This is the thread for all out-of-character talk for game! Players are Andrea, David, Paul, Todd and Whitney. I'm the GM, Rich.
Feel free to introduce yourself to the group. We'll be playing for at least three months.
Discuss rules questions, scene suggestions, schedules or give each other props here.
I'm located in Minnesota in the USA. Since I live in the middle of nowhere, I spend a lot of time gaming online (especially over VOIP)! I've played in over 60 new-to-me RPGs this year...and at least three times that number of sessions altogether. (I haven't really counted, but I game at least a few times each week.) I've been gaming for about 10 years now... I spend a lot of time being super over-dramatic and flailing about the internet. I'm also really, really bad at these intro things, because I am not a terribly interesting panda!
I've been PbP-ing for several months now, but have never played Lady Blackbird. I live in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, right outside of Washington DC.
I've been roleplaying for a long time - thirty years plus. It's run the gamut for me, from various editions of D&D to Castle Falkenstein to dirty hippy games. Looking forward to getting to play with you folks!
I have only free-form play-by-posted. This is my first PbP with rules, and my first time playing Lady Blackbird.
Todd, don't worry about being new to PBP. Whitney is, too. We will take it nice and slow when we start out, make sure we're all comfy.
I'm super excited to run Lady Blackbird! It's been a couple years since I last ran it, and like you, Todd, I've always run Lady B, never played. It's such a fun little game.
Todd, do you have any specific questions as we gather "the boarding party"?
I'm David. I live in Orlando, FL--thankfully far away from Disney World. I started playing RPGs with the second edition of D&D. I'm one of those rare people (I guess?) that run and play games about equally.
I've run Lady Blackbird twice and played it once. I was Kale then too, but we had to end the one-shot session early, so I'm excited to give him or her (still deciding on what gender Kale will be) a fair shake. I've played a couple play by post games years ago, but pretty much all of them died before anything exciting happened.
I'm looking forward to Blackbirding it with you folks!
I can work one up for y'all.
You don't need to fret about making PC sheets or posts on the forum!
Andrea (ivorythorns) is helping me make up a Google Spreadsheet that will have everyone's stats and stuff. I don't love the idea of using two different websites for the game, but I honestly think GDocs are better for this than the Vanilla forum.
I hope to have the sheet done by tonight and I'll share it with all of you.
What's the coolest thing one of your characters did recently? Something that stuck out for you? (yes, if it's an NPC, that's cool)
Share a story of a romance a character had in a game you played in that's stuck with you!
Here's the linkage
And, interestingly enough, I think I just talked on the cast about a romance that stuck with me when we had you on: the character I played in our first AW campaign. It was my first full on "in game romance" that was more than just "my character has a significant other and every once and a while they're on camera."
Then I use paint.net (free upgrade to Microsoft Paint, super easy to use) to add a name, and reduce the height to 75 pixels. It's normally 250 or so pixels wide, but I'm a little less worried about width, just trying to keep the pic from taking up too much phone real estate for those who are mobile.
If you give me a pic to use for Kale, David, I will happily make a header for you!
Oh, also: is there a way to set it up so I get some kind of notification when things are posted, or not? Did you go over that and I missed it somehow?
EDIT: You'll need to change Preferences by clicking your name at the top of the main page, then click My Preferences. You'll need to check the email selection on the bottom preference:
"Notify me when people comment on my bookmarked discussions."
(you can quote this and grab the text for the header)
Could you make this Kale, please?
(Rolled: 2d6 . Rolls: 5, 5. Total: 10)
I thought it might be interesting down the road. I'm fine with editing that part out if you veto it.
The gist is that they are controlled via toggles and switches in the guard room.
But, with that said, if you want to call her anything else, that's fine too!
Tried to make the gem into a pearl but it didn't really work out
One question: Are the cells that share walls separated by just bars or an actual wall (like concrete or metal)? More specifically, can Kale and the ladies see Mary?
of course! lighting through metal bars is smart
Please do define what you're going for when you roll.
Sorry, but really, did we?
...is there an echo in here?
That was an amazing thing!
Is that how all high born magic works or just hers? I figure Kale's petty magic will be something different, but I think it'd be more fun if they're still related, especially since I see that Kale can buy Channeling with XP. Those two could make the most mismatched teacher-pupil pair sometime in the future, haha.
Yeah, I had it in my head that's how their magic works. So, all the tissue damage would kind of be like a badge of honor. She's had the scar for awhile, but it was faint. Just because she called on the clouds, they didn't always listen, and when she was younger, she didn't have the patience to focus. Now she's older, and knows how to channel better.
So to me, the blood awakens the magic, and the words are the instructions.
Once you get out of the brig, things might change.
If so, I think I'd be looking at Tricky, quick, and dirty-fighting, yes? Tumbler or escape might apply too if I'm really reaching
I edited that in. Sorry the roll sucked.
But I get my die back for my pool. Woo!
*Edit: Oh, wait. I get two dice back because I failed, right? (So I'll have an 8 dice pool now?)