You and QuePasa head for SafeCo, to see if Valentine has work for you. As you know, the trip between the two holds is short, but never entirely safe.
Vignette said:
"People make this trip all the time, but still there is danger. If you stick to the hardways, you will not be sinking. But if you leave the hardway and get off into the low spots between buildings, your life becomes very short. Highwaymen are sometimes a problem. Ironically, a single hooded figure walking alone at night is less likely to be accosted than a wagon. Low value, and what the flood is someone doing alone out here alone unless they are just that tough."You saw no trouble. Was that because you took the hardway, providence, or some other reason, Gates?The long, winding concrete incline to the Yacht Club is met with streams of Pikers heading back, the motor duel long over. There are long faces and grumbles, smells of alcohol and meats fading, the Pikers driver lost, that much is obvious. Jingle that came to Safeco is
staying here.
When you reach the glass and splendor that is the exclusive Yacht Club, a couple well-armed inside gangers as well as the handsome Buck, Admiral's right-hand man, are outside. Buck greets you both, an eye for QuePasa, a smile for you. Weapons are checked here.
Do you have any you give over? Any you keep?Valentine,
As you work out the details on moving HM into Yacht Club, Uni comes by to scratch on the outside of the door to the hothouse

"Valentine," he says, ignoring HM and focusing on you. "Gates is just outside. He is looking for work, and you, of course."
What do you do?
As QuePasa and I arrive at the Yacht Club I lean in towards her a little bit. "We've been lucky on that walk mostly. The Lord provides. And when we're unlucky, well, the Lord also said he came to bring a sword, which I take as meanin' he knows sometimes you gotta be smart. Like at Valentine's place, if you catch me. Let's head in."
"Aye, brother Gates." QuePasa agrees. You're both patted down briefly and Buck waves you in. QuePasa seems completely ignorant of the eyes the man has for her.
Once inside, you see a number of people here from Pike, as well as three of Harbormaster's harlots. What's your opinion of that line of work?
"What providence," I say to Uni without a trace of irony. I would like to see Gates again... He has a way about him. "Harbormaster, let me escort you back to the Club lest Admiral get jealous or overthink us talking. I must attend to some strong backs and hard workers; ideal for the labor here."
I aim a nod of approval and gratitude at Uni. He's a perfectly graceful way to get out of close quarters right now.
The corridor from the kitchen to the club is a bit too narrow to make an entrance with each of them on an elbow, so I'll present a different flourish when I return.
After a few moments of milling about in the open dining and drinking area of the Yacht Club, you spot Valentine. Ze's on Uni's arm, the server who noticed you and left to fetch her.
HM nods, grabbing another tomato and promising to see you again later after he's taken care of his people. When you come out to see Gates, you notice he only has one member of his cult with him, the fetching QuePasa, who looks around with a calm reserve.
What do you do?
I smile when Buck's eyes linger longingly on QuePasa. She's just not the kind to notice somethin' like that, serious one she is. QuePasa is like a daughter to me and I want what's best fer her. I hope someday she's able to put one n' one together on that front. If not with Buck, then with someone who deserves a good, strong sister keepin' an eye on 'em. She'll have to uncoil herself a fair amount before that sort of thing can happen, o' course, but we'll work on it.
My smile fades when I see the harlots. The Lord hung around with sinners, so I don't judge 'em. The Lord knew that the sin o' the world weren't the fault o' the sinners, but o' the powers and principalities that gave 'em no choice but to sin for their supper.
So I don't judge 'em. I judge the Harbormaster.
I put it out of my mind, though, and make my way over towards Valentine. "'Lo there, friend. Good to see you as always. My sister here and I just figured we'd come by, say hello, and see iff'n there's any work that needs doin' my family and I might have a knack fer."
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 3. Total: 6)
Will wait to see if Valentine is inclined to help Gates on that roll.
I note how many tomatoes Harbormaster has eaten. Somewhere, down the line, I expect he'll pay for eating them. Very likely not in jingle nor in anything sinister, but a seemingly innocent kindness often pays dividends.
I will clasp hands with Gates and meet eyes with them. "'Lo there, friend Gates. And Quepasa! As it happens, there is honest labor that needs doing by idle hands." I discover that I'm giving him a genuine smile.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 2. Total: 10)
I absolutely should not like Valentine, it seems t' me. Ze runs a place where all manner of ill repute goes on. But ze's always been good t' my family and I get the feeling zir heart's in the right place.
Besides, ze's just got a... charm. Hard not t' like. I guess that's zir job, but ze's durn good at it.
"Well, that's good t' hear. You just point us in a direction and we'll make sure it happens. And, while we're chewin' the fat, here, how have ya been, lately? Anything new wit' you?"
Hey Valentine, can I ask: how do you pay the family? It seems we come to you for work first. There must be somethin' good we get out of it?
Also: my read a sitch question is what should I be on the lookout fer?
Once you're let into the Yacht Club, you see Valentine and Gates speaking together, looks like they just started chatting. Harbormaster is not around right now. Admiral is sitting and drinking with Hope, Ace's sister. There are several others here, including YouDub.
What do you do?
In answer to your Read a Sitch...
Cola, the dark-haired grower, pauses at the door before he heads back to his work. He casts a dark glance at Efram the fixit. After Cola sneers, he disappears out the door and into the hall.
You've seen hate in men's eyes, Gates. Be on the lookout for that to get ugly. Maybe not tonight, but soon. If Efram ends up alone, he just might get jumped.
As usual when I am here, I am out of place with the opulence of the surroundings. I am not alone in this, considering Gates and QuePasa which is perhaps somewhat comforting. I do look at Harbormaster's other people quickly, so I know their faces.
I realize I had foolishly hoped there would not be so many people in the club. One may as well ask for the rains to stop as to ask the beating heart of SafeCo to be still. I spy Efram and remember what I was told earlier today. On that conundrum I am still thinking.
For the moment, though, I approach Valentine and Gates.
Hmmm... might want to warn Efram, iff'n I get a chance. Didn't like the way Cola was...
Then my eyes fall on Bon making her way in our direction and the thought slips outta my head. Bon is good people. Good like almost no one else. She puts me a bit on edge, though. Always feel like she's walkin' on eggshells around me and the family. I like and respect 'er so I'm always wrackin' my brain. Did I do somethin', say somethin'?
"Lo, Bon. Good to see you. Just chattin' with Valentine, here. How goes it?"
"The labor is straightforward, Gates, and pays two jingles plus a coffee for each of your family. There are a goodly number of suites that need to be cleared and ready for habitation. I can let you know the specifics once I and Harbormaster have decided which rooms" I put up a hand with two fingers partially raised so he'll let me finish. "I know you might not truck with his ilk, but the news is that the Harbor is no longer a safe place. He has told me dark rumors of things from the water, and people being taken. It disturbs me. SafeCo is a better safe haven. We shall see all sorts of new pilgrims. I am eager to see new faces, aren't you?" I glance out the wide windows at the seats, more than could possibly ever be filled with people today. "I do very well, thank you. I only have the usual drama and rumors to report. How are you, Quepasa?" Gates collects family and keeps them close. In a way, they are his regulars. Not for the first time, I think how we're alike, having gone down two different paths. I cross one foot behind the other, jauntily. "And your family?"
Gates has a magnetism that keeps me focused on him, thinking about his voice echoing out over the field. Bon almost surprises me. I give them both a rare genuine warm smile. "I must have done something good in a past life, my dears." I kiss both of Bon's cheeks, one-two-three. "Can I get either of you two anything?" Smile number four, teasing. "Figuratively anything, that is."
[OOC: Valentine uses a Seattle Mariners plastic cup to measure out a jingle's worth of Admiral's pressed pennies.]
“You do many good things in this life, my friend. I can hardly doubt a past life would be at least as worthy.” I say smiling as ze kisses my cheeks. A familiarity that I only permit to zir. “I should like some of your fine coffee and your ear, if you can spare it awhile.”
Then I turn to Gates.
They are oddly similar, Gates and Valentine. A shared intensity of charm which draws people to them. Valentine soon lets them go again leaving them free to wander back into her circle when they will, but Gates…
“Gates, QuePasa,” I bow my head slightly, then straighten, my eyes probably not as warm as they were for Valentine. “The world continues much the same, alas. Of novelty there is little to report except this: young Ghost found her way to my infirmary with my nephew earlier where she spend some goodly time observing. Her will is strong and her mind sharp and I am, perhaps, thinking of taking on someone who wishes to be trained as a healer. If Ghost so wishes, and if those who have charge over her give consent, of course.” I glance at QuePasa. If there is another among you who holds such an interest, instead, I would speak with them.”
I handsign to Ivar at the bar, ::Fine coffee for this one::, meaning Bon, of course. Gates might take coldclear water with lemon, possibly with some sugar, but he's surprised me in the past.
Ivar gives you a nod of understanding and heads to the back room to get a special blend.
Cigarette Girl brings a tray of deep roast coffees in generous mugs.
Valentine, there's some odd or humorous saying on the mug handed to Gates. What does it say?
You see a somewhat prophetic message on the mug Bon has been handed. What's on it, Gates?
Bon, there's a picture on Valentine's mug of some animal, could be a spirit animal for zir, or just something of note. What is it?
Cigarette Girl gets a pat on her forearm and a tiny stroke of approval for her promptness. I consider taking a cigarillo, but I know Gates dislikes the smell, and Bon would present a homily about the drawbacks. I refrain.
Gates' mug has the following motto printed on it:
A long while ago, Shy paid her tab with a box of about twenty of these. Most of them are still here. Every time one comes across the bar, I shake my head, not understanding the dry times. How can you not give a damn about eating?
I smile as I take a sip of coffee, then actually laugh out loud as I see the mug Bon is drinkin' outta.
I'm not sure she's noticed, but ain't that just the perfect one fer her. That's the kind o' person she is, though. I hope she's able to take care of herself, too. That kind of livin' fer others can catch up with you real fast iff'n you ain't careful...
"Well, Valentine, yer right about how I feel about ol' 'HM', but iff'n you say it'll be better for folks to stay here, who am I to argue. Just tell me when to bring a team by and we'll get the rooms right fixed up."
I shift my attention back to Bon.
"Ghost is a good kid, as you know, and I'd be happy to have her help you out iff'n you don't mind her zig and zaggin' around yer place. I had a feelin' she might take a likin' to that sort work, actually. This don't surprise me in the least."
Gates laughs and I find myself somewhat mystified. Until I remember the mugs themselves. They are always something of an entertainment if for no other reason than to make us shake our heads and wonder at the time before. I glance at mine and can not help but smile myself, for it is too true.
I look at Valentine, hardly believing such selections were by accident. Part of Valentine's talent lies in making things seem both effortless and inevitable, and I cannot help but notice her own mug.
Which seems terribly appropriate, both the rank and the stylized depiction of a before-time animal that seems to symbolize self-confidence and, at times, haughtiness. As in the story that I had heard, there is something resonant with the idea that Valentine is the "Cat who walks by zirself."
I take a drink of the brew, savoring it as always. Then to Gates:
"I would not mind, I already have one such, but what is important is that she desires this work, for it can be quite challenging and unpleasant. I would not have her compelled, even by her own desire to please others. If you would be so kind, let her know of my offer and have her choose as she will."
When Gates mentions how he feels about "H.M.", I quirk my mouth and twitch an eyebrow just so to indicate my feelings are in the same neighborhood. But bringing in new faces, giving those souls a fresh port in SafeCo, plus the opportunity... still. It's the neighborly thing to do.
My coffee has just a bit of sugar, enough to chase the tongue and intrigue, but not enough to overpower the delicate balance of aroma and flavor. "Please bring your family by in the next few days, Gates. I have every confidence ye all shall set things to dry in no time." This is one of my most favorite mugs, Ivar must be aiming to get me in a good mood after the dealings with Harbormaster and Admiral. I glance at him out the corner of my eye, just to be aware of anything that needs my attention.
I treasure the smile that Bon shares with us. "Bon, I see many faces. Do you seek another helper? Or would two apprentices tax you overmuch?" I love to hear her speak, and I lean forward to rest my chin on a single knuckle when she captures my attention.
“’Tis a possibility perhaps. Another healer in the world would be a good thing, whether the economy of my own practice can be stretched is less certain.” I glance down at the coffee.
“Shy wishes to carve her own path in the world… and seems determined to become an Arrow.” The expression on my face tells, no doubt, of my low enthusiasm for that idea. “I have said she may do as she will once I have someone trained enough to take her place. I hope to have time to change her mind.”
QuePasa, who politely refused coffee earlier, shakes her head at your revelation, Bon. "How sad. To trade a life of worth and growth in an honorable profession like yours to join... the Lost Girls and Patricia Pan. I hope you are able to change her mind. But perhaps she is not wise enough to make a choice."
I give Valentine a knowing nod when she quirks her eyebrow at the name "HM." "Sounds good, Valentine. We'll be back shortly, tools in tow." I sip my coffee and add "Shame the way things are, sometimes, o' course. The rot in these rooms can run deep. Sometimes we can fix it but sometimes, well, sometimes you just gotta pull up all the wood and start over, if you hear me..."
I turn to Bon and say "Ghost is a good kid, so hopefully she figures things out. And I'll definitely give a little talkin' to t' her. Try to make suer she's got her head in the right place gettin' into the game."
Bon does confuse me. She seems like she'd be a natural ally to the family but she keeps us at arms length, like we got a raincloud followin' us around. I sometimes wonder what the deal is...
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 6. Total: 12)
First question for Bon: what're you really feelin'?
Valentine, I believe your "Special Move" triggers from this offer of coffee to Bon and Gates.
Maestro'D Special:
If you hook another character up—with sex, with food, with somethin somethin, whatever—it counts as having sex with them.
Gates, your "Sex Move" is as follows:
If you and another character have sex, you each hold 1. Either of you can spend your hold any time to help or interfere with the other, at a distance or despite any barriers that would normally prevent it.
Bon, your "Sex Move" is as follows:
If you and another character have sex, your Hx with them on your sheet goes immediately to +3, and they immediately get +1 to their Hx with you on their sheet. If that brings their Hx with you to +4, they reset it to +1 instead, as usual, and so mark experience.
I nod to Gates. “My thanks.” and sip my coffee again. I will have to watch Ghost carefully to assure myself that she is not compelled by any but her own mind. Gates is no doubt powerfully persuasive, and more so, even, to a child.
I look to QuePasa, voice mild and words only very slightly clipped. One would have to know me well to read my irritation, which is like unto that of one who shares a tumultuous rivalry with their siblings, but will not tolerate their censure by outsiders. “The Arrows are not wholly without merit. Their loyaly and care for each other is exceptional and they have been in place of extended kin to Shy for many years.” I glance towards Gates. “But their recklessness… It is not the life I want for her, certainly. Perhaps you are correct, she is not wise enough to make the choice.” I try to escape Gates’ eyes but cannot. “Alas, wisdom does not come from having choices made for you. I will try to make her see, but I will not take her decision from her.”
Perhaps an accusation. Very much a reflection of my own past.
I am feeling very conflicted about Shy. Also at once intensely attracted to your confidence and surety, (Valentines too, but I find hers less threatening.) and repelled by my own attraction at the same time. On a deeper level there is an old sense of deep betrayal and loss.
Bon, Gates, and Valentine,
Vignette has entered the Yacht Club. She's being led by a patrol from SafeCo, but there's some big, blonde stranger walking with her. She's led right up to Admiral.
I smile at Bon's words. "Mmmm," I say, taking a sip of coffee. "You ain't wrong. If folks are gonna make mistakes, you let folks make mistakes. Fer better or worse we learn by doin' more than tellin'."
As I say it, I glance over at Vignette. "Busy here today, eh Valentine?"
Bon: What do you wish I would do?
“Unfortunately the letting is a trial in itself.” I say quietly, grateful somehow for the repreive when Gates looks away. I have encountered few with eyes so sharp, so… deep.
I wish you would crack the shell of my mistrust. Get to the core of my resistance, prove me wrong.
"I am sure you can abide, dear Bon." QuePasa says, her voice showing genuine concern.
Pine, who'd moved away when you joined Gates, is chatting with an older Piker merchant, a older woman with a tight bun of gray hair and yellowed nails. It looks like Pine's flirting with her, working on getting a new customer. The Harbormaster leans against the hothouse, crossing his arms and watching.
I can almost feel Bon's body relax as I look away. I look back, avoiding eye contact this time, and say "Well, unless anyone else has anythin' they'd like to chew on with us, I think QuePasa and I might collect our new friend FortyFour who just wandered in and make our way back to Pike to get with the family. We'll be back soon for work, Val. You can put a roof on that."
Bon: how could I get your character to open up just a lil' bit, so we can work on crackin' that shell?
You have begun already by agreeing with my support of Shy making her own choices. Which,in truth,I did not quite expect. Your service before, with the wounded man, helped as well. But perhaps primarily let me see past this charisma you have to the man who is not always certain, perhaps asking my advice on some matter that troubles you.
I nod my thanks to QuePasa. Even now I am reflecting on how uncharacteristically unguarded I was with she and Gates present. I had thought to confide in Valentine and no other. Even so I think I shall spend a while longer talking it through with my freind.
I tip my hat when Gates agrees to the job. "I confess to looking forward to seeing more of you around, sir." I stop short of giving him a lazy wink, he might get ideas I wouldn't mind he have... but I daren't make him uncomfortable. Does he imply my house is full of rot? Or I? I must serve the rotters, but I do not serve them. "Feel free to take the cup if you like Let me know how much rot you really find, and I'll adjust my plans as needed." I sip my own brew, giving him some intense eyes so he'll read between the lines. Between Admiral's and Harbormaster's folk, there are too many cunning ears. "You can put a roof on that, sir." And again I find a genuine wry grin peeking out.
I look over at Vignette's entrance. "There's a curious one. You never know if she will darken or lighten my door. I heard she's in the Dog pile these days. And yes, Gates, I've seen many a face in here today. Must be my sunny disposition." I glance at Bon, ready to hear more from her if she wants to share.
Gates heads out with QuePasa, following Vignette and Fortyfour as they leave ahead of them. Eventually, Vignette hands Fortyfour over, which seems to confound the big guy, but he heads back to Pike without complaint. The night is chilly, but there are no raiders or trouble out.
Bon, Pine is taken up with his new customer and unable to speak with you. I assume after checking around, you'll end up back in the infirmary to care for your patients. Shy's not there, but Mox is. He stayed awake waiting, just to make sure the infirmary is cared for. He goes to sleep soon after.
Valentine, your party eventually winds down, merchants sleeping with HM's people at places Admiral hurriedly has cleaned out.