Squall keys a few sequences on zir datapads and comm device, then smirks a little Squally smirk, "Got it, master."
Ze calls up both sides of a holo conversation. On one side is Zix'et. On the other is Sark. There's no background behind Sark. He's wearing civilian clothing, nothing military.
Zix'et: "...Rattataki is just a junkie...."
Sark: "That's true, but she's still the splicer she used to be. Keep an eye on them, but do not interfere. You lost the Bothan, right?"
Zix'et: "Of course. He's a stumpy old one, no threat. They don't know you're watching, Harkness."
Sark: "Good. He'll make a play with the Vigo after they take down the Skulls. You make sure they succeed with those gutter-snipes, if you have to." Zix'et nods. "Report back to me in twelve hours."
"Well, that answers that." On the comm to Hosk, "You can disengage for now. Head back to the hotel."
I sit on one of the beds. "Well, for the moment we don't have to worry about Zix'et. It may re-emerge as a threat for later, and we'll certainly want to keep an eye out." I call up the schematic for the market.
There are eight food stalls, serving cooked food or food supplies. Moody's - a night club/restaurant Jex's Tunes - a music experience shop Sethra the Seer has a small shack here (fortune teller) Van-Sol'i self-defense (security, weapons) Roggil's Junk and Fix (takes up a quarter of the east side of level one) Kertid's Appliances (device reseller, a pawn shop) Five Star Intoxicants (sells ales, cheap wines and other mind-altering substances) Leeth Crafts (leathers, hand-woven clothing) Iggig's Garage Sep's Tavern
As I'm looking, I speak some of the things running across my mind. "5 on 20 if you're still in, Ree. We can't take them all at once, but we're going to have to be fast, and coordinated. We need to figure out where Dack and his girlfriend are before we begin, if possible. Also, how to deal with the Herglic. And we need ultraviolet lights or scopes. I assume this Prodas won't have any issues with regular light, given cyber-eyes, but his abilities can make him hard to pin down. That's just a start. This has to end very quickly once it begins, and we won't have much wiggle room."
Ree, who is sitting in a chair, a foot resting against the side of the bed in this room, looks over at you, "My favor was to put you in touch with the Vigo. Which, I've done." She makes a "tch" sound in her throat and looks at you for a moment. "What's in it for me, Vos?"
Squall tilts zir head and looks at Ree sideways, "You're keeping powerful friends happy. And, the Vigo will be pleased with you, that's good. Riiight?" A lazy smile spreads across Squall's face.
Ree takes a breath, holds it for a moment, then exhales, "If you're so worried about the Vigo's good graces, then why is he paying you?" Ree says it plain and simple. It's obvious she does not like Squall. She looks at you, Ladro, ignoring Squall. "You're long on odds and short on allies. What are you offering?"
"Kriff it, Ree, you asked me to cut you in if I needed another blaster. Remember that? Did I say, 'If you're still in and willing to work for promises and rainbows?' No. I just asked if you were still in. And you're the one that advised me not to let him make me a patsy on the price." I take a deep breath. "You refused my offer of help earlier and told me credits weren't your problem. So you tell me, Ree. What do you want?"
Ree laughs a quiet laugh. "Am I confusing you, Vos?" She looks down at her blaster, fingers playing at the snap that keeps it in her holster. "My sister is owned by a Hutt. I thought I'd freed her, but the bastard came to collect her, pulled her out of my hands. No Empire, no Rebellion will free her. Credits won't buy her. I need leverage over a Hutt." She glances up at you, a hopeless expression on her face. "You got any of that lying around?"
I nod. "Marda, did you check all the rooms for bugs?" When she nods meekly, I hold my hand out to Amarath. "Glorana, I need your room for a few minutes. Key, please? Ree, if you don't mind, walk with me for a few minutes?"
Amarath, who was sitting at your desk fiddling with her blaster, fishes out her key and tosses it your way. Ree stands up and heads out with you.
Amy's room is smaller than yours, with a stand-up shower, no desk, an older holodisplay. The bed looks about the same size. Ree walks in ahead of you, heads into the room and turns to lean against a wall.
"First off, cool your blasters, Ree. I'm going to drop the character for a second here. Squall is not my slave, ze's playing the role as I asked her to. I don't want zir to be in it any longer than necessary, because it's calling back earlier, scarier parts of zir life, and it scares me. However, I can't afford to ask zir to dial it back, because it's crucial to the mission."
I give her a look, then continue. "Secondly, I do have some Hutt leverage, as it happens. I know Jabba, and I've got a working relationship with Hontu, who is a different can of blubber, to an extent. I will do my best to work something out for your sister. It's only a promise, for the moment, but it's all I can offer. I will put obligations on myself to accomplish it, though. And I will do that whether or not you bring your blaster to this party. You've done enough. You can go, if you want."
Ree's posture remains closed off, defensive. But she listens. She peers at you for a long time, like she's trying to read you. "I know she's playing a role, Vos. But look at her. She likes it. Like old, comfy boots."
The Twi'Lek pushes herself off the wall, walks over closer to you, "I don't know this other can of blubber, but if you can get anything.... anything for my sister, it's worth a shot." The left corner of her mouth turns up, "I'll take a share of credits, too. Momma needs to eat. Er, well, so to speak."
"I hate this 'version' of Squall, and I want it over as soon as possible. Ze's more than competent, fierce, ze's got fire, and I want to see it again. If you're onboard, and remember, assuming I live I'm going to make the call regardless of whether you are or not, then you're in for 3,000 credits. More if we solve the mystery of who set these sleemos on Vigo Altonn. But I need to know that you're all in, and I need you to fall in line, when it's not just we two. Suggestions are fine, and welcome. Friction is good, and expected. That sort of display back there? Not okay."
Ree gives that soft, wry laugh again, "I'm sure you can tell I'm not much of a team player. The sleemo who owned Chird'na and I liked to torture me for being disobedient. I never gave in, no matter what he did. It's just a vessel. In the end, I broke his neck with my bare hands." Her tone doesn't sound like bragging, it's almost like a confession.
She runs her tongue along her own lips, then says, "I'll keep my mouth shut. Let Squall play her role. I'll even ignore your dumb little Kiffar friend."
I turn fast to face her, with angry eyes. "That's it. You denigrate my team, you denigrate me, understand? My 'dumb little Kiffar friend' has survived as much poodoo as you have, even more, and she's still going. She's saved my life more than once, wrestled a nexu one-armed and lived, taken down an Imperial frigate from the gun turret of a kriffing cargo hauler. Also, my 'dumb little Kiffar friend' might as well be my sister, or I would've shoved her out an airlock myself. So check yourself, Ree. Check yourself hard. I say again, if you want, walk out now. I'll still make the call to Hontu if I survive this idiocy. But if you stay, stow your ill-informed opinions of my crew. Got it?"
Ree's smirk spreads into a grin, like she just told you a joke or something. "Vos, you're a strike team leader. You care too much for these people. It's going to cost you." She raises her hands, "I've said my piece. I'm in."
I nod once, firmly. "Then fall in line. I'll take your advice about caring for my people. Including you." I head for the door, going back to my room. "We've got a massacre to plan. Come on."
"Works for me." Ree walks past you, out of the room, towards the hall, turns to wait for you. Her smirk's gone, her shoulders are relaxed. She's calm, the derision in her look has evaporated.
When we walk back in to my room, I'm still out of sorts. "So, what progress have you made? Found Dack? Sources for ultraviolet flashlights? Some way to take out a big hulking Herglic in a hurry?"
When you come in, Squall is busy working on zir datapads. Amarath is standing reight behind zir, her hand gently touching Squall's shoulder. It's a small act, but there's an intimacy there. From Amarath. Squall, if ze notices, there's no response to it.
Squall looks up when you enter, nods once, "I found Dack through his idents linked to his credits. He's having food delivered to Iggig's Garage. We can pick up ultraviolet lights from Kertid's..."
Amarath watches Squall for a moment before she answers you, "You can hurt a Herglic easy. Drop something in their blowhole. It's on top of their head."
"Okay, then, Glorana, you've got the Herglic. Find something to drop in that blowhole and be ready to do it. Marda, place the order for the lights. Ree, you've got that one, once you have the tools. Lar and I will do max damage on the low hanging fruit while we make our way toward Dack. Marda, you'll have to guide us on the comms from here. Can you do that? And don't say, 'Yes, master.' Give me a real assessment."
Squall opens zir mouth to reply, pauses, then ducks zir head, "I've ordered the lights already. I have access to every video feed in the sector. Our comms are encrypted on a signal-jumping band and I can keep everyone on track. But why here? That gang is huge, I can help in the field."
"Marda, do you think you can monitor all the feeds and still be active in the field? If things go ponfarr-shaped, you're the only one that can bring them together again."
Squall answers quickly, "I want to be down there with you. I'll drop back to overwatch if there are too many variables. I can do this." Amarath's mouth twitches to a quick frown, but vanishes.
Hosk arrives at your door, comes inside. He has an armful of some kind of brightly wrapped snack cakes and goodies, "Hey all. Saw some Coruscani junk food, thought I'd grab it." He tosses the candies on the desk near Squall. Squall's still watching you, Ladro, eager to be part of the assault force. Amy grabs a finger-sized cake and unwraps it, starts munching on it, watching.
I nod. "If you think you've got it, fine, but snap to if I tell you to fall back. All of you, we'll be operating fairly independently, but be ready to move if I tell you. We can't afford mistake or hesitation. Keep in contact on the encrypted comms. No civilian casualties and keep property damage to a minimum." I look at them. "Questions?"
Amarath gives a cocky grin, swallows her yellow-cake, "No questions. I'm looking forward to taking down big blubberman." Squall grins a little at that, but still keeps her distance.
Hosk looks to Ree, "Ree, any other big fish down there? Someone we could bounce against these Skulls?"
Ree gives Hosk a level look and answers, "Vigo Altonn is the other big fish."
"There's no such thing as day or night down here," Ree answers. "But most activity has a slowdown time. I'd suggest we head down to the market in a few hours."
Squall offers up, "If we wait until they go to sleep, where will we find them? The garage?"
Amarath walks over to Hosk, gestures with her hand in a familiar way for the Bothan. As Hosk fishes out a pack of deathsticks, Amarath says, "We should hit them hard and fast, then let them freak out for a while when they should be sleeping."
"We can't take them all at once, regardless of whether most of them are sleeping or not. I'm with Glorana. We hit hard and soon, kriff up their perceptions, then withdraw and let them fan out to cover their turf. Lather, rinse, repeat."
Your team mobilizes and heads down to the market, finding secure positions to scout and wait for their assigned targets.
When your team catches the Grim Skulls unaware, roll+Suave. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2. - you spot Teela Strax - Prodas is taken out - Molan B'hme is defeated - violence doesn't spill over on any civilians
On a miss, you still choose one, but some of your team is caught or trapped.
We pick up with the team meeting at the fallback point, which is on the far end of 1313, away from the market, at a place called Red's Ruins.
Six years ago, structural damage rendered a huge section of the level unsafe, shutting down operations on several cargo bays and associated storage and living areas. It would have been too expensive to repair (all the credits, that year, had been earmarked for important additions on the other Market end of the level) so the consensus was that Bays 30 through 39 should be sealed off and written-off. Later, the segments could be repaired and returned to duty. In the meantime, they’d stop sucking away life support and heat.
It didn’t work out that way. Bays 30 through 39 connected to the level in complex ways, and cost-cutting decisions made early in the construction of the level led to inadequate compartmentalization. Docks 31-33 could be sealed off with a simple toggle (and were), but the remaining areas were too large and integral. Closing them down short-term for an emergency was no problem, but the engineers agreed that the network of interior pressure doors in that sector weren't suited for a long-term role as an impromptu barrier.
Over time, bays 34-36 and 30 were repaired and modernized. But bays 37-39 remained largely untouched, filled with some old gear and misrouted shipments that needed a place to rot in peace and "long-term" storage. For all intents and purposes, the bays were abandoned – left cool and dark, but still livable.
For most intents and purposes, anyway. Those bays became the ruins, “skid row,” where citizens too broke for a room can find a corner to sleep, and where homeless or fugitives can retreat into an alternate community where their poverty and their past do not distinguish them.
The ruins are both a haven and a hazard, divided into several small “kingdoms” where charismatic bullies, criminals, and others willing to play leader have organized hierarchies to better defend territory and to have their pick of meager, pooled resources. “Red’s Ruins” is one such tiny enclave, an old inspection bay occupied by Red – a spiritually-inclined guru and canny leader – and the dozen or so squatters who’ve decided to follow him.
----------------------- Ree is leaning against a dusty wall as Amarath comes walking up. The Twi'Lek is re-wrapping one of her lekku, she looks calm as she says, "The light's worked like a charm. Wolfboy is dead, strung up on display like a trophy."
Amarath has that cocky walk of hers as she says, "I dropped two handfuls of pepper in the Herglic's blowhole, then beat his shebbs to a pulp with a pipe. He'll probably live. Probably."
Who took a blaster shot on your smaller team, Ladro? Squall or Hosk?
Hosk took the shot. The idiot was protecting me from one of the Skulls, a scrawny Devaronian Squall identified as H'taal. We took him, and left three others dead, with two badly enough wounded that they're out of the fight for sure. To zir undiguised delight, Hosk and I agree that the count was Squall 3, Hosk 2, Ladro 1. We cut quite a swath, but Ree and Amy's work is impressive indeed.
"Excellent work. Marda, let me know when the ants start pouring out of the nest, and we'll begin phase two."
Amarath does a double take at Hosk's smoking jacket, "You alright, old timer?"
"Yeah, yeah," Hosk says, moving a hand to wave her away, "Ze already got some bacta on it. Don't need anyone fussing over me"
Ree cuts in to ask, "Loan me a death stick, Lar?" That breaks it up, he reaches for his pants pocket, stifling a groan. Ree says, "Lar and I will keep an eye out." They head for the corridor out of Red's Ruins.
The squatters are around, pretending not to pay attention. You know they're watching, and so does Squall. When Amarath walks over to put a hand on zir back, ask how ze is, Squall moves away, sits down on zir haunches and starts poring over the camera feeds. Amarath's mouth twitches in annoyance.
Amarath walks over by you, saws low, "I'm heading out, be gone for a couple hours. Comm me if you need me." Do you stop her?
Amarath was about to walk away. She actually takes a couple steps, but slows, then stops, her back to you and Squall. Sullenly, "Yeah.... yeah, we are." She starts fiddling with her cyberarm.
Amarath nods, looks over at Squall, then nods again. There's a slump in her shoulders you haven't seen since she was a kid and your mother scolded her for stealing something from your baba's shop. What did she steal, Ladro?
It was nothing, in one way, but everything in another. One of Baba's planing knives. One among many. He'd sourced the metal from off-world, though, and took it to one of the few metalworkers with a traditional forge and had it shaped to his specifications, then honed it painstakingly. Amy planned to use it to chop down a thorn-bush outside her family's modest home.
"Come on, then." I step aside to find a more-or-less private niche.
You head south on the map, there's a secluded little area that's vacant right now. Amarath glances back at Squall a couple times, but ze is busy tapping away at zir datapads, poring over the data.
As soon as she feels comfortable that she's out of sight from everyone but you, Amarath steps closer, right up to you. Her hands slip up to your sides and she ducks her head and pushes it into your chest. She holds onto you in this clinging hug.
This is new, for the recent versions of Amarath, but I remember a time, not long before she stole that knife, when she came to me for comfort more often. About three months, she thought we were best friends. I was uncomfortable then, uncomfortable now, but I remember.
Amarath is in love with Squall. She's wracked with guilt over cheating on her with Liera, whether to tell zir or not. She feels like she's losing zir to this undercover role, that maybe she doesn't know who ze is. She wants to not love Squall. She feels weak, and powerless and angry at herself for all of this weakness, being tied to someone. All of this is tearing her up inside and she's breaking down.
Help Amarath understand that she needs structure. Also, a stable income. Plus, you know, Squall will be there. And you, of course.
I give Amy a stern look, looking around to make sure no-one's close, using her real name. "Amarath, loving someone is not a weakness. It may feel like that, but you can turn it into fuel for the fire. I made a mistake, putting you into a situation where you didn't really know what I was asking. Let it go. I'm your commanding officer, and I kriffed it up. I won't let us... you, me, Squall, Jojee, Hosk... be broken up. Not only are you family, but... you're my people. If you love zir, do the job. I'll do my best to give you the opportunity to excel."
She looks up at you when you talk. There are tears in her eye, her face is etched with worry. She swallows, voice hoarse when she responds, "I wanted to kriff her. Like... like Squall didn't own me, you know? I'd rather... I'd rather know the reason it didn't work out. Might as well be that, you know." She trails off, then ducks her head back into a hug, holding onto you again, sniffling, her wet cheek against you.
I hold her out to arm's length. "You survived clanless on Kiffu, made a life for yourself. Snap out of it, soldier. Even if I didn't have an understanding with Ahji Dar, I'd still have wanted to kriff Kelb, Alanna, whoever. We do have that understanding, so nothing's broken. You wanted, and I gave you mixed signals, so you took what you wanted. Tell Squall, if you want. Tell zir I told you to take one for the team. I'll take that hit. But one way or another, let it go. And, truth be told, this isn't advice. It's a command. Figure your poodoo out and get ready for the next round, here, because it's going to be violent and scary and I need your head in the game. You've got five minutes to make your decision about what you do or don't do, then you're replacing Ree on watch."
Amarath stands there, blinking her one eye, looking up at you with that miserable lost look on her face. When you give her a command, though, it seems to click. It helps, and gives her something to react to, something to hold onto, like a spine. She nods once, takes a breath, then wipes at her face with the back of her left hand.
"Alright, Sergeant Vos-Uhuru? Do what you need to, but make it out and send Ree in. I'll stretch it to ten, but that's it." It hurts me a little, but I turn and walk away.
Amarath sniffs once as she wipes the last bit of wetness off her cheek. She ducks her head in a curt nod, "Yessir, Captain." t sounds odd coming out of her mouth, but she doesn't make a face, or pause before heading out into the corridor.
A few minutes later, she's relieved Ree from her duty on watch. Ree comes sauntering up.
Ree's death stick is gone, smoked up. She walks over to a nearby wall and leans against it while looking at you, "You wanted to see me, Vos?"
"Honestly, just needed to give Glorana something to do. But I am interested in your thoughts on our position. We've taken out nearly half of Dack's people, but they'll be expecting us from here on out. Any suggestions? "
Ree chortles lightly at your casual joke about bossing Glorana around. "Dack knows good and well that Vigo Altonn put out this hit. He's got powerful backers, so he can't afford to tuck his tail and go. I'd wager he hits the casino for retaliation. That will get him out in the open, since he doesn't have enough thugs to just send them." She pulls a knife and flips it between the fingers of her left hand, then continues, "I told Altonn to keep an eye out. He'll have some security, which is easier to have on his level. So either we go wait for them to head out and hit them down in 1313, or we let them head up top and hit them from behind. Your call."
I nod. "It feels cleaner to take them down here. If we're the janitors, we shouldn't be dumping the trash on Altonn's door before we take it out." Turning to Squall. "See what you can figure out from their movements. As soon as Dacks is exposed, we need to hit them hard, and if we can figure out where to set up, I can have Lar ready as a sniper."
Squall pauses a feed near Van-Sol'i self-defense. Ze zooms in to show a female Falleen heading out of the shop, "That's Teela Strax, I checked her profile against Coruscani ident logs." Squall speeds the feed along and you see she heads to a small set of apartments across the alley from Roggil's Junk and Fix. You see a pair of toughs hanging out near the stairs up to the apartments. They look like they're just sitting around, but there's an alertness to them that hints that they're guarding the place. "Lots of juice headed to that place, water use increased over the last hour as well. They're holed up there, and I bet Dack is right in the middle of them."
One thing you spot that Squall hasn't pointed out, is that there are a few Grimm Skulls moving around and roughing up locals. They're shaking people down for intel on you and yours, and they aren't being careful. There will be some deaths if you let this play out until they make a move.
I step out to call Hosk and Amy in, then point out the Skulls hassling locals. "I don't think we can afford to wait until they're out of the hidey-hole. So, questions first. Marda, do you think you can limit or eliminate their comms? If we can keep Dack out of the loop for even a few minutes, it could make a big difference. And Lar, do you see a spot to set up with your rifle that will let you join the party pretty quickly once you take out the guards?"
Squall starts packing up zir datapads and comm device to move out,"Yes, I can, but I need to get closer."
Hosk nods, pats his blaster, "I can set up near the Generator Banks at the end of the market. I'll have height and range. And I won't be on the generators."
"We should toss some thermal detonators in their door and call it a day."
Ree says simply, "Regular people live in those apartments." She knows you'll shoot Glorana down.
"No explosions, as fun as that sounds. Here's the sequence of events. Lar, you get to your nest while I get Marda close enough to drop their comms. Ree and Glorana, each of you tag one of the floaters, but keep back until you get the signal from me. When I give the go, take out your targets, report in, and hightail it for the building. Next up is Lar, who will take out the sentries and then join us as quickly as possible. Whoever gets to Marda and I first, the three of us will go in right away, with the other two following when they arrive. I'm trusting Marda to be able to pull information off their systems, so no need to pull your punches, but if Dack or Teela is alive enough to tell us who's behind the Skulls, so much the better." As usual, I look around to make sure everyone's with me. "Questions? Concerns?"
In half an hour, Squall reports that Hosk is in place, Amarath and Ree check in that they're near their targets. Those guards are still aping like they're lazy hooligans while Squall is buying some roasted meat off a vendor to maintain zir cover.
Let's see how this goes down. For this small gang action, please roll+Rugged. On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose two. On a 10+, choose three. - Your crew suffers little harm - Dack's guards are taken out - the gangers out in the streets are handled by Amarath and Ree - you've got surprise on them, take +1 Forward
As you wait for everyone to be ready, Amarath and Ree check in. You give them the go signal, and hear some blaster fire. The guards near you react to that, the cyborg looking around for where it came from. Moments later, Hosk advises he's taking the shot, and the Devaronian lying on the hood of the speeder is hit in the right temple. He jerks once and falls over. The cyborged human pacing is tagged in his cyberarm and chest, but doesn't fall. Squall draws out zir blaster and unloads on the guy as he tries to hitch up his blaster rifle. He fires off one shot, hitting Squall in zir left arm before he falls heavily, and people in the street freeze or quickly move away.
Squall continues moving across the street, you're right behind zir. Ze leans against the wall of the apartment building, breathing heavy, filled with adrenalin. Ze looks up at you, nods like "I'm okay." Zir shoulder's bleeding.
You hear more blaster fire in the distance, and there's enough noise now that you're rather sure someone has to know what's up. You hear noise upstairs, sounds like furniture thrown around, harsh voices, indistinct.
Ree and Amarath haven't appeared, yet. Amy's checked in, her target's dead.
Hosk calls over the comm, "Lad, I see movement at the windows. I'm staying up to keep them off your backside."
Squall fishes for zir comm device,"I'll try to block their signals from here if we can hold tight."
Blaster rifle pelts the windows above you, precise shots, the sounds of surprise, of pain. Squall is already splicing at the feed when you slap the bacta pack on zir shoulder. Ze sucks in a breath, but says nothing.
Amarath comms back, "On my way!" You see her come around a corner, just down the way. She has both blasters out and her cybereye is glowing an angry red.
As Amarath reaches you, Ree responds, "I'm coming. My guy had some friends."
Squall says suddenly,"I've almost cut them off, but we can listen in."Ze patches it through your comms.
Male voice, accented, excited, lots of background noise: "...back-up, kark it! Get the troops down here!"
Female voice, smooth and calm: "I'm sorry, Dack. We can't get anyone to you right now. We need you to head up. Your swoops are on the roof,.."
Amarath has arrived now.
Male voice (Dack): "Are we clear to come up to eighty-three?" No answer. He asks again, "Are we clear to evac to eighty-three? Guri?"
Close enough. I head in, blaster out, trusting the team to follow. Over comms, "Lar, swoops on the roof. Don't let them take off. Take 'em out now if you can." Looking for targets, not civilians.
The apartment is on the third level, and you kick open the door to the street to charge up the stairs. These stairs run the outside of four floors of apartments here. You see three gangers heading up the stairs. They fire at you and yours while they're trying to escape, you're hit by a stray bolt, you're right in front. (That's 2-Harm, minus one for your armor, to Vitality).
Since the stairs have a roof, Hosk can't see, but Amarath pushes herself against the right side of the wall, bringing both blasters up to fire as you do. You take down all three of them, then hit the front door of Dack's apartment.
The door was ajar from the three who dashed out of it. As glance inside, there are four gangers hiding behind furniture. You see a yellow-eyed near human near a Falleen girl, Ree calls him out as Dack. Dack has a blaster rifle and he's bringing it to bear on the door. Amarath is on your left, her back against the wall near the door. Ree's on your right. Squall's a could steps below, zir blaster pistol out.
You hear a small explosion above you after several blaster shots.
I'm on Dack first. My blaster's already out, of course. He's the threat. Or, maybe... "Ree, take the Falleen..." I'll let Amy and Squall take the thugs.
Ree squats down and pivots in behind you, her guns training for Teela. Amarath is right at your back under you're through the door, then she tumbles forward to the right and deeper in the room, coming up by an overturned seat. Squall lets our a primal scream and dashes in last, but draws a great deal of attention. Meanwhile, Hosk is trying to sight in any foolish ganger who presents themselves near the windows, which are all wide open from his previous shots.
With the chaos you've created, the Grim Skulls are on their heels here. They've got some serious firepower, greater than their middling skills can handle. The apartment is quickly riddled with blaster bolts as both sides unload. Hosk fires quick shots whenever he sees an opening while Amarath leaps over a barrier onto two gangers. Squall snarls as ze fires and continues firing and running. Ree stays low and snaps off shots when she sees heads or legs, whatever.
But you, you're fury as you bear down on Dack. He and his girl pull back into a back bedroom while one of his underlings, a male Togruta, steps in your way. You gun him down, but it bought the gang leader enough time to hole up in a bedroom.
Grim Skulls are a small gang 3-Harm, 1-armor, Savage Your crew is a small gang 2-Harm, 1-armor. You chose terrible Harm, so you do 2-Harm to them. They do 2-Harm back. You take both Harm, Ladro. Where did they hit you?
The Grim Skulls are broken. A pair toss down their rifles, drop to the floor. Three more run past you, out the door.
Over comms: "You want me to take them down?"
Amarath double taps the gangers she leaped on. Ree's keep eyes on the Skulls who dropped on the floor. Squall's about to bash zirself into Dack's door.
I ignore the shots to my left thigh and right shoulder, for now. Pain is one thing, but success is another, and I can taste it. I join Squall to bash into the door with a shout that's equal parts agony and battle-cry. This ends, one way or another. I have a feeling Squall's instincts have kicked in, as well, given the snarling and the bashing.
The door holds up for a couple blows, but then it snaps back off its hinges. Inside is a very hyped up Dack who fires as the door opens. I need you to Act Under Pressure here, Ladro.
You take a shot (2-Harm, minus 1-Armor, so 1 gets through) that was aimed for Squally and the two of you both his Dack in his stupid face. He falls to the floor, dead. Teela screams and cowers in a corner, beside the bed.
I fall to the ground from the shot to my left hip, but manage to snap out, barely in character, "No! Stun her!" If we can't interrogate her, surely the Vigo has his own means. I'd rather bring an answer and let her "escape," but if Squall can't find anything on their systems...
Squall clocks Teela across the face with the base of zir blaster, then shoves the Falleen to the ground and kicks her once to make sure she's out. Squall's panting, and it takes some effort to stop, but ze does.
After a moment, Squall gestures at the room, "There's some stuff worth taking here. Can you get that transceiver for me, master?" Ze bends down to grab Teela's arms and starts dragging the Falleen girl out of the room.
Squall isn't lying. This bedroom has a rack of weapons, a jammer pack, a slick computer, a service droid (a mouse droid, for cleaning), a portable power recharger, some blaster packs for the rifles they're using, some holovid art, a leather coat with armor, and an expensive "personal entertaining device".
Outside, you see that Amarath has killed the gangers who threw down their guns. Ree's standing near the door, she does not look happy.
Over comms: "The three who ran outside are down. The roof is clear. What's the sitrep inside?"
I snap out to the room. "New standing order. Do not kill people who surrender without checking in with me." Over comms, "Lar, we're good. Situation is under control. Keep an eye out and report in."
"Ree, how long do we have before some sort of Security response?"
Amarath looks over at you, like she's about to say something. She doesn't, holds her tongue. Then she notices Squall dragging the Falleen girl, by one arm, seems surprised and unsure about that.
Ree checks a device, "They're notoriously slow normally, but I'm seeing some alarms already triggered. Whoever's backed these sleemos might try to mash us. We need to get moving soon."
"I need time to splice the transceiver. These guys didn't put out anything, only received orders, so I have to rebuild the files and extrapolate. If I had some red diamond dust, I could work faster." Ze's referring to an amphetamine-laced spice.
I give Squall a "No Karking Way" look. "Can we take it with us? This and the computer seem good enough to work with, yes?" To Ree, "How are we going to move the Falleen? We need some time with her."
Squall nods, drops Teela's arm and heads over to you, holding out a hand, "May I have the transceiver, master?" Ze averts zir eyes.
Ree answers your question about the Falleen girl by walking over to pick her up, putting her over shoulder, "I'll carry her up to the roof if any of the swoops are left. If not, I'll head out with you.
Squall, Amy, the computer and the transceiver go on one speeder. Ree and the unconscious Teela go on another. I comm Hosk. "Looks like we're on our own, Lar. Like old times, yeah?" Before everyone goes, I ask Ree a question. "Do you have a spot we can go beside the hotel? I'll give you the credits if you need them. Privacy is paramount, of course."
Squall keys a few sequences on zir datapads and comm device, then smirks a little Squally smirk, "Got it, master."
Ze calls up both sides of a holo conversation. On one side is Zix'et. On the other is Sark. There's no background behind Sark. He's wearing civilian clothing, nothing military.
Zix'et: "...Rattataki is just a junkie...."
Sark: "That's true, but she's still the splicer she used to be. Keep an eye on them, but do not interfere. You lost the Bothan, right?"
Zix'et: "Of course. He's a stumpy old one, no threat. They don't know you're watching, Harkness."
Sark: "Good. He'll make a play with the Vigo after they take down the Skulls. You make sure they succeed with those gutter-snipes, if you have to." Zix'et nods. "Report back to me in twelve hours."
End transmission.
"Well, that answers that." On the comm to Hosk, "You can disengage for now. Head back to the hotel."
I sit on one of the beds. "Well, for the moment we don't have to worry about Zix'et. It may re-emerge as a threat for later, and we'll certainly want to keep an eye out." I call up the schematic for the market.
There are eight food stalls, serving cooked food or food supplies.
Moody's - a night club/restaurant
Jex's Tunes - a music experience shop
Sethra the Seer has a small shack here (fortune teller)
Van-Sol'i self-defense (security, weapons)
Roggil's Junk and Fix (takes up a quarter of the east side of level one)
Kertid's Appliances (device reseller, a pawn shop)
Five Star Intoxicants (sells ales, cheap wines and other mind-altering substances)
Leeth Crafts (leathers, hand-woven clothing)
Iggig's Garage
Sep's Tavern
As I'm looking, I speak some of the things running across my mind. "5 on 20 if you're still in, Ree. We can't take them all at once, but we're going to have to be fast, and coordinated. We need to figure out where Dack and his girlfriend are before we begin, if possible. Also, how to deal with the Herglic. And we need ultraviolet lights or scopes. I assume this Prodas won't have any issues with regular light, given cyber-eyes, but his abilities can make him hard to pin down. That's just a start. This has to end very quickly once it begins, and we won't have much wiggle room."
Ree, who is sitting in a chair, a foot resting against the side of the bed in this room, looks over at you, "My favor was to put you in touch with the Vigo. Which, I've done." She makes a "tch" sound in her throat and looks at you for a moment. "What's in it for me, Vos?"
Squall tilts zir head and looks at Ree sideways, "You're keeping powerful friends happy. And, the Vigo will be pleased with you, that's good. Riiight?" A lazy smile spreads across Squall's face.
Ree takes a breath, holds it for a moment, then exhales, "If you're so worried about the Vigo's good graces, then why is he paying you?" Ree says it plain and simple. It's obvious she does not like Squall. She looks at you, Ladro, ignoring Squall. "You're long on odds and short on allies. What are you offering?"
"Kriff it, Ree, you asked me to cut you in if I needed another blaster. Remember that? Did I say, 'If you're still in and willing to work for promises and rainbows?' No. I just asked if you were still in. And you're the one that advised me not to let him make me a patsy on the price." I take a deep breath. "You refused my offer of help earlier and told me credits weren't your problem. So you tell me, Ree. What do you want?"
Ree laughs a quiet laugh. "Am I confusing you, Vos?" She looks down at her blaster, fingers playing at the snap that keeps it in her holster. "My sister is owned by a Hutt. I thought I'd freed her, but the bastard came to collect her, pulled her out of my hands. No Empire, no Rebellion will free her. Credits won't buy her. I need leverage over a Hutt." She glances up at you, a hopeless expression on her face. "You got any of that lying around?"
"Which Hutt, Ree?"
With distaste, she answers without meeting your eyes, "A sleemo on Tattoine. His name is Jabba."
I nod. "Marda, did you check all the rooms for bugs?" When she nods meekly, I hold my hand out to Amarath. "Glorana, I need your room for a few minutes. Key, please? Ree, if you don't mind, walk with me for a few minutes?"
Amy's room is smaller than yours, with a stand-up shower, no desk, an older holodisplay. The bed looks about the same size. Ree walks in ahead of you, heads into the room and turns to lean against a wall.
"First off, cool your blasters, Ree. I'm going to drop the character for a second here. Squall is not my slave, ze's playing the role as I asked her to. I don't want zir to be in it any longer than necessary, because it's calling back earlier, scarier parts of zir life, and it scares me. However, I can't afford to ask zir to dial it back, because it's crucial to the mission."
I give her a look, then continue. "Secondly, I do have some Hutt leverage, as it happens. I know Jabba, and I've got a working relationship with Hontu, who is a different can of blubber, to an extent. I will do my best to work something out for your sister. It's only a promise, for the moment, but it's all I can offer. I will put obligations on myself to accomplish it, though. And I will do that whether or not you bring your blaster to this party. You've done enough. You can go, if you want."
Ree's posture remains closed off, defensive. But she listens. She peers at you for a long time, like she's trying to read you. "I know she's playing a role, Vos. But look at her. She likes it. Like old, comfy boots."
The Twi'Lek pushes herself off the wall, walks over closer to you, "I don't know this other can of blubber, but if you can get anything.... anything for my sister, it's worth a shot." The left corner of her mouth turns up, "I'll take a share of credits, too. Momma needs to eat. Er, well, so to speak."
"I hate this 'version' of Squall, and I want it over as soon as possible. Ze's more than competent, fierce, ze's got fire, and I want to see it again. If you're onboard, and remember, assuming I live I'm going to make the call regardless of whether you are or not, then you're in for 3,000 credits. More if we solve the mystery of who set these sleemos on Vigo Altonn. But I need to know that you're all in, and I need you to fall in line, when it's not just we two. Suggestions are fine, and welcome. Friction is good, and expected. That sort of display back there? Not okay."
Ree gives that soft, wry laugh again, "I'm sure you can tell I'm not much of a team player. The sleemo who owned Chird'na and I liked to torture me for being disobedient. I never gave in, no matter what he did. It's just a vessel. In the end, I broke his neck with my bare hands." Her tone doesn't sound like bragging, it's almost like a confession.
She runs her tongue along her own lips, then says, "I'll keep my mouth shut. Let Squall play her role. I'll even ignore your dumb little Kiffar friend."
I turn fast to face her, with angry eyes. "That's it. You denigrate my team, you denigrate me, understand? My 'dumb little Kiffar friend' has survived as much poodoo as you have, even more, and she's still going. She's saved my life more than once, wrestled a nexu one-armed and lived, taken down an Imperial frigate from the gun turret of a kriffing cargo hauler. Also, my 'dumb little Kiffar friend' might as well be my sister, or I would've shoved her out an airlock myself. So check yourself, Ree. Check yourself hard. I say again, if you want, walk out now. I'll still make the call to Hontu if I survive this idiocy. But if you stay, stow your ill-informed opinions of my crew. Got it?"
Ree's smirk spreads into a grin, like she just told you a joke or something. "Vos, you're a strike team leader. You care too much for these people. It's going to cost you." She raises her hands, "I've said my piece. I'm in."
I nod once, firmly. "Then fall in line. I'll take your advice about caring for my people. Including you." I head for the door, going back to my room. "We've got a massacre to plan. Come on."
"Works for me." Ree walks past you, out of the room, towards the hall, turns to wait for you. Her smirk's gone, her shoulders are relaxed. She's calm, the derision in her look has evaporated.
When we walk back in to my room, I'm still out of sorts. "So, what progress have you made? Found Dack? Sources for ultraviolet flashlights? Some way to take out a big hulking Herglic in a hurry?"
Squall looks up when you enter, nods once, "I found Dack through his idents linked to his credits. He's having food delivered to Iggig's Garage. We can pick up ultraviolet lights from Kertid's..."
Amarath watches Squall for a moment before she answers you, "You can hurt a Herglic easy. Drop something in their blowhole. It's on top of their head."
"Okay, then, Glorana, you've got the Herglic. Find something to drop in that blowhole and be ready to do it. Marda, place the order for the lights. Ree, you've got that one, once you have the tools. Lar and I will do max damage on the low hanging fruit while we make our way toward Dack. Marda, you'll have to guide us on the comms from here. Can you do that? And don't say, 'Yes, master.' Give me a real assessment."
Squall opens zir mouth to reply, pauses, then ducks zir head, "I've ordered the lights already. I have access to every video feed in the sector. Our comms are encrypted on a signal-jumping band and I can keep everyone on track. But why here? That gang is huge, I can help in the field."
"Marda, do you think you can monitor all the feeds and still be active in the field? If things go ponfarr-shaped, you're the only one that can bring them together again."
Squall answers quickly, "I want to be down there with you. I'll drop back to overwatch if there are too many variables. I can do this." Amarath's mouth twitches to a quick frown, but vanishes.
Hosk arrives at your door, comes inside. He has an armful of some kind of brightly wrapped snack cakes and goodies, "Hey all. Saw some Coruscani junk food, thought I'd grab it." He tosses the candies on the desk near Squall. Squall's still watching you, Ladro, eager to be part of the assault force. Amy grabs a finger-sized cake and unwraps it, starts munching on it, watching.
I nod. "If you think you've got it, fine, but snap to if I tell you to fall back. All of you, we'll be operating fairly independently, but be ready to move if I tell you. We can't afford mistake or hesitation. Keep in contact on the encrypted comms. No civilian casualties and keep property damage to a minimum." I look at them. "Questions?"
Amarath gives a cocky grin, swallows her yellow-cake, "No questions. I'm looking forward to taking down big blubberman." Squall grins a little at that, but still keeps her distance.
Hosk looks to Ree, "Ree, any other big fish down there? Someone we could bounce against these Skulls?"
Ree gives Hosk a level look and answers, "Vigo Altonn is the other big fish."
"Then I guess the only question is, when do we move?"
"There's no such thing as day or night down here," Ree answers. "But most activity has a slowdown time. I'd suggest we head down to the market in a few hours."
Squall offers up, "If we wait until they go to sleep, where will we find them? The garage?"
Amarath walks over to Hosk, gestures with her hand in a familiar way for the Bothan. As Hosk fishes out a pack of deathsticks, Amarath says, "We should hit them hard and fast, then let them freak out for a while when they should be sleeping."
"We can't take them all at once, regardless of whether most of them are sleeping or not. I'm with Glorana. We hit hard and soon, kriff up their perceptions, then withdraw and let them fan out to cover their turf. Lather, rinse, repeat."
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 14)
You send Amarath off to deal with the Herglic. Squall watches your six, keeps overwatch. Ree is hunting Prodas. Hosk is with you.
I think your team is trying to infiltrate this Market so you can set up, right? Let's see Infiltration Specialist.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 9)
Your team mobilizes and heads down to the market, finding secure positions to scout and wait for their assigned targets.
When your team catches the Grim Skulls unaware, roll+Suave. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2.
- you spot Teela Strax
- Prodas is taken out
- Molan B'hme is defeated
- violence doesn't spill over on any civilians
On a miss, you still choose one, but some of your team is caught or trapped.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 11)
- Molan B'hme is defeated
- violence doesn't spill over on any civilians
Six years ago, structural damage rendered a huge section of the level unsafe, shutting down operations on several cargo bays and associated storage and living areas. It would have been too expensive to repair (all the credits, that year, had been earmarked for important additions on the other Market end of the level) so the consensus was that Bays 30 through 39 should be sealed off and written-off. Later, the segments could be repaired and returned to duty. In the meantime, they’d stop sucking away life support and heat.
It didn’t work out that way. Bays 30 through 39 connected to the level in complex ways, and cost-cutting decisions made early in the construction of the level led to inadequate compartmentalization. Docks 31-33 could be sealed off with a simple toggle (and were), but the remaining areas were too large and integral. Closing them down short-term for an emergency was no problem, but the engineers agreed that the network of interior pressure doors in that sector weren't suited for a long-term role as an impromptu barrier.
Over time, bays 34-36 and 30 were repaired and modernized. But bays 37-39 remained largely untouched, filled with some old gear and misrouted shipments that
needed a place to rot in peace and "long-term" storage. For all intents and purposes, the bays were abandoned – left cool and dark, but still livable.
For most intents and purposes, anyway. Those bays became the ruins, “skid row,” where citizens too broke for a room can find a corner to sleep, and where homeless or fugitives can retreat into an alternate community where their poverty and their past do not distinguish them.
The ruins are both a haven and a hazard, divided into several small “kingdoms” where charismatic bullies, criminals, and others willing to play leader have organized hierarchies to better defend territory and to have their pick of meager, pooled resources. “Red’s Ruins” is one such tiny enclave, an old inspection bay occupied by Red – a spiritually-inclined guru and canny leader – and the dozen or so squatters who’ve decided to follow him.
Ree is leaning against a dusty wall as Amarath comes walking up. The Twi'Lek is re-wrapping one of her lekku, she looks calm as she says, "The light's worked like a charm. Wolfboy is dead, strung up on display like a trophy."
Amarath has that cocky walk of hers as she says, "I dropped two handfuls of pepper in the Herglic's blowhole, then beat his shebbs to a pulp with a pipe. He'll probably live. Probably."
Who took a blaster shot on your smaller team, Ladro? Squall or Hosk?
Hosk took the shot. The idiot was protecting me from one of the Skulls, a scrawny Devaronian Squall identified as H'taal. We took him, and left three others dead, with two badly enough wounded that they're out of the fight for sure. To zir undiguised delight, Hosk and I agree that the count was Squall 3, Hosk 2, Ladro 1. We cut quite a swath, but Ree and Amy's work is impressive indeed.
"Excellent work. Marda, let me know when the ants start pouring out of the nest, and we'll begin phase two."
Squall answers quickly, "Of course."
Amarath does a double take at Hosk's smoking jacket, "You alright, old timer?"
"Yeah, yeah," Hosk says, moving a hand to wave her away, "Ze already got some bacta on it. Don't need anyone fussing over me"
Ree cuts in to ask, "Loan me a death stick, Lar?" That breaks it up, he reaches for his pants pocket, stifling a groan. Ree says, "Lar and I will keep an eye out." They head for the corridor out of Red's Ruins.
The squatters are around, pretending not to pay attention. You know they're watching, and so does Squall. When Amarath walks over to put a hand on zir back, ask how ze is, Squall moves away, sits down on zir haunches and starts poring over the camera feeds. Amarath's mouth twitches in annoyance.
Amarath walks over by you, saws low, "I'm heading out, be gone for a couple hours. Comm me if you need me." Do you stop her?
"Not happening, Glorana. We're in the middle of a karking operation."
Amarath was about to walk away. She actually takes a couple steps, but slows, then stops, her back to you and Squall. Sullenly, "Yeah.... yeah, we are." She starts fiddling with her cyberarm.
"What's up? You want to step aside a bit and talk?"
Amarath nods, looks over at Squall, then nods again. There's a slump in her shoulders you haven't seen since she was a kid and your mother scolded her for stealing something from your baba's shop. What did she steal, Ladro?
What do you do?
It was nothing, in one way, but everything in another. One of Baba's planing knives. One among many. He'd sourced the metal from off-world, though, and took it to one of the few metalworkers with a traditional forge and had it shaped to his specifications, then honed it painstakingly. Amy planned to use it to chop down a thorn-bush outside her family's modest home.
"Come on, then." I step aside to find a more-or-less private niche.
As soon as she feels comfortable that she's out of sight from everyone but you, Amarath steps closer, right up to you. Her hands slip up to your sides and she ducks her head and pushes it into your chest. She holds onto you in this clinging hug.
What do you do?
This is new, for the recent versions of Amarath, but I remember a time, not long before she stole that knife, when she came to me for comfort more often. About three months, she thought we were best friends. I was uncomfortable then, uncomfortable now, but I remember.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 6. Total: 12)
What's Amy's real issue, beneath the surface?
What can I do to help her make the transition to being an NCO?
Amarath is in love with Squall. She's wracked with guilt over cheating on her with Liera, whether to tell zir or not. She feels like she's losing zir to this undercover role, that maybe she doesn't know who ze is. She wants to not love Squall. She feels weak, and powerless and angry at herself for all of this weakness, being tied to someone. All of this is tearing her up inside and she's breaking down.
Help Amarath understand that she needs structure. Also, a stable income. Plus, you know, Squall will be there. And you, of course.
I give Amy a stern look, looking around to make sure no-one's close, using her real name. "Amarath, loving someone is not a weakness. It may feel like that, but you can turn it into fuel for the fire. I made a mistake, putting you into a situation where you didn't really know what I was asking. Let it go. I'm your commanding officer, and I kriffed it up. I won't let us... you, me, Squall, Jojee, Hosk... be broken up. Not only are you family, but... you're my people. If you love zir, do the job. I'll do my best to give you the opportunity to excel."
She looks up at you when you talk. There are tears in her eye, her face is etched with worry. She swallows, voice hoarse when she responds, "I wanted to kriff her. Like... like Squall didn't own me, you know? I'd rather... I'd rather know the reason it didn't work out. Might as well be that, you know." She trails off, then ducks her head back into a hug, holding onto you again, sniffling, her wet cheek against you.
I hold her out to arm's length. "You survived clanless on Kiffu, made a life for yourself. Snap out of it, soldier. Even if I didn't have an understanding with Ahji Dar, I'd still have wanted to kriff Kelb, Alanna, whoever. We do have that understanding, so nothing's broken. You wanted, and I gave you mixed signals, so you took what you wanted. Tell Squall, if you want. Tell zir I told you to take one for the team. I'll take that hit. But one way or another, let it go. And, truth be told, this isn't advice. It's a command. Figure your poodoo out and get ready for the next round, here, because it's going to be violent and scary and I need your head in the game. You've got five minutes to make your decision about what you do or don't do, then you're replacing Ree on watch."
"Alright, Sergeant Vos-Uhuru? Do what you need to, but make it out and send Ree in. I'll stretch it to ten, but that's it." It hurts me a little, but I turn and walk away.
Amarath sniffs once as she wipes the last bit of wetness off her cheek. She ducks her head in a curt nod, "Yessir, Captain." t sounds odd coming out of her mouth, but she doesn't make a face, or pause before heading out into the corridor.
A few minutes later, she's relieved Ree from her duty on watch. Ree comes sauntering up.
Ree's death stick is gone, smoked up. She walks over to a nearby wall and leans against it while looking at you, "You wanted to see me, Vos?"
"Honestly, just needed to give Glorana something to do. But I am interested in your thoughts on our position. We've taken out nearly half of Dack's people, but they'll be expecting us from here on out. Any suggestions? "
Ree chortles lightly at your casual joke about bossing Glorana around. "Dack knows good and well that Vigo Altonn put out this hit. He's got powerful backers, so he can't afford to tuck his tail and go. I'd wager he hits the casino for retaliation. That will get him out in the open, since he doesn't have enough thugs to just send them." She pulls a knife and flips it between the fingers of her left hand, then continues, "I told Altonn to keep an eye out. He'll have some security, which is easier to have on his level. So either we go wait for them to head out and hit them down in 1313, or we let them head up top and hit them from behind. Your call."
I nod. "It feels cleaner to take them down here. If we're the janitors, we shouldn't be dumping the trash on Altonn's door before we take it out." Turning to Squall. "See what you can figure out from their movements. As soon as Dacks is exposed, we need to hit them hard, and if we can figure out where to set up, I can have Lar ready as a sniper."
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 11)
What am I missing?
Squall pauses a feed near Van-Sol'i self-defense. Ze zooms in to show a female Falleen heading out of the shop, "That's Teela Strax, I checked her profile against Coruscani ident logs." Squall speeds the feed along and you see she heads to a small set of apartments across the alley from Roggil's Junk and Fix. You see a pair of toughs hanging out near the stairs up to the apartments. They look like they're just sitting around, but there's an alertness to them that hints that they're guarding the place. "Lots of juice headed to that place, water use increased over the last hour as well. They're holed up there, and I bet Dack is right in the middle of them."
One thing you spot that Squall hasn't pointed out, is that there are a few Grimm Skulls moving around and roughing up locals. They're shaking people down for intel on you and yours, and they aren't being careful. There will be some deaths if you let this play out until they make a move.
I step out to call Hosk and Amy in, then point out the Skulls hassling locals. "I don't think we can afford to wait until they're out of the hidey-hole. So, questions first. Marda, do you think you can limit or eliminate their comms? If we can keep Dack out of the loop for even a few minutes, it could make a big difference. And Lar, do you see a spot to set up with your rifle that will let you join the party pretty quickly once you take out the guards?"
Squall starts packing up zir datapads and comm device to move out,"Yes, I can, but I need to get closer."
Hosk nods, pats his blaster, "I can set up near the Generator Banks at the end of the market. I'll have height and range. And I won't be on the generators."
"We should toss some thermal detonators in their door and call it a day."
Ree says simply, "Regular people live in those apartments." She knows you'll shoot Glorana down.
"No explosions, as fun as that sounds. Here's the sequence of events. Lar, you get to your nest while I get Marda close enough to drop their comms. Ree and Glorana, each of you tag one of the floaters, but keep back until you get the signal from me. When I give the go, take out your targets, report in, and hightail it for the building. Next up is Lar, who will take out the sentries and then join us as quickly as possible. Whoever gets to Marda and I first, the three of us will go in right away, with the other two following when they arrive. I'm trusting Marda to be able to pull information off their systems, so no need to pull your punches, but if Dack or Teela is alive enough to tell us who's behind the Skulls, so much the better." As usual, I look around to make sure everyone's with me. "Questions? Concerns?"
Amarath quips, "Ree, just follow my lead on this one. Those thugs will be a cake-walk."
Ree pushes herself up off a wall, checks her double-barreled blaster, "Don't get cocky, Glorana."
Squall and Hosk seem ready, eager to move out.
"Don't let's any of us get cocky. Keep this tight, and maintain discipline. Let's go."
In half an hour, Squall reports that Hosk is in place, Amarath and Ree check in that they're near their targets. Those guards are still aping like they're lazy hooligans while Squall is buying some roasted meat off a vendor to maintain zir cover.
Let's see how this goes down. For this small gang action, please roll+Rugged. On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose two. On a 10+, choose three.
- Your crew suffers little harm
- Dack's guards are taken out
- the gangers out in the streets are handled by Amarath and Ree
- you've got surprise on them, take +1 Forward
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 2. Total: 10)
- Dack's guards are taken out
- the gangers out in the streets are handled by Amarath and Ree
Squall continues moving across the street, you're right behind zir. Ze leans against the wall of the apartment building, breathing heavy, filled with adrenalin. Ze looks up at you, nods like "I'm okay." Zir shoulder's bleeding.
You hear more blaster fire in the distance, and there's enough noise now that you're rather sure someone has to know what's up. You hear noise upstairs, sounds like furniture thrown around, harsh voices, indistinct.
Ree and Amarath haven't appeared, yet. Amy's checked in, her target's dead.
Hosk calls over the comm, "Lad, I see movement at the windows. I'm staying up to keep them off your backside."
Squall fishes for zir comm device,"I'll try to block their signals from here if we can hold tight."
What do you do?
To Squall: "You've got until one of the others reach us. Move fast."
To Hosk: "Fine. Take the shots you get."
To Ree: "Check in!"
To Amarath: "Get here now! I'm not going in with just two of us."
I pull out a bacta patch and slap it on Squall's shoulder, not bothering to cut the cloth away. Desperate times, desperate measures.
Amarath comms back, "On my way!" You see her come around a corner, just down the way. She has both blasters out and her cybereye is glowing an angry red.
As Amarath reaches you, Ree responds, "I'm coming. My guy had some friends."
Squall says suddenly,"I've almost cut them off, but we can listen in."Ze patches it through your comms.
Male voice, accented, excited, lots of background noise: "...back-up, kark it! Get the troops down here!"
Female voice, smooth and calm: "I'm sorry, Dack. We can't get anyone to you right now. We need you to head up. Your swoops are on the roof,.."
Amarath has arrived now.
Male voice (Dack): "Are we clear to come up to eighty-three?" No answer. He asks again, "Are we clear to evac to eighty-three? Guri?"
Ree comes running down the alley.
Close enough. I head in, blaster out, trusting the team to follow. Over comms, "Lar, swoops on the roof. Don't let them take off. Take 'em out now if you can." Looking for targets, not civilians.
Hosk answers back, a quiet calm in his voice, "I'm on it."
As you all charge up the stairs, let's see you Go in Blazing!
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 4. Total: 9)
I don't put myself in a tight spot.
Since the stairs have a roof, Hosk can't see, but Amarath pushes herself against the right side of the wall, bringing both blasters up to fire as you do. You take down all three of them, then hit the front door of Dack's apartment.
The door was ajar from the three who dashed out of it. As glance inside, there are four gangers hiding behind furniture. You see a yellow-eyed near human near a Falleen girl, Ree calls him out as Dack. Dack has a blaster rifle and he's bringing it to bear on the door. Amarath is on your left, her back against the wall near the door. Ree's on your right. Squall's a could steps below, zir blaster pistol out.
You hear a small explosion above you after several blaster shots.
Over comms: "Quint Nuiv is toast."
What do you do?
I'm on Dack first. My blaster's already out, of course. He's the threat. Or, maybe... "Ree, take the Falleen..." I'll let Amy and Squall take the thugs.
You're definitely Going in Blazing here, Ladro.
Good luck.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 12)
Not in a Tight Spot
But you, you're fury as you bear down on Dack. He and his girl pull back into a back bedroom while one of his underlings, a male Togruta, steps in your way. You gun him down, but it bought the gang leader enough time to hole up in a bedroom.
Grim Skulls are a small gang 3-Harm, 1-armor, Savage
Your crew is a small gang 2-Harm, 1-armor.
You chose terrible Harm, so you do 2-Harm to them. They do 2-Harm back.
You take both Harm, Ladro. Where did they hit you?
The Grim Skulls are broken. A pair toss down their rifles, drop to the floor. Three more run past you, out the door.
Over comms: "You want me to take them down?"
Amarath double taps the gangers she leaped on. Ree's keep eyes on the Skulls who dropped on the floor. Squall's about to bash zirself into Dack's door.
What do you do?
I ignore the shots to my left thigh and right shoulder, for now. Pain is one thing, but success is another, and I can taste it. I join Squall to bash into the door with a shout that's equal parts agony and battle-cry. This ends, one way or another. I have a feeling Squall's instincts have kicked in, as well, given the snarling and the bashing.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 3, 4. Total: 10)
Did Squall kill her in zir rage, Ladro?
I fall to the ground from the shot to my left hip, but manage to snap out, barely in character, "No! Stun her!" If we can't interrogate her, surely the Vigo has his own means. I'd rather bring an answer and let her "escape," but if Squall can't find anything on their systems...
Squall clocks Teela across the face with the base of zir blaster, then shoves the Falleen to the ground and kicks her once to make sure she's out. Squall's panting, and it takes some effort to stop, but ze does.
After a moment, Squall gestures at the room, "There's some stuff worth taking here. Can you get that transceiver for me, master?" Ze bends down to grab Teela's arms and starts dragging the Falleen girl out of the room.
Squall isn't lying. This bedroom has a rack of weapons, a jammer pack, a slick computer, a service droid (a mouse droid, for cleaning), a portable power recharger, some blaster packs for the rifles they're using, some holovid art, a leather coat with armor, and an expensive "personal entertaining device".
Outside, you see that Amarath has killed the gangers who threw down their guns. Ree's standing near the door, she does not look happy.
Over comms: "The three who ran outside are down. The roof is clear. What's the sitrep inside?"
I grab the transceiver and follow Squall out.
I snap out to the room. "New standing order. Do not kill people who surrender without checking in with me." Over comms, "Lar, we're good. Situation is under control. Keep an eye out and report in."
"Ree, how long do we have before some sort of Security response?"
Amarath looks over at you, like she's about to say something. She doesn't, holds her tongue. Then she notices Squall dragging the Falleen girl, by one arm, seems surprised and unsure about that.
Ree checks a device, "They're notoriously slow normally, but I'm seeing some alarms already triggered. Whoever's backed these sleemos might try to mash us. We need to get moving soon."
"I need time to splice the transceiver. These guys didn't put out anything, only received orders, so I have to rebuild the files and extrapolate. If I had some red diamond dust, I could work faster." Ze's referring to an amphetamine-laced spice.
I give Squall a "No Karking Way" look. "Can we take it with us? This and the computer seem good enough to work with, yes?" To Ree, "How are we going to move the Falleen? We need some time with her."
Squall nods, drops Teela's arm and heads over to you, holding out a hand, "May I have the transceiver, master?" Ze averts zir eyes.
Ree answers your question about the Falleen girl by walking over to pick her up, putting her over shoulder, "I'll carry her up to the roof if any of the swoops are left. If not, I'll head out with you.
Before I stop myself, I blurt out, "Swoops!" I had forgotten about the swoops. "Lar, are the speeders intact?"
Over comms: "I left a couple in tact, only shot up the one Quint Nuiv hopped on. Go ahead and go, I'll catch up to you."
I assume your crew heads up to the roof? As Hosk said, there are two of them up here.
Here they are:
Squall, Amy, the computer and the transceiver go on one speeder. Ree and the unconscious Teela go on another. I comm Hosk. "Looks like we're on our own, Lar. Like old times, yeah?" Before everyone goes, I ask Ree a question. "Do you have a spot we can go beside the hotel? I'll give you the credits if you need them. Privacy is paramount, of course."
"Yeah, like old times. I'll meet you by the hock shop."
"There's a shipping and storage place called Kyne's, five levels down. The guys there owe me, several times over. We can hole up there for a while."