It was late by the time you get out of Mnemosyne's, and your Daimyo summoned you for a quick report on your progress for the day. You found him sitting quietly in his courtyard, atop the Neon Pagoda, teaching his eldest daughter's son how to prune his first bonsai tree. He rose from the lesson, and directed you indoors, away from his family — he never speaks about Giri in front of his family. How does this make you feel? Once you've issued your report, he dismisses you for the day and returns to his family. How much of your findings did you reveal to him?
Just as you're about to exit the Neon Pagoda, you get a ping from Junko, reading, "Hey! I'm at the club! Want to catch a drink with me?"
I feel complimented. Giri is a thing we have, my daimyo and I. His family sees him as a peaceful man, a grandfather. I know how he manages the Pagoda, how he runs his organization. I am honored to speak of Giri with my master.
You take the elevator down to the basement level of the Neon Pagoda, and as the elevator doors slide open, you're basked in the electric glow of pink and purple neon lights, and shaken by the loud bass of trance music playing in the background. It's not the busiest you've ever seen the Pagoda, but there are a good few hundred people here, drinking, dancing, and partaking in various neurochip inhibitor/enhancement programs.
Junko approaches you, and wraps her arms around your neck, swaying to the beat without interruption. "Heeeeeyyyy, Tao! Lovely! I found us a dancing partner!" she grinds up against you, and offers you a drink — your favorite, might I add. What is it? "I got you this."
I am completely unarmed when I enter the club proper. It's thrilling, the safety of being here, of being a person, if even it's only an illusion.
Currently, my favorite drink is a Kir Royale.
A Kir Royale is either Chambord (raspberry) or blackcurrant liqueur and sparkling wine, often with a berry or two in the glass, as well. It's fizzy and pretty and makes me giggle when I drink it cold.
What do you do?
Mainstream for his tastes? Interesting. I let the slight pass as I look over the man. He was in Sarah Pike's gaming group. This is the man who hired the boss who affronted Sarah, perhaps ruined her career. She's still aching for either the status or the work itself, that is obvious. I feel what I assume is Mnemosyne's emotions clouding my thoughts as I wonder how I could convince Dolby to help Sarah, or force him to oust Pajun and hire her, saving her from the current purgatory she suffers from.
I reply in the veil, "I am very pleased, Junko-chan. I will reward you three-fold for your thoughtfulness. You are a wonderful and lovely servant to my whims." My free hand drifts down to her hip, feeling the sway she gives them as she dances.
It might be wisest to hand this to Mnemosyne, to use the leverage of my office to lean on Dolby to hand Sarah what she needs, but pass the credit to Mnemosyne. She would be pleased, I think. Scared of a deeper relationship. But pleased.
During the night, I peel off my kimono to reveal a shimmery tank top and short shorts. Reckless abandon tempts me, and I am free of the burden to my lord for the night. After I let Junko-chan share some of that chip with me, I kick off my heels and dance barefoot.
I am safe here. I am free now. I am not an Honorbound. I am Tao.
and I climb up onto the stage nimbly, then reach to pull her up. I put a hand on an android's hip and dance with them, throw a hand up into the air and scream as loud as I'm able, delighting in how the crowd and the music and the bass swallows it up."Devour me, void!" I call into the night. I lean over to Junko-chan, reaching a hand around her neck to guide her mouth to mine, and I take it.
Junko finally pulls back from the kiss, and smiles. She's hyped up, and giggling like a schoolgirl. You hear a scream behind you, and Junko's expression turns from one of undiluted pleasure to one of abject horror. You look over your shoulder, and notice Dolby isn't on stage anymore, and one of the androids is kneeling over a bloody corpse, its hands and face spattered with fluorescent blood that glows under the blacklight. It rises slowly from its crouched position, and eyes you and Junko. People are backing away from the stage, and a few of the other club patrons are pulling away the dancing partner of the unfortunate soul who just became that android's victim.
What do you do?
"To me, you thing!" I dive at him with a visceral grin on my face.
Rolling to Neutralize. Tao is feeling Joynow.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 10)
- I choose to Force a change of location (spending 2 hold to get this thing to the guard for the club)
- I will also Inflict Harm
On a 10+, you generate 3 Hold and take no Harm in the doing. On 7-9, you generate 2 Hold and you will take Harm in the doing. Spend your Hold 1 for 1 during the scene to:
Inflict Harm.
Take away an advantage (requires 2 Hold to be spent).
Suffer little Harm.
Force a change of location (1 Hold and the MC chooses the new location, 2 and you do).
Impress, dismay or frighten your opponent
You launch into an attack, and the android's hardware isn't able to keep up with you. To say there's something wrong with the bot is an understatement — it's almost as though you're facing off against a human who's acting through a laggy system. The bot block movements fractions of seconds too late, and throw punches in places you've moved from.
You kick it off the stage, and guide it over to the club's security guard — who happens to be Epoch, who was struggling to get his way to you through the crowd. By the time he gets to it, it's filled with dents, and it's neck is bent out of shape. Epoch brings his katana down on the bot's head, and it's limbs fall limp as it collapses to the floor.
What do you do?
"We will let another find out why this happened." I say as I start moving towards the androids. "Let's stop this!"
What do you do?
I don't hesitate to meet the attack, throwing caution to the wind as I flash the wakizashi in a wide arc, using the androids ferocity as a guarantee that it will meet the bite of my blade. My left hand is ready to grab and throw this thing away from Junko-chan, I will not allow her harm.
Rolling to Neutralize. Tao is feeling Powerful about this fight.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 11)
- I choose to Inflict Harm
- I choose to take away an advantage
On a 10+, you generate 3 Hold and take no Harm in the doing. On 7-9, you generate 2 Hold and you will take Harm in the doing. Spend your Hold 1 for 1 during the scene to:
Inflict Harm.
Take away an advantage (requires 2 Hold to be spent).
Suffer little Harm.
Force a change of location (1 Hold and the MC chooses the new location, 2 and you do).
Impress, dismay or frighten your opponent
The bot falls to the floor limp, its muscles deflating to a fraction of their normal size and power. You see Epoch dice up the other dancer with his Katana moments after you take yours out. With the last two dancers downed, things in the club appear to be settling. A weird thing happens: while there may be some bleed with whoever hacked this bot through the veil, you swear it's feebly, and ineffectually, cowering away from you in fear — maybe even out of self preservation. Your neurochip is still in overdrive, and it floods you with emotion. How does seeing it exhibit these "emotions" make you feel?
Outwardly, I show nothing as I stab the wakizashi through its cyberbrain. I twist the blade savagely in a half turn so that it rips into the brain and rends it unusable.
Bots do not think, they do not feel. They cannot. They are created to ape us in every way, they have logic that allows them to consider themselves sentient. But they are not. They are not people.
I blow out a breath as the last one lies in shambles. The comfort of a job well done is enhanced by the chip and I feel relief wash over me.
After a moment, I glance around to find Junko-chan.
What do you do?
I snicker as Junko-chan kicks the bot, and slip my arms around her when she comes up to me. I kiss her with abandon, hands roaming across her back, down her hips, across her shapely butt. I wear the blood as a trophy, and Junko's elation is infectious. When I hear the cheering, I look around at the people, address them, "Apologies for the interruption in tonight's fun! Many thanks to Epoch for protecting us all!" I slide an arm around Junko's neck, lean in to whisper, "Your life's mine now, right?" I'm half-joking, curious how she reacts.
Not sure why I asked her if she wanted party favors or guests. That's normally my call.
She's good to go whenever you are... Do you grab anything/anyone on your way out?
Then I decide to tap out a message to Mneomosyne.
Mnemosyne: My daimyo has given me leave to relax this evening and resume my work tomorrow. If you are free, you may join me tonight at my flat. It overlooks the Pagoda.
You're going to have your hands full tonight, Tao...
Continued in [NULL] The Tutelage of Master Seigi [T5,R4].