Here's where we'll track highlights for each session.
From the book:
Go around the table (again) to choose highlighted stats. Each player in turn asks, “Who has the most Strings on me?” That information will not be located on their sheet, but rather everyone else’s. For each character, the player with the most Strings on that character chooses one of their stats to highlight. The MC chooses a second. Highlighting a stat means that the character earns experience whenever that stat is used, which will help them grow and gain new skills over the course of the game. Consequently, you should highlight the stat that you want to see this character use the most - the one that will create the most compelling situations, or show off the things about the character you find most interesting.
Session One. Go!
4 strings on Tabitha
1 on Ourania
Ashlee, highlight Hot
Mark, highlight Hot
Ourania, highlight Hot
Tabitha, highlight Hot
Sense a theme?
Alrighty, that's the end of Session One, folks. Let's get things sorted for Session Two.
Go around the table (again) to choose highlighted stats. Each player in turn asks, “Who has the most Strings on me?” That information will not be located on their sheet, but rather everyone else’s. For each character, the player with the most Strings on that character chooses one of their stats to highlight. The MC chooses a second. Highlighting a stat means that the character earns experience whenever that stat is used, which will help them grow and gain new skills over the course of the game. Consequently, you should highlight the stat that you want to see this character use the most - the one that will create the most compelling situations, or show off the things about the character you find most interesting.
Please highlight Volatile.
Tabitha, please highlight Volatile.
Ashlee, highlight Dark
Mark, highlight Dark
Ourania, highlight Cold
Tabitha, highlight Cold
Once the Ourania + Tabitha scene is done, that's the end of Session Two, folks. Let's get things sorted for Session Three.
Go around the table (again) to choose highlighted stats. Each player in turn asks, “Who has the most Strings on me?” That information will not be located on their sheet, but rather everyone else’s. For each character, the player with the most Strings on that character chooses one of their stats to highlight. The MC chooses a second. Highlighting a stat means that the character earns experience whenever that stat is used, which will help them grow and gain new skills over the course of the game. Consequently, you should highlight the stat that you want to see this character use the most - the one that will create the most compelling situations, or show off the things about the character you find most interesting.
Mark is still the winner of Most Strings on Me. Mark, please Highlight me.
Mark and I are tied for strings on Ashlee.
I have the most strings on Ourania; Ourania, highlight Dark. What is this Power? I want to see it.
Tabitha, please highlight Dark.
Tabitha and Ourania are tied for strings on me.
If you count Ourania's tokens as strings (which I think you do) then she has the most on Mark. Let's see some volatility.
Mark, highlight Cold
Ourania, highlight Cold
Tabitha, highlight Cold