Peter's face clouds over briefly with concern as he ruminates on his last time interviewing anyone. He'd been so sure of the supernatural nature of his interogee that when it turned out to be just a normal human with some serious mental illnesses he…
Peter's relationship with the Catholic Church is... complicated. If he were the type of person who is capable of acknowledging the existence of a problem when it's not necessary, he would shoot Steven a grateful look for the offer of an out on visi…
Peter isn't the greatest at subterfuge which is surprising considering how long he managed to keep Maya in the dark about his paranormal activities. He relies upon whatever brute force charm he can muster while sticking as close to what he is as po…
"With just the four locations I don't know if I can offer a very educated hypothesis on what'a going in here, Steve; but with a bit more data I'm sure I can find something of enough significance that I can successfully analyze in terms of mythic sig…
My superior in the order is a Mr. Jeff Turner, an expatriated South African and devout Catholic who almost got himself excommunicated the last time he stuck his neck out for me. Definitely expecting information this time.
"I do have some ideas relating to the timing of the disappearances, but I'll have to bounce them off a colleague of mine."
During the next pitstop (which Peter calls for before he strictly needed to) he steps aside and makes a call to his superior …
"Maya, I saw an excellent deal on a used Ford Focus before we left, just think about all the money you could save by not having to always be fixing that car of yours. How much did you pay for those new tires, again? If you just saved up a few purcha…
The Sect that Daedelus belongs to is called The Prometheus society which has the positive traditions of Ancient Lore and Magical Items and the negative Quality of factionalized as people disagree on the best way to keep the supernatural out of morta…
Agent Steven Lawrence and Dr Peter Daedelus fought together when the tide of monsters seemed unstoppable. How did it turn out, Steven?
Maya and Peter are close relatives or spouses. How exactly do you see us as being related, Maya?
I don't think the specific government agency is terribly important, but my thoughts would be that project Achilles was a DoD Blackops thing, but since being retructured into Operation Ajax we're probably indirectly fbi or secret service. Sorry I g …
Prometheus- The Secret Society existing since The Trojan War. It's good traditions are Ancient Lore and Magical Items and its negative tradition says that it's highly factionalized.