Three days have passed since Jace's arm was broken. He returned to class this morning, as did Olivar. Tabitha, however, is still in iso. Instructor Malcolm has been teaching a much stricter class agenda, reading from texts and quizzes, no class projects, no open discussion. There's a harried look in his eyes, and he's called for frequent breaks.
You're at one of those breaks right now. He's going to be gone for another half hour. It's "afternoon". Ashlee was excused from class by Corporal Rys. The class looks like this:
Let's see how Pax is coming along. Please roll+Hot. On a hit, she's integrated in with the team as well as can be expected. On a 7-9, choose one option from the list below. On a 10+, choose two.
she's aggressive, while she's on the court and focused, she gives you a +1 Ongoing to Speedball Moves Lead the Line and Control Play
she's inspiring, you can heal 1 Harm per game if you open up to her
she's a little wicked, for every String you give her, take +1 Forward with Unsportsmanlike Conduct
On a miss, she's scary good, and giving you a run for your money. She might supplant you as the team captain, the Coach Ryan seems to have taken a shine to her.
You're supposed to meet your mother in an hour. It was tempting to call out of class to get ready, but that wouldn't look right for someone like you, would it?
How have the last three days been for you? Let's see how things are going. Please roll+Dark. On a hit, choose options from the list below. On a 7-9, choose one thing that's true. On a 10+, choose two.
- Bea's been quietly following your orders, she's quite taken with you. Take +1 Forward dealing with her
- Dr. Haladay has not appeared at the Med Bay since the incident
- You received word this morning that Priscilla woke up, and asked for you
On a miss, none are true.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 4. Total: 8)
(+1 xp)
It's been a weird three days without Tabitha around. I didn't realise how much I'd gotten used to having her about. Maybe I was reacting to the face I recognised from old footage with my parents. Maybe not.
Pax is fitting in well with the rest of the speedball crew. Which is good. A little aggressive, maybe? But it's speedball, so hey.
I'm still trying to figure out the best way to get Ashlee onto the roster. More bodies needed. Always more bodies. Coach is going to say something about the idea, for sure.
You have a scrimmage scheduled against Team Power. They're un-school now and Ashlee's reported that they're practicing at least twice a day.
Coach told you Power Team's got cohesion on the Hawks, in a serious way. They've been playing together in their configuration for three years running now.
Ashlee's scouting report:
Team Power: they're formidable, their bench players might be starters in a weaker pod... Maybe even ours. They have a system of turnover that keeps the team strong and their coach is widely regarded as the best on board, one of the better players to come out of the shipboard league... of course that was before the plague. It's no stretch of the imagination to assume that someone up in command has them "sponsored" and sees that pod eight gets what they need.
Jace has been playing tentative since the injury. What have you done about that?
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 9)
Unless its under her orders or in pursuit of some ship-related objective, the Commandant expects me to obey the rules, so despite the temptation I keep to the schedule until the appointed time.
The days have been a little lonely. I’ve always thought I’d want a room to myself, but I think I underestmated the comfort of having another person in the room, so I’ve been missing Tabitha. Bea… well we havn’t spoken again outside of the prefunctory so far, so I’m not really sure where she’s at regarding what happened. I’m not entirely sure I want to know.
The thing on my mind even more than the Commandant is the fact that I got an impersonal message from Med bay that Priscilla asked for me. That she’s awake after being in an induced coma. I’m anxious to see her. This could be really good or really not. I can hope, at least, it’s because she’s better and that she isn’t going to die for what I did to her.
I glance up from the text I’m not really reading when Olivar says something to Mark. It’s about speedball of course. I roll my eyes a little then I glance over to where Jace is. I haven’t decided whether he’s going to come after me somehow for what happened or not. He might. Mi Sun still wants to, I think, but she looks better now that her brother is back in class.
Your Navi glows with an incoming message.
To: Ourania I want to cut my hair. It frustrates me. Can you help me pick out what to cut? :smiley: B
I blink at the message a little bit. I don’t think she really means hair. How to respond?
To: Bea: It's pretty the way it is, but I'll help. After dinner?
"Yeah it's open," I tell Olivar. "Don't expect too much, though. It's just for practice." Not sure it'll help having him around but I can't make him stay away.
So far I've taken the softly-softly approach with Jace. Gently encouraging, you know? I don't want him to think the injury or his form now is a big deal. It hasn't been working. I might need to try something more drastic.
I ought to reply to Ashlee.
Thanks, superscout :smile: U're on list as "team assistant" for Power game, let me know if u think of better job title. Mark x
Bea turns around in her seat to catch your attention, and nods, a little private smile on her face.
I lean back and regard Olivar with cold amusement. Then I lean back in so that, again, it's just me and him.
"You talking to me, or chewing a brick? Either way, you keep it up, you're losing your teeth."
What do you do?
I want to grab him by his stupid hair and bounce his face off a desk right now. But I don't.
"You're right, that does sound like a long shot. But by now I'm willing to try anything. I'll call round to your room later and we can find out."
He's right across the corridor from the ready room. No cameras in there.
I turn away to talk to Nadja, and call out over my shoulder: "Jace, tell your boyfriend to stop being such a tool."
Nadja's been watching me and Olivar, propping her cheek against one fist. Her expression is... what's the word? Wry? Maybe? Whatever.
"Hey," I say to her. "Another half-hour to kill, huh." And I kind of flick my eyes to one side in the direction of the door.
Olivar sneers, "It's a date, lover." But then you trump him by calling to Jace, who gives Olivar "a look", which puts a scowl on Olivar's face and he turns his attention to his Navi, muttering about jack-booted pretty-boy thugs.
Nadja nods slyly, starts to scoot back out of her chair. Corporal Rys catches your eye, Mark, subtly shakes his head "no". He's not going to let you sneak out right under his nose, man. No way, Speedball or not. But Nadja, she's ready to g-o go.
What do you do?
I look from one to the other and give a little shrug with two messages: fair enough, to Rys; oh well, to Nadja.
"Uh, well. Yeah. So... I got something for you," I tell Nadja. "Guess I'll have to give it to you later." I think about the words I just said. "Uh, that is. A gift, I mean. Not... uh."
I half-smile back in Bea’s direction.
Then Lucas starts in the with the Ashlee thing. I sigh look at the chrono on my Navi again. What’s with the boys and Ashlee these last few days? Rys, now Lucas, even Mark.
I look at him, annoyed.
“I would have to check my notes. What’s it to you?”
What did you do with the cam you salvaged off that thing anyway?
I haven't exactly figured out what to use it for yet. It's not a control unit - I can't make my own drone and send it scooting around the vents. But the sensor module will hook up to pretty much any kind of input. I could use it like a bug, maybe. But I don't know what or who I want to snoop on yet.
For now it's in the safest place possible: under Aiden's bed, in the far corner where his arms are too short to reach it.
I shrug
“I’ll see what I have. But I’m not making any promises. I think she like that band, what is it… T-crush? Other than that, I’ll see what I have. But I’m not making any promises. You could try the usual things you know, be thoughtful, compliment her, don’t stare at her creepily.”
Your Navi glows with an incoming message.
To: Mark When the drokk is Tabs getting out? Can you get her out for the scrimmage? Maybe you and Rys can make it happen? This is stupid, you need to do something! Zola
Zola's looking at you from her seat, then over at Rys.
Ugh. Fine.
I make eye contact with Zola - message received - and then talk to Rys.
"Hey bro, if you're in iso do you have to do your time all in one stretch? Is that a rule?"
Weirdly, I think Tabitha is the starting player we can most afford to miss now, which I wouldn't have said a couple of days ago. Now she might have to fight past two people - Pax and Ashlee - to get her starting spot back when she's out of the cube. Which she will do, of course.
"Sure, I can do that. I'll send a contact form."
I pull up the form on my Navi. It's addressed to Malcolm, officially, but the real, important recipient is in the auto-copied field, the general contact for the deck security office.
I keep the message brief. To the point. Matter of fact.
Make it like it's no big thing, certainly not an emotional appeal.
We have speedball, the team is low on numbers, as captain I request an early or temporary release for Smith. Cool and indifferent.
I tap-tap on SEND, look over to Rys and nod to say that I've done it.
Let's see you Manipulate Instructor Malcolm, Mark.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 8)
(+1xp, to 3)
A few minutes before lunch ends, you receive a message back from Malcolm.
To: Mark Larsen In regards to your request to release Tabitha from isolation containment to participate in the speedball scrimmage later today, I will release her to your recognizance. And insure that she is returned within one hour after the match has concluded. In return, I would like you to apply for a position as corporal. Your family is interested in seeing you apply yourself during the remaining time for your quarantine. Instructor Malcolm
My family is interested in seeing me apply myself.
Malcolm wouldn't make up something like that. So he's been talking to them.
They don't talk to me but they talk to him.
To: Instructor Malcolm OK, I will. Thank you. Mark
They told me not to be a corp, before I entered quarantine. Something changed.
"No problem."
I roll my eyes after he turns away. Seriously? He doesn't know about the staring thing? He might be one of those people who just isn't very aware of themselves. Still.
I'm so ready to get out of here.
Zola stands up and walks quickly towards the door. Pax slides out of her seat to follow.
You see Corporal Rys pulling Mark, Pax, Jace and Zola out of class for something, obviously speedball related. The last few in class look around as they leave, unsure what's going on.
To: Ourania Corporal Rys will be checking Tabitha R. Smith out of iso for the speedball practice today. Please keep an eye on the class during this time as I will not be returning for another thirty minutes. Instructor Malcolm
What do you do?
Here's who is left in class:
I say bye to Aiden as I follow the team out.
At the door I turn and blow Nadja a kiss. Then I'm out of the classroom and not a moment too soon.
Nadja seems eager to join you, but understands that's not happening. Aiden seems a little surprised you tell him bye, but not "shocked".
Please go here.
I sigh at Malcolm’s message and look around at the non-speedball contingent of the class. Well I’m not missing my appointment with the Commandant, certainly. If he isn’t back in time, it’ll be too damn bad.
Mark blowing a kiss to Nadja causes something to tighten in irritation. I mean Pris happened only three days ago. I know they’re ‘broken up’ but still.
After he’s through the door I give her a look. “Well, that didn’t take long.”
Nadja gives a nonchalant shrug as if to say "I have my wiles, can you blame him?", but doesn't respond aloud.
Nobody takes him up on his offer to study. Surprise.
Mi Sun sits back in her seat like she's going to take a nap, while Lucas turns to Nadja and asks her the same drokking questions he asked you, about Ashlee. Your Navi pulses with another message.
To: Ourania Cat's away. Want to play? Restroom? B
The cat is never really away, Bea. I should know.
Still the commandant approved my efforts. And they need reinforcement.
Nadja didn’t really rise to the bait. The way she leans back and shrugs. She has her wiles, hm? Well.
I stand tucking my Navi away then reach my hands in the air and deliberately stretch my long, lithe form out.
“Well, I’m going to the ladies room” I raise an eyebrow at Nadja. “Should anyone ask.” I glance over at Bea, shift my eyes towards the hall. Then leave the room with a little more sway to my walk than usual.
Are you trying to turn Bea on here? If so, roll it.
You head into the hall, leaving them all behind. It's quiet for a moment as you head to the communal restroom, still separated by gender. Some things may never change.
Really it was mostly aimed at Nadja.
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 3, 3. Total: 5)
The slink drops out of my walk almost immediately when I'm out the door. And I feel kind of stupid for doing it. What was it for? Some kind of strange challenge to Nadja's "charms?" I need a token on her. We'll see how charming Mark finds her then.
I wash my face in the sink and wait to see if Bea is going to show.
You wash your face in the cool water and it feels refreshing. Stare at yourself in the mirror. What do you see?
Several minutes pass and Bea doesn't show. No Navi message, nothing.
What do you do?
Well what I don't see is someone who has Nadja's 'wiles.' That's for sure. I'm not ugly, but when the others look at me they see a watcher, a traitor, waiting to betray them to the adults. Who really wants to get close to that? Tabitha is nice enough to me, I guess. But she hasn't had the years the rest of us have had.
Drokk them anyway.
Maybe Bea wised up.
To: Bea Where r u?
After a few moments, you get back.
To: Ourania Bea isn't available, snitch. Go drokk yourself.
I glower.
To Bea: You have something to say to me? Come say it to my face, coward.
After a minute, then two, there's no answer. What do you do?
Nadja probably.
I stalk back to the class, and stand in the doorway, staring at its occupants.
When you get back to class, you see everyone's there, but Bea and Nadja have moved seats. Nadja's seated near the wall by the steam pipes and Bea beside her. They both see you come in, as does the rest of the class, and Bea, who looks very stressed, almost unhinged, starts to say something, but Nadja reaches out to grab her arm and that shuts her up.
The rest of the class is watching this but pretending to be otherwise occupied. Except Aiden, who's openly watching, disappointment on his face.
What do you do?
I continue to stand a moment, staring holes into Nadja, an icy fire welling up in my chest, a mirror for my anger. Power. Excited power, hungry power, wanting to devour.
I chuckle without mirth. Then laugh. The sound is rich and dark in my ears. I begin to stalk towards them, slowly. Eyes never leaving Nadja’s
“Oh poor baby, Nadja. Do you need some attention baby? What’s the matter? Hmmm?.” There is a delightfully malicious edge to my voice. “Is he bored? Already? Is he comparing you to Pris already? But he hasn’t said it, has he? Noooo, but he is. Oh, he is. Pris was smart, sweet and beautiful. What do you have?” I shrug and smile. A shark smile. “One out of three. The one that doens’t last. What if you lose that?”
I"m in front of her desk now I lean over, hands wide on her desk, putting my face close to hers.
“What if you lose that?” I say in a low voice, still edged with razors. “Then what do you have to offer anyone?”
Nadja's smirk slips a little. You're definitely Shutting her Down here, right? Let's see dice.
+1 xp
Nadja glares up at you, anger masking the worry at her eyes. You hit a nerve. Bea reaches over to pull her Navi off the desk where Nadja's sitting. You hear Mi Sun mutter "...what a bitch."
Bea looks up at you with an apology in her eyes, then moves back to her assigned seat.
How do you pass the remaining time before Instructor Malcolm's return?
I go back to my seat glaring daggers at anyone who dares to look at me.
I sit, pick up my Navi and pretend to read while I fume and wait until it time to see the Commandant.
End Scene