[NULL] Jasper, the Attached

edited July 2017 in nullptr-veil

Jasper, the Attached



Masculine, hi-tech wear, worn face, compelling eyes, heavy-set body, Black.




Attached Special

When the Attached shares a moment of intimacy with someone, be it physical or emotional, roll+ your object’s hunger. On a 10+, they take -1 forward and you take -1 ongoing until the object believes it was no big deal. On a 7–9, it speaks triggers. On a miss, give your object -1 hunger.

[Playbook Specific Mechanics]

LEST WE BE PARTED Parted, you are Yourself (the object may not exert its will upon you until you are reunited with it). but you are Vulnerable. You are emotionally imbalanced, and easily wounded. Whenever you suffer harm, take an additional +1 harm AP until you recover your object.


THY WILL BE DONE: At the beginning of the session give your object +1 hunger, then roll and
add your object’s hunger. On a 10+, the MC holds 3. On a 7–9, the MC holds 1. Throughout the
session, the MC can spend their hold 1 for 1 to:
  • Name something; your object must have it. When you give in to your object, mark experience and -1 hunger from your object.
  • Have it object to a course of action or propose one of its own; Should you obey, mark experience and -1 hunger from your object.
MAKE IT SO: Whenever your object has -1 hunger or below, add an additional tag for its use. So long as it is at -1 or below, you have the benefit of this tag. Should its hunger go above -1, the benefit is lost. Write the additional tag here: MULTITASK


3 Cred


[Detail: How did you get your cybernetics? Did you: Kill for them, Steal them, Owe Cred, or owe Giri for them?]
Eye (3 tags): [options].
Ear (3 tags): [options].
Arm (1 tag): [options].
Leg (1 tag): [options].
Interface (2 tags): HUD ENCRYPTED SCARRED, Owe Giri
Chest (1 tag): [options].


  • If someone keeps a secret about your object that could harm it or you in the future, they have 1 Giri on you.
  • If you’ve told someone the precise origin of your object, which you have not told others, you have 1 Giri on them.
  • If someone has seen what happens to you when you are parted from your object and protects that secret for you, they have 1 Giri on you.

    Mnemosyne: I keep a secret about her subconscious from her for her benefit, I have 1 Giri on her.


[Detail: Create three Beliefs. If a Belief is tested this session, mark 1 XP at the end of the session. If a Belief gets you into trouble this session, mark 2 XP at the end of the session. If a Belief is erased and resolved or changed after being tested, mark 3 XP.]

1. Synthetic life is as valuable as natural life.
2. Take whatever you can grab, if you don't get caught.
3. [option]


[Detail: Everyone has a Jam (something you are good at and do to making a living and earn Creds). When you tell the MC what your jam is they’ll tell you how much Cred you earn when you get downtime. Your Jam is used to establish your lifestyle, your income, and how you know certain other characters.]

Jasper's Jam is research and development for a cybermedical startup. He's very accustomed to jumping from startup to startup.


[Detail: When you attempt something that benefits you and fail or when you gain XP from beliefs mark each box per 1XP you accrue. Grab the advancement list from your playbook.]


  • edited June 2017

    The Object


    HUNGER: +1

    Your story truly began when you came across the object. Whatever was before was either suddenly or gradually irrevocably changed when it:
    • Chose you or manipulated circumstances so that you would obtain it.
    NB: Jasper thinks he created it. This is not wholly accurate.

    The Revision

    You may not know what it truly is, but after time together and careful examination, you have discerned your object has 5 tags. You may choose to define your object with these tags however you wish, so long as you put no more than 3 tags toward inflicting harm. Your object begins with +1 hunger at the start of play in additional to these 5 tags.


    Also, since you obtained it and this all began, it’s modified you. Perhaps for the better, perhaps for the worse. Whatever it provides now, you need. And what it hungers for cannot be denied for long without consequence. What boon does it
    provide so long as you are not parted from one another?

    It shields you, as best and whenever it can. Mark 1 armor that may not be pierced whenever your object can shield you. (You detail)


    Parted, you are Yourself (the object may not exert its will upon you until you are reunited with it). but Vulnerable. You are emotionally imbalanced, and easily wounded. Whenever you suffer harm, take an additional +1 harm AP until you recover your object.
  • Reserved.
  • Reserved.
  • Session One Thy Will Be Done: (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 10)
  • When you sleep with your object, roll+hunger. On a 10+, both happen. On a 7-9, choose 1.
    • Your object takes +1hunger, or -1hunger at your discretion.
    • Your object gives you something it thinks you want.
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