Libation landed a couple standard hours ago. You were all held in dock until a security team came in to sweep for "restricted biological remnants", whatever that was. This place is tightly controlled by the Empire - "boys in white" are thick at the spacedocks here on Falleen Throne.

After you were released from the ship, Jojee came by your shuttle to lead you to her contacts in House Terrik, telling you,
"They're a couple trouble-makers. Like you. You'll like them, Ladro." The rest of the crew handled the offloading and transport of the shipment. As you walked farther from the docks, there were fewer Troopers around.
Jojee walked with you and Hosk to a local joint with a glowing sign that says: "Blast Off Bar" in Coruscant. The front windows have been plated up with shutters: each one has several slits in it to allow in a small amount of light. A few large tubes poke in and around the structure, again reinforcing the feeling that the bar has a definite ‘spacer’ theme about it. The front doors are made from heavy-looking metal, and look as though they could withstand a direct assault for quite a while. A glowing computer-panel to the right side of the doors just waits to be pressed. There does not appear to be any other entry into this

Hosk chuckled,
"BOB? Jojee, this place is great! You should've mentioned we were heading to this kriffing place. I've got some credit there. heh." He looked up to the screen, placed his hand on it. The front doors opened with a low hiss of hydraulics, sticking for a moment, before opening fully and allowing you inside.

You enter the bar proper and the moment you do, you are greeted by a number of questioning eyes. People, mostly Falleen and humans, but several other species mixed in, quickly look away and tend to their own business. This medium-sized bar serves a good number of customers. There are round tables with harsh electric light streaming from overhead, while the slatted windows let in very little illumination from the outside. At the back of the room a typical bar is stocked with a number of bottles and tended by a thin, scrawny-looking human.
Music plays quietly in the background and the atmosphere is relaxed, but has an obvious underlying current of trouble. The interior mirrors the exterior, using cast-off starship parts as decor. No attempt has been made to camouflage or update this odd collection of ephemera via paint or other means. They are everywhere on the walls, floors and ceiling; even utilizing a couple of large ducting fans in the ceiling to provide climate control. Fuel pipes and piping of all shapes and sizes crisscross the walls, stretching overhead and down into the floor.
At the back of the bar itself is another hydraulic door that leads to what you assume to be a galley or a kitchen; the sign next to it reads: “Prep Area – No Entry.” To the left and right are signs above hydraulic doors leading to restroom facilities. A small jukebox-type computer system against the right wall allows for a choice of music.
Here and there are clusters of small tables topped with bowls and a few condiments. There are extra chairs and stools about, so it would be easy to grab a seat if you wanted to do so. You notice a few of the patrons lean against the
walls, using handy shelves or ductwork instead of tables to hold their drinks.
Jojee stops near the door, looking for her contacts, while Hosk pretends like he doesn't even know you guys and heads over to the bar, his standard tactic. After a minute, Jojee says,
"Looks like we beat them here, Ladro. Want to sit at the bar or grab a table?"
"I think a table, for business, yeah? Why don't you two grab one and I'll get a round. What do you want?" With a look at Jojee, "No Corellian Brandy, though..."
With a subtle shake of her head Jojee agrees to a table, answering about the drink with, "Just water, Ladro." She walks over to a vacant table to the right with a good view of the door, the bar and the restrooms.
The skinny human behind the bar asks, "What ya need, friend?"
I decide to follow Jojee's lead and stick to water myself, as well, leave the bartender a decent tip for the trouble. I take a look around at the decor as I make my way to the carefully selected table. "This place is something else. Don't know why Hosk's never brought me here. Think he's ashamed of his sidekick?" Drinks on the table, butt in a chair, sipping on my water with an eye on the door.
Jojee takes a nice, long drink of the water, like she really needed it. You ask your question and she looks at you, over to Hosk, then back to you, "I don't know, Ladro. Wouldn't you be?" She gives you that smart aleck grin of hers with a twinkle in her eye that says "you might've handed that one to me, but I took it anyways, and I liked it"
"To be honest, this is the first time I've been here." Jojee admits after finishing another long drink. She looks around, commenting idly, "It's a bit rusty, but the water is clean."
You make some small talk or just watch quietly until they arrive? Jojee seems oddly chatty, maybe a little nervous? Or could be something else.
Observe a person
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 5, 3. Total: 8)
Jojee's trying to play it cool, but she doesn't trust these Falleen too much. She won't admit it to you, since she really wants the creds, plus you owing her is a nice thing to have as well.
She's also slowly starting to not hate you, which makes her leery since you did such a great job charming Lee. She wonders if she's just another conquest for you, which she refuses to be a notch on your proverbial bedpost.
I nod. The water does taste good. "Thanks again for your help with this. I owe you, and not just the ten percent. Falleen's a tricky landscape to navigate without a guide." After that, I let her talk. Seems to help her nerves some, and I need her on point, especially if she doesn't fully trust these people.
The other's about a pair of twin Zeltrons who wanted off planet when they were stuck in the Outer Rim. Jojee starts telling the story, then it sort of fizzles when two Falleen enter the Blast Off.
They scan the place, noting Jojee, and you, but checking everyone else as well. The female is young, has a cocky stance. The male is a bit older, but there's a glint in his eye. He's seen some fights, you just know it.
Jojee stands up, and when they come over, she smiles to them, "Xora, Savann, it is good to see you again." Xora is the female, Savann is the male. "This is Ladro, the one who can help you." Xora takes a seat, doesn't shake your hand, merely nods.
Savann comes over to grip your hand firmly, "Well met, Ladro. I'm glad Jojee could help us out with our little project."
Xora calls the bartender over and orders Sullustan ales for the whole table. He ducks his head in a timid nod and brings them over. During the wait, Savann asks Jojee how she's been, asks after Squall as well.
While they're chatting, Xora says to you in a clipped tone, "You're... Kiffu, right?" She doesn't seem to care much.
"Kiffar, actually," I say, but I waggle a hand in an "it doesn't matter" gesture. "Lots of folks say it that way, though."
"So, what sort of business do I have to look forward to on Falleen, Xora, Savann?"
"You're going to wreck a party." Xora says as she takes a drink of her ales. She sits forward, telling you the story like it's the more exciting thing you're going to hear in a long time, "Bella Luna is a Durosian trid starlet who is a pawn for House Shif'tisth . She’s the lead vocalist in the newest Trance Opera, ‘La Luna Reine,’ and she’s throwing a huge party at her home here on Falleen Throne to celebrate closing night of the show. She’s due to receive a shipment of specially scented flower arrangements for the party, but you're going to swap them out with some nerve gas. It shouldn't kill any beings, but it will definitely stir things up, and give the house a black eye. Especially after that ambassador died on their watch!" She laughs at that. Savann chuckles, too, and you get the feeling he knows a good bit about that ambassador.
"Ha." I give an evil grin. "I've wrecked lots of parties, but not usually on purpose. However... I'm not a big fan of 'shouldn't kill any beings,' though. Can you tell me what the agent is, give me a little reassurance?" Don't want mass murder on my hands, conscience, or record.
Savann looks over at Jojee for a long moment. Jojee's face grows a bit stony, defensive. Savann says finally, "Jojee, I see you didn't send us some near-human idiot. That's good!" He laughs while reaching into a pocket on his vest. He pulls out a small readerbox, something you've seen used for chemical analysis, puts it on the table in front of you, "This is the mix of chemicals we're using. Slow-acting stuff, non-lethal. We're out to ruin Bella Luna, not kill her. If her star falls, so does House Shif'tisth. You have no idea how many creds our enemies have sunk into her scrogging career. Killing her would only send sales through the roof."
The chemical balance is not unlike how a high, one-time exposure to iodine might impact a human: Lots of puking, dizziness, weaker ones might go to a medical droid. Like he said, should not be fatal.
Xora slaps a credstick down on the table in front of you, right beside the readerbox, "Here's the other interesting part." Checking the readout on the stick, it's a full Cred. "That's a down-payment."
I whistle, low. "That's quite a down payment, Xora. Final two questions, of course, are timetable and setup." I'm keeping an eye on Jojee, paying attention to the body language of all three of my tablemates. "If it seems to good to be true, it probably is," right? I focus down on Xora, though. She's the one that handed me the credstick.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 2, 1. Total: 3)
Savann is intent on watching you closely, trying to see if you're competent enough to pull this off. Xora though, she knows how to use creds to shock people, and she's caught a look at you, the real you under the cagey demeanor.
Now that she's got an opening on you, answer her questions honestly:
How can she get you to do this job? Is the money enough? Or is there something else?
(there are a couple follow-up questions coming)
"Listen, Ladro," Xora says, a hint of impatience in her voice, "The job is simple. We'd like someone well out of our circles, for plausible deniability. We're overpaying you, and we both know it."
By the way, Ladro, for some reason, the stress of this situation, Jojee gets a glimpse at you she hadn't seen before.
• what’s your character really feeling (about her)?
I hold out my hand to Xora. "Okay. We'll take it. When's the party, and what's our in?"
Xora smiles, satisfied at getting her way, but not terribly surprised. She grips your forearm with a Falleen handshake, "The party is tomorrow night. I have the delivery order number, and the assignment information for the store. As long as the flowers we have at a storage locker near here are swapped with what she ordered, then however you do it is fine with us."
"Got it, Xora. Details are details. We can handle this." I note the information on the delivery and the location of the flowers. And then, for the first time, I take a sip of my ale.
Hosk put ales in front of each of you, "Looked like a good chat from where I was sitting."
I explain the setup to Hosk, ask him what he thinks. "Hijack the truck, you think? Any other ideas?"
Hosk squints, looks over at Jojee, "Little lady, maybe you should scoot. We appreciate the hookup, no need for you to get any more involved. "
Jojee practically snarls, pushes herself back from the table, "I see, I see. I'll leave you boys to the real work then." She glowers at you, Ladro, "I want my cut when you're done." She's leaving, unless you do something. Not that you need her, of course.
My jaw stays open for a second. What just happened? I consider calling after Jojee, but it's probably best if I don't drop her in the druk with us. Unpredictable situations call for known quantities, and I've never seen her off-ship when the chips are really down.
"We've got time to stick together for recon, Hosk. House or flower shop first?"
Hosk snorts a laugh after she leaves, then answers you, "Heh, yeah. It's early yet, let's check the flower shop after it closes. Want to rent a speeder and check out the house?"
"That's perilously close to a plan, Hosk." I let the Bothan lead to a nearby rental stand and pass over the necessary security for a two-seater. I drive, of course. We head through the streets to the address Xora gave me, then pass the house and park a few blocks away. After a comms check, we split to approach the house from different angles.
Shif'tisth Tower is an opulent disc-topped tower that stands tall among a clutch of skyscrapers in a commercial district of Falleen Palace. The disc itself is where the party will be held. There is a small docking area to the west, the rest is nothing but balconies and windows giving an incredible view of the skyline. The security is practically non-existent from what you can tell. There's a unit of Stormtroopers at the ground level, a small station in place there.
Hosk remarks from his seat beside you, "We'll need clearance codes to approach the dock up there, but if we plan on delivering the package ourselves, we should nick that from the driver."
"So, we grab the delivery vehicle, tie up the driver after we get the access codes, drive to the warehouse, swap the flowers, get to the party. We're going to be late in that case. Wonder if there's a way to move up the delivery time in the flower shop's system, to give us the time? They shouldn't have much security..."
I hum for a second. "Or, we bribe the driver to cooperate."
"Lad, if the driver was bribe-able, they would've gone there and never asked for the likes of us." Hosk says dryly. "We could break in the night before and swap the flowers, then tail them to the delivery point. Changing the time or breaking in isn't a half bad idea."
"Then it's swapping out tonight, Hosk. Path of least resistance, right?"
I'm checking times... the specially-scented blossoms can't be a last-minute thing. "We'll hit the shop after they close in..." I do some quick calculations. "...two hours, local."
The building is two-story, with wide windows in the front an alley on the left, and a back alley. The right side butts up against a five story office building.
"Want to head round the back, or drop in from up top?"
Who is carrying the package?
Methodical +1 XP
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 10)
Hosk has the flowers, and I've got point. We're coming in from the top, down the side of the office building to the maintenance access on the roof of the florist.
You both drop down onto the permacrete roof and duck low to stay out of sight. A quick scan of the place in the dark and you don't see any skylights. You do, however, pick out a small access panel. There's minimal security here, but you'll need to open that access panel, disconnect any comms and sensors, then get inside. Let's see how you Do Something Under Fire here.
Spending 1-hold for a +1
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 3, 2. Total: 8)
As you're looking for stairways down the storage area for living plants, Hosk tosses you the flower case. As he does, he checks his datapad again, eyes widening slightly, and says, "Lad, there's a vid feed stored locally. I'm going to re-route loops, but it's tricky. You'll need to head on solo. I'll have the access panel open, but comms are scrambled." His tone isn't worried, but well, this is a complication.
I acknowledge with a nod, then turn to find my way down to the cooler with the plants, following the distant hum of the compressor. I'm looking for any alarms or other hazards, making sure to keep my escape route open and known.
I work alone plenty, but not having Hosk grumbling in my ear is unsettling.
Using 1-hold for a +1
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 3. Total: 10)
I take the stairs cautiously, avoiding the motionless droid, to the back room. Hopefully I won't need to go out into the sales area, with all the windows. I move to the door of the room-sized walk-in cooler, still keeping my eyes and ears wide open. Is the cooler locked?
You slide up to the wall cooler. It is a long series of glass doors taking up the entire north wall of first floor. The cooler isn't locked. You're able to slide it open without trouble. A bit of searching through the hundreds of flowers and you find the section devoted to "elite arrangements". Your flowers look pretty much exactly like this type of flower. What do you do with the ones you're replacing?
I swap the flowers out, taking the ones that were supposed to go to the party with me. What the hell, maybe Lee or Jojee, even Squall, might like them. Seesk maybe not so much.
Where do you go?
"Easiest two creds we ever made, Hosk. Or it will be, once we collect the second." We make our way out, with me carrying the flowers this time. Once we get a safe distance away, I have an idea. I find a spot where a bunch of young Falleen are lounging around with their seedy-looking speeder bikes. "Yo. One of you want to make a little drinking money?" The first one to take me up on it gets the commission. I hand her the flowers. "Deliver these to the Star-Crossed Libation. Say they're for Ladro, that's L A D R O, from a Secret Admirer. Got it?"
We're not getting the other half of our pay until the party goes pear-shaped, so it's time for a night on the town. "Hosk, you know Falleen Throne better than I do. Where to?"
Hosk has a good long laugh at your little joke with the Falleen. When you ask about where to go, he answers, "BOB's as good as any bar around, plus there aren't so many high falutin' Falleen." He muses for a moment, "Unless you want to find something seedy and get trashed."
Flowers... "I... am feeling seedy. Let's make it happen, Hosk. Take me to the most wretched hive of scum and villainy you can find."
Finally, down a dimly lit side corridor, Hosk opens a hidden door to reveal a smoky bar with hard men inside. There are a few tables and a long bar. Most are the mismatched tables have hookahs on them along with mugs and glasses.
Hosk walks in beside you, "This is the Uni. The bartender was a Trade Fed merc like me, name's Loolian. This is the seediest bar I know on Falleen Palace, Lad. Some rough customers 'round here. But, the drinks are cheap." Hosk heads over to a pair of empty seats at the bar and bellies up.
A willowy Kaminoan slides over, sees Hosk and offers him a warm smile. With a soft, pleasant voice, Loolian says, "My friend and ally Hosk Fey'lya, it is wonderful to see you hale and happy."
"Hale enough," Hosk answers as he taps the bar lightly. "Never happy." He grunts a laugh. Then he inclines his head towards you, "This is my partner Ladro Vos."
Loolian nods to you in greeting, but continues talking to Hosk, "I see you're still using the blaster I made for you." That was said with a hint of pride.
Hosk pats the blaster rifle fondly, "Yes, yes. Chi'ni is still purring along. I clean her and keep her well."
"Good. Very good, Hosk. This is most excellent to know." Loolian says in that same pleasant voice. Then, to you, "How did a handsome being such as yourself become saddled with such a sour individual as Hosk? Did he tell you about his grand adventures as a merc?" There is a playful mocking tone hidden in there. Hosk rolls his eyes, doesn't seem offended by Loolian.
You notice in this bar is a trio of bounty hunters, a Devaronian female and a pair of Nautolans. You recognize one of them from a previous job that went wrong. Who is it and who's fault was it?
At the end of the bar is none other than the infamous blockade runner Ahji Dar, Cathar starship pilot of the Woenid Nexus. She's alone, and drinking quietly.
I chat with Loolian a bit. It's always interesting to meet old companions of Hosk, to see the respect and camaraderie they share. I've never been part of a unit like that. Looking around the bar, my eyes stop on Ahji Dar, and I make a mental note to buy her a drink before we go. Then I catch the bounty hunters. I don't know the Nautolans, but Vina Zon, the Devaronian, is not a welcome sight. At all.
I hired her as an extra pair of eyes and hands for an extraction on Bothawui. This was a few months before Hosk and I hooked up, and I didn't have a regular partner. Everything was going like clockwork until Vina decided the target wasn't enough, she wanted to collect a little bonus for herself in the form of some small artifacts displayed temptingly on a shelf. Before I could stop her, she had picked one up. The shelf had a separate alarm, of course, and we wound up without the target or the artifacts. I'm surprised she's alive. Karking amateurs.
Vina Zon calls out your name after Loolian displays the drones. She says in her cocky little way, "Ladro! Come here, Ladro! Let's have some drinks!"
I'm very impressed with what Loolian has accomplished, and I say so. When Vina Zon calls out, I lean to Hosk. "Oh, kark me upside down. That idiot almost got me arrested a few cycles back. Watch my six, Hosk?" I sigh and ask Loolian for a round for the bounty hunters and an ale for myself.
I stride over to Vina's table with all the confidence and grace I can muster, which is not insignificant. "Vina. Haven't seen you since you karked up that job on Bothawui. I see you're still a free creature, somehow." I say it with a smile, of course.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 5. Total: 9)
Vina's smile falters a bit, and the larger, hooded Nautolan elbows her and laughs, showing his teeth. Vina shakes her head, "Sithspit, Ladro, that wasn't my fault. Alarms were down, I told you a hundred times. That kriffing droid malfunctioned." She tries to loosen up, waving towards a seat, "Have a seat. Bygones, right? These are my partners, Kyip Yip," she inclines her head to the thinner one, "And Vurtigann." That being the hooded one, who is impressively large, especially for a Nautolan. Let's just say he probably doesn't float too well now.
"We're hunting all over the sector here, :Ladro." Vina says with no small amount of pride. "We bagged six escaped Wooks on Rylloth and took down a cell of insurgents on Naboo." Kyip Yip crinkles his eyes when Vina says six, she's probably exaggerating.
She continues, "I see you found a pint-sized sidekick?" The hooded one chuckles at that. Hosk turns in his seat to stare daggers at Vina. He hates being called short.
"Bygones, sure. Pleased to meet you, gentle-beings. Six wookies? That's really impressive. Of course, it'd be even more impressive if you said eight. Y'know, the next time you tell the story."
When she makes her crack about Hosk, I give a not very convincingly faked laugh. "Hosk may be small in stature, but he is large in spirit. And in snark. And he kicks ass like a cornered gundark." I smile at Kyip Yip, address him directly. "What brings you three to Falleen Throne, Kyip Yip?"
Hosk turns around on his stool and spits, "A green sculag like you wouldn't know what to do with a real Wookie, you're just a demon-whelp."
Vina waves lazily at Hosk like he's no matter. You notice that Loolian's eyes narrow a little, not entirely happy with this. Mostly directed at Vina, perhaps protective of your little partner.
Kyip Yip answers you simply, "We're looking for a slicer named Marduuk. He pissed off some Hutts. Yes. I said some."
Vurtigann adds in a low voice, "We're licensed, and we have the contract for Marduuk on Falleen Throne."
"Certainly not trying to poach," I say, shaking my head, "Just professional curiosity."
I continue speaking to the Nautolans. "So, sounds like you've been having some good success. Have you been in the business long?"
"Long enough. I've been hunting for a dozen cycles or so, hard to keep count. Decided to expand, so I brought on Vurt. Who brought on Vee. It's a chain." He shrugs, like he gets that the chain gets weaker the further it is from him, but it's still a chain.
"Well, it's been good meeting you both. Good hunting to you." To Vina, "Keep your blaster clean, kid." I stand and start heading back toward Hosk at the bar.
What do you do?
I turn back to Vina and lean forward with my hands on the table. "Don't. Be. An. Idiot."
OOC: Spending 1-hold from Dangerous and Sexy
Vina looks up at you, like maybe she'd forgotten you were there. She was dialed in, just staring at Hosk, wondering if it was the right choice, wondering if she could take him, if her "partners" would back her play.
She looks in your eyes, and you see it. She's not cut out for this, and she knows it. She's got nothing else, so she's hooked up with a fool who'll give her plenty of second chances and a cold, calculating pro who will keep her isolated enough to where he can cut his losses when he needs to. And she has no idea about that, but you do.
Vina Zon flinches away from your gaze, her hand slipping off her blaster. She mutters something low, unintelligible to herself, then nothing.
When Vina looks away, I swallow, give Kyip Yip a look that I hope says both, "She's a liability," and, "But, she's *your* liability." I wish I had something to give her that could replace what I've just taken away, rifle my mental pockets for words that might show her a different path. A path that is less likely to end with her dead or imprisoned, or chained up in some Hutt's pleasure room. I don't find them, so, with a nod to the Nautolans, I finish my trip back to Hosk.
Back at the bar, I look at Loolian. "One shot of your worst whiskey, please. Neat."
Hosk chuckles low, saying into his cups, "I'll find my own way home, Lad."
Ahji Dar looks at you from the end of the bar with her wide, bright cat's eyes, offering you the slightest of nods.
I pick up my glass and head to the end of the bar. "Privt, krosovitso! Shposiba sa vipuvki." 'Hello, beautiful! Thanks for the drink.' Strangely, that precise phrase is all the Cathar I know. "Mind if I sit?"
"Da, pozhaluysta" 'Yes, please.' Ahji Dar says, indicating the seat near her that would block Hosk from seeing her. "You did that child honor. I was. Surprised." Her tone indicates she doesn't know you, but you've already exceeded her expectations. That feels good.
"I don't feel I did. Do her honor." I take a sip of my drink, and meet those bright eyes. "Was that honor? Just shut down a dumb move. If Hosk hadn't killed her, Loolian's drones sure as druk would've hurt her. Him, too, if it came down to it."
Ahji speaks while rarely blinking. Her eyes are so clear, they seem to draw you in, pick up so many details, "You tell her what she needs to hear. You do not let her play with match because she is pretty. She must learn hard lessons." She breaks eye contact to take a drink from her glass. It's the same drink you're having. She ordered it after you ordered yours. "How did you meet your Bothan partner?"
"Hosk? A few years ago, we both got hired for the same job, by competing interests. The target was a datachip with shipping information for a SoroSuub Corporation subsidiary, something about chromite deliveries to Empire manufacturing facilities. We would up in the office at the same time and drew down on each other. Beginning of a beautiful friendship, as they say."
"So... what's a being like you doing in a dive like this? Are you a regular?"
As you tell the tale of meeting Hosk, Ahji watches you intently. She has this way of giving full attention to you that's a bit unnerving. So few souls are able to focus this tightly. She smiles a bit wider when you mention your beautiful friendship, a slightly jealous look in her eyes.
She takes a sip of her drink when you ask if she's a regular. "No, not so much. Not a regular. I have been here before, though. It is hidden away. I cannot afford to be a regular. Anywhere." She picks the glass up to her face, asking before she drinks again, "Do you know what it is that I do, Ladro? She trills the "r" in your name with a delicious tone.
I love the way she says my name. "If my understanding is correct, you thread the needle of official fussiness with maneuverability, careful deployment of firepower, and craftiness. I admire that." I meet those bright, bright eyes. "I have enjoyed hearing the rumors of your career, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Being famous for what I do," Ahji says dryly, "Should make me reconsider my career choices. Da?" She smiles. Her second smile, but this one is full, showing her slightly sharp canines. She slides her hand over to lightly draw her soft fingertips over your left forearm. "You are very sweet to say, though." She draws her hand back, after that brief, electric touch.
"There are advantages to fame as well, though, aren't there?" I continue the game, touching the lightly-furred back of her hand with my own fingertips. "Adoring fans, for instance."
Your touch makes her eyes flash for a moment. Ahji Dar seems to like this game. She watches your hand on hers for a long, delicious moment before deftly slipping her hand off the edge of the bar and out of your grasp. She draws her fingers together then flexes them out again and little two or three inch claws pop out quietly. She idly plays with the long braid of hair on the right side of her face, smiling wide enough to show her canines again, this wide glittering eyes only for you. "Fans want a piece of glory. They wish to brag of their conquests and they are often more trouble than they worth. I would prefer someone who is... discreet."
If you're pursuing this, I'm interested in your answer. Plus, let's see a Seduction roll to find out how it goes.
I smile broad and slow, showing my own bright teeth, my eyes focusing in on hers. "I am not interested in a piece of your... glory, my dear. I prefer to make my own, bit by bit." I take the hand that isn't playing with her hair at the wrist, gently, and draw her claws lightly against the skin of my arm.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 1. Total: 7)
Ahji Dar watches you draw her claws lightly along your arm. Her smile fades as she softly licks her lips, then takes a long, slow breath. She seems entranced by watching the place of her fine, sharp claws needling the flesh of your arm. The smile creeps back onto her face again, but this time much more devilish. She looks up at you with those lovely cat eyes of hers, "Ladro, I think you will make quite a bit of glory. What is it they say? Fortune favors the bold, yes?" She chances a glance across the bar, then back to you, a decision made.
"The Woenid Nexus is hidden away, not far from here. I would like to keep it that way." She says this with a low purr, "You will come with me now, back to my ship. But when we come closer to her, I will ask you to wear a blindfold... to keep it safe." She makes it sound like it is a playful thing, but she is rather serious about that point. "I will remove the blindfold, at some point, once we make it upon the Nexus."
Ahji Dar fixes you with hungry, hopeful stare, "Do you find these terms... agreeable?"
"I do, Ahji Dar. I have no wish to know where the Woenid Nexus is, and I'm sure that being blindfolded and under your... care... will be the best thing that happens to me for some time to come."
Ahji Dar chuckles low, her yellow eyes dancing with mirth, "I hope you still think this in the morning, Ladro. Cathar lovers can be intimate, but also a bit rough." She trills the r a bit on the word "rough".
Ahji tosses a few Coruscani cred coins on the bar, more than enough to pay for drinks and tip, stands up from the bar on light feet, and turns to walk out in front of you, trusting that you'll follow. Her ass twitches back and forth in an impressive fashion. Most impressive. Almost as if she had a tail, which, of course, she doesn't.
You walk out after her, I assume? Leaving Hosk and walking right past Vina and her Nautolan partners and back into the dingy corridors? Doing anything before you're gone?
I thank Loolian and buy a round for Hosk, Vina and her partners, then I am definitely out, following that delicious sway, but keeping my eyes open for threats from the desperate or stupid.
You realize as you follow Ahji Dar out of the Uni that she's a couple heads shorter than you. Her tunic and hood hide most of her figure, but you can definitely see her shapely hips as she walks, and the skintight boots show off her muscular calves. She carries a blaster on her right hip, a BlasTech DL-46 heavy, modified with a laser sight. It's illegal on all of the Core Worlds and supposedly has a disruptor setting. She also has a power staff (as pictured), but it is not activated.
Once you get out into the corridor and the doors slide shut, you're back in that dim out-of-the-way alley. She whirls around to face you, reach up with her left hand for the back of your neck. Her claws aren't out, you notice at the last moment, and the soft pads of her fingers feel nice as she pulls your down to her. She presses her lithe body against you, her face looming up to yours. She pushes her thin lips against yours, then her slightly rough tongue probes into your mouth. All the while, she purrs contentedly, like this was something she couldn't keep herself from any longer.
The kiss lasts how long? A minute? Two? Feels longer, maybe it was. You hear her staff tink against the metal wall she's pushed you into, she leaves the staff so her right hand can move to your side. As she continues kissing you with a darting, daring little tongue, you feel her claws prick against your side, little needle-points of unexpected pain mixed in with the other sensations. How do you react to that?
I hiss sharp around my teeth as I feel the sharp pricks, the unexpectedness and danger of this notorious stranger only adding to my desire. I grab her shoulders, turn her so that I can bend down and close my teeth around the back of her neck with insistent pressure, my tongue flicking out to lick the soft fur.
When you clamp your teeth on the scruff of her neck, you hear her suck in a breath through clenched teeth. Her claws slip back into their sheaths and her hands slip down to her side as she mews in utter pleasure at what you're doing to her. Her eyes close softly.
You seem to have found "her spot" there, Ladro. How long do you do this before you relent and she regains some composure?
I continue for another minute or so before I pull back. With my most cocky grin I croon, "Ahji Dar, I believe you promised to blindfold me?" I reach out and stroke her ear with the tip of my finger.
She blinks one languid blink of her yellow eyes before she shakes off the effects of your scruffing. She tilts her head up a little when you stroke her ear. The fur there is silky smooth. She purrs again holding the sound in her chest, but you feel it in your fingertips.
After a moment, she bats playfully at your chest, pulling away from you with that wicked grin of hers. She narrows her eyes and says, "Tut tut, Ladro. Not so soon. We have some time to go before I think we are too close. I don't want to lead you across the underground for too long..." She gives you a quick wink, "People might talk about us."
She spins on a heel and walks her twitchy walk down the corridor, leading you through an underground market, filled with smells of food and trade goods, oil and the smell of paper money. Something the most fierce independents cling to, to remain free and untraceable. Ahji slows to let you walk beside her, "You say that you and the Bothan drew on each other. I cannot help wondering. Who was faster?"
I love the independent markets tucked in these corners and nooks and interstices of the galaxy. I take in the sounds and sights and smells of business with a smile. "I think maybe when I retire I might open a stall in one of these. Sell Ewok handicrafts and fine lockpick sets. Or something." When she asks about Hosk and me, I chuckle. "I definitely drew first. In 20 years, though, if Hosk has his way, the story will change, people will say, 'Hosk drew first.' I predict a controversy."
"Yes, I'm sure." Ahji agrees with a grin. She looks up at you, answering while smiling, "This is why I work alone, Ladro. Nobody to... how you say? Horn in on my rep. Or something." She stops at a stall to grab some peppered jerkey, two sticks. It's very spicy stuff, the kind that makes you thirsty. She pays with Corellion cred marks and starts walking again, "I have some nice ciders in the Nexus. I will let you slake your thirst when we arrive."
As the sounds of the market die off and you take some twisting turns through narrowing corridors, she stops. Turns to you while reaching into a pouch on her belt. "I think it is time now. I will take your sight from you. But only for a while, Ladro." She grins up at you dangerously, "Do you still trust me?" She's unfolding the strip of cloth, a divinely expensive-looking embroidered red silk with peacock patterns on it.
"I see that you travel prepared. Do you often bring your admirers to the Nexus, Ahji Dar?" I turn and bend to make it easier for her to tie the blindfold. "It may not be wise, but I do. Trust you. Dangerous as that may be." I can still taste her scruff, smell the slight musk of arousal. No way I'm backing out now.
"No, lyubovnik. You are special." Ahji Dar teases as she slips the blindfold over your eyes. She leans in close to tie it behind your neck. You feel her warmth, your cheek is tickled by the light fur on her face as she whispers into your ear, "I sometimes need repairs, or supplies, lyubovnik. I am very selective about who comes onto my ship." She runs her rough tongue along the nape of your neck, lapping at it before slipping out of your grasp.
She takes your left hand, placing it on her staff. "Come, shchenok. Follow my lead. I will take you where you can admire to your heart's content." She laughs a throaty laugh while tugging at the staff to pull you along. "Or until morning. Whichever comes first."
After a couple turns, you're walking at a slight grade down, then she asks you to stop. You hear a set of large doors rumble open, then there's a whish of cool air escaping past you. She leads you into a large open space, at least it seems so from the echoes of your footfalls. She calls out, "Serzhant! Open the hatch and drop the ramp! Two to come aboard!"
You hear over a set of tinny speakers mounted onto what you assume is the ship, "Yes, ma'am." The voice is modulated. How well do you know modulated voices, Ladro?
The sounds of a large ship in motion are unmistakable. This is no starfighter. This is medium class, from your guess. You hear hydraulics kick to life and the slick whine of gears in excellent maintenance sound out. Ahji Dar pulls at the staff again, "Come come, shchenok. Soon you will have your eyes again."
I recognize the most common droid voices, the usual non-custom masks and modulators, but I'm no expert. I'm better with my eyes than my ears. Through the ship's speakers, no way I'm going to pick out a make or model.
"I am looking forward to... admiring, pirrini. Lead on."
That voice over the tinny speakers, the slightly nasal whine, sounds very much like a BA Batle Droid, a Trade Federation relic. The pattern is pretty distinct.
She leads you, carefully, to the ramp. Your feet hit the grated ramp, echoing in that odd space. You reach the top of the ramp, moving inside as you hear her slam her fist into a button and the tamp raises with that same mix of gears and hydraulics.
You hear that voice again, nearby, maybe fifteen feet away, along with the sound of metal clomp clomp clomps of mechanized walking, "Captain. I've finished the calibrations of the gravitic secondary drives, everything is in point oh three three tolerance. Do you wish for me to..."
"Serzhant, quiet. I have a guest" Ahji Dar barks. "Now head back to engineering and switch off until oh eight hundred."
"Sorry! Sorry, captain." The voice apologizes, then clomp clomp clomps off where it came.
I chuckle. The droid was a bit of cold water on the situation, but I'm sure that things will heat up again soon. "Lead on, Captain. I still have admiring to do."
She pulls you along with her staff, towards the starboard side of the ship, then curling around. You hear a door swoosh open, and she pulls you inside. The door swooshes closed behind you and you hear a light hum and the floor moves. It's some kind of elevator. The space feels tight, like a passenger elevator. This is unexpected. It must be a custom job, regular haulers and medium frigates don't spare for such luxuries.
These thoughts flit through your head when Ahji Dar is in your arms again. Like before, she presses you against a wall and attacks you, hands on your chest and your abs, her mouth seeking your neck, lapping at it, and nibbling just a touch. Those fine pointed canines are sharp. She purrs, "We are almost to my quarters, Ladro. I'm not letting you leave them until I am through with your... admiration." Her tongue flicks up to your earlobe, and her left hand roams down your side to the front of your pants. She starts rubbing your crotch as she continues to lick your earlobe.
A soft automated sound like a "burm" happens above you, and the door swooshes open again. Ahji Dar steps back from you deftly, completely disengaging any contact, putting the staff back in your hands and tugging, "Come come, shchenok." There's laughter in her tone.
"I can but follow, pirrini." I'm tempted to reach out with my free hand, make contact with her flesh, but I resist the urge. "I can but follow."
"Of course." Ahji says with delight as she leads you out of the elevator and into a corridor. The floor is solid metal plating, substantial and quiet. She calls ahead, "Number One, keep security measure Zeta Nine Exes in place."
"Yes, captain." another voice answers over the ship's comm system. The deeper tone of this droid reminds you of the tactical droids used in mass droid warfare. Very specialized, also decommissioned after the Clone Wars.
A door to your left whooshes open, and Ahji Dar pulls you by the staff until you are inside. The door whooshes closed behind you. In the bit of vision you have at the bottom of the blindfold, you can tell the light here is dimmer than in the other parts of the ship. The staff falls limply in your hand as Ahji lets go of it. She says nothing, but you hear her moving about in this room. To your right, you hear the sudden hiss of a striker match and then the sudden smell of something small burning followed by a scent of incense.
"Do you want something to drink, Ladro?" Ahji Dar asks from somewhere maybe ten feet away, but still in the room. The room is not empty, the sounds are too muffled. You'd imagine this is her living quarters, if only she'd remove the blindfold.
"I wish most to drink deeply of your beauty, Ahji Dar of the silky fur and the thousand triumphant ruses, but the cider you offered earlier would be most welcome, as well." I lick my lips, anxious to move to the next stage of this game.
"You may remove the blindfold now, Ladro." Ahji Dar says softly. She's still out of your grasp.
When you remove the blindfold, you find yourself in a very nice living room, with soft leather couch and chair, a ornately carved table between them. Along the wall you face is a huge porthole, currently shuttered. In space, it would offer an incredible view. To your left is a door that likely leads to her bedroom and the refresher. The walls are covered with photographs of different worlds, and different species. None of them are poses, really, all taken from afar. Sunsets, and people walking on beaches, waterfalls. Even the twin setting suns of Tattoine.
Standing by the bar pouring two glasses of cider is Ahji Dar herself. She's removed her boots, her gunbelt as well as her overcoat, now wearing only a tank top that's cut short to show her tummy, which is a lighter color than her neck, almost white. She has a thin jerkin-like garment on as well. She looks much less dangerous right now than earlier.
She finishes pouring and pads over quietly to hand you your drink. She has that wicked smile again. She takes the staff from your hand, and walks over to put it into a closet that disappears into the left wall. "This is my living quarters, Ladro. How do you like it?"
"I like it very much." I take a sip of my cider, hold up the glass in a salute. "As is this cider. But, my dear Captain, are we here to discuss interior decorating and cider?" I move toward her, letting my orphaned, feral side show for a moment. "I feel overdressed."
She holds up a hand to your chest, impeding your progress as she drains her cider. She bends at her knees, putting the tumbler down onto the carved table while licking her lips, "Yes. I agree." As she stands, her hand moves out of your way and her head slides up for another kiss. She kisses you deeply, but brief, then steps back to work at your clothing. Her little claws come out and she rips at your shirt, giggling deliciously as she ruins it.
"Oh Ladro, it seems your shirt is coming to pieces!" She says as she inclines her head to await a kiss.