[Fury] Long Live the New King (Dog 2.7, Vignette 2.4)


Riding at the head of the Arrows, with Zeus and the other motors trailing behind, you come through the unguarded gate near Grinhouse. As you come around towards the front, you see a handful of Millie's Boys, obvious in their stature, carrying weapons, but none drawn or brandished. Among them, in the middle of them, standing without any shackles or any trouble at all, is Vignette.

She looks tired, worn like buttered spread too thin over old bread. But she also looks confident, assured. There's something like Admiral in the way she looks at you coming up. Like she's "receiving you". And no, you don't see Millions anywhere.

Or August.

Riding loud and proud, armed and ready for a fight, you see the Arrows come around from behind the building long after you hear their arrival. Dog's leading the pack, and August is not with them. Cujo is, and she spots you immediately. Cujo's eyes flash as she sees you there, with Millie's Boys. You didn't sleep well away from the pile, and for a moment, a silent, quiet moment, you get the impression she didn't sleep well, either. The black eye and the cut on her lower lip highlight it, of course.

What do you do?


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    I turn to the group of Millie's Boys with me, shouting to be heard over the roar of the h-bikes, "You were Millie's Boys last night. No longer. Today, you serve Pike, and you serve at my discretion. The Arrows' fight is with Millions, not with Pike, not with us. Consider this your first test. Keep your weapons lowered. Anyone who fires on or uses a blade against an Arrow without my order will be given to the red."

    I do not ask if they have understood. I do not wait for them to respond. I adopt the demeanor I have seen the Admiral use--that of one who takes obedience for granted.

    I want to run out to greet the Arrows, but I cannot. My men must see that I speak for Pike, not as an Arrow. I walk halfway to the Arrows, instructing Jax to stay two paces behind my right shoulder. This also is a trick learned from the Admiral. It tells all parties that Jax is a confidant. He will hear and report back to the men. They need this until they trust me. It also makes it clear that Jax is a subordinate, that I alone speak for Pike today.

  • photo Dog3.png

    This is...floodin' weird. At first I goose my engine, wondering if there's a way to pull Vignette out of this mess, but..she's loose. Standing on her own, and then pulling ahead, inviting me to talk with that position. I sign out ::Hold steady. Stay mounted.::

    I set my bike to standby and step off, peel my goggles up and point forward, walking ahead. I look to both sides of Vignette, counting the armed folk. I give Jax some stoneface for a couple moments. But then Vignette has my full focus, and I guess this will be the first time we've really talked.

    "This is where you were last night." I probably look ripped up tired, myself. I wait, me alone here while Vignette has this soaker I don't trust behind her. I wait, taking in the scene and trying not to decide without looking what is and isn't.
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    Dog and Vignette,

    Cujo pulls her h-bike to the edge of the circle of Arrows, leaning forward to watch this closely. Near your meeting, Jax looks at you, Dog, hard and unwavering. He's nothing to sneeze at. Schooner and Suquamish aren't here, either, you note.

    This could very easily explode into violence at any moment. There is no love lost here. Hachiko is itching to draw on these guys. You know most of the Arrows would love to stomp some heads. But they wait, for now.
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    I do not like the imbalance of Dog coming out alone while I have Jax with me, but I still have to build trust with the security forces of Pike, such as they are. Part of that is my not looking too tight with the Arrows. I like even less that August is not among them. And it rained last night. I try not to look at Cujo, think about why she is beat up, or what she is thinking.

    "Dog," I say with a nod. "As you can see," I say, spreading my arms to take in the crew behind me, and pitching my voice loud enough for at least Jax to hear. "There have been some changes in Pike. Millions has retired. He called me here last night--with August's help--to transfer control of Pike to me." I look at Dog sharply as I say this last and again curse the fact that I have not learned the Arrows' hand talking.
  • photo Dog3.png

    I squint and cock my head to the side; it's like I'm rolling the idea around in my mouth, tryna' figure out what it tastes like. My tongue clicks idle-like.

    Millions was a classic of his type. Loved his power. I saw that last night. Too greedy to just give it up, 'retire'. I don't think Vignette thinks so little of me to boldly lie to me, so what is this?

    I lean in slow, blot out the space between us, hands plain resting on my hips. Breathe in. "Good." I lean back, snort out a half-smile. "That means you can tell me where August is, and give him to me."
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    Dog and Vignette,

    Jax doesn't like that part about "giving Millions to Dog". He hasn't spoken out about it, yet. But Vignette, you get the feeling that won't fly.
  • edited July 2015
    If there is one thing I learned from the Admiral, it is to pretend I did not hear a request. I could not hand over Millions if I wanted to. Jax is able to hear my voice, but he is behind me and cannot see my eyes, so for want of hand signals, I use my eyes. I look to my right and tilt my head the tiniest of a fraction back, trying to indicate Jax, who stands over my right shoulder.

    "I intended to visit you last night with August and Millions," I say with a flick on my eyes on the word, "visit". I do not think Dog will like the news that August is not here, or really any of the rest of this...

    "Last night, when Millions announced that he intended to retire, and that he and August were going to run away together," I say, with a flick of my eyes after this frankly unbelievable revelation, "things did not go smoothly. Millions was badly wounded. Anne stitched him up, but I think he may not recover. August left in the middle of the night--worried about Millions," slight roll of the eyes, "maybe hoping to find a healer, maybe hoping to bring Bon. I do not know. She left abruptly, but she left unharmed." I stress this last point. "I hoped August would be with you when you arrived."

    Before Dog loses her patience, I have one more bit of ridiculousness to throw on the fire.

    "You and I both know how much August loves Millions," which is to say not at all. "It is not so surprising--to you and I--that she and Millions would decide to run away together to someplace...quiet and secluded...and leave all this behind." I put the faintest of emphasis on "quiet and secluded" and give Dog as evil a smile as I can without tipping off Jax. "It is tragic that on the very eve of their happiness, one is left dying and the other has gone missing. It was supposed to be very different."

    I study Dog closely while I am saying this. It is a lot of information and much of it will not ring true. I speak the truth of Pike, which is not the same as the Arrows' truth. It is important that they remain separate things, for now. My eye contact with Dog is constant as I will her to understand. This I cannot do, but I do what I am able to do. My mind is the calm, blue sea of Beforetimes. It flows across Dog's mind like the surf gently sliding up the beach, and softly recedes, carrying her thoughts back out to me.

    OOC: Casual brain receptivity on Dog. Marking XP(2).
  • Casual brain receptivity: (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 5. Total: 9)
  • I'll hold my question and wait for Dog's reply.
  • photo Dog3.png

    I don't look at scrogboy behind Vignette here when she makes her eyes. I focus on her hood instead, which must work a treat for this. There's a shape to this now. A hostage sort of smell.

    I let Vignette talk and talk, because when you're quiet, talky people will keep going just to go. I watch her eyes. I'm sure my own tell a story.

    Slowly, I fold my arms in front of me and roll my neck. Put on the hard, blank face people expect. My brow lifts up at the mention of Millions being seriously injured. I sure as rain hope it's true.

    August left in the middle of the night? Makes a fight ring more true, really, and this mess in front of me, but is she soaking hurt or not?

    Is Vignette offering Millions to me in slippery words, at another time?

    "Well, aren't we just splashing in the big puddles now? How will this story end? Vignette, I need to give my Arrows something." I ain't forgotten how I asked for Millions, and Vignette is no brain-lossy child.
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    “Millions, if he lives, will walk out of here in a day or two. What happens to him once he leaves Pike is none of my concern.”
  • photo Dog3.png

    I yawn real big and lazy, one eye on her sharp. "Show him to me."
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    “Just you–and Cujo. Looks like we are all better off if she has your calming influence,” I say with a small smile.
    OOC: Spending the hold.
    What do you intend to do, Dog?

    "Jax!" I yell, inclining my head toward him while keeping my eyes on Dog. "Where do you need to be so I can guarantee the safety of two of them inside and keep things from erupting out here?"
  • photo Dog3.png

    I need to prove that Millions is blooded, and to confirm the biggest splashes in Vignette's story. Bringing Cujo with is good, we can both both see what's the what and watch each other's backs.

    I spell Cujo's name over my head, turn to the side and sign ::Going inside, Rainey lead, be cool.::

    I'm going to look at Millions and judge his condition, maybe take a trophy to show the gang. Then I'm fanning us out to find August, fix this unwhole feeling. Unless Millions isn't here or he looks healthy. Then I'm gonna turn mad. But I honestly expect him here and messed up because that makes the most sense.
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    I lead Dog and Cujo inside. As we walk, I say, “Just so there is no confusion, while Millions is in my hold I cannot allow him to come to harm.”
    “…however justified,” I add quietly.

    I allow Jax to choose whether to come with us or stay outside. i trust Rainey to play it smart outside…whatever that might turn out to mean. If this turns wet, it will be my guys, not the Arrows, who are responsible. I have to do something about that…
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    Dog and Vignette,

    Cujo hops off her bike to join you both, while Rainey watches Millie's Boys and makes sure the Arrows are in line. Jax moves up as you three start towards Grindhouse, saying, "Bosslady, whatever mud you're slopping on this, you don't need to make us sound like idiots. We all know Millions is a dead man once he's out of Pikes. Maybe you oughta get someone to speak for you... like August or somethin'."

    As you're walking, Cujo signs to you, Dog, ::These are all lies. What the hell have they done to August?::

    Jax leads the way inside, Queen Anne is there, watching the proceedings, not at all happy about all this going on in his house. You head up the back stairs, and there, with two guards watching, is the clammy, passed out and weak form of Millions.

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3.png

    ::Ever seen a reflection on top of wet mud?:: I sign back. I notice Queen Anne and nod. That's good. He's pissed. That's less good, but what can I do? This is on Millions, and his lack of respect. "Find me someone who saw August leave." Anne could take it up, Vignette could take it up, Scrogboy could do it. I'll ask simple now and hard if noone's looking by the time I'm back downstairs.

    Upstairs, my eyes trace all the blood around Millions. I've seen people with these wounds cared for well, and cared for badly. This isn't so good, for care. I look around for spent sheets covered in blood, rags, ruined clothing. Something I can take. Something I couldn't take from a healthy Millions.
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    Dog and Vignette,

    Eager to get things moving, Queen Anne fetches one of the fire dancers, a skinny guy with wild red hair. He looks at you, Dog, then Cujo, who seems to spook him. "I saw August leave. She hurt her ankle, got in a fight with that HM girl. She was headed for Safeco. But in that mess... who knows where she ended up."
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    I cannot read their signs, but Cujo is agitated. I do not look in her eyes, afraid of what I might see there. I do not reach out to her mind--I have sworn to myself not to do that. I am doubly blind.

    That is probably why I turn on Jax when he starts talking like he is offended by my "framing the situation" as the Admiral always called it. I spin around to face him, even more irritated when I find that I am so close I have to look up to yell into his face.

    "Fine, Jax! You think I insult you by not speaking plainly? How is this for plainly? Millions is a dead man. He has been since the moment he took August. Whether he dies here or out there does not matter to me, as long as his words turning Pike over to me are followed. Millions was a bad man and a fool. He deserves to die at the hands of the Arrows. He will be lucky if he dies here." I turn around and stalk a few paces away, partly because it is difficult to be intimidating when you are looking up at someone. "Are Millie's Boys--because they still think of themselves as that--going to listen to August? They know she is an Arrow. She left last night, for flood's sake! Left her 'dying lover'. If we stay above water, it will be because the right people know that Millions was a rotting pile of filth. So, Jax, now that you are no longer offended by lack of information, do you know the right people or do you not?"
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    Dog and Vignette,

    Jax's jaw clenches, and he looks over at the other Millie's Boys before answering, "Millions may not be someone you liked. Hell, none of us loved the guy. But he set up or held together all the deals around here. We can send his KOed ass away with these gangers if you like, but then you've just handed over the guy the raiders trusted, the merchants trusted, that dealt with Harbormaster, Admiral, Salmon, the Tax Patrol, the foresters, and all the a-holes from up north, you handed that guy over to the Arrows. Are you an Arrow, Bosslady? Because if you are, then what the flood are we?" He looks back at Wash, over to SueB. "And if you aren't, then why the hell do you care what they want? Dog here killed a kid, Millions said it yesterday, and a fight broke out, but you weren't here to know that. August offered herself to him, in exchange for one of the Arrows. It was eye for an eye, Bosslady. It was a fair deal."

    What do you do?
  • edited July 2015
    I listen to everything Jax has to say. When he talks about Dog killing a kid, I look at her. My eyes ask questions I do not want to ask out loud.

    "You discovered my secret, Jax" I say, holding my arms out wide. "I am not Millions. I am not the Admiral, nor the Harbormaster. But I am not an Arrow either." As I say this, I look at Dog, reluctantly, not sure if I am apologizing or accusing. Apologizing, I think. She did not keep me out. What I am keeps me out.

    "I am not sending Millions with Dog. I thought that was clear. He may deserve it, but I am the Mistress of Pike now. I do not hand my people over--or let others come in and kill them." I look meaningfully at Dog.

    "That is not because I like Millions," I say, turning back to Jax. "It is because I am going to build something better than Millions could. This starts with protecting the people here at Pike--all of the people at Pike," I say, looking at Millions. "You are right that I will have to win the trust of the merchants and others. I already know the Admiral and Harbormaster better than Millions does. This is a start."

    "Harbormaster, for instance. You cannot let Harbormaster dictate terms to you. Earlier, Jax, you talked me out of executing Schooner. That was good. But this man half-killed Millions, right in front of everyone, right here in Pike. No one gets to do that--not even those belonging to Harbormaster. If Harbormaster wants him alive, instead of executed for his crimes, he can pay for him and thank me for the opportunity to do so."

    "Dog, you have seen Millions. You should leave now. Go find August and let things cool off here."
  • photo Dog3.png

    My eyes narrow, and I breathe slow. "Millions lied about me and insulted us. Tried to take August like a trinket for free and started a fight over that. Then traded one of us for her. The soaking gall of that man brought me here, and you ought to care what I want because, Scrogboy, I will tear you apart to get it if I want to!"

    I point at Vignette, with a finger and my face and with a snarl. "You'll send a runner to me when our little story ends, when the games and the lies are over. And when I come to you for a favor, you'll give it to me. Because I recognized you here."

    I didn't laugh, after all, at this short, sleepy little mophead calling herself 'Mistress of Pike', and I could have. And these grubby, gun-happy boys would have turned on her and each other while my Arrows shot at them and chased them out as one.
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    Dog and Vignette,

    Cujo is watching Dog talk, then looking at you, Vignette. Her eyes bore into you, confused, accusatory, angry. She's never looked angry at you before. ::Does she wants us to save her, Dog?::
  • photo Dog3.png

    Cujo has a point. For someone who has mind-witch stuff goin' on I'm not sure she gets me or Cujo or herself or where she's at. However it works it must not be very useful after all.

    I get a little closer to Vignette, glance over my shoulder where the outside world waits, fix my blue eyes on her. ::Out?:: Maybe she knows this one from the pile. If she watches enough.
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    Dog's words cut into me. Of course, the Arrows would not kill innocent people. Of course, Millions was wrong. I am ashamed that I doubted. I want to run back to the Arrows, back to the pile...but it is too late for that. I shove my grief away angrily. That was never a long-term option. I have to make my own way.

    Almost, I cannot bear to look at Cujo. Even that first night, when she growled at me for getting too close to Dog, she has never looked at me angrily. I do not need to read her. I allow myself one brief look into her eyes, as if I could somehow show her all the desperation and regret and need at once. I look away before tears can well up.

    I speak to Jax, but my eyes are on Dog. My voice is quiet, wooden, but firm. "If Dog says Millions lied, I believe her. You should too. She is not what he was. Millions was wrong to take August. And you will care, because while Dog means she would tear you apart outside of Pike, I will do so within Pike if August or any of the other Arrows are harmed. We could do worse than having the Arrows as allies. Millions nearly made them enemies."

    I turn back to Dog. "And he has paid dearly. He has lost everything. He has watched as piece-by-piece, everything he values has been stripped away. He is an empty husk--breathing, but hollowed out and broken. In this, if nothing else, I have been your friend."

    I know I am risking Jax's loyalty by revealing so much. There is only so much I will sacrifice for my new place in the world.
  • edited July 2015

    Dog and Vignette,

    Jax rolls his shoulders, looking to you, Vignette, not to Dog. "Bosslady, you have a gang. You took it over. The Arrows as allies? Sure. But they're mobile. None of them want to walk stall to stall, to listen to the hawkers chatter and the traders haggle, do they? That's what we do. That's what Pikes Boys do." Wash looks up from where he was fiddling with a Zippo, surprised by the new name.

    Cujo's jaw is set, but the anger drains out of her face, replaced with disgust, ::She does not want to be saved from this. Do we murder them or go, Dog?::
  • photo Dog3.png

    ::Go.:: I sign, face quiet.

    With one last look at what remains of Millions, I walk out. What this place will look like when it cools off, I'll have to see.

    ::Millions is nothing now.:: I sign to the gang as soon as I'm in sight. ::Clear from Pikes.::
  • edited July 2015
    "You are correct, Jax. You are Pike's Boys. My gang. The Arrows are allies, not replacements. They will be welcome here and safe here as long as I am Mistress of Pike, but they are not my gang."

    I saw the sign from Dog. I have been in the pile enough to know what it means. That she would offer to pull me out of this now, knowing the violence and chaos that would likely follow... It would be so easy to go back to the pile, so comfortable. But I destroyed Millions. I cannot leave Pike in chaos. I am not some little puppy to come in, tear apart Pike, and then run back to live on the fringes of the Arrows.

    At first, I pretended not to see the sign, not to recognize it. I owed Dog more honesty than that. I looked her in the eye. Maybe I was blinking a bit more rapidly than I would have liked. With a small tight-lipped smile, I shook my head. As she walked away, I pulled up my hood and went to stare out the window at my new "home" and consider its cost.

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    Cujo flicks a glance to the men in the room, then to you. There's a moment where she opens her mouth, for anyone else, you'd imagine she was about to speak. Instead, she licks her lips, quickly, a reflexive action, turns to head out, turning her back on you, that last look a touch lost.

    --End Scene--

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