A few weeks have passed since you left Salt. The caravan made it south to Boomtown without any significant troubles (some lesser troubles, you'll see below). Starburst followed you all the way back, she's hung around like maybe she wanted more than to just see Ford.
Losing one of the three trucks cut deep into Logitech's profits. True to his word, he paid each of you one jingle, though. Rinso refused to accept his pay, steadfastly insisting 'Tech should use it for recouping losses. Svenja took her jingle, and blew it all on booze for the crew and whoever at Loots. She's quite the popular girl now. Kiddo, VB has been pushing you (gently) to let her get a bigger bed and move it into your mom and dad's room. She wants "everyone to fit together". Have you relented on the use of that room?
Brillo and Caesar have become friendly. They spend their afternoons chatting at Loots, since Caesar still works there most days. Brillo is working on that tablet you scrounged from the crashed ship, Kiddo. What function has he shown you that you're most excited about, once he gets the kinks worked out?
After spending a morning going back and forth about whether to stay in Salt or pick back up with you, Hump eventually "talked himself into" staying with Jemma. He said drek like "making sure she stays safe with all those Wendys around" and "with two trucks it'll be too crowded on the trip to Boomtown" and how he'll "get the dune buggy fixed up", but you know why he's staying. Is it playing on the radio or Topps?
Let's see how things have been going in the last week or so since you got back. Roll +Hot. On a 7-9, choose one to be true. On a 10+, choose two to be true
* On the trip home, you discovered that Starburst and Kodak have hooked up: he's the reason she's sticking around Boomtown now, not sure how long it'll last, though
* You got a job for your crew working security for Grande Seville's hostel; he's expanded for the holiday and he's paying in Butter Nut food for the work
* Zagnut is in town for the holiday (see below), and as far as you know, she's still a Candy (a South Candy Bar?) and might have info on your mom, or give a drek what's happened to her
A half-day out of Salt, your two-way radio sparked to life. It was Metro and the line was static-y, but he seemed happy to hear your voice, even said so in the choppy sentences that came through. He apologized for missing you at Salt, didn't offer any explanations, but said he is coming south soon. What did you tell him back before the line went static-y again?
You've healed up from your injuries suffered on the trip, but you have a nice new scar for your troubles. Tell me about it, what does it look like? What did you tell Kim when she asked about it?
On the road from Cat to Boomtown, you came across a corpse left on the side of the road near the Black Mesas; was it Scope or Crest? He was beaten down, stripped clean and left for whatever scavenging animals wanted him. Oh, there were some empty bottles of brew, too. No trace of his partner.
Let's see how things have been going for you. Roll +Sharp. On a 7-9, choose one to be true. On a 10+, two are true
* You were able to refill your Angel Kit with 3 stock from Kim's clinic when you went back to work for her
* You've nearly finished testing a cure for a pretty deadly virus that's killed a few folks here in Boomtown; what is it about this virus that has people freaked?
* Over the last couple days before the holiday, the clinic has treated a few folks for injuries from fighting: you've heard that a gang called the Pilgrims have moved in, and they don't like the Libs
Today is the first of a three day, well, holiday here in Boomtown. Folks from surrounding areas gather here for the night parties. People still work during the day, but as the sun sets, everyone gathers in the town square for music and games. They're a bit rough, the games, so Kim usually gets a little barter to hang around. Stitch, did you offer to take that up for her? She could use the rest, but you know, she doesn't expect it.
Kiddo, what's this holiday celebrating?
Stitch, what's the weirdest thing you've seen at the night party so far?
Both of you are here in the "town square", lots of folks milling about, "the game" is about to start.

Each of you have someone with you, who is it?
What do you do?
The new scar I've got is on my right temple- when I skidded free of the bike, the rock that knocked me out opened it up, leaving me with a small but obvious scar not far from my eye and cheekbone. I told Kim the truth- got it when I fell of a moving bike. I don't really want to tell folk I spent a night with the Wendys- don't want it to be a big deal- but too many people back in Salt know, I'm sure it'll get around sooner or later.
The body we saw was Scope. I wonder if Crest survived. The next thought I have is wondering if Crest did it. This planet is turning me hard, but I can't help it. I wonder what I'll be like in a year or five. If I survive that.
I offer to take Kim's 'shift' after dark. Since coming back I've thrown myself into work and have worked every shift Kim will let me. I don't tell anyone about the nightmares- the first night we were back I woke up in a cold sweat, shivering. In my dream, the Wendys laid me out on a table and ate me alive while I watched. I got a sweater to wear so I could tell people my constant shivering is due to poor circulation. My nails are all bitten down to the quick.
The weirdest thing I've seen at the holiday is people in town who absolutely hate each other have been partying together- like they wouldn't murder each other given the chance. The unexpected truce in this place creeps me out- makes me think that they might try and kill each other at any moment.
I have Caesar with me. He could tell something was up when I got back, all silent and not meeting his eyes. I told him I didn't want to talk about it and he didn't press me for more- I wouldn't be surprised if Svenja told him the story, though. When I do sleep I've been moving to the floor after he's asleep, I don't want to wake him with my thrashing and whimpering.
OOC: Sharp roll incoming.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 10)
* You've nearly finished testing a cure for a pretty deadly virus that's killed a few folks here in Boomtown.
The thing about this virus that has folk scared is that it turns into this rash, it starts out like a normal rash but turns into open sores- they are highly contagious and we've lost a few people due to infections. The incubation period is short and often entire families are infected at once.
At lease we've got Reunion coming up... Reunion was actually a Candy thing for a while — back after the exodus from the Valley, what was left of the Candies kinda went their separate ways. Back when Ma was pregnant with Vicky she was feeling cooped up and lonely, so my Dad hired some folks to go out and fetch any Candy Bar they could find — so they all came back to Boomtown with all kinds of stories and shit, and had this three day long party.
They liked it so much they did it the next year, and the year after that they started bringing families, and the year after that they brought friends and family... It's been getting bigger every year. Last year there was a huge table out by Logitech's with, like, food out the wazoo for 100 people. Good shit too!
I'm chilling with Rinny over by the games in the middle of the town square, while Vee's out picking out a bigger bed for the back room... I can't believe she talked me into this... It still feels frakking weird, by the way, but I'm getting used to it.
Brillo just finished showing me this tablet thing — apparently there were some frakking pictures, or something, from up in orbit of the whole planet, and he can pinpoint the tablet's position down to about how far I can spit. It's kinda cool, but I dunno how useful it's gunna be...
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 4. Total: 9)
I look out over the crowd, and spot a few things that catch my attention — seems Kodak and Starburst are making out over by the brawling, but I practically double take when I spot Zagnut chatting up Loot. Frakking Zagnut! I stride over with my arm around Rinny's waist, and take the stool next to her. "Hey Zag!"
Logitech had Brillo hook up some crackling speakers at a few places to blast Junk Radio. Right now Hump is playing a Reunion favorite, something upbeat and lively, good for background during conversation. What is it?
This is Zagnut now:
Rinso recognizes her now that you called her name. She turns, a joint in her left hand, her right in her jacket like she was ready for something. "Hey, Kiddo! Rinso, too! You guys look good." She pulls her hand out of her jacket and comes up to hug you. Loot nods.
Zagnut hugs Rinso, too, but briefly, then pulls back, "Wow, Kiddo, I didn't know you were in Boomtown. Staying at your mom's place? I was actually thinkin about crashin there, heh." She pauses to take a toke, then offers you a drag. Rinso waves it off, not offensively, just a "no thanks" kind of thing.
What do you do?
I smile at Zag's compliment, and wave off the cig respectfully when she offers a drag. I'm not drunk enough to take a hit willingly just yet. Zag's toned way the frak down since I last saw her — she was a frakkin' wildcard back in the day. "Always room up at Ma and Dad's place! We've got a few spare beds in the front if you want one. Where are you in from?"
Zagnut nods, "Spare bed, floor, whatever, Kiddo. I'll take it. Thanks." She takes a hit, passes it to Loot, who takes a hit.
They both hold it in, but Loot coughs out a little, "Frak, Zag, that's harsh stuff. How you handle it?"
Zagnut exhales, "Mastery of the form, my good woman. Mastery of the form." She grins, relaxing a bit more, "Been down south with the Candies. A few of them are coming up for Reunion. Keep your eyes peeled for Mallowcup and Kit Kat." She takes another toke, holds it in for half of the Oscar Meyer song, then huffs it out, "Hell, S'Mores, Hundred Grand and New Whatcha might make the trip, to. Plus a few Prospects." She play-punches you, "You oughta prospect for us, Kiddo. You knew we love legacies. 'Specially pretty ones." She winks, sort of overdoes it a bit.
You just finished stitching up a guy who took a nasty cut in the last jugging match, and Caesar is right by you, watching. He seems to enjoy your doctoring quite a bit. He waits for you to dismiss the jugger, his name is Kookai. Then he says, "Stitch... listen. The thing that happened at Salt. Svenja got drunk the other night. I know, big surprise, right? Anyways, she let it spill, about that gang."
That's when the Big Mac jingle comes on over the radio. And Stitch, it's weird how you blocked it out, but that song. You heard it recently. Seriously, you blocked it out somehow, probably desensitized, but that's what Frosty was singing to her "baby".
Casear's there, he's worried about you, but then that song is on, and it's just... you know. Rough. He seems to notice something's up, stops talking, but he's looking at you.
What do you do?
Hump's singing away:
"Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun!"
And some folks are chiming in with him. It's spooky.
When the song comes on I shut my eyes and wince, feeling that dread- the absolute certainty that I was going to die- that I felt that night. I cross my arms over my chest and sort of hunch my shoulders over, pretending like I'm cold- my eyes still closed.
When other folk chime in, I can't take it anymore, I cover my ears with my hands and sink to the floor in a ball. Tears leak out of my screwed shut eyes. I can't think. I can't breathe. I'm shivering. I start hyperventilating. I'm going to die. Of course I am, I somehow escaped it before, death is just catching up to me...
The little awning set up as your first aid tent is remote enough that nobody notices your breakdown. Well, nobody except Caesar. He watches you crumple, then squats down by you, hands on your shoulders, "Stitch, what's wrong? You've got to talk to me, girl. We're all we got in this hellhole!" He hugs your back, not romantic, but the touch is nice, right?
Rinso chimes in, "Kiddo's started up her own crew, besides. I don't think you all would let me in, heh."
Zagnut retorts, "That depends on what you're trying to get inside..."
"Or WHO!" Loot quips, then they both cackle for a bit. Rinso looks a little dismayed, and uncomfortable.
When Zagnut gets over the giggles, she says with surprise, "Wait a sec, Kiddo, are you sayin Zee never came back?"
When Caesar puts his hand on my back, it helps. I take a shaky breath in.
"It's that song. One of them sung it to her dead baby. It was just an anxiety attack. I'll be fine. I just need some time." I tell him, just like I've been telling myself these last couple of weeks. Of course, the anxiety hasn't been getting better. The nightmares are getting worse and now I'm having actual attacks. I haven't been sleeping. Haven't been eating. If I was my patient I'd tell me to get counseling. Get treatment for PTSD.
But I can't because there is no treatment on this FUCKING planet! I scream at myself in my head. The rational brain that tells me it's all ok is drowned out by the rest of me that's so fragile I feel like glass. I tell myself to shut up, that of course it's not going to be fine because fucking crazy cannibal clowns nearly ate me. Now I'm crazy. Maybe I should join them.
I turn back to Zag and nod... Or ... Shake my head? Whatever. I do both. "They went up North to visit Simon last year, and never came back. I got word from some folks that Dad was dying of cancer, and Ma' took him up to the Ascendant to try and fix him. I was gunna ride up North and try to find out more."
"Her dead baby?" Caesar repeats with incredulity. "Holy shit that's terrible, Stitch!" He hugs you tight, like hugging is some kind of substitute.
How long do you stay like that before you notice someone at the tent, Stitch?
Zagnut frowns and sighs a bit, "She sent word back that your dad was sick, but I thought she'd come back to Salt with you and Humphrey... did you say Branigans? Nezzy's frakked up punk? I hate that prick!"
I wipe my eyes and stand up, trying to pretend like I'd dropped something. "Hey, what's up?" I ask him.
Rinso excuses himself about the time you go on about your parents. He figures this is Candy business, and he respects that.
Rinso peers down at you, a mix of concern and confusion. He looks over to Caesar, who shakes his head, then stands up behind you, shifting uncomfortably on his feet.
Finally, Rinso says gently, "Stitch, did one of these folks bother you?" He says it like he wants to know who he needs to go pummel in order to protect you.
I push some hair out of my face, I've been wearing it loose lately- easier to hide behind.
I don't look him in the eye.
I must be frakking crazy — because I most certainly didn't hear that. I clear my throat, and bite my lip nervously. "She... She what?"
Caesar speaks up, "No, Rinso, people have been really, uhm, flash today. We were just, ah, talking about holidays back home. I got a little sad, missing things."
Rinso looks to Caesar, he doesn't believe him, not at all. But he looks to you for confirmation. Not that you see directly, but you feel his gaze, right?
What do you do?
Zagnut blinks, confused. "Uhh.... which part? She, oh, wait. You mean your ma? She sent word back through a ferryman last year, said Ollie was sick, and she may not be back for... a while. Whu?" She seems to finally get that something's wrong with you, "Why?"
I kinda want to shoot something... Or beat something to a pulp...
I hang my head down, my eyes getting puffy, and I bite down hard on my lip to compensate. I am not going to frakking cry. Not now. Not in front of a frakking Candy.
I taste the familiar iron-tang of blood on my tongue, and my face contorts in a cross between rage, sorrow, and confusion.
Ma' ...
"Who'd she send?" I whisper hoarsely, still fighting back tears.
Zagnut is still barely following this, but she asks, quiet, like she doesn't want the dam to break, "Kiddo... didn't she tell you, too?"
I smile, thankful for his concern, and sort of nod. "What's up, Rinso? You need something?"
I take a few deep breaths, and look away from her for a minute. Trying to regain my composure.
It's not working.
I look back to Zag, desperate, "Who frakking told you? Who did she send?"
That frakker had better be dead, or I'm going to kill him myself.
Rinso has an arched brow, but he tries to b"No, Stitch, I'm... well, I was pretty much giving Kiddo some space, thought I'd stop by, see if you had any interesting first aid stories." He pauses, then asks, "What's your favorite holiday back home, Stitch?"
"She must've been in a rough spot, because she sent that skeevy guy Big Time." She finally catches on, "He blew you off, didn't he? That frakker! He works outta that big trawler. You know, Tradertown? We could go frak him up, if you want." She's mostly baked, but you know Zag is down for it. Loot, she looks nervous as all hell, she's no fighter.
What do you do?
Big Time's a dead man.
"Frak, Kiddo. We are going to cut his balls off, make him sing like a bird!" Zagnut says, drawing out a snub-nosed revolver for emphasis. "Don't you worry, Kiddo. That asshole is ugly, stupid, and now... now he's gonna die." She glares at your fiercely for a moment, trying to will the weakness out of you. This is what your mom did, right? Pushed the sadness into action.
"But tonight, Kiddo. We're gonna get frakked up beyond all recognition. And we're gonna get laid. Then we wait for the rest o' the Candies, and we all ride out for vengeance..." She's getting excited, waving the gun around, "And then we go north, and we frak up that asshole Branigans!" She lets out a falcon cry, one of the things the Candies did on warpath. She fires a couple shots in the air, which spooks some folks nearby.
What do you do?
I dunno what to frakking do! You're damn right my Ma' would've gone frakking hulk on that asshole! Sadness? Like I said — I only saw it two times with my Ma'. Half the time she was confused about what to be mad at, and the other half of the time she was mad at herself. But this time? Dirt frakking simple: A year of frakking pain because Big Time couldn't deliver a frakking message! A very frakking important message.
My blood is boiling.
Where the frak is Rinso? I've gotta frak someone.
You don't see Rinso around right now, but hey, VB is coming your way. She's practically skipping, Brillo is walking beside her. As she weaves her way through the crowd, she makes eye contact, and immediately knows something's wrong. She straightens up comes right up to you, "Kids, what's up?"
"What about you, Caesar? What was your favorite holiday?" I ask him, deflecting attention off me.
Rinso smirks, "Dress up? That sounds crazy..."
"Thanksgiving, no doubt," Caesar answers. "My whole family, before Granpa died and they fought over the will, we were all close during the holidays. And my mom and dad hosted the last couple Thanksgivings. We have maybe fifty people come to our house. And you remember those pics, right? That place was tiny. Two bedrooms. We actually grilled some of the stuff on the porch, and one year, dad set up a beer tent." He laughs, enjoying the memory, even though it's bittersweet.
Zagnut shakes her head, "I'll swing by later, Kiddo."
VB smiles proudly, "Uh huh! It's huuuuuge, Kids. I can lie sideways on it, and my foot is still on the bed. Only one pair of sheets, we need to head by Third Time to find some more. Why?"
VB's smile lights her eyes up, and she nods, "You bet!" She glances past you for a second, then around, "Where's Rinnie?"
"What's this one about?" I ask Rinso.
"Well, like most stuff, it's tied back to the colony ship." Rinso begins. He's no storyteller like Motel6, but Rinso seems to like this one, "Reunion started up when Ollie hired a bunch of folks to round up the old Candy Bar gang when Zero was pregnant with Vicky. They all got back together after they broke up during the worst part of the fighting. The girls got drunk and partied and fought and, well uhm, and some of them frakked for three days."
Rinso blinks, "Not me. I mean, They didn't frak me. I wasn't there for most of it. And I was pretty young then... anyways, I think folks just needed an excuse to get along for a bit."
He glances over his shoulder, "The whole jugging thing, that's just something that happened last year, and nobody griped about it." He peers at you again, Stitch, "What kind of sports did you have back home? I saw a little game called Head-to-Head once, when I was little. Curly Wurly had it, she said it was a football game. I watched her mash some buttons, and this little dot moves around a screen from right to left under some noises happened." He grins, "It was pretty zeng. Did you have football?"
VB squeaks a tiny bit when you lay that on her, she didn't see it coming. But she doesn't fight it, not a bit. She sort of melts into the kiss for a bit, enjoying your hands on her body. When you pull back, ask if she wants to start the party, she nods. "That sounds... nice. Wanna stop by Butter Nut's?" Her voice dances into a tempting sing-song, "She's got cho-co-late." She giggles.
My chest feels a bit tight. I'm not sure if it started during the song, or just now. "I should get back to the clinic- I need to pick up some meds for my kit." I think about asking Rinso if he wants to come, but I can't muster it. He probably wants to go hang with Kiddo, anyway.
"Catch you later." I wave to Caesar. I mouth 'thank you' to him, actually looking him in the eye.
I lean in close and nibble at her ear for a second, then whisper, "sweetie, I'm gunna do things to you so bad, you'll never need chocolate again."
Caesar gives you a half-smile, as if to say of course. You're a few steps out of the throng of folks celebrating Reunion when you hear steps behind you. You clinch without realizing it, then his pace quickens. Like... like a predator.
Rinso comes up beside you then. He walks beside you, "Mind if I walk with you, Stitch?"
VB takes in a deep breath, eyes fluttering for a moment as she inhales you, so close. "Hrm.... well, that's a tall order, Kiddo." She puts her arms around your neck and slides around to look right up at your eyes, "That will take a great many things. I'm just not sure you have the, ahem, the stamina for that, Kiddo." She blinks a couple times, letting the moment hang in the air. Then a traitorous smirk breaks across her face, betraying her little joke. She kisses your chin, whispers, "Take me home."
"No, of course not." I reply. "You startled me." I cross my arms in front of me and hug my sweater, grasping fist-fulls of extra fabric.
Rinso grimaces, "I saw that. I'm sorry." He puts a bit meaty hand on your shoulder. It engulfs your shoulder, actually. "I don't mean to make people scared. Well, most of them. Alright, that's a lie. There are a few folks who I scare when I don't mean to. You're one of them.... anyways."
You reach the clinic. There aren't any patients inside tonight. A rare night with no overnight stays. It will probably have a few from the revelries in the morning. Rinso's there with you, sort of hovering near, like he's not sure what to say.
What do you do?
Then, regardless of what he says, I'm taking Vee home. We probably won't make it the whole way to the shack before we're getting into it.
What else needs to be said, really? I could describe it, but I'd rather not even think about it. I swallow a lump in my throat.
"Have you ever..." I hesitate, forcing myself to look him in the eye. "Have you ever been sure you were going to die?" I ask. "I mean, like, imminently."
Brillo shrugs, like he fully expected this to happen. New bed = Kiddo having her fun. He heads into the crowd. You walk arm-in-arm with VB back to the house, stopping to neck occasionally, things escalating. VB senses the odd energy coming off you, but she's not pushing for the whys, just enjoying the attention. She likes it when you pursue her, when she is the prey.
As you pass by Loots, you nearly run into an old specter. It's Pilgrim Borlicks:
He's with five others, two of which you recognize from the temple, Knealknit and Talon, the other two you don't. He stops, they stop, too. He maybe recognizes you? How long has it been since you saw him?
Rinso's smile drops, the attempt to keep things light just feels wrong to him now. When you ask if he's ever felt doomed, he nods, quiet for a long moment. "When I was a scrubber kid, we had quotas. I had trouble making quota. It was a three strike thing, and I ended up with two strikes four different times. And the overseers, even Telco, they'd come up to me and tell me they were gonna have to 'let me go'." He swallows, "I was just a little guy. I mean, tiny, a couple heads shorter than VB. And letting go of a scrubber kid meant they would either kill you and dump your body, or sell you to Chloe for sex games with her nastier clients. Which was maybe worse. So, it's been a while. But yeah. Part of why I carry such a big gun."
Borlicks inclines his head in a show of respect, but frak, that dead-eyed stare he has, it freaks VB out, "Hello, Kiddo. Hello, VB. It is a surprise to find you here. Together." His words are polite, but his delivery, it's just so cold and creepy. He flicks a glance between both of you, "Are you here for Reunion?"
Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind that I never would've gotten pinched if I'd stayed up in that tower with him. Never would have had to see Ronnie's smile or hear Frosty's singing... But then they might have gotten VB, and I can't think like that.
I turn to Vee, "Why don't you head on up, sweetie? I'll be up in a minute."
Then back to Borlicks, with those creepy frakking tattoos... "This is actually my first reunion on my own. What brings you here?"
Rinso's lips are closed for a bit, but he works his mouth a couple times. Like he's tasting his words before he says them. "Yeah... I know." Then the pace of his speech quickens, "Listen, I've put this off too long. Stitch, I'm really sorry what happened at Salt, and it's on me. I should have kept you close by, let you duck down. I should never have kicked you out of that tower, made you scamper around there with no cover, nobody watching out for you. And you paid a heavy price. I about died when I found out you were stolen away." He looks away, sighs through his nose for a moment, then keeps talking without looking right at you, "Then I got caught up trying to put out the fire, still didn't know what happened, and Kiddo snatched Venger and took off. And I had to decide, head off after you, too, or let Kiddo do it and keep watch over everyone else."
He reaches back to scratch the back of his neck, "I'm sorry, Stitch. I really blew it."
VB hesitates, looks to the door, then shakes her head no, and just grabs hold of your hand, a little defiant gesture, stands right beside you.
Borlicks watches the brief chat without comment, then says, "You don't look alone." Then he looks into your eyes, and it's like he reads your mind, "Something happened to your family?"
I nod, pushing myself not to freak out again, "Vee and Rinso are with me — I meant Ma', Dad and Hump. Hump's up north in Salt, but Ma' and Dad... Well... They've been missing for a year now. I'm only now starting to learn about where they went."
Borlicks inclines his head, "I will pray that the gods see you together again. In this life, or the next." He looks up again, and VB sort of shivers at that look. Borlicks says, "I've been rude. Let me introduce my brothers and sisters. I think you know Knealknit and Talon. But behind them are Renault and Kia." Knealknit is in her early forties now, Talon is mid thirties, showing his age and road wear. Renault is an older man, big bushy beard, wild hair, obviously came to them later in life. But the woman, Kia.
You never saw the woman because she never officially existed. Nobody would admit Cadillac had a daughter. Could this be her?
Borlicks continues, "We are all Pilgrims, spreading the word of the gods without a temple, until there is no more road to travel."
I don't tell him that I dream of Ronnie walking right into Boomtown and taking me back.
"If you want... I can teach you more about, uhm, fighting." Rinso offers. He seems so skittish right now, like he really is upset about the state you're in. "I'm not a great teacher... but I'm pretty good at, well, hurting folks."
I nod at his offer. "Yeah. That'd be good. Svenja says I'm not a medic- not fit for combat. I guess she's right..."
Rinso purses his lips, considering how to answer that. He encourages, "You're a damn good doctor, and that's hard. I could never be a doctor, Stitch. So you have the hard part down cold. The other half, well, I think that's in you already. I've seen it, like how you cared for Venger during the attack with the Black Mesas, you didn't hesitate at all."
With a dismissive wave of his hand, he talks about Svenja, "Don't mind Venger, Stitch. She just thinks everything should be a certain way, and when it isn't the way she wants it, she says so. She doesn't want you to get hurt. But bitching at you won't fix it, right? Getting you some training and self-confidence will."
He grins, and flexes a huge bicep, "Come, little girl, I will make you hard, like me! hah."
What do you do?
I nod to them both, but quickly turn back to Borlick, "Brillo's in town. He was in the square last I saw. He's just as preachy as ever."
That cracks a smile on Borlicks face, "Brillo? Praise the gods, I am glad he hasn't changed. So many have. It was good to see you, Kiddo. Blessings upon you for your search." He starts to move on. But then, he looks to the door where you tried to send VB, "Is this your home?" He doesn't ask like he wants to be invited in, more like he's curious how to find you again if he wished.
What do you do?
Borlicks inclines his head to you, closing his eyes in respect. When he looks at you again with that intense stare, he intones, "May the god of war guide your hand, and may the goddess of love light your path." He looks to you and VB when he says this. Then he and the other Pilgrims move on, leaving you alone with Vee.
She waits till they round the corner, then whispers up to you, "Did Pilgrim Spooky just tell us that the goddess of love lit a path upstairs to... our new bed?" She grins wickedly and moves into you.
Let's say you and Rinso are talking inside the clinic now. You were headed there for supplies, right?
Rinso's grin widens, and he spends a moment watching you, basking in your rare, little smile. "This place, Stitch, it's rough. But it isn't all bad, you know. There are good people here. Friends. We're friends. I don't want you to give up, you know. I want..."
The door to Kim's clinic opens up and three men carry in a fourth. The fourth guy is bleeding from a dozen cuts, like he jumped into some razorwire. The lead guy, a rough jugger named Ampol barks, "We came by the tent, you weren't there! Maltesters got caught up inna net, doc." The guy is writhing in pain, but obviously biting his tongue to keep from crying out.
What do you do?
I snap out of my look little daze as soon as I feel Vee pressed against me. I look down to her, and return her mischievous grin. "Well, the only goddess I see is right here in front of me — so you'd better lead the way, beautiful!"
"I know." I tell Rinso. "It's just... it's hard to connect, you know?"
I want to say more when the door opens.
"Lay him on that bed." I tell the three guys. I'd normally hit him with a local, but I haven't got much left and the cuts are bad, but probably only going to stitches. "For the pain." I say before I inject him with a painkiller.
As I wait for the meds to work, I gather supplies- disinfectant and bandages. Where are the cuts- his legs? I have his friends cut his pant legs so I can work.
VB giggles, then slips out of your grasp to sashay past you. She works her slim hips damn well as she opens the door, then heads inside. You follow her up the stairs, I assume? She keeps looking back down at you, without stopping, but enjoying your chase immensely. She stifles a giggle near the top, looking down at you with a hand covering her tiny mouth. Then she skips out of your view to the bedroom.
When you reach the second floor, the place is a bit cleaner than earlier this morning. Vb's waiting for you in the back room.
What do you do?
The men put their wounded comrade on the bed as directed. He's already bleeding on the sheet as soon as he hits it. It's a mess.
Yeah, Malty got his right leg and hip torn up. He ran into the netter, the juggers' version of a goalie. Except, the goalie has a webbed set of chains with wicked fish-hooks and barbs at the end. Some of these cuts torn into muscle. He's in a world of hurt.
You apply the painkiller and he calms a bit. Looks like sewing work is the most you can do now. How well are you able to do this kind of work right now, Stitch?
I get to work, cleaning out the wounds and stitching them up- the worst first. I feel a bit bad that they had to come to the clinic, but I would have needed him here anyway- the clinic has better light than the tent.
You step into your ma and pa's bedroom to see VB standing in front of the bed. It is a king-sized bed, covered with a big blue satiny sheet. The pillows are probably the same. On the side table is a small coke bottle with some hand-picked flowers, white with flecks of red in the middle.
VB raises her arms as if giving a presentation, "Look, young worshiper! Look at what the goddess of love has granted you!" She giggles again, arms wide as she looks at you for your reaction.
Once the painkiller kicks in, Malty relaxes. He doesn't pass out, but the guy is tough and doesn't want to make a fuss. The other juggers step back, letting you work. Rinso, though, he fetches some rags and gets to work cleaning up the blood, without any direction. He just does it.
Maybe ten minutes later, Maltys finally fallen into a bit of a daze and the stitches are done. Ampol's the only one who stuck around, he sent the others back to the game. He's standing there, drenched in sweat, a number of bruises on him, some fresh ones peeking out from under his padding. When he sees you're done, he asks, "Is he good to move now, doc? I can take him home."
This satin stuff is amazing! A girl could get used to this!
"Yes, but try and keep him on bedrest as long as you can- don't need the stitches I just put in him popping out. He'll be in pain, but it'll heal." I answer Ampol. The guy should stay in bed for a week- muscle tears take longer to heal than skin- but I know he'll be up in a day or two. To do a job or just because he doesn't want to look weak.
After they leave, I turn to Rinso. "Thank you, for helping." I hesitate. "And for listening." I almost step in to hug him, but I rock back on my heels.
VB enfolds her arms around you and makes a soft sound of pleasure when you kiss her. She remains standing when you move to sit down on the bed, enjoying the satin. "Mmn, hmn, I sure did. They look so nice and soft. It's too bad that only live for a little while in water. Then waste away and crumple up and die." She sits down beside you and starts working at the straps on her leg, a very practiced motion to loosen everything. She hates sleeping with "the leg" on.
"It was no problem. Scrubber reflexes. See a mess, clean it up." Rinso says with a little shrug. He senses the stuttered move and reaches down to pull you in for that hug. He squeezes tight, and for a moment, you could almost imagine he's an adult and you're little. Did your father hug?
I rest my forehead on Rinso's chest and start shaking. It feels so... safe. I relax- maybe the first time since Salt. Since Ronnie...
After a few moments, I realize he's probably done with this hug. I don't want to freak him out with a super long awkward hug. I picture sleeping next to him- his arms wrapped around me, keeping me safe. I think I could sleep that way. He'd keep the nightmares away...
"I should get back to the tent." I say, disengaging, though I'd like nothing better to be held for the rest of my life. "I'm sure somebody else has gotten hurt by now..."
Rinso shifts a bit, looks down at you, then away, "Oh, uhm, yeah. Probably. Hey, before we go, I wanted to ask you something. In private." He's got a hand on your shoulder, still, like he doesn't mind the contact. I assume you don't.
"Are you okay for jingle? Need anything?" He peers down at you with genuine concern, "You're working yourself to death here. Caesar, me, hell, even Venger's noticed. If its just for barter... I've got a little extra. If you want it."
What do you do?
I reach over and pull Vee closer to me, locking lips in another kiss. If this is all temporary, then I want some gods damned attention.
VB seems to sense your needs, and as she eases you back on the satin sheets, she says while kissing her way from your ear down your body, "You know... that flower is so pretty, like you." She nuzzles against your neck, "And I know that nothing lasts forever. But..." She dallies a bit at the most sensitive parts of your chest before working her way down your tummy, "That means I'm gonna enjoy every single minute of it and not worry about when it's gone."
She slides between your legs, moving her body into the space between, her mouth hovering over you. She waits for you to look down at her before she moves again. You can only see her eyes and nose at this angle, but you can tell she's smirking, "Now... if I'm the goddess and you're the worshiper, how did I end up down heeere? Hmmmn?"
Rinso opens the door of the clinic for you, walks out with you towards the square, "The offer's open, if you need it. Just don't go around telling everyone, kay?" He chuckles, "Last thing I need is people thinking I'm soft, you know? But you, Stitch. You're a good person. Everyone around here knows that."
You reach the First Aid tent when the noise of the crowd starts to grow, they'e all singing Sweet Caroline. You think you spot Motel6 somewhere across the way. Rinso hangs out for a bit, but you can tell he's trying to look for someone. Probably Kiddo.
How long are you going to stay at the tent? How long is your shift?
Let's fade to black here. But I'm curious, how was it? Did VB satisfy your cravings, make you feel wanted? Did you let her remain the aggressor? That was a switch, right? How did that feel for you, giving up control for that little bit?
I like giving, though — I prefer it. I like seeing Vee happy.
By the time I'm done with Vee, I'm calm. Well... Calmer... My mind was emptied, and filled with Vee. There's this blissful moment before the worries I had can come crashing in again. I snuggle up beside Vee, and take in her scent. "You're so beautiful, Vee."
VB closes her eyes and rests it on your shoulder for a moment before she answers, "... I know. Aren't you lucky to have a goddess in your bed?" She dissolves into a fit of giggles and slaps at your tummy lightly.
After some quiet time, VB's snuggled in the crook of your arm when she says, "I used to be worried that if I let you in, Kiddo. that it would ruin everything. That we wouldn't work at all, and you'd end up hating me, and Rinnie would hate me, too. That I'd end up all alone."
She raises her head up to look at you, "But it's okay... right?"
If I see Motel6 I wave to him. I'm glad he's doing so much better- the sight of him all burned up like that... he's like the Grandpa I never had. I haven't had much time to talk to him- keeping myself busy at the clinic. I should try and find him tomorrow or something. See how he's doing.
I know Rinso is looking for Kiddo. Why wouldn't he? She can take care of herself. Not like me... I want to tell him to go to her, but instead I just pretend to be busy, hoping to save him the awkwardness of leaving me.
My shift is nearly done, but I won't go back home until they are done playing. If I leave they may just go to the clinic, but it's not like I'm itching to be alone in bed, dreaming of Ronnie. I shudder. I did snag a couple pills from the clinic for anxiety, so that's something. The last thing I need is to have a panic attack again. Especially in front of Rinso. I roll my eyes at myself- I can't believe he's beating himself up about it, it was my fault I got pinched. All my fault.
The rest of the night passes without anyone getting too hurt. One thing though, you see that young woman Kenwood, the one who brought her adorable daughter Hennessey in for the viper bite. She's alone, completely alone. In a pond of people laughing and drinking and partying, like you, she's here, but not here. A ghost.
You see her near some of the Libs, you recognize Braeburn by his sideburns. Oh and by the way, you find out that the Libs got a contract for security on Grand Seville's hostel, which he expanded for Reunion. They're all lined up by those shacks, keeping vigil. Sort of overkill, really.
Eventually, folks start turning in. There's a drunk patrol that moves passed out folks inside, and by what feels like 3 AM, you're done.
Where are you staying now? Still with Caesar, right? Is that where you end up? Loots is probably still open.
I spot the empty guitar stand in the corner of the room, the framed Zero and Baby Ruth wrappers on the dresser, and the old crib Twix made for Hump stuffed into the closet, filled with a box of Hump and me's old baby clothes. There's a lot of history in this room — it kinda haunts me — but a the same time, it's filled with love, yeah? I've spent the last year staying out of it 'cause I wanted my Ma' and Dad to come home, and fill it again. I still want them to come home, but the room just doesn't feel as empty as it did before...
I come back to Vee, and run my fingers through her hair, "you and Rinny are the only things I've got left, sweetie... I'll never let you end up alone."
She sniffs, "Okay, just... if you ever get tired of me as your lover, it's alright. I just need you however I can get you." VB gives you a little smile, then lays her head back down on you.
A little while later, "How come Rinnie hasn't gotten more rubbers, Kiddo? Are you guys trying to have a kid? Because I'm totally not going to have any. They make you fat."
I giggle loudly when Vee asks about me having kids, "You're so worried about your weight that I'm surprised you eat at all!" I poke her rock-hard tummy for effect. "Rinny seems to think I'd be a good Ma'... I ... Well, I think he's sorely mistaken." I sigh loudly, wondering why it is he hasn't gotten more. I thought we agreed to think about it for a while. "I dunno, Vee... It's not something I ever really considered before, you know? I definitely couldn't go at it alone, and I don't wanna frak up another kid, yeah?"
"I think you'd be a good mom, Kiddo." VB says without any hint of humor, "If it's something you want, then what's stopping you? You know I'm here for you, Brillo, too. And it seems Rinnie isn't gonna wear one if you don't make him. And while I make him pull out, are you?"
Her head pops up to look down at you, "Are you just letting it happen? Like letting him do it, and then if you get a baby, then so be it?" Her expression is curious, maybe a bit mystified. Of course, VB's usually spent and resting by the time you and Rinso finish your lovemaking, so she honestly doesn't know... does she?
I would normally go to Loot's and get coffee. I practically live on coffee these days. But I don't go there. I can't stand for Caesar to look at me, sympathy or pity or whatever in his eyes. I'd like to just walk around, but I'm too scared. I keep thinking I see Wendys in the shadows. I know they're not there, but I can't help it.
I go back home. I think Caesar said he'd taken the late shift tonight.
You come up to the door to your small room, still standing in the cool night fumbling for the key. Inside, you hear Svenja, panting and groaning, giving somebody explicit orders about what they need to be doing to her body. The responses are male grunts. It seems she has company.
What do you do?