To Hadden and Silica:
The mini-truck pulls up on the lonely trainyard, looks a bit like this:

The place hasn't worked since the Big Freeze. Ice covers the rails and the boxcars and trains sit in ice and rust. Some of them might still have treasure. As Hadden pointed out, they haven't all been picked clean.
K2's put on her game face, pulling up her scarf over her mouth and bundling up in the cold. She calls out a couple cars off to the right, takes a pry-bar, and heads that way. She looks determined to get the biggest find.
There are other railroad cars here, most on the tracks, a couple on their sides. There's one which was made of metal slats on top, all twisted and bent out in a fan, like someone ripped it open, took out whatever was inside. There's straw on the floor in that one. One car that was big and red in a former life, burst its seams, and thousands of pounds of sand spilled out of it, like a cracked bag of sugar.
When you head into the railyards looking for scrap that hasn't been picked clean, roll+ Sharp.
On a hit, you find something! Choose Options. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a 10+, choose two.
- No traps or other scavengers are in your way
- You find some food and water
- You find something that will fetch a couple jingle in trade
On a miss, something finds you.
I watch K2 tromp off into the snow. Bundled up, moving with purpose, she's her mother's daughter. I feel a distinct sense of loss as she moves away, stare at the snow for a beat or two.
Then I look to Silica, before she heads off, and ask without moving, "Walk and talk?" I'd like to work with her on this if she wants. But she's always so skittish, I don't want to push her further away.
Yeah I watch her, too... gonna try and keep close enough to be around... in case.
Then Hadden startles me suddenly talkin' out of nowhere.... I look at him, little sly smile on my face as I reach into the truck bed to grab my pack, hood down... "yeah, sure..."
I set down the pack for a second and stretch, hands together above my head, then remove the hoodie... this is my kind of place... chill baby.
Game face huh? "But you gotta keep up..."
I wink and smile at him... like... dare ya.
A little weird still, seeing her in Lashfight's clothes. Er, out of them.
Challenging me? I throw her a wolfish grin, dance my eyebrows a bit like any time any place. I'm totally thinking about nailing her right here, right now, bent over the minitruck. But she's with K2 now. I take a breath and dial down my vibe. Hoist my pack, a prybar, loop of rope. Look around for tracks, something to make a sled out of if we need, focus my brain.
I look back to Silica. "Silica, we can talk 'bout whatever you want, we can keep up the flirt, we can work. Any combination, you choose." Once again, putting it all out there, laying it straight like a fool.
"I'm here."
Yeah I grab a prybar from the truck and hoist it over a shoulder as he talks. He finishes and I stop, one hand on the side of the truck looking sidelong at him. He gives me the fuckin' weirdest vibe... like... does he want to fuck me? I don't fuckin know. I almost just ask him straight up...
"We're here to fuckin' work right?" I almost don't believe what he's sayin, what we're going to drive out here and just fuck around while Kaykay goes scavving? What the hell... I'm probably looking a little bit frustrated.
I push off of the truck and start walking, "you know, scavvin' is kind of my thing right? Pretty much how I use to make a fuckin' livin... come on, lessee who's schoolin' who."
So that's how she wants to play it? Fine. Do I fucking hallucinate that she said we got shit to talk about? I drop it, then. "That's why I wanted you on this gig, Silica. You got skillz. Let's do this." I keep pace alongside.
We walk out to the yard, I'm trying to keep Kaykay in a corner of my eye without it lookin like I give a shit... not too close but keep in the 'hood.
After a short while I exhale a long breath and say without stopping, "you ok with... what happened? Haddie? You and Kaykay?"
If he's looking, I have a sort of nervous expression, not quite able to look at him.
Crunching in the snow in silence, trying to keep an ear out for K2 or trouble, I'm almost shocked when she suddenly asks a direct question without bullshit or noise. I look at her, make sure she's still she.
I poke my head into an empty boxcar. Yup, empty.
I look basically anywhere but Silica. "No, I'm not okay. I mean, I'm okay with you two, with yall getting together." That last comes out fast, to make sure she hears.
He says that part, "yall getting together" and I suddenly snap, looking at him, "we're not together!" I say it with more anger than even I'd expect... why does it make me angry? I hold the look for just a second... fuck... then just as quickly I look away.. or... back at the snow and the wreckage and the cars and shit...
Yeah, she and her sister both. "Fine, you two fucking. I'm fine with you two FUCKING." Hmm, I kinda look up, put a finger on my chin, mutter "You two having fucked? That doesn't sound right. Whatever." I vaguely wave a hand in the air.
Swallow. Not talking as smoothly as usual. "But me? Me, I could be better. We want different things. So. I don't want to break her heart any further, which means she gets you."
I look into a frozen crate full of air. Nope, nothing there.
This is shit. I mean... this is... feels like... like I never wanted anyone to know. Am I ashamed of her? Of what happened? Didn't bother me so much then but it does now. I know Hadden doesn't mean it but it fuckin' hurts me. No doubt it shows on my face but... game face.. fuckit... game face.
"Yeah ok... she fuckin' gets me..." consolation prize... "it ain't like that... ok?"
It is like that... probably....
I watch him out of the corner of my eye.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 2. Total: 9)
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 9)
Corner of my eye, yeah... but I do watch him. Somethin' going on in that head... he's been changin' up on me lately. I thought I was some kind to him... but then... I mean he saved my ass from.... and then he was with K2? I don't fuckin' get you Hadden!
So yeah, those eyes of mine keep glittering towards hadden as we walk.
Spending first hold:
What is Hadden really feeling?
How am I feeling? Lawsy me, where to begin.
I'm feeling horny and depressed, guilty and whatever that what-if feeling you have when you second-guess yourself, denied and lonely and angry and stressed and excited and wary and protective and confused.
Silica and K2 both, flashing their asses, teasing me with what I'm not gonna get. Silica giving me those blue blue eyes on the whole drive over. They both know I want to fuck both of them. I've got to tamp that down because K2 dumped me for Silica, I have no idea if Silica has a clue that I'm into her, or if Rossi will have my nuts for earrings if I nail her little sister. Handplant may want a set also also if I break K2's heart.
I can't even see Tindy! That asshole fucktard Merrell... I got to break her out, but I have no idea how to get her out safely. Especially if it's mine, which I figure it is. And there's some irony, right? K2 wants to live with me Underlake with my family and do the domestic thing with kids but it bites Tindy on the ass hard. I'm really not liking my home these days.
That's why I'm here, now, sort of- scavenging fresh supplies for the underwater boat hold (Skreetyville? Big Steel Dildo Town? North Underlake?). If it's secure, if it's safe, maybe I could retire with three wives. I've got hope. That thing can light up a hold like the world was, Pre-Freeze. I'm making it happen. I've gotta make it happen.
But I've got K2 and Silica working as a crew, and am I thinking with my dick? Is this smart? How can I keep an eye on them, make sure they get work, get jingle, get food on the table, if there's a crazy-ass love triangle between us? I'm glad we broke some tension on the drive up, otherwise madness. Gotta be professional, I'm their operator, I've got a responsibility now over and above my own desires. And yes, you hear me, desire. But I'm looking for dog packs, for hunters of Silica, for rapists of K2, for dregs of Soulja Boys, for unknown gangs or sheltered cults. I literally do not have the attention to think about relationship dramas and who's between whose thighs.
And what the fuck does Silica even want from me anyway?
I'm stressed and overworked, like the spinning plates are overtaking me. I feel like I've got the future of Chi-town, of my friends, of my family, all riding on my shoulders.
Because Hadden.
We walk along in silence. He keeps lookin' at me, that way he keeps glancing over when he thinks I'm not watching... he does want me... want me? Want to fuck me? Probably... wonder if there's more...
Get real Silica, no fucking way right?
What's also obvious is that Haddie's got a lot of heavy shit on his mind. He keeps looking out like... at the horizon or something. Thinkin' of big things. Something's making him sad... worried... he's thinking of someone. I know that look... that's how I look out from the top of the a 'scraper I climbed... like... there's something out there for me... someone who needs me... somethin' important I should be doing...
And that sigh just before he remembers to keep walking, weight of the fuckin' world on his shoulders right? Why's Hadden gotta take so much on? I mean.. I'm just tryin' to get by on my own and that don't make me small... right? Gettin' yourself by in life is a pretty fuckin' amazing thing... and Hadden's got how many countin' on him? Fuck...
Funny, I'm cuttin' corners to keep an eye on Kaykay... Haddie's doing the same. Watchin' her.... also watchin' me watch her. Fuck, Hadden... you don't gotta hold our hands... but you know it feels kinda warm knowin' he gives enough shits to do it.
I consider telling him... shit I got a lot to tell him... but he's got enough right? He don't need more of my shit too. I come to him thinkin' he can save my ass but I just been pilin' on huh? What am I, twelve? No... fuck I can handle this.... Skegs, Frontside, Soldia's, the pier... no I fuckin' cant...
"Hey Haddie, come check this shit out!" This old fridgerator car got some good lookin' crates... but when I get him close I lay this shit on him.
I lean against the rail car, one foot up on the metal behind me, like I do. "Hadden... you remember when you pulled my sorry little ass outta trouble way back when... and... and I fuckin..." he can tell this is hard, "And I said I don't owe you nothin? Well... that was bullshit..."
I look down at the ground at his feet, playing with my long hair with one hand, nervous, "you know what I mean?"
I'm running through all kinds of different shit in my head when she calls me over- Freezer car, that's a fucken' hoot, maybe there's still food in it. Could be milk or ice cream. I heard a guy found a whole train full of nothing but lettuce. Weird.
Then she brings up the rescue by Snipertown, and I can't help but grin a little at the memory. "You should've seen your little face, it was all buh-wha?" Then she gets serious, and it's like a whole different Silica. Just when I thought I had this one figured out.
Why is she so nervous? I'm watching her, trying not to get in her space. Still a little playfully, "Silica, are you finally going to say thanks?" This may be a record, it's been what, two months?
A little breath of a laugh escapes as my eyes flicker up to him and down again... takes me a bit to answer, "Hadden... I... uh... " I break into a soft smile and I shake my head ever so slightly, "I... think that's about as close as we're gonna fuckin' get..."
I nibble my lip and just... be there... for a couple of seconds. Yeah...
What does Hadden want me to do?
There's a double meaning to her words I'm not sure she means. Makes me a tiny bit sad, but I don't think she can pick up on it. "Classic Silica," and I kinda shake my head with a smile. "Maybe you'll say thanks next time it's gig payout day."
She's doing that lip thing again.
What do I want her to do? Apart from various sexual gymnastics with or without K2 or Rossi, I most just want her to be open with me so I know what the what. She says so little of consequence, it's hard for me to tell what she wants. Maybe share some primo weed if she comes across any.
Yeah, I'm watching him watching me... and he's lookin' at my lips... a little shiver, last guy I fucked is two weeks dead... didn't even like him. Great... Hadden's way better than that fucker... Why's this so hard?
Allright... what the fuck.
"Hadden..." I look around the place, you know... this ain't the best place to say shit like this, "I got a... I don't talk to people like this. You know? It... it ain't gone good for me so far givin' a shit..." I look at him, really look at those eyes, "usually when I open my fuckin' mouth I just make everything fall apart... and there's like a hundred and a half'a fuckin' things I wanna say but..."
I glance away again, "Hadden if you just wanna fuck me then... just fuckin' fuck me... it's allright... I owe you that much. Way more..."
I swallow, hard, it's not easy to trust. I take a deep breath and try not to lose my shit here, "but if that ain't it... then..." what a stupid fuckin' place to say this shit, Silica, you look like a stupid kid, "then... I don't know... when you feelin' it just..." I can't say the rest... it's to embarrasing or something... tryin' not to cry.
Suddenly I clench my hand into a fist and bang the wall of the car I'm leaning against, "oh shit... come on... fuck... let's get this shit open," I wipe my cheek with the heel of my hand and try to find that quite totally forgotten game face.
Out of nowhere, the Silica version of confessing everything. I'm caught off guard, never really expected her to talk for real real. I listen to every word, let her get it out.
"Silica..." She's on the edge. I want to go to her, but she's a bird in flight. That makes me check around- nope, no birds. Sky's more or less clear.
Talking in low tones so nothing carries. Very conscious of K2 round here somewheres. "Of course I want you. I mean, duh." Blind men in China can see the look I give her. I smile a bit, a little sad. I guess I'm feeling noble and selfless all of a sudden because of how well a thank-you fuck worked out last time. "But I'd rather you not just throw me a pity fuck just 'cause you think you owe me. And you can't not consider K2's feelings- not-together or not." K2 like, just dumped me not even an hour ago.
I take a few steps closer, keeping eyes on her, lock her in place. "But if you," I point, "want to fuck," I over-pronounce the word, step, "me," I point with my thumb, "too, then you bet we got some shit to talk about. I'm here." I'm real close to her.
I want to touch her face. "Don't cry, now. I can't wait to hear the other hundred and forty-nine things."
Yeah I can't move... frozen still by that look, the sound of his voice... I stand and listen, mouth just slightly open and breathing deep. I don't look away. He gets closer, almost reaching out to touch me, I can see that... he... he doesn't just want to fuck me... not just... but he does... damn I just.. I don't know how I feel about you Hadden.
He says those words, "don't cry," and just like that I suddely make this little pitiful almost-cry sound and have to wipe at my eyes and look away. "Fuck... Hadden..." I cringe ever so slightly away from him, like it'll hurt if he touches me but he might see my hand raise up just a second... just an inch... like I almost want to take his hand.
A deep, difficult breath, "let's just... open this shit up, ok?"
Yeah I know... maybe I started it, maybe... but we're in the middle of fuckin' unknown scavange here. Kaykay's out there.... my thoughts goin' different ways all at once... what the hell Silica?
Seeing her cringe away... stings. Maybe I'm the flame and she the moth. Never thought about it like that. Maybe she's not into guys and I'm freaking her out. So why bother putting myself out there? Shit.
I back off, cool my heat. Breathe. Look at the sky. Breathe. Just her operator again. "Sure thing. Big freezer car like this? I'm hoping it's ice cream."
Deep breath... ok. I wipe my eyes on the sleeve of my shirt and step out into the middle of the boxcar... nodding. Let's do this.
Scavenging the trainyard:
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 9)
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 3. Total: 9)
I defer to the good judgement of my scavenging expert.
Tryin' to keep outta trouble here, right? I mean, when it's just my ass on the line I push it... usually too far. But I feel for Kaykay... and yes, Hadden... want to impress Hadden. So just this once... keepin my litttle ass outta trouble today.
Just for today right?
Choosing to find food and avoid trouble... and Hadden is quite helpful. Not that I'd admit it.
After a couple boxcars, you find a crate of sealed jerky and other quickie junk food, must have been for a gas station or something. Stuff was hidden under some other junk, still untouched.
K2 scrounged up some car parts from what was once a car carrier, but it was nearly picked clean. She explains, "Most of the stuff is junk, but Lemma might find some gems in here, I bet."
All told, you spent most of the afternoon out here, picking the place apart. You might be able to find some more stuff, but the night is coming and it will be a cold, cold one.
What do you do?
So we've got the stuff hauled back out to the truck, right?
I try to act natural... like things are just things. Keep lookin' at Hadden though, all fuckin' day... I still see that weight on him... and he keeps lookin' at my ass when he thinks I ain't watching. We probably shoudn't have done that mooney shit in the back of the truck... but fuck, it was funny. I actually hafta keep myself from laughing when I see Kaykay again, thinking about it.
Nice haul, "too bad there ain't more... enginey shit round here... all this," I look out over the trainyard, "but we did good right? Got some big chips." I pat the crate a couple of times.
"Chips?!?" K2 asks. "Mag, Silly. I'd kill for some big chips and shit. Nice work!" She looks over at you, Hadden. "Where next, Hadden?"
I'm pretty satisfied here. This definitely is a decent spot and we'll have to come back. I gotta drive a little more out the way to maybe hide the tire tracks a little, just in case. It'll be hidden by morning's snow anywho.
"Great work, K2- Lemma can always use parts." I pick up something metal with wires and a gear on it, I spin it idly. "Like this thing, whatever it is." I look about, point out some actual train fronts. "I want to bring her back here with some tools and shit, get out here at the crackadawn." I'm staying professional, but K2 might catch a few unhidden emotions on my face if she's looking.
"And Silica, that's titslly mag- that crate's a big haul, gonna fill some stomachs back at the site." (H&L-ville? Nuketopia? Trout Town? Vodka Village?) "We should prolly taste-test some on the way back, says me." She really does have mad scav skillz. And yeah, I let her catch me checking out her ass, serves her right. Not so easy for her to scope mine when we're bundled up out here...
"But it looks like I got nothing to show for a day of scav work 'cept blisters, so that means I lose the side bet, right?"
K2 snickers, "You probably tanked it on purpose! You know you're in love with your sweet ass!" She moves closer to you, Silica, not reaching out to touch you, but inches away beside you.
So were hanging out outside the truck right?
I snicker through a little evil grin and bump Kaykay playfully with my hip. Hey, job's done, we did all right... couple hours working makes those painful moments seem less painful. Whatever pain remains is pushed back... this isn't the time.
I drape an arm around Kaykay's shoulders and lean on her, looking at Hadden, "if I follow the score... everyone here's seen everyone's fuckin' ass 'cept one combination..." I bump Kaykay again and snicker through my teeth, lookin' at Hadden in anticipation.
K2 rolls her eyes, then says, "Well, let's see it, Hadden. It's freezing out here and only one of us doesn't give a shit about that." She starts humming a sexy dance song, grinning and leaning over into you, Silica, like she wants you to sing with her.
I'm repacking the haul into a Tupper box and sacks- I know most people can't read, but I don't want the crate or its shipping labels clueing folk into this spot until I can bring Lemma. I'm grinning a little, because neither of them have seen me dance- and 'm a good dancer. Cold as it is, I'm looking forward to a little dance for them. I know Silica can dance, I remember well her moves by Squirrel's place.
K2's humming a version of this:
It takes me back... I remember a time Tindy performed that number. Mmmm, that Tindy. Thinking of that night excites me a little... thinking of her now sobers me a little.
T the crew, I play mock offended. Hand on my heart, affronted look "I would never tank a fair contest of skill. That said, I set yall both up to win, of course." Shameless cheese-eating grin. I hitch around my clothes, get ready to drop trou. "I never welsh on a deal, as you know." I look around to make sure the coast is clear, then back at both of them, make sure they're watching me. I give them a little bit of a smoky-playful look and wink, and then pull down my pants and shake my sweet ass with a little boom-chicka.
Fuckballs, that's cold!
I hum along with Kaykay and add a little "pah-pah" line to the song as we get into it. I lean on her as Hadden drops his pants, make a couple of wolf howls at him, "woooo! Move it baby!"
He's a fine fuckin' man ain't he? I press into Kaykay as we watch him, this is hilarious, but it's alo kinda makin' me a little hot. It's been what, two, three weeks since I was with a man?
Hadden definitely catches me looking at him with a little glimmer of desire in my eyes and nibblin' that lip like I do.
K2 plays along, giving a catcall after she stops humming. But it's obvious she's got some mixed-up feelings, looking at Hadden, then Silica, then back again. She notices the lip nibble, Silica. She saw the two of you working together all afternoon.
Finally, she interjects, "I'm hungry! Let's go get some food! Wanna hit Red Brick?"
I'm sexy and I know it, but we're burning daylight. And it is coooooooooold. I bundle back up and get my act together. I See K2 and Silica looking at each other, and if they are thinking of me when they next fuck, then so be it.
Starting to rub my hands together, get warm again. "You won the bet, so you got it. We gotta secure our haul, yeah? I don't wanna work all day and get jacked while we're chowing down."
K2 nods. "Yeah, smart. Gonna hide it near Lemma's, or run it up north by Red Brick or what?" She's heading to check the cargo, then getting in the front seat.
Hadden starts instrucifyin' which is cool. Being what he is... I hop up on the truck bed and make sure everything's tied down good with Kaykay. Can't help but think that this looks fucking uncomfortable back here...
Kaykay's walking 'round to get in the front seat, and instead I call out, "shotgun!" and quickly slide around the side of the cab, grabbing onto the edge of the roof to drop right through the open door and into the passenger seat ahead of her.
Slyly giggle to myself and shoot her a little smile.
K2 says, "Heyyyy!" Then, she's like "shotgun rules are rules" and heads back to climb into the truckbed.
"I figure drop by Lemma, yeah. She got people to watch it, we maintain more security." I give her a nod of approval like, good call and good instincts.
Then they play shotgun. Uh-huh. K2 seems awful easy to go back there alone and Silica wants the cab? Gonna have to kill the heater as courtesy.
"K2, we're riding heavy, so you're on spotter duty... Four thumps for trouble, say. You got a piece? Binocs?" Getting into the minitruck after fiddling with the go-go gizmo under the hood.
K2 pulls out her nice little revolver, showing it off. "No peepers, though. You got any?" She's pulling the hood up and over, and it's obvious, she did not want to do this.
I slide the window open and look back at her, "hey Kaykay don't worry, I'll fuckin switch up wit'cha.... when it starts getting' cold .."
I'm just playin really, gotta have some fun right?
I won't make her stay out there too long.
"Okay." K2 answers, trying to buck up. It's not like she's gonna whine about it. But yeah, she didn't even think you'd want to ride up front, and now... well, yeah.
I'm watching this. Sure, I want company. But this triangle bodes ill. "K2, you want to drive instead?" I'm looking at Silica like, are you seriously?
She looks up, startled. "What? No, man. It's alright. Fair's fair." She slaps the top of the truck impatiently. "Hustle, it's fucking cold. I'm hungry, let's do this!"
That look, fuck... Hadden sees this little angry look on my face for a second and I'm just about to get up and probably say someting stupid that I'll regret when Kaykay chimes in from the back. I slump back down into my seat, one foot on the floor, the other up on the dash, my right knee resting against the window glass.
"Whateva... let's just get the fuck outta here..." like it's my fuckin' fault. I always gotta ride in the back?
I kick the dashboard once with my heel in frustration and just seethe a bit.
I roll my eyes. "Strap in back there," I call back, and motor. To Silica, I say a little under my breath, "It is nice to have you up front for a change." I switch off the heater.
Any conversation along the way? Or should we skip past Lemma's to Red Brick or what?
"Pfft.." I glance at him, arms crossed and quietly complain, "yeah didn't seem that way a second ago..." moody? Yeah guess so.
But I lean my head back against the top of the seat and take a deep breath, noting with a little motion of the eye that he's turned off the heat. What a gentleman, right? Yeah ok... he means somethin' nice by it.
The tension seems to break a little, why am I lettin' this get to me? I shake my hips and shoulders from side to side a little bit to sort of nuzzle into the nice soft actualy human-being shaped seat.
"I won't make her stay out there too long..." I add quietly.
But within a few minutes Im probably asleep.
When she complains, I chuff at her shoulder softly with the side of my hand and roll my eyes so hard they fall out. "Doofus. I gotta be considerate."
Once she's asleep, I wait til she'd for true snoring or her breathing changes, keeping an eye out, then let K2 know so if she wants to hop up front.
Otherwise, yeah. Red Brick.
K2 stays outside, insisting thay she'll keep good watch. You're left alone, again, Hadden.
The stopover at Lemm's is uneventful. Rossi's gang helps you unload.
Once you get there, I assume you wake Sil and head in?
K2's a trooper. I'm proud of her for going the distance, and I want to tell Handplant she's doing a good moms job. I drive in silence, mull my thoughts. I probably glance at Silica a time or two, keep eyes on K2 scopin' in the back. It's lonely, but okay.
I let K2 wake Silica.
I don't snore... do I snore? Wait... no, no way... right?
K2 gently nudges you awake, "Silly.... hey Silly, we're here. Let's get some grub, yeah?" Her nudges are tentative, like she doesn't really want to wake you. But she doesn't want to go into Red Brick alone. Not with the guy she sort of kind of dumped earlier today.
Startles the fuck outta me, I was dreamin' about somethin' good too. But I blink a bunch of times and take a deep breath... stretch my feet out against the floor and push myself up to more of a sit.
"Uhhh... yeah, ok..." I say in that voice you use when you're stretching, "oh, fuck..." I realize I left her in the back the whole time... just a moment of silence starin' at her with my mouth open.
So I slip out of the truck and get my feet under me... nodding. Yeah, let's go.
I imagine the walk up to Red Brick is quiet. Hadden, last time you were here was with Tindy, if you recall. Probably do, right?
Silica, this place is pretty expensive. When were you here last, and what happened?
The place has some clientele, maybe a dozen. Food is grilling in the back, people calmly eating and talking. A few bullyboys standing around, security.
What do you do?
Yeah I don't get to this kinda rich town place that much. When was I here? Couple, three years ago this guy I was fuckin' brought me here... didn't know better back then, right? Well he made me wait out back in the snow while he did his business with some important fuckers. Didn't wanna be seen with a 'fucking icewalker' as he put it.
Never saw inside the door, but one of the cooks tossed me some scraps... she meant well but made me feel like a fuckin' dog.
Was good shit though.
Seein' the Bean right there by Red Brick Road, brings a lot back sudden in a rush. Arbor and Tindy both, and Smokin and the Soulja Boys... even Rossi way back when. Tamp that shit down, bucko. This is about keepin' the crew happy after a good run.
"Yall want a booth or table?" Sure, I'll hold open the door.
K2 answers quickly, "Booth!" She slips into the place ahead of you, Silica. She waves to the guy behind the bar, who nods back like he knows her face, at least. She picks out a booth near an unused door, good view of the exit and the bathrooms, not too close to the fireplace. She slides into a seat after pulling off her jacket and gloves.
Silica, it's pretty warm in here. Also, that guy who "brought you here" before, Tamedog, he's sitting with a couple of Roxy's girls and a merchant you recognize, one who works a booth near Forum.
Who sits beside K2? Or do you both sit across from her?
I totally scope the place, see who I know- the bartender, the merchants, the girls. Any biz or trouble or opportunity. Spinning, spinning. Check out the slate to see what's the menu.
When I walk past the table we sat at, Tindy and Arbor and CTO and me, I touch it lightly with my fingertips, like to make sure it's still there. Of course it is. I wonder what's Tindy doing now, how I can go see her. Get her away from Merrell.
And talk about coinkydink, K2 picks the table I was at when Rossi saved my fine ass. That brings a real complex smile to my face- longing, fear, happiness, nostalgia. The path not taken. I divert at the last second and remember to sit opposite K2, so Silica can sit by her instead. I know K2 catches that, and I kinda head shrug like, old habits. I narrow my eyes at Silica a tiny tiny bit like, gurrrl don't you think about dissing her. Much as I'd rather a different seating arrangement...
I walk tentatively into the place, got my incognito gear on... well, at least the hoodie pulled up and those new pants and glasses... I feel ridiculous and it's way hot in there but I'll deal.
I slide in after Kaykay in the seat Hadden politely left for me, I don't seem to notice. I keep my mouth shut and sort of try to be a little bit invisible.
But then look up and Hadden's givin' me serious eyes like... what? What'd I do? I look around the place... what? I shake my head and remove my glasses to mouth at him, "what?"
I gotta buy Silica a clue one of these days. I look at K2, I look at Silica, I look back to K2. "It's gonna be a little weird for a while, but I want us all to be cool. So smack me upside the head if I deserve, okay?" I lower my voice, get mock serious. "And nobody tell your mom or your sister about our booty show, okay? I'll never hear the end of it."
I check out the crowd again casual, see who's watching us three.
Hadden gives us his little lecture, and I look at Kaykay and say softly, "it's always weird with us, Haddie." I smile and lean my head on a hand, lookin' at whoever's whoever around the place.
Hadden seems to be caught up in some kind of thinkin' which is really very much like him. I keep thinking about what happened in the trainyard... the fuck did I say all that shit for?
I'm such an idiot sometimes...
Well, Tamedog got a glance at you, Silica, but not good enough to recognize you, it seems. He's taken up with one of Roxy's girls, a redhead named Burton. She's a bit distracted, sort of lost in thought, looking in the mirror behind the bar. That merchant guy, he's with some girl about your age, Silica. Her name's Tweak.
Hadden, you recognize Disaster in the corner. He's hidden in some shadows. He's sitting with Trespass, the pair of them eating quietly. They seem comfortable with each other, at least, sitting across from each other, beer bottles and nearly empty plates.
Silica, K2 sneaks a hand onto your thigh, under the table. She gives you a sly grin, then moves it away. Kind of daring you to do or say something.
What food do you order when the server comes around?
At least they are comfortable here with me. K2 seems to only have eyes for Silica, so I go back to watching the crowd. Disaster and Trespass are very notable to me, but I keep my eyes on them not too obviously. I want to talk to them about their bosses. Or pass on a message at the least. If they get up, I'll try to catch their eye. Don't want to queer their date.
Checking out the menu, one of their specials sounds really interesting. Twinkie kabob with vegetable. I consider some wine fur the table, but it wasn't a good enough score for old wine, and it's probably not a good idea for the three of us to get drunk together on fresh wine. Another life, maybe... so just beer for me. Hmm, they got bear stew. It won't be like mom's. I can't run away from all that. I look at my crew, consider including them in my schemes. Mom did take a real shine to K2... I'll bring it up later.
I settle on a potato-tomato stew over rice.
Ok so I look around enough to make myself nervous. Feels like everyone's lookin' at me... of course they're not right? But it feels like.
I try and keep my eyes on our table, and that means on Hadden, who sits across from me. Kaykay starts feelin my leg and I give her a little look but it's not like I'm going to stop her... whatever we are... she knows how to get to me, even if I wish she couldn't. After she withdraws it I just kick her playfully under the table, foot to ankle or something. Not enough to hurt.
So I'm a little distracted and uh... order... "something, uh..." twinkle kabob? "just some of that spicy lookin' shit..." I see it on another table. I almost want to order a beer, yeah... yeah I know I don't drink beer but it makes memories.
I look at Hadden... why am I so nervous? This kind of place.
I look at K2, "Whacha getting?" She wanted to come here for a reason.
K2 answers simply, "Homebrew, Twinkiebobs, Palmer shrimp skewers." She pauses, "I can pay for mine if that's too much, Hadden." She squeezes your leg, Silica, says, "You should get the Chef's surprise. It's spicy, spicy. Wanna beer, too?"
I shrug like whatever, "sure, ok... chef's surprise... uh... yeah I can pay up too. No big thing..." isn't this shit expensive? That reminds me, I gotta talk to Haddie about the fuckin' ice... totally forgot about it...
"Yeah why the fuck not," I reach across the table and pat Hadden hard on the shoulder, like 'bap!' "three beers right?"
I don't mind dropping a jingle on our meal. Not every time, no, but we did a good gig today and I have a feeling there's more in that trainyard. "This one's on me, but I might steal a bite off eacha yall's plate if you're not lookin'. And yeah, they brew a decent beer here." Silica looks like she's got something on her mind, and K2 looks like she's feeling frisky.
Kinda wish they had someone playing music.
Beers and food are ordered. In the waiting time for them, K2 shoulder bumps you, Silica, asking, "Hey, need to go to the bathroom? I do. C'mon."
Hadden, Trespass caught your eye. She knows you're here, and she's looked over at you a couple times.
She bumps me and for some reason I glance at Hadden who'se lookin out at someone or other who must be a playa 'round here...
"Sure, yeah..." I scooch off the seat, keeping casual. "And uh... step outside for a sec maybe... cool the fuck off."
Looks like Trespass and Disaster on a date, or maybe just chummy. Next time she looks at me, I'll acknowledge. Don't want to cockblock or be a thing, just talking.
You head to the bathroom, do whatever business, then step outside. Once you get out in the cold, start feeling better, K2 asks, "Silly... do you wanna get with Hadden?" She asks it like curiously, like she knows the answer.
To Hadden:
Once the girls are gone, Trespass does this kind of head nod like "c'mere".
What do you do?
Yeah outside, I take a deep breath, flap my hoodie around a little bit to get the air inside... then she hits me with that one:
"Wha? Hadden?" deer in the headlights, "what? Why... no... we ain't like that right? I mean..."
Fuck she got me huh, I take an unsteady step in the crunchy hard snow. "I mean... yeah he's hot. Right? But it's weird, ain't it?"
K2 quirks a little frown, like she knew it. "Sure, it's weird. I mean, he fucks for jingle, but then he'll get with you if he likes you. And there's no way to tell if it means anything, you know? I mean, he's got words. Pretty words. And he tries. But then, he's stretched so thin..."
She swallows, then says, "We could do him. Like right after this, if that's what you want."
Wow... the look on my face must be priceless, "you mean..." I point to the place with my thumb, "b...both of us... with Hadden?"
I suddenly let out a held breath, almost laugh, "you fuckin serious? You uh... want to?"
Sure, I walk over to Trespass and Disaster. I take my beer, leave the rest of our food and stuff, keep an eye on the table.
I'm trying to not be guarded, but I don't know if I need to be worried or what about Molotov & Roxy.
"How you two doin'? What's the what?"
K2 gives you a sly grin, "Well... if you want to. I mean, I've already, you know, done it with both of you. So, I could make it happen." She playfully punches your arm, "You totally want it, don't you? I knew it!" She's smiling, trying to look excited.
You know, deep down, she feels second place, though. You feel it ooze from her..
Trespass scoots over, pats the seat by her, "Hey Hadden, have a seat. Notice you're with HP's girl and... who'd the other one?"
Disaster is still eating, unperturbed by Trespass's offer for you to sit by her. Maybe they discussed it?
I nod at Disaster, sit down. "Thanks, Trespass. The other one's Silica. Doing some scav work. You got anything? How's by you?" Take a sip of my beer. This feel casual?
What the fuck, she gets me all excited and then pulls this emo shit on me, "fuck Kaykay, ok forget it... I was just fuckin' with ya..." I wave my hands in front of my face... obviously I wasn't just fucking with her.
But something does occur to me... I really, really have to think about this kind of shit... sex... I'm like fuckin' poison right? I try to just laugh it off but yeah... that hits me... when Kaykay went with me. I remember how I fuckin' felt.
"Forget it, ok?"
Trespass huffs a laugh, "Do I have anything to scavenge? Man, you don't even want the stuff leftover where I work, bro."
Disaster laughs with her, "Yeah, exactly." He takes a swig of his beer, "Silica? That's the ice-walker who killed one of Stinky's guys, right? Hunh.. expected she'd be... bigger. Or something."
Trespass throws in a barb, "But wait, aren't you the one always saying "size doesn't count"?" She laughs a high pitched snicker. They high five, like this is a thing they do.
Yeah, it's casual.
Trespass offers you a bite of her toast, "It's fresh." She waits for you to take it or not, then answers, "Well, with the Soulja Boys down to a handful, that cut into Roxy's profits. Business is slow."
"And with Molly all up Roxy's twat," Disaster says bitterly, "We're losing Keys."
That seems to thrill K2, like she totally misreads it. She moves in for a kiss, like, lips coming at you, dive bombed-style, followed by tongue. Hands at your hips, reaching for you.
What do you do?
I laugh too, pull a face. Blecch, recycled condoms. "I mean tips on work elsewhere. I do not want to scavenge sloppy seconds, thank you very much." I'll clink bottles at the joke.
"Disaster, she's on the DL. Ixnay, yeah? I mean it. There was some real shit went down." I give him a straight, serious look. I gotta find her an alias. I might have to buy some silence, but I hope not.
I'll try just a bite of fresh bread, you know it. "I'm waiting on our dinner," and tell her what we ordered. "Have you seen what was Soulja Field? Insano. So warm, like an oven, but outside and big big. I didn't know so many of them folk went to her." And you know I'm thinking about swiping some workers, but that's an undertaking. Not sure I have the attention to start up a high-class brothel as well as a secret under-ice Pre-Freeze nuclear underwater boat town. (Suipfnubt? P-funk? U-town?)
I get a little intense as I think about Underlake. "You know it's no secret I need to talk with Molotov T. Gunlugger. I hope it's not too late, but I have things in motion." I take another swig of beer and regard Disaster. "Is it bad? I heard about the Lostkeys." And I mean bad in a couple different angles- Molotov, Roxy, Sparekeys, Lostkeys, biz... Never Summer.
She surprises the shit outta me, dive bombin' huh? On target... I've been kinda hot all day after talkin' to Hadden and yeah you know Kaykay's got my number. First couple seconds she's got me unprepared, but they I kiss back, get my hands on her.
Fuck, Kaykay, what'd I fuckin' say?
But I'm still thinking of Hadden... that fine ass. Would he die if I fucked him? Like...
Don't think about it... fuck... just fuckin' do this.
Disaster shakes his head, looking at his plate of food, "Bad. Invert went to Ross, as you know. The King built up so many BJ IOUs that Molly had to kick him out..."
"We would have settled for his blood," Trespass says casually.
"And I wouldn't take it, so let it go, Tress." Disaster snaps back. "It's trickle down, you know? Roxy gets work, she needs outside muscle. That's our job. And things are tight. Plus, the fucking Lostkey shit. They took down a couple of ours, we killed a couple of theirs. Sucks. We were brothers, you know?"
K2's hands are slipping up your back, skin to skin.She leans up to whisper, "Let's go hide under a blanket in Hadden's truck. I like hiding under blankets with you, Silly." She nibbles your ear, pressing her body against you. She must be keyed up, too.
What do you do?
So we're makin' out just outside, which is hot... right? The truck's right over there...
I pull myself away from her kiss to take a step and glance in the door and see what Hadden's up to... yeah, he's at some fuckers table chattin' em up... yeah?
I can't hide my stupid... fucking stupid smile, "yeah.... five minutes, Kaykay.... five fuckin' minutes ok?" I got this dumb grin on my face and start out slow, but probably end up runnin' for the truck.
I take a long pull at my beer, swish the bottle, consider. Flick my eyes to Disaster. "You think the Lostkeys would parlay with me? Maybe there's only Onekeys in the future? Or has too much shit happened betwixt?" Deals need brokering, yo. Because Swaziland.
I ask, curiously. "Do either of you know why Roxy nor Molotov will see me? They just fucking each others' brains out, or is it something else?"
K2 giggles, then takes off after you. She's bundled up, but she works out. Mom's regimen and all that. You barely beat her to the truck. Then fumble at the door while she grabs a blanket from the back seat. She kisses, you then shoves you inside, closes the door.
She's pulling the blanket over both of you. Are you letting her be dominant, or switching things up when she comes inside the cab?
Disaster considers that for a bit, like maybe he's thought of it, but hadn't figured out a solution. "It's worth a shot. Onekeys? Sounds good." He takes a drink.
"What Dis won't say," Trespass says low to you, Hadden, but he can hear, too. "Molly's so tripped out on whatever Roxy's got him doing, he's basically given up the ghost. He's high as a kite, on ice, on H, on Roxy. She's running the Keys now. So... what would she want you around for? No offense."
Disaster shifts a bit, "You know, we're not s'posed to be talking shop, Hadden. We came here for a good meal. Quiet chat, you know?" It's obvious this is messing with his loyalties.
I'm leaned forward a bit, hanging on Trespass's words. This is good intel, if it's so. I'm hungry for facts, and I deeply appreciate. It's plain in my eyes. If Roxy's got Molotov trippin' balls, then small wonder neither of them will talk to me. I didn't think he'd be that far gone. I remember he liked that ice a little too much. He can't be full icewalker, or Roxy'd be getting full icedick. I stare off a sec, thinking how to tell mom. What this means for any moves against Merrell.
I nod deliberate to Disaster, acknowledge. Don't want to push it. "Likewise, but things happen. I don't want to put yall off dessert or your chat. But tell Roxy she owes me a private meeting still?" I check my table. Food there yet?
Yeah I climb up first, Kaykay urgently shovin at my ass. I scooch across the seat the the opposite window, my left foot up against the seatback, my right leg stretch out straight. I reach forward and help pull her inside as she climbs up and pull her down on top of me, get my hands up inside her clothes... so warm.... and get my cool hands on her skin.
I'm sort of being aggressively submissive here, pulling her in then leaving myself beneath her... I want to make her feel good, get a hand in her panties and pull her up a little bit towards my chest, but I'm also not going to make any big moves unless she calls it.
In the back of my head I'm picturing Hadden... if Hadden were... he could show me what's what right? That ass...
Trespass holds up a hand to isaster like "ease up", turns to you, "No, it's fine. Short and sweet. Just chatting. I'll tell Rox she owes ya. Place was nicer when you were around anyway." She smiles, and it doesn't seem smart-ass.
Food's here, just arrived.
Disaster gives you a guy nod, asks, "You need anything, man?"
K2's all about being an aggressor here. You can tell that while she isn't trying to assert dominance exactly, she wants to remind you of what pleasure she can give you, so she's kissing, then pulling off your clothes, and sliding down. "Five minutes? C'mon, coach," she murmurs while kissing down your body. "More time. Go for OT or something."