
Chance snickers as you head off, she keeps looking back at the kids scrambling for the Safecoin and pushing each other. Bare-foot is singing your stanzas.
On the way, Chance asks idly,
"Auggie, what do I hafta do to get Anne to treat me like he treats you? I like being his model and all that, but I want more. He never puts hands on me like he does you. I'm good looking, right? What am I doing wrong?" She looks at you with this sort of unsure air, not like she shows around the others.
What do you do?
I look at Chance all skeptical. She is a dangerous, fine creature, all whip-cord and scar tissue and cheekbones. The way she moves makes the hairs on the back of your neck stick up, same way as looking at any predator does. Same way as looking at a storm does.
I know that I'm beautiful -- I've heard the breath caught in women's mouths when they see me, the little-men hard in dudes' trousers when I get close, the pulse hammering in their throats when I touch them -- but Chance is some other kind of beautiful, the sort you're afraid to get too close to until you know you won't get hurt. And you'll never know for sure.
That's how I see her anyway. Sure as hell not gonna tell her that though. She's cocky enough about everything else as it is.
"Dunno," I say. "Maybe talk to him? See if you like spending time just doing nothing together? You know we don't scrog, his hands just act real familiar with me." Queen Anne doesn't scrog anybody until he's decided they won't mock him for not having a dick. Or that won't make fun of his really terrible tattoos. None of that is anyone's business but Anne's though, so I'm not telling Chance that either.
Chance listens, rolling her head back and forth a little like she's pondering the words. She shrugs, "Not sure I wanna do nothing with him. That's what I already got." The grin flashes back, "I like his familiars. You're lucky, August. And good." That seems to be enough for her, she strolls on with you until you reach Grindhouse.
After another block, you reach Grindhouse, which is just now waking up in the early evening. In the heat and the wet, it normally runs at night.
Queen Anne has a few new acts on the ruined stage, which looks like hell without all the velvet and the most recent detritus around it.
When he sees you both, Queen Anne turns to gesture, "Thank sand you're here, you two. I need you August. And you, too, Chancey. Go get your sweet round asses in my costume shop while this young things work on prancing." He turns to the too-thin woman, "You get me jingle, I'll get you a hamburger, capish?"
Chance skips her way to the room Anne calls his costume shop, which was once a green room for relaxing but now is filled with racks of clothes. There's a heavy manual sewing machine, oodles of thread, and a number of buckets for the leaky roof. The areas around the buckets are the only really safe places to walk, as a foot of discarded or unworthy clothing has become a kind of carpet.
What brings you two without all the rest of the... quiver?" Queen Anne asks, pausing for the double entendre.
I lean in to peck Anne's cheek with my lips, carefully extricate a little clinky keychain that gets caught in my hair as I pull away.
I shrug. "I was thinking 'bout you. So I came to see you. Chance came with. You got a good show on tonight? I can see if everybody else is up for it."
I link arms with him and lead him back into his shop. I nod back towards the skinny lady. "Who was that?"
"Oh, you liar," Anne says with a tsk at the end. "You want to speak and spout, and earn some coin, and the Grindhouse is the best place for all three." He hands you a corset, "Get in this, August, I need to tweak it."
"What am I wearing?, Anne" Chance asks as she runs fingers over some lace on a table.
Anne quips, "Halter top and skinny jeans, don't you got a mirror?"
I start peeling off my clothes, tsking at Anne's joke. "Put her in something pretty, too, or we'll never hear the end of it." I wince a little when the movement pulls at the bandage on my collarbone.
I fold the corsetry around myself and then put my back towards Anne to tie the thing up. "Did you see my poor jacket? We both took a bullet this afternoon. Hopefully Bon will fix me up later but the poor jacket might need your special attention, Anne."
With genuine dismay, Anne notices the wound, fingers moving carefully around it, "Moist, August, why do you not dodge better? Always putting yourself in the way like that, it isn't healthy." He peers at the wound, "I'll get the jacket, but I needs must take care of my dark star here first. Come come, let's stitch the flesh, yes?" He strides two quick steps to the sewing machine and picks some nylon thread and a needle, "You want some drinks, I'm going to keep you from bleeding on my nice threads, if that's good with you."
Chance starts lacing you, "Anne, I promise I won't pick at anything this time. I'll wear anything. I'll even... I'll do a peep show. No touching!"
That gets his attention, but he's busy coming over to work on you. Do you take some alcohol from Anne's stash or let him stitch you up sober?
I let Chance tie me up, grunting a little and standing up straighter when she gets to the last laces of the laces. I look curiously at her when she mentions the peepshow. "Have you been working on an act?" Anne's performers don't just drop trou, there's a sort of artistry to it.
I take a shot of courage, but I don't need to get sauced before a bit of medicking. This ain't the worst I've sat through sober. I sit in his chair.
"It was a lucky shot," I mutter to Anne as he pulls off the bandage. "Not my finest moment. Bleedin' Tax Patrol."
I remember that last secret from the kids earlier. "Hey, Anne, do you know who 12man is? We gotta find him later. 'Talk' to him."
"An act?" Chance asks with a hint of surprise. "I'll just show my bits. I've seen the other dancers, they're just so so. I'm choice. I don't need an act. I am an act."
"No, Chancey, doll. You need an act. I'm not going to let you stand there like some cow. No, no. You're an Arrow, so you'll get some clothes to wear, I got an outfit I dreamed last night. But you are not performing. Not tonight." Anne says as he gently pushes the puckered skin of your wound closed and starts to slip the needle in. "And August, as for your finest moment, that's got to be that charge of the light brigade shit you spewed a few weeks ago. Hot hot hot! Chancey, you missed on that. That was drool-worthy. And, my gown suited it perfectly."
He continues sewing, making it quick and careful, but not painless. "12man? That raggedy ass came in flush with barter the other day. New one, from north. Trades sniffers and hoppers, I think? One of mine went home with him, stupid girl. She didn't come back. Good riddance to bad rubbish, and I haven't seen her working anywhere else, so I know he didn't poach. Not like I got the muscle to follow my employees around."
"Your bits are well-formed, Chance, but a Grindhouse peepshow is more about the, shall we say, provocation, than anything else."
Sniffers and hoppers, huh. Someone like that won't be hard to find. They're probably telling everyone in Pikes how to find 'em.
"What's the stupid girl's name?" I ask through my teeth, clenched to stop from hissing at the needle. "I'll keep an eye out for her."
I think about that last reading. Sing a bit of verse.
"Terror to right of them,
Terror to left of them,
Terror behind them,
Bloody'd & thunder'd"
Then shrug. I mostly remember how long it took to cut me out of that dress. "It went alright. Who was that punk I had to say 'no' to with a knife? Any 'special punters' coming to the gig tonight?"
Chance snickers, "I can provoke real good.... but not like you mean it."
"Stupid girl's name was Magnolia." Anne says as he finishes up your stitch (Heal 1-Harm). "Hand me that jacket, so's I can work on the important stuff." Chance hands him your jacket and he re-threads his needle carefully. "Millions told me if you came round I should send a runner to him. So... there's that. Hey, I hear SafeCo's got a new gig running. Took the Harbor Whores. That true?" He looks up, just a moment, then goes back to stitching.
I look down at the tight stitches appreciatively. I get up, feeling the pressure of the corset against me, and pour out three more shots of Anne's booze. Reminds me that I need to taste test that blood hooch I was making, see if I fermented away the badness.
I divvy out the shots. Anne's been drinking with Arrows before, so he knows. The nod, the tap of the glass on the table, then bottoms up.
"He did, did he?" I cock my head, considering. "Does he miss me?"
"Yes, it's true," I confirm. "Valentine invited the adder into the nest. He might not last long though," eyes flashing at Chance.
I pick through the piles of shimmering fabrics, riveted shorts, gossamer leggings. "What else do I get to wear with this corset?"
"Everyone misses you when you're gone, August." Anne replies as he finishes the stitch on your coat. "Short, short dress, thigh high stockings, scrog-me pumps. I'm doing you up like Sandy Lawpurr, this girl I saw on a silvery disc once. But you're better. Much better." He grabs a few pieces to finish the outfit he's described. Once he hands it off, he looks at Chance, "For you, nice bits, we'll put you in something that looks hot, but doesn't let you move. Since we all know you won't do it right. Come come, I'll take measures."
"Sure Queen Anne, whatever you say." Chance says, dismayed at the rough treatment Anne's tongue is giving her, but not yet giving up.
Anything you want to do once dressed as the house starts filling up?
"Anne," I say, reproachfully, laughing. "You clearly haven't seen Chance scale a wall or you'd know she moves like the wind. My outfit sounds fantastic, except for the shoes. You know I only wear shoes I can run in."
I let Anne groom me, hoping he starts giving Chance a little slack. I find a few places to hide knives -- never know what the crowd at Grindhouse is gonna be like.
Before the show starts, I circulate through the bar area. Letting folks get an eyeful, start talking. Queen Anne likes when I build a little buzz for him. Then I look around for someone to throw another safecoin at, ask them to find Dog in the arcade to let her know we'll be here for the night.
When that's settled, I'll wait backstage with the other performers. Anne will have a bottle and a cigar or two back there. Builds a bit of camaraderie before the show.
Queen Anne tsks disappointment at the lack of scrog-me pumps, but he works around it. After a couple more finishing touches, he finally turns his attention to Chance. He puts hands on her for measures and she giggles a couple times nervously. It's odd, seeing a girl who's cut purses and throats when need be all aflutter over someone, but she's eager to be something to him and forgetful of his words. He puts her in some gauzy wraps that leave very little to the imagination as well as the scrog-me pumps meant for you, then asks her to accompany him as some arm candy. Chance nods a couple times, keeping her mouth shut.
The bar quickly fills up as darkness comes and runners announce your performance. Millions strolls in with a half dozen of his entourage, taking a seat so near the stage that he's almost on it.
As you wait backstage, a couple firedancers pull tricks lighting the cigars and a chubby jokester chums up to you, sharing the rum.
He asks you quietly as the opening act does her sword-swallowing tricks, "August, what are you telling tonight? You look great, of course." The rum on his breath hides the trench mouth well enough, the beard hides the lesions.
I'm happy to see Anne with Chance on his arm. She'll be pleased, if he can keep his mouth shut long enough to stop throwing barbs.
Millions puts me on the edge of tension and interest. When I'm honest with myself, I know I have a hard time not drifting right towards the biggest monster in the room. I'm glad Dog will be here later. She's my rock.
Still, might as well get Millions all riled up. "I'm not sure yet," I say, though my mind's whirring. "You're up next, though?" Don't really care if I miss Shogun's set. Heard it before.
I head down to the Grindhouse basement, crank the generator for awhile in case it needs the boost. Pick through all the props and start hauling box fans two by two up to the "green room." Slip back into Anne's closet to steal a couple huge diaphanous lengths of cloth. Then I'm peaking through the curtain at the crowd, just watching Millions, looking out for Dog and waiting for my close up.
Shogun does his normal shtick, which gets some boos, so he improvs some audience mockery, which gets much more play. A flame dancer comes down to help haul box fans, not like you can't do work work, more like he's pitching in.
When you peek out to the crowd, you see Millions sitting there with a handsome man at one side, a pretty lady at the other. They're HM's people, his slaves Schooner and Suquamish. Look like a matched set. You know one of them, August. How?
I wrinkle my lip. Schooner gave me the lash scars on my back. I mean, 'taught me deportment.' I would have hoped he'd be long addled by Home and out of the picture. I am displeased. I never met Suquamish before, but they both have expressions I want to cut off their face with a dull knife.
A new tension cuts through the thrill preceding a performance. I scan the crowd, the walls, the exits. Look for where Millie's Boys might be throughout the audience. If something happens, I'll be ready.
Reading the sitch. (Also marking xp)
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 5, 2. Total: 7)
What should I be on the lookout for?
Well, Dog and the Arrows just showed up. Dog looks hurt, got a rag on her side. If she isn't careful, she'll open up again. Also, if Millions decides the Arrows are a threat, there could be some trouble.
What do you do?
You and the Arrows come in as Shogun is making fun of some half-wit. Squirt's walking with Laika right now, jabbering away. She's hushed by Hachiko. You see Millions is here, with two of HM's people (if you know them, they're a pair that August hates) and a half dozen or so of Millie's Boys.
August hasn't come out yet.
Where do you sit?
Behind Millions and to the side of him, is where I sit. Not close but I want the next best view of the stage, and him come down to it. There's some high tables and I take one.
August has chatted with me a little about stuff with HM. Bits and pieces that I don't hold together too close, too many gaps I won't pry at, but I remember them. Some people she kept close with, there were rivalries, things weren't good between them. Some of them, they sought comfort with each other, and they'd get pulled apart at the want of HM or some cocky fool.
I wonder which ones these are. I'm real curious, because the friends were real good, took real risks and the enemies were real bad, scarred her and were proud.
The Arrows, they mostly sit in pairs because I sign to em ::Pair up or three up and find seats::
I ask the sweet flame dancer and Shogun to help set up my fans so that I can make a proper entrance, handing out small, soothing post-show compliments if Shogun is having that stepping-off-stage surge of doubt.
I step out onto the stage deliberately, hands skittering together in a complicated clapping rhythm. The cadence is intricate, but I only need a handful of the more musical Grindhouse performers to pick it up from around the room in order to have an impact.
Amidst the pauses between the clapping, while I wait for the crowd to repeat it back to me, a perhaps unnecessary signal to the Arrows: ::Millions is a pot half-boiled, be ready.::
I stomp the counterpoint, trusting Grindhouse's imperfect-but-still-present acoustics. The fans give out a repetitive whir. I half-loose the lengths of fabric I borrowed from Anne, so that they twist and curl in the column of air. And then I start to sing-tell the story of the Woman and Her Hungry Mouths.
"I know it hurts
You know I'd quench that thirst...
Pull out the insides and give me two weeks, you won't recognize her
Mouth open, you're high"
It is both an odyssey, an adventure, and also a statement of need. Of flesh that requires sating. My flesh, my odyssey. My need.
Artful & Gracious
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 4. Total: 9)
Millions loves me.
As you perform, the whole crowd leans in, drawn like an unseen hand that is the force of your art, your words, your beauty, what was, what one day might be, but is. Is right here and now. Despite the rotting wood under their feet, the smell of mold in the air, the guns, oh the guns in everyone's hands and hate in their hearts, for one moment, they are with you, August.
At the end, they are up, hooting and yelling your name and capping and screaming, a couple of them hug each other and Arrows, wary but proud of you, they pump fists in the air.
Millions waves Suquamish away, and she glares at you as if it's your fault before she heads out to get a drink or something Millions motions to you, a come hither.
As you're watching, you spot Rainey slip away, chat with Chance, who pulls Queen Anne over. Anne won' move until August is done, but then he comes over quickly.
"Dog!" Anne says, looking at you, "You're bleeding on my ratty old chairs! Damnit, I had them looking just the right kind of worn. Guess I need to stitch you up, too. What's with Arrows sharing their insides with everyone today?"
I'm up and clapping and whooping when Queen Anne comes to chide on me, if August were still in her act I'd clap a hand over his mouth, make him shush. "Arrows is generous!" I'm not making eye contact or looking at him and he'll have to deal with that, but I got a friendly smile on. What! A! Show!
I'm watching Millions and his rent-flesh people and I see that look. Yeah.
::Hachiko:: I get her eye, mine still on August. ::Keep that sour face off August.::
Afterwards, I just stand for a moment, glistening with sweat. The sounds of the crowd are just a dull roar. I lock eyes with Dog for a moment, across the crowd, then I tear them away to focus on Millions.
I nod, acknowledge the summons, hold up a finger: one moment. Pull the scarves from the air, throw them around my shoulders. Then I help move all the box fans off the stage; Anne sometimes has a cruel habit of putting first-time performers on immediately after me. I don't want to directly make things any more difficult for them.
When I finish, I descend the three stairs from the stage next to Millions. I let my eyes skate off the departing Suquamish and ignore Schooner, like he isn't there. Snake an arm around Millions' bicep.
"You know, I wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again," I say. It's a charming white lie, I hope.
Schooner huffs an indignant breath, "If the Master wasn't given to mercy, you wouldn't have." He isn't looking at you, August, but he certainly is talking at you.
"Hush now, Schooner," Millions says in a comfortable-with-command tone. "You're bought and paid for. August is a guest. No need for unpleasantries." He flexes his bicep and looks down at your hand. "I am so pleased you graced the stage here at Pike's again, darling. What do I need to do to keep you around this time?" He smiles a lopsided smile that doesn't fit on his face or meet his eyes. The eyes of an accountant, dispassionate and calculating.
"Anne, can you stitch her?" Chance asks, squeezing Anne's arm like she just saw August do Millions.
"Of course I can stitch her. I'm the rotting king of all stitches in what's left." Queen Anne declares. "Question is... will I?" He snaps fingers in front of your face, Dog, "You want to hold a dirty rag in your gut, Dog? I can stitch and glue you nice. All if you say maybe you owe me, yeah? Just one small favor, sometime later, and if you hate it, you can say no, and I'll keep it in my little pocket." He produces a needle and thread, as if that might tempt you.
What do you do?
Schooner's voice incites a visceral reaction in me. I want to cut him open and stand up straighter at the same time. Luckily the corset is maintaining my posture for me at the moment.
I take a breath before I reply, center myself.
"An arrow is much more beautiful in flight than in the quiver, Millions," I say. "If, instead, you ask me 'When will I see you again?', well, that answer might please you more."
That midnight walk, weeks ago, I thought I saw something. But perhaps I was wrong.
Millions' smile displeases me, helps cool my ill-fated trajectory towards power. I may find myself drawn towards monsters, but only because I thrive on showing them beauty, reaching something inside them. If Millions will show me nothing, not let himself be vulnerable to me, then I have no time for him.
I keep my hand on his arm, but now I'm just being calculating in return. "So. You're already enjoying the greater proximity to the erstwhile Harbormaster's wares. Pity his top shelf has long been empty."
I'm watching Millions, gauging his reaction. Needling Schooner is merely a bonus.
Reading Millions.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 8)
August sees a few things in my eyes during that look, that I trust her and long for her and I'm tense.
I almost snap at Anne's fingers. He gets my attention. "If you're fast, do it now." It's a soaking deal. I need to stop staring, anyway.
How long will Millions stay in here with August? Where would he take her? By what path? How many of his Boys will peel off with him? The crowd, I don't think they'll like any splashing around with the star who just brought them something they can't even name, but Millions is Millions and they can't do anything but get in both our ways.
Right now it feels like all I can do is be here.
Some house music comes up. There's no following act it seems, just some piped in dancey tunes, very synth and swank. A few Arrows get up and dance, but none of them have stopped being wary. Millie's Boys are up, not dancing, just watching him. And you, both of you, the most dangerous things in the room. Chance has made her way up to the ruined balcony, quietly watching the proceedings wearing her beautiful dress.
Millions chuckles at the little jibe at Schooner, especially when Schooner practically growls under his breath. "When will I see you again implies that you're leaving very soon. Is that the case? I would be sorely disappointed."
"Quick as can be." Anne says as he threads his needle and starts stitching you. He wastes no time, not worried about you wincing or moving. He trusts in your toughness. He's seen it, hasn't he? When were you last in a fight around Queen Anne, and what happened?
You're stitched in no time (heal 1-Harm), but it is tight. No dancing shoes for you.
What do you do?
I nod and let Anne do his work, hold onto the table if I have to and keep still.
A couple months back I was here in Pikes, Anne was in market for something and so was I (hair stuff). People had set up temporary near some old water out-way, not always a problem, but it had rained the day before. The smell and the red were high. A blood-mad croc busted out of the water and raised hell and Anne saw me clap its snout and struggle for my machete as it bashed me around. Then I paid for my hair stuff.
I go through a lot of glue.
When Anne is done, I ask him "Have you got any clearwater?"
Millions needs to know that he doesn't control my coming and going. No one does.
I shake my head, let go of his arm and pull back a little bit. "I'm not leaving yet," I say. "But eventually I will." That's part of my charm. He'll have to learn that.
I extend my palms. "Dance with me."
What does Millions intend to do if I won't stay with him?
Queen Anne reaches into one of his pockets to produce a small bottle, looks like this:
"This is some of the clearest around, straight from the forest. Take it, gatorbait." He presses it into your hand with a sly grin.
Millions joins you, August, drawn up with the chance to move near you. He leaves Schooner at the seats and the man glowers at you. Millions is a lean man, hard muscle, he's not one who inherited his position. "August," he says as you move together to the driving beat. "You should stay near Pikes, at least. I'd give you this place, if you would."
If you don't stay with him, he'll find things you want, and offer them to you to convince you to stay. Jingle. Valuables. Power. People....
What do you do?
I take it and get the cork out with a squeak. "You have a hookup into the forest, Anne?" Take a drink.
Queen Anne smiles a sly smile, "Oh, gatorbait, I've got friends in places high and low. I've got hookups in places you didn't know were places. All for favors." He peers at you, intrigued by your sudden interest, "Why? Do you need something from the forest?"
The flood.
Y'know, Millions isn't unobservant. I do have my eye on Grindhouse. But I'm gonna ask Anne about it someday, maybe someday soon. I'm not gonna let Millions bloody 'give' it to me.
I dance close to Millions, the corset pushing my decolletage all up against his chest. I'm not shy about appreciating his well-earned strength.
When the song finishes, I extricate myself. The sweat that was once trapped slick between our bodies cooling in the air. This is too much, I decide. Not worth working him over if it's just going to get messy.
"You know what?" I say to Millions with a knowing smile, "I'm not so sure you'd appreciate me the same, if I was here all the time. How are you supposed to miss me if I never leave?" I laugh. It's almost a real laugh. Don't think he'll tell the difference.
"Let's practice. I'll be right back," I say, gesturing towards the door leading to the bathroom -- well, now the latrines.
My hands aren't just pointing though; there's a quick signal in there to Hachiko, who I saw watching me earlier. ::Let's cut and run. Get ready for lights out.::
I'm thinking I'll slip downstairs and pull the generator, then run for it.
"Something like that.." I trail off a little as I catch the repeated signals and Arrows taking buddy duty, nod to any Arrow who looks to me about it.
"There's some kinda new sick, makes people mad for the forest. I'm looking into it for Bon." Anne likes favors, me telling Bon he gave me good leads on this would be good to have in his little pocket, somethin' happens and he can't sew it up.
"Send me a runner or somethin' if you know about it. I'm outtie for tonight." I finish the water and hand the bottle back.
I step away from Anne and roll my shoulders, set my breathing steady. ::Ready to go. Get doors covered.::
Queen Anne waves his hand, like "no, keep the bottle". He nods agreement about sending a runner, but doesn't spill anything here and now for some reason. Maybe prying eyes and ears?
Your Arrows are following orders, sliding to exits, prepped in case of something amiss. They know August is sticking her pretty head in the lion's mouth and they've got her back.
Millions frowns a bit when you dance away. He's probably not inclined to let you off so quick, not when you just blew his mind/ Let's see you Act Under Fire to make your getaway..
Acting under fire
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 9)
(using the +2 from my sitch read earlier; marking xp)
Reading a Sitch (Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 6)
Marking XP, at 4. What's our best way out?
Oh Dog... one of Millie's Boys, who came in late and missed all the fun, recognized you from the chase earlier in the market. Millions, who is pissed about August taking off on him, is happy to take his frustrations out on somebody. Anybody. Arrows are anybodies.
Your best way out is for the Arrows to scatter in the dark and run, but some of you will be caught.
That firedancer opens the door to the basement for you, and you get down there to the generator. You hear some yelling up top already, some crashing around. But hey, you can GTFO no problem. No Millie's Boys down here.
What do you do?
Sod it. That can't be good. I've got the generator cord taut in my hand, but I put it down. Plan required surprise, and some other red just hit the fan.
I head back up the stairs, knives in both hands.
Arrows getting caught is not a choice. Bargain for them? Blood to that. My hand cuts through the air beside me ::Hold.:: My fist rises up level with my shoulder ::Fight.::
My other hand draws my machete.
Is your intent to GTFO here or try and take out Millions and his gang?
You come halfway back up the stairs when you hear Cujo's battlecry, that blood-curdling shrill keening sound she can't hear herself but knows puts folks on edge. When you reach the stage, a fight has broken out. Dog's here, you can get to her.
What do you do?
I am cutting through chaos and guns to put my back to Dog's and the Arrows. We don't leave anyone behind.
Eyes out for Millions. Nothing I hate more than children than grown adults who act like them. And now that we've dropped pleasantries, if I have a chance to drop Schooner, I will.
I'm wanting to get us to the bikes and outtie, making Millions and his gang pay high for his attitude, leaving no Arrow behind. ::Bikes then Rain.::
I take August's hand for a moment when she gets to me, pull her back to mine and take note of any soaker who could get between us. My breathing is firm and even and my eyes are wide open. Heart hammering.
Spectators are bailing, I don't get in their way but they better stay the flood out of mine. "Paint it red!" Someone chooses me for a swing and I respond.
Cujo's got her knife out, she's up on the back of a chair and jumping onto a thick guy from Millie's Boys. Chance has her pistol out, taking aim from her position on the balcony. Ace has her rifle up, aiming at Millions, trying to get a shot, while Hachiko has her back, watching careful with her hatchet.
Millie's Boys are charging, trying to use their bulk and their tonfas and whack-em rods to beat y'all senseless and knock weapons out.
I'm going to have you roll for your gang to Act Under Fire to GTFO to their bikes. On a full hit, you're gone, with some Harm swapped back and forth. On a soft hit, it's going to become a running gunfight. On a fail, you're all separated and some tough choices will need to be made.
Feel free to help here. Or, you know, you can peel off and take Schooner down solo, but then that's your own thing. He's looking right at you.
Let's get this started. (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 3. Total: 8)
I'm right behind Dog, close as a shadow, singing out all her orders to the rest of the gang.
Rolling to aid.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 9)
Gunfire, screams and the thrumming rhythms of the piped-in music fill the Grindhouse as Millie's Boys come in a rush for you and yours, Dog and August. Ace shoots one poor fool in the chest, right in the middle of his bright yellow Have a Nice Day shirt. He falls back over a row of chairs, and the chairs fall over with him.
August, one of Millie's Boys, a loader in the day, comes at you with this:
Cujo barrels into the guy before he gets a swing in on you. She jams her knife in his leg, and he beats on her back savagely. Belka whacks the guy with the butt end of her shooter and drags Cujo towards the side door.
"Get back here, August!" Millions shouts as Schooner pulls him back to an exit on the other side of the theater. "Dammit, girl! Don't leave!"
Breaking down the math here. We've got two small gangs, 2-Harm, 1-Armor.
That's 1-Harm both ways, I'll roll Harm move against your gang in the next post.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 6. Total: 12)
You fight your way outside, Laika running ahead to the h-bikes, hopping on one and planning to skim back and check on the rest of you. Zeus scuttles her way to her bike and grabs her shotty before mounting up.
Millie's Boys are coming out of the side door to the alley, a couple more coming out the front to circle around. You hear a couple trucks starting up in the front lot.
Dog, as you hop on your bike, you realize someone isn't here. Who's missing?
What do you do?
I am going to literally sandpaper Schooner's face off when I see him next. I'll do worse to Millions, but I haven't decided what.
I send Drumma a-wing so she won't get hit by a stray shot. Hop on my bike, start counting Arrows. Flood, yeah, who's missing?
It's Hachiko. I sheath my machete and draw up my gun, a big barker who likes to make it rain. Millions likes his trucks? SOAK his trucks. "Hachiko is still in there!"
I notice Chance is going around barefoot. Huh.
I'm gonna give Grindhouse a go-around, ready to shoot. Ready to pick Hachiko up if I see her.
August and Dog,
You mount up and whirl around for the front lot, for those trucks. As you come riding up, Millie's Boys are pulling back, back into Grindhouse. Sure, they've got guns drawn, but they're headed back inside. The Arrows fire a couple shots, but they're all riding hard to get there, can't get the best aim.
As you come around, you hear Millions' laughing. You don't see him, but his laughter echoes over the whine of the h-bikes, even Zeus' motor.
"I got one of yours!" Millions calls. "You gonna make me kill her?"
You can see some of Millie's Boys taking cover by the double doors to the Grindhouse.
What do you do?
I let Arrows surround the place, frown settlin' heavy on my face. Millions is a real pus-giving splash of muck.
"Prove it! Name your terms!" He might just kill her anyway to prove he can, or she's dead already. If these things are true I make him a dead man, tonight.
August and Dog,
"All I want," Millions says slow and loud, "Is a trade. This scrawny girl, for her. You ride off, don't come back. I'll let August go in the morning. But you and yours? You're gone, until you pay for killing the boy, and pay for hurting my people tonight. Five barter!"
Blood-rushing through my veins. 'Her?' Floodin' right he used my name. I stand up on my h-bike, use the extra height to scope the scene.
Readin' the sitch + marking xp for an advance (not sure what yet)
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 3, 1. Total: 4)
Everything looks bad. No clear sight on Millions.
I jump off my bike and start walking towards him before Dog can stop me.
"Did you really just insult me," I say, pushed to sound friendly-like but pulling it off, pitching my voice to carry, "by implying a night with me ain't worth that much?"
I better see Hachiko alive when I get close.
What should I be on the lookout for?
Five! Highway soakin' robbery, and I should know! But killing? I went wrong on the boy but..I try to catch August's eyes. Arrows ain't chips of barter, that's part of what makes us Arrows. August can handle herself with a man, but he has her for a night, that's plenty of time to set things up if he's lyin', or steal all her shit and dump her someplace unsafe.
She hops off her bike and I tense up hard. What I want is to ride in, circle over and stop her, or bust through the doors of Grindhouse with my bike, (flood to it, it's just a machine) and shoot Millions till he's rotted soft.
"Millions! She comes back anything but whole and with her bike, I'll make you and your boys pay!"
August and Dog,
You spot Hachiko, near the doors, just visible enough. The left side of her forehead is bloody, her left eye is swollen, but she's breathing. Schooner has an arm around her neck, a stiletto against her ear, holding her and grinning at you, daring you.
Hachiko screams, "Just rotting kill all these guys!" Schooner squeezes his arm tighter, forcing Hachiko to grasp at his arm.
"Oh August," Millions says with a derisive laugh. "A night with you is worth an Arrow. I think that's pretty expensive." He listens to you, Dog, answering, "I have zero interest in hurting her. I swear she'll leave me with her bike, and unharmed, as long as she doesn't cause a fuss. Not gonna let her hurt one of mine, then hold my word against me, you know?" He laughs again, this is a game to him.
Zeus looks at you, Dog, then you, August. "No deal. I'd rather bury one of ours than whore you out. Let's bury these soaking bastards." Her voice is low and hard.
What do you do?
My hand flutters at my side: ::Don't worry, I will use him like a piece of meat.::
I purse my lips, continuing to walk forward towards Millions through his Boys, stepping through red puddles and blood unconcerned for any menace they might hold. I let the scarves from the performance earlier untwine from around my neck, billow on the wind and then into the sky.
I keep walking until I'm before him, face inches from his face. It takes everything I have not to look at Hachiko's injuries, but I'm focused. Of one mind.
"Don't play, Millions," I say, so only he can hear. My face is still, my eyes are direct. "You got what you wanted. You didn't give a flood about the kid. This isn't about silvering your palm. Let our girl hobble off. Send your Boys away. Right now, it's just you and me. The rest of this is just pageantry."
Let's see a Seduction roll there, August. The leverage is his growing love / adoration for you.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 12)
"Let her go, Schooner," Millions orders. He looks at Hachiko, saying, "Shake that pretty ass out there, and don't cause no trouble. Five large or you aren't welcome anymore. Since August is being civil about this, my Boys won't shoot on sight if you come around again. But they will beat asses."
Hachiko starts walking out of the Grindhouse. She looks upset, probably at herself more than anything.
"This is bad, Dog." Zeus says. "We shouldn't poke the bear here. Let's just shoot our way in."
My voice comes out soft. "That's not what we're doing, Zeus. Long as we got all of us together, we have all the time in the world." If this goes any way but right, that time will be now. I watch Hachiko come back to us.
If I charged in and made this deal not go, undo what August has chosen for Hachiko and herself, would that make me like Millions, like Harbormaster? Since I been in charge, I've tried to run the Arrows with a heart pointed forward to freedom, no games and no lies between us. Just because that sounds simple don't mean it is.
I watch August and she looks powerful. Anyone who thinks they own her is letting a lie sit in truth's seat.
I wait for any sign, until Hachiko is on a bike.
Hachiko walks over to her h-bike. She lets out a tight gasp of pain when she throws her leg over and mounts up, but then all's right with the world as the engine spins up. Zeus glares at Millions, as does Cujo, of course. Cujo has a busted lip, by the way, not that it seems to bother her any.
The Arrows, minus August, are ready to move on, Dog. They look to you for the command, and the direction.
What do you do?
I glare at Millions, too. I feel like I learned everything I need to know about the man, and August might tell me more later. I am soaked through with tiredness, though, I signal us to the hideout. We'll take stock there, send anybody likely to get worse from hurt to Bon in the morning.
As for what you should be on the lookout for - Schooner is going to try and get Millions to keep you around. Suquamish will back his play, thinking he speaks for HM. And Millions thinks you like Queen Anne, so he feels like he has leverage if you're trouble tonight.
And, in case it wasn't clear, Millions totally thinks you're having sex with him tonight.
::I'll be fine,:: I signal subtly to anyone who's watching.
"Glad you made that call," I say aloud to Millions. "Let's make the most of it."
I take his hand, lead him back inside Grindhouse.
I want him upstairs, alone, in one of the old administrative-room-turned-bedrooms that Queen Anne lets folks crash in sometimes.
Several of your Arrows don't want to leave, Dog. Zeus and Hachiko, even Belka are not happy about this. They follow, for now.
Please go here.
The stairs creak and groan as you walk up to the bedrooms in the upstairs of Grindhouse. "This place has never been a flophouse nor a whorehouse" is the mantra Queen Anne has used since he took over. He doesn't allow his troupe to turn tricks, he doesn't want to be a pimp of flesh, just fancy. You're not technically one of his troupe, are you?
But this is what you're doing, selling your body, or trading it, for your friends.
"Can't wait to hear what words you whisper when we're lying together, lovely." Millions says as he walks you down the hall. The music beneath you gives a rhythmic pulse to each step. The thunder outside adds to the soundscape. Schooner and Suquamish are following behind, walking together, but attending Millions.
What do you do?
An eyebrow up to my hair. "Hopefully, I'll be shouting your name." I'm still holding his hand; I stroke the inside of Millions' palm with my index finger.
I gesture to Schooner and Suquamish. "We lose the chaff," I tell him. Then they are nothing -- I no longer acknowledge them.
I don't give a flood what Queen Anne wants for this place. He doesn't have the means to shut this punk down -- he is as much Millions' pawn as the rest of them. If he cannot offer safety, he cannot question my methods.
I open the door to the office, see the mattress in the corner. Pull Millions into the room. Close the door behind me.
"Take off your clothes," I say. "Let me see you."
I sit down in the chair, cross my legs.
I know exactly where all of my knives are.
Millions sticks his foot in the door before you close it. "August, darling. I just about had one of the Arrows killed right in front of you. I know you're all close. I'm going to have you shouting my name. And the other two are here to keep things civil." He grins, "And, they'll do whatever I say. I saw how you looked at Schooner, August. You want to splash around with him? Be my guest." He reaches for your corset, his hand smoothing your shoulder, thumb near your collarbone.
What do you do?
I turn just enough that he can't get to the laces, his fingers falling against boning instead. My gaze is conspicuously on his foot.
"The show happened on stage earlier, Millions. This isn't about them."
I slip away from him. Sit down in the office chair.
"Let me see you," I say again.
He looks past you to Schooner, then back at you on the office chair. "Tell me you aren't going to cut me with one of those knives of yours. Tell me you made a bargain to spend the night, and you'll leave peaceable in the morning. Say the words, August."
I cross my legs, slit falling to expose most of my thigh. He wants to give himself to me, even though he knows it isn't wise.
So, I give him the words: "I won't cut you with one of my knives, Millions. And I'm here til morning."
If I cut him, it will be with two. The words mean nothing to me.
For the third time, low and guttural in my throat: "Let me see you."
I won't say it again.
"Get a couple of mine up here." Millions barks to Schooner, loud enough for you to hear. "We leave together, or she don't leave at all." He closes the door, drops his cig and stamps it out, then pulls his thick vest over his head in a practiced, fluid motion. Next comes the undershirt. He was packing a Magnum under his shirt, which he takes out, sets on the floor. He walks over to you, reaching for your neck again. "Make this good, August. I'll let your Arrows back in Pike's. Sound fair?"
I give Millions an appreciative stare when the shirt comes off. Make sure he sees. When he gets closer, I let my hands run over his belly, his lower back. My fingers find his scars, skate across them lightly.
I lean my head back, look up at him, finger to my lips. "I don't wanna talk about anything but us," I say. "And it'll be more than good."
Leverage his belt, pull him down gently so his knees start to buckle and he has to sink to the floor. Put my hand on the back of his head, lift my skirt up higher.
"Get me ready."
Millions is just meat. I use him to take me higher.
Opening my brain.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 7)
Millions doesn't hesitate when you demand that he "get you ready". It only takes a short while before his ministrations get your pulse rising, drawing pleasure out of you. You spy a shadow at the door, someone is near enough to hear.
When the climax hits you, takes you to that someplace else. The thunder rolls, carrying with it the danger. Whatever took the Harbor was not sated, August. It's coming here, too. The waves have a reach past the harbor.
You see the red tide wash over all the markets, sweeping Millions away. Kites, too. Queen Anne, the firedancers, the kids at the corner, everyone. Everyone is swept away by the red tide.
When your senses come back to you, when the world comes back, you hear the sound of Millions' buckle, he's standing up, looking at you with raw hunger, his face wet with you, his eyes famished for his own release.
What do you do?
When I'm back, it's hard to shake the feeling of that wave. The red, consuming everything. So it is easy to distract myself with Millions and his needs. When he stands, I stand too, and I bring him to the mattress.
I can be present for Millions. He will feel attended to.
I look forward to afterward, when the monster's face will be eased with sleep.
The hardholder for Pike's is a powerful lover. His lust is not easily sated, but eventually, he reaches his own climax, then pulls you down to the mattress with him as he drifts to sleep. He cradles you in his powerful arms, his body slick with sweat, murmurs your name affectionately. Then, he is asleep.
Outside, you hear the rain, pounding down even still. The shadows outside the room tell you they are still just outside.
What do you do?
Skinner Special: Millions is hypnotized as if I rolled a 10+.
The red wave haunts me. The pearl of it, the heart of it. The visceral, terrifying truth beneath the ocean.
In the darkness, held in Pike's hardholder's arms, I wonder if there is a way to give him nightmares like I might have if I fell asleep. I wonder, until I have an answer.
Vignette, my mind sings into the darkness, into the veil I'd so recently pierced with my exertions. Vignette. Terror made flesh. She would give Millions nightmares until he begged her to take them away.
Without meaning to, not truly, I call to her.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 3. Total: 7)
The door to the bathroom opens, no light behind it. Nobody was in there before. But now, you see Vignette step out of it.
There's a moment of twisting your insides and your vision blurs. The Yacht Club falls away and instead you're in the second story of a large building, you can tell from the sound of the rain on the roof. The floor beneath you thumps with a low baseline from some heavy speakers. Where were you last at the Grindhouse, and were you ever upstairs?
Lying on a mattress asleep is Millions, the hardholder of Pike. Lying on top of him, nude and watching you, is none other than August.
What do you do?
My eyes almost roll back into my skull.
Vignette is here.
This ... can't really happening. Can it?
I'm too afraid to move, to speak -- oh flood, she better not wake him.
It is not the sensation that is disorienting. I felt just a short, uncomfortable feeling similar to falling, and then I'm walking into this whole other room. I grew up in Safeco. This room is not in Safeco.
I take in the room, August with this man, watching me as if she was expecting me. The guy is Millions, I have seen him often enough, though not exactly like this. Are we at Pike's? What is August doing here with Millions? Has Harbormaster drugged me? Have I been in an accident? I put my hand to my head and pull it back to look, half-expecting it to come away bloody. Nothing.
I look around wildly. What the flood is going on here?
It must be the Grindhouse. I have been here many times when visiting Pike's. I first became aware of the Arrows here, before their gig with the Admiral. I have seen August perform here. I have not been to Millions' quarters, but have seen the guarded stair. We could be better places.
You should be on the lookout for the two guards standing right outside. Also, Millions is asleep, probably should stay that way.
I freeze, afraid to alert the guards outside, afraid to wake Millions. What the frak am I doing here, never mind how I got here. August seems unsurprised by my arrival, though. On instinct, I reach out for her mind.
August, what do you wish I would do?
Marking XP (3)
I'm staring at Vignette. When she freezes, I am relieved; I'd been nervous she'd just panic and leave. I have no idea what the guards would do. What Millions would do.
All I can think about is how Millions hurt Hachiko, threatened the Arrows, all because he couldn't have me.
I don't totally understand how Vignette got here, but now that she is .... I wish that Vignette would make it so that Millions never hurt us again. With whatever means necessary. I don't care if he's dead or a gibbering idiot that doesn't know his own name or a puppet that dances when she pulls his strings.
Oh, August. I feel her concern for Hachiko, for the safety of all the Arrows. I hear what she asks. A permanent end to Millions' ability to hurt the Arrows. She is loud with this in my head. It is that way with people who know about my gift and welcome me into their mind. It is also the way of things that they tell me so much more than they think they do. I relive the carefully masked rage, the emotional toll of submitting to Millions, but also, I feel satisfaction that it was her choice--a hard one, but hers, and a choice that bought more than she paid. I hesitate to come between her and her retribution...but if she thought she could take her vengeance here and now, alone, I would not be here. She called me somehow, for this.
But if she needed help... My mind submerges into hers. Why me? There are many tougher...Dog, for instance.
Oh...of course. My eyes clear, refocus on the scene in front of me. Dog is better in a fight, but how much damage would it do to Dog to see this? How much has Dog already endured? How much have all the Arrows? I am not one of them. I am the one who can be allowed to not just know, but to see. And I am 'frakking scary', apparently, which pulls my lips into a small, cruel smile.
I nod my understanding to August. Quietly thanking Daddy's indulgence of my love of psi-gear, I pull a small syringe, about the size of my palm, from a coat pocket. I hold it up to August and mime pulling the plastic cover off the needle and injecting the spot where neck and skull meet. I sneer as the phrase "get me ready," echoes in my head. This will get Millions very ready.
I point to Millions, point again at the base of my skull, tilting my head and raising my eyebrows. I take a quiet half-step and hold the syringe out toward August, hoping to convey that I intend to give her the syringe to inject Millions. Now I understand why the Arrows have their own sign language.
OOC: My intent is to get August to use position to inject Millions with my implant syringe, making my Direct-brain whisper projection more effective. As soon as Millions shows any sign of waking, I will be in his head.