[Junk XIII] Make it Rain (K 7-1, P 7-1, S 7-1)



  • OOC: Healing touch. Roll+weird. +1xp rolling highlighted.
    (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 9)
  • OOC: Act under fire of the guy's brain. Roll+sharp (good in the clinch)
    (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 4. Total: 12)
  • Proper,

    Satin says weakly, "Yes, they wheel me around the hall sometimes. I pretend I'm a raider."

    Braun does deposit Silk on a bed. He shakes your hand, but looks like he's sticking around. For all their cattiness, the crew sort of hangs together in rough times, like now.

    The big danger seems over, but Janco isn't around.

    What do you do?
  • Stitch,

    There's a reason you don't recognize this guy. He's one of the Big Rock Clan. One of the Beholden. When you heal him, you come into contact with them. The colony of well, microscopic entities that thrive in the waters of the lake, that slowly become the host of the people of the Big Rock Clan. These are the beings that created the Water Cult Kiddo told you about, Stitch.

    Sometimes, when a body is infected, you have to burn away the infected portions, or cut it away, like gangrene. Your healing touch burns this colony. They get a glimpse of you, they reach out to you, try to move towards you, to enter you, subsume you. They are a hivemind, but once they take over a body, they are cut off from the colony. They must maintain verbal communication with the rest of the cult for perfect unity of action. The colony will never know that you destroy a host of them.

    The man is out of it. He will live. When you come out of that moment, Janco is there, she put her head on your shoulder, not crying, just amazed and dead tired.

    What do you do?
  • edited December 2013

    Star looks to each of the three girls, and they fall in with you and yours. You all make quick time to the lift, but it stops a floor above the air and water filtration level, which is actually below ground.

    Zero asks, "Why is the lift stopping?"

    Mamba pushes the button to open the doors, "C'mon, you crazy pregnant bitches, let's take the stairs." Svenja chuckles at that, then moves ahead to take point.

    You head down to the Water and Air treatment level. The place is completely waterlogged. Nescafe and his crew are working as fast as they can to get the tanks shut off, but the explosions were pretty powerful.

    I assume you come in to help out where you can. Nescafe has Rinso move some debris, and he asks you and the girls to help out with shutting down valves and passing tools to workers in precarious positions.

    The water treatment plant is toast, Kiddo.
  • [Proper]

    I guess we'll hang around here for a while? Part of me wants to go back to my room and frak Tulle until we forget about this, but I'm also hoping to see Janco. She's good people. I wonder how Toot is. God- when did I start caring about people?!?


    I rest my head on Janco's, dead tired myself. Now that my adrenaline has worn off, my eyelids are even a little heavy. "It's ok. He'll make it." I tell her.
  • --END SCENE--
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