
Your tears have dried and you found some peace, some solace here. The mattress is soft, the silky sheets have a hint of a floral aroma, and the room is just slightly chilly, reminding you oddly of The Irons.
There's a knock at the door, three raps.
What do you do?
"Attlevey, who is there?"
"Attlevey, Ooma," your hear Fleece's voice. " May I come in?"
She stands there for a moment, looking at you, at the robe, then past you, into your room.
What do you do?
I color at my actions, blushing, and backing up to invite her into my room. "Ooma," My voice is breathy and light. "I hope you are not far from me, you are far too beautiful to be walking these halls dressed so daringly derisann."
I back up till I am in the middle of the room. My eyes on Fleece's dark orbs, begging her to follow.
I lick my lips. "Thank you, Ooma. How are your rooms?" I take a step towards her, my eyes drawing up to meet hers. "Are they to your satisfaction?"
I lick my lips copying her gesture. "And tell me honestly, please. I could make a fuss Ooma, get you better rooms, but I don't want to draw too much attention to you in case... in case I become a liability. In case, Fleece might be used against me somehow.
I kiss her neck and whisper even softer, "You must be wondering about my conversation with June..."
"Yes," she admits. "I wonder. I don't care to pry, but I wonder." She puts a hand on your hip, as much to steady herself as to touch you.
I hold her to me, for a moment. Just breathing in her smell. You are precious to me, Ooma. So precious." I pitch my voice lower, now barely a whisper, "June is teaching me about the feed, but also about how to... how I may not just end at my skin. We can speak to one another... without speaking... just by touching."
"Perhaps you can tell me how I can make this up to you, through the power of touch." I whisper against her cheek. Kissing her jaw line and tugging the knot of my robe free.
I want her to take me to bed. I want her to give me memories there that will shut out my fear and bitter betrayals. I want to feel my love for her flutter in my chest, and look into her eyes, and know why I am doing this. Why we are doing this.
I want her to kiss me. I moan hungrily against her jaw, mouth aching for her. My lips wet and and trembling against her skin.
"Gods, Sierra," Fleece whispers as she looks on you, "You are. So insumatt." Reading your desire, which matches her own, she takes your left hand in hers, opens her mouth as if to speak, but smiles, remembering that she'd like to speak with touch, and leads you towards your bed.
OOC: She's giving you something you want. Please remove one hold.
I whimper when she steps back to look at me, my body on display. She calls me insumatt and I want to reply, want to go to her, but she stops herself and I can see our game has started. She takes my hand warmly, leading me to the bed.
I sit lightly at the edge, ready to move when prompted. This is Fleece's game, I am just the board she is to play upon. Still when she steps close, my hands travel the outside of her thighs, moving her "dress" upwards, baring her caramel-colored flesh.
I look up at her, blue eyes filled with wanting and... and something yet unnamed.
Tell me, Sierra, when did Glorianna hold you like this last? What did you do to get her to finally kiss you?
Gloriana and I have played this game many many times. The first few times, before we were even lovers - she would tease me - see if she could get me to break. Of course, I have always been a quick learner. The last time... would have been only a few months ago. She had demanded I not make a sound, she was stressed and wanted quiet. I thought she could use a distraction instead.
I lay naked in her bed and dipped my finger in honey, and traced my lips - making a gloss before tracing my fingers down my body towards my nether lips. When I started keening against myself Gloriana's resolve broke...
My heart is beating feverishly. Adrenaline and fear and truth pumping through me; I can practically feel the full body blush. I push myself farther back onto the bed and feel her weight settle over me.
Reluctantly, slowly, by little nibbles, and soft licks I separate our mouths, my eyes meeting hers. "Fleece, I... I have to tell you..." I smile, bright, the feeling like a caged bird beating in my chest, desperate for release. I bring my hands to her face, tracing her cheek bones, finding her mouth. "I love you, Ooma."
I rise my torso up, bringing my face closer to hers. "I will keep you safe." My whisper is fierce. "I will do everything I can. Everything..." I rise those last inches, my back arching impossibly, kissing her fiercely, her lips supple and soft inbetween mine.
You and I, we will keep each other safe. We will, but I am playing more dangerous games than she knows, and I won't let Fleece be caught in the cross-hairs.
"You could never be a burden to me, love. You are the reason I have the strength to be free." I gasp, as my hips roll up to find her pelvic bone. "I will still do everything I can Ooma, to keep you safe. I suppose that means, you must do the same." I smile, my eyes half lidded, my wrists turning in hers, wishing she'd hold me tighter.
She tightens her grip upon that realization, eager to give you a portion of what you've given her. Fleece bends to kiss at the nape of your neck, biting at your skin, testing for what you like.
She has grown curious now, Sierra, interested in your particular wants and needs. As we fade to black here, tell me, what is it that Fleece discovers about you this time?
And when she bites my neck, I buck up like I've been shocked. Yes, Ooma, like that. Please love, make me yours."
This time, Fleece learns that Not all who yield are weak. She fans the flames of submission in me and I relent to her dominance. But, there is power in submission, freedom in it's absolute surrender, and through my surrender to her I find both. In the arms of one I trust, I let go of all the games, the decisions, the intrigue, and I simply am hers. Hers to take a part and put back together.
I wonder what Fleece finds in herself?
Oh, you should roll to Hypnotize Fleece.
(Rolled: 2d6+3 . Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 12)
When she calls me Love I swear I can feel sunshine on my face. It's derisann. Falling in love with Gloriana was like finishing a puzzle. It was beautiful and complex and complete, but it was inevitable. Falling in love with Fleece is like finding the ray of light in a snow storm. It's a force of nature, it's a respite. I nuzzle her leg and listen to her voice.
I turn my head in her lap to look up at her when she is done. "What I need from you?" I smile. "I don't need anything from you Ooma, other than to keep yourself safe. All I want from you, is you, when you can find the time and will to be here."
I bite my lip, trying to think of how next to say this. "I am... I am reborn into a world where I am both innocent and worldly. I've experienced so little, met so few people. Have had so few opportunities to experience things that others... I would be lying to you if I told you that I did not have plans to be with others."
I reach up to touch her face, sooth the worry lines away, "I... I am not... I don't know what normal is, or if normal exists. I don't want to hurt you with this either, I love you. I don't love anyone else, save one. And she... she doesn't deserve that love. She is no matter."
I smile softly at her, "I know you love another, have loved him for some time. I will try to be sensitive to that. But, I hope... you will forgive my want to be free a little longer. To have the opportunity of new experiences. I... I sound so selfish."
"Tell me about your plans, Ooma. I will help you if I can, or stay out of your way if not."
I sigh and nestle closer to her, my bod now fully outside the blanket, turning so I am looking at the flat expanse of her stomach. I drag my nose across it. Smelling her warmth. "I want to know how you feel. I have only been physical with three people, Ooma. And I... there are people here, experiences I want to have... before..."
I sigh, unable to finish this hiding and look up at her, "I don't want to presume that you will want me for a long time, but for as long as you would have me I want to be with you. I just want.." I sigh. "I want to know more before I give my body to you and you alone. Plus, as you said, I don't know what it will take for survival in here."
And I shake my head. "And when that time comes for me, I won't expect you to do the same. I won't put limitations on your heart, Ooma. I will be, patient if I can." I smile up at her, "I've never been free to talk about these things, I think I am doing a bad job of it."
After a moment, she asks again, "Who do you plan to be with? You said you have plans."
I color at her next question. "I, it's not so much a plan, we haven't talked about it, we mostly talk around it, but...June. I think we find each other, interesting. The way our abilities work together is, unique."
OOC: Reading Person
(Rolled: 2d6+3 . Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 12)
I turn and sit up, my hair falling behind me in a wave. I look at her and she is so beautiful, it could break ones soul. I kiss her neck and her cheek. "I am so blessed to have found you."
"I'm so sorry, Ooma. I know... I know you felt very strongly about him. Things between you seemed so good. What... what happened?"
OOC: Second question, relating to the fat man and this general conversation... What does Fleece wish I my character would do?
I kiss Fleece's shoulder. "I do, love. I do."
OOC: last Question: What does Fleece intend to do?
I'm not sure if I have said too much... I sigh against her. "There is much to learn."I lick my lips. "I wonder what he expects of me..."