As you know, your hoard begins play with hunger=0.
At the beginning of the session, roll+your hoard’s hunger. On a 10+, the MC holds 3; on a 7-9, the MC holds 1. During the session, the MC can spend her hold 1 for 1 to:
• name a thing present. Your hoard must have it. When you give it to your hoard, mark experience and give your hoard -1hunger.
• name a thing you’ve borrowed from your hoard. Your hoard must have it back. When you return it to your hoard, mark experience and give your hoard -1hunger.
If the MC has any hold left at the end of the session, give your hoard +1hunger, to a maximum of hunger+4.
Fortunes: At the beginning of the session, roll+fortune. On a 10+, your followers have surplus. On a 7–9, they have surplus, but choose 1 want. On a miss, they are in want. If their surplus lists barter, like 1-barter or 2-barter, that’s your personal share.
Wealth: If your hold is secure and your rule unchallenged, at the beginning of the session, roll+hard. On a 10+, you have surplus at hand and available for the needs of the session. On a 7–9, you have surplus, but choose 1 want. On a miss, or if your hold is compromised or your rule contested, your hold is in want.
Hunger, start of session 1.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 12)