[DVFP] Muscling Territory (E 4.2, M 4.5)

edited February 2017 in aw2e-dvfp
You wake in the morning alone in Fleece's. At some point in the night, she woke up and spent the wee hours quietly organizing her files and instruments, a slow process that often helps her relax and gives her a sense of control over her environment.

In the morning light, you wake and head out for some grub at market.
Sasha meets you at the stall where they serve up some fried grubs that are tasty, and a nice cup of coffee. Sasha shares that Officer Kettle is "satisfied" with the transaction, and hands you a small chip you can use to update the "black box" device.
"Hey boss, Marigold's still talking about riding off with Motley. But Kettle... well, let's say she's the star, and I'm the supporting actress. How do you want to handle that?"


  • My eyes fight me when I try to open them, the daylight an unwelcome guest in my world... I eye the room for her, and I'm surprised by the emptiness filling my chest. I decide against lingering, but leave the sheath to my knife on the table next to her side of the bed, as I get dressed and head out the door — gotta give her a reason to come find me, or at least give myself an excuse to come find her a little later.

    I walk the long way to the market, as I take in the sights one more time — gotta get the lay of the land, if we're gunna thrive here. I picked the one with the longest line... Hopefully that's a good thing.

    I look over to Sash, feigning stoicism at the news of Marigold wanting to leave, and Sash not being able to steal the spotlight. That's bad news. I slip the chip into my jacket's chest pocket, and think a minute on what to do about Marigold... "I don't suppose we could buy her out, yeah? Hire her services exclusive like? At least until I can get some dirt on one of Kettle's superiors." That, and I ain't keen on Marigold runnin' off with Mot... It'd be like sendin' my family off to die, right?
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    Sasha looks down into her cup of coffee, "black like her soul", she joked, thinking about it. "She says she wants to ride again, Esco. She was born on the road, she wants to be on the road. Plus, she really likes Motley. Said he cried in front of her, so she knows he's real or some shit." She straightens, "It might just be blonde and tats. I can bring Ivy in for the next time, tell him Gold's on vacay or some shite. I just don't want to lose this john, it's good for the new operation."
  • Fekin' Mot... Where the fek is that blazebrain, anyhow? I doubt he'd settle for Marigold keepin' one foot in the water. Then again, that shite ain't up to him. "Everyone's got a price, Sash... If we can't convince Marigold to stay, then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it — but you mean to tell me there ain't nothin' Marigold's been pinin' over that we couldn't scrounge up?"
  • OOC: Everybody Eats, Roll+Hot (Highlighted).
    (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 15)
  • Well then...
    • What do they love best?
    • Who do they know, like and/or trust? (preferably other than Mot, but hey... I ain't picky)
    • How could I get to them, physically or emotionally?
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    • What do they love best?
    Marigold loves riding, and she loves family. Belonging. She likes excitement, and she's super into tattoos.

    • Who do they know, like and/or trust? (preferably other than Mot, but hey... I ain't picky)
    Marigold knows and likes you, you're a decent boss. She trusts Sasha. She is fascinated with Sierra (who isn't?). And yes, she likes Motley. A bunch.

    • How could I get to them, physically or emotionally?
    She desperately wants to learn to read. She misses the action of being in a gang. You can get to her with jingle to a point. And guilt works surprisingly well.
  • I take some time to eat, and tolerate my coffee while the ideas percolate in my brain. It occurs to me we ain't actually stopped to take a breath since the attack — hell, I can't remember a day we weren't open since we opened. Maybe if I treated the girls more like family, they wouldn't wanna run off at the first shiny thing comes their way. Given what's happened to us, that's more important now than ever.

    I finish my food, and toss out the rest of this shite coffee. I'll suffer through a few things, but that ain't one of 'em. "We're closin' doors to the blazebrains tonight. It's gunna be just us. Spread the word to anyone from the Irons who made it."

    I stand up, and fix how my jacket's sitting, "Rufe and her boy workin' today?" Time to have someone remind Marigold she'd be missed if she left... Maybe lay it on a little thick.
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    Sasha pauses for a long moment before answering your question. She's still working through the idea of "closin' doors", like she wonders if you mean what it sounds like you mean? She does shake that loose and answers, "Yeah, Rufe's helping with clearing out the office, and Wink's been running to and from the market, getting odds and ends. Hard workin' kid."

  • I nod, "Go grab some shite from my stash and get a shiteload of booze for tonight. Some food, too. We're gunna need it." Then I set off to find Wink — wherever he got to.
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    Sasha leaves on her errands, pep in her step for a party. After some hunting, you're able to find Winkle and set him up with a bribe to "lay it on thick" with Marigold and family. He thinks it's a great idea, since he doesn't want her to leave either.

    As you're gathering things from market and heading back to "The Pit", you see a huge crowd gathered outside, sweaty and eager for some drinks. A few of them notice you coming up, ask "Wot's up with the Pit? Open up! We're thirsty!"

    What do you do?

  • I make my way through the crowd, barely stopping when the blazebrains start giving me the third degree. I stop just shy of the door, and turn around to address the group. "We're closed for a private function — gotta let the girls pretty themselves up for the main event tomorrow. Why don't you crazy cookers go wreck High Rent's place?" I look to the arsehead that ordered me to open up, "tell 'em first round's on Esco — I'm good for it."
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    Arsehead squints his eyes for a moment, then he's headed off to High Rent. Free swill there when he's never stepped foot inside? That's a good deal.
    OOC: Counting that as a 1 barter spent bribe for these yahoos.

    Inside you see JD and Rufe still working on cleaning up, and Sasha, Ivy, and Wanda are moving some planks over a few blocks in an attempt to construct a stage. They see you come in, nobody stopping work, things are close enough to "done". Do you pitch in, or coordinate the work?

    As nightfall comes, music is playing and your people are getting into the spirit of a night off. What's your plan here, Esco?
  • I pitch in. Never let it be said I don't pick up a fekin' hammer, and get some blazin' work done when I have to! The girls need a private space, and we need to set up some private rooms where they can perform their trade... Nothing gets a barn built like all hands on deck — wotever the fek that means...

    Once night falls, I take a few minutes to try and figure out how to loop the cameras in here for this party. I'd like things to be a little more private — just us Irons folks. I pushed to get the word out that everyone who got out of the Irons should come to this shindig... My plan is to get folks good and drunk, eat some food, and put forward that Esco's bar is first and foremost for survivors of the Irons. If there's a good sized crowd, I'm gunna try and talk to folks about how we can keep the Fronters out of our new home.

    Another important thing, though, will be to find Marigold once all is said and done, and try to convince her to stay a while — whatever price that may come with.

    I have a few words in mind for when it looks like people are most receptive. Until then, the bar is open to whoever wants it — self-serve. I'm minglin' with folks, and keepin' an eye out for Fleece. Who all came out?
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    Let's see you roll+Sharp to tweak the cameras. On a hit, you've created a loop. On a 7-9, someone has access to The Feed, but it isn't public.
    On a miss, you just think it's looped.
  • OOC: Tweaking the feed. Roll+Sharp.
    (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 2. Total: 5)
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    Night falls and the party kicks into gear. There's a solid sense of camaraderie here, the survivors of The Irons, still here. You brought them together, and there's no denying you helped organize their escape. Lots of toasts to you, and one of your girls is practically painted on. Who's hanging on you tonight, Esco?
  • I'm takin' it slow tonight, chattin' up everyone who came in, tryin' to make sure everyone knows they can come to me if someone gives 'em shite. My eyes keep lingerin' to the the door, though — hopin' Fleece will come in.

    Rufe, of all fekkin' people, has been clingin' to me tonight — at least since Wink has been keepin' himself occupied dancin' with Gold, and the other girls. I ain't seen the poor girl relax since the first day she started workin' with us. I think this is the first time I seen her with a bottle of booze in her hand. I like seein' my girls relax — they work hard. They deserve it. I've been encouragin' Rufe to have a good time all night, as a result. Given how close she's gettin', I think she's got a different kind of fun in mind...
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    "Mister Esco," Rufe asks as she hands you a glass of whatever JD scrounged up from the basement that isn't pure swill. "What kinda grand plans do you have for this... uhhhh, what are we calling it now?" She looks around the place like some kind of name might pop up.
  • I'm leanin' back in a chair, with my back to the rail overlookin' the pit proper, my feet up on the chair next to me — it looks like I'm relaxin', but really I'm savin' it. I smile when Rufe starts talkin' business — as much as I wanted to make this about the gang, I like talkin' potential.

    I hadn't really come up with a name for this place, just yet... "Hmm... The Irons is a bit on the nose... Diamonds don't feel right... "The Pit" is about as evocative as "The Shitbox"... I ain't sure. We'll do wotever we want with it, though. Get the snatch game goin' again, class the place up. I want it to be more than a bar though — this here is gunna be ground zero for a hostile takeover of every interest the Fronters have. We'll grow, and take over every friendly waterin' hole this fekin' place has, until they can't be here no more. When they're gone, we'll invest in keepin' things that way."

    A name... It can't be too complicated, or the blazebrains won't give it any thought. It can't be too stupid, or folks might write it off as a waste. A few names roll off my tongue, as I try them out. "The Songbird? ... No... We ain't got a headliner. Oasis, maybe? We ain't in a mine anymore, so gemstones are out... Wot the fek is desirable in a desert? I may have an inflated ego, but I ain't enough of a moron to name the place after myself... "Go fek yerself, Fronters" might get us in trouble faster than we can handle it..."

    I sigh, "I like the idea that pops up the image of home, right? Somethin' that makes you wanna come back, when shite gets too much to handle. Or maybe somethin' that showcases the girls... "Paramour", maybe? Do blazebrains know wot that means 'round here? Wot do you think?"
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    Rufe snickers unexpectedly, and leans into you for a moment. "Mister Esco, you're the only person I know who'd talk about a snatch game, and classing the place up in the same breath." She tentatively moves over to stand beside you, which puts her body against your shoulder and arm. "I like Paramour. Lots of jokes in there for the ignorant, but it has a sexy air to it."

  • edited February 2017
    I tilt my head up to catch her gaze after a moment's consideration, and nod complicitly. "Yeah. It ain't bad." I pat the table in front of her, motioning for her to sit. "So you're fixin' to stick around long term, then? We ain't scared you off yet?"
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    Rufe turns to sit on the table, facing you, her hand slips onto your arm, the most forward move you've ever seen her make. "Once The Irons fell. An we ended up back in Depot, I was scared everything would fall apart. I worked real hard today, Mister Esco, cleaning and patching and everything. I wasn't sure if I had a place here or not, but it's been better pay than any other. And then Wink came up to me, telling me how you said we were all family. He was so excited, Mister Esco. He doesn't trust easy, but he's taken a real shine to you. So I say no. I ain't scared off." She slides her hand down to hold your wrist, the most she can muster. "Not a bit." She smiles winsomely.
    You catch a glance over at Wanda, who chuckles and takes another drink at the bar.
  • I glance down at her hand for a moment before looking back up at her, and smiling. "Wot's this, then?"
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    Rufe's trembles a little, "So Mister Esco," she says, words coming slow through nervous lips. "I don't wanna... entertain. But it doesn't mean I don't like." She licks her lips, looking at the table, not you, "Sex. I do. Like it, I mean." A glance up at you.
  • OOC: Reading Rufe. Roll+Sharp.
    (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 3. Total: 8)
  • Well, well, well... Here's a proposition I never thought I'd be forced to reckon with... I ain't "with" folks exclusively very often, but when I am, I tend to lose my appetite for sleepin' around. I don't wanna douse the flame in her, though. That wouldn't be fair to her.

    I smile back, "I'd be hard pressed to find a soul in this valley that don't feel the same..."

    OOC: Spending my hold: How can I get Rufe to tell me who she'd really like to hook up with, other than me?
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    She laughs once, nervously, "Good, ah, business for you. For-for us." Her eyes flick over the crowd, settle on Vincent for a moment longer than any of the others. You think she knows she's striking out here, but she's stuck without an exit plan.
  • I follow her eyes over to Vincent, and raise an eyebrow. "D'you know Vince ain't been with a lady since fek knows when? Poor cooker's too busy chasin' after his boys to even think about it..." I crane my neck, and flag him down. "Oy! Vince! Over here!"
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    You see the slight relief from Rufe as she realizes an exit, but then you're bringing over Vincent and she's nervous about that.
    Vincent comes over quickly, like there's an emergency. "Oy, boss. Sumthin wrong?" He scans around the crowd like he missed something, gives Rufe a polite nod. "I can run summin out."
  • I shake my head and kick the chair I was saving for Fleece in his general direction. "Rufe here don't believe me when I say you've got a footlong sausage — I bet her a month's pay she was wrong. Make me some jingle."
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    Vincent's eyes narrow for a moment, then he shrugs and starts working at the fly on his leather pants. Rufe's eyes widen in surprise, but she remains stock still.

    You hear some laughter from the bar from Wanda and Ivy, and then there it is, Vincent's impressive but not twelve-inches long cock. He holds it there for a moment, and you swear you could imagine Rufe reaching out to touch it. But, of course, she doesn't.
    Vince stuffs his monster back in his pants and straightens up, "Sorry, boss. No cigar." He clears his throat and stands back a bit, perhaps the play of a smile under his beard.
  • I reach over and grab his arm, to stop him. "Ah, ah, boyo — it don't count unless it's hard, right?" I look over to Rufe, and wink, "Well go on and help the poor boy, then? He just needs a bit of convincin', I think." She best move on this — if they don't come out of the VIP room arm in arm tomorrow mornin', there's gunna be fekin' hell to pay.
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    Vincent doesn't seem opposed to that action, no sir. Rufe, however? Well, let's see you Seduce her (with Vincent) here, Esco?
  • OOC: Bow-chicka-bow-wow. Roll+Hot. (Highlighted)
    (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 5. Total: 13)
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    Rufe glances over at Winkle, who is still dancing with Marigold. Back to you, then to Vincent "Well, uhm, it is for a... month's pay." She ducks her head, then nervous slips her hand into Vincent's. He grins, noticeably, as she takes him off.
    A rumble of thunder overhead almost stops the proceedings, but JD hollers at folks to keep the party going. A few minutes pass, and then you spot Fleece. She scans the room, then heads over towards you. As she does, you hear the first patters of rain outside.
  • I make my way over to Fleece, all smiles, and slip an arm around her. "Hey Lovely," I croon, just before the thunder cracks overhead. I almost didn't recognize the sound of rain on the roof... I thought maybe a bomb went off, and debris was landin' overhead — but I got all excited when it didn't stop.

    "Fekin' rain? C'mon!" I grab Fleece's hand, and drag her outside. "C'mon guys! Rain!" I ain't danced in the rain in forever...
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    Esco, a sudden smile appears on Fleece's face as she recognizes the rain, too, and she lets you drag her outside without complain. The Diamond folks follow you, eyes wide, laughing as they dance in the rain. JD stays at the bar, watching over the stock and making sure people get their fill.
    "I can't believe it, Esco!" Fleece exclaims as she wraps an arm around you as you dance and splash puddles on the ground. "I can't remember the last time it rained. Do you have barrels? We should set up barrels!" She looks up towards the roof for rain barrels to catch the water.
  • edited February 2017
    Motley, you were flown back to Depot on the same helicopter that snatched you away, and dropped off at the DVFP Security post in the town. Quiet Riot and you started to make your way towards Fall On Inn with hopes to find the Crue, and it started to rain. Quiet Riot, never one to dwell on hard thoughts, runs towards the party at The Pit screaming about free booze, and that's where you see Marigold, dancing with that kid Winkle, out in the rain in the dark of night.

    What do you do?
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    I look on at Riot with jealousy of her free spirit, her ability to push aside the troubles of the day to enjoy the moment. I ain't been much of company on the walk back. Eyebrows and anger is all she gets from me as I put one step in front of the other. In a way, I am actually glad that she has found some fun to enjoy.

    That's when I spot Marigold, the start of rage bits into my gut as I see her enjoying herself with the kid. My fists clench in anticipation. Huh, when did that happen? I chide myself. She ain't your property Mot, its her job to entertain those that pay. You can't fault her for the life she has chosen for herself. I calm myself a bit, she is a sight for a sore soul for certain. I watch for a briefest moment trying to forget the blazin' shitte I have landed myself in. It helps. Some.

    I let the smile slide off my face as I have other things to fill my thoughts, things I would rather Marigold not see me while they happen. I walk into the Pit, keeping to the outside, hopefully out of Marigold's sightline. If there is free booze here, I am sure I will find at least SOME of my crue.
  • edited February 2017
    Esco, ever the aware Maestro'D, you see (and hear) Quiet Riot arrive, and catch Motley skulking inside the tent entrance for the bar-formerly-known-as-The-Pit. He looks worn and frayed. There might be other Crue members around, but everyone's outside in the rain, dancing with your girls and living it up.

    Motley, you come into The Pit and see JD, from Diamond, behind the bar. Nobody else.
    "Motley", JD says as he pours some of your favorite brew, "I heard you were in a bad way, man. Glad you're back! Here, free beer for anyone from The Irons tonight. You count." He puts the mug on the bar and scoots it towards you.
    "Gold's outside with little Winkle. You should look her up, she's been worried."
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    "I'll do that JD, thanks,"
    I grab the beer and take a long swig, "Hey you seen any of my crue? I wanted to catch up with them. Let them know I'm ok too." I keep a lookout for anyone else, as I take another long drink.
  • I spend some time digging barrels out of the junk pile we made, and setting 'em up to collect the rainwater. Then I spot Mot and his crew come rollin' in, and I make my way over to 'em.

    "Fekin' hell, Mot, you look like shite on a stick! Wot happened?"
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    "We haven't seen anyone since this morning." JD answers as Esco comes in. "Great work beating the Skorpions in the arena, I heard that was a hell of a match." He sees Esco's got the conversation, and gets back to work organizing the rain barrels and storage.
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    I nod at JD's information, hearing Esco's approach. "Thanks JD, If you spot them, let them know I'm looking for them." I take a deep breath to control myself before the talk with Esco. I mentally put away the emotions, I make my self cold. I must be hard to face this or else it wont be done. I can't spend too much time thinking of the evil behind it. There is no way that I can stop it or even fight back against it, not with Rose's life in the balance, Shades, Gloriana is probably watching me as I do this. So it's best I get the job done as quickly as possible.

    I turn around towards Esco, "A match with the Skorps, then a battle at the Fat Man's. So Esco, have you seen any of my crue the last few hours..." (How long was I even there?) "Me and Riot got separated from them. I need to talk with them urgently."
  • edited February 2017
    "A fight at the Fat Man's?" I echo, dubious of the claim. "We spent the last day with the doors closed, settin' up shop — I ain't seen nobody. You asked the girls? Fleece was out and about... Maybe she saw someone? Wot's this shite about a fight at the Fat Man's?" I try and flag Fleece down.
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    I almost say something, then clamp my jaw down tight. 'Yeah. It was a complete Fu..." I stop myself almost expecting the shock, then regain my composure. "It was a complete fugging mess is what it was. The Crue got there late, Gigg, the Amazons and Cinch did most of the heavy liftin'. Ask 'em 'bout it." I keep my words short and to the point.

    I try NOT to look at Fleece, it aint time yet. I have to make Sierra watch, damn bitch was adamant about that part. Plus this aint goin' down till I talk to the crue, they have to know what's what so that Miss high and mighty don't give them the shaft. I don't expect I will make it out of this alive, or if I do, I aint gonna want to be out there, not with this blood on my hands.

    "Well I guess I better catch up with them. It's important I talk with them soon. If you see 'em tell 'em I'm looking for them."

    Unless stopped, Motley will turn to walk away...
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    When you turn around, you run right into Marigold, who's drenched, smiling, and holding Winkle's hand. Her mouth widens into a grin and she runs up to hug you, "Harley bless me, Mot!" She kisses your cheek, squeezes tight, "I didn't know where you went, I was worried!" She kisses you again, seems to sense your mood, and whispers into your ear, "Are you alright?"
    She looks at you, Esco, silently asking if you know what's wrong.
  • edited February 2017
    Wot the fek is this, then? I put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. Once Marigold has a grip on him, I let him go. "Mot was about to tell us what happened up at the Fat Man's place — sounds like shite went south, bad." I kick a chair in his direction, "Sit. I've taken measures to make sure folks can't hear us here. Speak your mind."
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    Esco, it seems like you might be trying to Read Motley here. Let's see some dice.
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    I don't meet 'Gold's eyes, why did she have to come here. How can I keep the coldness with her...

    The chair slides to my feet, I look at it for a moment, I know Esco is not going to let this drop. I sit down. My eyes stare at the floor.

    I have no choice in any of this, I have fought so hard to keep my crue safe from the hell I went through as a kid. Trying to give them an opportunity to get better out of this life than I ever had it. Try to give them more choice than many of us have in this shady cesspit. I don't know how to fight her. I just don't. If I fight Rose probably dies, if not the entire crue. I mean isn't the many lives of the crue worth more than a single life? One I don't even really know...

    It isn't until that moment that I realize above the noise of the bar, the clatter of music and revelry, the the voice I have been hearing was my own. I had relayed my thoughts out-loud. Unintentionally. I look up and meet the face of Esco, then Marigold, fearing the shame I expect to see in hers, then I scan the room and find Fleece's face, still occupied "It's her she wants. Dead. The bitch is even twisted enough to want Sierra to watch too."

    My face falls ino my hands, ashamed but unable to stop after I've started. "I mean my whole crue getting freedom from this place, freedom to walk on the outside...That's worth the price of my soul ... right?" I look directly into Esco's eyes. "Ain't it?"
  • edited February 2017
    Reading Mot. Roll+Sharp.
    (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 10)
  • At first, I don't follow. I watch him nod over at Fleece, and wonder who the hell would want her dead. Then he says Sierra's name, and a flash of anger fills my eyes.


    "That blazin' piece of shite witch..." I grind my teeth, trying to calm myself down. "Mot," I answer, slow and low, "I've killed plenty of folks in my day — for a number of fekin' reasons — but that's the stupidest fekin' thing I've ever heard. Wot the fek makes you think she's gunna keep her word? Wot makes you think that if you slit Fleece's neck, that I won't be next? Or some other poor fek that brushed up against Sierra's fekin' arm walkin' down the street?"

    I lean in across the table from him, and shake my head, "you're gettin' played. That witch sent a squad of fekin' fippers to beat the shite out of me for sleepin' with Sierra. " I suddenly find myself wonderin' — if I got a beatin' for sleepin' with Sierra, wot the fek did Fleece do? I table the thought for a minute — but it makes me damn uneasy...

    I refocus on Motley, "Fleece is the only doc I know in the entire fekin' valley that patches up any soul that walks into her clinic. You kill her, and you're damnin' a lot of folks to die slow, painful deaths."

    OOC: Spending hold 1/3 (unless Mot interferes, in which case this will be my one Q): How can I get Motley to abandon killing Fleece?
  • edited February 2017

    "... freedom?" Marigold speaks the word reverently. She looks to Fleece, then back to you, Motley. "The whole crue? For one murder?" Your girl rubs your back softly. "In front of Sierra? Harley, that's terrible..." She leans into you, trying to offer comfort.

    Fleece brushes bits of rust and dirt off her hands as she walks over. "Onk, Motley, that's tosky." Her voice is clipped and confident. "She's a bully and you can't let her terrorize Sierra. Inside here, Sierra is more free than she's ever been. This freedom she offered. That's the carrot she's offering. What's her stick? What happens if you tell her to go spit?" She leans against the bar and waits for you to respond.
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    I listen to Esco's words, they sting a bit because I know he's right. "Blazes, I know I got played, but she's got my balls in a vise. She has Rose. Hell she may even have my whole crue. I think I gave them time to escape but I don't know for sure 'till I lay eyes on." I face Esco and give him a honest look, "Esco, I don't wanna..." my gaze switches between Esco to Fleece and back again "kill anyone for her, but she's got some of my crue. And with her Fippers could drop from the sky to wipe them out easily. That's whats at stake for them. I would do ANYTHING to keep them safe."
  • edited February 2017
    I look to Fleece, confused, "Terrorize Sierra? His fekin' people are in more danger than she is — wot the fek should he care about Sierra's role in this? It's your life on the line, not hers!" My eyes betray my pain, maybe even a hint of jealousy that even with Fleece's life on the line, all she can think about is how this affects Sierra.

    I turn back to Mot, and pull my toothpick out of my mouth, jabbing it in his direction. "Wot I'd like to know is why you didn't cave that witch's skull in when you had the chance!" I sigh, "I've been trying to find a way to get that witch here, so I can teach her a fekin' lesson myself. I say we do that instead. We do wotever it takes to get her arse in here, and we cook her. We force her to come in here with somethin' she loves enough to abandon your crew in exchange for..."

    I'm bettin' that's Sierra — but I don't know how far we'd have to go in order for the crazy witch to come down here in person.
  • edited February 2017

    Hope. I look up at Esco and that is what I hear. Hope! No matter how slim, it is something more than what I started with. I sneak a quick glance at 'Gold, and its a decision I could live with. I reach over and pull her to my lap and keep my arms wrapped as if to shield me from the headspace I was in previously.

    "Well I would have ripped her fuggin' throat out and told her as much, but me and Riot were strapped to study chairs and electrocuted everytime we said offensive words. She came in parading Rose as her prize doll knowing it would piss me off and throw me off alignment. It worked. Things seem a helluva lot clearer now then it did then. Fug, I almost did it" I quickly glance at Fleece with a look of apology.

    "Esco, if you have an idea on how to get her here I would be up for it. I would be willing to put a bullet between her eyes, although it might be polite to give Sierra the first choice." I smile. "I think we need to bring Sierra into this discussion, and I need to find my crue. But we gotta do this as if I still aim to kill Fleece for her so Gloriana doesn't suspect anything."
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    "Esco," Fleece hisses, looking around. She draws a circle around the bar with a quick gesture, "Farathoom! There are eyes and ears. Don't you suppose she's watching where her new hunting dog has gone?" She seems very worried about this plan, Motley.
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    I look to Fleece, "What!", before I realize I am up and charging at Esco. My chair kicked out, Marigold pushed aside, "You Fuggin' son-of-a-Chum" I grab him by the throat and push him against the wall. I lean right into his face, and lower my voice, "What game are you playing? If you put my crue at risk I will kill you. For now I will assume you're no Chum! What is going on?" I keep my hand at his throat but loosen up so I am not choking his airways, my hand just lightly placed there for now.
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    You both hear the click of a shotgun from behind the bar as Motley throws you against the wall. Marigold moves when you shove her aside, Motley, and Fleece is at your back, meeting your eyes, Esco.

    Motley, if you're trying to intimidate Esco, let's see you Go Aggro.
    If you're trying to con the onlookers, let's see you Act Under Fire here.
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    Act under fire (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 11)
  • edited February 2017
    imageI lean in close to Esco's ear and whisper, "You are one of the smartest people I know, good at wheelin' n' dealin'. So I am trusting you with the life of my crue. Figure out a way we can do this and bring that witch down. I hope you can use this." I shove him back against the wall. "I am done with this...done with you." I turn to walk away, reaching out towards Marigold...
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    Marigold takes your hand, Motley. She gives a look back to you, Esco, like "let me handle this", and slips her head under your arm, Motley. "Baby, we're..." she whispers up at you as you leave the bar and reach the rain outside. "We're doing this, right? We gotta. A chance to walk out? One person, even Fleece. Even her. It's worth it, right?"

    JD puts Cooker away, gets back to work cataloging the inventory. Fleece looks at you, curious what's going on here. What do you do?
  • The whole ordeal is over so quickly, I barely had any time to process it. My eyes are thin slits as he talks, and I don't answer any of his questions. When I finally piece together that he's trying to put on an act, I relax a little — but I'm still annoyed. He lets me go, and turns to walk away from me. I see him reach for Marigold, and I call back, "don't you lay a fekin' hand on her, Mot — you hear me? Fleece, or Marigold! I will end you, and every single one of your crew! Nobody feks with my family!"

    Part of this is an act... Not that I particularly need to make a display of things, since the cameras are on a loop, but Fleece could always be right about the witch sending someone to shadow Mot. It would make sense.

    That said, if he so much as lays a finger on Fleece, there will be hell to pay.
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    I turn to Marigold, "Choice is yours, not his. You wanna stay here or come with me? I don't know what coming down the highway for me and I know it will not be safe but I one promise I give you is that I will never abandon you. I will give all I have to protect you."
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    Marigold looks to you, Esco, then back at you, Motley. "The Diamond's good to me." But then she drops her voice for you, Motlet, "Are you taking that offer? For the Crue?"
  • OOC: Spending hold 2: What does Mot intend to do?
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    I look into Marigold's eyes, "It would rip the soul outta my body if I truly do it but if I have no other options then I will. If Esco is smart enough to figure a way out of it then that may mean freedom for all not just the Crue. I will give Esco his chance to save everyone, if not then I save at least the crue."
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    Motley, Marigold accepts that, and leaves with you. Esco, she gives you a look over her shoulder. You know she'll be back.

    You can collect Quiet Riot, who is dancing in the rain, her arm around one of the Diamond boys, a drink in her hand. She'll form up, though. The Crue's not here, and Marigold doesn't know where they went. Last anyone heard, they rode out of town to the west.

    What do you do?

    Esco, Motley and Marigold leave, and Fleece is there, waiting for how you're going to play this. What do you do?
  • edited February 2017

    I look to Riot, "We gotta pick up our bikes then we go find our crue. From there we will decide how this all works out."

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    Quiet Riot blinks rain out of her eyes and looks up at you, "There's no more Irons, you think they went to Ziggy's old place?" She pushes herself up on her tippy toes to kiss the Diamond boy's cheek, then slaps his ass and leaves with you. "You sure we can't get free booze and go see 'em in the morning? Hey, I think I saw Fleece? We gonna do that thing?" She sounds neutral on the idea, like "are we going to do work?"
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    I look at Riot, why would she even ask about that? I start thinking about how she seemed to snap to attention back at Glorianna's place...don't do that Motley, don't start getting paranoid about everything. But Glorianna could've... I look at her as I formulate a response.

  • Fekin' blazed, is wot this is...

    I sigh, defeated that Marigold would run off with that horse's arse when he'd happily kill Fleece for gettin' close Marigold, given how close she and Sierra were. Given that Gloriana might turn around and tell him to kill her too — and worse, that Mot might do it, cause he believes the shite lies that witch is spewin'.

    I look to Fleece, and a million questions come racing to mind... I grab the camera controller from my pocket, and kill the cameras in the VIP room. "We've gotta have a chat, you and I." there's the slightest trace of hurt in my voice.

    I'm not lookin' forward to this.
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    Esco, After Motley and Marigold grab Quiet Riot and leave, Fleece walks with you to the VIP Room to chat.

    The VIP Room will be something special eventually, but for now, it's little more than improvised couches made from discarded cushions and shipping pallets. The walls are covered with bedsheets, and fineries strung up for sound baffling and to give a sense of privacy.
    "Esco," Fleece says quietly as she pulls you towards a cushion, "Thank you for standing up to Motley for me. I can fight my own battles... but it was nice. I don't know if he's a promok who'd trust anything that Sub-Warden says." She takes your left hand in both of hers, lacing her fingers in yours. Tilts her head to the side, asking, "I'm family now? But, I don't work for you, Esco."
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    Read Quiet Riot - (Rolled: 2d6+0. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 9)
  • edited February 2017
    I look at Riot, "Why do you ask Riot?" I toss the question out casually as I make my way to the fipper location to get our bikes. What is it you are trying to really figure out, you normally don't care 'bout this stuff.' I think to myself.
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    Motley, Why don't you go here?

  • Wot should have been a nice fekin' night of drinkin' and celebratin' the fact that we survived the Irons gettin' leveled, has turned into a fekin' shiteshow. I follow Fleece upstairs, barring the door to the VIP lounge behind me once we're in, and sitting next to her on these "couches" we fashioned earlier today — it's got signs of Wanda's handiwork all over it... It's a good start, though.

    "Fleece," I start, spinnin' my wheels as the words hesitate to come to me, "brothels are a lot like a family — the workers are all intimate, and the folks runnin' it feel responsible for 'em. Even the kids have their own thing — the glue that holds it all together, sometimes. Maybe that's just me – seein' as I grew up in a brothel – but you live in close enough quarters for someone long enough, and you can't help but start feelin' that way about folks... Blisters, and all, those folks out there are as close to family as it comes. Often, it's all we've got."

    I pause, and scratch an itch on the back of my neck. "Yeah, I feel that way about you — and it ain't 'cause of close quarters. You ever notice how every time we get together it's like nothin's changed between us? I gotta believe that means we're right for each other — and when I let that feelin' settle in me, I don't go lookin' around for other folks. You wanted somethin' more from me? Well, this is me offerin' it to you — a place in my family."

    I avert my gaze, a little ashamed that I've gotta bring this up, "I don't know what you did with Sierra to earn a blazin' hit on your head — but I've got a pretty fekin' good idea... I dunno about you, but I sometimes felt like I couldn't control myself around Sierra. I ain't sayin' you can't have feelin's for Sierra, but if you find yourself unable to resist 'round her, then maybe we can talk?"
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    Fleece listens as you talk, giving you space to sort through things. Her expression is open, even a bit wistful when you describe how your crew is like a family. Then you offer it to her, that inclusion, and she seems slightly troubled. You move on to talk about Sierra, and a small crease forms between her brows. Her mouth twitches slightly.
    "Esco," she begins softly, tracing soft designs over your knuckles. "Things are changing. Relationships evolve as situations change. They have to, that's what makes them powerful, right?" She breaks eye contact, but doesn't let go of your hand. "Sierra and I made love, Esco." she admits. "It was... wonderful. She isn't my ooma-kasma, but she's something. I care for her, and I care for you, too." She straightens, "If it were simply sex, then I know we wouldn't have troubles. Right? But it's. It's not. I don't even know what it is, but I'm not shutting that door." She takes a breath, turns back to face you, "I am still here. For you. You're important to me. Even though you can throw out threats on people's lives that I know you'd back up, I still care. If you can accept that my heart isn't completely yours, that you don't own me, then I'd love to be part of this family."
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    Fleece pats your hand, Esco, then seeing something in your eyes as an answer, she rises from the makeshift couch, smiles sadly, and heads for the door, leaving you behind.

    End Scene
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