You're in your captain's chair as the
Profit Margin comes out of hyperspace in the Devaron system, only a couple hours before you land on Devaron itself. The travel was easy, using the major trade route and plugging simple nav computations. Jojee points out a couple times that Squall can plot coordinates to save on fuel, but this is a safe and easy maiden voyage.
It has gone swimmingly. So far.
Within a half hour, you're hitting atmo. Amarath is on board, eager to get back in contact with some beings she knows at this port. She might even have a job lined up, but it's not like you two talked about that extensively, right? Hosk is buckled up, waiting for the all-clear.
Jojee follows the Control Tower directions to land the
Have you called ahead or is this a surprised visit?
I've let Alanna know we're coming, but didn't speak directly to Squall. I suspect Amy does have a job lined up, but she's being cagey for the time being. I assume she'll let me know if she needs anything.
I sit in my Captain's chair as Jojee guides us in to our landing.
I walk down the ramp with Hosk in his accustomed position just behind and to my left. "Ma'am, how can I help you?"
The datapad identifies the buyer for the Guerrerite, a human named Alec Cedeno. It also details the warehouse and identifies Ceela, the Devaronian standing in front of you.
I hand the datapad back. "I've already had someone try to redirect a cargo on this kriffing planet, ah, Ceela. So, if you don't mind I'd like to get the bonafides from Cedeno himself."
The Devaronian says calmly, "The captain of the Profit Margin wishes to speak with you, Mr. Cedeno."
She hands you the comm. He says, "Hello, captain."
"I'm sure you understand. I need to make sure it's you I'm dealing with here. Also need to understand how much longer I'm responsible for the cargo. The deal was delivery, not protection. Especially for something so valuable."
I purse my lips thoughtfully. "I understand that timing can't always be perfect, Mr. Cedeno. We'll sit on the ore until you get here to take possession, under those terms."
"Amarath, hold up. If you're not in a big hurry, I could use an extra pair of eyes for a day's worth of guard duty. We can negotiate on the fee."
She glances over at Hosk, then you, "Sure. Since short and fuzzy needs some help, I guess I can help out." Hosk gives the expected harumph response, but doesn't object.
I chuckle at Amy's poke and Hosk's standard reaction. "Let's get situated at the warehouse, then, and come up with a plan." I ask Jojee to follow after she's finished and secures the Margin.
The warehouse is a block outside the port, a wide, flat building in rows of wide, flat white buildings, all filled with lots of people shipping things to and fro. Ceela swipes a passcard to get into the warehouse itself, the loaders move the cargo into a small bay.
The warehouse is wide and open, with bays along the walls and a central set of corridors. There are no cameras inside, only a couple "mouse bots" zipping along from time to time. It's quiet except for the hum of electric lights.
Ceela hands you a passcard and a data crystal. "Mister Cedeno will contact you on the line enclosed on the data crystal."
"Looks like easy credits, Ladro. I'll take first watch. Grab me a room at whatever flophouse you settle in."
"We'll do overlapping teams of two, Amy. You and Hosk start, then I'll relieve one of you in four hours or so. That way, we'll always have someone fresh. Comm me immediately if anything happens, even if it seems 'normal.' We good with that?"
Amarath pulls out a cigar she tamped down a few days ago and starts to relight it, "Oh, I see. You team up with the pretty one. Leave me with stinky, here.."
Hosk growls a bit, then says with a hint of anger on his voice, "That's a karking Bothan musk! Most females find it alluring, Shades."
Amarath shrugs and blows out a hale of smoke, "What can I say? I'm not most females. heh"
"True enough. You're not even a whole female." Hosk replies with a glare as he reaches into his pocket for a pack of deathsticks.
There's a pause before Amarath cackles. The loaders and Ceela are long gone. You get a beep on your comm that Jojee's outside waiting.
I shake my head as I move to open the door. "Why don't you two just kriff already?" When Jojee comes in, I'll explain the setup and ask her to take care of rooms somewhere as close to the warehouse as she can find. "We'll move to better digs after the cargo's picked up. You've got a full eight, at least. Check in with me then, but try to get some sleep in the meantime."
"Hey Lad, are you reaching out to Squall now, or after the pick-up?"
"I'll get in touch with Alanna now, and spend a few hours trying to line up some work with her help, if she's willing, but I want to wait for us to all talk to Squall together. It's either a visit or an interview, but either way I want all three of us to be there."
"Of course!" she says happily. "We're not far from the spaceport. We could meet for some food in town, or you are welcome to come by and visit."
"I'd like to see you alone for now, if it's okay. I have a few business issues to discuss. I'm free for a few hours, so I'd love to meet for a meal, if that's okay. Your choice."
She considers for a moment, "I can meet you in an hour. Do you have a place in mind or should I pick a place?"
"I'll gladly take your recommendation, Tsin Tsin."
"Let's meet at Forenz, it's a little out-of-the-way bistro near apair of dance clubs. The best baked goods around and some great fish, too. I assume we're talking about Squall, so I'll be alone. See you in an hour."
"Thanks... see you then."
I spend some time looking around the wholesalers clustered around the port, seeing who has the best prices on the little luxuries that are really valued in a mining town. Brandy that's a cut above the swill they import in barrel-loads, but not the stuff that only the bosses can afford; patch-kits for uniforms and protective gear that actually patch them up; batteries that hold a charge for more than a dozen cycles. That sort of thing. I'll ask Alanna about places that might be interested in Miss Geshix's handiwork later. I'm sure Jojee modelling her new House Geshix couture will convince someone to take a chance on a half-dozen, next time we come through.
When it's time, I rent a speeder (so I can get back quickly, if need be), and meet Alanna... Tsin Tsin... at Forenz.
Forenz is a bright and trendy little place. Upscale like the two dance clubs that stand on either side of it. Alanna is already seated when you arrive. Are you alone, or is Jojee here in that dress?
"Hullo, Ladro." Alanna says as she stands up to come over and hug you. She's wearing a little black dress, smells like something divine.
Just me, this time. Hoping that Jojee is catching some sleep, or at least rest, before her "shift" at the warehouse starts.
I return the hug, which is not a hardship at all. "Tsin Tsin, you are a vision, as always." I wait for her to sit, then follow suit. "We didn't really have much of a chance to catch up, last time. I hope we can make that right soon. I'm afraid I'm on a schedule right now, though, and I'm hoping I can presume on our past for some help."
She nods to the compliment, not the bashful nod of a girl who's surprised, but she is glad you acknowledged it. "I understand, Ladro. I do require any update on your brother, if you have one. Otherwise, how can I help?"
"My brother is well. I'm afraid we had to leave Kiffu in a bit of a hurry, and needed his help to do so, but he was free and clear, last I saw. It was... good to see him again, finally. Him, and my father." I order a local tea and take a pastry from the tray on the table. "This is delicious..."
I take the opportunity of chewing to move past the 'update'. "I appreciate you meeting me. I took Hontu up on his generous offer to finance a ship, and I almost have a crew. So, I need two things. An engineer, and work. I'm hoping you can help with both."
She smiles in agreement at the compliment on the pastry. When you move on, she listens while sipping the wine. "If you are interested in an engineer, you know you left me a very good one. I assume you're asking if that's a good idea. I'd say yes. You should speak with zir, though."
On the question of work, she leans forward and answers, "There is something that's come up recently. But it isn't conversation for public ears."
I accept both of her statements. "Well, that's the business part of the conversation for now, then. We've got to protect the shipment that paid for this trip for a day, at a warehouse near the port. I'd like to have a chat with Squall after that, then a meet with Jojee and Hosk. Can't do this without their input." I take a sip of my tea. "And as to the other part of the business, I have a few hours. Perhaps after we enjoy our pastries, we can take a stroll?"
OOC-ish: To your earlier question...
Not sure how many people are at the Gristone camp, but I'm willing to risk 2-Cred for a potential return of 2.6. Let me know, and I'll update the spreadsheet.
Afterwards, you're walking along a paved path that follows a small stream. There are copses of trees, little bridges, just enough to hide the sounds of the city. And prying ears.
"Two weeks ago, the Alliance received the plans to an Imperial Communications Center located in a high-security compound just outside the city of Takari on the planet Iyuta. Analysis of the plans has determined the center's weakness. It's built on top of an ancient sewer system. The local construction company underbid themselves for the project, and sloppy work left a mousehole opening." Alanna explains this without hesitation, speaking in smooth tones like she's chatting with a friend. "I need your team to plant a very powerful listening device under the Comm Center. In and out, nobody the wiser. We have a contact in Takari who can provide assistance and an ear on the ground."
OOC: There are a few hundred in Gristone. Go ahead and mark the sheet.
I pause in thought. "Interesting. I'm not opposed, in general, but if I'm going to be useful I have to keep afloat. What's the pay?"
Without batting an eye, she answers, "Five thousand credits. If you use some during the mission, so be it. If not, it's yours. Also, I can provide glow rods, an inertial tracking device, the bugging device, of course, fuel for your ship for the trip and return, and idents suitable to whatever cover story you wish to use."
"These idents... are they use once and burn, or strong enough to use for a while?"
She smiles a little, seeing the interest. "They're good enough to get you in the Colonies, on planet with an ICC. It should last a while, but I can only back them up for a month."
"It's a good enough deal, and poking the Imps in the eye appeals. We'll take it."
A curt nod, "Good. I'll get to work on the idents. Takari is a small city on an undeveloped planet. Got a cover story in mind?" She pauses to take notes. Once that's settled, she adds, "Your contact on planet is Chilla. She works at a bar called the Rusty Bucket."
"Understood. I just realized, I haven't asked how you're doing. Everything alright with you?" I've got a bit of time before I need to get back to the port and relieve Hosk, and I'm happy to spend a little of it with Alanna.
She slips an arm into yours, a familiar gesture that looks more intimate to outsiders. "Everything's quite good. Squall has improved my home's security, set up some back-channels for comm traffic, and wrote a few manuals for the tech that flows through my place with work. Things I didn't exactly grasp." She notices that you are waiting for info on her and laughs lightly before her tone turns serious. "Me? I'm lonely, Ladro. This isn't a very social job. I'm thankful Squall's been here, but I know ze wants to go with you."
Sad for someone so bright and vibrant to be lonely. "I'll try to make Devaron a hub, and visit whenever I can. Hoping we'll have a regular run this direction for a while. If you need me or the Margin, and don't know how to find me, contact Miss Geshix at the Gristone Mining Camp." I give her the comm codes. She's the third person, after Ahji Dar and Darkal. I don't intend for the list to get too large. "You've really gotten close to Squall, haven't you. Ze does that." I smile.
Alanna nods, squeezes your arm, "Yes. Squall's sweet. It took some time to break zir walls down, help zir realize the power was zirs, that ze made choices, that ze can change. Squall really wants to be liked. I don't blame zir, I've been there. I want you to take zir back though... it would make zir happy."
"I really hope that's what happens tomorrow. Ze's absolutely the engineer I need, and even though ze's been problematic at times, I want zir to know ze has a place to be, a job to do. Thank you so much for your help. It was breaking my heart, the thought of abandoning Squall."
With a pat on your arm, Alanna says, "Ladro, you made a hard choice. But you did the exact opposite of abandoning zir. While I don't want to make a habit out of rescuing beings with drug problems, I was happy to help, and I really think ze will be able to walk the line. It won't be easy, but you're a good friend. Jojee has been, too. Ze has a support structure. It can work if you are committed."
Your path is heading under a long bridge. It isn't dark, but the stream has widened a bit. Alanna stops. "Want to head back?"
"This has been really lovely, but I suppose I should get back to the cargo. The responsibilities of command, you know." I give her a kiss on her sweet-smelling cheek.
Anything else tonight before you take a shift at the warehouse?
I'll take a moment to get a message to Miss Geshix and let her know we've arrived. Other than that, I'm ready for the warehouse.
Her mouth full, "Boxes didn't move, SIR!"
"Not one inch." Hosk adds with a chuckle.
Might as well play along. I put my hands behind my back and pace along the line of crates like a tyrannical captain from a holovid. At one point, I run my fingertip along the top of one and look at it as if inspecting for dust. "A satisfactory inspection, but you lose marks for your insubordinate tone, Shades and Hosk."
Amarath snorts, then almost spits out her food. She does a pitiful snap-to and tries to stand at attention, "I like my marks, SIR!"
Hosk literally straightens, reflexively falling into a proper stance for a breath before he makes himself relax. He doesn't have another comeback in him. He seems maybe a little impressed.
Jojee shakes her head a little, "Cap, these two are a lost cause. Let's show them how we sit on boxes, Margin-style! She walks over to sit on some of the cargo, pulling her knees up just so, and sitting up straight.
"Posture is fine for inspections, Pilot, but sometimes guard duty requires more of an elegant slouch." I demonstrate, leaning against the wall of the bay and inspecting my fingernails.
"That's why he's the captain, Jo."
Jojee watches closely, studying, "I think I can pull it off, Cap.
Amarath and Hosk hang around for a couple minutes, finishing their food and chatting, but soon after, they head out.
"Cap, Jojee asks once you're alone. "You think somebody's really going to try and snag this poodoo?"
I shrug. "Jo, I'm 79K creds in debt and working against the clock. I think we have to behave like we believe that someone's going to make a try for it."
"That makes some sense. Jojee gets up, walks around for a little bit, then settles against a wall. "Did you find out about Squally?"
I nod. "Alanna says ze's doing well, and is certain that ze will want to join us if I make the offer. You've got to understand, though... if we do this, you and I are taking on a responsibility to be a support system, and the bulk of that's going to be on you. I can't afford to be as tolerant as I was when I was renting a shuttle, just along for the ride. We'll talk to Squall tomorrow, the three of us together, and I'll listen to what you and Hosk have to say, then make my decision."
Jojee listens, not objecting. She knew this would be the deal. "We're back to ze?"
"It's a choice, a decision that Squall's been certain about. One of the few. I've decided to respect it, and if ze rejoins us, I'll ask Hosk to, as well."
She snorts, "You'll have to order him. But he'll do it."
I chuckle. I know he will, that's the thing.
"Oh, listen. I wonder if you'd be willing to wear the dress from Miss Geshix around to a few shops and model it, maybe talk her up a little? See if we can whip up an order for six or so, at least? That, by the way, is not an order, but it would be good for us because it's good for her."
The side of Jojee's mouth quirks a little, and she fidgets as she stands back from the wall. "You want me to model? As in, be girlie and giggle and bat my eyelashes and sashay around in that dress? Uhm... Ladro. I'm not a very good girlie girl. In fact, I've kind of fought against that mostly. So, I know. I like the dress, right? But... prancing around? It's... I suck at it, ok?"
"I have seen you dance, Jojee, and that dress is made for dancing, not prancing. But I'm not talking about you being that kind of model. You put it on, walk into a little boutique? With your... ah, amazing body, and the way that dress fits you after Miss Geshix's alterations? Just the way you walk in it, with your normal attitude, not girlie-girl... that will be enough."
Jojee blushes a little (which is a bluing of her cheeks), a smile on her face. She looks at you after a minute, "You know, Ladro. I'm really glad I left the Libation and joined your crew."
"I am too, Jojee. I'm going to do my best to make sure you stay that way. I'm new to being the boss, but it feels... right, somehow. Oh, hey, are you staying in touch with Lee at all?"
"Hrm, well..." Jojee frowns slightly. "I tried. But she's still pretty upset that you "stole me". Even though I set her up with a really great pilot, a Rodian named Wee Armado. He's sharp and hard-working. Plus, he doesn't mind running spice. Which is what she's doing." She doesn't seemed very happy about that last bit.
I'm not happy about it, either. I have to push the worry away, though. Lee's choices are her own and I have to worry first about my ship and crew. "I'm sorry to hear that." I do leave the wall now and walk over to sit on a crate.
You didn't take a nap beforehand, and of course, self-sacrificing guy that you are, you've got the overnight shift. Are you trying to stay up all night? If so, give me an Act Under Fire. Fail, and something interesting happens.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 5. Total: 9)
"Thank you both so much. I am dying for a nap!" Jojee says sleepily.
I yawn. "Me, too... One of the crates kept trying to get away, and we had to keep chasing it. What did you two do last night?"
Hosk answers curtly, "Had some Devaronian pasta and roasted beast, then turned in early."
Amarath wiggles her eyebrow, "I won three hundred fifty credits and picked up some new bath salts. It was a great night."
Jojee looks over at you, Ladro, mouthing the words "bath salts"?
I chuckle. "Wouldn't have pictured you as a bath salts kind of girl, Amy."
"Bath salts are a real luxury, Ladro. I'd offer to let you try them, but I'm just not the most giving soul. Now, you two get out of here and come back for your next shift."
"Would've been nice if you'd brought us some breakfast." Jojee mentions with a wry look at Hosk.
Hosk, for his part, shrugs and looks sheepish. Amarath grins and gives no excuses.
My meal with Alanna was delicious, but not exactly filling, and as we leave my stomach starts to rumble. "Food first. Definitely. Did you find anyplace close by yesterday?"
Hosk nods, "Aye, Lad. Take a left outside the row of warehouses, there's a little place where I ate this morning. And, sorry I didn't bring you anything."
"No worries, Hosk. Jojee, you up for a bite before we crash?" We're out the door. I'm heading for the place Hosk mentioned, with or without Jojee.
"Sure, Cap." Jojee answers.
You head off to find a little cafe. It serves spicy meats and fried batter with syrupy and fruit toppings. Jojee drinks some caff, because they don't serve klava, she asked. As you're sitting there, eating quietly, your comm bleeps with an incoming transmission.
I answer immediately. "Ladro here."
"Great. I'll be there." I look to Jojee after we disconnect, taking a last quick bite of spicy meat hash. "Naptime. Cedeno will be here in four hours, and I'd like to grab at least a little sleep before the meeting."
Jojee's playing at her food with her utensil. She nods, her head held up by a hand."That sounds wonderful."
I nod, stand up and pay the cashier on the way out. When we hit the hotel, I set an alarm for two hours. It's not much, but it's a nap, at least. I make sure the volume on my comm is set at its loudest and lay down.
I'll wake her an hour before Cedeno arrives. When I knock on her door, I'm already set to go. I want to arrive with plenty of time to spare.
I comm Hosk. "Jojee isn't with you, is she?"
Hosk responds right away, "No, Lad. Haven't seen her since she left with you."
I try the knob. If the door's locked, I pound hard. Ten seconds, then I'm going through the door. This isn't the first lock I've slipped, and it won't be the last.
A very sleepy Jojee with her hair askew and bleary eyes is there. She blinks."What's wrong?"
I try not to let my relief show. "Time to get ready. I'll meet you downstairs in ten."
A few minutes later she comes downstairs to join you. She's wearing a beret, has bags under her eyes, but she's here.
"Sorry, Jo. I'd like for all of us to be there when Cedeno arrives for the handoff, but you can get some sleep later. We do need to meet with Squally today, though. I've got a job for us, so I need to make my decision soon."
We make our way back to the warehouse.
"No, I'm sorry, Cap. Sort of hit me all at once." Jojee sounds genuinely apologetic.
She follows you out to the warehouse, and after a half hour of waiting, a middle-agred human with a bit of a pot belly comes walking in with a pair of Chistori and a Trandoshan. He comes straight up to you, offering a hand, "Captain? I'm Alec."
I take his hand and shake it firmly. "A pleasure to meet you, Alec. This is Jojee, and Hosk. The one with the wicked glint in her eye is Amarath. Ready to get this done?"
Mr. Cedeno walks out to hand you a data crystal, "This is the account information for eight thousand, two hundred credits. The two hundred is a kick in for babysitting the crates while I was out."
I give Hosk a look he'll recognize. "I believe you mean eight thousand, five hundred, Alec. That's what we agreed on."
I hand back the data crystal.
Read a Situation
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 3. Total: 8)
After I hand Cedeno the crystal, I wait patiently after making sure that Hosk is on point, and giving a glance to Amarath as well.