Consciousness returns slowly.
The first thing you note is sound. The sound of a crackling fire. Light conversation between strangers, barely audible. It sounds relaxing.
Smells. Burning wood, of course. Gas and oil, both warm but cooling. Human sweat, and not too far off, some kind of latrine maybe.
Then feeling. You're lying on your side on cold ground. It's night. You've drooled a tiny mud puddle in the soft earth. You aren't bound, but there's someone nearby, sharpening a knife. You recognize the sound of a blade on a whetstone. Why do you know that sound so well, Stitch?
When you open your eyes just enough to see who it is, you see this guy in the firelight, sharpening a long skinning knife.

The conversation picks up a bit, or maybe you're able to tune it in?
A woman's voice,
"..don't frakking care, Chive, I'm frakkin starving. Carve the bitch up and let's get to it!"This is the woman talking:

She's pacing back and forth on the other side of the fire, ranting, obviously upset. Rail thin, clothed in black. She wasn't part of the raiding party. She seems young.
A male voice answers,
"You saw her kit, JB. Don't be stupid. She's more important than a snack." He's talking calm, relaxed, like a stone cold killer. His name is, you guessed it, it's Ronnie.

Ronnie turns to talk to someone further away, out of your sight,
"Frosty, any of those narcos still good?"You hear a voice answer that warbles like teeth are missing,
"Yeff, Ronnie. Lotf of goo ftuff here. Fome ftuff I never faw before."The guy sharpening his knife, he's stopped. You just realized he's stopped and you don't know why.
What do you do?
I lay as still as I can- can't do much about the trembling. I close my eyes, though I can still see them all in my head. Tears fall from my eyes. It wasn't supposed to be like this.
I signed up for the program to get away from Ethan. I was supposed to go to a new colony and set up a clinic. Have a life.
Of course, when you've been beaten to near death by the man you love, you learn to live with fear. You numb it out. Even when he was happy, I didn't trust it. Every day I tried to understand why he'd hurt me, then tell me he loved me. I realize now that maybe I died back then. The real me left- and who could blame her. So I got a few weeks on this strange planet with two moons, that's more than I deserved, surely. I wasn't brave enough to stand up to Ethan. I'm a coward.
I wait. No sense in provoking them. I know how this dance works.
The guy who was knife sharpening says in a surprisingly light voice, "Sure thing, Ronnie. Sure thing." A few seconds later, he takes two quick steps and kicks you in the stomach. Your scarred stomach.
Ronnie huffs once, "That... wasn't exactly gently." He comes over to squat down near your face, Stitch. "What's your name, lady?"
"Stitch." I reply weakly. I'm not dumb- if they need a doc bad enough they'll keep me alive... Until one of 'em gets hungry.
I hope they fucking choke on that candy.
"Here's the deal, Stitch." Ronnie says cold. "You're gonna set up a little free clinic, right here. Some of my people are sick, some have wounds that never healed right. You're gonna fix them all up. And when you're done, we're gonna take your meds and chocolate, and one of mine will drive you near Salt... and let you go."
He smiles a nasty grin, "Sound fair and square, Stitch?"
Behind him, JB screams, "Say no, BITCH! I want to cook your fucking HEART!"
What do you do?
I nod. "Yes."
Cobb, the knife sharpener, laughs, "Her baby? She gonna tell Frosty it's dead?
"Maybe she'll believe a doc, yeah?" Ronnie quips.
So here's the deal, Stitch. Cobb's gonna be on you, taking you around this gang of twenty-five hard-hearted maniacs, getting them healed up so they can butcher more folks.
Let's see you Act Under Fire to keep it together during this all-nighter. On a hit, you might see a way out of here. On a miss, you really do have to break it to Frosty.
You don't want to tell Frosty her baby is dead.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 4. Total: 10)
You've finished up your free clinic just now. You used up one stock on some of these bastards. Mark it off.
Cobb asks you, talking low, "You want to sleep now? Or mess around?" It's odd, isn't it? Him asking for sex.
What do you do?
I didn't make eye contact with them, didn't talk much. Just stitched up holes and gave out pills. Told em how to clean out wounds. Pretended I was doctoring regular folk.
My hands started to shake at some point. I sit on them to stop the trembling. I stare at my feet.
Mostly it was digging out bullets- some of which had been there a long time.
The place where you are. Where these Wendys took you, it's the middle of some kind of rock formation. The craggy peak reaches up fifty meters maybe. Like some little maze on a kid's menu. They've got their bikes and trucks parked under an outcropping, and they sleep in bags or under blankets under the stars, with a few fires going. It's tribal, and most of these gangers are male.
You worked a psych ward before, right? Reminds you of that, this disquiet calm, of twenty different wavelengths, all these Wendys are one kind of crazy or another. And they get along, just. Just barely.
Ronnie runs the show, and only that girl JB gives him lip. Smiley-Face Chive is his thug in charge. You had to sew up the rusty nail wounds in his arm, the ones you gave him. I assume you didn't recommend tetanus shots, did you?
That girl, the one VB shot and killed at Ollie's, the mohawk girl? That was Cobb's sister, name was PretzelPub.
What do you do?
Later- I realized he'd raped me. Maybe that was why I entered the program.
"No to both." I say, barely above a whisper. I'm not entirely sure what gave me the courage to say it. They'd do whatever they were going to do to me, what I said didn't matter to them. At least this way I'd said no.
Of course I don't say one word about tetanus shots. I saw a case of it once- nasty business. It almost makes me smile, the thought of Chive writing in pain. It probably won't kill him, anyway.
What do you do?
For this moment, this brilliant moment, not one single Wendy is paying attention to you, Stitch. You could try to run, right now. Maybe you could grab a bike. Or a gun. Or just run. You could maybe outrun Cobb.
What do you do?
OOC: Read a sitch incoming.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 2. Total: 6)
While Ronnie smacks his lips and slowly sits up, stretching his arms, popping his back, Cobb says, "The doc is done, fixed everyone up. She was no trouble."
Ronnie blinks his eyes a couple times, rubs the back of his neck, "You frak her?"
Cobb huffs a laugh through his nose, shakes his head, "Nope. She declined"
Ronnie chuckles a raspy laugh, "Well... did she now? Guess you aren't such a chicken-hearted thing after all." Ronnie puts a hand on the ground, pushes himself up. He's what, about a ahead taller than you? Yeah, about. He looks down at you, Stitch, in close, bad breath and all. Puts a hand on your shoulder, "So here's the deal, Stitch. I gave you my word, that if you doctored up my people, I'd let you go. And I'm good on my word. You want to go, then I'll wake up JB, and she'll take you near Salt, and let you go."
Cobb furrows his brows in a bit of confusion, looks to Ronnie, then you, then back.
Ronnie asks, smirking, "Is that what you want, Stitch?"
I nod, still not looking Ronnie in the eyes, keeping as still as I can. "Yes."
"Chances are, Stitch. That JB'll take you closer to Salt, let you go... then shoot you in the back of the head. Then she'll field dress you, and bring back your meat and we'll al cook it up. I know, it's awful. JB following the letter of the law, not the spirit it was intended, and all that, I hate it. But she sucks a mean dick, and you've got to respect that, you know?" He laughs, Cobb laughs. I don't think you do, do you?
"I've got an alternative, though. A ray of hope, so to speak." Ronnie continues, "There's this brain frakker up north, put the word out for a good doc. He'd trade lots of meat for you. But you'd have to ride with us. Which means, you've got to ride as one of us, since we aint no frakkin taxi cab service, you know?"
Cobb scoffs, "You're gonna paint her up, Ronnie?"
Ronnie quips, "She'd paint herself up, and I wouldn't stop her. So, Stitch, what do you think about door number two?"
"You mean Brannigans?" I ask, my voice cracking and weak.
I'd heard enough about the Ascendant to know I was probably better off dead. If Brannigans messed up people half as bad as they said I wouldn't even be me anymore. Sure, I'd be helping folk- in other circumstances that'd be enough for me- but I won't give up my own self to do that.
I shake my head no, unable to speak. Sink down to my knees in the dirt. Tears spill over. I start shaking uncontrollably.
Then you break down, and that kills the conversation. Ronnie and Cobb, they stand over you, not talking. They don't offer comfort, but oddly enough, they don't take pleasure in your tears, either.
After an uncomfortable silence, Ronnie says, "I figured you'd stretch it out over a few days, the free clinic. Youre a victim of your own hard work, Stitch." He squats down to get eye level with you, says, "Get a few hours sleep. You'll need all your energy to run when JB lets you loose. I mean, she's a drek shot. You might make it back. And just think... of all the stories you'll have to tell. Think of how glad you'll be, just bein alive." Then he crawls back under the furs with JB, starts groping at her, waking her up for sex.
Cobb sits down on a nearby rock, obviously tired, but he's going to try and wait this out.
What do you do?
I curl up and think of my little girl- the one I never got to meet. Maybe I'll meet her tomorrow.
I sleep- pulled under it's dark depths by sheer exhaustion.
What do you think your littl girl grew up to look like, Stitch?
You're pushing her in a swing, and with each push, she ages, from girl, to tween, to teen, to young woman, to adult, to middle-age. Then she becomes your grand-daughter, and the aging of the pushes continues. Each ancestor like you, but slightly different. Each generation spawned from you, each daughter has your eyes, your chin, your heart.
You're kicked awake again. JB screeches, "Get up, snack size. We're going for a ride!" The Wendys are up, milling about. Some are working on bikes, some are cleaning weapons, a pair is frakking. You hear a woman singing softly to a baby. There are no baby sounds, though.
What do you do?
I cough as I'm kicked awake. My heart aches for the dream and then I remember that I'll see her again soon. It's so odd- I never believed in an afterlife until today- but it gives me peace. It may not be true, but at this point it's all I've got.
I get up and follow JB silently.
She uses leather straps to tie each hand down, leaving you sitting on the back of the long, brown seat. It was nice once, now its a cracked and ruined excuse for cushion. JB, aka Junior Bacon, mounts her bike and rides off.
Go here.