[BtI] After the First Date

edited August 2014 in PnR

So, Attraction isn't necessarily permanent. It can fade as memory fades. Here, we'll figure out how much of the Attraction we built during the first date becomes permanent. Since we have 4 "new" levels of Attraction, we will first roll 4 dice, and keep a level for each 5 or 6 we get.

Any of those dice that fail, we can Reroll by narrating something bad that occurs to one or both of us between dates. Something that affects us or might get in the way of the relationship. These become new Traits on the character sheet, and remain as reminders. Again, any of these rerolled dice that come up 5 or 6 are levels of Attraction we can keep.

Compatibility remains between dates. No need to do anything about that.


  • I'll roll two of our four.

    (Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 5, 6. Total: 11)
  • I'll roll the other two:
    (Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 3, 1. Total: 4)
  • Min, I was so excited when we arranged our second date, but the night before, Lili woke me up to tell me she'd thrown up, and when I took her temperature it was 101. I sat up with her for a while until she started feeling real pain in her belly, then took her to the hospital.

    Here's the text I sent:
    To: Min From: Alani I'm so sorry. ER with Lili. Appendicitis. Soon?

    Lili's okay, now, of course, but that feeling of helplessness, the fear when I was driving her to the hospital, that's still with me.
  • Reroll 1 Attraction die

    (Rolled: 1d6. Rolls: 2. Total: 2)
  • I felt away for Lili, the adorable girl I've only seen in pictures, and you, of course. It was quite alright with me to reschedule, I always have work I can be doing.

    Of course, right when we schedule the second time, Microsoft sends out invites to a big press conference, and The Verge taps me to cover the big unveiling of whatever Surface Pro updates are coming. It's a great opportunity, since The Verge is tight-knit, and they want me on the podcast after to chat about it. I'd be flying out, would totally miss the second date.

    To: Alani From: Min (on personal phone) Microsoft doing a big reveal in Seattle, The Verge asked me to cover. They're putting me on their podcast! It's a big thing, I swear. Next week? I feel awful. Patience and honesty.

    It pales in comparison to Lili, I won't even compare the two. I just trust you'll understand.
  • Reroll 2nd Attraction die

    (Rolled: 1d6. Rolls: 2. Total: 2)
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