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Member, Moderator, The Orklord
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  • I do not tell Seigi-sensei that I was high as a kite, and barely remember what happened. It doesn't matter, I am sure he was right. I bow low, and take up a boken and begin the thousand strikes. I push my mind into the state where I feel every move…
  • Rostam is an excellent fighter. He is impressive to watch, and he is a man I admire. He has no cybernetics whatsoever, which is admirable in a way despite the loss of functionality he suffers as a result. Since I have very little augmentation myself…
  • I chuckle at Junko-chan's forwardness and temerity. I reach a hand up to touch her bottom lip, "I happen to like that mouth." I cue up Tae Hyun with a quick query if he has anything interesting. Then I decide to tap out a message to Mneomosyne. M…
  • I give Epoch a nod, then turn my attention to Junk-chan. "Yeah, let's get out of here. Want some party favors? Some guests?" I take her hand, start leading her for the door where I can pick up my daisho. I'm not leaving without it. I assume we're he…
  • I give Epoch a lopsided grin, and answer, "I'm blitzed out of my gourd!" I return his bow as level as I can, "When do you get off? My answer's... in the next few minutes, but you can join me soon, hai?" It's been a while since Epoch and I were toget…
  • Outwardly, I show nothing as I stab the wakizashi through its cyberbrain. I twist the blade savagely in a half turn so that it rips into the brain and rends it unusable. Bots do not think, they do not feel. They cannot. They are created to ape us …
  • - I choose to Inflict Harm - I choose to take away an advantage -------------------------- On a 10+, you generate 3 Hold and take no Harm in the doing. On 7-9, you generate 2 Hold and you will take Harm in the doing. Spend your Hold 1 for 1 during …
  • Rolling to Neutralize. Tao is feeling Powerful about this fight. (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 11)
  • I don't hesitate to meet the attack, throwing caution to the wind as I flash the wakizashi in a wide arc, using the androids ferocity as a guarantee that it will meet the bite of my blade. My left hand is ready to grab and throw this thing away from…
  • I give Epoch a wide smile, my eyes slightly unfocused as I feel the haze of the night's debauchery catching up to me. I take the wakizashi from Epoch, dip my head in a nod. Curious that he offered me his companion sword. Some call the wakizashi the …
  • - I choose to Force a change of location (spending 2 hold to get this thing to the guard for the club) - I will also Inflict Harm -------------------------- On a 10+, you generate 3 Hold and take no Harm in the doing. On 7-9, you generate 2 Hold an…
  • Rolling to Neutralize. Tao is feeling Joynow. (Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 10)
  • I step in front of Junko-chan. making sure she remains safe. The endorphin of violence fills me along with the chip's effects, and I close on the android. These aren't combat-ready things, their servors won't have the sickening power of a SecOps dro…
  • During the night, I peel off my kimono to reveal a shimmery tank top and short shorts. Reckless abandon tempts me, and I am free of the burden to my lord for the night. After I let Junko-chan share some of that chip with me, I kick off my heels and …
  • Mainstream for his tastes? Interesting. I let the slight pass as I look over the man. He was in Sarah Pike's gaming group. This is the man who hired the boss who affronted Sarah, perhaps ruined her career. She's still aching for either the status or…
  • I am completely unarmed when I enter the club proper. It's thrilling, the safety of being here, of being a person, if even it's only an illusion. Currently, my favorite drink is a Kir Royale. A Kir Royale is either Chambord (raspberry) or blackcur…
  • I feel complimented. Giri is a thing we have, my daimyo and I. His family sees him as a peaceful man, a grandfather. I know how he manages the Pagoda, how he runs his organization. I am honored to speak of Giri with my master. I am free from respon…
  • End of Session 1: It's time to see how you did with your beliefs. The one belief I think was definitely tested was your segregation of your "working" self, and your "pleasure" self — particularly in the Nem scene. If you agree, mark 1 XP. I could …
  • This activates Tao's Special Move, which is: When the Honorbound shares a moment of intimacy with someone other than a target, be it physical or emotional, Tao later learns what Giri they owe other people and may ask them any one question from Abso…
  • Her tie is immaculate. Every movement in the traditional eleven step method is perfect. If I ever must fight in a duel, I would choose her as my second. I look down at the obi, more as a demonstration of seeing what she has done than checking it fo…
  • I am the only person who has tied my obi since Taigen-sama gave me this strip of silk and nanofibers as a gift for a job well done. That was two years ago. Every day when I tie my daisho and step into the world, it has been with my own hands. I hav…
  • My breath catches as Mnemosyne leans in. Closer. Ever closer. I'm transfixed in this moment. Unwilling to flinch. Hoping that she doesn't shatter my resolve. It takes every iota of my discipline not to complete the kiss. To lean the tiniest fractio…
  • The bleed of emotions. Such a sweet temptation. What could I reveal to her that would endanger me? My depraved and hedonistic nightlife? That is a thing I hope to share with her in time. Are there secrets of my daimyo she could exploit? Perhaps, but…
  • "I would not ask you to diminish your skills nor put you in the way of physical harm." I reply, dismissing her offer to come with me. Then, "Correct me if I misunderstand, Mnemosyne-san, but aren't you more effective with the type of connection we s…
  • I listen to Mnemosyne's words, try to find the point where she might be angling for advantage. In the end, her truth is more powerful than any wedge she might seek. I cannot see one in her ploy regardless. I nod curtly, "Hai. Jasper's character spea…
  • "Yes. It does." I admit, Mnemosyne's understanding of my emotions are troubling, but also welcome. I do not let anyone in. "My lord does not wish for me to return the technology, for that he will use other methods. This troubles me, because I do not…
  • The silence draws out as we drink tea. I have spent hours awaiting my daimyo, so this should be comfortable for me. Mnemosyne is not my daimyo, and the air between us seems charged. When only the remnants of the tea leaves sit at the bottom of my g…
  • I do not miss the delicious moment of revealed skin, and I savor it in my mind for the first few moments of her impromptu tea ceremony. Her observance of the ceremony is precise, but somehow she subtly adds her own particular flair to each movement.…
  • "Tea, please." I answer smoothly. I have to draw some line here, at least. If I was done with this task, my answer would be quite different. For now - tea. "With a home this sumptuous, one might wonder why you spend so much time in the virtual world…
  • I watch the 3D printer work quietly as Mnemosyne casually walks over to it. In moments, a beautiful black sword stand is assembled, looking as if it were hand crafted from wood and lacquered with patient care. She is very considerate. With practice…