Three days have passed since Jace's arm was broken. He returned to class this morning, as did Olivar. Tabitha, however, is still in iso. Instructor Malcolm has been teaching a much stricter class agenda, reading from texts and quizzes, no class projects, no open discussion. There's a harried look in his eyes, and he's called for frequent breaks.
It's "afternoon" now. You were excused from class by Corporal Rys so you could attend Team Power's practice in Pod Eight.
Did you ask him nicely or argue for it? The Hawks have a "friendly", a practice scrimmage, scheduled later today with Power. Anything you can dig up from watching Power practice could help the Hawks have a chance.
Power's practice gym is bigger, better equipped, cleaner... pretty much everything is a step above. It reminds you of official courts you might see on the Feed, minor league stuff, but still, nice. Ezekiel is leading the team on some advanced gravity drills, with Gen Yu moving through them with her usual grace. Gams barely keeps up, but she does. Pellit is fine, nothing flashy like Gen, but economical.
Which one of them is most suspicious of you "just being a fan", Ashlee?Who did you hang out with after class last night? How did that go?
Where are you seated in the arena?
Three days seems long. The uncomfortable "truce" I'm sharing with Nadja... the awkward situation with Mark and teetering around the edge of being actually involved in the game. Lucas... and whatever that was. Not to mention Corporal Rys, who continues to linger under my mental push, but who I still don't trust.
I was nervous asking the corporal to release me from class for a few hours to attend team power practice, but once I got the words out he pretty much agreed immediately. He said he was pleased to see me getting involved with my classmates. What does he know?
I hung out with Mi Sun, of all people... I was trying to reach to her mind... not something I'm good at but I can feel it a little. So I was sitting in the hall with my back to her wall pretending to mess with my navi... eyes closed and reaching. But she must have felt it and she just opened the door and asked me to come in.
Thing is, we didn't really talk... just spent a couple hours sitting together. It was odd, and strangely intense. We chatted a little about before... when we were almost friends. About a couple of kids we used to know and where they might be today... probably don't want to think about that too much. But it was mostly silence.
I wondered after if she was trying to read me? I hope I'm as hard to read as I think because... well... yeah. I don't want her to know. That would be bad, right?
Team Powers gym is great! Ours is kind of lame, really, by strict comparison. But to me it's really the whole speedball thing. And they're equal there. I don't care where the match takes place, it's the winning and losing, the all out effort... the courage...
I shake my head and remind myself to stop daydreaming and concentrate on their practice. Gen Yu is ferocious, you can see in how she moves, even in drill. She plays like I'm not even here... all in the game. But Ezekial notices me... too much. Every time I take take a moment to take notes when I think nobody's watching I look up to find him watching me. I've been trying to figure out their playbook, more or less... their signs. But he hasn't made it easy the way he keeps watching. He's suspicious... and complicated.
I sat in back at first, hoping nobody would notice. But once it was obvious that they saw me I moved forward... being a little bold here (for me) and getting a closer look.
I gotta figure this out.
Let's see what you've noticed about them, Ashlee. Watching their skills and their artistry is like Gazing into the Abyss. Why don't you roll that and we'll see what you learn?
Your Navi glows and buzzes with an incoming message.
Thanks, superscout :smile: U're on list as "team assistant" for Power game, let me know if u think of better job title. Mark x
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 11)
Gaze into the abyss (11)
My choices: Granted this is scouting The team, but some mental weirdness may be involved.
- The visions are lucid and detailed
- The visions show you what you must know
I watch team Power carefully, all while pretending to just watch... maybe they'll believe I have a crush on someone. If someone asks that's an easy enough thing, right? But it's getting harder to hide my grin as I start to notice their faults.
Marks message buzzes in while I watch and reminds me of this stupid mental truce I'm playing with myself. The last few days Mark has been all yippy-skippy to see me, telling me I'm a big help and how he wants me on the team... does he really? Does he remember that when Zola challenged me I actually lost?
I tap-tap out a reply to Mark while Power takes a water break at the sides:
No team is bulletproof. I'll find the cracks.
I stare at that 'x' in his message, and wonder what it implies for a few moments before hitting send. But the team is back on the court and I'm all eyes for Ezekial.
Watching their drills, as smooth as they are, you see some holes. Their drills hone their athleticism, their skills are refined for upper-level play. You see Gen Yu and Ezekiel's coordination, Pellit's throws, Gams ability to clear the goal. They move in rhythm, and they are tuned for the game when played as an art.
They are open to direct attacks. Their bench is nearly as good as the Hawks on an individual level, but much less refined, more raw. Take out a couple starters and the teams are move evenly matched.
If you can communicate with the Hawks and give them direction, you can give them a +1 Ongoing with Lock Down plays. If they take advantage of your help, they roll, and you choose options if you want.
Practice is nearly over by the time things finally unlock for you. Do you try to get out before they head for the showers, or wait until they leave the court, and go then?
Oh how my eyes must light up as I begin to imagine the plan. My body sways slightly to one risen then the other as I mimic Power's moves in my head.
Gotcha, Ezekial! I close up my navi and listen to their banter as they wrap up.
I take off as soon as they get off the court, no need to hang around and look even more suspicious.
Back to our pod.
Why don't you Run Away here?
Running away from team power. +2 (Volatile)
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 8)
On a 7-9 Choose 1:
- You run into something worse
- You cause a big scene
- You leave something behind
- You run into something worse
As Gen Yu watches you closely, you scoot off the bleachers, walk towards the door. You think Gen Yu calls after you, but it's best to keep moving, and the scrimmage is today, there's no need to keep up pretenses anymore.
You walk down the clean, well-lit corridors of Pod Eight, towards the junction to your pod, you pass by someone dressed in a corporal's uniform. It's Corporal Eff.
What do you do?
I slip away from practice, pretending not to hear Gen Yu. I have what I came for and we'll at least have a chance. At least I can be of use to the team... at least.
I keep eyes down and try to just scoot past her but not going to happen and Eff cuts me off. I almost panic, but manage to crow out my excuse and not sound too flustered, "by permission of Corporal Rys... ask him. Ask him yourself!"
I smile and stand politely with hands at my sides, my head nodding a tiny little encouraging nod.
I fidget nervously while she works the navi, the few seconds seem long. I try to keep calm and appear obedient as she probably expects, casting my glare at the floor by her feet instead of through her as she deserves.
But then she takes that jab at me... and what sounds like a threat.
"Wha.... what are you talking about?" the hell does she even know? Tests? This can't be... nobody knows about my time in the E.P.P. lab, right? Wait... Rys made some comment, too... coincidence?
I grit my teeth and struggle to keep it cool and add, "...corporal."
I hate that word.
She eyes you, waiting for you to cow under her baleful gaze.
Why don't you Hold Steady here and tell me what's the worst thing that could happen?
Rolling to hold steady: (Cold-1)
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 5)
Worst thing that could happen would be getting assaulted or detained here in the wrong pod away from everything familiar. I would say it's having my actual identity exposed by being forced into the medical system, but... seems like that's not really a thing, or is it? I'm not sure.
Once you go in there, they'll run tests and all of them will know what you are, what you really are.
What do you do?
Guinea? Yeah... that know tightens in my chest and it's clear that my secret isn't nearly as secret as I hoped. How much do you know?
My hands tremble and I know there's no way I can just go along with this. It takes all my concentration not to lash out at her, to keep that feeling inside.
"I don't think you understand.... corporal..." my voice tightens to a pleading whisper, "I'm here with permission..."
I nod a little hopeful nod again, like... do you really want to do this? If she knows... (what does she know?) then doesn't she know not to drokk with me?
Sadly, you don't have any leverage to Manipulate Eff here. Nothing she wants.
"That's my second request. There won't be a third. Now, do you walk, or do I have to carry you there?"
What do you do?
That word again... I'm not even a person to you am I?
Something tightens to a point and snaps inside me, the same look on her face as those technicians and so-called doctors. I'm a subject, a thing... an animal at best. There's no way I go to medical... no way. I've avoided it for years now, skipped checkups, made excuses... I'm not even sure I'm in the proper database. I haven't had an annual well... ever... doctors are poison.
Just like corporals.
I look at her face and slowly raise my hands, looking like I'm giving in but I just need the moment to find a crack and crawl inside her head. Eff seems harder than Rys, she's smart and sharp where he's dull and plodding... she's wary where he thought he had everything handled...
"Ok... ok... corporal. Have it your way..." I say in a conciliatory tone that comes off maybe a little too mocking... I'm not too skilled an actor after all.
Trying to get in her head and find my way out... a weakness... want to use Scanners on her. If I can find the moment that I need.
Roll Dark to invade her mind. Let's see how it goes.
Scanners: Dark+1
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 9)
I take a string on Eff and choose that we each take harm. I think mind reading isn't Ashlee's strength and she lacks finesse sometimes, especially in a desperate moment like this. It backlashes at us both.
Going to spend that string and exploit that moment of pain and distraction, spend my string and make her hesitate.... and try to escape.
You pierce into her mind, tearing past her will into the core of her essence. Inside, you feel her disdain for you, her contempt, her revulsion.
This multiplies and rebounds back into your own mind and for a moment, you're deaf and seeing spots. Eff is, too, and you recover first, scampering away, heading through the lock into the in-between section that connects several pods and then into your Pod again. Eff doesn't follow
Where are you headed?
It hurts like hell... what she thinks of me, all those things, revulsion, contempt... yeah? Do you think I wanted to be this? I cry silently into her brain and my own fear and self-doubt crash against her hatred.
I stagger, fall to a knee as the backlash rebounds and stuns both of us... but I've felt this before and although it's unbearable, I know it... I've trained to withstand this torment and I find my feet first and run.
I run with panicked determination, dodging around corners as if she must only be steps behind. I'm nothing if not quick and all I need to do right now is escape.
Only once in the quiet nowhere between pods do I dare slow to catch my breath and listen for her footfalls in pursuit... none. I hiss through my teeth, though... it's not like she won't remember this. Probably her head will hurt, she won't know exactly what happened, but she'll remember stopping me... and that I ran.
- - -
I rub at my temples and again find my feet. Where do I go?
Chances are I'm going to be locked in iso or worse... how can I possibly avoid it now? My stomach churns and my throat feels tight. Every moment is borrowed now, isn't it? And what really hurts is there's nobody to miss me.
I hate Mark. I hate him and how he doesn't even know how he's hurt me. I hate him... but I still relish his praise. Just like I hate Nadja still... those moments when we get along... it's like pretending to be something more than someone like Eff can see in me... and maybe it's all I can hope for.
At least I can tell them what I've learned... Tabitha's probably still in iso... so again... I have to find Mark.
Maybe he'll say something nice.
Walking down the corridors past the dorms towards Mark's room, you pass by Mi Sun, who's standing in the hall.
What do you do?
I'm so frazzled by what happened that I barely notice her talking at first and I almost walk past until she touches me. My head pounds and I don't even notice the blood down the right side of my chin and the bloody drops on my shirt.
"Wha?" I pull my arm back with a yelp, startled, "I... I... uh..."
My heart races and that feeling of doom hovers over me. A friendly voice, though... not what I expect and that sort of snaps me out of it.
"I'm... I'm all right. Really." I look at her. Stop and my demeanor softens, just a touch.
Something makes me ask, "are you all right?"
I relent, and follow her in. "Okay... oh yeah..."
As we enter her room I can't help but check the halls behind like someone must be lurking out there watching. Surprised to find there's none... but I'm not thinking totally straight.
"Speedball? Uh, is cl... class over?" How long has it been? I thought... "I'm fine, what do you mean, washed up?"
I try to smile like, casually. But it probably comes across a little unsettled... far from casual thoughts race through my mind.
"What... what makes you think I'm doing something for Rys?" Not an accusation, but I didn't know it was common knowledge.
Unlike everyone else's bunks, Mi Sun and Jace have moved theirs to make an L against two walls, with the heads of their beds close to each other.
Once the door is shut I feel a little more secure. The room is quiet... the beds arranged just so and I can't help but feel like the room seems a little bit lonely.
"Tabitha? Really?" I actually smile a bit, that's surprising. I hear Mi Sun in the bathroom running water for me and this feels oddly familiar. I call after her, "we could go check it out together..." I realize I'd feel a lot safer not walking to the court alone. "Nothing else going on, right?"
Her tone sounds concerned, if not worried.
What do you do?
"Oh stomm, really?" I reach up to touch my face, feel the blood as she washed it off. At least the bleeding has stopped, though my head still feels full of cracks.
She asks about Lucas, "Luc... oh, no... stomm no. Lucas didn't..."
I try to laugh it off but she's actually paying attention isn't she? It's so obviously something wrong.
"I uh... you know. The corporals have some... stupid problem with me... it's not a big deal, ok? I just hafta live with it."
Sort of true, right? Though living with it may be... impossible now.
I'm probably trembling as she tends to me. Trying to be casual, trying to be normal and well.. nice. Trying... I'm not great at it.
Surprises me again with the sudden, but gentle touch on my face. It doesn't even hurt.
"Hiding?" Is it that obvious... she's sensitive, I'm pretty sure of it. I wonder if she can feel something in me. Probably without a clue what it means.
I hesitate a few long moments and avoid her eyes, but she's holding me and making me engage... I decide to give her... something. Not everything... something.
"Everyone thinks I'm just... some nerd... right? Truth is I grew up kind of alone... way more alone than all the rest of you. It sucked... and I don't fit in... even when I try... I... I don't think I can..." I briefly look at her eyes, then sigh and glance at the bloody cloth on her desk, "and... I don't like being told what to do."
Those words mean a lot.. the closest I can admit to the truth. For now... I tighten my lips for a moment and glance up at her eyes again, hold my breath and wonder what she'll say.
Mi Sun folds her arms under her breasts and quirks a frown. Stands there for a few moments, saying nothing. "We enter each other's dreams sometimes." She says it like she's sharing a secret.
I smile a little bittersweet smile at her memories of growing up with her brother and her parents. I... knew she was different but I didn't really think about how... hearing her just lay it out like that feels pretty brave?
"I had... have a brother. If he's still alive... he stuck with me when nobody else even cared.... way past..." Why am I talking about my brother? It's years since I've seen him. Just not part of my reality any more. "There's a connection... more than any friend... more than a mom or dad. Brothers are like that... and for what it's worth I don't think you lied.
But then that last bit... yeah thats something. I answer also in a hushed, secretive tone, "Does it... just happen? The dreaming? Or... is it something you have todo?."
Maybe growing up in a lab makes one curious... ask questions.
But you move onto the dream and she perks up again, "At first, it was just an accident. But then, we studied what was happened when one of us entered the other's dreams. We got pretty good at it, too. I could pull him in, he could come in and wake me up, sort of. You know, tell me it's a dream. And then we could take over. Better than any VR, ever." She pauses, chews on the inside of her bottom lip for a second, a tic. "He hasn't come in since the... the operation."
"Mason is older... I guess he'd be twenty-six or so today... if he's still..." hurts to think about. I quiet down to listen to her talk about dreams.
She mentions how her brother won't come into her dreams any more:
"Maybe he's afraid..." I sort of crow out without thinking. It just pops into my head. I turn slightly red-faced, like I've said something wrong. I stare down around the level of her knees, "that he might be... different, too."
I inhale through my teeth and glance up at her. Hope I haven't said something stupid that will make her hate me too, now.
She crosses her arms again, pondering, "What could be different about him? Can you... find out?"
She leaves me staring. That comment about Rys has me a little stunned, what, has everyone heard about this?
"It's n... not... like that!" My cheeks feel hot as I deny it, there's no way I actually like Corporal Rys. Seriously.
But she asks me for a favor... nobody asks me for favors.
"But I barely know your brother, Mi Sun..." I suppose I could find out... but that's risky. Seriously risky. But... but to have someone confide in me, ask me for a heartfelt favor like this... it feels good.
I nod slightly, look at her earnestly, "I... you know I'm not great at talking to people... but I'll try... ok?"
A compliment, even a little one, makes me feel warm inside. And it feels like she means it.
She walks closer and asks, "what? Oh... no I don't need anything, Mi Sun. I just... just... want to help."
It feels awkward all of a sudden and now I'm looking up at her. I fumble for something to say and tentatively ask, "uhh... do you think you could try that dream.... thing with me? Sometime?"
I start to answer, "It's gotta be worth a try," then she gets excited and asks about spending a night in her room. And yeah, I have to agree on Nadja, I know where she's coming from on that one.
"I'm totally ok with that! It'd be nice to get outta the house... for a night. I could use a break from..." the pained smirk on my face says Nadja "from that."
What do you do?
Surprised. Very.
"Uh.... well," I can't really think of a reason why not. It's not exactly allowed, but since when do I have to respect their rules. May be worth doing just 'cause.
"Okay... yeah. Let's do it!" I feel excited, and a touch of secret dread at the idea of spending the night with someone... new. And maybe... I'll be lucky enough to avoid some kind of consequences by avoiding my room tonight.
I'm still sure, deep inside, that my time must be limited. The corporals aren't going to let this slide, right? I can only hope that Rys is more influential than I think.
"It'll be fun..."
End Scene