Cinch and

Your road gang gave The Diamond an early warning about the caravan headed south towards The Irons. The word spread like wildfire among the hold. For a few hours, nobody knew
who was coming, just that they were definitely coming in force. From scout bikes and rovers to gunner-jeeps and assault trucks, they were coming. Folks threw together all they could pack or carry and hurried onto the few cars and trucks. Others ran when things started to cool, hoping they could make it to Bordertown East or maybe Depot (which is northwest of here and a much more dangerous trek) before they came.
Night fell and a hundred angry headlight eyes glared at your home, Esco. They fired cannons first, bringing down the lookouts and then the front entrance to The Irons.
Let's see how well you handled the evacuation of The Diamond, Esco. Roll+Hot, On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose three. On a 10+ take five.
- your gang is in tact and whole, even picked up a few angry miners who are itching for payback
- your big earners made it out and are headed to Depot with you, you won't need to hunt them down later
- you took over The Pit in Depot without much trouble
- you brought 1 barter worth of stuff with you (this can be chosen multiple times)
On a miss, disaster! You aren't out of this mess yet!
Cinch, let's see how things worked out for you. I'm assuming you tried to run the gauntlet between The Irons and Bordertown East (where Arcpenny runs the show). Let's see you roll+Cool for this action. On a hit, choose what hasn't happened during this craziness. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+, choose two.
- you were able to make a half dozen speed-runs ferrying people and their stuff to Bordertown, fleeing with all they could pry up and drag away, but you had to leave
someone important behind - who was it?
- all that driving drained your tanks, reserve and auxiliaries, you need to spend a barter on gas, and soon!
- you had to leave your Fipper bike in pieces at The Irons
On a miss, they're all true.
Once you've made your rolls, I'll update you with where you are.
Oh, and lest you think I forgot (thanks to the wonderful player who reminded me), I'm asking what you spend for Lifestyle!
Just trying to shut out what's happening, keep my game face on, and save people's skins... lives come before gear but gear means living... so 'long as I can I'm letting everyone take a bag of whatever they got.
Speed runs. Yeah, in the dark, but I done this run hundreds of times and to be honest, the truck is more capable than the car... just dealing with the bumps.
I spend my usual one for living... it's been tight since most of my stuff got left behind at the Depot, though... and that probably means just getting by on what I made doing local runs before the... well before tonight.
Let's see how this goes...
Opening move: Cool+2
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 9)
So close huh? Well.. I ain't leaving anyone behind. I make one more run, dodging lights and driving dark... left me near dry once we get to wherever we're going... but I got more'n a half-dozen souls in the bed and another two crammed in with me that get to keep breathin' at least one more day...
Look I got a little jingle left but it's locked in the trunk of my cruiser... hell if I'll ever see her again.... things are mighty tight right now. What, am I gonna sell my magnum?
Maybe I'll sell my magnum... department issue, oughta be worth a 'penny.
I'll worry about that shiite in the morning.
[In case it's not clear, choosing to be outta fuel]
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 1. Total: 6)
I'll take:
- your gang is in tact and whole, even picked up a few angry miners who are itching for payback
- your big earners made it out and are headed to Depot with you, you won't need to hunt them down later
- you brought 1 barter worth of stuff with you (this can be chosen multiple times)
Fleece insisted on leaving last, still packing up her stuff when they were coming. How did you get her out of there, Cinch?
There's a queue at the west gate to Depot, and there's triple the guard from the last time you were here. How are you handling it when you get your turn in line here, Cinch?
Before all that happened, though – I was arguin' with Sash and JD about stayin' to fight for the Irons, and keepin' what's ours... I swear we almost came to blows. I'd had enough of folks comin' down here to take what's mine. I can't remember who it was that sat down at the piano, and started playin' – poorly, sadly – but was a rendition of somethin' Sierra played, and it made me realize whatever I built here wasn't worth my fekin' life. You gotta be fekin' smart about these things...
Thank fek I got most of the girls out with the gang. Some of 'em were out with other clients, and bolted with them — but I'll find 'em when shite settles down, make sure they're OK...
I did my best to get everyone sorted. Stuck with Cinch to make sure everyone got out... Sash is in the back with Fleece. They've got a crate of expensive shite from my room, includin' my bedding — I told 'em to curl up in the duvet, to keep warm. The adrenaline ain't gunna keep long, so they might as well be warm if they're gunna pass out.
I apparently blacked out wrapped in my jacket. I gnawed through a damn toothpick from my teeth chatterin', and grindin' my teeth while I slept. I toss it onto the floor, and pull out a new one. The wood deforms, and splinters as I sink my teeth into it. I'd give anythin' for a fekin' cig right now — that warm smoke wrappin' your insides like a blanket. Calm the shakes. Fleece would have my left fekin' nut, no doubt — but you wouldn't hear me complain.
I don't mind a bit of a chill, feels good. But this... out here with nothin' but what I could throw on in a hurry, and the jacket I borrowed from where I keep it stowed behind the seat.
Adrenialine's settled from dodging the lights to get Fleece's ass outta there... she wouldn't come 'till I told her that she was the last one. I told her... I hope it's not a lie.
I glance at Sash and Fleece in the mirror, not sleeping as well as they might. Not surprised after that bag'o nails back there.
"If anything happens..." I say cautiously before we reach the checkpoint, "stay cool. I'll handle it."
How the hell am I going to handle it? Play it quiet and belly through the brush in the confusion. We ain't the only ones on the run tonight and nobody oughta know me in this car. I ain't even wearing my shades.
I catch a glimpse of Esco slowly losing his mind in that seat and lean across him to pop open the glove box.
"Got a handful of smokes in there. Help yourselves." I pat Esco on the upper arm and take a deep breath.
My eyes make a bee-line for the glove compartment, and I find myself reachin' for 'em before I even have a chance to process the statement. I remember what I told Fleece back when I quit smokin' – quittin' was fekin' shite. If I take up smokin', I ain't quittin' again. That said, it's fekin' shite smokin' a cig in the dead heat of the valley. Especially if the person next to you gives you lip about it the whole time... I pull my hand back, and shake my head. "Thanks, but no thanks..."
Fek I want it, though.
"Who's runnin' the checkpoint?"
"Depot security," I answer, I know several of them by name, hope those guys ain't on duty this morning.
Not much else to say. Let's hope things go smooth. It's not like they have a bulletin up. They ain't that organized about shiite here. Sometimes that's a plus.
It feels impossible to even think of what to do now that the Irons is... gone? Is it gone? I almost ask Esco what he thinks, decide not to bring it up.
Finally, you reach the front of the line. There are half a dozen guards milling about, each armed with rifles and shotguns, most of them in good shape. On the tower is a keen-eyed woman with a high-powered rifle. A guy in heavy armor (rubber tires cut into shoulder pads and a chestplate) comes up to the driver's side, leans down to look over all of you. "Lots of pretty girls in here. What's going on?" He has his right hand on a baton, the left on the window sill driver's side.
Esco, Sasha's watching you close in the rear-view, she slips an arm around Fleece to show some affection, hopefully to disarm the guard. Fleece has no idea how to react to that.
I keep an eye out for anyone else that might be comin' near us, in case I have to insert myself between them and us.
Good. He doesn't seem to know me.
"See anything you like?" I joke and try to sound a bit alluring, "the boss is settin' up a new place, if you're nice..." I smile as I notice Fleece and Sasha in the mirror, "I'm sure the girls'll remember you when you come'a callin."
Yeah. Appeal to that part of the gentleman's mind. Hell, might even drum up some business. Esco's not gonna sit and take too much time off, right?
"Ain't that right?" I click my tongue and ask the girls in back to chime in.
Seducing the guard with promise of future favors at the... uh... new Diamond? Hot+1
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 2. Total: 8)
OOC: Assisting Cinch. Roll+Hx. (Cinch+3)
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 3. Total: 10)
The gate is raised and you're able to drive in. The walls alone are a big improvement for the chill, breaking the cutting wind. This early, there aren't many on the roads other than the ones who just arrived. Esco, your road gang's coming in right behind you, and you know Dremmer has a slim hold on the Pit. Are you planning on taking over there, or setting up in High Rent, or what?
I glance to the back, pretty sure I'm the least appropriate for that description. But I smile and carry on. No complaints about gettin' in without a grumble.
"Where to, Esco?"
I can see the garage over yonder. I wonder if I can get my car back.
There's enough boozehalls here that openin' up my own spot would be a mistake.
I consider that until Cinch asks where we're headin'... It sounds like takin' over the Pit would be easier — with limited returns in jingle, but ties to the more violent side of the valley. Takin' over the whole of High Rent would be a longer gamble, but could give me the jingle I need to fek up some serious shite in the way of the UF.
Of course, I could always run High Rent's bar out of business, and steal their fekin' customers.
"Let's hit up the Pit," I answer, as if I suddenly came to the decision. "I got better shite to do than rub elbows with a buncha fekin' sitting ducks."
"Sure thing," I'm all but exhausted, tryin' not to let it show. Been on the road full throttle for hours, makin' panicked runs, dodging the lights to make pickups... dealin' with people findin' their relatively comfortable lives now broken and left behind.
"Dremmer's place?" Have a bit of old business with the man myself. I don't plan to bring it up. I pat the dash, silently thank the truck for gettin' us this far and head for parking near the pit.
Fleece heads to High Rent to get a room for herself, while Sasha gathers the girls and the road gang and all of you head to The Pit.
When you walk in, the place has a couple dozen sand gangers moshing, looks like mostly unaffiliated and Ravens, with the Head Raven sitting at the bar. The same bartender who spoke with you a few days ago, Esco, he's still there. You spot three guys in Union Jacks spread around, they're obviously security.
Now, be advised that starting up a gunfight with all of The Fat Man's goons on high alert will be unwise. You might win the bar, but end up getting fugged up when a small army descends on you.
I park near the Arena, kind of neutral ground, it's nice and central, and if any Skorps see the truck it'll be a way of subtly telling them I'm around.
Not sure of Esco's intentions at Dremmer's, I hurry to catch up, but follow on their heels as we walk in. Hoping everyone made it out of the Irons ok... but also wondering if my car might be all right, too.
"Take me to Dremmer," I call, purpose lacing my every word.
When you park at the arena, a couple of the Skorps tell you they're playing a match of "hardball" against Motley and his crue in a few, invite you to come watch, maybe root for them.
Esco, the bartender looks over at a UFer while answering, "Dremmer isn't around. You need something? I can help you." He's not being brash or bold as much as just doing his job.
I decline, I probably look tired as hell, having been through all that, and begin to excuse myself, then realize what I just heard... "wait, what? Motley? Motley of the Crüe, Motley?"
I see Esco growing further away and wonder if it might be a better idea to just... not see what he's about to do in there.
I whistle to get the attention of whoever's in back of Esco's crew. "hey, I'll catch on up wit'cha later."
"Yeah... how'd the team get talked into this one?" I ask, genuinely concerned.
Please go here.
A UFer comes up from behind you, "Wot's all this then? This skinny fugger causin' trouble? Let's take a walk." He puts a hand on your shoulder. You feel JD tense as he does.
What do you do?
The UFer is a little surprised by this, so let's see you Go Aggro on this guy.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 10)
What do you do?
I ain't overly keen on slittin' the throat of some stupid fekin' kid that got mixed up in some shite over his head. I keep the knife on him though. "Where's Dremmer?"
I look to the bartender, "Wot was your name again? Can you read a whiskey label?"
I look at Seventy, "We're makin' a move to be the biggest fekin' bar in all of Depot, and there's gunna be a shiteload more kinds of booze than the shite you've got on the wall now. You learn to read, or you're gunna be workin' security. You got issue with that?" I check his vest over for any UF colors.
Sasha moves up to the bar, nodding and accepting the task.
He seems amenable, at least.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 4. Total: 12)
... That was unfair. I shrug it off.
"That kinda attitude gets your arse kicked out to the fekin' curb — my joint's gunna be the best in town, and I don't fekin' settle for less. Got it?" Either way, at least he's takin' to Sash. That's a plus.
I should take a tour of the facilities. See what I'll be workin' with. Get a safe spot set up for our shite.
Seventy apologizes, says he'll fix the attitude, and Sasha laughs and hops over the bar to start looking over the stock and chatting with Seventy. You take a walk about the place, it's much bigger than it appears from the outside, that's for sure. The Pit itself is actually in what was once the basement of the building, but the floor dropped out a long time ago, and that was the dance floor then, so it's still the dance floor.
The top level is open like a warehouse, with a bar and limited tables. The warehouse's "reception" was turned into the bar, and the adjacent coffee nook, and bathrooms were converted into cold storage. A makeshift banister overlooks the section of the warehouse where the floor has collapsed, leaving a "pit"-like appearance looking down into the basement, which is the mosh-pit proper. There's a "stage" under the bar, which is really just a bunch of rubble piled up, and made to look like a raised platform, filled with a bunch of ancient Peavey full stacks, and shitty makeshift drumkits. There's also an old office area above the bar (like a foreman's office).
All in all, you can make this work, Esco. Your girls are already working the crowd, cleaning up tables and finding out where they can ply their trade. People's gotta eat, right?
What do you do?
I get JD and some of the girls to start clearin' it out, and settin' up some makeshift beds and the like. We can take shifts sleepin' until everythin's up and running. I couldn't fekin' live in here, with the constant noise, though... I'll have to find somewhere else. For now, though, I've got more pressin' matters. I'll tough it out until we're established.
Once things are startin' to stabilize in terms of operations, I turn my attentions to gettin' the gang set up for any reprisals, and thinkin' about how to curry the Fat Man's favor. If this is gunna stick, we're just gunna have to bite the bullet and pay out protection.
For now, I'm just gunna keep busy gettin' shite set up until one of a few things happens: Kettle shows up, The Fat Man starts askin' questions, the work gets done, or I pass the fek out.
An hour into your work, you spot DVFPS Officer Kettle strolling up, that former-UF kid (who is not wearing colors anymore), trailing behind him.
Wanda came over just as Kettle was walkin' in, tellin' me to check out the new flags outside... I'm bettin' someone got tied to a flagpole. I give Wanda shoulder hug, and motion for her to deal with other folks as Kettle sidles up next to me. I wave a hand dismissively at the offer, "No thanks. Call it a forced evacuation — Dremmer and his boys decided they wanted to trade." There's a hint of annoyance in my voice, "you see that fekker, you hit him with that special zapper for me? Square in the rocks. Twice."
I lean against the wall next to him, and cross my arms, "better business here, anyway. A better connected clientele. You still thirsty for that deal? We're just gettin' started here, but with a little help, this place could be a big black dot on the feed. Privacy, and whatever fekin' debauchery your dirty little mind can dream up. We could get fekin' rich."
I guess I need to find a way to get the Fat Man here. Talk him down.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 4. Total: 8)
What you find out about The Fat Man is that the Depot and Truk Stop are his life's blood. He will protect these two spots over anything else. But you also find out that The Fat Man has a secret weakness for handsome young men. He has children, and he keeps wives as a tribute of his power, but there are rumors that he visits young men, too.
"Hey Esco," she lifts her tumbler, offers it to you.
She waits a beat, then answers, "Sierra. I don't know if she found what she wanted here, or if it's a stop on the road. But... she's here. It's like you're fated or something."
Is she gonna up 'n leave me for Sierra 'n this place too?
I cross the threshold with her into this behemoth of a room — is this wot moneyed folks buy out here? Fekin' shite...
Fleece's voice snaps me back into the moment, and I follow her over to the bed. I nod, and start helpin' her strip down, before strippin' myself. My clothes feel heavier than normal, my muscles stiff from the hours of exertion, and adrenaline. I smile, and chuckle to myself when she asks to be held. I slip onto the bed next to her, and help her slide under the covers, before pullin' her in to spoon.
I can feel my eyes gettin' heavier as soon as my head hits the pillow, but I manage to wrap my arms around Fleece, and embrace her. It's funny... It's been hours since the attack on the Irons, but this is the first time it's really hit me that my home is gone... Our home is gone. The anxiety of losin' the Diamond – startin' over – makes me realize how lucky I am to still have a few good people left in my life... That JD, Sash, the girls, and Fleece are still with me. I can lose things, but I can't replace people.
It was down to the wire there... Had Cinch not convinced Fleece to run at the last second, I may still be there with her, beat to shite by those UF fekkers. I know it sounds weird, but Fleece and me built up our lives in the Irons together. Had I been stupid, and stayed to fight, I really would have nothin'. It's like the Fipper's raid on my mum's place, or Sierra leavin'... My life has been a series of false starts. It's time I look to the things that've always been there.
I squeeze her a little tighter, and plant a tender kiss on her cheek.
"Don't leave me... Please..." I whisper.
"I never have." She replies drowsily, then she relaxes into sleep.
End Scene