ValentineYour luxury Suite. Overlooking the Arena“
Better…” admits Admiral, hardholder of SafeCo, peering out over the once-grassy floor of the arena from the floor-to-ceiling windows of your best luxury suite. The lights do add a bit of class to the place, even he has to admit it. Admiral handed over his grounds, his best boxes, his mechanics… space for the garage, people to help you make your deals and prep the place. All for the Yacht Club and this spectacle intended to bring everyone to SafeCo and make it the center of the universe…
And you know, you’re doing all right. People come, they bet, they drink, they fight… but the toll on SafeCo has been harsh. The kinds of people showing
up for this thing aren’t exactly the best people. Admiral’s security has been stretched thin, violence in the halls and the surrounding streets littered with broken machines.
This is Admiral, by the way:

Pike’s gets all the best scavenge,” he gestures broadly to the North, “
The Harbor gets the best girls,” towards the water. “
And what do we get? We get the worst soakin’ bandits and every bastard with a half-working rig coming here spraying bullets, drinking, and rottin’ up the place. This wasn’t the deal, Valentine. How are you going to make this work? Do I need to send the war party to Pike’s to burn the place? I don’t want to have to do that, Valentine. I really don’t…”
He takes another sip of your finest and it seems to take the edge off. He stares quietly into the cup. “
You gotta get the word out. Get that fat shiny in our doors. What’s the payoff here, Valentine? When does this thing turn good for me, huh?”
He looks at you with his deep eyes, a handsome man, for sure… a powerful one. But you can handle him, right? You can feel his bodyguards always watching your hands.
Valentine, who’s coming to the Yacht Club today that Admiral doesn’t know about? And why is that fact so important to the future of the club?
Are you going to tell Admiral about it? This would be the time, right?
What do you do?
I do wish for a better class of patrons. Admiral is right. But right now, this is where the money is. I turn away from the glass and the spectacle, to face the man. My hands are folded in front of me just so, still.
"The shiny, sir, comes from the rubes. As they gamble, win or lose, the house gets a cut. I've run numbers for years. It will all work out in the end. Right now, I draw in a common sort, it's true. But they are a stepping stone, a building block. Their coin still spends."
I cease my pacing.
"Their coin spends to draw in the Harbormaster and entourage." I cock an eyebrow, looking to see how he takes this information. "I've heard that the Harbor itself is getting soaked, and the Harbormaster looks to move. It's hard to rut in the rot." I give him laugh number three. "The Club has class for the girls and the boys... and their patrons." I make a slow, grand gesture at the luxe suites, adjust my sleeves. "One must spend money to make money, sir." I look briefly at the floor, smiling, a picture of modesty.
The words make Admiral pause, he was about to make some comment about the 'rubes' but you stop pacing, start again talking and it makes him stop.
"The Harbormaster, here?" This has never happened before... the Harbormaster is a recluse, the king of a small obscene kingdom and not one to travel. "Are you telling me the Harbormaster is coming to set up operation at the Yacht Club?"
He looks out the window at the gently curving row of luxury boxes in various states of repair. "Valentine... but... why didn't you ask me about this? This sounds like something I should know!"
Admiral is angry and pleased at the same time. His hand holding the cup of coffee shakes and he swiftly sets it down on the edge of your desk and hides his hand behind his back.
But Valentine. Is it true? Is the Harbormaster really coming? Coming today? Personally? Or are you telling Admiral what he needs to hear?
What do you do?
I allow myself a half-smile as I judge the Admiral's reaction. Small enough to be overlooked, but I feel it. Point for Valentine.
"I would rather surprise you with good news than deliver you a known failure, sir." I examine my fingernails, rubbing one lightly with my thumb.
The tilt of my head offsets my hat just so in a careful composition. "The rot has gotten so bad at the Harbor, the entire operation can no longer ignore the inevitable collapse. You've heard the whispers. Where else but here at the Club is there enough coin, enough populace, to draw in the vices and desires as can be sated by the Harbormaster's girls and boys?"
I make my way to a chaise lounge; I am happy that it has survived the rot. I perch against its edge, my hands resting on the cloth and wood. "Harbormaster is coming. Very soon. I don't know who else will be in the entourage apart from the obvious. If my Club and your security are proof enough to appease Harbormaster, then yes, this will turn out good for everyone." I give him smile number seven, my teeth are pearls, my eyes are blue sapphires.
Admiral exhales loudly through his nose, frustrated at your games, but undeniably intrigued. He pulls a small spiral-bound notepad out of his pocket, along with a grease pencil, scribbles a note, where you can't see. It's a line, maybe more, that's all. He strides for the door, opens it to speak to one of his people, rips off the note, hands it to the dark-eyed Kitsap, one of his girls.
What's your relationship with Kitsap like these days, Valentine?
"Admiral," I call after he hands off the note, "How would you best prefer I inform you of grand developments?" I may not always follow the letter of the rule, nor the spirit, but knowing his desires makes for an easier relationship.
And speaking of relationships, Kitsap and I do have a cordial one. I think she may love Admiral... I am never certain if she is jealous of his attention or mine. She enjoys the duels as much as anyone, but she has a passion for my brews. I could do puppet shows for children in Patagonia and she'd be in line for tea several times a day.