After burying Chaz, the next morning you went through the stuff you took off the bus. You find in the pack of stuff wrapped in leather were some items for trade at the market. Odd items, some useful, others adornments no longer needed that might get some water or food in trade. That is, until you see this:

You recognize these things, Gigg! They're the pretty matched set of utensils that Esco uses for entertaining. They're the only matched set in all of The Irons. Esco only brings them out on very special occasions. You've seen them once.
What was the party when you saw them being used? Why were you there?If Esco was selling these, that's... well, you don't know why he'd be selling them. Is he hanging it up? Maybe it was stolen?
What do you do?
Now my rememberin' is coming to me. Chaz was tellin' me that Ziggy was headed to the Irons to take it back. That had something to do with the bus, but I don't get why that mattered. I do remember Pops saying the bus came from the Irons. My brain is thinking maybe the silver was on that bus so Ziggy wouldn't find it and take it back to the Fat Man.
Hmmm... Ziggy taking back the Irons? That probably means cowboys are coming for Esco. Uhmmm. Hummmmm. No, Gigg, no! Stay out of the Fat Man's business. You know he's the biggest cowboy of all. Not your gig. But Esco helped me get payback for my momma. And you know he helps mommas, Gigg. He gives 'em shade and jingle, he does.
Damn all them forks and spoons to blazes. Now I ain't gonna be able to hole up tonight and just sleep tight and not let the bedbugs bite. As Pops says, it's time to go see a man about a Ziggy.
There's one trunk in all the yard that actually locks and I have a key for it. It's where I keep stuff I don't anyone to ever find. I store away all Esco's stuff in that trunk, grab my gear, and climb into swagman and set off for the Irons.
Well, I did bring one fork with me....
Fork and all, you head off on swagman in the morning, before the sun rises high. The trip should be uneventful.
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