After a few hours of packing up, you, Reese, and Fleece walk with Horse past the Barracks, those huge squat buildings with men and women training with weapons and fighting, all looking intense. You pass through the opening in the palace walls that is guarded by five of The Fat Man's soldiers. The opening has the housing for the hinges of a pair of large doors, but they're gone now, the concrete ripped and pitted.
Inside the palace walls is an ocean of green grass, Sierra. Wonder shows on Reese's face, and in the heat of this place, the sheer amount of water needed for this upkeep is astonishing. There are paintings along the interior walls of mountains and streams and wildlife, so realistic, almost like a trideo documentary. The beauty of the lawn and the paintings are marred by divots to the right of the entrance. As you travel down the path, there are barely visible bloodstains close to the palace gates, too.

Ahead is the mansion, which is covered in a myriad of tarps and blankets, hiding what must have happened here before you came back from Cyberville. There is a unit of soldiers marching around the outside of the palace itself, tromping on the grounds even more, but it can't be helped "for security's sake".
The guards at the front entrance to the palace move aside and Horse pulls back a tarp to lead you into this room:
The windows are covered with bright blue tarp and over half the lights are out. There are bullet holes in the walls and five workers are in here patching those walls, on ladders with equipment and stucco, working away.
Gigg. So, this is what he was capable of. I never would have thought...
I give her an apologetic look aso we move inside. I'm about to suggest food for everyone when Reese mentions the library.
"Oh, yes please. I'd love to see that. I'm sure we all would."
This is the ground floor of the palace:
Horse leads you down a hallway past an open courtyard that is currently closed off (too hot outside). There are people here, all dressed in clean clothes, some working on fixing bullet holes or sweeping up glass or other debris, some seem to be guests, and they are either reading or relaxing. There's a tension here, Sierra. You know how to read postures, and people are playing along like everything's okay. It's not. They're scared.
Horse opens the door to the library.
When it does, my heart does and fraking flip. "Oh my..."
Like most grand things in the DVFP, it's not the grandest library I've seen, but here, it's glorious. I grab Reese's hand, "Well, the only way to try is to start. Let's find you something."
Huh. Gryphon, doesn't the Fat Man's sigil have a Gryphon? I bite my lip in thought till I come across Tolkien - Fantasy. Perfect.
"How about a story about how stories never end and heroes never die. Where a unicorn becomes a girl, and love is sacrificed? It's also very funny."
I pull down the red leather version, the gold embossed unicorn bright on thebcover. The words The Last Unicorn, Peter Beagle stamped on opposite end into the volume. I hand it to Reese.
I'm feeling weirdly useless in here. Even withave a wall between us, the tension from those outside is weirdly deafening.
I pat Reese's hand and walk back to the door. Intent to go outside to where the others are if Horse does not stop me.
I walk out to the hallway and look around, who looks the most inviting?
You'll need to Manipulate Horse to get both Fleece and Reese in rooms near you. On a 7-9, choose which one is close.
Horse leads you down the hall to the music room. Inside is a stand-up player piano and a harp. What instrument in this room nearly takes your breath away and why?
What do you do?
(Rolled: 2d6+3 . Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 12)
Of course, the piano is gorgeous, as are the myriad of other instruements. The violin looks particularly mesmorizing, shiney and well taken care of, but I don't know why it's drawing my interest. I haven't played a violin in years.
I take another look around the room, reading the stress in the lines of their bodies. Something calming then. I go to the harp, excited to feel the taught strings under my fingertips. I gently test the strings, finding them mostly in tune. I adjust two quickly before starting into a lullaby.
The last note echoes, and then it is silent. They are listening. Waiting. Expressions of wonder, some with reverence. Women, children, men, some beautiful, others with hard-worn features. Fleece and Reese have come, too. They gave up their books to listen, to watch you play.
What do you do?
I can feel the goose flesh rising up my arms at the thought. So I concentrate on the kids. I smile at them and strum a quick wave on the harp - people always liked that. By the time I'm done I've settled on a song.
The song has a long instrumental bit in the middle that just sounds amazing on the harp. I strum the higher notes, checking them one final time before beginning...
The last notes echoing in the room, one of the men in the back clears his throat, humbly asking, "Another? Something... happy?" Reese shakes his head "no", like the crowd's starting to worry him a little.
What do you do?
" I'm tired, but perhaps later. Thank you all for listening." I stand gracefully. I scan the crowd, who looks influential? Or somebody that I should speak to?
Also, there's a striking young man here who looks nearly as delicate as a Gryphon fawn.
"Ooma, please don't. We are equals are we not?"
The fawn demurs for a moment, but answers when you watch him and wait. "I am called Koray. I was... I was sent here by my Magistrate because I am a useless floop. Our benefactor saved me from becoming chum, and I am eternally grateful."
If this one is in his bed though, perhaps... I play with his scalp. "Were you with him, when he listened to my performance the other day?"
OOC: Angling for hypnotism
I smile down at him, and say in our quiet tones. "I hope you will let me know, keeper of his better nature, if there is ever anything I can do to aid our benefactor."
OOC: Rolling to hypnotize...
(Rolled: 2d6+3 . Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 12)
I look around to see if Horse is back, if so, I should probably get settled in. "I'm sure it's quite derisann. Everything here is. I do look forward to getting settled in."
Finally Horse opens the door to a master bedroom, and closes the door once you've entered. It's well appointed and empty and has a feeling of being permanently empty, like it's for show. Horse heads towards the walk-in closet and puts his hand on a plate to the right-hand side. Moments later, the closet doors open up, and you see the interior of an elevator. Horse steps inside, holds the door open for you.
"Where is Fleece?" I ask, Horse as he leads me past the washing machines. Washing Machines in the DVFP. It's... it's completely zaridann. There is absolutely no way this place runs off of some power source they magically found here. That would be... now I am acting tosky.
It's amazing all of the technology here, the secrecy. When the elevator doors open I step in and wait for Reese to follow. "How many people know about the lower level? Is it something we should keep to ourselves?"
Horse leads you down the hall to the third room on the right, pulls a key from a key ring on his belt, and opens it.
It seems I will never get a tub. I shake my head to myself, that should not be an issue I worry about. Another memory, another bath, and Esco's sweet treatment of me comes to my foremind. Something like guilt rises in my chest and I push it aside.
I take a quick look through the outfits, most will need at least minor changes. "Can I see a seamstress, when one is next available?"
I pat Reese's on the shoulder, smiling at him. "I'll see you soon."
What do you do?
I take a shower, a hot shower and luxuriate as long as I can stand to under the spray. I have to figure out how this is all happening, under Gloriana's watch, without her permission. It seems impossible to me, but what it really is, is proof, proof that Gloriana isn't all powerful, all seeing.
My hair dry, my oils re-applied, I lay down on the satin bed cover naked and bury my head into the pillows.
Alone and clean and free. Free of the feed, free of her gaze. I finally do what I have been trying desperately not to. I cry.