You wake late in the morning. Last night was another bout of fitful sleep and unpleasant dreams. Dumah visited you in them, you think.
What does Dumah the angel normally say in your dreams? Have you ever asked him about them when you meet him in the flesh?The "alarm clock" today is the low rumble of the pizza oven downstairs. Evidently Vamonos Pizza got another big office order, which means either Sasha or Duncan got to work around nine.
It must be nine.You aren't alone this morning. Who's in your apartment this morning, and were they here when you went to sleep?
What do you do?
Pretty sure it's not Sasha downstairs making pizzas, because she's right here. And at some point, though, she must've gotten up and started the coffee, because I smell it. God bless her for that.
Speaking of God... In my dreams, Dumah is like some fucking cabbalistic numbers station, reciting letters of the Hebrew alphabet in some pattern that seems to form neither words nor significant numbers. Of course, when I wake up I don't remember. When I asked him... he just looked at me with those fucking eyes, like he was gazing out onto a beautiful but desolate frozen landscape.
I roll over, nudge Sasha. "Oven's going. You're not supposed to be downstairs, are you?"
I think about that. "Can't eat too much. Alpha Mom client at 11, and her sessions are almost as much work for me as they are for her. But... I could go for some muffins." I reach around to grab her ass and squeeze.
Moment of clarification: I am not a romantic. Sasha's one of the few that even stays the night at my place, and that's mostly because it just seems mean to make her leave when she has to be back downstairs in a few hours. Rules? Never two nights in a row, and whatever she needs for the next day comes up from her locker downstairs. I don't need anyone colonizing my space, and I'm... busy a lot at night, anyway.
"But yeah, something in the muffin family would be great." I grin and roll off the bed, naked and not worried about it. "Thanks for making coffee. Was I thrashing around a lot?"
I almost wave away the question about my dreams, but decide to just provide the usual line of bullshit. "Same old shit, different night. I'm a kid, watching my parents get gunned down by some thug, and then... well, you know, the whole Batman thing. It's weird, right?" Dad died of prostate cancer at fifty-two last year, living in Tucson with some pharmaceutical rep that used to work for him, and Mom's on her third husband and her fourteenth plastic surgery, down in Miami. Sasha knows this, and I'm pretty sure she knows I'm not having Batman dreams. The small sanity-and-space-preserving fictions, right?
"I'm gonna shower quick while you throw stuff together, okay? I'll keep it short so there's hot left, but I want to check email while the muffins are baking."
What's your place like, Bianca?
Sasha's tramp stamp doesn't really require me to explain why I love it. It's kind of self-evident.
As to my apartment? Bedroom, "living room" (about the same size as the bedroom), galley kitchen, bathroom. Ta-fuckin'-da. I have a queen sized bed (Ikea) and some comfy if ratty furniture (thrift stores and, well, Ikea... also some Ikea via thrift stores). It's clean, but not neat, if you know what I mean? I don't much care where I put shit, but I don't love dirty dishes or smelly underwear. Speaking of which, I'm a laundromat girl, no washer/dryer in the apartment. So that takes planning. Which sux.
I revel in the hot water. Always do, despite the amount of figurative "hot water" I always wind up in. Let the spray loosen the muscles in my shoulders, ease the fading bruises from my last hunt.
A lot of my gear is in the truck, a Ford F-150, top of the line, that I bought with most of the money I inherited when Dad died. Some in an underseat lockbox that has both conventional and, well, metaphysical protections, and some in a built in toolbox in the bed that has the same. "Clare," my Bowie knife (named after the main character in some anime I watched), and my baton go with me everywhere, which means I carry a shoulder bag even when it's a little awkward.
I dance along with Bruno back into the bedroom to grab some clothes. UnderArmour all the way to start, since I'm meeting Alpha Mom and have to cover the gym for a while after. Put a pair of jeans and a tank top in my bag. I'll grab my ancient and oversized leather bomber jacket on the way out the door.
Still dancing, head out and into the kitchen. "Smells good, Sasha!" Another rule... I don't do cutesy names like "babe" or whatever. "Shower's open. I can take over the bacon if you want." She knows I like mine near-burnt, I'll let her decide.
I let my bacon cook a little longer and take the muffins out when the timer dings. Once things are done and the muffins are cooling, I open my laptop and check my email, chewing on the charred remains of what used to be pig.
Hey BI-anca, grrl, Got real windy here at the Westin* last night. I thought about changing hotels in case it's Madame, but didn't. Call me when you get this. Not sure if I'm bored or scared. DR
(*Westin - The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit, five star hotel downtown)
Sasha's singing in the shower, this song by Farruko (she's bilingual):
How is her singing, by the way? Oh, and since we're on the subject (sort of) how did Sasha end up here last night? Did she just come up after a shift, or see you out and about or what?
I re-read Dustin's message, decide to wait to call him until after breakfast so I don't ruin my appetite. I sip on my coffee and surf a few sites as I listen to Sasha singing. She's pretty good, really, but it's usually just a shower thing unless she's pretty drunk. Which she was, last night, at the dive down the street where I usually hang out if I'm not actively on a hunt. It's one of those places where people know me well enough that I can be comfortably anonymous unless I choose otherwise. Last night I was feeling social, and there were shots involved. Sasha loves her some Fireball, and things just sort of happened from there.
"Not a problem." I follow her into the living room. "I'll just grab some." I run into the bedroom, grab a pair of grey sweats and an Agent Orange t-shirt, bring them back and then sit down on the couch.
She takes the sweats, mumbles thanks, then stands up to pull off the towel and step into them. You know her body pretty well by now, so the weird tattoos and scribbles are familiar. There's a kind of timeline on them as the artist, the same cousin putting on a show, improves with each piece. Marceline is one of the most recent.
She considers for a moment, then floats the balloon of, "If you've only got three clients... you could totally come to the gallery and check out Ambrose's thing. It's at three at 4731. Well, just outside of it."
"I'll be there if I can. May have some personal biz to take care of, but it'll probably be later on." I smile. I do like Ambrose, and a "weird performance art sculpture thing" sounds like a good diversion. I take a slightly too-big bite of muffin, crumbs winding up on my shirt. Mouth still full-ish, I say "Muffins are balls-out delish, by the way."
Goodbye kisses are a gray area in my principles of "romance." I decide to go for it this time, giving Sasha a pretty hot goodbye. "Thanks for the muffins. Hopefully I'll see you at the thing."
What do you do?
I gave up doing kata in the apartment after an unfortunate incident with a lamp. Just not enough room. So I clean up the rest of the breakfast stuff, put two muffins in a ziploc bag in case of later peckishness, and head to the gym to warm up.
It's not any one unreasonable thing. It's like every disappointment in her choices in life, every "I could have been..." or "I should be..." or "I deserve better..." come out in the ferocity and intensity of her sessions. I even suggested she try out some martial arts, thinking that hitting things might be a better fit than flipping over truck tires and the like, but she still keeps coming back. Hard. I'm better and more fit by far, but she's so driven it's all I can do to keep up.
I put my stuff in, grab a towel and something to drink, then head into the open space to do my kata and warmup.
We're not a typical fitness club with rows of machines for bobdybuilding and muscle isolation, but a strength and conditioning gym built around the CrossFit model but without being affiliated with the CrossFit brand. The building used to be a garage, actually, with pretty high ceilings, and it still has the industrial look if not the grease and grime. We only have just the equipment we need to run a twelve-person class, and most workouts are supervised by a trainer/coach who's been through an intense training course and gotten certified. Days are mostly individuals, evenings are for classes of from eight to twelve people. We don't have a sauna, or "amenities." We have just what we need to do the work, stay hydrated, and clean up afterwards.
Rumors? We're good. Some of our people win contests, and if they stick with it, they wind up in far better shape than they started. The minimum wage yahoos at the Gold's a neighborhood over don't like us much, but we don't poach from them, or anything, so it's not like there's going to be a rumble in the streets.
"Sure." I give her an evil smile. "But the main event is kettlebell clean-and-jerks and muscle ups." I walk over and grab a jumprope. "Jumprope first, though. 100 reps."
She actually has a breakthrough on the body-ups. Over the last few months we've gradually been realigning where the muscle-mass is in her body, and her shoulders and core are finally to the point where pulling her heavily-muscled (but leaner now than before) legs is less of a torture and more of a challenge.
That makes this easier. "Hey, you're really showing some improvement across the board. How are you feeling, day-to-day?"
I dig the enthusiasm when it's pointed in the right direction. "You'll have to make sure you stay healthy, and up your game at home, without pushing too hard when you're on your own. And, if you can see your way clear to an extra session a week, we can focus on likely scenarios."
The advantage of all of this is truth. She's pushing so hard and really achieving, and I think the competition will be good for her, give her a reason to stay healthy and try to excel at the same time.
"Nah... I can be here on a Saturday or Sunday, or if I've got something going I can get someone to fill in for me. Any problems working with Xoan or Tone? I'll set the workout if I miss."
"I get that, but Xoan actually knows his... okay." I give her a smile. "I get it... and I'll make it happen. You commit to another session per week, and I'll be there... let's say 10 AM Saturday? as often as I can. Otherwise... me or Tone will make sure you get the work in."
"Daylight hours are supposed to be on you, Dustin." I take a breath. "But I'll stop by after my next session with some food. I've got a thing at 3, though, so it's just a drive-by."
"I think it would be a bad idea for you to go out, Dustin. She's got friends, and her friends have friends. I'll be by in an hour and a half." I think for a second. "Remind me... why haven't you skipped town yet?"
What do you do?
I give Tom a smile, but not a simpering one. At least he does the work. I don't hit him up for an extra session, he shouldn't do more than he is, and he'd take it as encouragement. After a quick shower and a change into my jeans and top, I head out to the truck and make the food run. Should've had him order me something, too, dammit. Stupid me. I pull up into the loading zone in front of the restaurant and hop out to get the food.
End Scene