This is my fault. I was assuming that Amarath would be able to follow my lead without explaining in advance. "We'll talk more later, Glorana. I didn't give you any warning to catch my drift. Sorry." I do give her a sidelong look and a grin. "Hope you enjoyed it, though. I won't tell if you don't." Seriously, though, I'm disappointed in both myself and Amy.
Amarath looks over, still a little confused, "So... I wasn't supposed to, ah, do that?" She glances back at Ree, who seems much more interested in watching foot traffic. She leans over, "She was like double-jointed or something. Reallllly bendy.... and don't tell Squally. I didn't like it like it. Plus, I thought it was part of my cover."
I lean over and whisper back. "First rule of cover, Glorana? Don't talk about cover." I continue steering us toward wherever Squall and Hosk found as a stopping point, and comm Hosk for the two of them to meet us at someplace nearby that has food. Preferably someplace noisy.
Amarath nods slow, gives you a wink like "you betcha, boss!"
After a few blocks, you end up at a noodle shop where Hosk and Squall are waiting for you. The place is awash with blue lights and kitschy little figurines with bizarre expressions. Ree acts like she's been here before and walks up to the counter and ordering some odd green and yellow meal. Hosk and Squall are already seated.
When you sit down, Hosk looks up from his comically oversized and still mostly -full bowl, "Hey." He looks up to Ree. "I'm Lar, this is Marda." Ree introduces herself, then whips a chair around backwards and sits down slightly away from the table, starts eating the bowl.
I realize that I haven't actually introduced myself. "And, by the way, I'm Denever Vos." No point in ignoring my clan markings. I ordered the more basic noodles, less colorful, but they smell good, at least. I hope those little bits floating in there are shrimp.
The floating bits taste like shrimp, perhaps a bit sweeter. The noodles are a nice solid base to offset the sweetness. Amarath has a small soup bowl with a few noodles as well as a bottle of alcohol that she drinks quickly.
As you're sitting there eating, Squall is chatty, "Oh hey, Denever, turns out Scazzit is still playing. They're a dive band who've been in 1313 for a while now. They're pretty zeng."
I glance at Squall, intrigued but not distracted. Slurp up another mouthful of noodles. "That's great. Maybe later, yes? Let's focus on the matter at hand. Ree, care to brief the team?"
Ignoring your request, Ree peers at Squall like she's working out a puzzle. She says low, "I remember you. I'm surprised you're still alive."
Squall shifts a little, looks down at zir bowl, "Uh, yeah. I am."
Ree holds up a hand like she meant no offense, "That's good. So how's Kerin..."
"She's not. I mean, she didn't, you know, make it.." Squall answers quickly. There's a few moments of uncomfortable silence. Amarath gawks at Squall, clearly surprised about someone named Kerin.
Ree looks over at you, "Sorry, Denever. The set-up is that you're a team of troubleshooters. I'm going to vouch for you to the Vigo, and he'll hire you to put down a local gang that's been giving him fits. Not only are you muscle, but he wants to know who's bankrolling them."
"He'll pay for a strike team," Ree explains. "He'll trust someone who finds out who's trying to drive a knife in his shebs." Hosk chuckles at that phrase, then gets back to eating.
Ree looks over the team, "They look competent enough, bring 'em. Especially Marda there. People will remember her." She looks at you, says seriously, "You might want to have her play up the spice junkie angle, but play it like you've got her on a short leash. A few of them might recognize her, and they'll remember her splicing." Squall shifts a bit, looks unsure about this.
Squall licks zir lips, then nods, "It makes sense. I can pull off the junkie look for them, too. I'll play it up. You want to put a collar on me or something?" Ze's completely serious.
Ree's mouth drops a little. Collars aren't props to Twi'Leks. Amarath looks at Squall with a bit of surprise, maybe a pleasant surprise? Hosk closes his eyes, but that's his only reaction.
Collar? Urrrm. "I don't think we need a collar, Marda. Just follow my lead and don't be upset if I speak sharply." I look to Ree. "Anything else I should know before we take the meeting?"
Squall nods, completely confident that ze can make this work.
Ree takes a big bite of her noodles and swallows it down before answering, "The guy's a sleemo, but he's got serious connections. He's very much on edge, so don't joke around about loyalty. Not that I think you would, but he's living with crosshairs on his head and trying to make it work. High risk, high yield stuff." She scans all of the team for a moment, "Don't take his first offer, he'll lowball you to see if you're amateurs. Don't get greedy, either. Since you aren't really here for long-term employment, keep your eyes on the prize. Make sense?" She seems done with her food and starts to get up if there are no questions.
Amarath whispers something in Squall's ear and ze looks back, shrugs and nods. Amarath huffs a little laugh and stands up, taking her bowl to the front, grabbing Squally's, too.
I look each of them in the eye. "Once we walk out that door, you need to remember who you're supposed to be, and act accordingly. We're looking to get hired to kill people, and I'm going to be the kind of person that has the sort of team that gets hired to kill people. Talking back is fine, but expect to get put down, hard, if you do." I give Amy and Squall a particular look. "And you two are not an item until we get this job done, get it? No giggles, no cutesy stuff."
Squall lets zir shoulders slump a little, the brightness in zir face slacks and ze falls into a slightly disaffected posture. Even zir tone shifts to dull, "I got you, Dev. I'm your splicer, not some karking kid."
Hosk just stands there, his normal demeanor is merc. "I've got your back, Denever. This isn't a game."
Amarath gives you a level look, "If it feels like he thinks you're weak, I may give you lip. Make an example out of me. It works." She shrugs, "I hunted bounties. I've got it under control."
That little chat had an effect. Amarath's cocky demeanor becomes a bit more of a sneer, while Squall has really dropped into character. Ze seems somewhat dazed, not looking at anyone, body drawn in. It's an impressive feat, almost like ze isn't pretending to be this way, more like ze stopped pretending and this is who ze was. Hosk puts on his scowl and you all join Ree.
Ree slips into the front seat this time, but you did catch a raised brow from her. She seems a little more impressed with the team now that they've gotten into character. It's a little tight in the speeder for five, but Hosk sits in the middle, between Squall and Amarath. None of them complain about it on the ride.
With Ree's directions, you take the speeder up eighty stories and over a small park filled with quickrete sculptures and solid light displays. There's even hints of green down there. Could be paint. The speeder flies into a hangar-garage in a towering building.
After landing, it's a short walk to a bank of lifts until you enter a sizable casino called Thunderbird. The place is filled neon light constructs to enhance the environment. The thudding music is highlighted by the tinkling sounds of automated casino machines, there are sabacc tables in a corner. There's even a fighting pit where people (on the right side of this pic) are looking down at a match right now.
I keep my eyes front, allowing my face to take on a hard cast and not showing any concern for my team or the other people in the room. I nod to Ree that she can continue.
The crew glances around at all the lights and people, but their expressions are set. There are some security goons who pick up on your crew, see them as a threat and watch. That's not a bad sign. Ree leads you further in, past the pit, to a door with a Zabrak thug standing guard. He waves Ree in, you as well.
You head down a well-lit hallway, noticing the thumping sound of the casino music dies quickly as the door closes. At the end of the hall is a door that opens to a comfortable, well appointed living room. There's no desk, no chairs. A row of displays showing the casino, showing other parts of 1313 as well, fill the left-hand side of the room. There are couches to the right, with a man sitting in a throne-like chair. The place isn't too ostentatious, but everything is leather and wood, very little metal. There are no guards here, but you get the feeling they are close by and you're being watched.
This is Vigo Altonn. He waits for Ree to speak, but regards you all.
Ree speaks formally, bows her head to him, "Greetings, Vigo Altonn. I have a strike team for you. This is their leader, Denever Vos."
The Vigo regards you. He seems relaxed, his eyes are daggers. "Hello, Mr. Vos."
"Greetings, Vigo Altonn." I incline my head in a gesture of respect, not quite as low as Ree did. "This is my team. Lar, Glorana, and my splicer, Marda." I pause after each name to give them a chance to acknowledge. "I understand you have a problem. How can I help?"
"I need you to hit some people, hard. They've been beneath my notice until last week when they killed one of my associates." He fishes a small control rod out of his pants pocket and gestures at the screens. You see the faces of some thugs, mostly humans, but a mix of a few other species. They're wearing leathers and carrying blasters. "They call themselves the Grims. Or the Grim Skulls, according to who you ask."
I do my best to memorize the faces. "How many, where do we find them, and what sort of damage are you looking for? Remove the head, or salt the earth?"
Hosk is studying the faces, too, looking at the blasters, the scenery. Amarath's watching the Vigo, only glancing at the screen, while Squall pulls out a small data reader, seems to be checking the feed, maybe recording it.
"Salt the earth." he answers solidly, without hesitation. "Message. And I'll front you one thousand credits, two thousand more once the deed is done."
I'm keeping in mind that my "mission" is not this mission, specifically, but to get some sense of the Vigo's position and utility for the Alliance. I try to tune out distractions, get a sense of the gestalt, here.
Rolling Trust Your Feelings, with a lil' help from See All the Angles
Like that time in the turret of the Libation, your mind sinks into some other space.
Someone named Guri is actually a droid. The Neti entering the fighting pits right now will win against long odds. Amarath is angry because she feels guilty about fooling around with Liera.
Hosk remarks casually, but loud enough for Vigo Altonn to head, "Those pistols aren't cheap knock-offs. They're BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistols. Almost a thousand credits a pop, probably double that on Coruscant."
"Vigo, would it be possible for me to place a wager on your fights? I understand there are Neti on the card tonight. I have a certain respect for the species. A thousand credits seems a suitable bet. Pocket change, since that seems to be what you're offering for a job of this scale and danger level."
Ree smirks a bit at that backhand you just threw at the Vigo.
Vigo Altonn's eyes narrow, but you get the feeling he welcomed that. Since you aren't in front of any others, he can deal with you without any pomp or circumstance. "You think three thousand is beneath you? What do you bring to the table that is worth so much?"
The wall of screens flicker, then switch off.
Squall tilts zir head to the side, looking out with blank eyes. Ze says numbly, "I just cut all your feeds. Spliced past four year old ICE with a karking comm set off the street, nothing special. And I'm... just the splicer."
"Vigo Altonn, in the last several months, my team has utterly destroyed an Imperial mining facility, extracted the murderer of an Imperial governor, and been responsible for more deaths than I can count on the fingers of all the hands of all the beings fighting in your pits tonight." All strictly true, considering the frigates we recently destroyed. "Of course, I can't give you references, strictly speaking, but Ree is aware of our reputation, and I understand you're looking for a third party..."
"I fought in the Clone Wars, for the CIS. I was awarded the iron cross. I had thirty eight confirmed kills. Three were ARC troopers." He sucks his teeth, adds, "After my superiors surrendered, handed over all the enlisted, I was put away for twenty years in Despayrewhere I was the cutter for Reelo Baruk's people."
Vigo Altonn's expression slips from skeptical to moderately impressed as Hosk spins his little yarn.
Amarath says in an almost bored tone, "I just like shooting people."
"Vigo Altonn, I wouldn't bring you second-rate hitters." Ree says calmly. "They're unaffiliated, and they'll do the deed."
Altonn holds up his hands, "Very well, I've heard enough. Four thousand up front. Twelve thousand once I have a holocrystal showing me the deed is done... and yes, you can bet on the Neti. If it wins, you'll be a rich man." He looks to you, waiting for a response.
I pull out a chip worth one K-Cred and toss it to Altonn. "We'll take care of your vermin problem, Vigo Altonn. What's the bonus if we determine who's providing those expensive weapons?"
Vigo Alton takes the chip in his hand, "Tell your splicer to open up my feeds again." Squall flicks zir comm twice, the screens return to their default settings. Altonn feeds your chip into a slot on a nearly hidden console, keying in the bet himself. He turns to look at you, "You get me proof of who did that, I'll double your fee."
I turn my head toward Squall and say sharply, "Marda, you follow my orders, yes? Remember that." Then back to Altonn. "Okay, you've got my bet, I've got your word. We'll eliminate your infestation and give you what you need to plug the hole they came in through. Where do we start? Any known gathering points?"
I nod, carefully, surveying the images and trusting Hosk and Amy to internalize, Squall to capture. "We've got this, Vigo Altonn. I understand you want a display of force. Anything in particular? Any signature you want to claim later?"
I just nod. "Make sure that bet's placed. I'll be in touch, but you should be hearing the news as it happens." I turn to leave, exposing my back, striding out with confidence. That's all I need to hear. Seek and destroy... they've got to be bad guys, I can live with that.
Ree lingers behind as your crew files out into the casino. The door is about to slide closed once you reach the hallway. Hosk looks back, his shaggy brows furrowed.
Ree says a couple brief words to Vigo Altonn, heads your way. The door opens again for her, then closes behind her. Ree's mouth gives a quirk of annoyance at the tone, but she plays the part you handed her.
Squall gives a quick glance to a corner near the door, then asks you, "Master, was I good? Can I have some candy soon?"
You catch a tiny bit of worry in Amarath's eyes before she looks away. Hosk walks quickly for the door to the casino, playing it like he could give a poodoo.
I steel myself, then give Squall an open-hand smack across the face, hard. "You get your fix when I say you do. Don't forget that." Playing this role is going to be hard. I ignore Amy's look and stride forward.
Squall intones meekly while ducking zir head in submission, "Yes, master. Sorry, master." Hosk heads out, unfazed and uncaring, like this is an ongoing thing.
Amarath catches on, shoving past Squall and giving zir a sneer, "Don't you listen to the man, Mar? Stupid junkie..." Squall walks after you, head down.
Over at the fighting pit the Neti has just entered the arena to fight a Zabrak. The Zabrak is aggressive while the Neti is slow with its gray bark-like skin. It looks like it will be a bloodbath. Do you stay to watch?
Hosk heads for the bar while Amarath and Squall stay with you. Amy leans over the railing as soon as she sees the fight, starts yelling at both fighters, mostly spewing nonsense.
Squall hangs back, not watching the violence, but staring at a small vidscreen and playing with zir tools. Ze says quietly, "Lots of eyes and ears. Want me to clip feeds on us or leave them?"
Amarath howls, "Kriff me running, Dev! That treeboy's kicking his shebs!" She points down to the pit and yes, the Zabra is tiring from trying to beat the Neti senseless. The thick, barkskin of the Neti protected it. After sveral minutes of only covering up, it begins to slowly grab for the Zabrak, taking hold of a well-muscled arm and crushing it. He screams in pain and yanks it away, but the arm is mangled and useless.
The Zabrak moves away, circling, wary.
"What do you know?" Ree remarks from her perch. She's watching the people as much as the fight. "Looks like the Neti might take the purse." She flicks a glance over to you.
I shrug, as if it's no surprise to me, so why should it be for her? I keep watching the fight, supposedly, but I'm really looking at the faces, too, trying to clock anyone who might be watching us in person, looking for threats.
You should keep an eye on that insectoid Verpine who is watching you and yours. It has two gun belts and a badolier of blaster packs. It has a stillness and an awareness to it that is unsettling.
Your greatest opportunity is heading out right after the match, it will show Vigo Altonn that your team is professional and eager to get the job done.
Again under my breath, I tell Amarath to clock the Verpine and check for any distinctive markings or traits. I will, in fact, leave as soon as the match ends, expecting everyone to fall in.
Amarath glances over, then turns her body to angle her face away from its gaze, "That's Zix'et. I know its carapice from anywhere. Its got dead eye aim and hunts like nobody I've ever seen. If its here, its either working for the Vigo, or for someone after the Vigo."
"Yeah. Assassin for hire, too. Anything where it can extinguish a life and move on. It's like a swarm of locusts." Amarath answers without humor. There's a tiny bit of fear in her voice, something only you'd pick up on, though.
"Understood." I turn my head slightly toward Squall. "Are you capturing the feeds?" Still pretending to watch the fight. I run through the hand-signals Hosk taught me when we first hooked up. "Watch and follow" is thumb and pinkie out, the middle three fingers closed. That's derived from the Neimodian counting gesture for "six," as in "watch my." I know he'll be watching from his barstool when he sees me leaving after the fight.
"Capturing all this crystal can hold, master," Squall replies in that disaffected tone.
The Neti wears down the Zabrak, and the fight ends with the gnarled "fingers" of the creature crushing the Zabrak's throat. It isn't pretty, but it is effective. The crowd howls and hoots, credits are exchanged, and you're three thousand credits richer.
You leave, Squall and Amarath falling in behind you. Ree follows, too, since you're her ride. Hosk hangs back at the bar, while Zix'et seems to have disappeared.
I stride out, apparently unconcerned, trusting Hosk to keep me informed of developments on the threat front. For the benefit of any observers, I mumble an apology (to Amy) then smack Amarath on the back of the head, once we're out of the complex and heading toward the lifts.
Amarath flinches away, playing upset but compliant. Ree hangs back, cool and unfazed by your crew's interactions. Squall walks beside and slightly behind you. Hosk is still at the bar, but you know he'll catch up.
As you walk towards your speeder int he garage, an Imperial troop transport skims into the place. Ree huffs a breath, motions towards the speeder as if to say, "we need to go".
Hosk knows where we're headed, and has the resources to get there. We get in the speeder and go back to the hotel to review what we know and come up with a plan. Not a LONG war council, but target order, at least. This fight might not be finished in a night.
Squall climbs in the back of the speeder, while Amarath hops in. Ree watches the Stormtroopers as they pile out of the transport. A low ranking Imperial officer steps out of the transport. She's young, fairly attractive, you can't help but notice. She skims the garage, then marches straight over towards your speeder.
"You there," she says with an air of authority. "stay where you are." A couple troopers fall in line behind her as she walks the thirty feet from the transport, past several other speeders. to you and your crew.
She strides up, the troopers hanging back, out of earshot, but ready to fire their carbines if she gives the order. She looks over to Ree, says sharply, "I don't need to talk to you. You can get in the speeder." Ree complies, after a not-so-subtle glare. Lt. Eclipse turns to you again. She looks maybe twenty, fresh out of officer training school, maybe. She eyes you close. "A Kiffar and three pretty females coming out of a caino? It sounds like you're the problem. What's your name, citizen? Let's see some idents."
I hold my hands up, then slowly move my right to pull my idents out of the breast pocket of my jacket. "Denever Vos, ma'am. I'm just hired help. Bodyguard and sometime driver."
Lt. Eclipse takes the idents, looks them over. As she's reading them, or scanning them with her eyes, she asks, "Bodyguard or driver. Which one right now?"
"The other Kiffar, ma'am. Glorana. The Twi'lek is a 'native guide,' and the Rattataki is someone she met at a club." I'm really resisting the urge to just start the fight, at this point.
Amarath says from the back of the speeder, "Officer, can I please have my thick-headed bodyguard back? I want to head back to my flat with my new toy."
A look of disgust crosses Lt. Eclipse's face. She looks at you sternly, "You're new here. Give me one reason not to haul you four in."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but the answer is, we haven't actually done anything wrong? I'd be willing to pay a fine, if that's what's called for. I'm not accustomed to working on Core Planets."
If you're willing to use some Cred to Apply Leverage, then tell me how many Creds you're offering for a "fine" and roll it. You'll get a +1 for every Cred you spend over 1 Cred, topping out at +3.
Lt. Eclipse looks at the credits you've offered, smiles, then looks back up. "This. This will do nicely, Mr. Vos. I'm glad you're such a helpful and compliant citizen." She turns to wave off the troopers, "If you come back to the casino again, I'll make sure nobody bothers you."
That gets a little grin from her. "Oh, I am sure if you come back to the casino sometime after say twenty hundred, you just might find out if I remember you. I like this place, come here after work quite often." She turns to head back to her troopers and lead them on their patrol.
I quirk a smile and watch her space-heinie as she walks back to her people, then turn to the speeder. "Let's go, people." Over comms. "Hosk, are we clear to head back to the hotel?"
"That means the bug was following us, until then? You feel like it's a threat, feel free to follow, otherwise meet us soon. We've got some work to do."
Ree glances over at you, her expression doesn't look terribly happy. "Mr. Vos, I live and work here, for now. I have other work going on. Plus, it can't look to him like I'm working for you, right? I brought you to him, but he trusts me." She turns back to look at the buildings passing by, as if that's the end of the conversation.
Ree's making sure if this plot of yours fails that she's not going to take the fall for it. If Ree felt like there would be no blowback on her sister, she'd be all in. She hates Altonn.
"Our mutual friend didn't mention your sister, Ree. Maybe if we work this out, there's a benefit for her? I don't have the credits to pay her way out, right now, but if we take down the Skulls right, there should be a... bonus." I'm hoping that offer will make the shift from reluctant to enthusiastic for Ree. There should be creds to pick up along the way, here.
Ree's jaw sets for a moment and she continues watching the traffic and the buildings, not answering. She turns to you, saying in clipped tones, "I appreciate what you're trying to do, Vos. Not just with that sleemo, but what you think you're offering me. Don't presume you know anything about my sister and our troubles. If credits were my problem, I sure wouldn't be working for Mon Mothma right now." She exhales through her nose, frustrated, then turns away, the anger draining. "I know you mean well. I'm not going to backstab you, alright?"
I'll figure it out before we're finished here, what Ree needs. "Alright. I get you, Ree." I pilot the speeder back to the hotel, park, and while we're still outside whisper to Squall. "Did you check the room for bugs?"
We'll proceed up to the room, then. I ask Ree to join us. "Okay, we need to go over our intel, look at the layout of the Market, and figure out a plan. Glorana, can you check to see if there's an open warrant or bounty on Zix'et? Ree, how many of those faces, of the Grims, or Skulls, whatever, did you recognize? Marda can show you the images again, if you want."
Amarath grabs a datapad from Squall's pack and starts accessing the Coruscant systems and querying their logs. She doesn't use her guild ID, but she can skim the entries.
Squall calls up the images of the Grim Skulls for Ree, who studies them closely, tapping a few as she talks.
Ree points at a human male with dyed-red hair, "That's Quint Nuiv. He's an ace swoop rider, he's got a few bounties on him for snatch and runs, he moves small-time stuff for the Skulls, keeps in contact with other levels, runs goods back and forth to the warehouse district." She taps the image of a Defel with glowing red cybereyes, "That's Prodas. He's one of the hitters for their current leader, who's named Dack Luce. I didn't see Dack in any of the pictures, which isn't surprising. He keeps a low profile." She grabs the image, then moves it over to something slightly out of focus, "You need to watch out for this big fellow." She points to a lumbering Herglic. "His name is Molan B'hme. He owes Dack a lifedebt or something. I've seen him stand up to two blaster bolts to the chest, then crush the idiot who shot him." She scans the images, calling out the dozen others she sees, nothing of note about them.
After fifteen minutes of scanning, she looks over, "I don't see Teela Strax in here. That means she's probably still with Dack. She's been his on-again, off-again girlfriend for a few months. She's Falleen." Ree says it like that's an insult. And a warning.
Amarath closes her datapad, "Zix'et had a few citations for fighting, a warrant for an unlicensed disintegration. That was until a couple weeks ago, when it all... dropped off. That's not good."
After a half hour or so of talk and planning, Hosk reports in on his comm, "Vos, I followed Zix'et to its speeder bike, then grabbed a taxi and followed it up to the surface. It's in a comm station doing interplanetary. Must be reporting in to someone."
This is my fault. I was assuming that Amarath would be able to follow my lead without explaining in advance. "We'll talk more later, Glorana. I didn't give you any warning to catch my drift. Sorry." I do give her a sidelong look and a grin. "Hope you enjoyed it, though. I won't tell if you don't." Seriously, though, I'm disappointed in both myself and Amy.
Amarath looks over, still a little confused, "So... I wasn't supposed to, ah, do that?" She glances back at Ree, who seems much more interested in watching foot traffic. She leans over, "She was like double-jointed or something. Reallllly bendy.... and don't tell Squally. I didn't like it like it. Plus, I thought it was part of my cover."
I lean over and whisper back. "First rule of cover, Glorana? Don't talk about cover." I continue steering us toward wherever Squall and Hosk found as a stopping point, and comm Hosk for the two of them to meet us at someplace nearby that has food. Preferably someplace noisy.
After a few blocks, you end up at a noodle shop where Hosk and Squall are waiting for you. The place is awash with blue lights and kitschy little figurines with bizarre expressions. Ree acts like she's been here before and walks up to the counter and ordering some odd green and yellow meal. Hosk and Squall are already seated.
When you sit down, Hosk looks up from his comically oversized and still mostly -full bowl, "Hey." He looks up to Ree. "I'm Lar, this is Marda." Ree introduces herself, then whips a chair around backwards and sits down slightly away from the table, starts eating the bowl.
I realize that I haven't actually introduced myself. "And, by the way, I'm Denever Vos." No point in ignoring my clan markings. I ordered the more basic noodles, less colorful, but they smell good, at least. I hope those little bits floating in there are shrimp.
As you're sitting there eating, Squall is chatty, "Oh hey, Denever, turns out Scazzit is still playing. They're a dive band who've been in 1313 for a while now. They're pretty zeng."
I glance at Squall, intrigued but not distracted. Slurp up another mouthful of noodles. "That's great. Maybe later, yes? Let's focus on the matter at hand. Ree, care to brief the team?"
Ignoring your request, Ree peers at Squall like she's working out a puzzle. She says low, "I remember you. I'm surprised you're still alive."
Squall shifts a little, looks down at zir bowl, "Uh, yeah. I am."
Ree holds up a hand like she meant no offense, "That's good. So how's Kerin..."
"She's not. I mean, she didn't, you know, make it.." Squall answers quickly. There's a few moments of uncomfortable silence. Amarath gawks at Squall, clearly surprised about someone named Kerin.
Ree looks over at you, "Sorry, Denever. The set-up is that you're a team of troubleshooters. I'm going to vouch for you to the Vigo, and he'll hire you to put down a local gang that's been giving him fits. Not only are you muscle, but he wants to know who's bankrolling them."
I grunt. "That's ridiculous. Is he looking for a strike team, or an investigator?"
"He'll pay for a strike team," Ree explains. "He'll trust someone who finds out who's trying to drive a knife in his shebs." Hosk chuckles at that phrase, then gets back to eating.
I nod in acceptance. "I get it. How soon can you set up the meet, and do you think I should bring the whole team?"
Ree looks over the team, "They look competent enough, bring 'em. Especially Marda there. People will remember her." She looks at you, says seriously, "You might want to have her play up the spice junkie angle, but play it like you've got her on a short leash. A few of them might recognize her, and they'll remember her splicing." Squall shifts a bit, looks unsure about this.
I give Squall a look. "Marda? You okay with that?"
Squall licks zir lips, then nods, "It makes sense. I can pull off the junkie look for them, too. I'll play it up. You want to put a collar on me or something?" Ze's completely serious.
Ree's mouth drops a little. Collars aren't props to Twi'Leks. Amarath looks at Squall with a bit of surprise, maybe a pleasant surprise? Hosk closes his eyes, but that's his only reaction.
Collar? Urrrm. "I don't think we need a collar, Marda. Just follow my lead and don't be upset if I speak sharply." I look to Ree. "Anything else I should know before we take the meeting?"
Ree takes a big bite of her noodles and swallows it down before answering, "The guy's a sleemo, but he's got serious connections. He's very much on edge, so don't joke around about loyalty. Not that I think you would, but he's living with crosshairs on his head and trying to make it work. High risk, high yield stuff." She scans all of the team for a moment, "Don't take his first offer, he'll lowball you to see if you're amateurs. Don't get greedy, either. Since you aren't really here for long-term employment, keep your eyes on the prize. Make sense?" She seems done with her food and starts to get up if there are no questions.
Amarath whispers something in Squall's ear and ze looks back, shrugs and nods. Amarath huffs a little laugh and stands up, taking her bowl to the front, grabbing Squally's, too.
"Makes sense. I need a second with my team, if you'd like to wait for us outside." I motion Amarath back to the table.
I look each of them in the eye. "Once we walk out that door, you need to remember who you're supposed to be, and act accordingly. We're looking to get hired to kill people, and I'm going to be the kind of person that has the sort of team that gets hired to kill people. Talking back is fine, but expect to get put down, hard, if you do." I give Amy and Squall a particular look. "And you two are not an item until we get this job done, get it? No giggles, no cutesy stuff."
Squall lets zir shoulders slump a little, the brightness in zir face slacks and ze falls into a slightly disaffected posture. Even zir tone shifts to dull, "I got you, Dev. I'm your splicer, not some karking kid."
Hosk just stands there, his normal demeanor is merc. "I've got your back, Denever. This isn't a game."
Amarath gives you a level look, "If it feels like he thinks you're weak, I may give you lip. Make an example out of me. It works." She shrugs, "I hunted bounties. I've got it under control."
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 1. Total: 6)
I turn and lead the team to the door, joining Ree at the speeder.
Ree slips into the front seat this time, but you did catch a raised brow from her. She seems a little more impressed with the team now that they've gotten into character. It's a little tight in the speeder for five, but Hosk sits in the middle, between Squall and Amarath. None of them complain about it on the ride.
With Ree's directions, you take the speeder up eighty stories and over a small park filled with quickrete sculptures and solid light displays. There's even hints of green down there. Could be paint. The speeder flies into a hangar-garage in a towering building.
After landing, it's a short walk to a bank of lifts until you enter a sizable casino called Thunderbird. The place is filled neon light constructs to enhance the environment. The thudding music is highlighted by the tinkling sounds of automated casino machines, there are sabacc tables in a corner. There's even a fighting pit where people (on the right side of this pic) are looking down at a match right now.
I keep my eyes front, allowing my face to take on a hard cast and not showing any concern for my team or the other people in the room. I nod to Ree that she can continue.
You head down a well-lit hallway, noticing the thumping sound of the casino music dies quickly as the door closes. At the end of the hall is a door that opens to a comfortable, well appointed living room. There's no desk, no chairs. A row of displays showing the casino, showing other parts of 1313 as well, fill the left-hand side of the room. There are couches to the right, with a man sitting in a throne-like chair. The place isn't too ostentatious, but everything is leather and wood, very little metal. There are no guards here, but you get the feeling they are close by and you're being watched.
This is Vigo Altonn.
He waits for Ree to speak, but regards you all.
Ree speaks formally, bows her head to him, "Greetings, Vigo Altonn. I have a strike team for you. This is their leader, Denever Vos."
The Vigo regards you. He seems relaxed, his eyes are daggers. "Hello, Mr. Vos."
"Greetings, Vigo Altonn." I incline my head in a gesture of respect, not quite as low as Ree did. "This is my team. Lar, Glorana, and my splicer, Marda." I pause after each name to give them a chance to acknowledge. "I understand you have a problem. How can I help?"
"I need you to hit some people, hard. They've been beneath my notice until last week when they killed one of my associates." He fishes a small control rod out of his pants pocket and gestures at the screens. You see the faces of some thugs, mostly humans, but a mix of a few other species. They're wearing leathers and carrying blasters. "They call themselves the Grims. Or the Grim Skulls, according to who you ask."
I do my best to memorize the faces. "How many, where do we find them, and what sort of damage are you looking for? Remove the head, or salt the earth?"
"Salt the earth." he answers solidly, without hesitation. "Message. And I'll front you one thousand credits, two thousand more once the deed is done."
I'm keeping in mind that my "mission" is not this mission, specifically, but to get some sense of the Vigo's position and utility for the Alliance. I try to tune out distractions, get a sense of the gestalt, here.
Rolling Trust Your Feelings, with a lil' help from See All the Angles
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 3, 2. Total: 8)
Someone named Guri is actually a droid.
The Neti entering the fighting pits right now will win against long odds.
Amarath is angry because she feels guilty about fooling around with Liera.
Hosk remarks casually, but loud enough for Vigo Altonn to head, "Those pistols aren't cheap knock-offs. They're BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistols. Almost a thousand credits a pop, probably double that on Coruscant."
"Vigo, would it be possible for me to place a wager on your fights? I understand there are Neti on the card tonight. I have a certain respect for the species. A thousand credits seems a suitable bet. Pocket change, since that seems to be what you're offering for a job of this scale and danger level."
Vigo Altonn's eyes narrow, but you get the feeling he welcomed that. Since you aren't in front of any others, he can deal with you without any pomp or circumstance. "You think three thousand is beneath you? What do you bring to the table that is worth so much?"
The wall of screens flicker, then switch off.
Squall tilts zir head to the side, looking out with blank eyes. Ze says numbly, "I just cut all your feeds. Spliced past four year old ICE with a karking comm set off the street, nothing special. And I'm... just the splicer."
"Vigo Altonn, in the last several months, my team has utterly destroyed an Imperial mining facility, extracted the murderer of an Imperial governor, and been responsible for more deaths than I can count on the fingers of all the hands of all the beings fighting in your pits tonight." All strictly true, considering the frigates we recently destroyed. "Of course, I can't give you references, strictly speaking, but Ree is aware of our reputation, and I understand you're looking for a third party..."
"I fought in the Clone Wars, for the CIS. I was awarded the iron cross. I had thirty eight confirmed kills. Three were ARC troopers." He sucks his teeth, adds, "After my superiors surrendered, handed over all the enlisted, I was put away for twenty years in Despayre where I was the cutter for Reelo Baruk's people."
Vigo Altonn's expression slips from skeptical to moderately impressed as Hosk spins his little yarn.
Amarath says in an almost bored tone, "I just like shooting people."
"Vigo Altonn, I wouldn't bring you second-rate hitters." Ree says calmly. "They're unaffiliated, and they'll do the deed."
Altonn holds up his hands, "Very well, I've heard enough. Four thousand up front. Twelve thousand once I have a holocrystal showing me the deed is done... and yes, you can bet on the Neti. If it wins, you'll be a rich man." He looks to you, waiting for a response.
I pull out a chip worth one K-Cred and toss it to Altonn. "We'll take care of your vermin problem, Vigo Altonn. What's the bonus if we determine who's providing those expensive weapons?"
Vigo Alton takes the chip in his hand, "Tell your splicer to open up my feeds again." Squall flicks zir comm twice, the screens return to their default settings. Altonn feeds your chip into a slot on a nearly hidden console, keying in the bet himself. He turns to look at you, "You get me proof of who did that, I'll double your fee."
I turn my head toward Squall and say sharply, "Marda, you follow my orders, yes? Remember that." Then back to Altonn. "Okay, you've got my bet, I've got your word. We'll eliminate your infestation and give you what you need to plug the hole they came in through. Where do we start? Any known gathering points?"
"Yes, master." Squall answers in that disaffected tone.
Altonn waves a hand over his controller and the video displays change to show an open market, "They meet up here in Omega Market."
I nod, carefully, surveying the images and trusting Hosk and Amy to internalize, Squall to capture. "We've got this, Vigo Altonn. I understand you want a display of force. Anything in particular? Any signature you want to claim later?"
Vigo Altonn answers, "Be thorough. Spend your free time here in the casino. That will be enough for the right people to know who sent you."
I just nod. "Make sure that bet's placed. I'll be in touch, but you should be hearing the news as it happens." I turn to leave, exposing my back, striding out with confidence. That's all I need to hear. Seek and destroy... they've got to be bad guys, I can live with that.
What do you do?
I use my best command voice, roughened by the character I'm playing. "Ree. With us. Now."
Ree says a couple brief words to Vigo Altonn, heads your way. The door opens again for her, then closes behind her. Ree's mouth gives a quirk of annoyance at the tone, but she plays the part you handed her.
Squall gives a quick glance to a corner near the door, then asks you, "Master, was I good? Can I have some candy soon?"
You catch a tiny bit of worry in Amarath's eyes before she looks away. Hosk walks quickly for the door to the casino, playing it like he could give a poodoo.
I steel myself, then give Squall an open-hand smack across the face, hard. "You get your fix when I say you do. Don't forget that." Playing this role is going to be hard. I ignore Amy's look and stride forward.
Squall intones meekly while ducking zir head in submission, "Yes, master. Sorry, master." Hosk heads out, unfazed and uncaring, like this is an ongoing thing.
Amarath catches on, shoving past Squall and giving zir a sneer, "Don't you listen to the man, Mar? Stupid junkie..." Squall walks after you, head down.
Over at the fighting pit the Neti has just entered the arena to fight a Zabrak. The Zabrak is aggressive while the Neti is slow with its gray bark-like skin. It looks like it will be a bloodbath. Do you stay to watch?
We'll stop to watch the fight. Might as well play along with my bluff.
Squall hangs back, not watching the violence, but staring at a small vidscreen and playing with zir tools. Ze says quietly, "Lots of eyes and ears. Want me to clip feeds on us or leave them?"
I shake my head slightly and reply under my voice. "Better to reserve the option for when we really need it."
Amarath howls, "Kriff me running, Dev! That treeboy's kicking his shebs!" She points down to the pit and yes, the Zabra is tiring from trying to beat the Neti senseless. The thick, barkskin of the Neti protected it. After sveral minutes of only covering up, it begins to slowly grab for the Zabrak, taking hold of a well-muscled arm and crushing it. He screams in pain and yanks it away, but the arm is mangled and useless.
The Zabrak moves away, circling, wary.
"What do you know?" Ree remarks from her perch. She's watching the people as much as the fight. "Looks like the Neti might take the purse." She flicks a glance over to you.
I shrug, as if it's no surprise to me, so why should it be for her? I keep watching the fight, supposedly, but I'm really looking at the faces, too, trying to clock anyone who might be watching us in person, looking for threats.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 10)
What's my greatest opportunity?
Your greatest opportunity is heading out right after the match, it will show Vigo Altonn that your team is professional and eager to get the job done.
Again under my breath, I tell Amarath to clock the Verpine and check for any distinctive markings or traits. I will, in fact, leave as soon as the match ends, expecting everyone to fall in.
Amarath glances over, then turns her body to angle her face away from its gaze, "That's Zix'et. I know its carapice from anywhere. Its got dead eye aim and hunts like nobody I've ever seen. If its here, its either working for the Vigo, or for someone after the Vigo."
"Bounty hunter?"
"Yeah. Assassin for hire, too. Anything where it can extinguish a life and move on. It's like a swarm of locusts." Amarath answers without humor. There's a tiny bit of fear in her voice, something only you'd pick up on, though.
"Understood." I turn my head slightly toward Squall. "Are you capturing the feeds?" Still pretending to watch the fight. I run through the hand-signals Hosk taught me when we first hooked up. "Watch and follow" is thumb and pinkie out, the middle three fingers closed. That's derived from the Neimodian counting gesture for "six," as in "watch my." I know he'll be watching from his barstool when he sees me leaving after the fight.
"Capturing all this crystal can hold, master," Squall replies in that disaffected tone.
The Neti wears down the Zabrak, and the fight ends with the gnarled "fingers" of the creature crushing the Zabrak's throat. It isn't pretty, but it is effective. The crowd howls and hoots, credits are exchanged, and you're three thousand credits richer.
You leave, Squall and Amarath falling in behind you. Ree follows, too, since you're her ride. Hosk hangs back at the bar, while Zix'et seems to have disappeared.
I stride out, apparently unconcerned, trusting Hosk to keep me informed of developments on the threat front. For the benefit of any observers, I mumble an apology (to Amy) then smack Amarath on the back of the head, once we're out of the complex and heading toward the lifts.
As you walk towards your speeder int he garage, an Imperial troop transport skims into the place. Ree huffs a breath, motions towards the speeder as if to say, "we need to go".
What do you do?
Hosk knows where we're headed, and has the resources to get there. We get in the speeder and go back to the hotel to review what we know and come up with a plan. Not a LONG war council, but target order, at least. This fight might not be finished in a night.
"You there," she says with an air of authority. "stay where you are." A couple troopers fall in line behind her as she walks the thirty feet from the transport, past several other speeders. to you and your crew.
What do you do?
I hold my hands out to the side, unthreatening. "What is the problem, ah, Lieutenant?"
She strides up, the troopers hanging back, out of earshot, but ready to fire their carbines if she gives the order. She looks over to Ree, says sharply, "I don't need to talk to you. You can get in the speeder." Ree complies, after a not-so-subtle glare. Lt. Eclipse turns to you again. She looks maybe twenty, fresh out of officer training school, maybe. She eyes you close. "A Kiffar and three pretty females coming out of a caino? It sounds like you're the problem. What's your name, citizen? Let's see some idents."
I hold my hands up, then slowly move my right to pull my idents out of the breast pocket of my jacket. "Denever Vos, ma'am. I'm just hired help. Bodyguard and sometime driver."
Lt. Eclipse takes the idents, looks them over. As she's reading them, or scanning them with her eyes, she asks, "Bodyguard or driver. Which one right now?"
"And, ma'am. Bodyguard always, driver unless someone's already taken the driver's seat." I don't turn around to see if Ree's already taken that spot.
The officer looks at the speeder, hands you back your idents, "Who are you guarding tonight, Mr. Vos? Don't tell me all three."
"The other Kiffar, ma'am. Glorana. The Twi'lek is a 'native guide,' and the Rattataki is someone she met at a club." I'm really resisting the urge to just start the fight, at this point.
Amarath says from the back of the speeder, "Officer, can I please have my thick-headed bodyguard back? I want to head back to my flat with my new toy."
A look of disgust crosses Lt. Eclipse's face. She looks at you sternly, "You're new here. Give me one reason not to haul you four in."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but the answer is, we haven't actually done anything wrong? I'd be willing to pay a fine, if that's what's called for. I'm not accustomed to working on Core Planets."
(Rolled: 2d6+5. Rolls: 2, 5. Total: 12)
Lt. Eclipse looks at the credits you've offered, smiles, then looks back up. "This. This will do nicely, Mr. Vos. I'm glad you're such a helpful and compliant citizen." She turns to wave off the troopers, "If you come back to the casino again, I'll make sure nobody bothers you."
"I appreciate that, Lieutenant. I just try to do my duty and keep my nose clean. I hope you will remember me. Especially if you're out of uniform."
That gets a little grin from her. "Oh, I am sure if you come back to the casino sometime after say twenty hundred, you just might find out if I remember you. I like this place, come here after work quite often." She turns to head back to her troopers and lead them on their patrol.
I quirk a smile and watch her space-heinie as she walks back to her people, then turn to the speeder. "Let's go, people." Over comms. "Hosk, are we clear to head back to the hotel?"
He replies, audio-only, "Clear. Those Imps spooked it. You didn't even see it in the garage, did you?" (You didn't)
"That means the bug was following us, until then? You feel like it's a threat, feel free to follow, otherwise meet us soon. We've got some work to do."
After a moment, Hosk answers, "Feels like it was. I'll catch up." He cuts communication.
Amarath asks as you come back, "What was that Imp about? After a bribe? Pitiful."
Anything to discuss on the trip to the hotel?
"So, Ree, you seem very familiar with Vigo Altonn. Even stayed behind for a chat. What was that about?"
Rolling Read a Person on Ree
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 2. Total: 10)
How can I get her to fully support this mission?
Ree glances over at you, her expression doesn't look terribly happy. "Mr. Vos, I live and work here, for now. I have other work going on. Plus, it can't look to him like I'm working for you, right? I brought you to him, but he trusts me." She turns back to look at the buildings passing by, as if that's the end of the conversation.
Ree's making sure if this plot of yours fails that she's not going to take the fall for it.
If Ree felt like there would be no blowback on her sister, she'd be all in. She hates Altonn.
"Our mutual friend didn't mention your sister, Ree. Maybe if we work this out, there's a benefit for her? I don't have the credits to pay her way out, right now, but if we take down the Skulls right, there should be a... bonus." I'm hoping that offer will make the shift from reluctant to enthusiastic for Ree. There should be creds to pick up along the way, here.
Ree's jaw sets for a moment and she continues watching the traffic and the buildings, not answering. She turns to you, saying in clipped tones, "I appreciate what you're trying to do, Vos. Not just with that sleemo, but what you think you're offering me. Don't presume you know anything about my sister and our troubles. If credits were my problem, I sure wouldn't be working for Mon Mothma right now." She exhales through her nose, frustrated, then turns away, the anger draining. "I know you mean well. I'm not going to backstab you, alright?"
I'll figure it out before we're finished here, what Ree needs. "Alright. I get you, Ree." I pilot the speeder back to the hotel, park, and while we're still outside whisper to Squall. "Did you check the room for bugs?"
Ze nods gently, "Yes. It's clean."
We'll proceed up to the room, then. I ask Ree to join us. "Okay, we need to go over our intel, look at the layout of the Market, and figure out a plan. Glorana, can you check to see if there's an open warrant or bounty on Zix'et? Ree, how many of those faces, of the Grims, or Skulls, whatever, did you recognize? Marda can show you the images again, if you want."
Squall calls up the images of the Grim Skulls for Ree, who studies them closely, tapping a few as she talks.
Ree points at a human male with dyed-red hair, "That's Quint Nuiv. He's an ace swoop rider, he's got a few bounties on him for snatch and runs, he moves small-time stuff for the Skulls, keeps in contact with other levels, runs goods back and forth to the warehouse district." She taps the image of a Defel with glowing red cybereyes, "That's Prodas. He's one of the hitters for their current leader, who's named Dack Luce. I didn't see Dack in any of the pictures, which isn't surprising. He keeps a low profile." She grabs the image, then moves it over to something slightly out of focus, "You need to watch out for this big fellow." She points to a lumbering Herglic. "His name is Molan B'hme. He owes Dack a lifedebt or something. I've seen him stand up to two blaster bolts to the chest, then crush the idiot who shot him." She scans the images, calling out the dozen others she sees, nothing of note about them.
After fifteen minutes of scanning, she looks over, "I don't see Teela Strax in here. That means she's probably still with Dack. She's been his on-again, off-again girlfriend for a few months. She's Falleen." Ree says it like that's an insult. And a warning.
Amarath closes her datapad, "Zix'et had a few citations for fighting, a warrant for an unlicensed disintegration. That was until a couple weeks ago, when it all... dropped off. That's not good."
After a half hour or so of talk and planning, Hosk reports in on his comm, "Vos, I followed Zix'et to its speeder bike, then grabbed a taxi and followed it up to the surface. It's in a comm station doing interplanetary. Must be reporting in to someone."
"Sq... Marda, any way to tap in to that, if Lar gives you the location of the terminal?"
Ze answers, still in character, "It is a very challenging splice, especially from here. If you wish it, I will do it, master."
Ree's jaw sets at the word "master". It obviously grates on her. She doesn't say anything, but stands up, heads out to get some air.
"Please try, but avoiding detection is my primary concern, so be careful."
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 4. Total: 11)