Soon after Fleece left your room, Horse came by to escort you to The Fat Man. You're led to the elevator and go down two floors, then out to a corridor with very few doors. He brings you into this room, which is currently empty.

Then he leaves. What do you do?
I touch the table, I've seen things like this. Rooms where business is done. But I have never sat at the table. I take the chair to the right of the head of the table and wait.
Skinner, flesh, beauty, attractive... a list of my attributes, of the pieces that make up my non-disguise.
"Thank you, Miles." I look up, coming out of the curtsey, my blue eyes meet his dark ones. "It's a privilege to meet you as well. The feed has so rarely featured you over the years. I have to say, you're more than I thought you'd be."
At his gesture I sit down. I nod, accepting his apology. "It is a title I don't understand, that others have used to box me in, you've mentioned you believe I am more than just a singer. I hope you do believe that..."
"It's a lovely apartment, well appointed. It's quite clever with all the moving walls. Thank you for the generosity."
He pauses, then moves the conversation on, "I need to re-establish some goodwill within Depot. The people are worried about the threat of the United Front. They're also wondering about my strength after my own home was attacked. Rather than tighten my grip... I'd like to offer you a chance to play to a larger venue. Perhaps a concert in the arena? What do you think about that, Sierra?" He holds up a hand, "There are some matters of diplomacy that I also need your help on, but that will take some time and training. This, however, is your cup of tea, right?"
I shake my head laughing at myself, "What am I saying, I am sure you have thought of all that already." It's a bit of flattery, but one I think will ring true. "As for diplomacy, yes, well... Gloriana used me for a number of different things in regards to her aims. I've been trained in the mastery of a conversation, both verbal and physical, to achieve her goals. Though never in a boardroom." I smile and look around gesturing to the atmosphere. "People are on guard in places like this, I do best when people have let their guards down. As I am sure you can imagine."
Of course, Gloriana never let me touch anyone, but that should simply make me more effective, not less. Touch is my weapon, as long as it isn't forced on me.
(Rolled: 2d6+4 . Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 13)
And I do, now.
I pat his hand softly, "And whatever training you think I need to help you in your other endeavors, I am eager to begin."