigger action happenin' near me.
I can feel just about where his eyes are focused as long as I concentrate, queryin' the network of eyes around me, if you like metaphors. It's tense.
I think about picking up another tune, but I and everyone else want to hear what Ziggy says next.
"I look around here," Ziggy says as she does just that. "I see a buncha purty cock and snatch. All kinda finery. Lots of... value. Don't know why Thrashnar didn't take a levy. But Thrashnar's gone. An I'm here. This. Is yer new reality. For today, yer reality is to hand me two jingle."
Ziggy is most definitely going to bear down on The Irons until you start paying her extortion fees.
What do you do?
My eyes narrow into thin slits, and my hand gets itchy for that knife in my jacket... I could just knife this ugly cookin' witch, and be done with it; but I get the impression these rocksuckers, especially that pretty one with the chainsaw, might take offense to that... Last thing I need's a bloodbath, with Fat Man itchin' to teach the Irons a lesson in not gutting every lieutenant that wanders on down here.
That sounds like a Manipulate to me! Let's see some dice, Esco.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 4)
Free snatch and booze definitely gets an excited grin and nod from Putrid. He starts scanning the girls in anticipation of who to take.
Ziggy pulls up the long antenna, then looks right at you, Esco, "Ik, ya out there?"
After some staticy noise for a few moments, you hear a voice come back, "Yeah, Zig. We're here."
A moment later, "Borax Bus is under fire. They ripped off the door, Zig. Looks like it's limpin' along. Want us to intervene?" Ik sounds like he's itching for a fight.
Ziggy turns to everyone, gesturing with a wave of her wrinkled hand, "Y'all best get to earnin' today. It'll be three jingle tomorrow. And if ya don't have it... then we'll start takin' some o' yer nice finery here as barter." She snaps her fingers again and starts to walk out, her retinue falling in around her.
What do you do?
I should have killed Gloriana, I think coldly, and am startled by it. I've never wanted to physically harm anyone before - but thinking about sweet harmless Reese and her jealousy - the thought won't leave me.
I stand up, the flat of my hand crashing against the keys causing a discordant sound. "Let them go, Ziggy. Whatever you've been promised to do this, it's a lie."
When Ziggy pronounces the doom to Borax Bus so casually, then lays down the threat of needing three barter by tomorrow, people get scared. Esco, you know keeping customers here is going to be fugging difficult, and your girls will probably skate as soon as they're able. Also, Marigold is off on a trip to Depot. What did you send her there for? How did she travel?
June, that one with the chainsaw spots you, but he wasn't with the crew before, he doesn't know you from then. But he knows you, right? What do you have on Preen?
I'm sick. This makes me sick. She's looking at me, they are all looking at me and I can barely keep my hands from shaking.
My hands find the top button of my dark blue coat. I loosen it from its hole and the room goes quiet.
Bile rises to my throat.
[Sierra uses the move arresting skinner]
Ziggy, and her whole gang, all dozen of them, even Preen, turn to look at you. The rest of the bar grows quiet, holding their breath as you "take the stage".
June, you feel the Feed buzzing and hopping, even down here. Something's going wild.
What do you do?
I know Preen used to be real, real pretty, I met him in here once and he took me for some kind of wise old master on copin' with bein' visibly horrid. I read him a whole damn riot after that and he still spilled out his guts to me, how there's no way for him to feel precious and held close and good again. It's a deep pain he can't place a name to, but he tries.
I've made a deal with him; he brings me high tech scraps, I play his psychic agony aunt. I've promised to set him right for good if I get all the things together that I need for a real workshop. A chainsaw is, of course, not part of our deal in any sense.
Sierra plucks at her coat buttons and a tremendous pressure of Feed traffic immediately bears down on me. Its motive is unclear..makes no sense, why not just everyone press 'record' and barf forth the gossip all typical-like? I want to shake it off, but..
..I'm short-circuited. Unable to let myself miss what's goin' on.
I really took Sierra for a coward. What am I going to see from her now?
"Did you ever wonder how I got away? It looked something like this."
I look back over the crowd and find Esco and JD, my thumb and forefinger flick open the next button. I shrug my shoulder so the jacket opens further revealing the soft blue dress underneath.
5 buttons to go. I cough. "JD, Esco - mind doing something about our friends? Leave... Ta - the Pretty One and Z - she has to call off the attack."
Adrenaline is making my hands shake now and I can feel their eyes bearing down on me - thousands of eyes - I don't let myself open my mind to it. I shut it down and play my part. My hand drift to the next button.
"I'm saying you have less than a minute to do something. It's your business Esco, but we gotta stop that raid -- and Ziggy is the one who can do it."
A part of me is screaming that this isn't me. That I should just stop. But I don't, I won't. Whatever her game is with me, whatever Ziggy's game is with me it ends. I won't have an innocent hurt because of Gloriana's rage.
"I don't think you know me all that well, Esco."
The third button slips out of it's hole with an inaudible pop the coat now hanging off one shoulder. Four to go.
"I thought you were famous for knowing a lot of pretty girls." I lick my lips and move to the next button. My left shoulder completely exposed except for the thin cotton of the blue sleeveless dress underneath. "How about you and JD just concentrate on the job."
I close my eyes unable to watch anymore. My fingers find the smooth edges of the next button and ease it out. Three to go.
Sweat rolls down the side of Ziggy's face as she finds herself captured. Helpless. Enslaved to your movements, Sierra.
Like all the others. All enraptured. All yours.
"I'd be honored."
For a second I contemplate buttoning up my coat again, but decide this is faster. At this point I just want to get out of here. So, I open the last button and tug my coat back to center, covering my shoulder, but still revealing the pale dress underneath.
I can feel eyes blinking and the confusion settling in. I meet Ziggy's head on.
"So, this is how this is going to go down. You are going to get on that radio and call off the attack on our people or Esco is going to make sure you follow your boys here."
The spell is broken. Those who survived seem to exhale as one, and Preen falls to the floor, his chainsaw rattling as he sobs.
A moment later, Ik responds, his tone a little unsure, "The bus is flipped, Zig. A couple of them are moving, barely. Ya want us to save the cargo?"
Ziggy looks to you, Sierra. What do you do?
I look around at the customers and the girls, gauging their feelings.
You see a mix, Sierra. Horror. Fascination. Sasha looks at you like you're a pile of jingle. Preen? You think he knows you now.
So yeah, you just saw that. Millions outside did, too. What's one of the hashtags you feel across the Feed? What are you doing?
I look at Ziggy and farthoom I probably really screwed this up. I sit back at the piano bench, hopefully with some grace, mixed in with weariness. "Yeah, we're square, can't speak for these boys though." I lean forward, whispering now. "But one last thing, how did you know me?"